The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1913, Page 20, Image 20

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    V 'Li
British Columbia likely to Mo
nopolize LumbervTrade if
Foreign' Craft. Pass Free. .
By "Richard Chllcott. "
We ead continually of the 'great
Waste permitted In the manufacture of
lumber, the Impression prevailing mat
the whole of a log can be cut Into'
merchantable product and disposed of
at vwllLv It Is exceeding! difficult to
make chose not engaged In the Business
understand why log cut to a given
order cannot be made to produce the
- amount of lumber it scaled In the rough
or- that there should be anyslses f
" lumber cut from the log that would not
apply on the given order or that there
hould be any siaes of lumber cut that
there, is not in immediate market tor.
The foreign markets to ; which " our
manufacturers export their products re
quire different dimensions, each so dls
tinctly different that a single glancet at
the specification or an -order will indi
cate to the expert for which country it
. Is intended and to fill an order,- say of
1,000,000 feet, it may require l.VtiO.OOO
feet of. logs to do so, leaving the 1,008,
000 feet of side lumber to be disposed of probable Joss.--:;' v. -iv f ? ,
'; " Market Xa Veeessary.
' ' The ability of the manufacturer to
produce a 'high grade of -lumber will
' not constitute success If he la unable to
-., dispose of his elde lumber to advantage, ;
and should he by any means be de
prived of -a market for the latter
product he is perforce prevented from
producing the former, consequently his
operations must cease, at least to an ex
tent that will meet the existing condl
British Columbia today has the finest
and most extensive body of timber on
me coast, consisting of fir. spruce and
, cedar. There are mills situated on tide
water that have the same foreign mar
kets that , we . have, available to them
and are as capable of supplying those
markets as we are and at probably a
t lesser cost If they could dispose of the
side lumber they Are compelled to pro-
. duce In cutting dimension lumber. But
-they , cannot dispose of any more than
' the country tributary to them can con
urne. therefore their operations In the
foreign market r restricted accord
ingly. - .
"tin the opening: of Atlantic coast
- trade to our willmen for the disposition
- of : their side lumber, they will be able
to increase their sales la the direction
of foreign market, but with Jb open
ing on the Atlantic there can t no la
crease In. the foreign trade.: '
Effect rials to Be Been.. .
Should, however, the mills of British
Columbia be enabled to reach our mar
kets : on the Atlantic, the ' restrictions
. that are now upon them In the foreign
. trtde would be 'removed, they could
readily stretch out and possess' them-
selves of the foreign trade we are now
enjoying and practically put "our mills
out of business by relegating them to
local and California trade only. . WUh
out anything further on my part. It Is
7 eat,y to perceive what effect this would
be on the leading Industry oMbVstate.
i ne jsngiiita newspapers, fit congrat
ulating the United States on the suc
cessful completion" of the Panama canal,
; adverted to the controversy existing
between the two nations with reference
. to ' the canal tolls , and , the exemption
therefrom for coastwise vessels of this
country, concluding- with the statement
that President Wilson was not in favor
of exempting our local vessels from
.tolls, and as it was evident that the
president controlled congress, Great
Britain : could congratulate itself that
the provisions contained ln the Hay.
'.. Pauncefote treaty would be faithfully
v. observed. . ; '-,- ' '. ..,.,,.
f , some 60 years ago ' a syndicate - ef
capitalists conceived the idea of pierc
ing the Panama Isthmus and applied to
the United States of America and Co
lombia for a franchise to- do so. asking
that the United States and Great Brit
ain Join In a covenant to guarantee the
, syndicate protection in its operations
' during r the - construction and in the
canal's operation fter construction for
all time and against all nations. -
The Clayton-Bulwer treaty was there
by evolved and promulgated, that Instru
ment guaranteeing to the syndicate all
that . was desired, and declaring also
that the canal should be operated with
s out special favors, and that the vessels
of all nations should be treated alike.
The canal, however, was not built by
' this syndicate,.'' :;
V ; Vo Beaaoa for -Change.
Now, there was a . treaty between
, two nations that was carefully and pru
dently drawn In accordance with all the
conditions at that time apparent and
submitted; why then should , that In
, Ktrument be superceded later by th
Hay-Pauncefote treaty; simply because
- tne - personnel and conditions govern.
- ing the ownership, construction and op.
eration of the canal were to be changed
and were to be entirely different ; ..
A few short years an. thu mnm.
men t of the United States declared its
Soap ar. absolutely free from
- artytblngofiharshoTinjuriousnature,
and can therefor, be used with confi
dence In tha treatment of babies' skin
' I troubles eczema, teething rash, chaf
Ings, .te. They atop itching in$tantly
-and apeedily beat' even eever. and
. stubborn .. eruptions. . Doctors hav.
; Every dnxgzUt sells ResboK;
: t - Ralnol Soapsiul Olntnwntclwriaw.y pirn
. pU elaekheWi aa4 dandruff, and is asmt
luable kouMhold renMtdy for sotm. burn..
; koils. pflw, t. Tor trial sise el lUttnoi
1 CHatiMnt end lUslnoi Sosp. Writ, te Bedool,
' Deet. t-8, BeUuaere, M4V ;. i- rj-'- T;) ;
" L ' " ' '
J f -
V ' Si
George B. Davis,':
- lie participated
who admits that
, In ' destruction
plana of the .. organizatloa with
which the McNamaras and Mc-
Manlgal were ' connected. v,
Intention to construct the canal at Its
own expense arid . opened negotiations
for abrogation of the Clayton-Bulwer
treaty. . it not being applicable to our
government's Intentions and would not
be consistent and not in accord with
the conditions that would obtain should
the government do as it had provided
in that instrument private parties
should do. - A convention was held with
Great Britain by which the Hay-Paunce
fote- treaty was promulgated, by wbtan
It was declared that the United States
government should construct the Pana
ma canal through Colombian territory
and, forever defend it against Invasion
for any purpose. . j . , , ,
By and through a sudden evolu
tion and revolution entirely orevlouslv
unknown and' not thought of before the
occurrence,- the United - States became
the owner absolutely of the , territory
through which the canal waa to be due.
Does or does not this fact and circum
stance eliminate the Hay-Pauncefote
treaty from any connection with the
Panama canal.-
Treaty Held not AppUoable.
If the first treaty was made in ac
cord with the first conditions and would
r i.--w..r-mi
' .The Journal guarantees to
, refund the amount paid br any
reader -who finds after? receiv
ing Everybody's Cyclopedia
that It Is not entirely, as rep;
' resented. 'rK,.t,vil'"'';v-'-''',-J"-'':'J::v;'
The 0 Oregon Journal
: II
not serve 'under "the second conditions,
how. can v thee second treaty serve, for
the third conditions of construction- and
operation -when there Is Just as radical
a change between the second and' third
condition as there were between the
second and., first conditions. The Hay
Pauncefote -treaty is not in force.' '
We have with our own money connect
ed the Atlantic with the pacific ocean,
we pledge ourselves at great pecuniary
cost to ourselves alone to maintain and
defend that channel perpetually for the
benefit of, the whole world. Each na
tion will participate equally, -proportion
ately wlth its Interests in the beneflu
derived. ' The channel is ours and we are
not under a single obligation to any na
tion on earth with reference to Its own
ership, construction or operation. Then
why should we place an embargo on our
domestio commerce that, If we do, will
hand the bulk of that commerce over to
another nation without any return what
ever: that would place tis in a position
whereby we would lose not only the
profits of the transportation but a large
proportion of . the trade likewise, and
deliberately hand It to the one nation
that objects to ; us directing pur own
ffalrsT - f - -:
,f ; ; '',')'";.' BemefiWWldespreea.
i Interested parties do not hesitate t
proclaim that the passage of coastwise
vessels through the canal free of tolls
la. a subsidy to those vessels. It Is not';
those vessels passing free will undoubt
edly reduce (he freight charges accord
ingly, the reduction thus being distrib
uted among the whole people, as there
can be no question but what there will
be ample tonnage In the service the
Vim, vigor, yitidiiy, virility
in a word, strength is the net
result of regularly drinldng a
good mineral water.
Standing alone in its class,
the high regard in which
held by the doctors of today is
attested by its enormous sale.
Complete Five Volume Set-
vft-.f .-fcr7 rmm mm m t ; fr-r i ,a ; ferT esssr i ui i i 1 i -j ajfyur i j " v-v- vi in 1111111111111111111111 iiiiiiniiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiii k c ' v-r ?m m
The Journal's
-.-iferf.:. .'.I1.::' .f- - " -f. 'hv w-?--- : -l--i.- 'i, .f ,' '
" - ' ' V -rr TT"-.-rr-" ,--i,.c -i-.iMi'i J
of the most useful set of- books
on earth. We are besieged with
words of praise from thousands
. of readers r-who ; got their (. sets
and now compare them with the
expensive and cumbersome sets
sold on the installment plan., All
heartily endorse this handy five
volume reference work which;'
. can be f had 'only y through the) g
I Oregon 'Journal. v J', y
Clip the Cylopeclia : Coupon'
'jyi'"'- From Another li:
! Be quickl ; The : publishers of this
iuseful,rernce,set hayeiotified us
exhausts, the. v available supply. 5 1
freight fate being governed by the opst
v operation. . ; hv. f .f ;
If a toll is charged American, coast
wise traffic we will have, a condition
confronting that "Will be Impossible
to circumvent The foreign ship will be
able to carry cargo from -New York to
v Miwuvor, 0. cuaw . w. f a pc
t6n, plus canal tolls, and transship from
there to Portland or other paeifie coast
ports at a total cost of a figure we can
not meet. .The same ship can then load
a return cargo of lumber for New York
at a price Including cost, freight and in
surance, that - would i simply . drive our
domestio . mills clean out of the busi
ness. : U f , , ''' J;-; V'?.:-V-
With free passage through the canal,
our lumbermen can secure Atlantic bus
iness; .with a toll charge they cannot.
In the' first .instance we shall, give em
ployment to a fleet of foreign ships, in
the latter we shall be aiding in the es
tablishment of an American merchant
marine..':-.--''. .'-C--.t-'S--: '
Our shipping laws have nothing to
Ao ... wit this; the foreign vessel can
carry cargo for SO cents pes ton or
lumber for 68 cents per thousand less
than the American . operated- ship by
reason of tUa difference in .the wages
paid as well as the ridiculous exactions
of our" federal laws projected by Mr.
Steenforth, representative from Minne
sota, and of the lobby, maintained in
Washington to ruin the American ship-owner,.-
".'-.;'-'. i:.:.v.v.- - '-r
r: The remedy for the Impending evil is
Immediate and concentrated action. Ev
ery man. woman and child, is equally
Interested, it means prosperity or ad
versity to everyone whichever we shall
eiecu steps snouia oe - taken to edu
sT e7
11 1
Coupons Redeemed
At Any ; of the : Distributing
Stations Nexf! Friday
I- and Saturday. .
. 1
' - The sett are too bulky lq Be
sent by mall, but out-of-town
readers can have 4hem Vor the
$1.98, the set to be sent by ex
press, shipping charges : to be -paid
by the receiver. v f : ; .-
cate every representativo and senator in
congress of. the Condition that confronts
us, and Induce them to give us a fight
ing chance to survive. ..:r-fi-r;fx'
V (Salem Urn-ess at Tbe Jonrssl.) " W
Salem. Or., Oct.: 14 State Insurance
Commlsioner J. vW. Ferguson will leave
the latter part of this, week for "Wiscon
sin and Minnesota, to check up his ideas
for a public accounting system with the
systems in use in those states. Ha will
A better vhibkey
There is '-sterling quality-in every drdp-of -the
Best Rye in the; Field. : .This quality i
has beeiir: maintained,' without : change,
Since 1857.- ' P'vrj;.. 'f;v,';C:
It is a quality that conies from the use of
the finest grain the purest water, and the
most scientific methods' pf -distillation. v
Three generations have made a life's work of preserv
ing the rare quality,' and the fine, old flavor of S
i .
. tiu: if i- V- I I
;:.,i p , -f , . i ' " t I I
al- vlt-it a number of Insurance com
miusioners. - ,i.v;S.'(ri;vi
The last legislature. e'naoted a laW re
Quiring the insurance commissioner to
prepare an. accounting system for use
by all the state and county official! and
to .put the system Into effect the flrat
of next year. . This will result In each
state and county official keeping records
In uniformity with all other similar of
ficials.' , . -I,; ..$., "J'L-s,
Conimlasloner f Ferguson has .had 'ex
pert accountants employed for; several
months devising an adequate account
ing system,, and it has now reached tbe
tags in its development where Mr. Fer-
This illustration'
guson Wishes to compyre hla Idfae wifr-
.the systems, In use in oilier slates, 'n
State of Wisconsin lias a lawijmli,u
to the one adopted In this state,
Sparrowg ' Occupy Spare' Ita'irooriii ',
- When Mrsj, Giles Stafford of Schuyl- '
kill,' Pa., opened the door of 'a si-ava
bedroom in her houso she found that
more than 10? sparrows had made the
room their meeting- place since It had
been closed for the winter.
I ;.if(r .,?.-. ..,
': Use common eense-r4uy Superior coat.
$ ton. Main 154; A-1641. ; (Adv.) '
at this offer,' must
be withdrawn soon
a ir Jii-T. r -,
' - I m r -
I 1 ft! f - '
If Hti'lH V-U. :
shows ' the'set, exact size.