r- 1:, Our Haraest Sale ffoilet UlXjL ., aM"""1, 1 - t VSARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS WINTER ADVANCE CUTTER. MUCH -i ENJOYMENT may -i hi iuierr mm MinuvBlBU Dlb WE HAVE I . tw AHFNCY rurr.iTi 5 miv be pur WE ARE EXCLUSIVE ACI : , I Z X5r"Acra Stor, Rang and ! letter. Prepare for tbe coming Winter with the "Acorn" Range and Heaters. Jhey're roost satis factory. t ; , ICK FASHIONS -are here. ' Trice '25c the copy, including any toe or 15c pattern fr,ee. fc'ra as sured of the be i5tj(ts I the Buttericlc Fashioi- i, bad with, a Kxlk. . Twill mean much to you In future years. JCo4 daks l and "Kodak J supplies can be purchased here most reasonably,- ( -A " ,' rirrt noo-SUw Bnildlar LORS on th 5th Floor,. New Bid., and, hear some of the latest rec ords on the sweet-toned iVictoj; and Columbia Talking Machinescan be purchased on easy t payment .plan. or Perrin's i r a Kid' Gloves for women and children, For fit, style antfwearlng qu tics Perrin's Gloves are unsurpassed. Expert Glove Ut ters In attendance. chased here on our Club Plan of for J- & T. Cousin's Shoes f r women and for Frcu-U ihnner & Urrier Shoes for man. Splen did quality and prices that are right. Try them! ZJL easy instalments. No interest I and no extras. , You'll find this an easy way to furnish a boms, or to buy odd pieces. .' 3 ; ". COMBINEDWITHDEBENDfiEinFlffCOUlW Meier & Frank's Enjoys th THE OREGON DAILY 1 JOURNAL,' 10 1TL.MJD, TUESDAY EVENING, t Entire Confidence of Fortlandf s Meople , '11': Jl. - 1 t .if I j f 1 " V T 5 II'' . p....... ...... 1 .1 j ),.iull, . X : : : ;lf "; Remarkable Half Price Lamp Sale A FOUR DAY EVENT :,WednesdivThiirsdaV. Friday and Saturday will be Lamp Days 'at Meier, 4 Sl 'Franks. 'On these' four days you may purchase Lamps ranging in price regularly from $7.00 to $5000 at $3.50 to $25.00. They are Gas and Elec y trir. Portable Lamns- Readine Lamns. Dinin? and Livincr Room Lamps. Hall Lamps; Desk Lamps and Lamps suitable, for den anc boudoir use. ' These Lamps are shown in a wide variety of standards and shades the newest and most artistic ideas, the softest and most harmonious colorings: (Beautifully colored shades that changeHhe entire effect of the most, simply furnished room,2 the practical green reading shades and the soft, white shades now so much in vogue all are repre sented in, this larre collection of Lamps ihat we are offering for this Four Days' t Half 4 . I Price Sale. :Somejof these Lamps have been slightly marred in shipping or from han-. The Big Basement Store : $3.00 Gas Portable Lamps. .......... .$4.00 '$9.00 Electric Portable Lamps. . . . . .-. $10.00 Electric Portable Lamps.. .....555.00 $13.50 Electric Portable Lamps. ..... ,SG. 75 $15.00 Electric Portable Lamps. ... .A !7.50 $21.00 Electric Portable Lamps ... $10.50 $28.80 Electric Portable Lamps. . . . . S 14.25 $30.00 Electric Portable Lamps.. ... .815.00 $35.00 Electric Portable Lamps..... .S 17. 50 $40.00 Gas and Electric Portable Lamps $20 $50.00 Electric Portable Lamps.. ....$25.00 Kter ft wmwitMfcln BvlMiaf A Season of Fur " , l . 1 i i ' - I. - tJ: ;. . : . . ,-.' ' '. : . fc " . . ... . : i ST--1'' ' ' The Autumn andWinter of 1913-19U'will enter the annals of Fashion as a season unique in -many respects a . period 'marking the most fanciful uses of many materials. And per haps nothing has been" put to more varied and novel uses than fur.. It is seen everywhere -it predominates in Coats, Wraps, Hats and its primming uses are too varied to enumerate.' . ' BEAUTIFUL FUR COATS AND WRAPS .. j' ' i ' i i .... i . ii . i. . . . . .u .i ... 1 , f ...II.-- -. , the acme of comfort for automobiling, evening wear and gen eral street'wear, are distinguished this season by their long, graceful lines, the comfortable and fashionable sleeves, "and the exquisiteness of their linings, as well as the beauty of the furs, and f the many unusual , combinations used. "There's Hudson Seal, Russian Pony, Caracul, Scottish' Mole and Elec tric Sea! Coats and Wraps and priced from $50 o $200 FUR MUFFS AND STOLES s In the widest possible variety and style will be found in bur Fur , showing. The staple and always popular Mink, the beautiful Mar ten Mole, gray J? ox, Jtrmme, Persian L Mink; and a host of other furs some in combination with heavy satmsVjS The Muffs jirei in the s newest shapes--the envelope 'jpillow, atid the animal effect with ' Stoles - arid Neckoieces in the oroDer lengths and styles tq match prices "range from $2.50 to $200 4f ' A f , ,i.-.v i 1 A FUR REMODELING AND REPAIRING DEPARTMENT 1 " i ' i .ii ' ' . that(is.t6nducted by experts in their line, We assure perfect satisfaction to all lour patrons who entrust this work to us Remodeling, Repairing or Renovating of Furs,' is one .of' our specialtiestyfsit our Fifth Floor;: arid tonsult one of our expert workmen-you'll , be sure ltd; be 'satisftedi '!with';-tlie nsiiMi '". , " ' &''$t ' " '.,;V4: Dressmakers' Forms $1.49 i . , , , i. i ii ' : Selling Regularly at $2.00 These forms are the very latest models the correct bust and hip model for the prevailing fashions. ; An excellent opportunity to supply your needsi whether you are a dressmaker or do ' your sewing at home. Dressmakers' Forms, Veg- ' ularly$2.oo, special for Harvest Sale, each $1.49' Adjustable Stands for F6rm, Extra, Price $2.00 ' 1 Lovely Irish Point Curtains 1 1 : ' ' ' '. . ..' ,.'"' '. '.' ' ' n . Selling Regularly at $7, HarveltSMPr $Z98 100 pairs of ihese ftandsotne Irish Point! Lace Curtains have been reduced from $7.00 to $2.98 surely a large enough reduc tion to warrant the assertion that this is an exceptionar oppor tunity to purchase Curtains of worth most economically. Tbey are in the most desirable patterns, in ; pure white Irish Point, and are marked for the Harvest Sate from $7.00 the Art aa pair to. ....v.' . .'i. ... ... 4 f .' . F C f '.s-j-. i A Harvest of Notion ortiiriities! Special Demonstration of Naiad Shields win tt MMtitHniMt XT hmH' '''' is being given atour Notion Section," and we invite all ourpatrons to give it attention, These famous Naiad Shields give the greatest satisfaction are light in weight and absolutely odorless Re ductions are deep - , - ,?i Regular 20c No. 2, Nainsook, 3 pairs for. . . . . .'ci . .50c Regular 22c No. 3, Nainsook, 3 pain for. ......... .60c Regular 25c Na 4, Nainsook, 3 pairs for. t . . . . 65c 50C Nos. 3 to 5, Nainsook, 3 pairs $1.20, the pair... 45c : v rZ&?i: Shirtwaist Shields"' 20c.Nos. 2 to 4, .Nainsook, the pair . . . . 15c 1 0c , GloveDarning Thread, t assorted colors ; v. '. . 'i 5c 15c Women's 4-4 Shoe Laces, black, dozen v. 10c 5c Flat' .White Corset " Lacesi 5-yard length, 2 for . '. i v. 5c 30c Puritan Dressmakers' Pirjs, half-pound boxes, box 25c 35c! Dressmakers- Ideal Skirt Gaugers, each . ; .t; wi25c 5c Darning Needles, assorted sizes, 2 papers for , ... . .5c 5c Oiarter Oak Six-Cord Thread, 6 spools for ;. . ,25c 4c Conqueror White Thread, 200-yard spools, 2 spools 5c 4c Linen-Finished Thread, 100 yards, 2 spools . . . . :5c 1 5c Best Grade Shell Hair Pins, 6 in box . . ; ; . . . . . '. 10c 5c'English HairPins, 2 papers ;.;.vv.; . . . .T..i5c 5c Nickel Safety Pins, 1 dozen assorted, card' . . . v. . i 3c V . lUltx ft rnk'fc Hirt rioor-rw nUdla Kan Orn rtu 13th AnnuaHDoll Show Will Be Held at Meier &Frank's October 30th, 31st and Nov. 1st ''y v, ij 1 "" . '. .' '.' .. ,. ... v ' . There'll be (excitement in Dolldora this year," lor, each ucceedinjr -Doll Show haa added to the interest taken by the children and their par ents in thji unjque event. . 1 ' --" i li isa't top , early to commence to get the .Dolls ready for. their annual trip to Meier & Ffank't Store,' where they will be heartily wel-v comed and given a magnificent display.. livery little girl should aim to have her Doll take part in this Doll's Fashion Show. : .;; THE PRIZES -WILL BE ANNOUNCED SSBuysaHatThafs'Differenf Hats Thatf Sell Rejgularly at $&50 to $12 Marked for Harvest Selling $5 ' 'ii i'1' 11 1 1 1 '. '' "ms '"' ', 111 'I " 'The very newest ideas in Millinery are presented' in this collection of Trimmed Hats the tolors that hv won the approval of i Fashion he trimmingi most in vogue. and the materials most use'd---the soft plushes', veloufs and felts- all are represented in. the assortment of Trimmed Hats we are offering at this very moderate price $5.00. In this lot are hats for women and misses. We are sure you will be delighted with, these hats, for the assortment is so comprehensive that each individual taste may be gratified., And a saving of from $1.50 to $7.00 is certainly worth considering, which is the oppor tunity we are offering you on these $6.50 to $12.00 Hats, priced tor Harvest 'Sale 'at' each f4K:V:.!t;:,fH To $U5 Wines and Fancy Ostrich Feathers In hand- some colors anq commnauons suuaDio ior ; mmmin the pretty plush and velvet Wats now; so modisQ, v k Opportune Offering Merfs Flannel Shirts 95c: Exceptionally, splendid values' are shown in .these medium 'weight Flannel Shirts, made of pretty soft Flannel in a variety of fine stripes inTdiffer'ent colors. ' They're made in coat style, with "pearl 'but-; tons and v soft French turn-back! cuffs; ; : There's a choice ; of different styles in cllars--spmer have military collars attached, -some have sepa rate collars .and others have low; um-dpwri cplkts attachedr Fdr men" who lfK5; Shirts that are;; warmtandi serviceabler as well as of pleasing appearance;; theseA Flannel ShiriSi4irC( unsurpassedS They're Must? the Garment lor . Fall and Winter' wear and ; for outings,retcT, they're V ideal.' opcciaui pncea ior qur mrvest aaie : at, eacn Uae. - Gotham "The Shirt of a Gentleman" The na me is characteristic ; of the : ejccellence; of v f inish1 de picted in every' Gotham Shirt; also of the-splendid quality ifl the material.; Every man should feel a pride and comfort in "Gotham,": Shirts and if . you've never Worn them,: don't fail to -select several from our comprehensive stock Wi ; S We've an assortment of exclusive styles ; and patterns that ; are known' only to;Gothara garments, , .You'll find handsome striped and figured effects in every new color and beautiful silk striped'Shirts for the;'' most;: fastidious. Also a pleasing line "of ill Silk ShxUiffi4w?$-?&wt Mtt.-fo y -.ni in Taffeta FlanneUnd Viyella FlanneLi For men exacting ingress who desire stylish,, handsome, and yet warm and comfortable Shirts for the coming seasort, the "Gotham" Flannel Shirts are perfection. - n- V - v - v "Gotham" Shirts come in every desired style with separate collar or collars attached, pleated bosoms or jlain, soft French turnback cuffs or separate cuffs. AH in the favored Coat style. Prices of the Flannel Shirts rajpjre from f 3.SO to f lO.OO. ; Other Shirts range in price from t.SO tO S10.OO $:.' - - ? W'f: ':' V V vl.w.' . .- V. Mail's TanUbUr ctlon Tlrst Tloor Just Saslds. Korrisoiv Intrnc' Hallowe I -iU.'. em abroad and all the weird fancies ' are allowed freedom the one :; night in the year when no one' is. serious is airjiosi ; upon us, and we- have prepared for j it with unusual care.; We 'have Favors, ; Dominoes,vDevil and Witch Masks, 1 Unique- Lan- terns and pecprations: in Endless iiyt0fi Halloween Novelties on die First Floor, in the New Buildinff Dennison's Hallowe'en Lunch Sets and ;TableiCkths, 25-50 Dennisons Hallowe en Crepe Paper Fancy, roll aof and 15? Dennison's Hallowe'en Crepe Paper--plain Orange and black, 10c Dennison's Hallowe'en Crepe Festoons and Garlands, 5 to 25 Dennison's Hallowe'en Caps each. ; .":5c Hallowe'en Favors,' 5J to. ........ . .'..,25 Hallowe'en Almond or Bon Bon Holders, the .. .' dozen ' 50 to . . . . . .' i '. ,;; ! , . . $2.00 HalldVe'en Place Cards and Score , Cards, the s;idozen't25;to,;;'' Gold vvEdge! Fortune ; Telling Cards, pkg. 40 Hallowe'en Novelties, Fifth Floor, New Bld'g. Xaree assortment Hallowe'en Paper Bon Bons, Koxen2DC.?.tv ': '' ' . v.$1.25 Ij 1 4, ': Large assortment .Hallowe'en Favors Hallow- -' ;.: .0. r .-r "ri.ti.i-: t-v-.-ji j . Witch! Masks;; 10c to Vth ,11 ;V.?J25a Pumpkin Lanterns, f j ..v . J 50 Ghost'Lanterns, t6t....: . V", .i'vn.; V . f 50 So Witch and Devil Lanterns; 5(A to H i ;i i if; 50t Bttck;"CtlPayotp;v5,;it0: Pumpkin Party Cloth tGamef Pumpkin Pie v. Cloth Games, Gypsy Witch Game; My Grand ;r: mother's-j Cat .: Gamer-eachV :tXj'?i25j ."..'ir-a-V, ,-;;' Last Week Mrs. A L Crais Visit All 'wbmen who" desire v-information upon' a"1 most iqvaiuaDie subject correct ana Healtnful netingwwiir-rdotwe)l':'U.;lIow; give them advice upoa this subject. . Mrs.! Craig is a lecturer from the Nemo Hygienic-Fashion In stitute of Neiv York, and. is' fully -equipped to deal .expertly with the subject-of Proper and Health ful Corseting.' Visit our Corset Parlors, Second Floor, New, Building.-; . -r.;. ..;: ' " '',' ;X i Hi $25 ScaHopeJSet, aoffi,! Dot Napkas$18.$0 A v noteworthy event "in ur great Annual Har veti Sal Isiv this offering" of Sa ; beautiful set of SatiaDannsk'tTaUenettineluding a : round Table Cloth ith scalloped edge and plain ribbon band border; also one doien 20-inch Napkins to match.' At ahy other time you'd pay $25.00 for the handsome set Specially priced fof the Har vest Sale at ;? 18.50 ...vfaTrrt oor jrw Bmidlns mm iwaa?aw : - f . :ir.; r - iM ( J!"i ; : ?:-- w -XT ' lww)fi II ?' ;; 4 ':Xy'V!.:vV;;f ' THfr QUALITY' STOkC- Or PORTLAND V ' i:;Mlflcnn'fA.!i;' I Tomorrow Grocery Specials Eastern Shoulder Hams sugar cured well , trifimed7rf !1 ' l ?S Special .'for tomorrow-the";' lb. ;i;; t:' i X tc2 C - CfoverleafButter Special, roll. ; . ;; ;;.-i; ' r;. 73 ': Asparagus fripsSpecial,;cari"i,v Lelrrionte TomatoesDozen'caris ;'9i40an;V:',3'.A.12; , Log ' Cabin '"Bakg:;Kolasse Schepp's 'ShreddedCocoaWt-b.V.i;s:i ;19'. '.Pur Oats -No; 9 . sack;-tyif? Log Cabin Syrupy-Gallon can i;29teJ5-gallon can; .CI9c ;Sap;cV',or';iTapioca5-lb'.''-sa'ck';i...v Skipper $ardines-:rNorwegian pack can. . , ; ;.,;., , .1254 Leno Soap Oval. Cakes 7- cakes;?;'p'V;;;;. .v.25 Light House Cleaning Powder Can i ; . . ; , k 5 Libby's Sauer Kraut No. can .V.iiivii .... . .V. .12 50c':Victor Ceylon Tea lb. . ;-;r;;;'v; 4 i i' i v ; ; i ;'i .aoc' Red,iBeans5-ib.;'sack.s,...v;.:.';.;;;v.;:,";:. r:;;.;,; .25 . V. ; M.!r TrnV Fur Poo4 Qioatty, BM.mtnt Mail Ord.r Tlllea n ''.rS 4 i,;.; iW uiudnaii-Tuvv A-O101 -, i' i ' : v ? ' ' i ' 1