JN DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVEHII.-.. OCTOBER 14, 1S1C .iLL. FRONT-: STREET DEALERS ARE ASKING -FOR. A PUBLIC MARKET OTO EGGS IS , LIKELY HERE WITH ft : ,lW.SCilllTQy;iilTII! Offerings n Are Nominal Along the Street',1 Today and Indications PointJto .IUe '-2 Cents Verj Jyoon; .Storage Stock Moving. 4 -.Today's Produce Treae. , Rgge to advance. '. - Chickens are firmer. . -' . w . Cheese market active, ' 'fi'. : Huckleberry pricea firmer, .- Butter continues weak. v Onions ar&: jield firmer,' ,' i Considerable hop trade. . ' ' Country hog very firm. 4 Veai( market down again.1. d . Peaches harder to move, ; ' Good .trading in aonles. Indications: are pointing-nfongly J6 a further advance in the price of fresh , ranch eggs In the local market ' today . the price was very firmly held at 4,0a a dosen, ' but , there was only, a mere sprinkling of supplies and the wants Of the trade'wer' not At all supplied. It is RriiMittny utmevpu mat aui iRimeawu Hiivance wilt 'be- farced In values and ti.at a 4 la war Ket will succeed the presr etn 4Ua market without delay. - - Xhe, few .oases, of strictly fresh eggs now coining forward could undoubtedly be iiold at the (higher figure even at this moment If. receivers,, were inclined to ask the rise." - - u Local prkea. are, still Somewhat out of. line 'with those ruling at other mar kets along the, coast - Both Seattle and Kan Francisco are Quoting higher prices than Kront:. street The result la that the former ia receiving 'the bulk of-the limited offerings of. the Willamette -valley -at -this tlmey J,t,i't . - V- Market, foe eggs, at eastern and mid' die 'West centers continues to rule the highest ever' known at this period for- su-ictiy' iresn rancu. wnue ine market tor storage la firm, Still there Is a gen eral; tendency among ice house speculate ore to unload: promptly in order, to take their profits;" The season for cold stor age stock is now .well - advanced 'and speculators do not ' Intend to take toe many-, chattels .writh the Dulk of thar reACV ' season is7Extk$Q'q Season for peaches is ending very fast along Front street and prices arS being reduced. There are quite liberal . supplies retained by the trade and the outward movement is very alow. '.Qual- t lty is- lacking1. ""r-' v - ri f AXOr STRAWBKftlUES AURIVE " v feff'""' ! "v.1 -c-'. t Page. & Bon reporf. In a shipment jot live, crates ot, strawberries, Ironi the Hlllcrest ' farm of K. J. Barton, near ' Sheridan. The stock was in excellent condition,' and sales were ,mada,a 45.50 a cratefr .&-', i MJ Z -. v.' ' 2 TOUtATOf Pmcm ABB EASIER ; 'Owing to the general lack of No. 1 quality, the market for tomatoes la eas ier along Front street today, Receipts of poor. t ordinary, quality bava beea , 4-ather liberal. Best Is selling generally . at 60 to (Oo with ordinary at .35 to 40c -a box. : t r . ' ' ..n.'i' - :,, 4 J HUCKLEBERRJK8 ABE riltM Market f of huckleberries Is showing '' . atrenrth ' today with most sales this jfnorning at, o . pound. Receipts re ' rently have baen limited and fresh ar rivals bava beeijSttlpkly . picked 4ip at the 1 price quoted. - Quality generally APPLE MARKET RULES ACTIVE , : Considerable activity Is showing In the wiarketxfovapptf!!tr"Sales are snowing n increase ana, -asfs. rule former high , figures are- being miafntalned. Winter Bananas seen! to be the exception. The ttrlee on' these started too hlsh and best offering are- today, down to, 12.50 a box. HOPLMTRLER. V.'ltH 26 3-4 (BUS- PAD lflCALIF0.11 Several Ixt8 Are 1 Reported Taken Here at. 26c While From 25 to . 20c Haa'Bconraidnii'a)Uma Foreign, larkcta Holding Firm. FRONT ST. PUOLIC MARKET; MAY - BE AN 1 TO PRICES There is further strength reported In the hop market with confirmed business both here and in California at 2J4c for selected offerings, although some deal era say they are unable . to land any or ders above -25c for beairUVr-.-V ' i w . Klab'er, Wolf A Netter of this city purchased a block of hops in the valley at tha higher figure during the last tt nours. 'i- McNeil Bros, purcnased two lota one 175 bales and another 94 bales In the . valley at 28c, and It is stated that T. A.- Liveslsy. purchased several lots at the same price. Jl.--;' y-'i-'-.-.;-.-..-:-v McNeff Rroa. also nureha.sul inn hales In tha Yakima section at 25 to 26o a pound, according to quality, if v The same condition is shown In the California trade with Richardson report ed a purchaser of a round lot in the Sonoma section at 26ic a pound. This Is the, extreme price reported on the coast on tha present movement, but- it reflects tha stronger tons that is pre vailing,; . t',' , ; , , - While growers In general are not over anxious to sell at this time, some seem willing to take profits, and, these are now being purchased.- On the other hand , soma of the dealers - are selling while a short time ago they were buyers. rxo taie news regaraing tne ioretgn markets has been cabled to local Inter ests. While cables have been received, none of them aay whether to buy or not Tha English official crop estimate is expected within-a few,days.-t illilSii Chicago Closeg With Loss of 7, Cent w-Af ter,Jjower Opening Today : Foreign. Trade Weak. ..t. v. i . j J Chlcaso.- Dot'!,14.-Preisura! In the wheat' market started with tlie-peA)ng pf pit tradtuje. today, . Opening.-igures a iuh hi 7c lur jLywconiDCT nnu Ho 'fot. May. wftV tU closing-o down t or-cach of the two options. . . Tha market ' showed a ulet notwith standing 4he pressure to sell;, the lower prices being forced with a few.' Inter-' eta,OB'ttoaHylng'-'idaf:l-..'v.-.v-:1' American visiDiq supply or Wheat, I4,44,006 bushels, compared with- 34, (17,000 bushels a year ago. '(World's shiDments of .wheat were 14 870,006 bushels, compared 'with li, 847,000 bushels last week and 1S.Z77.000 bushels a year ago.'- . Wheat on Dasaase S4.844.00a. bushels. compared with' 16,468,000 bushels a yearj ago,-"--' v - i; ... Broomhall rCabled that thai Idveroool wheat market-was quiet with- Some pres-. sure. rrices were , vncnangeo io o lower. Realising waa induced by heavy shipments from, the Black Bea and the Increasing. pressure 'of - new- Australian. Home market opened unchanged from yesterday and ' later declined 0Hd, .with prescura, due 'to increasing stocks here and the pressure of wheat at the docks, 'thia "being due to the scarcitjOf storage room. The decline in corn-and the weakness. In Parts at the opening helped the depression. At 130 the nrar- Ket was.qujet,. tower man eaturaay. v-jRangt or enrcsgo prices. fnrnisJTeov. by OverbMk 1 & Cooke company, , 216-21 RnM or TraOm hnllrtlntf. . ':.;-:r '..-'wheat-. Ol With ' Cutting , Oat of reddling and . Hawking by ; the Producers More . , Uniform .-Values-Would Be-Avali-able; All Dealers In Favor. - By Hynian II. Cohen. ' Front street Interests have coma out flat-footed for a public market Not a single dissenting opinion is expressed In the wholesale Jobbing trade regarding the matter. - Everyone is in favor of the city establishing one or more of the markets. Whether the markets will.be a suftcess, financially, none are willing to state. ; i The object pr Front street interests In calling for a public market Is purely selfish on their part Their action in dorsing the, movement Is contrary to what most of the promoters of tha pub lic market have expected. They wanted Front street to fight the project be cause they could explain that tha mar kets would be a good thing f6r con sumers generally and be harmful tot the wholesale. trade. ;'";.;: ;.''-- -v,' , Nothing could be further from : the truth, however, as the establishment of a public market here would do more to aid Front street than anything that could be done at this time. .The publlo market .would simply mean that there would be hereafter no free selling by producers ' and peddlers ' from house to house and from grocery. It would have the effect of establishing prices more fenerally and In that way would be a irect aid to the -wholesalers who se cure the bulk Of their supplies from territory which could not utilisa a pub lic market. ...' v..-. '; The establishment of a publlo market would do away entirely, with peddling of fruits and produce. . This has always been the demoralizing: feature of the Jobbing trade, especially" during the sea sons -when the home territory was mar keting Its product:; Instead of lowering f rices as -some Interests have professed o believe it Is likely that the estab lishment of the publlo markets would actually raise them. . -"-Seattle has- a - public market - - The price of. eggs 'and ' other - produce is higher there at nearly all times than at Portland. - While this city, was -quoting 40c on fresh ranch ess today; Seattle was"rselllng tt45.46c,i The same- Is true of poultry and-; country killed meats. "Pcla toes- show3 a similar trend ttorsVl'&fr EASTERN FRUIT; MARKETS Washington Rome Beauty Sella at inNew York; Howells ' ' Average S2.0Q.lit Chicago."- Month. Dee. Msy Ones, Illsh. SAM, thi ""Uw. so Close. - 85 A "80 B t FlrmStt nricea er showing In the mar et, for .eniong ' today. , Best red. suck in tieinff "uuped ,as -MgXk as xz a cental hl; Nov" t 'yellow stock is -held anug at Ml by. uije trade generally.- Mar-ket- continues- excited in. the country, ,-r.;- - fr "Wiiils n i if i in i .-.-,.:.flJ',.; V -FOJKECAST FOB SHITPERS I j.::Vff,v-' 1 .':" 'V''';"'-'.;?;: The " weather bureau sends the follow- in m forecast for shippers:. : . : ) Protect ahlnments as far north 'as Se- . attle against minimum temperatures-of -.', .degrees; southeast. to Boise, 25 de erees; south to Siskiyou, 14 degree a - Minimum temperature at Portland- to 1 , night, . about 42. degrees. , .,;,:!':i'';v. i - PORTLAND JOBBING RICESi s '.. tbeMtarleei are these t whleb whAlesaiera .Sell to retsller. .except ar etberwlie statsd . . Wat erasmery. n2K3ct ranca batter. 22c. -- KOOS Komlnnl. Osndled lorsl extra. . SO. , SeleH pnllet. SSciVordlniirr xsbdlert, SSej can- rmint, ttavaf;7 npvc fmyinf pries, sao- z.v ew- e. . INMrtlsndt'-stoMgei- 8233e. :. .:; ;i ' " MVB ( rot'LTKY - Hen 1SU: eprliin vloj iti. 18ei geese. He; Pekin docks. 1 14(3 irr; jnnmn uunnors, lursera, siej- ersssta, CHKESE-rNomlBsL v.I'mh Oreson fancy' fall eream .twins end triplets, ITcj,, asisles,. l7Uet Voiin Amerlrs. ISHe- ; ' ,,.-.- ......t - BUTTER FAT Producer"' pries for Portland delivery, per lb., 4e. ' -'''"::,.' : ' : -' ' Hops, Vasl sal ''-;''fi.''.''.';v ' MOPSBuylhg orlre, choice. 20ej primeV 23c i ' . medium to prime, S4c: tnedlom, 28. .' - WOObNominal. Ui8 cup. WllUmetU vat lev eosrae Cotiwold, Iflo lb, I Bsdlnm 8hra. hire, IJc; ebolee fssey loti. 18e Ib.j essteru saeoramg io inrinkaf. -tUSCAUA BABJb ma; eat ? -fcTOHAlB IBIS Nominal 80e. V V- !' HI Wis -Dry bides, aiQ22o U.; green. It ; sanea uw, ii ouiisv sreeq sail, act Klpe, Oreffoa, 10$tle, CUIX'XIM uu Bionics. lHl eottase l ), ' LABI). Tierces 13 et: lSffilOei calna, dry. 24Q25ci calf skins. Saltei or areen. 17sJ18e; green bides, v is than salted; sheep pelts, salted, shearings, lOQaoe; .Sry, lOe. , , -j-, ',, - . - Meats, nab and Previsions.' ' '; . ' DitKBSEU MSATS BaUiug' prlne Country killed. ! llogt, fane, ? 12cj- ordinary, ' lie: rough and heavy,' c fancy veals, 14c; ordinary, uuc; poor, llitfUc; laaibe,, joet uuttua... tOc! coats, 8i(4. ,; ' ,f' , '. Weakf.it b.oon, Ht80Uc;. tKiQad ham, & iponod, trarc, iBATs racking hooae-MSteers. Ke ' stork. 14c, cows, No..l otook, iav4tiacj ewea, SUi -waihart. PHci lauba, lloi pock lotus,' Sue I orewird Vosa, WM,c. . ; OlfSTEUB BhoHlwater bay; per gallon' )l rer 100 lb. aack ; ; Olrmpia,' per gallon, ;1.B0; per 100, Jb, sack ( Is -raonvd, eastern, fi,r,e cant $9.60 doses: eastern, in aSell. S1.J0U S.0O r luO: raaur eUnia, S8.00tt2.il box,' i FISH Nominal. Dreaaed (looudera, 7c; kali, trnt, Jii.'Oc; atilpcd basa, 17c; fhlnook aalmos, ; stelbeada, ) solas 7s lb. sbrlmiis, lVei pweb, 8e lb.; lobatare, 8a lh.f bu.li -baas, 20e allrer amclt, (to; aliad. Sc( black cud, - Sc; atnrsaon, liliiaa tx . . - . - CEAlt-UrB, t.7St medium, It dossn,- , .if- Orooarias, :.'''..' . St'OAK Cube, 15. 66; powdered. $3.45; fruit er Bstry, SB; beet, 5.0i dry. f r.oulated, t.io; O yellow, $4.69. (Abors quotations are 0 da net caah.v Bicii J(in style. No. 1, New Orleana, bead, 6STe; Creole, oe. . ; l-IONEY New. per eeae. , , I UEANS Smnll white, a 2-fic: large wblte, ll.ii pint, )4uf. uuaa, H; pluka, e; bays TOc; Xpm barrels, fitk per galloa; 10 cite 'lota, 72. ' " - , . nlnnrrerl niKtrets floni,. beams): are t1'., m. . ' ShAlritf. iinfltMf 111! v lmel tn n.rmsnv In. f hAI. I--, oamn, ,jie ij. eTronns, . Jw, siv peri""" " J " ,:"T-."rf ton; tos IilUui table 'dairy, 60s, lsj iua, I stead of Steel ones, Pee. May Usy 90 eoi. . CORN 7 67 li 70A m ' 70 ,r .:. OAT 40 - .V i 40 4854 43 - : ' :'; PORK Jan. wen ijmw May .,......1873": 178 , :,..,,,.,,,...;.,:.:,. i- LARD- -, oW'k'5;.MM' -,ZWt Jan.' :.,ii', . . . 1055 1055 .Vs. 1040 .' 1040 Msy ;'..,.-'; ,107v-lu7., 1067 -WOO A i ;',':lr''' .''.;?'.-';', BIB ' : . v-'.'j.Hv-''" i 0et.";r' ,:j riV , i ow; ' 'f - vmtmrmt-n i.J ... i, 1 in:rf . ,4lo40 tons JTtoaa B JCROftllS'DAIiiAGED '. 67 ;:,. : 1853 3SHJ7 , ; 1045 71B ,70 i960 'A 107O - 1048 4 ' ... :r....g.aW':,::-', null . h'h.'i.Ji" m ''.i .,' C:Jn?J fuch Loss Sustained 'it H ood River When High Wlnda Strike the .r&i' OrchtJa.: oi;,Vallej-i; . Hood River, Or., Oct.' 14, A ; heavy rain leu in tne- mooq- xtiver vaiiey nun day eveaing. followed1 by a'trong wind that has - dona several thousand dollars' worth of damage in -the Orchards by blowing tha - fruit from- the1, trees?"' Tn many instances tha growers were lust a little behind wltlr-their picking, which placed i the apples In condition . to be easily shaken from the trees,- It la .es timated thati the wind attained a veloc ity of SO miles-pet hour and continued for eeveral hours. ' - - 8ome of .the- larger 'growers estimate that they have lost from 1600 to 2000 boxes, of fruit Sunday night which will mean- a loss of from (4600 to $5000. Borne of tha growers, place the loss of the entire- valley at . approximately $160,000,- Afany of the falling apples were .blown! by. the wind against: the limbs and trunks:o. the trees.and. split entirely open. - , r : The 'fallan fruit ?wlU ' be nnfit " for shipment -on account- of bruises - sus tained, and will be filled into sacks and hauled to , the cider factory. : All the varieties unpicked suffered in the same froportton.' It Is stated that where the reea had been Irrigated more- heavily that the drop was not so heavy, a i. ,, , . , , ., ' i ! . '3 llT.BOl bttrl aad 10, $55i M.tSi estra fine barreU; 2a, 8a S.00:.lump rock; S20.M Der tea. . . . j .- j... .. rratu saa vegvtaaiaa. . V FRESH FRUITS Oranfea, S5.O0Q6.00; b Bsnaa, 4Ve per lb. lemoDB,v$8(jiS: llmaa, $1.50 per 100; srspefralt, CaUfornla, $5.60; Florida, M; pineapples H7orib.; cntaiouie, $2.0ui AT8; peaebee f ascy, . COjSi50eL ordinary. HAiU 40e: watermelons grape, tonrards 12c per 4 lb. banket, stbet varieties, .-78c4$l JiJ: near. $1.80J.76r - - ' VKOKTABMJa Tarnlps, $1.00: beets. $f esrrots $1) parsnips, $1.60 sa cabbage, $l.ioj local tomatees, . B6(al)e per koij strlnf beans, a (d So lb.; green onions, lavso dosoa bunchea; peppers, , bell., 84t4e; besd lettuoe, 2utli0 dosttni ceieryv W((76e, egc Plant, Te; cauU (lower, lJaiJ0 dosaai rbubarb, focal ..) rticbokes $1 dossaj. spreata, v Ib, aplnach, local, Se Ib.i psasi Sffltef greea eora, JORUMS per doaes." , , - BKBR1ES Blackberries, $1.83; -hockrabef. rlea, BiUIOolb. - ' . APPUiS hlatlng apples, $1.0083.00; eooktaf spplea, 81.00. ' rOTATOEs Srlllnr pries: Ertrs rbolce, $1.25; choice, $1.15; ordinary, $1 sack; buy. Ins price,' carload. ' 7848!. eountry points, tweeta, Sr lb. ' ' . . '- OMONsWobMnf prrce, tl.78! -earload bay. Ing price. $1.8Aijl.60 f. fi b, shipping stauosi larllc, 8fl0e lb. , , . UN.Et.l OlO Haw- bbls, $9e per ral.1 ket tie boiled, bbls., Sle sal. raw caaes, 4e; boiled esaes, Se al.i lets of SM gallooa. Is leas; oil cake seal, $44 Per ton. WH1TB LK.AD Ton lots, se per Ib.i 600 lb. lots Se pr lb.; leas lota, gyie u, j. Oil, MKAI Csiload tots, 834.' -I i ' TURPENTINE in caaes, 7? j wnoa barrelt, .New York. Oct 14. Through auction today S3 cars deciduous fruits: Winter Nells, $1.40; Clairgeau, $231; Moroeaq, $2.87; Cornice .halves, ,$1.63; " one' car Washington Rome Beauty.i tt.tl; one car"' Oregon prunes, one ' car Idaho prunes. ' -:' - : ".', . Chicago Through auction today cat Oregon Howells .from Stewart Fruit' company, some ripe, $2,10 to $2.75; aver age,. $2.$0; tew -halves .California Nells,. 80c j -few Buerra Hardy, 86c; cars Colo rado Jonathans, fancy, $1.88; :ar Colo rado Orange Winter, $1.42; car Utah Jonathans, estra, $1.80; fancy, $1.66, seatleoduce!:to Eggs Are, Holding Firm at 45 and '40c lor Fresh Ranch; Onion V ' : "i . ' TTlces ;' Are Firm.' ; . ; ' SHARP ADVANCE IS H ASKED FOR HAY WITH, IfffERIOR CALL HEAVY Seattle. Oct. 14.-Eggs Select ranch, 45046o; AprlFetorage, 80$2c. Butter Washington creamery ' cubes, $4c: city"creamsry bricks. JBc; .; fresh eastern, 36(p$lc; Oregon, 3031c, '. , Cheese TUlanmok. . 17 Vic; - Toung Americas, ic; wasnington twins, llko; triplets, iittc-'v - - 1 Onions California- yellow, zo per pound; walla walla, zc? local, $1.26 1.60 nsr 100 nounda. ' - Potatoes local, $1820; ".Taklma Gems, $23; sweets, $i,sojiz.oo,per 100 pounds. .m .r. .- J- OMAHA. H009',SHQW.,1X)SS ' Jlartet Down 5 to' 25 Cents Today; , Cattle Are, Dime Lower ' , (Special to Tht Journal, V ' v.' " 1 8outU Omaha, Oct It. Cattle. 7(0$; market steady to 108 lower. iBteers, $8.75tP9.2S; cows and belters, $8.!5t 7iB0. ; Hogs, 6000; market steady to BtQ26o lower, at 17.sefiBS.19. ' , " - Sheep. 28,009: market steady to strong-, Yearlings, js-ounv 0.00; , wemers,.. .aoTO 4.65 : lambs, ,$; . ews, $400$ .. ..... r , y.-7-t ... , n - CHICAGO HOGS ADVANCED 4.30. i' i Sales Blade at Advance of iO to' 15 - . 'Cent; Other Lines Steady. Chicago, Oct. 14. Hogs Receipts Jft.r OOOj? left over,, 1800; run.yesr ago, 17. 000;: market lOffulBc higher; , mled- and butchera, $7.90iff 8.76; . good and heavv. I8.Z6W8.75; rougn ana neavy,. . 0601 5.16; light $8.068.76. - Cattle Receipts 4000 f market steady. Sheep Receipts 24,000. t: .,'.'. '.;.-f,-iiii n ii 1 ifVst '-iVy1', KANSAS CITY - 8HEEP RISB Market Up -a Nickel Today;. Hogs v. " v Are Up a' Dime.' ' Kansas City; Oct 14. Hogs Receipts 11,000; " market IOo higher.- Tops: $8. - Cattle Receipts 21,000; market weak, 1. Sheen,' Receipts: 11,000; market 6c higher. , j ' NOBTHWKST ' DANK . STATE3IENT 1 ' ' ' Portland Banks, ,' Ctearlngs. .,, Tbla wek. .Veer s(W. Monday ...... $025,568.00 $3,Oe(,H4.0 SMU WaaWa. lit ?. -' v fnesrlnss ',...'...... .'.'.. .$S,2S3.671.oO Balances ...,..-. t,.. 303,012.00 ........ ,.,x..$ g63.Kol.00 i24,oo2oo Market Is Stronger All Around, but Especially for Alfalfa and- Tim Dthjr; 9ia Of fere4l WlIiSAier Defused br the Growers. PACKERS WFIEAT CAROOKS QCIKT . Ixindon, Oct. 14. Wheat r$oeS on Paaaara Duyera noiu on.-." "v--..:--- KtiKilab country markets eaay.s. '-V-' ':) i'reucb eountry markets eaay. .. fV. . PORTLAND GRAIN RECEIPTS ' -Osra- !, Vbeat.BarltyJi-lout.Oats.Hay. Monday lKi . 24 s , IS 86 ' 18 Tuesday St 12 7 1 11 year a(0 ,,..170 ' $ 6 10 $ rleaaoa W date. .6815 ,. S78 : 708 608 740 Vesr- ago. .6T TOO . 660 6BO 670 Much excitement la shown In, the local bay trade as a result of the news com ing rromJ the interior or me surienea condition - of -the rade -there. - While - a, short time-ago- there was plenty of al falfa available at 812.604(1 $18 a ton; it is reported impossible to secure ursi cutting at the higher price Just now. The same condition applies to timothy and higher pricea are being demanded for remalninc .-.etipp-lieev - ru The sharp advance in the bay market ia due to the -alleged bringing In of manv head of livestock from California to feed in this state.' It la stated that Miller & JLiUX, ma utiirornia came kings, have purchased 66,000 tons of .alfalfa to feed their cattle. This an. nouncement creaiea more eaciiwueHt. in the trade here than bas been shown for many a day, .ir "'" ' ,il The entire cereal trade continues quiet with no general change in quotations. Outside markets remain quiet r Flour ' business la very limited both for local and export account. Tndev's arenaral rraln market ranare: WHEAT Nominal producers'; prices. track basis; ciuo, tbc; mining oiue tAm " 74ii8So; Turkey red. 84c: forty fold, 7or red Russian and hybrids, 76 77e: valley, 79e bushel. . BARLKY Nominal producers' pricea, track basis: reea, 924; Brewing, sxea c IA, a11. 9R CA iu tn . . OAT8 New, feed, $26; milling. $25.60 per ton. 5 -' , .-.' FLOUR Selling nrlce; Patent $4.T0: Willamette valley,.' $4.70; local, straight, 8. 85 4. 1 0 1 export. : $ 3.65 3.7 0 1 bakers' HAY Producers prices: Willamette valley timothy, fancy, $1414.60: east ern Oregon-Idaho fancy, timothy. $16.60; alfalfa, $18; vetch and oats, $11012; clover, .$9010 per ton. - r MILLS TUFFS Selling price: Bran, $21; middlings, ISO: shorts, $26 per ton. - UKA1JI BAUS UUBH",, 7W SU'c , '-.... . ..... .-. - iniVirTt' fiTr.TCTVRuvln: nrlees . No. 1 red, country poihts, V4c; Portland, We; Alslke, 11014c. - i V 4SSasMawa.MSsaBSBBBaeaeaB - - f'. HIT H PACIFIC Loeea 2 J, Point" at Closing After r Lowrer Opening; Canadian Af : ' ' fecta Bear Of Trade. " : ;; Clearings BaUnees , ' ' , Money and Exchange. tendon. Oct. 14 Consols 724d; 'silver, 28 6-19d, bank rats 6ft. Vew Tork. 'Oct. 14.--fl Berlins exchanae. lost 4.82; short, 4.S; slim bulUen, 61 7s. San Franelseo.. Oct. 14. Utarllnrt exchange. 80 osys, 4.80: stxht, 4.83! doc., 4.H. Tranf few,, telegraphie, 8 premium, sight, par, , San Francisco Barley Calls. Baa rranelseov Oct. 14. Barley rails: " - . Open- VTose. Deeeaeer v.... leO'f . 140',, May .1404 - 1404 New York Cotton Market. ) Opening - High'' Low Close 1281 t 1276-1278-77 1293 r 1278 1278.79 1282 I 12 ' 1 $- 1322 1301 11. 14-04 1307 1290 1233-54 Jan. ...,, ...1282 Mar. . t ,,1, ,-izt9 May :...M.lf" July ...... ,.177 Oot' ,..132J Dec. 1398' .1" Bird Dog Got 'Em.' Eugene, Or., Oct. 14. After Otho V. Roberts, - local .'. merchant, had hunted pheasants all day Sunday without kill ing any, his bird dog located a pheasant In tha tail grass an(J csptured th bird alive," i New Tork, Oct '14. Severe weakness in Southern Pacific today, .occasioned bv tired holders, sara the nrioe a bad jolt during tha session. Closing iloss for the ayjraa -jm -poinuk-r-'f The weakness in the rest of the mark et today was caused by the pressure against Canadian Pacific but during the last moments of the trading a better ton was reflected, due -to -the uncoil. firmed rumor that tha bond Issue of the New Haven had oeen approved. Range of New York prices furnished by overoeca r. cooaa uo 3i-zn aoaro of Trade building INSCRIPTION Amalgamated Copper O Amerlcaa C. 4k tdy. Co. Amerleaa- Can. e American Cotton Oil, e.. Atnertcaa JWoo,, c . . . , American Hacar, e.,.-. Amerleaa pmeir. e. Am. iei, ........ Asseends Mining Co.. . A tenison, e. .... . . . . . . , Ilaltlmors A ' Ohio, v' Rnthlnhem Steele .. Brooklja-. Rapid .Transit tinnadlau r'aelfle; e.,.. central ieatner. c... ( ht. A 0, W., e.i;,'. Chi., M. Bt. P.... ('ht. A (J. ' Vf.t ei.i?.v Chlno Uopner- ..... Cheaapeake -OWe.-.. (tolurado r. ft I., C, .. Corn Prodtiets,"c...-...v Ieovr .K,,..0.,..f rlo,:' C ..k.i. ...... 4 - Erie, 'let pf ........... Gen.' eetrw. ... ,r...... Q. Korthsrn, pf. ....... Illinois Central........ Int. Metropolitan... e. v Ihlih Valler ,..... Kanaa. City Booth.. iAuliTtlle A'ffaa&vuie M., K. A T-.'fe... ...... Mlssoori Pacific v... National Lead ........ Nerada Conaolldated .' . . New. Haren.;v.i... NewXora central.. n. Y., 0. a w. Norfolk Western, e.. North American. A . ... . Northern Pacific, J e. ... . I'ennaylTSnls Railway. . P. G., h. A C. Co...... Presaed gteel Car, e.... Ray Oona. Copper....... Readlnx, . ,. Readinit, 1st pf....... Republic I. k e...., Rsptible 1. 8., pf.... Bock Island, e. .......... Rock lalasd. pf. ........ Bonthera Paclfle, c. . . . . Sonthera Railway, e. . . . Houtkera Railway, , pf. . Tenn. Copper..... ..,. Tlnlmr Pacific. e;,.v. . v. Union Pacific, p......J 1, CI BnMu. .,.1 V. BA Steel 0., e.-.j... XT. 8. Steel Co., pf...... litah Copper .......... . Virginia Chemical , . . , Wabaak, e. ........... . W. U. Telegraph..."..... Weatlngbonae - Eleetrle. . , Money 8. - - Total sales 67.100 sbsree. llMwrntlisb lw t 71 : I V BIS lORti 12s 84K 18H of a 81 to SO lso 82K 61 LSI 66 3?fc 8 80 r 10T' 2 121 84 - s 86 227 11; lOOJi ?2H FORMER RAILROAD 'MAN HELD TO GRAND JURY Following a preliminary hearing yes. terday afternoon, George Egbert Isham, until recently a rajiroaa rtreman, was bound over to the federal grand Jury on charges of Impersonating a 'United States secret service official The hearing was before Commissioner Can non, it wss lesiiriea inat on tne strength of his alleged government po sition he had borrowed $9.60 from a Mra, Allison, at whose home ha was rooming. Hia bail is $260. He was em ployed for a while as uniformed officer at tha Ladd & Tiltoa bank, and at op time waa connected, with tha Pinkerton agency. y v--ij.v.T-' '';..'. y.f t ;.. -.;'. ' 11 J 11 a ' 'I , ' ) :. -S'J, ?. A. Shaver and AVlfe' ArrestetV J, A. Shaver waa arrested by Deputy Constable! Hunter- this morning on a charge of conveying property to which he did not have title. Anna B. Shaver, his wife, appeared . this afternoon to answer to the same complaint, , They are accused of having' conveyed five acres of Marlon couraty land to Morris A. .McKlnney, 29V North. Ninth .street, which it is 'alleged they did not .own. SEATTLE Frye & Co. Have All the Arrivals in j th North Portland .Yards Today ; CaJvea--Ar4B4Mng,:B 444 4 44' 44 plf Today'.-Kol VUXMu.'': North ; Portland 1 iVCvi.8.75 Chicago . ..... .... , ( .g.75 Kansas City. t..,.. . 8.60 South, Omaha 8.20 PORTLAND LIVESTOCK BtM . ' Hogi. Cattle. Calres. Bbeep. ..,.i..l2s4 457 . . . . . 08 . Taeaday Monday Saturday . . Krtdar Thuraday - ;-2S7 ; Wednesday ...... 862 Week ago...w.... MO Year ego e2 Two years ago... 89 HH3 ; 073 ' . ..- a , IM ? 170 111a 2a ; , '" $ 23 -.Sit :: 168 v S4R if H76 ei 14110 Frye,'';:the':bigV: Seattle packer,""'''; ia,-r plenishing hia ' supplies of cattle. He almost monopolised tha : local yards to day In . bringing) soma through stuff from California. Montana and Washing ton points: Front Montana alone he brought forward 11 loada.-,';,,V''iiC,'-!'', Aside from these thera were no'fresh arrivals of cattle In tha North Portland yards over night. Soma left over stuff was said, but most of the former ar rivals were cleaned up yesterday. Yes terday's liberal purchases have placed packers In a , good position so 'far as supplies are .concerned for the - imme diate future. The market stands in a very good position, with, pricea offered for good quality up to the atandard quoted yesterday. . fi - At Chicago -there was a- steady tone in tha cattle trade for tha day. - Kansas City cattle market ruled weak, but prices were unchanged for the day. South Omaha cattle market was steady to weak, with a loss bf a dime In some lines this morning. ' ... Today's general cattle market range: Best steers ,...$7.8608.00 Ordinary steers.,-....',,.,.,;;' ,7.75 Poor steers 7.OO07.EO Best heifers ' , 7.00 Best cows J.'O Medium cows 8.25 Poor cows .................. 6.60 Ordinary bulls T..... ....... 4.SO06.OO Fancy stags , 8.85 Fancy " bulls . -. . .... .- J 50 Prime light calves 8.BO09.OO Prima heavy $.60 07.60 ;.;-'.:-,.; Bog XCarket la slteady. . r Whlle there was nothing available In the market .today that was good npugh to bring the extreme figures of yester day, the trade in the swine' market 'at North Portland ia steady to strong with tops atlll quoted, at $8.76ew, There was onlv a smalt run for tha y and these were quickly picked up from $8.66 down ward, according to quality. - Better stuff would have brought tha additional ditna without any doubt., - v At Chicago there waa a firmer tone In the hog trade wltn an advance of 10c. to - Ho 4a -.the .pries,- v ' , ' i Kansas City bog : trade, was' firmer with an advance of a dime. South Omaha ho market was tha only weak spot In the country. This Mleaourt river market ' has been the weakest all along. Today it showed a Iomh of Co to ,25o from yesterday's fig ures., 'A, 4"fv 4 -' - -rs Today's genV og market range: Top. klllera '.A , . . ..$ 8.75 Oood and light ...... 8.6566 Heavy ..;..';,..,.,.,,,.,. $.60 Rough and heavy ........... 7.60l. 00 Bbeep jfTrada'la, Steady. " No addltie hit supplies Of sheep en tered the' mutnn'. puna at North Portland-over il-4nt. The excellent run of yesterday 'and1 of igrevloue days has given kilters Jtbf immediate require ments and -mof?t C, them, are getting a surplus foe -.'; future-requirements when the preeentsheavy-'marketing ,ahall have Subsided. , :. , ? ,- i'u ii 1 . ', .' '- ' ' At Chlcagotner.was a. steady tons in the mutton trade for.'the day; " Kansasf City- mutton ? market ' ruled strong with art advance ot a nickel ever yaaterdayf rj. - bouth Omaha mutton trade was steady to strong today., , ,.V'.v. i - ,.:' ; - Today's genera? mutton market range: Best, spring- lamba,.; . , f -r Ordinary lambs . . .' . . . 6.80 w 6. 76 Yearlings itM.trfiVMi 4.864.60. Old ';'wethsravi',Aii-Vvi'.':. r";,:.4.1 60 4.25 Fancy .ewes '.i , ' g.SO 8.90 OrdlnaryeweS . Z.763.25 Today'a Uvestock Shippers, ;'; s Hogs Ward & ' Harrington, Caldwell, Ida., 1 load, X I Baker. 1 load, William Mareh,yl load ;' J. B, .Robertson, Xamont, wh,;,1,1IOaA,V:'-t; ' ; Cattle-r ITrye A CO.J'CalAta.' Mont 11 loads; A. J Jackson, Molaoii, Wash., 6 lnarla .Hiraot. tn Frva A C.a. . . ' . Calve J. C. 'Mitchell, Gaselle, CaL, J loads Miirect to Frye A Co, - -.' . ,. ;' , Total-, run of llvastnclr to "date this year atNoithPortland compares with a yesr-ago for - the same - period as .follows:-'! -hv , . Hogs ;,.lS8,4Sl - 77,812 . V, 66.180 Cattle tv 64.T04 V 63.840 ! 184 Calirea ........ $.l 2.419 '-.-; ' 2-7M BheeD ...233,867 196,078 -.... :: $9,180 .. -.' ,' Monday Afternoon tales. vVvJ'-'?:'.'-r '?,- . BTBRR8. .';;'.''":' lf? Ssef$ea,i'';$ ' $te' Are. lbs. Oregon. ; -i , v .. . 27 .j ;.. : - ; M4 Oregon , . . . ., ..:. 1 '. . .W"? ' Oregoa ................. 1UO fln ...:.i.'.. j '' 1 lOTOt "1l.:-'lii.'Vy5:Vt.8o I .X' .1290 A't; 7 AO Oregon i',. . ;,,'.. t Oregon.'' ....,...... 12 Oregou a...... ...a i Prlr. ! $7.35 ft 7.H9 !"','.'.), T.89 Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon. Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Idaho Idaho , . . . m. , Idaho ...... Idaho Idaho f i,-.'f,,.- , f ... ' .' ... ,. . W. .,;--. . .'. e-. .,'.... :.' , . ... j Oregon Oregon Idaho . Idaho Ida he Idaho Idaho Idaho ,, Idaho v ...... .., i, Oregon,',. ,'. ,.i.'-,.Jt, Ida no. . ,1, , , , , , . Idaho ... Oregon . ,' f . .-- 4 ",'' 4 .a 7 : - i s -,v: li VI t : COWS : ....' 10 iv Si 1 "1 .'-'.f :'.;'' UK1FEK8 it. Idaho ...... ......v,..,. 17 . Idaho ................. 4 .' ''V -!''" '",;" STAGS: ,, Idaho V. '- ' 'v''. -' BCLLS OrdgtCB 1 . a siaisas -m 4-'' '-"J Idaho . .. e e ' '"? OrtOal v lMM4.Mt.Htf fl .....-.., .. -' Idako -............ ! 1 f , Oregon." ,...'....-.. ly.', .,.-1. ' K WE8-. ' " Waahlnstntr Washington .......... .116 Waahlngtoa , .,..120 Waeh tugtou ; t -, . , ,,,,191 WaahlDgtou ,,.,-,,.. 163 Waablngtoav .,..,.,....111 vVsahlngtoa ...........111 t.00 6.89 ' A85 6.85 ' 6.85 ,' 6.S5 SMS 6.85 6.85 i- 6.85 . 6.R5 -8.86 ' 6.85 6.S5 6.83 -683 SAO $6.75 , 6.T5 6.50 6.80 : 6.85 6.85 : aS5 ;"6.85 - 6.85 6. SO X 6.75 6.75 8.75 ; 4.50 $7.00 a as ... $7.00 $5.78 60 0.60 ; 6.60 , s in .2 8.25 4.60 - - v ,..188 lOar-'-s-gs.ao 8 I " 1 t 1 t 4 ,. IO - a IS;'- i I f Dl4 I5 840 . r t 1173 , ' 050 11.10 H, 878 ' 104A :.c a: fH . VlOftO Kino 104tt 1077 ; Bog :. KM3 -. 785 ;'"ii5rV 142 ', MO t 1270 '. 1078 i 1068 J 1010 ii K50 71 080 r ,,.': mil ' '. S88 , ' 803 ' " 'VV','.r V.","' ''''' 1470 ii8o r',.1 law ... "j 1120, ' 10IO., . r.J440 1 '-. ' l.WO ,',; IISOa . . 1000 - Mil Idabd IU .. - cow Idaho 10 SiAi.S Idaho 1 Malw I Idaho , . 1 .-'' . '. .. , r .11008 ' WnahU)toa Idaho Idaho Idaho Waahlngton ......... WaahlnKton ......... Idaho Idaho. Idaho ....,.,....., Idaho Waahlngron Waablngton - !l it- 6 a 10 .... 78 .... a EWE 1'U 1 "1 111') l.'l I id 1 I a 8'!t :-7 in,-. ,m m . VI 7 . a 7. $t: -, S.s, IMPEACHMENT OF Sm SULZER IS HALTED ' 7" BY SERIOUS FLAW (Continued From Page One.) H5 , lo i 4 ! ; . p ';': 86 Bertlon. Tuesday KonaiBg tales. ' BTEKRg- 8.00 9.00 8.75 8.73 8.00 8.00, f No. Ave. Ibs. Price. WE PAY 4 INTEREST You have often thought ofopenir i Savings Account r IP will prove "a pleasure to see 'yoiit;; balance; grow sand; a comfortUo, know you are.' on the right tpad to 'inde--:v; ndence.; ;;"-lf;;.; , MERCHANTS: - NATIONAL; BANK .J . , UNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION S , Founded 1886. , Washington and Fourth Streets. had ' already dlscussaa the matter among, themselves, called the court's at tention to the fact that the charge against' Bulser which tha prosecution actually, makes had not been substanti ated and that tha case tha prosecution bad, to some extent, at least, made out waa not charged. 7 . -. Tamauuiir W1U Pass Aaead, ''. ' That the antl'-SuIser members of tha Impeachment court which has been try ing the governor for his official life had determined , not to refer the impeach ment articles baclt to tha assembly for amendment but to push straight ahead with the plan to 'remove the executive, regardless of forms and technicalities, waa reported thia afternoon. ; . The prosecution was satisfied, It was Bald, that It Jiad enough votes to remove th governor; overruling the justices of the court of appeals -If . 'necessary, and that It would simply avfirm the auffl1 ciency of the Peck and Morgenthau tes timony and force a batiot, probably to morrow. ' Tammany men generally credited the report r 4 1 MRS. ARNOLD DIES AT ' HOSPITAL, . AGED 56 ' Mra Minnie M. Arnold, wife of B. L. Arnold,, who for 20 years was president of .tha Oregon Agricultural college at CorvalUs, died ii a local hospital yes terday of paralysis, i She was 68 yea s old and ia survived by one son, Ernest W. Arnold of Portland.-. The funeral wU be held at Corvallis tomorrow. , Mrs. Arnold waa graduated from tlio Oregon Agricultural coUega in 1876 and married tha president soon afterward. After hia death at Corvallis about U' years ago she resided at Berkeley, Cil.. and later went to Europe, returning to Oregon a year and a half ago. -v She was the daughter of Rev. T. B. White of. Huston, La., where aha was born. OVERBECKiSCOOKECO. I Ctooka, Bonds, Ootton. Oraln. Eto. 816-817 Board ef Trade Balldiag. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL . EXCHANGES Members Chicago Board ef Trade, i Corrss pendants of Logan at Bryan, Chicago. Nsw York. . J.C.VILS0N&C0. ' ' ' UXMBEBS ' '' ' NEW TOHK BTOCK. EXCHANOT3 NEW TOHK COTTON EXCHANGE -' ' CHTCAOO BOARD OF TRADE THE) STOCK AND -BOND EXCHANGE BAN FRANCISCO . .. PORTLAND OFFICE BS Oak , tfronad Tloor, Zwls BIdg. fbones Marshall 4120, A-41S7. 1 .,(, ... if The aiidTrust Co. ! .. -rv pipxH AND MORRISON - STREET ,..;'.-; ' v. Capital. arid Surplus : .-V $1,000,000 " ; vThis institution' lias the strength and.sta-,' - bilityhat, corhei from, long and satisfac-;;. 'V tory banking service l of fers its custom- iers, every faciUtyconsisterit' yith sound"' ' and conservative banking. '.: . r : :." .: .1 :! t 1 e Ladd & Tiltori Bank EttabluheJ 1859 a.-.? w. w f CAPITAL $1,000,000.00 -, surplus $1,000,000.00 ; COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Lettera of Credit, Drafts and Traveler' ' Check . Uaued, AvaUabla in All Parts, of the World. J-'.' r.t .Corner Third and Washington Streets. 1 V FIRST NATIONAL BANK ; . CAPITAL' $1,500,OOQ . - s - SURPLUS $1,000,000,. OLDEST NATIONAL BANK WEST OF THE , ROCKY MOUNTAINS ; CORNER FIRST AND WASHINGTON STREETS ";i'..-'4,' 'i mm V TIUKSPORTATIOX SAimcs . Ever Satarsay taaadCroai New York Londonderry Glassow the only Olemmw T.lno aattlBS ' . tram nsMf ioIL a naw YOff K-Tke smtM-s aawt wwiSerful ely Enjrrr ebx routs a view of "Niagara t'slla," we . ef the world's vb wondnrs, and a daKulit V trip down tbs Hlatorlo Hodsoe Klvcr" with oat change of cars, srrliing at tilaxgow l . . the ticturesqns Klror Clyde. Hew,, large, Modern, Twln-Bersw Stcamsn Cameronia, California, Caledonia, Columbia ' TtrscaKTa is one anna. Hni!,t(. Fitted with WlraTeas TetPgraphT and Bilge Keela. Drawing Booma, Lioanfea, amoklnf Bourns, Or. . cbestras. Luxurlounly Appoiutnl, Saloon and Bocoad Cabin. ' i .. UasurpasseA Third Class Tally TurnlihsA low Booms (or married . vauilea and families at two, foor and air reraona. , . BZ00SD rASSAOS OAtd, 16 H0TH18 Medilcrranean Service From New York Tint Osbia Passage to Wsplss 90 and as. . Xntra uiasi at rerv iw astas. As eh or Lins Drafts rarabls . Free of Charge. Rates, ere., apply to ires'i Agetita, ror Bock of Tours. tTFSDERSOH BBOTHERB. - 84 W. Basdolph tt.. S. E. Oor. Dwbont, , Ohiessos. Jt. uuDsrv. eatua. . wasn. STEAMERS riSJhy FOR ASTORIA and i J NORTH BEAai " ' Kassalo leaves dally exept Sunday, :S0 P. M. for Astoria gnrl Megler. ' ,';' ...:-.. ,-..-,' . Earvtst Qtieea-leaves dally 8 P. M.i except Sunday, tor Astoria and way landings. Make Teservations Ash atret dork or. city ticket office. Third and Washington. Phones Atari shall 4500, A-4121. , ' - ' '"' TO -, -. '-"; AJT JTLArTCISCO, X.09 A1TGSZ.XS AJI9 BAH SUOO. YUCATAN WEDNESDAY, OCT. IB. P. f. , COOS BAT AND KVXCrA S. S: ALLIANCE THUBSllAY, OCT. Id, P. M, stobth ACirVr iiPAvrf o ,,-.. -''.IflS A TH1SD fc'ii.x.- L . , -. ':' Phonss MaUn and JL-Ul. Steamship Drca!:w:!-: galls froaa Alnawidb dnck. Cortlun S. m., Sfsry 'lured; treulnc, r , reived nntll 13 o'rkx'k (noun) oo tiu. FaeMDser rare: llrat rl 410, -,. Imcn onlyV ST. liiclo.iln b-rfb and , St otflrs at lwi-r Aln'iTorih !.-. I , Cooa hT Btrmhlp l.liw, l h,-i,.,. A-SMS- t. 11. ki.atli.it. at I :l r- -t r" 4t . .Jt 4a. - - SV .. Ssni'rar.cLro- ,' r ?. I sr f!l!' - E i. For ",' ' ' T" ? 1 I; ,. ! 1 , 3. tt i.