TI daily j "JxiiiAL; .-;.portlaiid...vi:d:ii;3day. xveiu: October" is, vaz. n;or Stock and Dairy Farm ,Vs fl Olf Wl l.LAM ETTii! VAT ,LKY. ,'t iX TWO Ii MJ H'i AUTO JUl'ifi I know of no other placs In Oregon in sum rare rjuiy; a Dig Clear irou Mream. a 20 foot waterfall. Tim Mo KAnssie, bantlain, Nestucca, Traslc.and W ilxi ri rivers ara' boautiful streams of mi; mi, but do not. tn my opinion, equal ' t i nrum in beauty, nor-ar tliey Let- 1 t. luUiag streams... .-- '. ... , i it, i ... ....... ttl less than 700 acres, one-half ',. , ,..tivauoii, U40 oretslc bottom, or ...jl. tO acres Is Sandy lOain laUalfa r land).- The uncleared, portion U cov rd with young f ir, . alder and vin - maple, a . Alight elope, dark chocolate soil no rock. Te place ! well fenced eood house and barn, also new fou room, bungalow for helpf, water piped " to house and barn. This place must be oici, win not tia,wK It to ins puDiic, but will make a. low urlco and rood terms to any on capable of handling it. xnia property is one mils and a nan ttot railroad. It will sell tome day for a higher price than any tract of farm land In the state, because of beau tv and extreme depth and richness of soil.: Ceo. K. Waggoner, 606 Veoa bldg. ' Photo of tract and stream to snow. ... 10 Acres With Stock, $3000 15 Miles hrom inland Here la a swell country noma, - only 15 mile from Portland, In a nlea neighborhood, 74t acres un der cultivation, balanoe pasture and aaally cleared, on fine auto road, mail and cream route, new I room house and barm orchard . and chicken houaea, etc. One mare, ; Percheron colt, -. 2 good cows, I heifer, -. brood sows, male hog, about 10 chickens, barn - full of .. hay, cream separator , and farm tools. Everything aoea for I3000. , Can make terms, gee thla before you buy. t Ralph Ackley Land Co. - 204 Failing bldg. With Stock and Crop. ; ; "Only $30 Per Acre Am forced to aeil my S08 acra stock ' ranch on account of poor health. Will give aoma one a arood dead. 100 acres . cultivated, ae. slashed and open, ISO fir and oak timber. Family orchard and . small fruit, 8-room house, barn and ... omer cunnings. . tor gooa measure I will lnolude with the claca 4 horses. IS miloh cows, 20 head calves and beef . BtocK, is head nogs, 121 goats, 100 chick . ens. all kinds of farm implements, most " of furniture and new 80 cream separ ator, interest in looai teiepnone . line, . f crop In- ground, 60 tons hay In barn and v other items, want tti066 cash, balanoe rnortgag or will take small farm up to tfuoo and I206S cash as first pay menu v fie my local representative at TOR VIRGIN BOTti IN . THE v. - BEAUTIFUL V :'.. ' - ': Uplands. of Arkansas ; 20,000 acres to choose from;' fruit and diversified farming; 47 miles north of Hot Springs, on main line of Rock Is land, rainfall plentiful, 9 months farm ing year; small deposit, balance years. Writs for free, descriptive booklet, Ad dress land department - . !- i t - Fort' Smith Lumber Co, , mdland, Bld'f., KaUM 'ijltjr,' 'u&$k DAIRY FARM KTOCKEn t 120 acres., about 80 aorea rock bottom laad. Full set buildings, family otv , cnara, spring water piped to Duuaings; 11000 worth Of eersonel nronertv. in cluding 20 head dairy cows, also other stocK,. implements, xeea, ate. flacs wiu ,' easily -run over 40 cows. Income from v farm thla vear ovsr t J00O . . -. . - Located on main county road, doss to :." school.-church, stora and market- Both - river and railroad- transportation.' This " is one of the best Income producing inrmB on mi maraei. iuveryining sao rlflced for only $10,000. Wo have per sonally inspected this farnw. Coma In ' ana get an aetaiis. ... : - ,A.. K.,HILI, 41 HENRf BLPO. . - liOOK! IjOOKI LOOK HERB. ,. BOUTH TliXAsl TRUCK FARMS. v "Located 75 miles south, of Han An ionio, Texas, on the great Nueces river, have a few small truck farms and ' towu lots for sal cheap for cash, or will trad aomc-of them for first class auto. A country of perpetual sunshine and balmy sea bresses, where chills and fever a r unknown and whera there are tweaks and weeks of cloudy, drlszly. rainy weather, but where the land is as 9 m ffrsiiiiri i wui wiiciq tn imu ' a. Si , rich as the Nil and life is worth llvlnsr. yrom 1200 to $600 per acrs in Texas whit Bermuda onions ls.asy. , For full description and particulars, RX-469. Journal. LANDS&EKER3 Invited; free stereop . ticon lecture upon Victorian govern ment's land opportunities, Australia, Wednesday evening, Oct 15 o'clock, eelllng-Mlrsuh bldg., 2841 Washington st, Portland, by visiting - government delegate. J. W. Arthur Kelly. JrOR SALE 136 par acre, 160 aorea. In eluding mill sits; 10 aores under plow, balanc paaturs and heavy Umber. Ideal dairy and hog farm, phon and milk route! 44 miles east of Sublimity. John '.Willing-, Btavton. Or. Route 1. PiL ft Y I Li farms Ah aiis "-at fair prices, some stocked, good' terms, only 26 miles from Portland. Before buying elsewher writs your wants. H. B. Ap- person, Kldgeneld, wash, The Dingbat Family U CAD V Y KWOltf lOtCEH. GltXJS CVOUAY iiVtS AEXTV t)0Ck.,Atity WHAT t- " , , ; BB BALI) y.S v'-'.--.,i,A-.,tj.. ' i -.'I. .. .,-- e lure At IJM& "... "... I ., U)5LC Ht& GOT fffTS 0 )8j H MEAD VOW,- I ,c a s. 94 S2- (vVHAtsUi ''ft'.- n IT ri7 7t aoria of Ui very best ." i tiaJatln bottom, cultivated , lnnd. miles to l-rtrlo station. MuhI be sold In next few days,' Hif hest offer takes it Must hava f 1600 cash. Owner, 801 Wilcox bldg. , , 14 tUU IthixMT Ualry farm, 180 acres, 40 10 ei acres n cultivation; new house, larre barn, 11 miles from olty, We york Uroncry, 11th and Morrison f! ew UANTKD FARMS 88 - - WAIMlliU. 1U ItHif, i.'. il . Wheat frm, 75 to 100 acres, la A-l condition, coimiletelr Mulnncd tvlth teams and tools: must have aood reel- dence, eto.; wilt pay cash rent and prlv- urgu or iuying alter on year, ijt-eoa. journal. HOMESTEADS 4t HOME8TKAD8 in v the Siuslawt daD. . . swts.1. sall ajAji asvsk maisss -b W a a S IIVU Will sj vrvvi WW as, qi mM' aiuwsu schools and good roads. iM QerUngsr mog. r - . I'OR homesteads ' and - relinquishments, corns to Diylako Store. Information for stamps. Address Dry lake 6 tor. neia. ur. HOMKfiTEAJDa near Portland now open for entry; rich and level; railroad to tana, covey, atei uan, room ri. -A-l HOMESTEAD land now open for entry. Close to small town, on nw R. R Una Call 224 Burtislds st HOMlC8XliA0 Information free, ; asm stamp. ,- Box 891. Welser, Idaho, TIMBER 28 TIMBER In all sised traots up to several blllioa feet; sawmill and logging prop osltlon, Reports and estimates mad on iimDer ana tana. - u Dieveue, r' bett bldg. - - - - ' - - BXCHANQIi KEA Jj KSTATK 24 Trifl FOLLOWING PROPKRTr" 18 FREBJ ANX CLE1AR OF INCUM B RANGES.' , WHAT HAV TOU TO 100x100 Upper Washington . strast, west side. - vr tvxioo, nsaa ox roaaway, west siaa 124 acres, near Oregon City. . 2Vi lots, Green way add., west aids. 60x100, near City Park, west side. 20 acres. Forest OroVa. : 45 . aero Cleared. House, barn, spring, sto. -- - 20 lots. Klamath fans, Or, WHAT A VB YOU TO TRACE FOR I rwim hauM nnrnit ISA and BrAAfc iyn . streets, east siae. 40 acres, tiood iuvr. : 2 room house, Irvlngton Park. . ; , 0x100 visw pnmeryr, weat slds. . " '' 228 Chamber of Comroerc. v 60 ACRES of fine, level valley land, all in cultivation: chean buildinrs: half a mil from transportation; near Corval 11s; 1160 per acre. Will sell on terms of notning cown it you wm improve tn property or will accept Portland prop ertp ajpart payment , . ,. 618-10 Board of Trade Bldg. FIVE room cotage. -large lot. In Van -couver. B. C Lane corner. 10 foot street, f rait trees and berries. Prop erty soutn, or .Jfortiana prerer red. Ap ply Owner, H. F. P.. isfl Clark Drtv. Vanoouver. B. C . . .. . WANT to exchange my modern . I room residence, situated on sightly corner 100x100, on good car Una, valua tion 110.000, for improved farm InWU lamette valley. C-725. Journal. 1 HAVlfi soma good real estate to trad for furniture; wlllpay soma cash if price la reasonable. Would Ilk to hv enough ' for -76 rooms, but -can - us smaller amount J-535, Journal. " 600 ACREiJ. 26 Pfctt ACRE. ' Near Portland. ' good land. Dlentv-' of living water, some choloe timber; take 210,000 or less in other property, a. L Webb, 414 B. Stark st - ' . FACTORY SITK,; I860. " Bmall factory sit, right on R. R In side city limits;, take other proparty worth 1500 to f 00. -a. J Webb. 414 80 ACRES in Clark Co.. 12 aores cleared, .house, barn and all fenoed, to trada for rooming house or furniture, Prloe 640 per -acre. -Phone Marshall 4783 or after p. m.. woodiawn D0B. WLUU take a clear lot or lot equity as ftrat navmont on 8 and room bunsra.. lows, jttawiaosns aisirict. sus Ky. -jux. Ford ft Co. ' I HAVE 6 lots,' 80x100 each, in lively town; also pood team, harness and iron. , to trade zor aoraaae: wilt Da- difference. Address t6 Willis blyd. EXCHANGli room OottAja. full lot" nice fruit trees; what hav yon to axenang. u-iiv, journal. WE axobans what you hava for wha you want Peper & Baker. 444 Sher lock bldg.. td and Oak. Marshall 2664. iS2H5 WORTH of Portland property, exchange all or -part for land near eleotrlo oarllne. G. L. Webb, 414 B. Btarlfc 51 LVTa, Caiiromia summer resort, : trada for something of good . value " ' 880 JU"mDlr Exonange nidg. ' ROOMING house .wanted in exchange ior resiaenoe. j-bsi, journal. SWAP COLUMN 2S TO -TRACE A motorcycle for a motor- boat. A-832. Journal WANTED Coal or wood la exchang ror oeniistry, 1 A-7Ba. journal. WANTED -KEATj fiSXATB 81 SEVERAL small farms of 40 to 0 aores. partly Improved, with ' stock. worth from 14000 to 9000; have clear city proparty to axchang. 230 Lumber Exchange bldg. -..y WANTED Furniehed or unfurnished 5 room Dungaiow, lowest . cask pries'; stats location and Particulars. . Owners only. P--462. Journal. WANT ptotur theatre, about 1800 or M00; will pay cash; stats full ptrtlcu lara A-765, Journal. A ( 4 fjAJft 9 i 1 . . . CAID WHAT f?HVAE3) UUTrl 5fUt 1 ll b 0 1 . fi,-i!nii i si I Aff In th market for a "5 or r "i hunuHlow, rr ly tn the x in City park O hiiicU I wunt t bedrooms if I can get It, P-S72, Journal, . 2 Oii 2 room house with lot in city l must be bargain; write-full partlou inrs. v-n.vf, journal. . - KOOJnjfO HOUBES 03 Here You Are 16 room rooming house in A-l loca tion, always full, worth 11200: price to day for all, 1300. Peters, 16 N. 6th st W ANTEU 2 or i small rooming houses or on large one. where the furniture can t mova to rurnisn other property; wlILpay all cashlf pric is rightH 601. Journal; " 7 2 Rooming House Owners I hava a cash buyer for rooming house irom xv tq so rooms. tan mam oai. WILL sell f urnituri of a 7 room house keeolnsr nlaca vary ohaan. on account or sicxness. Kent cneap. tuwmi au full Ths.n. 1jrl tint a 11 A at i(h w... hvm w..,i i ay i, v. MP... v i .... WANTED Roomina house, housekeen rooms,, rent, lease If any:' pries, cash or terms, owners oniy. u-tw. journal. . RALE1 Furniture ' Of 10 rooms. - Mouse to rent-runy . ocoupiea. - wiu sell cheap If taken at one. , Call aftr- noons at cat a in st - - - -. TUB best 15 room rooming house In the city tor tne money, uai at ee n axat. BUSINESS CHANCES CO WILLOW RIVER INTERIOR BKIX 1SH COLUMBIA'S future MANUFAO TURING and COMMERCIAL, capital, of fers unrivaled opportunities for money making' INVESTMENTS. BUSINEbd and HOMES. Located on FRA6ER and WILLOW RTVERh. GRAND TRUNK fAUHic, jPAUifiu ana iuihu oai, and other railroads, in' the center of a LARQB, RICH FARMING and TIMBER uiaxittuT, tn natural suppiy point ior the WONDERFUL PEACE T RIVER COUNTRY, and th RICH CARIBOO MININO DISTRICT, Insures th future or wiiuujw ivifi. writs now. toaay. for free maps, plats, etc.. PACIFIC LAND .A TOWNSITEa CO., LTD ,4l RICHARDS ST, VANCOUVER, B. C Agents wanted. '' "' . . .HOTEL WANTED. Florence. Or., wants good fireproof note, owner or townsit wui zurnisn sit for hotel and take stock. This sea port Is banking center and largest city between Newport and North Bend, mor than .100 miles of coast lln. Th rail road, from Eugene will b computed early next spring, and big travel will follow. For .; particulars writ Geo, Malvln Miller, Eugene, owner of town site of Florence. '- - ' WE always have clients for good busi- ness openings that will stand investi gation. If you want results, list your propositions witn vis. - " . SECURITY DBTVELOPMENT GO. i Ground Floor, Multnomah Hotel Bldg., tth and Pins. - - See Holshelmar, Business Chanc Dept Thosa- who ara looking lor gut-edge opportunities . for business : investment snoutn can at onoa r - WE can sell your business, no matter . WWJW .W..M. V UT, I.VIU why not yours t fie Mr. DsForast, busi ness opportunity dept . K. H. OtKJJJKlNO CO- INti, ' 401-402-401 Wilcox bldg. - - FOR SALE 10,000 shares of mining stock - In a'nroduolnr camn. Money to bo expended In developing th prop erty. .This property will stand .Investi gation. Barney Ruaker, general deliv ery. Portlsnd. Or-. - . '.- ; POOLROOM, I , tables, transfer! corner; carries gooa stocn or cigars, conreo tionery, groceries, etc. - This place is busy at all hours, Price 11000; J750 cash.' balance to suit - 803 LAimoer ix. WANTED Lady partner for stor and po8toffloe Central Oregon: I100J cash required. For particulars address Dept D. Dry lake Store. Held, Of MANUFACTURERS supplied with val uabls patents. - -Writ us your , needs. itanaoipn c tjo., patent attorneys, waan' lngton. p. C..' J --! y, FOR SALE Meat market Good loca 1 tion for th right party. ' For sale on account of death In family. 0-647, Jour- nai. n ' ' . ' PICTURE show' for sale. ' Owner in san . itarium. . nest orrer taxes same, w. A. Walkun. Box 165. Bend. Or. WANTED partner with 1760, in fin restaurant - Keterenc given ana r questea.' f-70, journal. ' 1 FOR SALE Only pool' nail In town. ttldgefleld. Wash. ' . : ' . ' '; - - nnot mxnnRDia 'urmi. L.MLa uarucK. GROCERY, new stock, ' unprecedented chanc for business, easy terms. Call immediately. iBit ts. iisan DELICATESSEN and restaurant, money maker low rent, little money will handle. Klnr.HDl Delicatessen. 44 N. 284 HALF interest in blacksmith shop for sai. juusc os gooa. live, soor man. -. journal. ' 1225 PUTS you ' Into a dandy counter: busy street 208 Lumber Ex. CLEANING and pressing buKlnesa A bar gain if taken at once.- 408 Hoyt at NG picture show In town of 1000 MOVI people. See McSherry. 63 K N. 6th st WEDDING Invitational announcements, ttyaer rnnt yo. sy jnurnsias, m-563. bRUG store for sale or trad In resi- . a.n.l.l Al..l 71.111 T.1,I BARBER shop, 60; good business. 64li w. iia st a. to. -v, . MONO TOV LOAN REAL ESTATE ' 27 MONEY to loevn. to per cent IV. U. - Belts ft CO., CIO Spalding bldg. " MONEY to loan on real estate. - . pMORTGAGfi loans, 6 and 7 per . cent Liouia (Salomon co., 221 BtarR st i.60, 8350. 1600. I860, 11200. 82000. Fred w. uerman 10 cnaniDer 01 commerc. S i -,4 1 i , Copyright j 1918, -' f$dAi he used; Mvsn- r.::AL ustatm " TO LOAN on approved real astats ' - .: Amounts 300 to 120,000. HA RTM AN-THOM PSON BANK, V Mortgaga Loan Department. - MflKUT TO TjOAS. " ' ON IMPROVED REAL, E9TATM OR FOR BUILDING. PURPOSES; VERY FLKXIHLB . CONTRACTS; NO COM- uoniuiN, COLUMBIA LIFB A TRUST CO 818 SPALDTNO BLIG- WE loan money In amounts of 1260 and up to 16000 en real eatat In or near Portland. W do business qulokly, at th Tight rates sod at modsrat expense to tn Borrower. ? Twm wRSTtnoM.awr'tTwrTTiriwVfVr 618 Piatt bldg., cor. Park and Wssh. LOANS mad on improved city property . or for building DurnoseSi advances made as . building progresses; . liberal repayment privileges. ro reDayment crlvllea (es. No commission or brokerage, j. tr. L.ipwconiu, m ptara. 6 AND 11m MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, 600 to 620,000, on hand for Immediate loan. Fair treatment to nee us nrst ana save money, A. K. HILL, 418 Henry Bldg, ' ; Mortgage Loans . I.X. WHITE. 701 Selling Bldg. ' WE hav money to loan on your real estate: first mortgages only. HAMMOND , MORTOAaa COMPANY, 428 Chamber- of Commerc. - PRIVATE funds on hand for Immediate loana. any amount Henry C Vrud homme, first mortgaga loans Sxcluslve ly. Wilcox Diog, 1100,000 on mortgages, city snd farm property, fir Insurance. McKenxl 4k CO., uerunger oing., xa ana Aiaer. HAVE any amount to loan on good Portland real aetata. Call 22 S Cham- ber of Commerce bldg. No brokers, MONEY to loan, large loans a speolalty, hulldlnc loans: lowest rates:, fir in. uranoe. W. G. Beck, 815-816 Falling, CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con- , tracts; mortgage loans; .reasonable rates. F. H. Lewis Co., I Lewis bldg. MORTGAGE' loana at current rates. Real astats security. Apply room . 202 stock Exchange bldg., Id and Yamhill sta. MONEY to loan, and 7 par cent Port land Raalty 4 Trust Co 114 Railway Cxohange bldg. Main 1129, MONttY TO LOAN Real Estate. -v., J. J. OEDER, - t-; Cor. Grand ava and IC. Anksnv st X HAVE for lmmediat loans, tiOO, Blow, eauvv, a ourren. ra.s. tA a Belt, 201 Qerllnger Bldg. 11000 to 6000 for Immediate loan on real estate. Tabor 771. WILL loan lio.OOO or less, real staToT v ILL loan 120.000 or less, real est&io, Farrington, 411 Commercial Club bid k. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL SXTit GEO. P. DEKUM, 228 HENRY BLDG. MONET TO IX)Alf CHATTELS, SALARIES 7 NBW COMFANT ; . NB7W METHOD . - .'NOTICE' ,( -i-.-Wa r now raady t , Money at rataa honest peopl can afford tO Pay v-J'---- ; ij."-;vo 'OUR MEW KATES ... .16 weekly pays a. 2 10 loan. .00 weKiy pays si s-o loan. ' 1 1.10 weekly pays s I 60 loan. ' t 11.80 weekly pays a 6100 loan. ; CAN YOtrjBEAT THEMT . ' xOU CAN 0ET1T TODAY. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. ' Rebates Given If Paid Befor Due, 412 MACLEA Y BLuG. HOXH PHONX3 Between 4th and 6th sta pa Waatwst Open I a. rn. Jto 6 p. m.. Bat till 6 p. m. PRIVATE PLAClfl TQ OBTAIN -MONB1Y ON---m... - ,- . ' SEPARATE DEPART M2NT FOR : SI0 LUMBER EXCHANQB BLDG. 2d and stark sts. open a. m. to I p. m. 8AURDAY BVENING8 UNTIL P. M. salary, loah on ilain notej ti . TO 8100 CHEAPEST AND REST PLACE TO 5 ; i BORROW MONEY. " "ABSOLUTELY NO BECURITT. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL ttuuius S A. M. iu 1 r, , SATURDAYS TO ax P.M. f IO FAILING BLDG. mil Aim IMtt'UtUl'I CtA, 'salaried people " AND OTHERS WANTING MONET . APPLY ROOM 317 ' LUMBER EX. BLDG. - 2ND AND STARK 8T. CHATTEL loans Monay for salarUd people ana otners upon tnir own names, ehsao rata. aay oarmenta. aa ms before dealing elsewhere; oonfldan- uai. u. u. urax. B. wenry Oldg, A desirable nlac for ladles and aentla men to' borrow mousy on diamonds snd jewelry at eaatarn ratea Diamond rsiace. e wain., odd. uwi arug stora MONEY loaned on diamonds. Jewelry and warehouse recainta oom 10, Washington bldg. ' , WE loan money on diamonds and Jewel ry at half the rates charged by brok era marx ee jpiocn, n aq st. IMMEDIATE and confidential loana on furniture, pianos, - autos; mortgages pougnt. caaer, -sue Aiaer st MONEY sold on Installment: oontldea- WW.M u WIU!..,. 7.UW- a salaried seODla. ,- . F. A., New tiai u ton, 614 Henry bldg. . , MONEY loaned on diamonds, and jewel ry, strictly confidential. 141 H la. v LOANS WANTED 80 WANT 1271 loan on my diamonds for 60 , days; y'. .YJ'l g'v. v for. us of money. Journal. a,-1 IntersstieBsl News gsrvlee. '' "'' , T rTrAY !sAnno SIU' Hi Hooob tnacit i nivv 4 COTSA HO ATS BE S6 TUL 1 (Nor twaF-) lM' you have idle money, se me.. No charge to you for loaning on real state ana noining oetter. lawyer, 4vi biock i- xcnanne uing-, VvaM b,u Loan of 64600 for 6 years on 114,000 farm, all In cultivation. Lued demann. Xluley 4. Co., 813, Chamber of Wanted to borrow 11 son on, i.soa West bids home. .Will pay I per cent interest, f-sti, journal. WaNiisD 12500 for 8 years, 7 per cent, An lk.tnAAit city ", DroDerty worth IfiOOO,- close in. Call 414 Corbett bid g. FINANCIAL 51 OAStr PAin vim unBTmnra Or seller's equity In contract of 'sals on real estat In Washington or Oregon. i. m. ivopie, LiumDermans oiis. Loana, HELP. WANTE11-4S1A Situation .Wanted - Ada Inserted free for thos n need of work and who are unable to oay for an advertisement. Advertisements must be nought to tn orrice personally By th arus -jggiring worit. Y, M. CL A EMPLOTMT5NT MPT. - Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or re 1 una ot memoersnip lee; gives two months full membership privileges, 10 uuniue Buoiai privileges.. Record for t months sndlna Ausr. 21: Calls for men ...1698 Positions filled ...,.,...,......,.1095 All young men soaking employment, especially . strangers, are cordially In vited to nonsuit with the secretary of mq nmiiioymant department, WANTED For V. B. army, abl bodied. "Unmarried man batwuen aa-as of 11 and 86; dtisens of the United SUtes, of good charaoter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and writs the English language. For Information ap ly to - recruiting offioer, - Worcester lag., 8d and Oak- sts., Portland.- Or. WANTED Young men of character and energy, -who - hava friends and ner- sonal following to represent one of th oldest companies; greatest proposition to those that are anxious to build up a proiiiBPig pusiness. t-mi, journal. WANTED Two " wall dressed young - men to travel with manager; travel ing expense advanced; men with house to nouss experience preierrea. - Alter iv a. m.r 616 Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder. WANTED Laboring man to go with me to Frisco, a good Investment and a steady job 8 per day; 1100 needed.. Se u koss mil evening, nours to s. Hotel Madras, room 47, Hth and Wash. H ull 16 year old boy who has fin. lahed atrammar school., Allen's Press Clipping , Bureau. Portland Trust Co. bldg., Third and Oak. - 1 HAVE-a first-clasa steady position at gooa wages ror a gooa man wna can furnish from 8200 to 1600 cash, seourity. Room 613. Dekura bldg SALESMAN wanted; a ousines worth while and an opportunity to build a business of your own. Cash weakly. Ad drees Capital City Nursery Co., Balem. Or. WANTED Tinner, - on familiar with ' KUtterlng and furnace work. Phone Tabor 4sOJ. Kelley-Sohwentar, . 1308 Belmont '''JV' BOY wanted with bloycla tod per mo, Apply at once, room 8 Chamber ox Commerce bldg. - - WANTED First class sticker man for custom shop; steady Job; address M 78. Journal. - WANTED Man with team to do plow ing in city, inawra vox. vet Morn- son st. ' - CHEV; Headausrters and Helpers, LAA4UN1A' WINK Uh.fUT. 285 Yamhill st - WANTED At once. men to learn auto repairing and driving; call at Haw thorns Oarage, 445 Hawthorne ave. HUSTLER to gall on grocers with pat nt fixtura . Also -caL men -wanted. Tabor 8867. ; .v. - WOOD choppers wanted, good timber, cabin furnished. 81.26 per cord. Chas. Gray, Wyeth, Or. MAN to -work on farm; no milking I steady: lob; on who will work rsason- EXPERIENCED silk salesman. Apply V superintendent's cffiOi, 8r80 to 10 a. m.. Olds. Wortman A King, WANTED An experienced sgg oandleri 'Hone othar need apply. Hazelwood Cn. Irront and 'Ankenv sta FURNITURE finlshsrs wanted. Free- lana Furnitnra Co.. 440 Goldsmith st HELP V-ATVTED -MIHU - 4t WANTED Portland mail carriers, cos Ul darks; 166 to 1100 month; vaca uons, many HovemDer ' examinations; common ducat Ion sufficient; sample Questions free. Franklin InsUtuts, Dept sai rtf) jrvvrvJiirpifi r. a. x U6B your spars Urns to build up a mall order business of your own. Wa hain o awri -ur av snaLp ul pruiiis, mi op portunlties. Particulars free. Mutual upportunities Kxcnange, Buffalo, N. Y, IXXjAL reDreaantativa wanted. No ran. vassing or soliciting reaulred. Good income assured. . Address National rn. vperativ iteaity co v-808, Marden Ivl UTaatla4sa 1 Tk i . : GOVERNMENT positions ar easy to get My free booklet Y-888, tells how. WrlU today NOW. , Earl Hnokln. Washington. D. C. ' HUSTLING man of wide acquaintance - to sell valuable- patent rights. Ran dolprjA- o., patent attorneys, Washlng- U 1J 1 A. 1 ' 1 1 11 I i nil I wvMtM uel government Jobs; big pay. Writs for frea list of positions, avail able. Franklin Institute, Dept 699G. Rochester. N. Y. '-.lVf:- INTERNATIONAL " """ rT T CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS 608 McKay bldg -Tel. Main 1026; A-4142 LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen, wages 1100. Send age, stamp. . KX TH. Journal. . WANTED Names of men, 18 to SI, wishing to bs railway mail clerks. 175 month. KX-610. Journal. - - tINCALLU for uilor mad suits, t 51 up, Taylor, tb Uilor. 2834 Burnslds. ' YOUAL tiTAfe HUSBAAJofl i is U r.v re I , , -vj wi HnlH,, On W5 ' lAJflULn VAl) KlKb A&TP A4E. (WNAV rt7WDPC v) vsl M. I i.zr'' Xf. " . .. . 1 1 TLLTEU, ' J WfM I -J 11 III I - ' I yrrofm Ill 1-, -I .- . r -v." ks j i ill i i i . " w m c i i i mi n i in f i mi 1 1 nn 1 1 1 1 ",- i r ' rr I : -J '"II I F !iSa- " II I I v,':, ..T t?'t C HOVU ABOUT-) iirLP wAWtrn v.ric. n ORt;GOUTp.UOilL10 KCiloOL, 266 8681;"T1 st Latest up-to-tiate meth Oda of fV tactical instruction in driving and ret rng automobiles by expert ln- struotoif-nd mechanics. Tuition, part cash 01., J sllment, balanc at tim of graiuat- n CENTRAL .COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. BookkeepliKv shorthand,- typewriting courses nnder specialists;, tuition 810 per mo.; text books free. Have you seen- our new LpokletT C. B. Carlton, Principal, Centrrl bldg., 10th snd Alder V , OREGON LAW SCHOOL. "A thorough practical courss in law 1 no time , lost from regular occupation: recitations evenings. Samuel T. Rich ardson, dean. M. Morehead, Sec, 116-817 Commonwealth bldg.. Portland, Oregon. RAILWAY MAIL. CLERKS WANTED, Commence 276 month. Write for car tioulys. Franklin Inatltute, . Dept. 'v (iTTS) t,ci . 11.- Ii HELP WANT-ED KE31ALE 2 )t Situation Wanted . Ads. inserted free tor tboss tn need of work and who ara unable to nay for an advertisement Advertisements must be brought to the office ieroualIy by tb partlea desiring wor4 , . ' WANTED YOUNG LAHK.3 FOR TEL EPHONH OPERATING. ' WITH ' OR WITHOUT , EXPERIKNCB. . a? AID WHILE LEARNING. AFPLT AT THB PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELE GRAPH COMPANY (EAST OFFICE), COR, ITH AND EAST ANKENT 0T&. OR (MAIN OFFICE).- W1.ST PARS AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 160. EXPERIENCED "saleneonle wanted for glove and ribbon departments. Apply oetween :nu ana 10 a. m. at superin tendent's office, sixth floor, Meier WANTED Thoroughly ' experienced1 saleswoman for silk department. Ap ply superintendent's office, 1:20 to 10 a. urns, wortman lung, WANTED 2 experienced waitresses at the Ellt cafe. Phone P. Hlna. Camas. tv anil WANTED Woman for general house ' work. - must - hava raferanoea. , , 622 Kearney st "'"--" COMPETENT girl want4 for house. wora ana coo King; no wasning. Apply 505 20th. corner Myrtle. ST. LOUIS ladles' agency. ' Cooks, wait- resses. chambermaids, housekeepers, general housework. 288 Main st, M. 2089. WANTED Girls for facing prunes. Ap- piy Aiaaon, wnrman a. Co., attn and Thurman sta . . v CHAMBERMAID wanted. 51H N ithT UJELP WANTED MALE AND -FEMALE "f:v'v", 2(1 THB MOLBR BARBER COLLEGE will teach you th trada In S weeka. Sand fog fr catalogue; xpert Instructors; sv years in u , pusiness, a liieurae scholarship given to each student; sp clal induoements to ladiea 48 N. Id st OREGON Barber Colleg teaches you th barber trada In I wsaka, pays you while learning. , tools frea. tuition . ra duced this term, expert Instruction, po sition guaranteed, special inducements to ladles. -288 Madison st. 262. 2nd. MKN AND WOMEN wanted tor govera" ment joos; io montn; writ for list f positions open. Franklin Institute, )ept. 826-G. Rochester. N. Y. f PARTNER in vaudeville; must be good singer, tenor, barlton or contralto. K-871. Journal. - . F1SK Teachers' Agenoy secures ; posi- tions for teachers. Ill Journal bldr. PRIVATE shorthand scnooL experienced tenoher. 6 per month. 898 11th St. RAGTIME, piano playing guarantead b. ginners in n lessons, soi Eiiers Piog WANTED AGENTS WANTED Special agents to represent i on vi me large oia im me insur ance companies, splendid opportunity ana territory, eitnsr city or suts; con tracts unequsled to men of energy and gunny. v;ii in jvioritan Diag. SlTUATIOyS---MALE YOUNG man from east wants position In parage: I months' . xperlenc. F 685, Journal. IF you want to build1 a bungalow or hav -.your nous repaired, can up Main 4956, ' . -'- - . JAPANESE, high school Aducatlon. de slres position hotel, club, stora, SakL OBI fiYPITH Bl. JAPANESE butler, well educated, de ' sires position: can cook, housework. Bski, 327 Everett stT WANTED to clean walks and porches and build furnac fires mornings in private houses. Address P. O. box 810. JOB wanted, young married man, good waraaiar ana warsnous man. - W - ii,' journal. RELIABLE hotel man desires -position in country as solicitor; references fur- nmnea j-i, journal. MARRIED man, 16, desires employment in oity; raecnanic. - w. v., soi union e. north. - 1 ; ' WANTED Paperhanglnr, painting or kalsominlng. G-668. Journal. GERMAN sausage maker wants a posi tion. J, Meier, 1064 E. 18th st RELIABLE watchman desires position; reifrenoea lurnisnea. m-ss, journal, SITUATION by first class barn man; rirs. ciass rererence. 7 weiaier st, PAPERING and UnUng. 12.60 up; paint- ing reasonable. Jo Marshall, East 2101 JANITOR Experienced, wants tworlt t few hours every day. Main 2302 Simple,. Oh Very, Very Simple rnota uj ill ' i ..'i. (V'COT T, 16AJAT2) A MAN, 24, finifcla, v...irr f thing; wiiiiiut ana !.!; , references; hurry v, euswrr. u b sorry, beoauso Hi make .. .. Jonrnaf. WANTbI Wm K by man wn., j can handle horseii; ho bo,, ,. r; i and reliable; muft have work to fu -family. Phone Mar. 4U& tffr t, , LAND CLEAKINar 1 I Clear land at rtusoiia M r ' 1 ' Large or small tracts. Aaure-a 1st st. tolllns. RKLIABLb driver and repair lunn m. extra driving and repairing, or ' Job in garag or truck work. Main 6,. room 417. YOUNG married man Weil acinimm. 1 With City, wishes work,, llomst c temperate. Can glv references. Ca Main 2444. WANTED A poHltlon. as.tlieaua i. : Has had experient-e in oppratinir i ,.i chine and Janitor work. F-bSl', J.n A FIR"ST-CLASB painter eml finlaher needs work. Address 12 N. Broadway. Phone Mwln 8872. : ' WANTED Position on ranch for man and wife. Best of reference. Address E. M. Buley, 877 K. Burnalde st. WOULD "Tike work of any description,, experienced In confectionery or cigar stand. v-6g. journal. WANTED Position ' - by expVrienca man driving and raring ror auto; can give reference. F-684. Journal. BITUATIOXS FEMALE A LADY in pleasant country home would like baby or two small children to car for. A good home and mother's car. Reasonable charges, EX-634, Jour nal. ' ' ; ;. A REFINED, middle-aged lady, fin - housekeeper and cook, would liks po sition, in widower's family. A good, pleasant home mor than big wages. O- ' curnal. ' , ' WANTED Position as chambermaid, care for invalid - davtimes, or light housework by hour. . 242 Montgomery, room 8. Main 4140. 1 WANTED Position by Japanese girl t -work for room and board in family where she can learn to speak English. w. Aiatsumura, sbb coucn. tiXPERIENCED young woman wants position as housekeeper; address J. H.. 64 E, 76th, or phon Tabor 406 Thurs day. WANTED A position aa manager of an - apartment house, have had experience In hotels, rooming houses. Am in. need or a position anu awng. riiyni aiju. LADY needs work; will wash and Iron at noma at sue . aosen. - Aaaress us Knott st - -v'- . GERMAN girl wants to do house clean ing and washing by day. Mrs. Acker man 669 Savier st Main 5040. MIDDLE aged lady, good suburban home; would give mothera car t 1 or 2 children. 6g3 Bidweil ave.. Kenwoon. ELDERLY lady wants light work of any kind. Will take care of children evenings. 10c an hour. Call 291 Second. YOUNG lady would Ilka cashier or of - flee work. ' Hav had soma bank ex perience. N-763, Journal. , ANY kind of work wanted by girl 16. . answer bells or take cash: go horns nivnta. call wooaiawn iiz. MAN and wife, Japanese, to do hous worx ana soma cooKina. in nice pri vate family. B. Matsumvra. 855 Couch, WANTED Position as chambermaid; sxperienceo. it-87, journal. GOOD hand laundry. Want day work : and bundle washing.- Tabor 37s. WANTED Work, by the day . or hour. Mrs. Schmidt Phon Main 4059. COMPETENT woman wants day work wasning. ironing, veil A''", LACE curtains," draperies, linens la'un , dered by expert Called for. Tabor 317. STENOGRAPHER Sum - - experience. references, low wages.- Main tiiii MANICURIST Wishes isltlon, barber Journal. nop preferred. r-b GIRL wishes position In grocery or con- Twnnnery, n-iea, journal. DEMONSTRATOR wishes position. aiv. journal. NEAT, reliable woman, wants day work. rnone ilsbi ixzi. WORK by the day, any kind. Mrs. Hu--. ger. Main 8768. :' : - ; LACE" curtains hand laundered, JOa a pair. Main 3865. . ' COMPETENT- stenographer desires piece work. Main 12. ' " " - SITUATIONS WANTED 5IALE AND FE3IALB : 23 YOUNG married couple seek situation ; together or separata Man Janitor, ho tel porter. Wife good waitress, chambermaid.-Phon Main 8207. ' i DRESSMAKING 40 ACADEMY Of Parisian SclenUflo Dress making: - Tailored - Sulta. Coraeta Teachers wanted. 804 Goodnourh bid?. DRESSES, suits, alterations, nrlcea to suit 451 Jefferson st - 'I FUKNISIIED ROOMS ' WEST SIDE LARGE front bay window.- room with alcove, absolutely clean, hot and cold water, use of parlor and piano. 115. 268 iin street. ... , . NEWLY furnished rooms, steam heat electric llarhts. elavator. nrivate nhnne. hot and cold water, reasonable rates. 6Z6 wasnimrton. May, i960. TOURIST HOTEL. : Centrally' located. S cars from denote modern conveniences, transient trade so liclted. 50o up, 3 a week up. 160 1st st. YOUNG man. rooming at Y. M. C. A., ' wants roommata to reduea ronmini expenses. t Inquire. Y, M. C. A., cor. 6th ana jayior. HOTEL MASON m,To!tteti pwv. irree pnone and bath. Main 7754, MfiTF RAVHM utn st per aivi-,a un l Vll manent and trana't ROOMS and apartments in mod era ho lei, fi.su week sna up. 465 Alder. ill - VvVATni C--..- . . 1