The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1913, Page 22, Image 22

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J-S . ;r feifefcj'
Schoone :.rW; ;!:V SndUi? Co;f or
r- -.v-w: Uubliee '
' .Hinder charter to W. R, Grace and
-Hra echooner w,f H. Bmltn arrived
over the bar this morning, (g days
from. Mollendo.; She will conje up the
river to th Portland Lumber company's
to load cargo .of lumber tor. th freight, and the stV 'Jue H, Klmore
coast again, JThe , W. H. Bmlthl , t WJiy t,00K at S o'clock
ooked by the Port of Portland bar it. 'LTl w v v -
was hooked
tug Wallula at aro'clock thle morning liaryto theAoniferenca of collect
and aha was towed ahort after 8 over the UnUe. states-In
i Another lumber carrier io arrive this
morning was the British steamship Eo-
ciesia, which came in rom Acapuico,
via comox where she took nunaer coai
fine will proceed first ; to Westport to
taka a part of her cargo for Australia
and then shift to Prescott and 8t Htl
ens for, the remalnaer.-hes-nrterf tade; r-for
Charter to uavlea A enon.
Cuta 80 Minutes Off Thno of Rub
5 Between Here and San Franc&co.
Docking at 10 o'clock this morning,
tna . areamer near, uipuun nuuuuu,iiMmr tsenerai Hubbard, Arrreea at l ana
beat her -own record for early arrival
from Kan Francisco. On her last wr
age to Portland tbe Be arrive
10:30 la, the morning, beating the pre -
vktua early arrival records for the pres. I at 8 . m. British steamer Ecrieaia from vie
- .lumwt 1 Officers of the torla. Balled at 0 a. m Stesurar Atlas for
' MmrT7ina Mthr on tnt
steamer reoort line weainer up mti
coast and a fins moonlight night when
she came in orer me oar, an or wnicn
tin hr an oDDortunlty to make time.
ck. l,,.k( ua . n,mnn unA 1 00 I owamer xeirawarooe irooi roruana. , '
She brought IiOpassengert ana callao, Oct. 10. BaUed Brltton ahlp Pbll
to-S Of freight. The light list of paslsololila tor Portland.
aengera Is considered due to the fact!
the Portola is so near at Ban Francieco
s great many travelers have UM
for tnw .. . . .
Tuirose to Inspect the Work Being
u - i Done in inannei.
inapection of th. work being done by
, thi Port Of Portland dredges in the Co -
lumbla river channel is being made to-
,lay by some of the officials of the Port
- of Fred v Pendleton snd K. D. InmuO
et tn rori i roruana commission,
General Manager M. Talbot and Captal 1
' Hugh ,i T. Groves, superintendent - of
dredges for the port, left for 'lie lower
. Columbia this morning on the tug John
JlcCraVen. The trlD will take them to
IJobelbnwer'a bar. whnra tha Portland
U working; ' tho dredge Willamette at
lnn M..tln' mr,A th. rmiimkl. .(
E ti 1 . i .
' Injured ; Man' Receives $2099 as
;M - Bosult . of ' Verdict. -.. ... -'-,
A verdict for $2989,- tha full amount
asked, was returned In Circuit Judge
jnvuinn court iaus morning in lavor or
.'hrtntin PptAMen inlnat rhirlon P
McCormick Cnmnanv. Patarasn w
a sailor on the steam schooner Multno-
xnah and alleged that he was ordered to
descend ,; through a manhole. . He
claimed there was no ladder for him
4o climb down by : and that the light
;.'m poor. Hs alleged that hs f ell as
the result about 20 feet and broke his
38... :: i t, .-. '
Hrltlsh Igniter Makes Renort to the I
. . I
. . ..f. . (V." tuivsavi'u'V a... auLUi
By .means . of radio communication,
the commanding officer of , ths U. 8.
It, C. 8nohomish has reported to the
Iccal branch of the United States hydro,
graphic office that on October 11 there
-sere 100 logs sighted scattered over
- the Straits of Juan de Fuca off the
. lloko river. Tbey are regarded a seri
ous menace to navigation.
1 . i- t i - . .-.
; At o'clock this afternoon' la the
. time- sat for tho launching of tha first
: of. th. two new 34 inch steel suction
. dredges, being built for ; the United
States engineers at the old O. R, N.
boneyard by Joseph Supple. The Mult
nomah will take the waterVtoday and
the Wahkalkum is expected to bs ready
,-ln about two weeks. Major J. F. Mc-
Indoe, corps of engineers. United States
' army, expects to be in attendance.
" To load a cargo of wheat here for the
, United Kingdom, under charter to Bal
four. Guthrie & Co.. the British ahlp
' Philadelphia sailed, from Callao Octobdr
10, according to advices received' this
. morning by tbs Merchants Exchange.
On ber first voyage to this port in
about a year, tho steamer Norwood,
, Captain Knudses. arrived this morning
from San Francisco with 600 tons of
i cement. - .
Tbs Hamburg-American liner Ucker
mark shifted st noon today from tha
Portland Flooring Mills to the Alblna
dock. ' .
: uU?. two KMg 0'Wn-r,' the German
Ship HarVesthude started taking her
cargo tor the United Kingdom at Mont
gomery dock No. this morning.
Bringing cargo from San Francisco,
the steamer Shoshone arrived at Albers
, dock No. 3 at 3:45 this morning.
Frank I Parker, deputy collector of
- customs at Astoria, is here today to
, confer -with Collector of Customs Burke
Audrey: In these days of short
sleeves and low necks It is vastly im-
8sS.lwhmt klnd of hitener yod uSl
ordinary face powders or talcum will
?ni ?l!"8fu y .hide Mm -nmmer-s un
u? h 4 -tay .on- T,,e bet "ay
out of, the dilemma Is to get 4 ounces
waffiVT2!,Jt rA .mlx ,n Pn of hot
hi- Llu two ifMPoonfulB glycerine.
h f"JlendLd alotlon for making
the skin look fresh for a long time It
v..cneflJ; 11 '? very conomitfal.
?L.,r ,r &,tin?r wrikle remover see
answer to Miss Hazel
nwl'ihn bl ,k are not
only a drawback- to looks but nealectlnn-
them often leads to serious ey troubles
f -.Vi, c ot cryatos in a pint
of water, a few drops of this In eaAh
' 11 VZ? W wiU '"frther .your eTe.
nd them eparkllng and brilliant
i,-l. P?5,r wnether or not you wear
, glasses, but in any case this aimnle
inexpensive tonic will prove soothing
and helpful as well as beautifying 8
Mrs. Meadowa: iour tinhealthv hair
Sm? . lndlcat the hair follicles
.. yecrets too much oil and this will lead
to dandruff and other hair troubles
yo are wise to-take It In time, and i
' tangly advise th, use of the Invalu-
able canthrox for a shampoo. Get a
racltags at thedruggist e. and mix a
teaspoouful in a cup of hot water. This
' la plenty for a good washing, and will
give you the effects of a fine treatment
at a professional beauty parlor at small
eoat. Notice the fluffisess and sllki
. or your hair, afterward. This is caused!
... " j ., vi.-v taiiiurvi g;eis rid Jm-
mediately of Ujo excess olj. an4 an airt
and dandruff. :i, , .
. Phyllis i Lea: Yea. tjiera Is alwaya the
; Sanger of Increasing flesh too fast when
ou once begin to Uke. It on. Perhaps
It would bo well to begin reducing pow
tieforoyou feel the fat a burden. Try
' thta simple remedy It will require no
oifting or special exercise beyond en
lole living. Get 4 ounces parnotls and
defolv it in 1U. pints water. Take a
' taMaapoonfm. before meals, , It Ja not
1 ffthi steamer Templsrr arrlv
I o'clock this morn- ixoda San Fran
dock Ho. 3,
Jciarlc will shift
I to - I4nnton this afternoon to take on
Co, her deckload - of lumber for California
-in I ports, She loaded wheat here.
out! Th. atearrUr Rruliwr. rDtln Nel
I eon j, scheduled to- sail at 8 tonight
for qoob Bay with -passengers and
New York November 3.
Wireless From Panama Mara.'
Steamship Fnama Maru, at Bra;
P. M.. Oct. 1J Via 'Port ' Creaosnt.
Wash. in latitude forty-nine degrees
- and forty-three minutes north longi
i minutes west, -;, earoineier nam ,
temperature 44i wind west southwest,
fresh breese; weatner ciouay, TOiiowmg,
rather-rough sea.
litML A la ' l.ft mm- . mtflnl vh k
I left up at S a. m. teamer Bear from Ban
? """:S' r :J-ri7;0
Pedro, Arrired at and left op at 8;30 a. tu.
1 stam. Carina' from Han Francisco. ' ArrlTd
8n nclaeo. ArriTed at 8:40 a. m. 8-bMier
w x, flM(.w u.m u.ii i nui and
heft up t 10:30 a. m. Otcamer Neb air a from
i Aoerdeen.
1 1 8a mnclsco, Oct M-Arrtred at 5 a. at.
Tatooah, Oct. 14. Paaaed In at 8 a.
i "'rr' il"S:S I , - M' ,i.i.
,55,". Irrtred at
I 8:16 and left op at 4 p.- m.ettamer Shoahona
from saa rranclaeo. ' Arrtved at 8:40 ana leri
up at a. m. Steamer -Temple E. Dorr tram
Saa rranclaeo. , Arrived at 8:30 p. m. and left
up at 11 p. m. Steamer J. A. Cbaoalor .from
4' p"
1 San Frauclaoo. Oct, Arrireo steamer Jo-
12 ??JZ
1 Mnltoomah from Portland. - .
I Ventura, Oct. 13 Sailed Steamer Saginaw
I w furtiaao. A-
I Sallwl Sehoooor Beulah for Columbia .rirer. ,
1 Tides at Aatoria weaneeoar Higa water,
0:00 a. m., T. feet; 0:40 p. m., I t feet. Iw
aier a m., z.2 leet; i:si p.m., v.i rooc
I " Una to Arrive.
ii.B,0",v.lI?,,!..?;ui" ' -ITl' J!
?I,I.,"B.UV" ,T. ..,,,
, fajrioa, irom Baa Taiicmco ix-t. 14
J. . stetaon, from Han f ranciaoo, .....ucc 14
8a(loaw, from Saa PraecUeo, .Oct. 15
Nlaaiatb, from ban Francuco, , ,.ocb 13
ueu oc uumua, from orient ....... in
Breakwater, from Cooa Ba,, .Oct. 30
lioae City, rrotp Ixia Angela ,.,....,....uct. IB
Roanoke, from Saa Pedro..., ...... .....Oct. 20
Beaver, from Baa Pedro..,,.,.., ..Oct. 24
Yucatan, from Baa Pedro and war,... Oct. 28
Krof OUmfrolS Sirip. and 'srtaCMssv 1
Bear, from Iioa Anrelca.,..,....s.......ct. 20
I v. rrea Lseias, irom Korope -ass oriaot ov,
I Andahiala. from EurODO and orient...... Dae.
I Sltboola. from Europe and orient,. Dee. 1
Mertonetluhire. from Earope and orient.. Jan,
Sue to Depart.
Breakwater, for Coos Bay. ......... ...,Oet. 14
8im H. Elmore, for Tillamook Oct. 14
Cfkerourk, for orient and Europe... -...Oct, 14
Yucatan, for Ban allege ana way. ...,, Oct. is
A,lu' ,0I Bulfa
Oct. 1
Blr. Klamath, for lot Angeles
Oct. 17
near. lor eaa r ranciMO.. ........
Camloo. fur tUa franclaco . . . ..
, .uci. si
Roanokt, for Baa Diego... ............ ..(let. 83
Rose City, for ban Francisco.. .......... Oct. S3
Bearer , for San Padro.. ......Oct. S8
I IWd 1 fnr nrlene and Euron..No. 12
Andaluaia, for orient and Europe Dec. 1
fillhiinl, fn. mIuI . nil Ehnim Jan.
' Trots gas Fraaclaoa,
gteameri Harrard "and ' Yale, alternatias.
lea re Baa rranclaeo tor aa Dlno oa aluudara.
Wedaeadaya, Krldaya aaa ataroajs, counecllnf
With steamers from Portland. Nortbbouud, thay
arrlre at Saa grauclaeo as 'XaexUa, Hiundays,
saiuroas aa euoaaa.
, veHau u ran.
Name-, : . Berts.
TbltlbwS, Oer. bk......,.,.,.,..Uontfouiery i
lUreatuUe, Uer. ablp , ..Uoutgumery U
oeoiaa. Am. aca,
Bangor, Nor. aa North Pacific Mill
W. H. Uaratoa, Am. scb....KorU faclflo Aitll
fuako, Am. bkta Waatport
Border lvuIsUt, Br. aa..... ..Crown mills
Lumuierce, Am. sen. ................. ..uantoa
Lard Xeaipletown, Br. bw.. , frcacott
U ii. Bnrfesa, Am. bk..,........,.......Uoble
St. Nkbolaa, la, ablp...... AatorU
Barlln, Am.-ahlp..,., .Wla
anm. atui, an.,,
Uckermark, Qer. aa.........
0. M. Clark. Am. as
Uudaoa aiara, Jap. as. .. 4...
Patajr, gaa atli. ,
8abua, Am. acb.......
Oeo. K. Bllliuga, Am, acb..
Breakwater, Am. as.
Vucatan, Am. as.
Oeorge W. fenwlck, Am. ss.
Daisy, Am. as
tins 11. KUDore, Am. sa. ....
1. A. CbaiiDlor, Am. as.,.:
Kehalem, Am as
Norwood, Am. sa. ......... ,
Temple K. Dorr, Am. aa....
Bboabooe, Am. as. ... ...... ,
Kccleala, Br. as
W. H. Una in. Am. sch......
Bear,, Am. aa
..Columbia No. 1
....ToufU 10011
- ....wauna
......Columbia 1
......... .Lmnton
i... Tongue folnt
Supple' a
. ... Albers Ko. 8
....Albers No. St
i ur nana i.tu. co.
Xa JUvte to Xaa haiat.
Kasja Sailed rran.
WW. U. suits. Am, SCS...... Valparaiae
Arrlno. Br. air. alejluoaes
Kccleala, Br. atr. ........... .........Acapuico
wwi a. 0uuu, mm miUtm .,,.... ... .SJOnSf
YT",f I" Jt"Tu ," VV ..CaUas
uiwim. aa,u, avw va. CaUsS
santa UoaaUa, Ur. sa.. Twoma
Slam,- ban. aa. Saa irraaclaca
lerrler, . aa tlaa rraaciaoa
Indramayo, Br. aa 8au Ul
rukoko Mara, Jap. ss... , jaT,.
Wm. U. laibol. Am. scb taTLla
Hawkbead, Br. aa Ra rrainlaco
African Monarch, Br. as ....San rranclaeo
Baron Napier, Br. as Otara
U,.,h Hi. ha- . ar. '1 ' '.'
" ' -V ., nawcaaiia, JCna
The Home Beauty Parlor
no b.Wfec'tsrn4 yU WU1 Pica
mZ eeplna about your
iCveteenlv'M .Vi! lf ?
as niHA. "t . Wgum
X;:," -'moxoin in half a pint of
cold water
aua i wo teaspoonfuls giy.
first application of this aVeS-eles. beau?
ana it will stay firm because this flnl
nr.0Pln Puta health and atreng?h
Into the tissues as well as gives firm"
and clearness to ths skin. o?t
delay getting this benefit
inne. iet stand over niche
Donni Bella Tou are right! "
must go, and It la a good thin.
11 not onlv unnmvi..,v 1,,
g. It
to clutter uo tiTrh-r r."u u;',iii,L'",u.1
nets, veils, etc. BetteF than all of these
Is a good healthv hA e Ci- 2?r"
1" a good healthy head of hair, which
you. yourself, can aaallw ohtVJ -
;xPens- Twice a week'rub into thi hair
this tonic -made by dissolving onS
hop an .3Ui n01 V1!. h Pint o? alco!
hoi and adding a half pint of cold water.
Hair specialists agree that a rood
quinine hair tonlo destroys dandruff
germs and Dreventa the strfngyYmatted
lZL?on "'hair. For kUnmuhim.
poq sea answer to Mrs. Meadowa.
tnSHZt eli 1 ftn 'srlven ths
formula tor a greaseless cream Jellv, It
appears again today In answer to Mlas
tIvhont",: That dsirk, muddy look
o.ur.?o.mpUl0n, ,,nr 'va nothing
'"h any skin trouble. - From
what you any I fancy yon ars only run
down and would advise this tonio for
i iT'i ttr 'weeks: Dissolve an ounce
Jf ksrdene tn half a pint of alcohol:
Vit one-half cup of sugar and enough
hot water to make a full quart, Taks
a tableapopnful before each meaL The
expense of this Is slight snd there Is
SiH rran2hdJ-kJ,0Wn f. noriPsing ss this
knnwhiSrMl1 ."fuUtor,; After al. you
know, health . (a , besuty.
'."l' bean's Beauty Book, $. (Adv.)
........San Diego
Ortvla, "'"ff;-;!;'Vi:;i'
Sailed lrom.
;-i,.Iav08t tS
Name .. .'..fri.i,,:.'
AueUWa. Oar. ok
Blrauale, tir. tik. .,,. .........
Urlilih lalaa. Br. ataln Uailaa
CU-da, hat. aMp. CaiUe
Crocodile, Br, bark.... Oauae
Kmeat begoura, "r. bark... Glaagow
Oulgate, Br. bark........... St. Boaaila
llloemoa, Br. oark. Nowcaatle. a).
luvaravou, Br. back,,.,....., Callao
Kaaaal, Bel(. ahlp.,,,.....,. .Uarbura
langdale, Br. ahlp,,,.,,..,,. Waat Ooaai
Lrotuu, Br. Dark......... ......... ..Dt. fiutalla
OrotavaUer, ah. Vokobaua
PblladelDbla. br. ttalo... Call
Sckurbek. Uer. bark,..,., ...St. ilbeali
Bvara Br. eMD... Uailaa
TblaUebank, Br. bark... ....... ...Bueiioa Afrea
Warner vianeu. uat Dar a neat loaai
Waatgate, Br. ablp,,,... Waat Coaat
Wlaeomb Park, Br. lb......... Callao
Iavarorlav Br. bk.'...,,,..l..,....Bunoa Arra
1 anukuna nara ....urient
AiumiMi Maru, Jap, as.. Saa Fraacleeo
Senlu Mara, Jap. ... j.. .Japan
Drown -or-AtTaHrir-sai.1,--a Frantlaco
Monadnock, llr. a. . . , ... , .Uuajraqull
I'blladelpbl,) Br. .b.. ,,
Dally ' River Beadinj9.
LeaUton, .,
Umatilla .,
Pertlaod ..
() Rhrins. () railing.
00x100, N. E. corner 23d and
Knotty $3000.
80 acres, Forest Grove, $6800.
228 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
$750 For House antj Lot
Small cash payment. $15 'per month.
Includes Interest Lot 60x100, 3 to 3
blocks to good car service. House Is
new, well built, sided with California
rustic, all stained. Inside sealed, clothed
and papered. Good brick flue from
ground up. Neat front porch. This
property is in Gregory Heights, now
the home of over 200 families. Sunday,
take Ross City Psrk car to 7 2d st Our
office weekdays 413 Corbttf bldg. ,
Gregory Investment Co.
Mortgage Loans
6 to 7
aim 810, Boom 491 railing Bldg.
'.' . ;' . At . lowest . rates. '',,
Smitti Inyestment Co.
90 Fifth street Main 8770 '
$1000 and up at lowest rates. ; '
414 Oorbstt Bldg. A-141S. Marshall 92.
SS00. SSOO, J 1000. 11200 and tlBOO on
Improved city property.
. aa. WEXilaB CO.,
394 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. :
We Buy Nole
14 Salmon St Main 138. A-177L
f. ak,o7akv.e- a Al4 ' "
Dally or Bonday. '
JH cents per word per Inaertlos. .
This charae fa fna all etlaaalflftaflAfla areana.
Ing "For Bent la Private Family," "Boom and
Board In Prlratsi Family." 'Situation Wanted"
and "Wanted to Bent'1 ads, ' which are 1U
cents per word per Insertion.
no sa cnarrea ror leas tnan is rents. .
1H cents ear word for all elasalfleatloes as.
eeptlbg "ror Rent la Private Family," "Room
end Board -Mo Private Family," ''SiruaOon
Wanted" and "Wanted to Bent" ads, which are
1M cants per word. ii
inrea inaernooa for rns price or two., ,
Beven tnaertiona for the pries of five. '
No sd taken for lata than 15 cents.
Lee A. Johnson and wife to Carl y.
Weadlsnd et al. lot . block 1, Marlon
, . sou
C. H. Wllliaais tn W. If. Baasobbach, lot
0. block 1. HaU'a addition 9.300
Bopbia Cbrlatlna Bandttrom to Wllhelm
Bands trom, lota 1, 1, block 18, Bellwood 400
a. woro, enerirr, to amenean 17)e
Rounders Co., lots 8, 4, 5 and 8,
blork T. Burfleld addition 8 1)40
Alameda Land Co. tb Pearl Owen, lot
12, blork 8, Alameda Park, ...... -,i r 880
University Land Co. to Horacs H. Kel
ler, lot 18. block fil. TTnlreralt Park aXA
i. m. worn, snerirr, to rrsna u Smith
lots 81 to 84, block 2, Bnnrlse rark 817
rannle Brown to 0. U Badgley, wet
, 101 feet lota 4 and 0, block 5, ad
Rleetrle addition esn
Marietta Realty Co, to Calrho gtucheff,
lot 7, block 7, Orsan's addition. ....... 650
Cordelia J. Dunbar and buaband to Nellie
, C. Hlbbard, lot T, block 78, Laurelburat 10,000
Sams to same, lot 7, block 28, West, '
. O. Alfndson to Adolpb Olson, lot
8. block 1. Eaaenla 1'ark . . ' a.10
B. T. Smith and wife to Jos, Orlando, '
lot v, oiocs ill, ivaniiwonn aaaltion. , OOO
. U. Word, sheriff, to Oustafe Lange,
X tracts (ontalnlns B aeraa each In
, saetloa 19, townsblo 1 south, range
99 ............... m ............. . S,XD1
Dorothy T. Dent to U J. Steele, lot SO, ,
iuoci oi, . itreniwooa aoaiuon (aa- . '
slsnad to Ied - 6besr, . saslg nad to
Grace B. Grar . ; A . . I.SKa
Bauds Helm to Fredrick Herbert et al,
i .7 acre in section 80, townahlp 1 '
south, rants 1 eaat 800
Wm. Morfltt to Helen Conk, lots 7, bkiek
jo, rvavvri nia. aaaianra to ttuuci :
ers Lbr. Co., saslgoeil to Kdna u. '
&i.k. ...I , . T .. 1 SI it..... v - . ...
tsdd EaUt Co. to Parld V. Smith, lot
8, block 12. Westmnrelend 879
rrederlok Felix- to Colonel A. B Oyer
j lou 18 and it, block 83. Bwlnton . 700
Martha A. Klchey and buaband to W. It.
mire, et ai, o acres of Caleb RlcUey .
i. u 0, tuwi
1 1 II. inorta, ,TIlai M.
.rum to i,wis nine,, arn ann oak.
OtacOD A Caltfurnla drain M Klmln, r
greet ltory office, foot of Oresoa at; bulWar,
Bry ton Bnstneertna- Co.1, $1200. i - -- . '
' -iTarj-s,rsci 1- atory yrsms Oirell.
a, aiarsuerin netwaea anvtaion ... and Arnold;
illrter, same.- $3000. -. v.. , .. , , '
Ellen 3. NMaon Kr.rf 1U tint fr.m.
Ins. K, 28th" between Skldmom and 1'reacottl'i
hiilllAS 'i TavlnaS tlMw iW lust.i.i r'.. . i . ' I
nruinswaa sira' avl11. -VS ,' 4". ' !.. '.,f ' .if -': '"
i Ir. CwneUutwRcpHlr Jf nturj hotel. N W
tvrnfp Aider and 1'arki bu.i.iar. i.r Vmir,
mnn AllsfMi. ' . , . .
Benlah, An. ach. ,,,;'. ...
Loaun, Am. bktu. ,... , . ,,
Le Nonr
AT Wilson Auction' Houae. , ISC lat at.
- Kpeolal. aucUon sale 10 stiim.. tomor
FORIi' Auction House, 111 1st at, auo-
iion saie 1 p. m. Bpeoiai orrnngs.
Al Kader Temple, A. A.
o. n. win give a
hall and card uartv Thure
day evening, October in.
at wis jh aeon 10 xemuiu.
West Park and i Yamhill
streets. The attendance of
all Nobiea; of tha MvatiO
Bhrlneind their ladles is solicited. Tick
ets may be obtained t the office of the
recorder, or irom --
111 Second street, or from any member
T ' " rrTTarTHnrtVin No. 111.
' A. F. & A, M Special com-
,-unTcaTlonthls 7(Tuesaay)
evening at 7 o'clock, Jiaaomo
Temple. Work in the M. M.
degree. Visiting brethren wel
come. C. K. MILLER,
BRICKLAYERS.' Union No. 1 of Oregon.
Important meeting Thursday evening,
Nov. J 6. Full attendance reauested. W,
E. Thayer, Pres.
tnarrfages,Birtbs. Deaths.
- Joaepb B. rolkeubera, Harborton, Or., legal,
and Urace V. Campb.ll, K. 41at at, N., -le
gal....... ,-. ..: ..-V.-v''
1 . y. a .. 1 . . , ' , .1 -
. uvu 1 u mnitnTVi Auirin . y r . i i.t Juf
lesal. and Kella Joboaon. 40S K. 23d at., leaaf.
August Clea, Bay Bavler at., SO,: and Haggle
Bauiier, (Ireat Kurthera hotel. 21. ' ' .
Ixjrln Andrew Hot, 612 B. 10th St.,' legal
anu niioa uranairora, 9x0 B. asia at., irfai.
1. n. eeane, iceu a. nori n,, z,
rln K. Bane. 8SZ0 TOth at. S. K.. 25.
2221 K. Hot t 24, and Co -
Clyde C. Orabam, 309 E. 220 at, 24, and
Irma U. Boorbouae, 805 E. 8th at N., 22,,
. Uawaiaio a . si- nm tg Bait -L ' V
- uii'Mni - riiivigvu. k ooiii ai,
and alay Fera Uolmea, 1142 K. Yamhill at.,-19.
Iula riuser, - Scott Mllla, Or., 28, and
Minnie A. Smallwood. 128 Burrage at.. Tl
AI fl Oi!k 8. fm. Waddmsr and
Vi tJ. Ollillll Ul OUiVUiUng Carda.
'.Vashlnrton bid., eor. 4th on Wash'ton.
auiiat tor .ant. alt suaew, tyuiai
laimnna uo., aos mar a sr.
CLAKKU UKUU, tloriats, fins flowers
ana riorai nemama. is Morn eon sl
AUTOMOBILCU for hire. $3.(0 PER
HUUK. Main 514. A-4I14.
BBACH To tbe wife of Itobert Clyde Beach,
880 East Davis st,, Sept 10, a son.
STKWAKT To the wlft of William Halbert
fi.M.... aMll n. an .
OLSON To the wife of Alfred B. Olaoa. 1100
&i xviu i, oopc. au, a aaagnier. '
Lvv& io ids wira of wrorer v. ..uiTe-
lace. b Humnolt atu tteot. 2. a son.
PROEBSTEL To tbs wife of Delbert Waldorf
rreeuatei, 872 jsrooklya at., Hept. Is, s son.
LYONS To tbe wife of same Lyons, 726
nriuier ei., vci. s, a aon,
GOODMAN To tbe wife of Chas. ' U. Oood
man, 679 Stephens at., Sept 28, a daughter,
uiii-ajBiuu an us win or Micnaei rran
els ritspstrick, 463 last 44th st N, Oct .6,
SAIIGJEXT To the wife of William T. Sarrent,
4l East 14th St. N.. Oct 6, a daughter.
BEKHBAUM To tbs wife of A.-K. Beerbaam,
1424 Hawthorne ate., Sept. 10, a son.
NELSON To tbe wife of frank Nelson, 70
Ronwell st.. Oct. 1. s son.
PAUL To the wife of O. H. Dahl, 30th and
i or a ate., sent, zz, a son.
8W1NEUART To tie wife f Frank Sirina
neart, in. sua st Kept, zo, a daughter.
PATN4 To the wife of Chas. L. Payne, 1181
- &aet ac. n.. Eseuc. , . a aananter."
KIKLBLOCK To tha wife of Arthur C. Kiel-
aklauab- id aVt OIMmu am aTkA a ja, at. ..a.k.
Bsi.w., -V ea t3irwvu SJta Wfca V, UBUKIII.I3ra
HOr'.'MANN To the wife of Carl J. Hotman,
noouiana. waan., sept, n, a aaugater.
OAY To the wtte of John OUuert Gay, 781
k. aau sr.. on. 3, a son.
CHlUtiTKNSON in this city, Oct, 11, J. Lud-
-wig . uiriaienaon, agea as years, is says.
Frleuds invited-' to sttend funeral aenlcea.
Which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors,
at 3 p. m., tomorrow (Wednesday), Oct 10.
iiHfrmnn niTerTiew cemetery.
LA.NUK Tbe funeral services of tbs late I
isS'pSweii e""m hi. 't.MAWM.'?,JeC
!? Fm . Wednesday, Oct. I
15, at S o'clock p. m. st tbe Portland rrema
torlum, instead of 8:30 o'clock . at rinley's
chapel, ss prevlonaty annonnced. -friends ln-
viteq. ...
l'OKTKK J. a rank Porter, 410 K. 88th at. M
. II.., 11 KA .... . I . .
el,. . icj .
DOTV t'larence H. Boty, Uood Samarltaa hos
pital, uct, . . XI yesrs; . Internal injuries.
iiui.mnan-Aaa ixK-niiiaw, Baiem, Oct.
11, 1
-a J . i wiaiiia epiicpiciia.
UOOBK Wlnda Moore, Multnomah hospital, Oct
j,f, txa yt-ara; nemorrnage.
of all kinds.
mam ,1109, A-I IV3. 120 4th.
TONtiKTH VLORAL CO 18S u, oboioe I
cut flowers for all occasions: nrnmnt
aBiyi.;ir. luiaiii liU., A-1JUZ,
MAX M. SMITH, florist, 14144) $ta mC
In Selling bldg. Maliv 7316.- --
ftiaer. j unerai qeaigna a specialty.
Tha anlv raaldaiMw InaAartatrtaa. v
Ilshment In Portland. Representing tha I
lotanin la tna soienos Of ru- I
neral aervlce. The automobile soulp
ment and secluded driveway ars amons
III, VnttnV awaIxaIwa n. -a
ublfiha? nSKm?.- v?.-:
, , , , j j.wu,tw liaiuiia, 1D
never faesd changed. " '
Perfect Funeral Servtoa,
Montgomery st 3th.
MR. SDWARO HOLMAN. tha leading I
TI8 VSl 1 T. al 1 aaiaSkaestafa SS SS ll t M . .. ... I
funaral vilirimtnr sn aa . .. T
mi; iiain Tot. m "
. A. R. 2ELLER CO., '
8(S-Bsa TV lllama ir-.f .aaa.
C-10S8. Lady attendant. Day and aighi
IJiinn nfir x, ru1fFntoo!Jnaksrs
VVZA'Wk - 7tl .and Plna,
- ',"P..W iiiwiiiwuBsq am
Main 430.
,. lbot sssistant.
n rprKSRnn r ,ji.. J '
East Ji K. th and im, I
X., tJlUtiMATOKIUM, 80 Glen- I
wood ave.; take Bellwood car. Open tali
oauy rrom 9 a. m. to 6 p. m, 1
h K II SI I N f.?,uf V ViO. VLB. um
I 8138.
445 Morrlaen at.
SKr VVK.VV.2U,1I, aiawatas,'
v " . a-v, alaaaj, iwnir m aaa mar.
871 Ruasell at.
ilEMsVoCK, IM S.: mtb. Belt., 71.' B-li2i anS
uniTwrany f Bra uoi. OW-WO. , . , .j.
Schumann Marble" Works ,
Raat tit and Plna ffaa - til
P6RTLAND karble Works. t4-66 4th
at. ' uppoaite city nan. Main sb4, '
M!'800-'".":' MffltJ&l
. f .aaeid? oVlon
eaat aide location, near IS. Ssth
- and Washington. :.
$14.000 Income - $1600; - stora building
. snd modern 6 room house; fine
. Union ave, location;. $7000
7000 Income $300; store building I
,.i.,.,i 1 o ,i ..n nu . iiiuupi ii . i inia.
modern flsta: $3500 ban-1
dies. A wonderful buv.i
YATES REALTY CO.. 249 4th st. '
r vwvi
FOR SALK.iiorjSE3- 61
gatalkWSSSV'aw .aiaypa kJjsagseSj8
ilvvb h Mom Bungalows : .
, : 3 blocks from, the' car; matured
- fruit jtrees on preiniaea;".' cement-4
walks, city water and ' graded r i
... streets,-. lasisQ. .small c-ash' pay., .
ment, - balance monthly, s Phone
Main 1800 or A-tiasi 1. . ",
,. .-. .v OWNKKSr, , . '
Ind Floor .Selling bldg. cot,J 6th
.":i-,fejn4 Alder. , l-j
Swell S room bumralow. , luat com
Jileted; room for bedrooms snd sleep,
ng porch upstairs; hardwood floors,
swell fireplace.' fine buffet, bookcases
and . other built-in effects-; woodwork
tbeflnestHF Intebf-cabinet kltehet all
large, airy rooms; doubly constructed;
lot oojaoo, east iront, on X 83rd Just
south of Clinton, M block to car, and
ciose in. Price $3500; 1600 cash and $20
per month, or will take arood lot as first
payment, . ,
, UKUHHI 0 llUIH. ' '
81. Board of Trade. Main 7452. A-4401
I i, n 1 11 nun, 111
$2300 A brand new room bungalow,
narawooa noors, ounet, dook--cases
and modern In every way.
' f A fine' sleeplr.g norch.v -easy
terms, one block from the car.
$2850 A splendid little bungalow, fac-
, ing eaau win iaae a 101 as nrai
payment, balance terms. , , -JOHN
Railway Exchange bldg. vMar. SST4
Hawthorne' Bungalow
C rooma, faces east; 1 budroom down
stairs, ' magnificent buffet and mantel
back, book cases, French doors, recep
tion hall, hardwood floors, model Iclt-
1 cnen. special built-in features, 3 large
vniHM, oiuc, auuoie conmruciea ana
elegant finished throughout ; light fix
tures ana wmaow shades, come out to
343.ES :43d. St.."
-Owner, Tabor 6B1.
East 37th near Grant. $2800' half
cdii. ncHi but in -city.-" '
Mr. Tabor district ' ohnlna nele-hhnr.
hood, prloe $1750; cash down, $750, bal.
www per niuntn; cioas 10 car line,
Phone 7311. 203 Gerllnger Bldg.
New 8 room-, modern house. 'A had.
I rooms, aleeninar noreh., 4imakraat1 rnnm.
and den, hardwood floors, furnace, fire.
piaos; lot. ouxiuu; naro-surraced street:
near the club grounds; wortb $7S0O, and
I now $6300; 1000 dowa , and , 25- per
iiv4m. . . - v . : . ,-- :f--i;
414 Corbet t bldg. A-14H. Mar. SI.
I room modern cottage, on well lo
cated lot 4 blocks from park, 3 blocks
from fine carline. , This property Is
worth 12000, but we have it Xor sale at
inn annva , nrlni, . . onit ' rnn ntak, trnntl
terms. See us at once. Bell Real Es-
tate Co.. 812 Railway Exchange bldg.
4 rooms. ' neat and - Comf ortable. lot
89UX10O. nearly modern. Price 81800.
$200 down, 110 per month. Lot worth
the money. 'Located at 1029 E. Alder,
bet 34th and 35th. Go au for vour.
self or call U. E. Weller, Tabor 2842.
12600 Bargain sale by owner; 4 lots;
-' good house: chicken bouses: 65 treea:
running water; 17 minutes out, Oregon
Electric;, worth $3000, $400 down, $1 1
monthly,' 7, per cent. So4 Kast tb st.
Phone Bellwood 1109.
Part cash. room house, uartlv com.
Dieted, full baaement. 60x100 ft. lot.
Worth $9000. . Close in, 1 block to car;
cement , walks, gas. sewer. Worth $1800
eaati must sen. juee. 10 ri. tith.
100x100 corner, Two houses, 70x70 on
corner: fine for flats.' $5200 If sold at
once, Bnort distance xo uroaaway bridge
1ai ..ah Nn amkan... , ti A ft Vr.nt.n.
ave. Phone Woodlawn 2151
SIX room modern. 66x100 lot. fine ga
,.. .fuii cement, basement a .n.t
ucu, ,uii vaiucui, wa.cnii.iik saa anu
electricity, upstairs renteo, f io per mo,
weaving city, vi oiock irom A -car.
Easy terms. ; Price ; $2300. Call 1072
it.aHi zsa si. - i
A LITTLE old house aial 50x100 lot In
beautiful Creston. which I will sell
for $500. $10 down and $10 ner month.
First money gets this. Sea owner, CIS
Piatt bldg.
Furnished 8 room modern ranManr
K diock car, i blocks L.aurelhurst:
BDlendld location:- view ideal: nrlra
sooo; piiune owner, 'larpor lbao.
WILL . sacrifice my 4 -room house and
bath. comDletelv furnished, corner lot.
100x100, on carline, for- $2400; $1500
cash, balancs $900 3 years at 8 per cent
Phone Bellwood 1882, ;J ,
- SPLENDID. HOME , - ' '
Choice location, v Irvine-ton. oak and
mahogany - finish; 3 baths, servants'
rooms, garage, absolutely modern. East
Z78. w. ll. Heroman.
6 room modern bunaralow. Irvinrton
IJ'arK. $60 cash, $20 month: $2250; 60x
loo lot, rme view. JSmith-wagoner Co.,
512 Stock Exchange. -- t- . -
5 ROOM modern bungalow, hardwood
floors, good basement, concrete foun.
Idatlon. 3 lots, at Woodmere Sta,. $1500.
Call owner, phono B. 1160, room 3.
3300 BUYS a 8 room rhouse, close to
Jefferson high school. , AH street lm-
provements in. . Balance $1100 at $13
per montn, can at zbs n, JMornson.
4 ROOM plastered , houae, - Mt Scott,
anaall . axpense, $1200, $50 cash, balance
water in, can do maoe moaern with
f -660, Journal.
New. nlastered. 45x100 corner. 110
?.i: Ift',Bmlth.Wamar. Co'
BtorK c"a"g-
XHr. w ..moaern a - luuin i viiBKe, woou-
...mere, -near ?; car. 81850. your own
terms. Two . lota , If desired. Owusr
Tsbor 8135. - ,
6 ROOM modern bungalow, heart of
Bunny side, iZ400;,3200 cash, balance
same : as rent, six. per -1 cent ' Leaving
city, h Owner 142 id at., room H
saaaaaaaXaai ii mi n ' .".'"""1.. IJi m .m. an n
vol ' AaiAjLi r uiifin uMt, SHOO -
3 rooms, tun, lot, blocks .Mt, Tabor
car. b0 uown io montniy. irrea w.
German Co., Chamber of Commerce.
STRICTLY modern 6 room bungalow,
- large rooms. Hot water beating svs-
item; 346 E, 51st. a block north THaw.
tnorne ave. uwngr. a-iivi; easy terii).
A BARGAIN 6 room house, 1 block
-from car, good location, price $1400,
$660 cash, balance 2 years. See owner.
880 Lumber Exchange bldg; :. y-
100x100, fenced, 4 room house, poultry
f. .nouse, . yaras, iinu, uo oown. fib
monthly.;, Smith-Wagoner Co., 6U Stock
, 761 E. 3th st. N., near Trentont. Union
150 BUYS a(2 room house, block
from W-W car, balance . $30JV! $5
montn. uaii at saa Morrison,
FOR SALE House near St.- Phillip.
Nerl school, Ladd's addition." : Phone
Bellwood .lSOO.'--;'"-.--'-'.:..-',': if-tvi, .Vi ,v,,
BIX - ROOM bungalow, large lot, price
riant: no mor tease: no asieni. . A-82S.
journal. -, ;
IF you want to buy. sell or lease real
. aetata or loan money, see me. Law.
yer. 401 Stock Exchange bldg.
MCJDERN b roomea oungaiow, close- to
- cur,. iJUt aa. ait a. af mcub - aaiiwej i
NICE 5 room bungalow at your own
. nrloa for all cash. Phone Woodlawn
2743, evanlngs' and Htinday.:-'-'ji :-;
$1600 buys 7 room house and $ lots 6
. minutes waiK' irom if car lines; 'n
ilAWTllORNE bargain; $3400. .'-Strictly
36, Journal.
SALE 8 room modern house. ML
. Tabor district. $100 down, balanoe
rent. Ford & Co., 809 Rv. Kx.
$25 dnwn, $10 per mo,. $ room plas-
tered houae. corner lot. close to c-r.
$750:l6244 Foster road, Mt. Bcott caf.
NEW 7 roomed modern home, close to
car. -A-art traue. tieiiwooa xzvf,
lijri t u.R HOUSES 61
vi . . I'Klt'lS $1360 00 .
1. !' -J 4 ItOOM BUN-GALOW
ff. 'Down
. i..-;1. ' v s $15 per niontu
, , . . 8oXOU C0lner
Fuji concrete baneinrnt, bath, toilet.
t- : lavatory, uutcti kitcnen, eic .v
. . , PRIClil $1100.00
I urnlshod 4 room bupgalow
- " jsodown
$16 per month
0x100 corner
Plastered, tinted, .hot and cold water,
electric liglitu, as, Dutch kitchen,: eto.
rtuv 118BO.00
f $26 Down
- lT SIR rt vrinn1.'.
Near Union avenue and Killingsworthi
concrete basement, 1st class plumbing,
gas,' electrics lights.' Dutch kitchen, etc
;.. t. HaiiocK, oo McKay ktiag.
-r-none evenings, 'labor it.iB
, 5"and'6.Ro6m Modern'
Bungalows,-' -
v. Roue Clty Park- district; havt
- all the : latest built-in conven
iences; hardwood floors; are
1 handy to car. Prices $2900 to
$3760, Terms to suit you. Phone
Main- 18(10 nr A.R2A1
,,j... v; i- i.iuwe,Ka '
2nd.. Floor . Belling bldg. cor, 6th
.; j. -a ('...(. ano a iaer.
$300 Biggest ' Snap in Xity
If. you will pay that much down, t extra
large 5 room bungalows, every modern
builtln convenience. Must be seen to
os appreciated. $400 under value, close
In. Richmond car to th st. Two
blocks north. 1004 and 1005 Caruthers
street. ,
' Anothei at Rth ave . and 46th at..
wooastocx. S2oo down. .$5.eo per mo.
-uo. A-zo3a weekdays or caii yos vi
Tiaiuii ri,
Pays Over 16; Per Cent Net
. i .wi. vfc a iuviub avuu wm cbvu.
near Walnut Park, between Union and
Williams ave best car service; Income
KT.M A 1. , , . vH.k . V
nx moiitn fries yssoo.
This building
has Just been coimleted and Is strictly
modern, with a wall bed In each part,
Woodlawn 1149. . i, - , Y
BY ' OWN Kit ' ' ' ,1
,'E-room boose, modern mumbing. bath-
room, pantry, cement basement, .floor,
Inside cement walk, paved street eieo-
trio lights, wood noist. not ana coiaiiv7" ?" ' 79 . .;
water, gas;; would - consider 8 good
cows, horse, some cash; long time :OU
balance; $2300, value $2500; 1 block to
Irvlngton car; close In; 880 E. 14th sc.
N. Phone woodlawn-. 481; going to
Fireplace, - built-in 1 bookcase, paneled
dining room, oak floors, breakfast room
In kitchen,, cement basement and floor,
rooms tinted; $2700; $300 down, balanoe
to suit. Hawthorne car to Division, go
1 block west, 800 ft. south. Owner, 2806
ntim si. - Taoonyv.
FOlt 8AUS LOTS - ; 10
Have You Seen Glenelyn?
.i Glenelyn Is situated 3 miles'
soutnweat i of the postof flee, and
.will soon have electric car er
' vice. Bull Run water, graded
streets and sidewalks now on ths
r roper ty, 15 minutes' rids from
he postoffice; to fare; commands
a fine view of Tualatin valley. -Full.slied
lots 45J-tu $650. Im
provsmenta included In this price.
Phone Main 1800 or A-6261.
2nd Floor' Selling bldg. cor.' Ith
and Alder.
A BRAtiTiiTTif. .half hionk. ioo2oo.
overlooking tne Keea institute
grounds, witlt fine varlsty of fruit and
shsda trees.. Must bs sold. Will "'
: : T - . . .
$2260: See owner. 512 Piatt Bide.
$400 BUI S beautiful view corner, 60s
. 100; graded street, sidewalk, west side,
20 minutes' ride, $16 cash, $5 per mo.
ii. m. ree, Z3 uorpett mag.
CON J KACTOlio, bargain. 100 ft. near
Patton ave. can build 8 cottages.
Terms., zeua uoasett, j west ivuungs.
worth avenue. .,
utn V...U lfl.lO.1 B.a. .11 iAl ..i.m-
w.u iuj, ovav, .Rue. ucai fivn.
so minutes' car riae; only $460, fib
caan. so- per mo. m. m. ee, ore, tjoroett.
$100 BUYS & 50x100 lotl close to ,Ken-I
.: - v. . ' . -. .
iiiij . Mniaiibo ,,l
288 E. Morrison.'
ton, balance 1350 at $10 per month.
70x90 for stores and flats. Irvlngton.
East Z7S. -;.-
FIRLAND lot $360, worth $450: terms
88 monthly. Main lies, or Tabor 771,
$1000 Half cash, lot on E. . Taylor, near
47th at. Inquire 148 E. 47th st
. FIVEJ ACRES $280. -810
BUys 5 aorea of logged off land.- Three
quarters of a nails from center of town
of 1000 population, also cannery and
creamery. Three quarters of a mils
from railroad station on main Una be
tween Portland and Astoria. ; This land
Is free from rocks and craveL llaa level
ana wui not overriow. - xaeai lor chick
en raisins, dairvina. - and amall frulta.
Will grow anything that can bs raised
in western Oregon. - From some of these
V panval BaksS haifaa la aVkaaLani 4Faa 1 aal a aaaa, as k I
tracts you hava a beautiful view of tha
Columbia river. 400 acres f roaa which to
choose, perfect title and warranty deed,
,ir w . . mnn. . mm
313 Railway Exchange Bldg.. 2d floor.
cietween sa ana sin on Mtanc.
Acreage, 9 Miles From Portal
Crushed rock road at! the way r
- ( or 10 acre tracts, rich soli, run-
ning- water and - convenient to
' school. $175 -to '$200 per acre,-1
one-tenth of the : purchase 'price '
csnh, balance very easy.
The ShawNFear Co' -
Main 35. 102 4th st ' ' A-8500.'
5 j ink n
and 1 U ACreS -CheaL .
$20 tip to $4$ per acr. on 'terms.
.vvtn ,i v- aviH v- uiui. un roil
shot soli, well watered: easily clesred;
irscis or acres or more; oeep, red I
lutii ivr isnsrsr tanning, iruit, vege
tables, dalryina and chicken' ralelnr: lo.
cated on county road, close to live town
on K, R. and river, near Portland, Own-
. HA, , L- 1. 1 . r . .... a .....
cis. - iv iaw uiuis., iui ana uaa .u.
Main sug, luveninga luast 4.
4- 10 acres for $300,. closed river and 1
M neighborhood
school,' macadam i' road doss to land.
This- tract fronting on a road. Your own
terms. 214 Lumber Exchange bldg., cor.
2nd and Stark ata. ;-'
Good soil, city water, close to car line,
easy terms; win duuq 10 iuit purcnaser.
Phone Marshall 1685, or Bellwood $7$.
Jno. H. Olhson, owner. . - '
- - 316 TO lM P1SR ACRE. l"
9 lu ,v avra unvia, uuq suit,, roaa to
svery tract, new school, 3 miles to Co.
lumbla river and railway station, lft
hours from Portland; easy terms. . til
Lumber Kx. bltlK,, cor. 2d and Btark ata.
S to 20 aero tracts, good soil, road to
CHICKEN ranch, 1 acre, 6c-1 fare, 15 I WILL take a clear lot or lot equity as
; minutes. Mlard surface" road, west I i f'1"' payment on a and 6 room bunva
side; fine homo alts; good future. $1200, 1 ,0WI! Hawthorne district, , 308, Ry, Hx,
bo; fin per mo,;; at,, 14 A,ee 62, Corbett I
bldg.' -. :::)-' f'-'-tr;: M t: -"t :" ' '':""' I
FORTY acres 2 miles from Mist; have!
paid m jiioo, oo sun aua at 310 1
per month J no Interest; sell contract)
snap. J-833. Journal, . I
10 acres near carline. 3100 cash, tarma I
- Price. $1600. Wm.- M. Marshall, Van-1
couver. wmn.- oute z, box J37.
$5 per month handles chicken ranca I
(.lose to city. 6U0 far. A. C. Mar-I
stera, ZOJ Wilcox bldg. - I
irert. 1 blork
, $750. Phons
ii At.:nty. --level ana cleared
from car at lnst Ascot
owner, tuaef iibi.
Tualatin Valley Acicao
8 Miles From the Court-Hous
on the .West Side
' : Lying along- both . sldra of the
fc. hew ..Kourtli Ktreet electric Jitifi.
i rJeautirul ainuici xor auourDun
:. hoirtes and ttlwo for the mini want- ,
i-- ing a small trait, of choice land,
convenient to .electric : car uer
' vice, good shipping facilities and
-roh ed rook road leading into;.
-Portland.' Prices,, dcpendlnir upon
k), distance from station, - $250 .--to .
,-...$500 per acre. $$fci- to $50' down ;
.' and tiinall Davments monthly. 4
, The -Shaw-Fear,- Co.' :
v wain aa, s ' 105, nn mi. :. - a-ouw.- ,
. , . t 1 ,
. -- - i . - Jf I1 t ' "
.- .... t .U'l.-j ' " ' "T ".'"
i 1 if' ' , ti ?
' 1 JAcreage
$ miles from court house, . on
. southwest side;.- good rich - apll;
Some- tracts all cleared at Win- '
er cultivation and some stump
land. "Prices $325 to $469 per acre.
Let show you tills property.
Phone Main J800 or A-261r" .
OWNERS. - . t
2nd Floor, Selling bldg. cor. 6th ''
;-.' :,'":' ' '- f -' . i.: .v-1 '
CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port."
WoT g
I vision. Sunshine Vi
land; Ureaham. district. Jtacada line.
i mile, jsew aubdi
alley orchard tracts:
best soil, fftee wood; elegant location,
I Prices only $75 to $150 per sere la small
fcia, easy ierms:quc. xrain service.
I Frank McFarland Realty Co, SOU Xaoa
bldg.. rnrtland. Or.
WHITE Leghorn pullets! 65o each: 1
pair"' Black Langshans $1. Pacific ,
Bird Co.. 91 Union. Phonft East 2753. J
Extra firtnrf-- Ri'iv .",
10 acres. 7 acres under cultivation:-4
room house, bam and outbuildings HJ ;
fruit trees, some bearing; ; 7000 straw-5'
berries. BOO rasnberrlea.. 0ft Jotranher-1. .
I ries, 265 rliubard plants; close to school,
I 2 miles from hfah school i land Hea
level, a good well; togetner With a, fine ,
I mare weighing 1400 lbs., fresh Jersey -:
I ow and calf, hay, spuds, and carrots. ;
P? cultivator. a mall tools,
I ?u' iw cVaBtvP,IuTooa'.f:leVc'a,.on f.
co"nty td. thickly settled .lou allty; ,
from railroad and boat transportation. ,
Price $2250; $1850 cash, balance terms.
Thompson &swan. :
8th and Main Bts..- Vancouver' Wasll: ' 4
LANDSEJCKERS invited; free atereop. :
ticon lecture upon' Victorian govern
ment' land oDDortunitiea. Australia.
I wK?ne?X J",'"' "Tl-.", l5A,' olock,
fislllng-Hirkchbldg., 386. Washington
I omann. - oy vuitnia; goyarnnient .-.
uciBKaig, j. w . urumr jygiiyi-- ,- - - v ..
FOR SAXuS on easy terms, beautifully
-located - stock farm.' 90 . mllea from
Portland. 500 acres - under A Irrigation, ,
200 acres opiana pasture ana tiruoereu,
csn use Portland acreage In exchange
for bulk, of value. KX-6 18, 'Journal. s
FOR SALE $30 per acre, 160 sores, in- '
eluding mill site; 50 acres under plow,
bslance pasturs and heavy timber. Ideal ' r
dairy and' hog farm, phone and. milk
route; 4H miles east of 8ublimity, John j
Willing, Stayton. Or. - Route 1. , '
FERTILE) farms All .sixes at., fair i
prices, some stocked, good terms., only r
38 mllea from Portland. Before buying
elsewher write your wants. H. B. AD- .
person, Rldgefield, Wash.- T
' Ll mil off carline. c fare: 4'acraa f
cultivated; house and barn. Sell rea
sonaoie. call or address C A. Bebuts,
81H Grand avo. -
46 acres near carline, near Portland, plat
fine. 160 acres. Lane oountv. arnnil
firm or stock ranch, with equipments..
Box 84. Tiaard. Or. ' ' - .
I I ' 1 .. 1 .T " 1 1 11 . l a . i ii "I''.'
I aeu cneap my oaauurui honxt
Tapm nn -i-n a I a r I viva,,. IK mllaa wna.
i S r,i. txin r.r
f 0,iJ,fvW"L & XAr.VtI
cr T. Wlthycombe, Bit McKay biag. v
10 acrea Improved. 32000.
10 acres improved, $3750."
33 acres Improved,. $4000. Ctflso.ln.i''
yi..,viii ,v, rtiioa U.VJ gj,
FOR SALE Farm of 143 acrea close in..
For particulars address Hana Weaver.' .
Myrtle Creek. Oregon. - ' '- ;
MODERN house for- rent, ground 80s '.
chloknn yard; furnitura for sals; also
fresh cow and calf. Income $85 a
. v i " in.1111, ' a, ua. . , .
uw; it ueanng , trail - trees, oam,
I montn. sao iu. Kiuingswortn ave.
FOR RENT Dairy farm-. ,180 acres, 40
to 50 acres in cultivation: flaw hnuaa.
I large barn. 11 miles from city. New
I xorK Grocery llth and Morrison sts.
IT 180 sore ranch. Free rent !v
1. For Quick aale. stock, cron. '.
1 to Jan
e1?u?,hJihl Ktood" S,n,5r 880' ' Koo, f
507 Chamber of Commerce.- - . .
-4 ;
I nuMtii 11-.A1JH in tne Biusiaw; deep, -
ran uoiiy gooa water, near ranroaau
schools and sood.roada., 203 Garlinaar '
bldg.' -- ' -' - : ; ..
I OR homeoteads and relinquishments, J
come to juryiaxa more, inrormation :
for stamps.., Address Drylako.. Htors, J
Held. Or.-.'" v..,.,,... -,. ;.it;-
HOMESTEADS near Portland now open
for entrvl rich 'and leval: rallraajl to
land. Covey, 267 Oak. room tl.
CHOICE 820 acre homestead. Malheur
r-i aaa.. . a
Co. Address Wm. O. UaiL nor. 2d and
jtwn streetBi rortianq. - -.- -- ;
L-l HOMESTEAD land now-onen for
entry. Close to smalt town, on new
R. R. line. Call 224 Rurnslde at.
liUMEa a eau information rree,.. send
stamp. Box 891. Weiser. Idaho. - .vu
exchange real-estate 24
60 ACRES of fine, level valley land, alt
In cultivation; cheap buildings; hslf a -
mile from - transportation; near Corval- ''
list $160 per acre.- Will sell on terms of -'
nothing -down If. you will Improve tho
property or will accept Portland prop.
ertp as part paymentV
618-10 Board Of - Trade BMg.T
da BMr;V;
FIVE' room cotAge, largo lot, in Van.::".
couver, B. C - Lane . corner. 80 foot
I street, fruit trees and berries. Prop
ey soutn or tprtiana prererrea. ap. ii
Ply Owner, H. t. P, 281 Clark Drive, ,
Vancouver, H, C, a- f - v - -.
erty south or .Portland preferred. Ap
FOUR lots, free of Incumbrance, free
aoreare and some cash, to exchange
for small. atoro or rooming house. ' This
party , means -ousinsss. uoaaara, liu.
Couch bldg.'- .-'?' -,
FARMER Exchange As first payment JjJ,
on new moaern nouss-in i-ortiana, wui . ,l
take horses, stock and Implements anj
frfbw r " ' i7z " ' ' . , V ' 7
J.if Jff JL!'
give terms on naiance. x-24; journal.
water Piped to hbusea: rood
roads: valued at 1 13.000 ft miles south.
east of ' Portland icitv limits, for ex- '
change for Income bearing. Portland real
estate. R-468, Journal. - ' W .
FOR BALE cheap, or. will trade for
team; harness and wagon, a fins cor
ner lot on E. t. 6111 and -Halsey, Call
1441 Hasaalo. ' v--,' r,:.
820 ACRES Improved farm $26 at rel
Bomo traoe. crop payments ror bai-
ance. Owner, H. N. Swank, 611 North
west bldsr. , - - . -..,
a-i: 1 t i' n 1 1 . j" '
$So00 STOCK of household furniture
' snd furnishing In good factory town,
to exchange for clear real estate, jA-763,
Journal. . ..,) .; ' '--i , ,
"r" "
EXCHANGE. 6 room oottaa. full int
nice frnlt trees;, what have. you to
"fnango. vrtv, jonrnau. '-
WE exchange what you nave for what
you want. Paper k Baker, 444 Shar
lock bldg.. 3d ard Oak. Marshall 2664.
HI LOTH. Callfornlii 'sununerTrMorC
. trade for - something of good value
nere, aao i.umner Kxcnangs bldg.
WANT Los Anaeles aureoaa. In nxchnt
ff arrp. floss to ehsctrlt! line. 8-mlleaV
I from courthouse, Owner, j-627, Journal.
JltOoailNtJ House wanted In exUhansi
ivr reewjtsnuB. u-bji, aiournai.