'M DAILY JOURNAL, POIiTLAI ID, TUGDAY EVEIIIIUI. OCTOBER -14. 1ZL i lortJund for trade. The owner of this mnta to got hold of a piece of land lu r-toij or Washington, prefers it west i mo iiiinuimiiiM. nan a iineiy locatmi, (6 rjom hotel, well furnished, and doing a tood Httiness; haa small Incumbrance which he can clear off, or pay a' little ckh aimrence. win assume soma. If you have any land aee us ut once, , HELL RKAL ESTATE CO, ; . 212 Railway Excliange blig.f ' nrv . a zj Acres With fine modern house. 12 acres in or chard, all in cultivation; artemnn well and good irrigation system in one of the best towns in Idaho. - This property la clear. Will exchange for home or any Rood property In or near Portland and, V. J. STEWMETZ, ' 603 Oerllngcr Bldg., 2d and Alder, Grocerv Best ohancs to make money we have liny for some time: good location; no competition; good fresh stock; living rooma. will take aome trade. Small - amount of cash and terms. 'if'h. ' C. B. JACKSON. lim Bldg., Cor, 8d and Alder. ' ' SWAP. COLUMN ' 25 .ToVrADKA motorcycle1 formotoii boat. a-882. Journal, . , - ' Real' Estate . ' - Wanted ' ; Want t or-6 room bungalow ' in vicinity of either Union ave. end Alberta; Union ave. and Dekum eve., or KilUngsworth , and Mlsstsaippl ave. . Must be - modern end a- bargain; Describe . ' - in detail or no attention given. -.P-368,, Journal. :;v .:;'-iJ fcfiVERALn st : small farms of 40 to 80 worth from 14000 to 19000; have clear J Ity property to exchange. J30 Lumber .-. m uruirau, . viib 1 block. r,' iinm piny, AVANTED-To buy, close in bungalow .' st a bargain. H-B37, Journal. ROO.HIN'O HOUSES 83 kOOMlNa houaa for'sala. If housekeeo- ing rooms, all 'well furnished, fine io- : cation, making good money, steady room ers, 8 blocks from Washington St.. S : minute walk to center of business dis trict. Will sell ' t a sacrifice. Owner v jv'" on in a rew daya. Call M. go. v BARGAIN in 7.uite apartment house of 21 rooma: nicely furnished and modern, with private baths and steam heat- Clears f 56 mo. above all expenses. Always full. Price $1000; terms. Mr, , V. "Forest. 'K. H. Goodkind, Co, Xna, 401-2-3 Wilcox Mdg. TWENTY beautifully furnished modern rooms, lease at ITS; most lovely home and IsO.month clear, HfOO; term Goi- dard, 602 Cowch bld-r sell furniture of a 7 room house ' .keeping place, very cheap, on account or sickness. , Rent cheap. Rooma all full. Phone Main 7807, or eall 407 4th. IF you want -to buy a rooming house I will guarantee to place you right: 1 some .fine bargains right tow. - 102 .:. Couch bldg. ' THB best 11 room rooming house In the -f cltr for the money. Cal at tt N 21st. BCSLVESS CHANCES 6 WILlJ you assist financially n estab lishlng'a new manufacturing enter prise TManuf act ures for 7c; will sell -for IJ.B0 extensively; have working model. Y-701, Journal. WlLLr you assist financially in eatab wishing a new - manufacturing enter . v prise? Manufactures for 78c; will sell for 12.60 . extensively; have working ' ' '.Q1- T-701, Journal. : - Genuine Sacrjfica-' - New 26x0 fireproof - store building , witn oaaement ana lot 76X140, xasuo; ' 21000 pash.'4 Tabor S671. . ' . ' 93000 stock Of new and second hand : - house furnishing goods. In town of . '2000 population,, near Portland, 16000 payroll per month: win .exchange for near . real aetata u-oiia. yournai. CONFECT10N-RY and cigars below in voice; streetcar transfer point, living rooms, cash business; leaving city.. 771 Washington St.. WANTED to buy a amall job printing ' outfit, or Job press, paper cutter, eta. C A, Huesser, $15 Ellsworth st Port- lana, or. pnone Heiiwooa 7s. ; -CONFECTIONERY and cigars below In - voice; streetcar transfer point, living : rooms,, cash business, leaving city. 771 Washington St. PARTNER with about $10,000 to go into "cereal mill, mill and -machinery in running orderV Address C. Hof stetter, - Tacoma Wash. i'OR SALE Only pool hall in town. crlce reasonable, terms. Ed Garllck. ' ft'ogetieiox waan. ' GROCERY,"' new stock, unprecedented v chance for business, easy terms. Call t- immediately, lmt xi. onsan, DELICATESSEN and restaurant, money ' matter, low rent, uttie money, win " , handle. King Hill Delicatessen, 44 N. 28d. HALF interest in blacksmith shop for 'ale., -Must be good live,, sober man. T-643, Journal, . V- FOR SALE Pool room, good corner for barber ahop in . connection, $S60 re quired; bargain. 746 Union ave. N. 20 ROOM lodging house for sale cheap. ; lis all full. , Rent, with lease, $96. i Q-64K, Journal. . WEDDING invitations, announcements, " Ryder Print Co. 867 Burnside. M-6536. ' DRUG store for sale or trade in resl dentist district. T-661,- Journal. VSB Bassett's Native Herbs for rheu- matlsm; 60 tablets 2 Sc. All druggists. v BARBEft shop, $60; good business. (411 K. ltd st S. EL ' ' The Dihahat Familu 01 50 A) i- ( REMfeMfeUM ''K0 0(cE HAVSTTHti C af Jta. A Sa. aak ffX. sa. a If ta, :' new 1 v& KioiuvtE. E'ttB. SOM& feODV StK NOP KcL to mim I 44BAb IT Trtlfti 1 :MW ..'';' -Vi.'i'v ms. iJn- tiin, u is r 1 1 1 r 11, MtAc. v.T rr r' W 20 R, H. Goodkind Co,, Inc. 401-4U2-403 Wilcox Bldff.. - Cor. 6th and Washington fits ?: RESTAURANT WITH 13 FURNISHED. You have all: the business vou ca handle. A very good proposition for man ana wue or two partners. Sma amount of cash will handle it See Mr. ueioresi, It. H. GOODKIND CO., INC. '.KITrtfi.it GENTLEMAN OR l.ADT We have a splendid specialty business consisting of a high grade staple line of goods sold at retail, on which there la a large profit and a big market curing i lie iiouuays.. xnis is an oppor tunity that seldom presents' itself to the small investor. 1 UnexDerienaed buel nets person of ordinary common, sense w iinnuia una. oca ur, ucroreii. . R. H. GOODKIND dO., INC., BAKERY AND CONrKCTIONKRT. Doiim 830 Der dav. all cash huainess fine location, no competition: bric.l building, up-to-date store, clean stock. gooa, air. je'orest, - '' A. UvWl'A 1 il U J.t ' , ' GROCERY STORE. , Stock 82600. fixtures about 1900. ea tabllshed veara. dolnar ISOOu tar monm. i ii you want a real live Business see this, Mr. DeForest, . - R. H. GOODKIND CO., INC. , ' FOR A.l RnSTNITSa MAN.. Where the profits show 11600 month on an 18000 investment Wholesale bakery doing (260 per day, established sv year, investigate." Mr Deroreet, We can sell vour business, no matter wny not yours. Sea Mr. Deforest. ius inea upporiunity uepc. K. rl. UUUUK.iiSL) CU-. 401-402-403 Wilcox Bldg. . "rrrtrirr wlMfvn .... Florence.' Or., wants eoad. flrenroof hotel. Owner of townslta will furnish alta fft, hntjil anH fab mtnnV- This mam ,port is oanking center ana largeat city oetween Newport ana jsortn uena, more tnan ioo mtiea or coast tine, xne rail road from Euaena . will ba com doted early next spring, and big travel will follow,- For particulars write Geo. Melvln Miller, Eugene owner of town site of Florence. " PRINCE GEORGC Official , Grand Trunlc' Pacific townslte and general division point Railway sale Just con cluded at Vancouver- and Edmonton brought 22,000,000.- British Columbia's railroad center. We have choice sites in heart of Prince George, Low price, eaay terms. Opportunity for big profits. Write today for free,- full particulars. Prince George Investment Co., 601 Do- minion oiog., Vancouver, g. u. v '; ivHl always have clients for good busl- neaa ooenlncs that will stand investi gation. If you want results list your propositions witn us. SECURITY. DEVELOPMENT CO, Ground Floor, Multnomah Hotel . Bldg,, ' ' ' 4th, and Pine; ' See Holsheimer, Business Chanoe Dept. Those who are looking for gilt-edge opportunities for business investment Kiiouiu can at once. !--' Genuine Bargain ' flrocerv with threa llvlnar rooms, rent $21; no other store for long distance any way; worth 700, my price $476. God- oard. 6QZ coucn oiag. - . . RITHTillKlNT I1H HAT .W. y Bids will be received by the under signed for the furniture and fixtures of Clifford grill on E. Morrison near stb st. Room for rent at a low rental. BTKUNQ ft UU.. 606 Concord bldg. Saloon Bargain v One of the best Daring saloonr in Portland, everything for $4500, op' will sen nan interest: investigate uus. lioa dard, 602 Coueh-4)ldg. DELICATESSEN and lunch room with 3 ; room furnished flat, near College ana lactones: no compeimon witnin blocks, good for twb women or man and wife; will take cash or real estate In or near city. East 2263. WANTED Lad v partner for store am postoriice central Oregon : io caati reauired. For oartlaulars address DodL i, uryiaKe wtore. iieia. ur. - WOXBX TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 2T WE have money to loan on your real . estate; first mortgsges only. : HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANT. 423 Chamber of Commerce. PRIVATE funds on hand for immediate loans, any amount. Henry C. Prud- nomme, iirst mortgage loans sxciuaive- ly. wiicox oiog. 1100,000 on mortgages, city and . farm property, fire insurance. McKenaie 4k Co., Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. ' HAVE any amount ' to loan on good Portland real aetata. Call 221 Chanv per of Commerce bldg. No brokers. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty building loans; lowest rates:, fire in. sura nee. W. Q. Beck, 216-216 Falling. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, coh- tracts; 'mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F. H Lewis A Co., 1 Lewis -bldg. MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real - eatata security. Apply room 202 Stock texenange oiag., ia ana xemnui sts. MONEY TO LOAN Real Estate. ' v" . J. J. OEDER, Cor. Gan4-ave and E. Ankeny st 1 HAVE - for -immediate loans, $806, A. U Ben, roi neritnger niag. $1000 to $6000 for Immediate loan on real estaie, laoor t ii. WILL loan $20,000 or less, real estate. Farrlngton, 416 Commercial Club bldg. PHONEY to lown, ttol per cent.W. d'. Belts & Co. flO Spalding bldg.- MONEY to loan on real estate. A. H. HARDING. 212 Ch. of Com. MORTGAGE loans, and 7 per cenU Liouis'aiomon & tjo., zzs stars: st. $260, $360. $00, $860, $1200, $2000. Fred .- W. 'German Co., Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. GEO. P. DEKUM. 22$ HENRY BLDG. $1600 or leas private money on Portlanl rest estate. , Main sssz. . . a Ci SJfc; IP TrVAT BCrat; DOAJT Do BACK -J rs.sr TWAr'tlOWr ispw& op-" 1 AM . : 1- k , .ynffi unjw-r - n n n ,1 - ! VjV Dh....- . f S XII " . , ' T J I i.t..:.i: ;.i ciiaxci :a 1 Ji . , .1 S 1 WILL NO I Vt AJK V A JCN A uf 1 J r- "nv 3 .w rv v 1 tXjtf&rxszri' -vJsutLiviJM' . 1 1 1 1 . w r aU A ;:o.n Tci i.oi.-i a7 HEAT, i.'ijtit'; .----i--.n,.l,u..,. m -II" I m"l ON "IMPROVED. R10AL KSTATB OR FOR I UJLWNQ PURPOSiES:'iVe:KX. PLKXIi'.Lifl CPNTRACXS; NO :..COM COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST COk, . 918 PPALDlNQ BIJQ. VE loan money in amounts of $250 and up iw vuvvu v real estate WI Portland. We do business quickly, at the right rates and at moderate expense THB WESTER SECURITIES CO; 612 Piatt bldg.. cor. Park and Wssl lah. 1 1ftfl1 lift Tf !; nnn tin ' BUSINKSS AND RESIDICNCE. ' S. MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO 612-613 Yeon Bldg,- Main 2418 LOANS made on Improved city property or for buildlnsr nuroosea: advances made as . building progresses; : liberal repayment privileges. No commission or proaerage. j. f. .ipscomD. ra ocarn. . IF' you are in need of money. i, we have funds to loan on lra proved, real estate. ' HARTMAN-THOMPSON" BANK. Mortgage Loan Dept. Mortgage Loans ' I. U WHITE. 701 Selling Bldg. MONET TO LOAX , 7 CHATTELS, gALukltlES NSW COMPANY . NEW METHOD Wo are now ready to Money at rates honest people can afford to pay . ' 0UI HEW EOTES ' ! .2S weekly pays a $ 10 loan: , 45, weekly pays a $ 26 loan.', 1.10 weekly pays a f 60 loan. . v $1.90 weekly pays a $100 loan. " . " CAN YOU BEAT THEM? .. lOU CAN GET IT TODAY. . BUSINKSS CONFIDENTIAL. , v Rebates Given if Paid Before Due. 413 MACLEAN BLDG. BOTH PHONES - Between 4th and 6th sts. on Wash, at Open t a. m. to p. m., Say till g p. m. PRIVATE PLACE TO .OBTAIN MONEY ON Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Pianos, ato, - AT LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES, v SEPARATE DEPART JuluN J, OK . - LADIES. 120 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. s' td and fit ark sts. ODen a a. m. to D. m. SAURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL IP. M, 6ALAH Y LOANb ON PLAIN NOTEtt" ' $10 TO - $100 ' CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY - . ' no AT Tin- r.. r v c t-z-.TTia nil w - " BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL - HOURS $ A. M. TO P. M. DA i U KUA I U 'X'O w tr. so. - -- STATE SECURITY CO 0 FAILING BLDG. v RALAR1ED PEOPLE ' AND OTHERS WANTiNG MONET APPLY ROOM 817 ,, i ., LUMBER EX. BLDG. '. , . 2ND AND STARK ST. - - CHATTEL loans Money lor salaried people and otners upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments. See ma befora dealing elsewhere; confiden tial. L. U. jjraiie.-z nenry piag, A deslrabls place for ladies and gentle- men to borrow money on diamonds and jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond r-aiaee. as wssn.. opp. uwi qrug store, MONEY loaned on olamonds, jewelr, ana warenouss receipts, jnuom i Washington bldg. ' - WE loan money on diamonds and Jewel- ry at nait tne rates cnargea oy Droit- era Marx & Biocn. 74 ia st IMMEDIATE and confidential loans on furniture, pianos, autos: mortgages bought - Bauer, 206 Alder at. MONEY aoid on installment: cenxiaen tial to salaried people, - -Jr. A. New ton. 614 Henry bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewel ry. atrlctly confidential. 1416 Id. IX) ANS WANTED 30 SEVERAL) first mortgages for sale; also aome applications oft hand for good loans, amounts from $260 up to $17,000. Henry C Prudhomme, Wilcox bldg. - - - . rj you have idle money, see me, N charge .to you for loaning on real estate and nothing better. Lawyer, Hi Stock Exchange bldg. ' ; LOANS from, nrivata oartles. 8 Vrs.. per cent: good security; Peninsula property. Zeila Gossett 7 West Klll- nrswqrtn sve. . - 15000 WANTED First nortgage, 2 Eoo seourlty. years, building loan. 2iz P. O. BOX 604. WILL pay $60 for the use of $400 for 8 months, on a swell lodging house. W-826. Journal. : WANT $276 LOAN ON MY diamonds for 60 days: win give i&o xor use ox money. - P--448, Journal. $300 to $600 wanted on A-l-collateral. une year: interest ouarteriy. v-e. Journal. WANTED $2600 for 8 years, 7 per cent on improvea . city property wortn $8000. close In. Call 414 Corbett bldg. FINANCIAI, 51 - CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's eaultv In contract of sals en real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. B. Noble, Lumbwrmw bMg. Loans. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED 6 specialty salesmen; gi proposition. Call Tuesday 6 n. Commercial - Dept., Portland Gas Co. good m. WANTED young man to open oysters. to deliver on wheel. jrprtiana oyster 5, 48 N. 23d. WOOD choppers wanted, good timber, cabin furnished. $1.28 Der cord. Chaa. Gray, Wyeth, Or." , e smeiMBSsaeassaeaBssssssMSBsssajs-Ba,. PREVENT srcu tr aiajt R)6Hr . . 1 ' ".SI I 1 i. 5HOOtD I IlKLP W AXTICD aiA LB t ; - f Situation Wanted ' . r ' Ads. inserted free for- those 'a need of work and who are unable to pay for an advertisement. ...Advertisements must be bought to the of floe personally, by the uirB UBHirmg -worn. ACTIVE t ! AMBITIOUS T OVER 1 7 T 1 in tne u. H. navy the pay averages 240 pec month, clear, Chances to learn highly paid ..trades such as electrician, carpenter, machinist plumber,- 60 dif ferent pursuits. If under IS must have parents, consent ' For complete infor mation,. call at Navy Recruiting Station, Railway Exohstnga bldg., Portland, Or. Send for free booklet "The Making of g Man-O'Warsman, bureau of Navigation, box ai i, wavy department, . wasuing ton, T. C, Yj M. C. A. EMPLOYMENT' DEPT. ' Employment membershlD auarantees member will secure employment or re- iuna oi memoersnip xeet gives two months full membership . privileges. 10 uiuiiiiib social privileges. - Record for t months ending Aug-Jl: Calls for men . , ....... 1692 Positions filled , .106 All young men seeking employment, especially strangers, are cordially in vited to consult with the secretary of um jainiimyiiiem uepartingnt. WANTED For U. S. army, able bodied. Unmarried men between aires of 11 and 86; 'citizens of the United States, of gooa cnamcter ana temperate n a bits, who an speak, . read and write the English lana-uaare. For information ap- iy to recruiting orrioer. Worcester idg.. a and Oak sts., Portland. Or. WANTED Young men of character and enerarv. who . hava friends and per sonal following to represent one of. the oldest companies; greatest proposition to those that are Anxious to build un a WANTED Two well dressed ' young men to travel with manaaer: travel ing expenses advanced; men with house to house experience prererrea. Alter ia a. m., 616 Panama bldg., 3d and Aider. 14 OH 16 year old ' boy who has flri ished arammar school. . Allen's Press Clipping Bureau, Portland Trust Co. oiag.. Third and oag,- I HAVE, a first-class steady position at bwu wigug iur 3VUU iii(i ,wiiu una furnish from $300 to $600 cash security. 4a I . kli. A FEW high Class salesmen to sell fine property at the mouth of the Colum bia, the coming greet eseaport Call only petween iu ana ii. ei wncox oiag. SALEbMAN wanted; a business wortq while and an opportunity to build a business of your own. Cash weekly. Ad- areas capital city Nursery co., Baiem. or. BOY wanted with bicycle, $50 per month. Apply at once, room 8ft Chamber of commerce mag, CHEF Headquarters and Helpers, 285 Yamhill st WANTED At once. 2 men to learn auto repalrinc and drivlna: call at Haw. thorn e Garage, 446 Hawthorne ave. HUSTLER to call on grocers with pat ent fixture. Also cat men wanted, Tabor 8867. WANTED Tinner,! one familiar - with gutterina and furnace work. Phone MAN to work on farm: no milking; Staadv lob; one who will Work ration. ably. A-763, Journal. WANTED An experienced egg candler: none other need annlv. Maaalwood Co., Front and Ankeny sts. BUSHELMAN, thoroughly competent Call 8 a. m., 868 wash, st FURNITURE finishers wanted. Free- land Furniture Co., 440 Goldsmith st HELP r VAXTEI M1SOV 40 OREGOWAijTOM 268 11th st Latest un-to-date meth. Ods of 'practical instruction in driving and repairing automobiles by expert in structors ana mechanics. Tuition. Dart cash on enrollment, balance at time of R-raouaiion. CENTRAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Bookkeeping, ahorthand, typewriting; courses under specialists; tuition $10 per mo.; text books free. Have you seen our new booklet! U. E. Carlton, Principal, Central bldg., 10th and Alder ORKflOTJ LAW Rf!Hf)OIx A thorough jpractical oourae to. law; no time lost from regular occupation: recitations evenings. Samuel T. Rleh- ardson,, dean. M. Morenead, Bee, iit-UT Commonwealth bldg.. Portland, Oregon. WANTED Portland mail carriers, pos tal clerks; $66 to $100 month; vaca tions; many jvovemoer examwauons; common education sufficient; sample questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept Uit-ii, itocnester, n. x. USE your spar time to buildUup a mail order business of your own. We help you start for a share in profits; 27 op- Sortunities. Particulars free. Mutual pportunitles Exchange. Buffalo, N. TT. kaIlwaV iiAiL cLEttks WanTed. Riiiuiuouw 1 9 idvuui. vv ma iw iar iculars. Franklin Institute, Dept 24-G. Rochester, N. Y. WOMEN Get government Jobs; big pay. - Write for free list of Dosltions avail able. Franklin Institute. Dept 6920. noenester, n. x. $2.60 per day paid lady . eaoh, town to aistriouta cree circulars xor concen trated, flavoring in tubes. F, E. Barr Co. Chicago. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS 60S McKay bldg. Tel. Main 1026: A-4142 LOCO M O T I V E firemen, brakemen. wages iivv. 736, journal. Send age, stamp. KX- WANTED Names, of . men, 18 to 8$. wishing . to be : railway mal -eierks. 876 month. KX-6 10. Journal. v UNCALLED .for tailor made- suits. $6.60 op. Taylor, ins tenor. ihh nurniiaa 3 HELP WANTED FEMALE 3 WANTED Ladies' can make- $0 to 216 ' per week. Call $08 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder sts. WANTED Lady to keep house in wld ower's home. City. E-807. Journal. MIDDLE aged man wants housekeeper. j-bsz. Journal. Oeprright ' 1018, . iBteroatioaal Kewe ' Service, 1 LtaMR. IT Yo TWri.i rtftsr sov iximat . letA- ytv (He- 1 HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 sm. Situation. Wanted ; : Ada tneerted free for tboaa in need of work and who axe unable to pay for an advertisement; Advertisements must be brought to the office personally by the parties desiring wo , ' ' " EXPERIENClffD aalepeople wanted for glove and ribbon departments. Apply between 6:30 and 10 a. m. at superin tendent's ff.lce, sixth -floor, Meier A fruit aiuio. ,. - j COOK wanted, for off season. In sea- side hotel. Pleasant place and light worn lor tne winter, out muai oe caya- oie; 140. a-kzs, journal. WANTED 2 experienced waitresses at the Eli t a cafe. Phone P. Hint Camas, WANTED Woman .for general house- work, must have ; references, . f 29 Kearney st crli work and cookins: no washing.' AdoIv ..V'V , V, ..... . I 1 17, 8T. tOUlS" ladies' agency. Cxiolts, walt- ' ressea. cnamoermaias, : nouseaeepers, general housework. 288 Main st. m. zumi, PIaK'O player, $10,. Hotel and family help, - city : and country. Howe' Agency. .36, 270H Washington. f . GIRL for general housework, plain cook ing-, small lamiiy. call mornings. Zee in. 2oin st. ' rnnne Marsnaii lam, WAITRESSES, Cooks, chambermaid miiu nuuoq Kinn. riitjuq mam ,vu, . 1 ' WANTED Girl for , light houeework. GIKju for light housework; easy p Apply 894 E. 1 Alder St., cor. 20th. place, HELP WANTKD MALM AXP ' FEMALE - ' S THB) MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will - teach you the trade in 8 weeks. Send for free catalogue; expert instructors; 20 years in the . business; ' a lifetime scholarship given to each student: spe cial Inducements to ladles. 48 N2d st OREGON Barber ; College teaches you the barber trade in weeks, pays you while learning, tools free, tuition re duced this term, expert Instruction, po sition guaranteed, special inducements to laaies, zs raaaiBoa si., .os, zna. WANTED Patrlotio eitisena to. halo out a ston to robbery by Telephone Trust X ttW can 00 lt- Address with stamp A. D, Cridge, Secretary State Tel. League. 864 E. 22nd st, north. ' rMENAND. WOMEN wanted tor go vera- ment jods; vo montn; write tor list of positions open. Franklin Institute, uepi, idV-u. nocnester, rv. x, PARTNER in vaudeville; must be gooa singer, tenor, baritone or contralto. K-7l. jouvnai. FISK Teachers' Agency secures post- lions ror teaonera. lie journal Dior. PRIVATE shorthand school, experienced tenoner, ii per month, a 93 nth st. RAGTIME piano playing guaranteed be ginners in id lessons, 601 jailers niaff, WANTEDAGENTS --dv 6 WANTED Special agents to represent one of the large old line life insur ance companies, splendid, opportunity ana tern to iw, eitner city or state; con tracts uneqnaled to men of energy and ability. Call 618 Morgan bldg. SITUATIONS IAIJJ RELIABLE driver and repair man wants extra driving and repairing, or steady Job in garage or truck work- Main 6761, room f iy. COMFORTABLE and soreless - dog muzzles , made to order; expert; George Husenk, 1161, E. Grant f V i B- PAINTER Good, all round, married, wants work, $8 per day, P-486, Jour nal. BOOKKEEPER now employed would like set of books to keep evenings H. -M. Hayies, tot Montgomery. IF you want to build a bungalow or have your nouse repaired, can up , Main 9KS, EXPERIENCED man wants position as Janitor; can give city reference. Main leZO. A-Z788. Koom it. JAPANESE, high school education, de sires position hotel, club, store. , Sakl, zn Kverett st JAPANESE butler, well educated, de- sires position; oan cook, housework. phai, hi ay.r.n m PAINTER and paperhanger wanta work, $8 per day; have soma tools. Call room 11T. Main 1779. MARRIED man. sober, steady, desires situation, night watchman or barn- man; experienced. 102 East 8th., north. YOUNG colored man wishes nositlon in private family, gardening and care of autos. John Jones. 411 Couch. WANTED to clean walks and porches and build furnace fires mornings In private houses. Address P. O. box 310. WANT a Job as Janitor oa porter or nouse cleaning; gooa reference. Call East 2388. JOB wanted,' young married, man, good teamster and warehouse man W- 817. Journal. RELIABLE hotel man desires position in country as solicitor; references fur- nisnea. c-7i, journal MARRIED man, 86, denirea employment in city: mecnanio. w. c, 802 union ave, north. GERMAN aausage maker wants a posi tion, j, Meier, im a x sin St. RELIABLE watchman desires position; rererences xurnisnea. rt-eea, journal. UATION by first class barn man: lrstlclaes reference. 887 Wpldler st PAPERING and tinting, $2.60 up; palnt- ing reasonable. Joe Marshall, East 2101 YOUNG married man wants inside em' . pioyment. can TaDor. euei. JANITOR Experienced, wants work a few hours every day. Main 2803. EXPSRIENC1CD bookkeeper and stenog npner wants position, f none A-667. a s SoMB-PiCfcV 57&IS. AW ,f t HAlRrRfctDWSft; A A-A J l 1.' k a A..f 44 inuAf 1 r" 'I l n 'Vayjt, "vim 1 I 9 r . e IP i.3X3-.?IALl3 MAN.il.'i -"wants wore: st sny- thing; w , J-aiie; camemisn references ; be sorrv, be6f li'X.U make good, 0-644, Journal. f . . T WAli T eTJU Ork by man with frtmlly. and reliable; Auust have work to support . mwiiiji f uwib moii: in, niier y. ... L.A'N.TL.tlLRARINtSr I- clear lani oft., reasonable" prices. lArge or mti)rt-ots. . , Aaaress AO. 31. V ,U 1 1 1 II B RESPONSIBLE; middle aged Germsn - SDeaklnar man. wall aoaualnted with city, for collector. Will furnish essn pond, w-Bg. Journal. YOUNG man wants work, good, willing worker; can furnish ref. U Cheney, see coog ave. Pbona c-ltss or v-ug Journal.' '-y- ;-..-.v.-,,-,. - pfj SITUATIONS FKMALK r COMPETENT . bookkeeper. - cashier, wishes a small set of books to keep, or willing to work half a day; salary moaerate. Telephone wooaiawn ie. WANTED To take, ram of Children un , der school age at my home in the country; can give reierences. m. Roman, Gresham. Or., routo 3. box 41. WIDOW with child would like position as housekeeper or janitress worn; can lurnisn 'goon reierenoe. in-isu. journal. AN ex-teacher of the Portland public schools will give private lessons rea sonably . afternoons or evenings. , Mar- shall 207L Apartment 610. -: - FASHIONABLE dressmaker wishes en- gagements in families, $1.60 per day. Phone Main 4197, 460 Yamhill st Mrs. Evans. ONE-PIECE dresses-$2.60. and up. -jr. terlnr and maklnc over a soeclalty. Fit guaranteed. Phone B-J.642 or call 4610 64th St H. E. WANTED A cosition as manner of an - apartment nouse, nave naa experience In hotels,-rooming houses. Am in need or a position ana aione. r-none A-iaon. LADY caterer will furnish suppers for , . cnurones, ciuos, wmges ana .private parties at reasonable rates. .Phone siarsnan ze?4 WANT, housework, $7 week; home f nights: call or write; stata hours; 102 K. bth N. uuttUAM gin wants to ao nouse clean ing and washing by. day. Mrs. Acker man 6tt Bavler st Main 6040. ' A LADY employed days wan ta place to wora alter e p. m. xor room ana war a. w-BDa, journal. COMPETENT , woman wishes house work- with avaninars off. : 826:, Bell. woco in I. A YOONG woman with boy of 6 wanta to care xor amaii rooming- nousa j-sii. journal. MIDDLE aged lady, good suburban home: would give mother's care to 1 Or 2 children, 68$ Bldwell ave., Sellwood. ELDERLY lady wanta light work anv kind. - Will take care -of children evenings, 106 an hour. Call $81 Second. COMPETENT woman wants day work wasning, ironing, tjau A-ani, A GERMAN lady wants washing an ironing by (day. pnone Ben. jsis. LACE curtains, draperies, linens laun qereq py expert, caueq xor. lapor ai f. 6TEN0G RAPHSR-Some... -experience. rererences. ipw wages, wain 07 MANICURIST i wishes position, barber shop preferred. R-466. Journal GIRL' wishes position in grocery or oon- fectlonery. N-768. Journal.' 7 ' " , bEMONSTRATibR wishes position. . 45&. journal. EXPERIENCED! waitrssa wants work Phons 22S. NEAT, reliable woman, wants day work. Phone jcaat tvix WORK by the day, any kind. Mrs. Hu- rr. Main 7t) LACB "curtains hand . laundered, $0o a pair. Main 8968 COMPETENT mographer desires piece worn, mi n it. Lack curtains iid laundered, . Phone Main 148. SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE AND FEMALB 23 MAN and wife want work on farm or . nairy rancn; am a bwiss ana not afraid of work; 10 years - experience. Good references furnlshedv 0-613, Jour- SlCSiSH TOUNG married couple aeek situation xogeiner or separata juan janitor, no te! porter. Wife good waitress, chamber- maia. pnone Main zo7. DRESSMAfdNQ 40 ACADEMY Of Parlalan BclenUfio Dreas znaklng. Tailored Suits. Cnraeta. Teachers wanted. - 604 Goodnough bldg. DRE8SE-S, suits, alterations, prices to suit, si jerrerson st, 1 DRESSMAKING 848 Division st NURSES -60 MATERNITY horn, the best of care cnd your choloe of doctors. Jennie Wait, 148JB. 7th N, rUANISlLKl) ROOA19 . 8 WEST BIDE TOURIST HOTEL-. Centrally located. 8 ears to and fram all depots. ' 'Modern conveniences, Tran sient guests given special attention, 60o up ana a weea op. ig 1st st, AaAkuis xront nay, window, room with alcove, absolutely clean, hot and cold water, use of parlor and piano, $16. 288 111a street. $6 MONTH Who wants cosy furnished , housekeeping room, or bedroom, walk Ing distance, ground floor,, cottage, 67 2nd st " . - J-.. NEWLY furnished rooms, steam heat electrlo lights, elevator, private phone, hot and cold water, reasonable rates. szs wasntngton. Mar. 1960, HOTEL MASON" 848 Salmon street Rooms 12.0,1 '. un. per wk. Free phone and bath. Main f 754. HOTEL SAVON . Sfi&'sWfcK She Restored the Restorer 3J 1 i a yXi-ii, ixt.n: li .i r t FOR Y. M. O. A. niciiil.m. 1 . rooms, reasonable iu iii.-, 1,; building, vacuum clmim !, baths, club facilities, . special i i cafeteria Full particulars at bn , , office, cor. th arid Taylor ' ' HOT liL OAKS. 247 Oak St., between Rroailwny ;i I Park; steam heat hot and cnl.i wu.-r in rooma; good, clean beds, well t -m. Ished, $2.60 week; only B 1. , . -11 1 1 r . IUUNO man. rooming at 1. i. C. A . 1 wants roommate to reduce roon-i expenses. Inquire Y. M. C A, cor. a ana layior. ROOMS and apartments in luodru L.,- tci. j.dii wewn ina up. ton AiH"r. wTBSTP ftPB Jrh.l VAl l - V ROOMS in private farmlTes;"wrn 1 1 n a descriptive list giving wid a i of choice; can place you in just i,.t you want Call today, no charge, , . CLA RENTAL BUREAU, 1018 Chamber ' of Commerce. Main 403. FIVE minutes' walk. Newly furnished front room. Hot water, bath, phonv furnace. Splendid . location. ,$3.60 weeaiy. aet iztn. PLEASANT room for lady; use of Pr , lor piano, home privileges, .Main (-66. LARGE airy front rooms, all modern, residence district Marshall 764, 77 Giisan, FURNISHED room in steam heatc-i flat for '1 or 3 ladies;, reasonebl .. Walking distance. B27 Everett at, FlatH. $1 WEEK, large room; modern; home comforts. 773 Roosevelt, .near 2J0. raaranau NEWLY furnished room reasonable, li , minuter walk from city hall. Q1 6th. 1 OR 2 neatly furnished rooma,' rent ti per month each.- 648 Taylor St. furnished nooMs -" EAST SIDE THE CLIFFORD HOTEL. E. ' $th and Morrison sts. American and European plan, New and modern, largq lunuy. special rmiea py monm. THH Larrabee, H27U iArraoce. Rooms $2 1l up. Brlek bldg., steam heat, hoi and gold water, bath, phone, eleotrleltv. lXIB2nSHBO xiooaxs -2SAST BIDS miVATB FAMTtiY 71 LARGE furnished room, front Ale room with sleeping porch. Suitable for housekeeping, if desired. 123 E. 19th at, corner of Alder. Phone East 2084. FOR RENT 8 nioely furnished sleeping rooms In private home, gentlemen pre- igrrwi. mi m. nmmii st. $8.00 MONTH, 'nice aleeptng room, fur naca heat bath. Dhonea. 46114 East maricer. WELL lighted, large room, walking dTa tance. Particulars, call East 6874. FURNISHED rooms; . heat light and bath. 469 E. Burnside at' PLEASANT room, modern, 23 & 10th. Phone B-1168. UNFURNISHED f OOMS - 10 TWO room unfurnished apartment $t per room per week; gas ; plate fur nished; Belmont Apts., 480 Belmont st K. 6148. SINGLE, $2.60; two large, $7; I room flat $12.60. 188H Market, pear Front. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 NEWLY furnished rooms, attractive home, choice location, -exceptional table., only mlnut&s to business dis trict, very moderate terms; meal patron- ago Boiicueq. Bit lltn. ALDER -GRAND HOTEL. , Room ami board $6.60, per week, Home cooking. ya urano ave. WANTED board Lady and two chilU ren. Rose City school district prefer red. Tabor 2422. i NICELY furnished front ro ont , room "wltH board. 167 Eleventh BOOMS A2fX HOARS PKIVATB 2PAMIX.T NEWLT furnished rooms, attractive home. . choice ' location, exceptional table, only minutes to business dla trlot, very moderate terms; meal patron- WANTED An occupant for a beauti fully furnished outside roam, eleotria light, steam heat and plenty of hot wa ter, $80 per month, 786 Irving st Phone mars nan tevi. TWO gentlemen can have room and . Doara in widows home. AH borne priv- iiegasi. van a-nu or uaoor I0b. fOR two, $4.60 per week; new, modern, conveniences, close In, east side. Phone pen. juo. sea nan Bt. PLEASANT front room,' home eooklng. w piano, jyiain 3314. 1 iOtn. ROOMS with or without board; home y vwi'i p . sr v v . "Ws wj, - . - WIDOW with rice home would board cook ing. gee Broaaway. niwq g"nucHien. rntfno war. lua. - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE . 8 171 12th, ona block from new library and Helllg theatre. Furnace heated apts. and rooms, complete for house- aeeping. m BRICK bldg., dandy front suits L 2. 3 housekeeping rooms, newly painted and Unted. ; 646 M Washington sL near ietn. GEM HOTEL, -5H 1st st, furnished rooms and housekeeping rooms, steam neat in every roomii.zB up. TWO room suites, $10 per month, fur ntshed complete for housekeeping. 631 inurni.n LIGHT, airy attlo housekeeping rooms. 3. 1:0 ana- ez.eu a wees. ze lotn at. ' HOUBBJCEEFT1TCI BOOIfl9 ' WEST IIOB PS.IVATB FA Mil, Y T3 SEVERAL rooms in quiet home. Fine view, Phone mornlnae. Marshall .t. TWO nicely furnished attio H. K. rooms. 2 Phone, bath. 228 13th St. two cosy cottages suites, dose in. 10 , Main. . - 1 1 , M ,