The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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o'clock in the nohool auditorium, City I ing rse of whiskey from a boat
Buperlntonci-iit ,.U R. Alderman aiil bound f or ; Salem.' John Johnson,
Mrs. F. H. Myers,, city president of the I hrrkhaml. waa n.n.r,.j ro rtava on
parcnt-teacheraorganisatton will spe.k. the rockplle this morning In themu
Refreshments will be served.
Two Seek Appointment. Julia A-
Bales has petitioned for .letters of art'
rndictoa ministration, of tha estate f her lius.
nioipal court, Johnson had been em
ployed on the boat ji days. He pleaded
guuty. .v-j-v;,;.,:;..;-; .
Ir. frank X. Ball, dentist: has moved
Main 284. Aav.j
1IP1UO -KleTentli atid i MorrLon,
i,'Tal",,,'ot,,, "TtT4?. ti22slb,n'-w-'fr BJ""."wha died October 3, to 804. Morgan bldg.
j', r0TkH,-.a: r-'r. . leaving property, worth 12000. ' She Is
I V nil! rn..nh .i m.rir Vaaiinir Flood 1 tha sola. heir. J. O. fiveninon: a. rrprll
iiuKioii Comedy company. T:30 and 9 p. m. tor 0- the estate ,of Oscar TorrelL who elclan, moved 808 Morgan Bldg,
PA.NXAOES-Biwidwv A""- . VaOdeilUe. a,... Ontnhar . leavtn-Vm-onar.wnrth ' ' ' . --
wh!nsto and $300 and no known: heirs, asked for let- 1' . E. .' has moved to SOS
tera of adtalnlstraMon of the estate. mi" im. ' '.
Worthrup, osteopathic phy-
urtln. 2:30, t:iH. O'lO
COI.IJM KIA Nlith hitaxii
T Sfark t. Motion pfrturei 11 I. IU. to 11 p.
GLOBE THKATRB Kleretirh and Washington,
MMotrphrtiirr,-iraoB "to It . W.' ; " ; : .r
PEul-JUC g THKA THE West Park and , Aldr.
ts.i Motion picture, noon to Jt p.' m -'
'' ;; Weather Conditions.- v -
Portland and ' vicinity ' Itala '-(tonight ., Of
-Wetlneadayl (nuthcrly mindas' .,:, -a
, uregoa - rair east tonigut ma iiinain
rain irui portion
aomneriy wiuaa. . .j,
' W ahlnfton-alr Mat, rain west
Itlrtlt - nA WarfnaaifM.l . anutherlv 1
Idaho Fair tonight and : Wednesday; ; cooler
i touigut aoutbeaat ..portion. ':':;,:;;..,:;. --V- .
. . -KUWAItl A. BK.VM.'
' . . ..' . . x ' r IMetrlrt ; Foreeaater.
Vntarnt Anal k..;- ... ', , AlMnn
miii www..- m Ml.''1 I I. '1 .ft,..'" ! VanF I. . . . i J- '...t- ..J.ll Bin V .!
i"B v& bitQ oniuniuni ruon vu oeiu mvi ' ,
nig;nv resoiutiona were paaeea inaors: r-JB. a Brown, Eye, Ear, Mohawk
uk io i,roKu atiiuu ui j m neatly i Miniina. . . . ",. , , i A Ait
larger, appropriation for the proposed
city market. -The club also passed reso-
toulctat . VVdneaoy, Jutlong favorlnlt th- intratate, bridaa
portion to-1 Detween , Oregon and Washington,
iiid. v I i s " i " ""
T. A. XUttdsey, 601 Morgan build
- ;,- . ' (Adv.)
Xal&riita of CoWmtwg Elaot The an-
X. X. Volter Is glonrlit -The Asao-
ctated Ckaritlea of Portland Is anxious
to communicate with Edmond H. Polter,
a mining man and promoter.; Any one
who can -give any ' information regard-
Ing his whereabouts. will confer a favor
nual election of officer of Portland 1 ",. ,""13 m,i";.,i
wumu,iw, .i, i u , ,wwvj i po . raaaa . ro aim. jaasrgarei inoroman.
Dr. Ztorrls Cox, SS Morgan bldg, Adv.
Continued From Fare Qne.
. which was held laet night, resulted as I assistant secretary,
ivuuffli urUS 14iail(, l. .? una. D1U"
nott: '"! deputy errand knlccht.' -John S.
Becknmn; chancellor, Adrian F. Ward;
financial, secretary, Timothy-J. Ilplland;
i recording secretary, T, J. Dpwd; warden,
Albert L. Olanelli; advocate,' Eugene A.
r Duebori inside guard, Gordon 8. Brown;
outside guard," Charles C Bradley; trua ,
. tee. F. W, Patt; treasurerr J P.
The newly, elected officers' will be,
jusm. Ai,A-int. nara surfaced, by, 1810, many- county
Hm.itiii i wuiiii ':' wiv irk. I for automobile trucking, mrnirnn hanlfnrr
Maamaavrwlll go out for fc moonlight "ure iervcev
walk tomorrow evening,' a-tartlng at I . Zmploy meat tor labor.
jLwenty-tnird and washina-ton at 7.45 1 Iabor Workinrmen win h. ' aH-n
o'clock. The party will walk through (employment, both skilled and unskilled,
Kings Heights to Mount Calvary, and I in tlie construction of a span that will
inence northerly to .Cornell Road, by I cost i,xou,oov, and there would be a
men they return to the city, v ( . ! ft ; reai amount or accompanying private
i:.-9x-Y.i..--j,f i . i M-.i-: c I construction, auch aa interurban llnm.
Trnsteea Meat XomoROwThe ; trua-1 Retailer It is estimated that 250,000
stalled : November 10 by State Deputy
P Br?0. ot vAatoria.,; : .The new, grand .tee of the' Chamber of Commerce will visits fromS Clarke; county and eouth
D"el leciurer o .me noid a special meeting tomorrow at It western Washington were made - last
, tn P Fr'rML a.''"m. '-to. insider ;;the 'proposition' I year for tha 'purpose of buying' goods 'of
" 'V :jr ?- ;:';a-rr':'J-; cea py captain Jtucnara tjniicott to fortiana retailers. With interurban serv-
Olvio Matters Discussed. A 1 regular establish a fleet of Portland owned vob- Ice ' and quickened ' transportation this
meeting of the Portland . Heights and ala in the Portland-New York trade via number would be doubled in a year, ac-
Councll Crest Improvement association the. Panama ..canal, i-'.r'i' f'K cording to Computations of it Clarke
. waa neia ai ita ciud. nouse laai aigni, i s j - -. ' i ' .'- .
' Many clvlo matters came up for dls- : Oriental Bog Salov NO
.u.oiuu. , .vuiinumwo . mi, ..iifiriiura , uw-j. 1 western Washington bouaht of Port-
to consider the rerouting of car to bring loot at your leisure. largest stock of iand wholesalerr S3 000 000 worth of
(hair, .forth.. a..ln h hlarh-M and nhAlxa .nl l.r,H.M. ..... MIM..I. " . " "V." ' 4,UW,WU7 v WOrtO , OI
-Vuu lli. and the amount this
' ...I., """'h-" ... .inuo Vi iuw ever uuulcu m.una ciy, I vear will ha ' IK (Win AAA
more freauent service. yThe meeting en-1 Investiaat. hafor., hiivino- rrtrfn f ' . 1,1 . SOO0,000, accord
- . . I ' I in If in ANT l m
rnn n t v cnmmitl..
xaggeraiea i v Wholesaler Marsha nt. nt ' anntt..
dorsed . the public market system . and
urged the city authorities to make an
appropriation for the first market. ' The
i-referendum measures pertaining to the
state university, which will be voted on
t jvovember , were also approved.
a '. i'"''','. i'i'' -v.'.... ' -i il. ... :.K.WI :.
Bros., 41 Washington. : Av.)
ing - to estimates . made after in.
vestlgation by W. P. Connaway of Van-
Milvati Tka r.wmim.. . t. A'aW. .-tav
Xleked Through OUsa Joor-when '
the management of the Rainbow grill "T'r
ordered C, E. Rickey from the place Droaaen PoruaBq .trg territory. . :
last evening, Rickey turned and pushed . Consumars Would Profit,
hla foot through a heavy plate glass Consumers of food products- This In
door. This morning in the municipal I eludes the (treat mass of home dwellers.
rresbytery Keetings Held Prepara-
tory v to tonighra meeting of the Ore- eourt p,cker of f ered t0 pa3r th9 dam- employers, employed, taxpayers, rent
gon Synod of the Presbyteriana, whisii Uges.V He was fined S10. - Lr. -it.. r f.ZrtA2?J,
la to be held at Westminster. Presby-
terian ',. church, presbytery meeting.
era. Use of the bridge will decrease
tfanaTwrtaf inn fnmtm mn niimH 4hot nwul.
'11.V-11 Uct" ot SBi.000 acres of agricultural Und
. Vnlnra ""'! lit
tMfi-MiMiinv ait nana ar rnn iiiih. ini.u-i..i m . . . . m
;ai-.7h.Y i nr;LrVh hoU."r ihl i'""D5,.im,.." In Clarke county could be .brought
Wt .Presbyterian 7 church; At Blsl of' nranV.venuT'fe ft'
mini I meeiins. OCT. W. BV XIUIV. III! ,k. navamant rflalnoatino- hao vlahr arm I ..... . .... mriui xruuvs
moderator, who . foes east before No- I ch. .... i. it., n dom.K.n I the high cost Of llvinsr. ' '' :
4 vember 1wlU preach hl farewell aer- J hosnital. - I CoBt " When Clarke county voted
' mon. t The synod meeting -, tomorrow 1 ' t
. j.pwii.. ba e d at . Vancouver. m connec-1 v.r. n.aa,a. niM.Th... .ii.
tion wttn tne -wasningron oynoa ana uner ace were1 reported today to the
Thursday the Oregon Synod i will visit police - to have run away from their
I r3raaataAA . anrf ftthara ara tn aiatara. I
X,eotnrs oa tapers, One of the leatlnam.d Flannlaan. Thev are thousrhtl
known phases or missionary enaeavor, i to have come to Portland,
work among the lepers, will be told of j r
In' a. free lecture la ,iha ,Whlta Temple Woodlawn Bohool Closed- A few
tonight at'T;80 b'clock. : The speaker, cases of smallpox among the pupils of
W. ' Nj rjanner. v i. secretary f of ;; the I the Woodlawn school caused - the cios-1
United SUtes committee for. the interna-1 Ing of tha schooL i The rooma are be-1
tlonai and interdenominational mission ing rumigaiea ana me sciioo. win oa
in pnri Th work that Mr. Danner openea as awq as ur ''
v Wn hta-hl commendedli past. '...' , .'..,.. . ' 1
tions. It will De liiusiratea ny siereop-i,- r ', I " .
ticon nictures. Mr. Danner , formerly ncor"on?? hJ?. "A.?"?1"
' . - v f. A aai.raf.rv. ' ' ". ".': w""
ty e', Ae.iW V ems... -.,
Benjamin Clot lies
$500,000 In bonds for its half of the
bridge, it was with the knowledge that
the annual charge 'for Interest on -the
bonds alone would be- 11.67 on . each
11000 of property In the county. JTet
87 per cent of the vote was in approval
of the bonds. . ,.v-s.;?r'-;9-.A0'V:A':.!-'-v?:i;:
j;, Multnomah" county 'Is relieved of he
cessi ty to meet this Interest charge; By
a law passe4 by the huit legislature.
the etate pays the interest on the bonds.
Should the bonds be issued for 80 years
at Svper cent this would mean that the
state would pay In Interest alone ISO
per cpnt of the principal. -
Cost 'Xnsigniflbant, I '
,Of state taxes Multnomah county, of
course.' pays one third, .but' tha tax on
Multnomah country property for Its
third of the interest, charge Would be
but 6J4 cents on each ' 11000 of prop
erty, or a little more than the cost ot
a streetcar ride, whereas, Clarke county
haa already a creed to pay an interest
charge of $1.7 on eaoh S10QO ot iptop'
But, since tolls are to be charged for
the use of tha bridge, It would appear
that the entire charge against the pup'
llo would be lifted. It la estimated that
the first year's lncoms of the bridge
would be S 100,000, of which 60 per cent
or $10,000 would be received on . the
Oregon aide. ? This approximately equals
the interest the state would have to
pay,; on $1,160,000 in bonds, Including
the cost of th approach, v Inoome t In
excess of tha amount needed to pay in
terest .on the bonds will :, probably be
applied to the sinking fund lor the re
tirement xf the bonds, but if this should
not be done, no tar to take care of the
sinking fund would need be assessed for
10 years, and before that time It is ex
pected the state will assume all obligav
tion forthe bridge and, in common wim
Washington, permit its use without
tolls. ,
A peculiarly shaped plane haa been
Invented by a Calif ornlan for rapidly
surfacing' wood. ' 'v',-''-;,-''!?-
' flard at TliaBVa.': '.' ,'''.- '',:.
We wish to thank our many friends
and nele-hbora for their kindness and
sympathy in our late bereavement,' and
the beutirui riorai orrenngs.
County Clerk Coffey by John McKle,
. ... ' '-A I K. iioyc ana m. j. i-yncn. xne com-
WtaMrormui or .y- g- . u capttaUsed at SSOOO.r
ner tamers porirmv vr i.a iuuo, i 4i
( Luey. B. Mattnws naa aiairea wm; ; sneaa.essla 'Kaxklna for' Camas,
ha rlrrolf court against Will G. Oith
bert. ,01 - Dekum building, for : 8(00 t Buna..
kdamagesl She alleged, that the picture Vet SoVi';
v was -left with Cuthbert to be framed
and that ne reiuaes , "h.
ssks 8515 for the picture, $50 attor
nava' . faaa. 125 damages, and $10 for
. the loea of time spent In attempting to
get hlin to return the picture.
Bertrude Hoffman Oationa. ar-
truila Hoffman, the sensational dancer,
4s outdone In the -wonderful three-reel
Kaiam drama, entitled. "The Vampire,"
which opens for four days at the Co
lumbia! theatre tomorrow." Bert French
and Alice Els are featured in the play.
and, give their v spectacular! Vampire
Washousal and way landings, dally ax-
Leaves Washington
street dock at 1 p. m; Adv.)
.... i
Tha House of a XOOO Olfts China
cards, novelties., Mrs. Lincoln's Art Den,
40S Morrison st. t Adv.
Sr. Alfred P. Watson, dentist, moved!
to 755 Morgan bldg. Main 878, A-
S744. ' (Adv.)
Merchants' Protective Assn. removed
to T40 Morgan building. Mar. 3811. A-1
744. , (Adv.)
Br. P. A. Bees. Dentist, haa removed
dancV The story concerns a young man to .608 Morgan-bldg. Main 810. (Adv.)
who falls in the clutches of an adven
turess who lures him to.;the verge, of Poux Boom Off
- ' destruction, . v Ady.) bldg. Outside rooms.
Virm Snirina in rast un-A new rec-
ord was made py engine company ra. i,
located on Fourth street, between Mor
rison and Yamhill streets. Sunday night,
' when a run of the entire company was
made to Sixth and Gliaan streets, ana
"the engine connected up. with .the hy
drant in leas than three minutes. The
' "vcall proved to be a false alarm ana n
j seven minutea-from the time the-fl ret
.A alarm ; tanned In. the company was
backing into the house .; . ..
Bridge Insaranoe Plaeeo-Althouirh
$50,000 insurance on i the ; Broadway
bridge was recommended . By the insur
ance committee appointed by the county
, commissioners, but $20,000; Jnsurarfce
-was niaced on the structure and it ap
proaches yesterday by the commlssloBa
'ersWThe policies were eveniy oiviuea
- between the Phoenix eV Hartford com
. pany. Beebe 'St. Black, - agents, and the
Ixndon, Liverpool. A Globe oompany,
Qua Rosenblatt, agent.
K ' Oredl Men's BananeV The " second
monthly banquet and meetings of the
Credit Men's 'association win , be held
tomorrow evening at :80 o'otock la the
Blue room of the Multnomah hotel. An
" . interesting program has been arranged
' by the bankruptcy committee, which
will be In charge. John B. Cleland will
deliver the principal address, the ' title
' being, "Settlement Out of Court.'V Frank
B.t Riley will speak of the 'Interstate
. Brldge. f.r& a-: v
OUnton-Xelly 1 School , Meeting- The
. Clinton-Kelly parent Teachers' associa
tion w'll , meet tomorrow ; night at 8
Offlea Suite In Journal
best location. Adv.
, . .
Home for Aged People, Invalids, fine lo-1
cation. Mount Tabor, Tabor 4169. (Adv.)
School o
for aalesmen and
' those who want to
be aalesmen.
. X Boleptlflo prlncl- i
pies oi salesman'
ship, . '
II Leading special
- lets as lecturers.
III Li ve t e a o h e r
who knows. j v.'-
. TV f..i ...
Call or write Y.-M. C. "mcTAXHER
j BchOplS.. . ,' t i ! . . ...
; TURN TO PAGE 13. ,
Took s Case of Whiskey. For tak-
jprshiem Quality
Florshiem Style Are
Known Vherever Good
Shoes Are Worn
Many a stranger to our store
comes to us because ' of the
fame' of j the shoes ' we sell.
He returns becausp of the
pains we tak to see that he
frets the ' shoe . that . is best
adapted to his needs.
-i-and the care in iitting him
r as he was never "fitted be
fore, - - ' .' 1 ' ;
'i ' i"n )f '
ttt, our new store we're able
o serve you more promtly
than ever- and t6 show you
, a larger selection than ;form-
. . . .. ' Sa
i " ' U f a 4 h
Reeves Shoe Co.
Morgan. Building. '
V; 350r Washington St' -
Never mind what the
weather i$T outside our
stored oome inside and
we!! fix you so you'll be
well fixed for all outside
RaiqcoaU f rom $15 to $30
Slip-ons $6.00. ,
Fall SuiU $20 to $35.
Fall Overcoats $20440.
A Special Rainproof Hat
at $3.00.
Buffum fe?Penrlletoii
31 1 lyiorrison, Opp. Postoffice
to you, if you die,
whether your bene
ficiary, is paid from'
a "straight life" pol
icy or- .a "twenty
payment" life.
: but if you live, a
twentypay life in the
"company of satisfied
policy holders" " pro
vides you with funds
for your declining: years
$p$Iding Building
aja,i,alaa.iiia ,.. a.aa.aaaiawJMVaaiai.,,a,.,.,a j-u-u-Lr.rijuru-u-irLn.arLi-juwui. .
5c"; x, r.
V I j f f V y
Owing to the demands we re receivirrgpfof large-size On-
ental Rugs, and because of numerous requests from buy-
erswho were unabje to make their selections last night
on account of the immense crowd, we have decided to
hold thfi salr strain s -
Tonight, 8 b'Glock Sharp
when we.will place on salepur finest specimens of Persian
and Turkish Rugs, including those1 which have taken pre-
miuins at two World's Fairs, and 'other rare and beautiful
specimens never before exhibited in this country.
Rugs ranging in sizes from .6x8 to 15x26 and values as
: high as $8500.00. ' "
Our showrooms will be open all day for your inspection'
of Rugs. , You may make yohr selection beforehand the '
Rug will be laid aside, and brought out at your request at
time of sale.f Everything is marked in plain figures with
the regular selling price. ' " . " , t
Between the hours of 3 and 5 this afternoon,-a special
Auction Sale of Laces and Linens will be held. We have a
few sets left of very rare Laces, in Madeira, and.Filet,
which will be sold. These are valued as high as $1500.00.
Your Price Is Ours Tonight
Atiyeh Bros.-
- .. -,--T , .f, .
Alder and
sasjSaasitsis al
(Ve are now located between Fourth
nd Fifth on Washington street,
and axa prepared to give yon first
elass work at reasonable prices.
Rubber Platen ..V..-.S5.00 and up
uoia vrowaa
Brlda-e Work
Porcelain Crowns.,,...;
ml.... IMI1(.h
Gold Fillings ..Vv.'.'ii.l
BB. at. S. BTIWtC
iO and up
rt and ud
ana up
and up
and no
T H E 'H O T E L
, ' Families and single gentlemen can make very attractive
: rates for the Winter. ; American or European plan.
, f ' - v ' ' '
For the commercial traveler, the Hotel Multnomah offers
; the very best and largest sample rooms in America.
; Merchants 50c. lunch, 11:30 until 1:30,, Very attractive for
ladies as well as gentlemen.
t x , " - . r .' ., , " . '
- Herman S. Heller, Director , ' ', .
' Commencing-October' 13 , , '
J StaircaseWaitz-rWhirling Texas Tommy Dance
, ( ' , Singing and Dancing v
i.; , ,( ',' v MISS NELLS, Soprano
" ' i MISS BARD A, Harpist ' 0
a MISS D'NEIL, Soprano
Beautiful Girls, Handsome Gowns, Pretty Songs and Dances
' 1 During Lunch, Dinner, and after the Theatre . '
, : - H. C. BOWERSr Manager. ' ' '",
. , LOUIS REYNOLDS, Assistant Manager.'.
will be Given away, free to
the person sending us the
largest list op complete
words found in webster's
dictionary made i from the
: WORDS ' ,
"Reed French
Our Idea is to draw attention of the
public to our new store, Tenth and Stark
streets, and the fine line of Pianos that
wg carry,'' :':
Many other tflne premiums will be given
w on m U,t tn,rd bMt lut
Put on your thinking cap and send in '
tJi'U Jom'.onS wUl f ettheae prises-l
why. not youT So get busyl Make vor
Ust and aend'iw In jight away. Pres to
f.V, wnl-veryone whcV would
Ihi: toSSetfe0 '
i llXal . .a a . !
afa. iir.sviis) tJiiinw anrf nnmhaai. -
will come to. you. Bend In your "et rliht
piano. tt'm,ht b e one to win fhi
a" ... li..
AU Mint Our Stor.'r. P. M, October 28, 1913. .;
The first prize is a beautiful $400 Jesse French Piano for the largest
list of words, the second prize to be credit certificate of $150 and
en , ""l ?jd watch tW'd Pri a credit certificate of $150
r.50ll wtch-th fort Prie to be a credit certificate of
$150, the fifth prize to be a credit certlficar A tint,
five best answers a credit certificate of $125 each; will be given, to
L ' 1 " " wnraciB ox 91ZZ.W wtu be given, and then
following4 these in groups of twenty-five tha next he i;t. sh .
ceiver credit certificates of $2.50 less than the previous group, until 25
have been awarded at $50. All other answers will receive credit cer.'
tificates of not less than $25 each. These credit certificates are goof
for the amount stated, toward the purchase of any new Piano or Player
Piano at the regular price. Time of certificate la limited and I nn
good on any purchase made prior to its date. Only one certificate
can be applied on one piano. '
: oniy the letters contained in the
be used. No letter can . be used in
any word more times than It appears
In these words. The letters .can be
used for different; words, as many
times as desired. ' Make as "many
words as possible that are taken
from ' Webster's dictionary. . Write
the .words plainly and number your
Ust. Fill out the coupon below and
bring to pur store, Tenth and Stark
ois., or ., man to contest Manaaar.
Free to all except
store and immedim
employes t of this
iate famlllf. - rinlv
" .mwir ima irom ons person.
The ' judging will be left ' to three
prominent men of Portland, whoei
.names .,. will , be, ...annwunoed ..later.-.;-..?
In th'evenv two o more eontest
ante tl. fojr either of the prises, el.
viaioa will bo mad. on eq,oal basis.
a to uur Line of Pianos Our Prices and Our Methods
L'i'. 'J"? yTt.I'"sh n.-k"?n. -tandard Our object in doing this is to alva direct to tha
.v..lrV'."h Z"fl: f.."v.tfnj!!?"n"? on a piano fo. more then offset the nronort o
ft, navis. rrtnon a sona Hchuhart 9iiv r-nno
French. R. 8 Howerd Co. , Laronda. Holmes Son; and
the wonderful Virtuolo and Melldogrand 88-Note pkyer
Pianos..y Every .one, guarajitwdy,'; .'ff.JM?
we" guarantee ' to! appiy all '.credit. Jcertirlcatea . on::any
Instrument aeleoted at the regular aUblishad .Eaur.m
Faotory Retail Prices, adding only the actual shipping
expense to Portland. Thia gives you the opportunity of
OOUPOar rm This Ont.'Oompletely.
to give direct to the buyer
thill flffUli . th. WMinAHlUn
of advertising and high rent that you are required to
par to dealers who only sell a few pianos by the old
i W? want -every household in-Orearon and Ron them
Washington to know our house and' the line of Pianos
we carry, which are of the world's standard makes. We
are in our new store, our stork of Pianos ts new nt we
Invite you to call and inspect the new 1914 model ot
ma riaoo nutri vri, or wruo-ior caiajogues, prices
tnd full rvgrtlculara. - V u ..
X herewith submit my answer,, subject to. conditions of competlUon, and agree to abide by decision of ' Judge.
SIGN TOUR NAME HERB '. ; , ; ,1 ; . , 1 .'. ' 1 '
.R.SF..C. City
inirng Asm tajsx smtEiTg
rrzTXArD, c
vy , f.
. -