The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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Detectives Can't Find-Girl Ac-
.' cuser of E. C, Von Klein;,
"Alleged 'Bigamist.
V Siiaclal to JTIhi Journal.)
, Pvenport, ,Jowa, Oct 14. Detective
Fred Mllett"'if TorUand. Or., after
searching here for two days, has been
jnable to locate Ethel Newcomb or any
of her relatives, and officer -who are
assisting him , believe that she never
lived here. The Newcomb girl 'sup
posed to be a .; stepdaughter ,of John
WUstC'whom she. said lived In Paven
port, ; ,,r- :. ; , ; -,Sf. ,p 1 v c;j;r, 't r, :::
'.. The girl Is wanted in Portland to ap
, pear against Edmunds Von ' Klein
whom she married in San Francisco and
w horn she claims - robbed her of valu
.able Jewelry. A search of several days
in Chicago .failed to furnish any trace
of the girl. 'Four John Wiltons in
; Davenport have been seen, v but none
' was ths right pne,. Wallett will remain
hers for another day endeavoring to find
trace! the witness, t ,' -
The disappearance from Portland of
Ethel Newcomb, who Is the-chief wit
ness against K, C. Von Klein, a much
married - alleged , ' diamond v ' thief,
caused stir In- the officaof the dis
trict attorney, especially , when efforts
to locate the woman and summons, tier
for trial failed. 'Mallett, who is in the
rst for a prisoner, was instructed by the
. district attorney to make a search for
Miss Newcomb, and carried on exten
(ive investigations in Chicago, without
result, v i . - - . 4 - . ;
- NeoomU married IVon Klelii In
Fan 1'ranclsco under the name of " Jack
LwIh, and came to Portland with him
, for ' their honeymoon. Whils at toe
l'ortland hotel, ha secured several hun
dred dollars' worth of valuable jewels
from, her and disappeared. t More than a
year later. Miss Neweombe met her hus-
, band in a. Chicago hotel and caused hla
(Continued From Page One.) .
bring the supreme, lodge ', to Portland
for its biennlaL meeting in' 1816.
Qraad lodga Bsak Oonferred, -Immediately
after1 the convention bad
been : called (o .order the. ceremony of
conferring the grand lodge ranlt on new
'members was had. This afternoon reg
ular routine of lodge business gave way
for an informal reception in honor of
Fred. E.Wheaton Of Minneapolis, ' su
preme keeper 'of records 'and seals, and
officers of grand lodges of .Washington
and Idaho, who are In attendance upoa
. the convention, i Z'yXXX
y It. la anticipated that ' the election!
11 1 i 1 i 1 , I, , u 1 ,
v ill l-o Is- ; 1 i.tle this afternoon in all
liobaluiiij'. . ,i
- In his annual report the grand chan
cellor said that the condition of the
order.- in Oregon is . excellent
He praised various- grand lodge
officers for. the work accomplished dur
ing the past ' year and' urged that all
subordinate, lodges prepare to fittingly
observe the golden Jubilee, February a,
1914, which will mark the fiftieth year
of the existence of the fraternity.
Important legislation Coming; Vp.
1 , One -Interesting-Hem -was the report
that the; lodge at Enterprise, Or., has
the distinction of being the only lodge
of the organization which has, con
ferred, tho degreo of knight on a mount
tain peak.' A ordlng to the report the
lodge met on the summit or. eagle cap,
a peak in the Wallowa mountains, 10,008
feet above sea level, this yeanvs V?
: On . of the important bits of , legis
lation that will come up for discussion
and decision '7 Is ., whether' ; Oregon
is in favor of a reduced age limit, from
11. to 18 years: This question will be
finally settled at the supreme lodge
convention in Winnipeg this fall. '',.
That the financial condition of the
Order In' Oregon is in . excellent chape
la shown In the report of Grand Keeper
of Records and Seal Stlnson of Salem.
The' total membership was '71J4 Jn Ore
gon When the last lodge census -was
taken. The total assets of tha subordin
ate lodges was placed at $335,955.73,
and ; the assets of the' grand lodge at
9289.07. Of which IS191.64 was repre
sented by. cash.. ,
frytnlaa Sisters Meet. .
This morning s session of tha Pythian
sisters was , given over -to organisation
and routine" business rWhen tns con
vention; opened every one t'-of the 31
temples of tha state was represented' by
delegates! chosen from the 2000 ;menv
' Koflowing ar tha nances of the grand
officers: . Chief, Mrs. Hannah Vincent,
Bt. Johns; past grand chief,. Mrs, Ellz.
abeth, Stlnson. Salem; mistress of rec
ords and correspondence, Mrai Mary JR.
Hogua, Klamath Fans; mistress or fi
nance, Mrs. Edith E. Clark, Rainier;
senior, - Mrs. Mable Roberts.? Myrtle
Point: 5; iimlor. sMr. Mary Littlefield,
Portland; manager, Mrs. Nellie 8. Ver
non, -. Astoria j- protector - Mrs. Emma
Snyder, Aurora; guard. Mrs. Minnie Vin
ton. McMlnnville; supreme representa
tive," Mrs Miriam B. Brooke; Portland;
Mrs;- MIldredBrighfc-rThe-Danes;?" Z X
;e&? " '.1 'XX-iXxX
- JSwiss ' ball -was., crowded last night
with delegates and local Knights who
came to witness the work In connection
With conferlng of the rank . of page, on
tha 'Rathbona- Rlbla class," of Ivan
hoe 'ladge No. 1. i About 100 men from
various parts of the statetook the de
gree, under tha direction of Fred E.
Wheaton, of Minneapolis, supreme keep
er of tho records and seal. -. ' . " ;
- In tha ceremony tha famous Rathbone
Bible, which was used in ' the Initia
tion of tha first members of the order,
now almost-- half a century ago, was
used; Tha team that had charge of the
exemplification of the work was com
prised of the following: U. E. Crouch.
chancellor romnmndrr; O. L. Fpencer,
vice clianccllor; T. K. Uowllnsr, roaaler
of work'; Fred E, Wheaton, prelate; K
K. fimlth, master at arms; James Wal
ton, Inner guard; David- Nelson, outer
guard. ::-$Vi,.'-!,-iX, '.
V The Initiation exercises wera followed
by the presentation, pf ' tho flvo act
diama, "The leon of Friendship."
staged by members of Ivanhoo lodge.
Tho chaiacters included: II. A. Groo
cock, William J. II Clark, C. R. Melorf,
ey. A. A. Ualley, J.' p. Preaton, JL B.
Clark. . . . -
Immediately afterward, 89 members
of -the Ivanhoe lpdga were presented
with veterans' Jewels by Bupremo Keep
er of Records and Seal Wheaton. These
Jewels ar presented only to Knights
who have served - 26 or mora-'yaara in
tho lodge and have at all times been in
good standing. ,- Those who received the
Jowels w:'t. -'"' W
John Annand, H. C Bohl man," John
Bingham, Frank Botefuhr, Robert Bur
relL F. W.'. Carlson, O. Cate"ndleck, C,
V., Cornelius, M. F. Coberth, K. A. Col
lins, Henry Dunstan, William Davis,' Al
fred I, Ennes. E. C, Fety, Gustar Gade,
John U George, Michael Hart. Edward
Holman,' Charles ' H. . Heller. Joseph
Hickey. . WUllam Kramer, J, Kunx, W.
J. Kirkwood, J. G. Mack, E. J Mo
Clanahan, Anton Ritslnger. E. M. Rosen
thal. H. X Robinson,, Henry gcheufler,
Sol Bhapirer. i Charles ;C- Slgglin, An
drew Sorenson, J. E. ''.Staples,. Walter
Struble, W. W; ' Shlnn. John ' Wendt,
Thomas ' Whitney, Carlj;Welland '. and
George A.Luke..' X. '- Vw.i-,'K:-:VV'
Last night's meeting was -called f to
order by Edward D. Curtis, tha oldest
living past grand chancellor of tho do
main , of Oregon, Ha introduced Gus
C. MoserV who welcomed tha visitors.
. Tomorrow the officers for tha forth
coming year will be. Installed: X 3,; 1L
Gwinn of Pendleton,'., grand, chancellor,
will : automatically Ibocome past grand
chancellor and Frank 8. Grant of Port
land,, at present ylcs jrrand chancellor,
will be advanced vto , the jPOslUon ro
. JU R. Stlnson. of Salem, who Is com
pleting his 18 til tcrmas gtand keeper
f records and seal, and J. W. Maloney,
of Tend le ton, for' ten years grand mas
ter of the exchequer, will ba reelected.
Other officers will ba nominated: and
elected from the .floor. . . " -
The membership of the order in Ors
gorutQtala .approximatelyi 3500, divided
amona 80 subordinate lodges. The to
tal membership of the fraternity is closa ,
to 800,00.0, and since Its organisation, in
the Civil war days, about 2,000,000 mem- I
bars have been-initiated.-i ;v- -.liX X'-
v Supreme Keeper of Records and Seal
Wheaton says the lodge at no time
was in mora f!ourishng condition than
at present; Its expansion in the west,
particularity is great, he sata. r
WUl Hike to Pacific Coast '
New' Tork, Oct li. Samuel A. Peba,
who ' gkva Edward Payaon " Weston a
week's start and beat him to Minneapo
lis on foot' left the eity hall to wslk to
San Francisco.;-?.:" '"XiZ . ."
Hambarg-Amertcan Increases Capital ;
Hamburg.; Oct 14. Directors of the
Hamburg-American Steamship line an
nounced a $7,500,000 increase in capital
to establish a new oriental service by
way of tha Panama cumX: X-. 'X-V'''
t, .
I (-' - ' 1 - " i )
Lzrrc f Cpscialty. GzrazrA IIcusc fa f . J :crlhv;c:K
due Jc
100 Dozen
More New
Another Bi& Cash Capture Placed on Sale
Two thiroU of the New YbA : carment manufacturers work on a limited
capital. Our buyer there found a maker last week who needed money bad, to pay
for-W-woolensr-4Vemade;a. spot, cash offer that brinirs 300 smartest, new $25 Suits
nere mat seu at this wonaenuiiy-iow- price tomorrow, .
a aaiuvM a inun appruy ca iwnct-' new apm uca
Cords, Eponges, Poplins; Cheviots and the staple
' Blue t Serces Ivt Three T and . four-button i cutaways.
a ..:'.. a . " : ' . . . . . ; . '
lancy. Also piain mannisn stratgnt ironts. w . , . ' f--
Everv suit handsomelv tailored and lined in tniar. i ( v 'A.
anteed satin. ; All sizes, 14 to , 44-the navy serges also v v A
in etouts up to 51. Every Suit positively worth $25 on V
sale tomorrow , morning at $17.45. ' - " s . U,
j$9e00SergoDreses gt
S New Models-Wednesday Pr
Smart, practical Dre$$t . of splendid quality i
.' wool serje. In navy, browns, black, taupe and Copenhagen.
, We had too made up specially for us, in order to ct them'
to sell at such a price. v
Neat tailored effects, with trimmings of -
v satin pipings, loops," buttons, etc 'Sizes 16 to 44 Dainty .
tittle irocks for home and street wear. We couTd not sell
them regularly under 9.00. J On 'sale Wednesday,' $5.55.
Owing; to better facilities, we are able to
make prompt alterations on all garments.' Com
' pletely-appointed Fitting Rooms, now on the
fifth floor.! r . ' ' .
Chic new Fall models of
Marquitattas and Batistas. High
and low Back; pretty lace yoked,
frilled collars and cuffs, ate.
Every on a $1.50 Waist at 95c
New . arrivals in'. Sport Coats.
Kellr xreea. red. 4 blue,
; nTf, etc 9.65 to ; $27
white, 1
27.50. Vj)
-1 a
vy :
"t.'j'f I 4'
f-"- All ''feVUV,
AWiiaui xm
J,,!'S5-55 $5.65 0
S ";.;: ;
: ill u ;fK " 7t'i yy:
, 1 - ! : - v -t I v. j s 'j ' i; - 11
; Wasn't yesterday a-weather-tjreeder? That irrepressible r
V . weather man says it's ohty advance
Winter of ferine:. .You'd better run for covercome and
get inside one of these Raincoats, or Balmacans, made by :
Gurrie; in Edinboro'town.' Rubberized tweeds, worsteds;
and fancy chevibts;;with set-in orraglan sleeves, military ,
or convertible collars; both, double and single-breasted; -:
iThey? . ' " - 5' '
- Ilorrison Street at Fourth "
Exclusive Agents for Dunlap Hata '
io(D)(D) a
To mopipo w . sill 12 e . 'EaBHi222
Safe Sferfe at9:00A.M.
H ff I of CoUars at 2Vic Broken lots, but new, ttylish collars all sizes, each
XiV Triangle 15c Collars - Lion 15c CoUars
L-Sf. i : PAW OK,. rlU.
is n
Stbck Together With New York Purchase
Must Positively Be Sold Before 10:00 P. M.
November 29th-Every Article Sacrificed !!
1 J j i 1 , t t ,11 4 ) .
Hundreds of new Fall and Win
Htr Suits 'and Qvercoats, .pur
chased from famous New York
maker at a tremendous bargain,
v Values in the lot worth to $25.
Fall Suits and Overcoats
up to $30. , Robinson &
Co. bankrupt stock and
special purchase from a
famous NeV York maker
Funiishin Goods at Prices Beyond Cohception
100 Doz. New $1.50 Shirts, $1.05
New Shirts - a well-known make. ; (f
Fall 1 patterns in, Madrases, and Pe- 3 I A jiT)
nanjrs. 'Plaited and olain ....... t w, ,
$4-$5Stetcbnand Other Hats, $1.95
Just 438 new. Fall Hats - famous A -fl 1 jry. p
makes, some Stetsons in. lot", $4 and I irvJrT)
$5 values..'. Soft Hats'and Derbies. . Y
50 dozen $2.00 Sillc-Knit
Crochet Ties at, (iCn
each ...V.....OuC
Only 20 dozen $5 Ruff-
Neck Sweat
Li ' 1
laaj saaiw aai x ess aawasea-
ick Sweat- ? 1 Q C
CoaU ....Dl.OU
To $5.00 at . , . U M ... ; i i . S2.4S
To 7.00 at........;...,. $3.45)
1 V f
100 Dozen Coojcrs Ucioa Szis
$2.00 Tallies for... ...... $1.35
$2.50 Yaloet for. ........$1.75
$3.00 values forM. ..i. $l.9S
.;''.', Fifth
and Alder
Portland's Greatest Sale Ends 10 P. M. November 29lh!