The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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    :T m COMPANY
as mm of ,
Exclusive Portland Agent
Free Lecc
' for the t amou
Vr are shplving every
model i t tMfNemo Cor-
et$ from v ' ' -
, . ' $2.00 0jlO,OO':
In Macrame Wi
O'VieidKniiao of cMcHt Ony ;
Every Day
Wardrobe Trunks
, ecoml Zloor
President Griffith :and Others
' : Recount Early History.. of
-Operations; '. ,'
. "Mike" Conley, a veteran .trackman of
the Portland Railway, Light $ Power
comparand Franklin T. Griffith, pres
ident jf tha company, marched up the
alula arm-in-arm last night at the open
ing meeting for the season of the Kleo
trlo club and took aeata assigned ' for
those who had served the company for..
so years or more. .They were, followed
by 63 , others, honored ; guests of the
evening', the occasion being a reunion of
those who had began their employment
previous to 1894.
' The assembly hall at First and Alder
streets, where the club meets, was filled
with some Sou members, present to take
part In the proceedings, F, D. Hunt,
traflc manager of the company, acted
as chairman, having been recently elect
ed to the position of the club's presi
dent A. unldue form of presenting
those who has seen long service In the
company was adoptednui belonging to
the 20-year class, were placed in an
anteroom and when the members were
seated the honored guests were marcned
to the platform In pairs. When the 65
honored guests had been seated, a drop
curtain, was lowered airing the wall
liavlng printed on it in large letters.
"Twenty ; Years of Service." At this
moment the orchestra played J'Auld
lng gyne" with the audience Joining
In the words of the song. It Was an Impressive-
scene end the .cheers which
went. up. betokened , the feelings of all.
Kistorlo Flctnres Shown
k Following' the' Introductory remarks
or Mr. Hunt, a atereoptloon showed pic
tures of the early period of Pnrtianrt.
There were ivlews of 1851, 185S.1S77,
4t, lovv .ana ais, Y'beae were row
. Mlas Jessie Wilson.
lowed by pictures, of President Qrlf- aggerated , fashions 'such as .. are : de
zith as he looked 29 years aao and to-1 j . t.. v
Buliivan Tf hr.Vn 70 5' ' " the French fashion expert, Will be ln-
Fred Coopei and several Others. - Then eluded In the trosseau or Miss Jessie
came pictures of motormen, conductors Wilson. The President's attractive
and trackmen-who had served the com- yow daughter is to, become the bride
company. This was followed bv huim " Tancis xt. cayre on , xsovemoer
of early day streetcar onration in pr. t the White House, and Miss Wilson I
Jena. - pictures of horse cars conducted now ,n w ior wim ner momtri
by Ben Holladay, the steam dummies Of Purcnasing many or tne aainty articles
Bunnyslde;- Mount ,' Tabor and Mount that ' will -be a part of the wedding
Bcott, the cable line to Portland Heights, wardrobe. . Mrs, Wilson made the state
, and then the. obsolete trolley with fin- ment tnat minaret or trans-
ally an un-to-d.t. nv..vmi..nt.r rir parent gowns would' be included la
which la In use today: There were, he-1 tha troaeean,' ;
IdeS Rianv old-tlm unnu. vhinln tin I I' . i ' 1 "' ' ' i I
mpioyee rigurjd, as parUclpants, uch aen ' which falls on all business alike
K.n.VL-.K wZ'J .A - . tn tb effort to esUbllsb a paying con-
Inj T h. v...X.. Jl . " cern. , Tnere were years when money
tt th.ten'.-. V '. wasMost In the utility service and It
' At the conclusion of the anenla vlitwa. !.... i. i.n
ritr,,hSheS2!?LprMWw,t 5 9 tbllshlng a railway there will come
City Suburban Railway an east aldv.. ,, k. w. j- . 1
JK?.a.v . biet ddr,?f- de- end represents Just aa ?. much an-in
lit?JL'!SJKiiM y other feature, All this
Pioneer. U 4hl., particular line of Vn- o be cTdwedouIsid; 75,5
deavof lost money readily enough and Uhv.i..i v.i... n . ViT- V.rZl".j
it M? hJ??lLat Jet" V1 Portatlon system of Portland and its
inM.MWI-y 'oto ,wer takea lato electric lighting was only made possible
'Th. .r.v, . 5T' the work of Swlgert.' Campbell and
The development of this Industry, ha Willi-- in .. n.n. m
said, was entirely too fast to dtUvcr m, Mn .. ru-i-
V?i.JhK ear th machinery Una. It was -their -blessing of the way
Wn? .bt?ZTliU Vaet 2lnM w" "n tbelr enthusiasm ,tnat produced, the
n?,rlr gn to make room for a moreJ Portland af today in n.u.T...
t.fri -,SI .m2r'irAc,I!?,r lnvntd T K.X, Fuller.f "Mlke-vConley-Fred j
il l,0,d 0 v .h- ln cro,B- Cooper- O; B. Coldwell and Jl.: H. Klch-
ing the rtver long before the bridges Imond gave brief addreassai iir hlhl
- . w tt am un - wniun nava , inn, . ni,n. , -. w . . . 1 .
...... jv. -". '-1 -. , uun z jaoaorea wmesu. "
, formed an almost ImDassabla barH.r I T" tlTOse 1 who have eerved i
to -eonsUhietlon of irallways connecting ih.e. company, fofmorethan :, 80 -years
the eaet mnd west W., a -. . follows! ?:-'-7- v--',' V;.
h -j '-i,' a. ifp n-i-iaiit. is a :..
; FrankUn T. Orlfflth. president of the JSe.S.. V Ar w' J "'u,i . -U"T'
company, devoted some time to acaiiin Kioi: nZ, ZrZlT'A-Sr."".'
rapla CnA-nre in eauinmnt hlh InAMarUn tin. -a.U tone. n
had taken, place In a very, brief time. Coldwell, general superintendent light
ine horse cars long before their use- ana power (department, June, 1891; R.
fulness waa exhausted gave way to M. TownsencT, property agent, 1888, W.
the tramway, the tramway to the cable, J. Mdrrls,, purchasing agent, H9i,' T.
Z-.r? "dboioio irojiy, - , i yv. auuivan: nyorauua manager, May,
"While the chahgea In the early beHad 11890: a. W. Buchhols. stmerintondMit of
were fast and furious they were as noth- j Ankeny division, 1890; O.. B. Brunagin,
ins vumjjarea wun ;tne cnanges which I engineer oi Vancouver Terry, 18(4; jq,
came with the application of electricity I Mann, superintendent tof, schedules, May,
as a means for motlva nowrr" h. .m 11887: B. W. Thomas, diaaatcher to dtv
"The Junk heap today testifies to the l,me ,UDe 1882i F- Stevens, captain of
rapid progress of thla lndimtrv . mk Vancouver ferry, 1892; A. H. Richmond.
of It represents an. investment, which 1 olvl1 engineer, 1890; , C. Horhick, track
tame as tho result of biasing the way 'oreman, 1889; W. Oldham, niotorman,
.... s. . Maaa W '-Trnlll, nnnln,l.. till. r
! "Out of the Darker
. Thi it the very late$t
. book by Helen Keller, being
i the etory ' of her, life - ., i )i
Woman and Her Position in
, Modern Society the Higher
Education ot women;, tmna
, ness, ts Problems and its Pre
mention ; Education of J i the
, Blind ; Our Present Day Eco
nomic and Social Condition
- these are some of ' the . things
.' which Miss Keller takes up in
this interesting volume. ; 1 ;
And do you know that 'Helen,
Keller will soon be with lis to
give a lecture on the story of
her life.: If you first read this
little book, you will be better
able to : appreciate '". what she
uuacu wui . iiavc: w , any, :
Corsage Bouquet$
' Imported direct from : France. ''I
Large roses in American Beauty,
; cerise and pink. Large chrysanthe-
mums in white and yellow. Dahlias,
in natural tints. 1 Clusters of lilies '
in colors that .hamoiufcv.1. v':1" --The..? latest styles of the season semi-tailored effects of
2-Also the hew corsage sachet bou-fe b?uCks; Bedford cord, velours, and rich seal plushv In brown,
quet . for the party gown." Hand : taupe, navy blue and, black. Made with convertible collars that
made ribbon flowers in gold, maize,- can be fastened close about the neck or left with the deep roll
pink, rose and American Beauty, effect. ; .'". "V P': . -'
Priced from 35c to $3 each. ' f Trimmings of velvet piped biittonhojes, self t loops or fancy
? lr,VK -T.jJv::freg fastenings. Lined throughoutor to yoke depth. 4 -
Antique Sofa Pillow Covert '",rfSuch coats, as, these offer the practical 'woman a much needed
New pillow covers for the living;. i' garment for all-around wxviict,AMLif Third Floor.
' room, and den. Worked In Banaz ': . -
embroidery on antique crash tinted,
in arts and crafts design. Special,
69c each. . Second Floor
Favorite Winter Coats $SO
Splendidly Tailored Coats That
:n:aShow-.EvewiMarK of
Distinction and Smartness
The House Beautiful
is never more important than during the gloomy "Winter season. '
It's time to draw the curtains and shut out the chill and gloom,
And, apropos of this, we mention right here a . ':.'
Sale of Scrim and Net 'Lace Curtains ,
Measuring from 2 to 3 yards, and 40 t'oj 50 inches wideJ
A-showing of the very . newest patterns with cluny lace
edges and. insertions, as well as filet designs; Marie Antoi
nette .and Renaissance effects'.: -f7-;
$4.00 Lace Curtain $2.95 $7.50 Lace Curtain $5.45
$5.00 Lace Curtain $3.75 $8.50 Lace Curtain $6.45
$6.50 Lace Curtain $4.45 $10 Lace Curtain $7.85
, , - - $12.50. Lace Curtain, Special $9.45 . ,
Pur6 Wool, Blankets V
Phenomenal Sale of Wool Blankets
The highest grade of fine pure wool blankets it is possi
ble to buy.! These blankets were secured front one of the
largest blanket manufacturers in the' United States and con
stitute his travelers' samples, While they are a trifle
soiled from handling, the spots " are so alight as to -be
barely noticeable. Every one is of pure wool, somie in white ,.
and others fancy plaid effects. In pinks, light blue and tan.
Full size and beautifully made and finished.;
$6.50 Blankets $4; 19 $ 1 2.50 Bl'kets $7.95
$7.50 Blankets $4.85 $ 1 4 Blankets at $8.95
$8.50 Blankeu $4.95, $ 1 5 Blankets at $9.45
$10 Blankets at $6.45 "$20! Blankets at $14
Pirth Floor '
Shadow Plaid Ribbon 1
I Ribbons in deep, rich colorings ;
One side is plain satin through
which the brilliant colored plaid is
j just visible, the other side is in
beautiful; plaid effect. The ideal
ribbon for girdles, dress trimmings
and .fancy bags. $2 the yard. "
. - y , - Main Floor '
Exquisite New Crepe' 'de Chine Petticoats 9?
' -'In a Sale at $5.48 ' '
With the present vogue for 'sheer; clinging gowns and draped
skirts: the daintily trimmed crepe de chine petticoats have become
. an absolute necessity. Also for boudoir wear with matinees, these
dainty slips are in constant demand. We have them in brilliant
as well as delicate colors, v ,
r-No woman who loves dainty lingerie will be able to resist adding
to her wardrobe oneMr more of these bewitching little models. They .
are made of extra heavy crepe de chine, in white or pink, with rib
bon run flounces of lace and, chiffon, in dose knife pleats, held
' down by perky little b6ws of self color, or the dainty little French
. roses. Some show insets of tiny tucked, crepe, others have a, fine
quality of cluny lace. No two models are alike. .
' ' ronrth Jleor
.. -'i h' .. . vr -.' - "
Bracelet Watche -
The only convenient and .'safe ''
way ever though of for a woman .
.to carry a watch. Strapped at the .
wrist for ready reference. A large
assortment in charming designs at
work. Charming and dainty.5 Priced tfT ..TO"0 Wner , , ' ..
' from S7JS0 to S25.00. Main Floor Wfl keep in any climate. Solid contents prevent leaking, or spilling.
- van pe-arried in handbag or pocket; Indispensable to travelers. No
, New Velvet . , . ome complete without one. When empty can be refilled. Material suf-
The new weaves of velvet have 'fl$ent t( heater twice may beobtained for 25c per can.
' taken unta themaelvea the - airanlA-
clinging qualities of chiffons with- ,!
out losing their old-time richness.;
We have all the new colors;' taupe, :
Eco, Czarina, orchid, myrtle, Viedx ;
blue, . marine, golden browa and
gold. An exquisite quality, 40 Inches
wide, at, the yard, $6.00. 'v.':'
, ,.w SeeoaS Tioofg'
Pullman Slipper S
A necessity for the traveler. Made
of soft calf with mercerized linings.
Slip into leather case to jnatch.
. which can be carried in the coat
75c Complete
Drar Section 71 ret rioor
V. .-fUcUncr Habit Sailors' '
-rSailors of this particular style were first introduced by fash-'
ionable women who rode their own mounts at the various horse
shows. Being of such a becoming style and so smart in their
appearance that young women and misses, have adopted them '
for wearing with tailored suits and dresses. A, ,t
The Sailor Sell Regularly at $5.00 ' ' -
- ' " Very Special $3.95 1 " .
Made of clipped beaver and velour in black. Finished with
grosgrain ribbon band around the crown with bow in the back.
Straight or turnup brims. The illustration depicts two of these
tor an up-to-date transportation com- w''' Trul, sonduotor 1888 O. I pocket. The pair, $1.00. -Maui Flr.
Deny. All of th. tnuhin.r- IMcBreen, motorman. 1888: 3. Daly, mo
to make room for newer and more ef. U?rnian,' T1i88 T' ck, inotorrnan, 18W:
f active pieces is represented by capital ' ' ITcNeary, motorman, 1894; O. B.
investment and Is only part of the bur-1 "V ; !5 V-JJlma
to your field rof vijloniii..;;::
tnnoysnce of ( old-style flat lenses.
power ; equally over; all' lens ;: sur
faces. .';":v . k-;'..v.-f'-:
your eye comforts by relief from
We take care' of your eyes in
the way or lens chingej for one
year, from date of purchase. . flo
extra ehsrge. for; this service. V '
:.r-.i ,rt
209-1 o-'i i ; toriett ma-S' y
Fifth and Morrison. ' 1 "
man at East Morrison and First streets,
1880; Ed Hutchinson, conductor, 1891;
A. it Mulligan, conductor. 1895: D. P.
Lecuyer, motorman, 1890; Frank Smith,
motorman,. sz; u. ueberman, motor-
man. 1883 : r. jU i Bartholemy. : motor.
man, 1891 J, A. Workman, motorman,
1892: A. Altken, motorman. 1889: & A,
Laird, motorman, 1897; Charles Cooper,
sUtlon "E" engineer, '1898;: li Kneer,
conductor, .1889; J.A Cox. conductor,
1889; P. Hushes, motorman, 1897; H,
H. Rayburn. motorman, 1897; T. Link-
torman, 1892; R.1 M. . Gregory, foreman
at Center street shops, 1891; I Spies,
motorman, 1892; James Bruce, motor.
man, 1891; Henry Stegman, motorman,
1891; Jacob Miller, lineman 1890; John
Chambers, foreman at locks, 1891; Otto
F. Olson, 1887; J. A. Ryan, commercial
salesman, 1890; Joe Price, trackman,
1892; J. E. Illge, trackman. .1898: WU-
tlam O'Brien, trackman, 1898; Mike Con
ley, -trackman, 1892; Cave Hunt, track
man,1 1899; Mike ODonnell, trackman,
l86f Tom Gallagher, trackman, 1885;
Robert Qustln. brtdeeman at Vandnnv..
ftrry 188Ti't Ji-18 trauh.v are f trimmer.
189 SV A. , C. , Bhoda, olerk electrio store,
Peary Surprised by New Continent.
PhlladelDhla. Oct tha scien
tists In Washington, Admiral Peary x-J
pressed aouow ioaaywnetner tne land
found by , Russian explorers, north t of
Siberia was , as large as "Greenland, as
published reports indicated. He was pre
pared to believe, however,- that It might
he large enough to refer to as a conti
'" V . New - Crepe ':
Soft, clinging crepes for evening :
or afternoon frocks. ; Nile, ivory, I ,
emerald, copen, Eco and sapphire
blue. Nell rose, American Beauty, V-
apricot, maize, manogany, oremtr, ,
wistaria and foxglove, v 40 inches'
wide, at, the yard,' $2.00.:;;:-" H -';';vS'
:c eooaa noor
III . y
I ' s
The Ritz-Carltori Bag
Very Special ?5
You'd see them this afternoon on
the Rue de la Paix, and at Monte
Carlo; the stunning young matrons
are playing stakes from just such
bags as these. ' Handsome bags that
add the last touch to. dainty costumes.
We are the first to show a bag of this
character in anything except solid gold
or sterling silver. , They come in gold,
silver, gunmetal and rich Damascene
finish, silk lined, Jited with case for
powder puff, cards; hanging mirror,
large coin purse and two extra com
partments. "t .', rirst Moor
clever new tailored models.
leooad floor
The. Bcsl -
Only in
Boys' Clolhing
More. Hew
HaviArrivei! ;
. ,t .-K-.., , t, .' k, .....
SeYThi Special Display
TonrtB yioor
Fabric Shoes
For Womeii7
Camuole si
The present sheer blouses' de
mand ' dainty undergarments, and
men muw."vu v....w. . iu.t Ik ., . ...... w w w m w ... m ...
fill ttte need. Made In; exquisite $ Black velvet boots in button style ;
h ; models in tucked net, broad lace, f with cravenette tops. Plain toe model, i;
awwaa " ,r ava - Ulil"lvU cum vvvu;vH wave ,
straps. Also tucked crepe de chine Medium Cuban heel We are showing
with shadow, lace and French rib- V this boot in two qualities at $4.00 and"
' Lam AWtkA:1a Df4aaJ a 9Ka Sa V M etia ' ' ' " '' '
ivil viuuiviuit a vu SSL v -, jviw t ymmm
t!2S each. . Fourth Floor ' " CHAW.
.Canton Crepe ' Black cravenette b-tsfor Wen,
-.The. most popular fabric shown: s ounon styie, piam we .Vui iv"
In the East today. We have a large, (f wfw1TM: X-Z.
Une In the newest and staple shades., 5.oo e Pair.
The yard, $3.00. ; Second Floor
; Our Hair Goods Department"''"
is one of the coziest nooks in our store, fit has all the
privacy of your own boudoir, the light necessary, for
perfect matching. .' ;; ' ''f.c'-' : ".bk .iV
And, coupled with these advantages, there are exv
perts in charge, who can authentically advise you how
to becomingly and stylishly arrange' your hair.
'It's the Lipman-Wolfe service that, makes our hair
goods department the leader, in Portland.
We call your partioular attention to the
244n. Switches. All Shades! Special $2.45
lesBSBlns) lloor
Last Week .
of Free Lessons
and Demonstration
By Fleiaher Representative
of Fleisher Yarns
Learn to knit and crochet all
sorts of garments and household
things with, these famous Fleish
er yarns. . V V
Fleisher yarns can be absolute- r
ly depended upon to . give you -
tasting sausiacuon. v .
Fleisher yarns come in all , the
rich colors that are desirable' for
any garment Note the handsome '
combinations in . our display.' '
. v SJeoonft Zloot
Picture Framing
bne-Quarter Off
Newest Mouldings
ouiiragre . waits un vurreuif, -
Washtnston, Oct H Senator Ashurst
of Arizona asked that a constitutional
amendment for wooian suffrage be dia-
cused in tha senate from January 8 to
19, and a vote taKen on the ratter date.
Senator ' Hoke Smith- of Oeorgia, how
ever, blocked the proposition with an
objection, ..' He said he was afraid It
might Interfere with the currency bill.
Trapped by Fire, He Kills Self.ll
Mill Valley, '.Cat,, Oct.,; 14 Coroner
Sawyer left today to take charge of the
charred body of a man fotiod yesterday
on Mount Tamalpals near Westpolnt.
The alght hand clutched a revolver, and
tt Is believed the man was trapped by.
the recent brush fire and 'shot himself
rather rthan perish In the, flames.
If around coffee be "burned In a room
the odor of stale cigar smoke wlU dis
appear. ' , ' , . ,
TT,"'".v.,; a-.;.
.Our Une of colors and shadings v :
r is completer Beautiful fabricator, ;
evening gowns ana two-piece suits,
? Mi ' .. MM. Jl . SftM A j" . J
' 'u incnes wiae. . xne vara, 4,w.
. a am i m tna ' ' '
he tasnion ror tseaat
-At the Jealously-guarded French - .
openings one of Lucile's manne- l'
quins ;, wore- a stunning evening.
- -fomt with a lonor cnain of. oearl '
beads.-!i)' The beads, 1" she explained
are part of the gown. Smart women ' .
in New : York, London, and . Paris
Ut v-v
sential part oi every costume, iney .
add 'the- last ' finishing touch' in a ; :
matching color, or make a note of
aharo ; contrast h on the -dull-hued V
'; gown.?t Put jewelry department is
. ahnwtnor manv beautiful chaina in
topaz, opai, turquoise, jet, genume A.
amber, coral and pearls; lengths 18 '
to 22 inches. , Prices 50c to $35.00.. .
v,'. (.'fj. f-FirstFloor"
For Knit Underwear
N6 Store I a Satisfac
jStory a Thi Sfore ';,"
For JBoys and Girls fJj
Knitted underwear, for
children from 1 month to 17
-"years old. ; 't&SfiZ-.
1. Made from the very best '
1 fabrics, 'whether cotton, wool ,
mixed, wool or silk, and f in--;
ished in i the neatest vnd '
most durable manner. Come
uv , white, . cream, natural
: grayi- and black. ifit':f
l-Vest priced from '25c
- .Panfaf eta priced fom i
''Union Suit priced from
5Qe to $2.00 the uit.
?' ' - ; rontk Sloot'':
An Astonishing Event;
4 Perfect Copies of Paris Blouses
Of Tulle, Lace and Chiffon
Tomorrow at $5.00
The very blouses that are now command
ing extravagant prices in 'the exclusive
shops of Paris, for even in the fashion cen
ter of the world they have not succeeded in
perfectly reproducing blouses to sell at such
a small price. . . i , V' ..
Exquisite creations that are 'captivating
ill Paris at the moment Soft shadow laces.
fine nets, soft chiffons, trimmed and finished with beautiful frills and ruches, dainty .snravi
and bunches of smaU rosebuds, ribbons under net, fancy buttons, all add to their exclusive
Hosts of delightful Styles, with the long or short sleeves and low necks, waists with r
pleated fichus, deep yokes finely hemstitched. ; In white, cream, ecru and delicate evenir"r t
)'."4"''t Vv