The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1913, Page 19, Image 19

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at VERiiON to;;:-!It
( 1 ,
If; District -Attorney-' Thinks
Dundee-Azevedo .Match Is
. Must Stop,
Ua" Angeles, Oct 14. Ths atatus ot
the losing cams in Los Angeles WlU b
, fixed definitely 'tonight, whn Jo
.Azevcjo of (Sacramento and Johnny Dun
' dee of New Tork meet In a bout scb.d
Wled to go. 10 rounds. ' . '' ...,','
There ia chance that Aha boxers HJ
not be permitted to nettle their merits,
for! nwth A3f tha ' antl-boxlng- agitation
- dating , from the death of Boll Toner.
following .maWh with Jesse Wlllard. In
expected to reach cllnSajt tonlgblUpon
the receipt, of complaints from the Los
Angeles 'Ministerial; union, the district
attorney's office will havo represents
lives at- the ringside to atop the contest
If, fa their opinion It develop Into a
- prize fight,,' Deputies from tlie sUerlfTa
vff ice will bo there for the same pur
pose.. ;61x ministers of tlMu Angele
5 churrh. selected by the' Ministerial on
w Ion, win. be present to prompt the offi
claln. .') ''-'"F'A.'i ..'
t Dundee and Aievedo are, In excellent
V slmpe . for their, bout.' In, aplte ofht
r" poundage ; handiuapv Dundee la avlop
heavy favorite with the.bettora, whd are
V banking, on bis speed, craftiness . and
long ring experience. ' , ' - -- '
; Decider Boxing' by' Election.'
Venice. Cel., Oot. 14. Tha town trus
tees announced a special' election No
vembers to decide whether boxing shall
be permitted In. futara In " Venice, the
southern California headquarters ef the
"four round gam.", .? '
;'i;.;."?;';.'.;V.i',i":" r I'.'v''
- -iM .White to -Bor WtkW&'xJft
t . Steckrori, Cel., Oct ' 1 4: Bert Whiter
a local favorite.; and ,Henry Hlckey, the
Oakland UoX'who hen been bowling over
his opponents In regular order, will flarht
ten-round event hera tonight ' White
carries the local- sentlmant but th bet
ting" la being made at even Jnoney. Be
, cause xjf the slashing style, of ha boys
fans do not expect the bout to go many
roundaj.- -r: irpi" ::-y:
;t -a;. Wvlch Beats - Kowtick.
Billings.' Monf..: Oct 7 14. Fr eddle
'Wolalj'llghtwelght champion- of Eng
land. ' today holdsa decision over lto
Kosslck of Moorehead, Minn., as a re
ault of their 13 round contest hers last
night4 Kosslck tried hard in the clos
ing round to put over a knockout
, , punch i but ielslv easily i avoided his
uha -j: '.?;..".;. ',V''.f" .v'-a.f.-,
v Ifilbane to Meet Mars. V.-'."-.
Cleveland, a. Oliloj Oct : J4..j'eather
welght Champion Johnny Kjlban and
"Knockout" ; Mara of 'Cincinnati were
matched here today,", the .meeting place
and data to be fixed later. Mars la re
garded in bis home town as a comer.
Light RinehartJSquafJ. Will Be
Sent Against Heavy Bor-
teske Boys, -1
1 ' " " '
The Lincoln . high school - football
eleven, looked upon as tha 1911 cham
pions of tli Interscholastlo league, will
Piny Its first game of the local season
tomorrow 1 afternoon on Multnomah
frald aealnst the Jefferson high sahoot
trtrn.; Th - game .4 will start at S :ll
- oviock.:' '". ; :l c - '
Lincoln has won two games this sea
ton, defeating the Astoria, Ore., and the
Centralis, Wash., high schools. The Jef
ferson team has played but one game
and lost,' 1 to 8, to the Multnomah sec-nd-elevent'
, Coach Borleska lias lined up a strong
bunch of players, and ha put them In
excellent shape for a hard game. The
Jefferson team, , although. It averages
but 145 pounds, will put Up good
ailff battle against the Cardinal lineup,
The-: lineup: , ,; .,,.?..,
Ijtncoln i ': Jefferson
Oroce, Pearcey . .UE. , .Henog, Wolfer
Hihauf ler ....... UT. . .......Curry
Buaoh s . . .. . . .UO. , , Kyle, Kennedy
J toward. Cornwall C iV .. 4. .aieblsch
Finke, Johns ...R. (4. .... Lewis, Reed
Hanson . .R.T.' . . . Hendrlckson
Mclndoa, McOlll R.B. ..Slouthaur. Sax
Mulkey, Tannassee Q. , .Irvine
Booker. Peterson R.H. ... .....Wilcox
Groce.- Henderson LH , Watts, Bonneys
ewman. Freeman F...... Bernlce
. Referee, Fawcett; umpire, Shaw.
: Eureka, Cat, OctH. The HumboMt
eognty team sprang , a pitcher named
Coyne yesterday, . and all tha hits tha
Northwestern league barnstormers could
' coin of f him were aix, which gave tem
foor runs, lacking enough to tie by on
tally. . Tha Humboldters put over their
fifth and winning, run in tha eighth Inn
ing, when Conger went around on a bit,
a sacrifice, an out and a wild pitch,
,. .Three of the professionals' runs wars
made in tha first Inning on hits by Mob
ler, HellmanA and Molchlor and a clean
up double by Mahoney. Harrison, a kid
pitcher, started tha game' for the
leaguers, but waa relieved, by Qulgni
late In the game, and it waa his wild
pitch that gav4 the locals' their victory,
Score: " t" ; 'if it HUB,
: lOuieka 6 , i
I'ortland ... , . . ,i 4 6 ' I
" Batteries Coyne and Rockstrohj Har
rison, CSulgnl and Murray. 4;-;.
' Chicago, Oct 1 4. Announcement of
the engagement of Miss Rita Ross, niece
of Charles Rosa, the actor, to Mike Don
lln, former star outfielder with the New
York Giants and Philadelphia Nation
els, was made hera today. Mabel Hit.
Donlin's first wife and whose cleverness
made their, vaudeville appearances a
success, died last winter. ... , , i
uewember; TOMORROW
TURTi TO PAGE 13,- .
"JV;- , M&-,ir;-j'i AfjaasaaeMsasBSjBjaa) ' ' ; -r
? , Paclflo Const Xtae.
FortMal ,.10S TS .sen g. rranelra.n a Mi
Venice .,..103 M i8a Urn ADtelei.Og 100 AfH
gaerameato. S3 00 .Mlj Oakland ,..M 113 ,CW
Chicago ;Sriea.wj1
Chleac AnwrtftT.,,....'.'.,, .4 a , ,eT
Chleegv ' Nattonato ,. , . 3 4 33
Cleyeland-Pittsbars Series. V
Olrveland Amertoini., ,.., S 3 .i'.;.; .BOO
yitwwrg wuenu. . .. ... - s 5 s .ooo
V' Middle-Weteri f Series. t v i
Penver i Western ,lexae....i.. t " X - 0Q
St. Louis Series
St. toale Natloaala.. ........... 3 -:' 3 V . J00
' Journal Want Ada bring results. V
two Old Hasbeens Creak and
Groan, andant Through
10 Bells With1 Ad Shading.
Milwaukee, Wis.,' Oot ' 14,-iTbat " Ad
Wolgast and Battling , Nelson, : former
lightweight champions, afe finished as
fighters was the consensus of opinion
her .today following their 10-round bout
last night at Kllta- rink. Wolgast won
tha popular decision but It was evident
to the ringsiders that tha Cadillac youth
baa slowed up to a walk, ; v i t
Ad hit Nelson wherever he pleased
but he wa unable to atow Bat away
ana ins latter was immensely pleased at
staying the limit. - In the final round
wolgast - had the Dane bleeding badly
and reeling about the ring, but be was
uname 10 put nim away. f. . - ,
Wolgust had eight of the 10 rounds
and the other two were even. Ad de
voted the first round to feeling out tha
Dane. and than started plying left hooks
to the Jaw, followed by rlghta to tb
body, Wolgast continued these tactica
throughout tha eonteat but they availed
him nothing except tha popular de
cision. ''-..v'-:;U .-v '''';-. '", -,r
- ..l : '...
Pittsburg, penn.. Oct 14. Vean
Gregg, the former Portland southpaw,
was the whole show, in the sixth gama
between tha Cleveland Naps and Pitta-
burg Piratea yesterday. Gregg, mad
a now major leagua record by fanning
ji natters, ins aoupia in tne 13th In
ning, gave the Naps their run, -which
beat tha Pirates, 1 to 3. The deciding
gama of tha aeries will ba played to
day. . i' i -V : r.v'.- :i; ..A... i':, '.
Tha' soora: , . R, H. B.
Cleveland ................ ... 1 . 8- X
riiuDnrf ................... v a
Batteries Gregg and Garisctr; Hen-
drix and BtmQn.A,--'::'i-::;.;i: A;
f 1 " 1 " 111,11
'i'.r.:.., vlW..;i;. ... ii-;
Do You Wear
t' ' 'aasa-asasaaMSMsasasM '" " 4
more Clothes?
If not fat teally believe
you're paying more than you
need to or , you're not as
well dressed as you, might
be for the money 'you pay..
. You'll $ay so too when yottv
see the. clothes we sell for
Up to $40
All good fabrics made as.
well as good tailoring , can' ,
'make them. J '
, , t
Step in and ' see - what our 1
- ideas of this fall's styles are. ;
' ' Fourth SL.t Alder. '
Successors to Salem Woolen
Mills Clothing Co.
' ' "fit 1 1 ' . n . ,1
110.004 Xq.nlp'
(.; xnnt -,!
Chop B trail
t0. '
l.n,;.;,.hry- Xn
m. oa Ml. Vli
Sen fo Cat-V Li I
logo T, Jr. tt fZ I
eta and ray, T. A A
lot Streets. J I NL
L 1
Cfitot.fO tJn AvvCot.' xe';
.'. Anon 1 J, a-a4a,
rr ambulance for sluk er dlf1l
animals tnoment's aollc. prieo
twaonabl. afort all case of cruel LI
After a week spent en tlie bench in
La, Orande. where he took tJJ Placs of
Circuit Judge Know!, Circuit Judge
Morrow returned Sunday. ; Testerday
afternoon ha appeared In his own court
for a short time.' Judge Morrow doe
not ehoWj, great Improvement In health
and may be forced to take his work up
slowly, i Prior to his (rip to J-.a Grande
be was 111 for soma days, s ' He took
Judge Knowles' place because th lat
ter was disqualified to ait in certain
cases In which ha had an Interest Judga
Knowles occupied Judge Morrow's place
her during th week and left Satur
day for La Grande.
... ' .: 'iV-:1:- .',,.'. v;.-.
"Wa hava had lot af rain In Pendle
ton' but no snow yet" said Alex McKen
sie. who registered at the Perkins ti.'s
morning. . "There . is plenty of . enow in
the near mountains and It is getting
cold in Pendleton, so .snow may be ex
pected .any time. Busniass .Is 'very
good," be added.
."Bather far awav from home," com
mented J. V. Arthur Kelly, as lie regis
tered at the .Maltnomah this morning
from Victoria. Australia Mr.. Kelly, ia
in tha government aervlo and ia taking
a vacaUon. t i-,-'.-:--' ..'.,) ;
. M-.V'ii:1 -U'h Iv-,,
' Rev: James H. Bennett pastor of the
Union Avenue M. B. church .left for
SpokanVjast nlgat to officiate at th
wedding of James T. Xillard, a prom
inent young attorney of that City,: to
Miss Mabel Carlson, daughter of G. A.
Carlson, millionaire railroad contractor.
He wlllT-etum Krldav nrrwill-oconpy
nim puipit a usual next eunaay. jtev.
Bennett wa"pastorin Spokane, of the
church the Carlsons attended. , ' -
Armand and Sam Caro, elgar; manu
facturers of San Francisco; are guests
at th Multnomah, - .. ...
Cliarlea E. Dodd, a drug: importer of
San Francisco, is stopping at tha Mult
nomah, aqcompanied by his wife;
V. IX Hiidrlcn; an attorney of Seattle,
is stopping at th Oregon; ' -1 ,
Ilav. liOuis M. Anderson,, of Medford,
Is registered at tha Oregon. , t , '
Mrs. V- H. Renilck, U. I. Remlck anJ
wife arid, Paul .Remlok are. members of
a party from Boston that Is registered
at the Multnomah, . '
J. W; 1 Harris, a merchant of Ktlso,
la a guest at tb Oregon. .
J. M. Dugan, a contractor of Tacoraa,
and wife. ra at th Oregon. .
. 1L P. Hammond, a Seattle business
man, Is a guest at the Imperial.
W. it Griffin, a hotel man of Aber
deen, is stopping at the ImoeriaL
' Col. . Hofer, a publisher and author
of Salem. Is at the Imperial.
Mr. and' Mrs. J. 8. Airhart an auto
mobile men of' Uugner are' guests at
the. ImpprlV ' ' ' 1
Rev.fJ. IX Stubblefleld of Klamath
Falls, is stopping at the Perkins. -
J, t attorney iat-,121
Pailes.tis m goest at the Perkins, r .
Ci C. Ho rue of tha U. 8. Reclamation
Sarvic at Klamath Falls, i a guest at
th Perkins. ., v . iK , .
"Harold K. Smith of the U.. Forest
Service, ia stopping' at the Cornellua.
. Nellie 8. vernon, a physician of A
torta. is a guest at .tha Cornelius.-' '
v F..' B. Springer, a merchant of Salem,
la registered at tha Cornelius. .
; C K. Crater, a merchant of McMlnn-
vllle.- is stopping at the Cornelius.
.' Miss-Grace Mockford, of Indianapolis,
1 a auest at the Nortonla. ' . : - (
J. J. Parcel, of Corvailia,. Is' stopping
at tne- rsorujnia. (.,(', -
"Fifty years ago, whenjGoldin WMmJfishy wasyoung' ; 5'4
. .'.v J '.' '
A FTER the hunt, what a glorious " stirrup cup"
; 'twould ,be indeed, with smooth, rich, old,
. Golden iWedding " in a toast " to the occasion.
Wonderful secret in the formula, besides thegreat
,:,est science in distilling, gives . ' t
. sas mm m mm san mmm, t
:;quality ecognized as jperfect by, to
day'svast army of consumers, as it,
;was by the critics generations back
: ; Absqliitcty pure,' aged and matured under Gov
crnment supervision.
'Out of the '6rcuanr--in a class by itself, be-
;fr-: 'Made Differently."
Full Quart:.,,
'A" i-
" EEC ( ':
Reflex Man
' He Will Call orr You in FeW Day. and
s 1 Demontrato ? .
The Greatest Gas Lamp Ever In
vented for Residential Purposes
"The Reflejc Amber Glow'
j ElgliQr'Candla power' ; , , ,;
TH Damonstrator
Don't Miss Seeing This . Lamp in
, ; Operation ,
..- ti r . mi. ...... .. i ' j .
k, . . ,. . y y -. v
- ::: .'' " ; )-
W.W High Power ESaes j
; Ji'l j
No other repeating rifles
made have the tremendous
shocking , power 1 of the
W?nr.liistfir m: A. -oi '
and .405 calibers. The car- J
mages : mcy j euuvi uavw
heavy mushrooming bul-;
lets, making them exceed-'
ingly deadly for the biggest
game. ' Winchester' Guns
and Winchester Cartridges
are made for each other and
are indispensable for suc
cessful big-game hunting.
" a4r Dr. jt-CT3
.I (
Dr. Harvey VJiley
Says Northern Pacific
Meal Service '
Stands 100 w
A Seattle paper quotes birn: "You have
one of the best illustrations of what can
; be done in feeding people along the ngh;
lines with the rjghi fei of fesd here in
the Northwest in the dining car service of
the Northern Pacific Railway."?- The food
served and its preparation should be a
msvlal ' frxf . rnilmflrl nnrl hnt? in
America. It is superior to anything I have ever found
in a public eating place." . ' ' '
, - 0 All Dinins Car . 1 ' " '
Serrica of U KraJ Dr. Way Says' Is Rigat .-:
Through Service, o' Chlcajo, St ; Louis
- 'and other' points.' .
. Choice of Four Daily Trains , '
sTo Tacomt, Seattle, and alt points north. '
with three to Aberdeen ana tioquiam.
;; Tickaut t- ' '
'"' 25$ Morrison St., Portland
' . Phones Maw 244, A-1244 .
'A. D. CharltoB, A. C P.' A.
II ;
Five Big Volumes $1.98
You Can't Duplicate the Offer at the Price
our mi oovrov J,. x.. : .
The Oregon Journal
.".-fill ooapon,' If 9snt4 at th mala oftle of
Orsgoa Journal any day tbla final wk, wliv ntlti t
btmx to on flT-voloa sat of Srvryaodya cjcioptuia :
For Ol.CO
- th Sets ara too bulky to a sant ty mail, ant out-of-i
aav tba for tn S1.88, ta ist to ft a stnt ay rr, t
to aa pall by tn reoslTsr.
U litU tililtl. UJMA-O.S a4 g.:.iw