The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1913, Page 17, Image 17

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    ;jounriAU:POi;TL-:;D, tui::day Evznii: :, October h, am
' J- .
Portland : Manufacturer : De
'."dares "Ocular t)emt)nstm-
iioni' Will Exploit State,-
"Show Oregon, to , Fifty . Million
- PeoplO. is a suggestion made, to. tne
( oommeroiai and clvJo bodies pt ths Stat
by -"S. H. Brown. vice president an gen-
eral manager of the Peninsula Indus
t ttik company Who recently returned
from a tour tt. if states, covering a
distance or 11,000 tnlleaV? Visiting 47
- Slties nd Interviewing 200 faeada of
, ..successful manufacturing plants In tha
.. , eyuinern,. eastern and central, atatee. '
" Th method tie suggested In that used
'2 by Colorado iri; arranging an exhibit of
resouroes: Ana productions in spectad
!! ilar wov In New Yorlc where the aiiill.
,enca of borne ' seekers, (migrants', ln-
, veators and' bilsnloss men la in a year
at least 60,000,000. .,,,,(,.!,.,,;
' ' In-furtherance of the plart of attract
f t1ng manufacturing Industries to Port-
land, Mr. Brown made the Journey de
scribed, and In referring to the heads of
manufacturing concerns he interviewed.
ii. ne earn; v i
'. ' Xesteraere Ignorant of Oregon.
"By this -first hand Contact wlih
mesa men. who In a great many instan-
oea were man of laraa affairs. I had an
I ; unuauat opportunity to juago' ior my
ei wusumr sr.noi me suie bi ureion
la deriving the benefit it should from
the extensive advertising during' the
last alt or - seven years, but I regret
to pay that among so per cent of the
people With whom 1 conversed during
tnis trip there was a lamentable laok
of knowledge of tha entire Pacific coast
.. and tha etate of Oregon and tha city of
- Portland especially, and I was surprised
to see the caliber of men that would
aak ma absurd : Questions ' about : our
:., i country."; -. ; !-i;-'
M. Brown gives instance. -A furril
ture manufacturer wanted to know (f
there were any automobiles. on ta
' coaat. Another manufacturer -under-atood
that Oregon waa but one great
apple orchard. He didn't know that
, Oregon possessed one-fifth of tha stand-
rlng timber In tha United States. -V:
Ocula Demonstration asst. r
Men who had advertising literature
failed ta jread It: Ma thinks, therefore,
that Colorado's plan of "Ocular Dem
onatration" will do mora to acquaint the
' people of . tha eastern states with tha
. ' advantages of settlement or Investment
, on. the Paolfio ooast than any otntr
. method triad. i - - '
v, The Canadian govemmeht. which got
16,000 peopla from Great Britain and
150,000 , front tha , United States last
year, thinks so much of the plan that it
win sepd 4tn traveling exhibit used -la
Europe during the past; ten yeara to
' New Tork for two weeka next January.
- New Yprh Is autuated within trolley
dlatanca of , 7.000.0Q0 people.- says Mr.
Brown, It "ls"C Visited daily by 200.009
, tourists, "bnainees men and sightseers.
It ia the gateway for American! and
European travel. Half million o
mora forelgnera land there yearly.
. - At present but 20 per cent of thes
foreigners find their wayto tha open
lands of tha west, though nearly all ara
farmers. Tha causa la that no well Hi
rected effort haa aver been made to
property, dletributa this dasirabls class
of immigration. -t . - ;,j i(-,
ItiiWM. Saw Colorado Boas.!, ' "
Colorado will have an "Ocular Damon
stration and. Farsonal Contact" expo
; aitloil tha Grand Central VPalara:
Hure eleotrla slans will be - Disced on
the cidee of the bulldlnge. fiutues am
biemauo -or coioraao resources ana .in
dustries Mil be placed alone; Lexington
avenue for a. block on either aids. Ban
quets will ha given to the president,
1 tha cabinet, diplomatic corps. , by the
i governor of Colorado to governors of
,all other states, to Ue mayors of Amer
. lean oities, to representatives of metal
I and mining Interests, by tha publishers
1 of Colorado to f publishers ... of 'the
(.New YorkT foreign press, to forslgn oo.v
i sul generals, to manufacturers, arch'
, teots and builders, to 100 of New York's
- ,-chef a, (the menu to consist entirely of
' Colorado proauots.iand to many othera.
Immense resultant publicity is expat
ted through many mediums. Salea of
v i space at 11.60. to 13. a foot will finance
the proJectvK-': 1- j-t.?.v.5 ?..
i 4. am convinced that if all tha Inter
. esta of tha State of Oregon were to co
- ) operate In a similar plan much go l
(eould be accomplished, and a Olaaa of
I peojie reacaea - WJticn i wa would not
iomerwise oe Die .to approacn," ta Mr.
. ' Brown'a conclusion, in requesting action
. on nil suggestion. -
Arrived ; Late But See Town
. Make Up for, Lost'.
f T!tvn
' I, i 'I -' . I II I Iwi . " ..w -
..teatUa. Wash,, Oct. II. San Fran
iclsdg'a twelve Fortola girls hadn't much
itlnve JBeattlo laat nighfbut of the
' , iiie nine in hmv iari wain i any
wasted .The. stHmhlp . Governor
aboard whMu( they arrived, did not
reach jeattl until '"It o'clook, fjrea
, hours late. When' tt at last tied lip,
f"tV)pta,ta K. I McNoble, sperlntendent
Vt the PaalNo Coast Steamship com
pany, gave c-raers that the girls be the
first to disembark. A committee com
poeed of representatives of the various
commercial bodies of the olty, was
Jinlid 'nd as fast a utoinohl nniil1
ckfryi; thenv around, the girls paid A
. 1 . i . .1 . 1 ... .1. uAa . . . . . i, tv.iv w dibu wf, wmrv
?. banquet -.was'-served them.'-"-: ;.ri:':-i.':''.?r
f vTodpy tha party is. being shown about
f thjB.cjty and tonight the girls will be
'Ht ueU o tha Seattle Press club - v
'.i". H'"' ',"" 1 ""' " ""
; j. Would-1 lurry Currencjr tJUL --
"tVashlgtbn, ;Oct.""'l4.r-iSenators rho
. IsCpeaed the," Currency. bllW;wlth PreSl
''''.dene JWflison ,wre unanimous - today" in
'sayihg the bin ought to btf passed-before
L congress takes a recess; tlonators Stone,
f Bimmbils.' .'James and i Shepard Were
, 'among tbem.c.',1;;''Vv,,-
U. l.' -.. saw. i ii anus. m. . ? '
M Ocrr Wants to bfevQn1ckfy;"-;
f ; Chicago, Oct. J4.-Henry Spencer, .coTi-
"Tnefiedi murderer or; IB women, signed
an egrfoment todny to plead .guilty to
. kUllpg.'S.Mrs. ,;.'MlIdrsl Allleon-Rexro If
' the Dupago j county . authorities would
.hanjj him aa npesdlly as possible, ' t ,
i uemep.iber; TOMORROW
Jl! -. , :
, I vi
1 , j V. VS. fid -
,$ hj Jf - , . . . i r
- ,V V Y--'
t" (I , , ' ' I
'' ' X v 1
'. : . H .
A - - ' j
7, Mrg.; Arthur
New tTorkvoot. 14-One of tha most
difficult problems : the supreme - court
has been ' aaked to decide la many a
day 'is proposed by Attorney Jacon
Cord; in; behalf of Manuela Einstein,
wife of Arthur Einstein. The question
la: Can the affections of an Insane
man be legally alienatod, It they can
It la possible that Julius Einstein, 'mil
Teach Yqur Child
Regular Bowel Movement
From Infancy Insures Good
Healtl) in Later Years. ' - -
Ws cannot all start life with the ad
vantages of money, but every child
born is entitled to tha her 1 tag of good
health. Through unfortunate Ignorance
or carelessness In - tha ' feeding of a
baby its tiny stomach may becoms da
ranged. The disorder spreada to the
bowels 'ana before the mother realises
it the two hlef organs -en which the
Infant's comfort and health depend are
causing it great suffering. If the con
dition is allowed to continue grave ail
ments often raaultirV'?-- -'f-r.
There is, however, no occasion for
alarm, and - the sensible -thing to 'dot
out it snouia do oone instantly is to
give the baby a small dose of a mild
laxative-tonic. In. the ioptnion of .a
great, many people, among -them such
well-known persona as . the parents of
Bertha ' Loo Woodard, ; S years old, of
Moultrie. Ga, tha proper remedy la Dr.
Caldwell's Byrup Pepsin. Mrs. I. N.f
Woodard : aays that lUUe v Bertha : was
troubled with constipation' for over a
year, and that after; trying several dif
ferent kinds of remedies she found her
relief In Syrup. Pepsin. It is a mild,
pleasant-tasting laxative, - which ' every
person likea. doea not grips nor cramp.
and contains that most excellent qr ait
dlgeatants, papain.' 5, ;. -
Dr.. Caldwell's . Syrup Pepaln Is espe
cially Intended ior v infants, . children,
women, old ' people ana ait otners to
whom hard cathartics, salt waters, pills,
etc are distressing. In faot, in the
common disorders of life, such as con
stipation,: liver trouble, indigestion,' bll-
''V 0 :i.ii;:i 11
, preaiuascimaginaDie
I Fnr 1h! AlittttYirt rlnvo in in CfAr i
J I . you if yotroraef ' '
1 ' SHk jSBt m SBSgBBW
...... ;tr. 8. Oovenunent Inspected.
Made from
y " ' At your
; V Union
Q3 . CE i'AUEN ATED7.. j. .
Elnatoln and eon
lionaire manufacturer.' and , his son
may have to pay flSO.000 for their al
leged conduct toward Mre. Einstein,
who-charges them -with alienating her
huaband'a affeotlons. . The answer of
tha defendants Is that Arthur Einstein
Is insane and that it f. Is a legal Im
poeslbllity to Influence an Insane man
to leave his wife.. 1 ' - -
4 lj
fo Be Healthy
lousness.'- headaohea - and i the ' various
other disorders or the stomach, liver and
bowels, nothing Is more suitable than
thla mild laxative-tonic Sr. ' Caldwell's
syrup Pepsin. . :.;..,;;'-.- ;- .
Three generations of people ara using
it toaay, ana thousands or families keep
is constantly in the house, for every
member of the family can use It It
tan be obUlned of any druggist at fifty
centa or one dollar a; bottle, -tha 'latter
being tha else bought by famillee
Lwho already- know Its value. Results
re aiways rvsranieea or money will De
Families wishing to try a frea samel
bottle can obtain it postpaid by address-el
ing' pr, i w.v B,. Caldwell, 419 Washing
ton eC -Montioello,: III. A postal card
with your name and address on it win
ao. . .. -t . j dv.
.the choicest ; PURE
first, fliialirv en.V.o 1
dealers, r - ; , 5
Meat Company
F :-Jv;it .t- .ii iJ::: i -: ..Ira. ..
Will 'Ask Congressional Inves
" "t!gatIon"of Trinidad "Oondl:
.rtlons to Settle Lockout.
' (Onlt'd Preie Uued Wlre.t lit-J
v Denver, Colo., Oct. 14. Within ft week
tha lower . house of congress wilt be
aaked to investigate the Coloradocoal
strike and the activity of "gun-men"
emrloyed by the operators, ;
This was announoed today by Rep
resentative Edward Keating f Colo
rado, who has Just completed .an inves
tigation of conditions in tha southern
fields. Us will returnTmsday night to
Washington, where he will immediately
Introduce his-resolution.. In a signed
statement for th United Press Keating
aaidl - ' ,j , 1
- ' ' By Slwaxa Xatlaf..v: .-.
- The Issues involved in the Colorado
coal strike oould be adjusted by, two
sans; honest men, representing tha par
tia to tha oonfllot, before they had
finished their second cigar.-, That's how
simple they are. They would, bo ad
Justed In Just that gene, simple fashion
If It were not for ii Broadway, New
Toik. , . . ' - vi- i v-.
The gentlemen who make their head
quarters at 1 Broadway and direct The
Investment of the Bookefeller fortune
This is the greatest bargain in ekctrical ; house
hold utilities that we have ever offered By
soeaal aimin the manufacturers we
are aoie
And Yout
for less than the price of
forig50-00. Bv taking
ql Iql ql qi Iqr
Sweeps ( Sweep- . Sweep- Sweep-. '- Sweep- '
' Pleitn J - Clean : . Clean , Clean ; Clean
r Fan . ; ;. . Iron : Percolator , CnuiT Disc Stove ;
vMterJi:-. GrflL.,V V , . TjToaiter'; - -'XIroji . Toaster v
. .. v..-. i " ' - '. . ' ' .
It V'.TV t-Vf y? .-:?-t?':JA4 V.-'V-X- a'.i,!).- . - I f - '4i .Wit. .V-t. - l' ' - . f i
yourchoiceof any jg:roup for $39.0O .M'ff ')' arid you have twelvemonths within
whjch to pay .viust realize what this xlsj) means to you, 'Madame. Housewife!
For onlv $3.QO down and ;3.00 a , (f . 7- ' nibnth, yoti eliminate all the heavy
work;of housekeeping yquget rid v - ;W
irqning-your household is completely electrified,
. I lie aiivirJUHi i Dwccjr'uun is me star pejTornierin noubcworit ruie mm wuru m eieuiiL ucaucis. u ucaio
and burnishes the home to the satisfaction of -thcrhost particular housekeeper, and. cfoes better work .in, half, the time and
at less than quarter the labor of broom and dustpan.VA child can' operate it and feel that she is indulging in the most
gentle play;- '"x ' ' ' l,'r. r'-K7 , II 'l u T ' ' '
,;ihe biMrLiw 1 1, is ngnt
-and is the best cleaner made.
.'the 50.00 purchase price.
ce'of $39.oaiy-v
u " We are mailing to each of our customer? a letter showing Jhe twelve groups (each group consisting of a Simplicity
Sweep-Clean and two other, electric appliances) an a Coupon, which must, fee presented at the Electric Store when you
make your selection. J -.' ' . . , -j;'1 't' ;"fV;l-' ' .: . " y
V Your couDon is good for $f 1.00." fust as powerful in buying' power as hard-cash entitles you to an $11.00 disccunt
r.This wonderful appliance sale will close November 30th. Mhis opportunity is for our customers only. But r::
coupon - will be-honored.i from '."each If ;?yDu:do-'n6treceive;- your coupon by October 28 th, we will; aprr'
ateiyojuriiotirhirus. - .
say they ")lv nothing to arbitrate"
and, that "the struggle must go .on to
the bitter end." ' '' '. ,'!;.'
To show what' they mean by "bitter
end" they have employed hundreds ,of
gun-men who recently brought somuoh
of misery and shame on the common
wealth of West Virginia and they ara
reported In tha press to have purchased
four gatling guns. ai--:-:.-. : ;:?Mv
' A congressional investigation cotnmlt
tee brought industrial peace to,' West
Virginia by thg simple nrooesg of lay
Ing the naked facts before the Amer
ican people and trusting to publlo opin
ion. 1 Wo hops a similar investigation
will-produce similar -results , In Colo
rado. .."': :: 'V'i- f
I don't believe II Broadway will find
it safa or profitable to use gun-men
and gatling guns in the presence of the
representatives of 100,000,000. American
cltiiens, 'v v . t ' i r t
As soon as I return, to Waahington I
will ask the house to consider my reso
lution providing tor tha appointment of
an investigating committee, - .
s':.; ;t 1 ,
New York, Oct. 14 With his cloth
ing badly soiled and weartifg a beard
of several weeks' growth, Hans fiohmldt,
confessed murderer of Anna Aumuller,
appeared before Justlos Malons today
to answer to the indlatment charging
him with murder. Attorney Koeiba,
representing. Bohmldt, asked that the
formal arraignment bs postponed tor
week and his request was granted.
MSSNSBssaaMaassasaMaassajataBBSMB "
Prouty fo Xletirs November i,
Washington, Oot ,14. Charles A.
Prouty announced he will retire from
ths Z. C. G about November X to be
oome director of ths physical valuation
of railways. ' '
W fi-Jk
10 sen ,unui
CHbice :of
the Cleaner alone.' Each
sirong, simple to operate nanasome. in appearance; it is
It has our absolute, indorsement ana guarantee. ;; ;
This-means that you can
U !;r.!i.-;-S
' V, :'
' JLVi
i put ;.alp shtiying 'of "your new' fiuit f roir? week
to Weify'it because you felt yOU couldn't spare
the- react motiey? Really, there's no need for
;t such a' sif tktion; If yoiT cortie here, we would
willingly open a charge, account for : you. . This
. would make your buying easy, comfortable and
satisfactory C6me in tomorrow.and ; see the de
pendable quality clothes we sell, and the moder-
ate prices asked That would put an end to your
clothes worries,, . ,
Have You a Favorite Photo?
novemuer ouui
irSeveh-Other Groisp
of 4 these twelve.rdups of
S: kafi " of, this ODDortunitv.v vou can have
, .Vof'.the drudgery of sweeping and
and the hard;work eliminated. ,'
get anyone of .the. various
I i-t
VvYll Make a Beautiful Enlarge
. (, . ment for You FREE
Theie. euisite ' Porcelain Medal-,
lions wtke very efut and orna
mental fouveniraf -With S pufchgi
of $10.00 or over, we give you one
Free. Ask about them the next
time you call.
40g traahiiigtoa Bi, at 10th
6 Po : ; t
1 1
appliances sells regularly
uniiKe any pinercieaner maac
groups of appliances for a net
1 )
X :