The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1913, Page 16, Image 16

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Taylor Street Edifice to Have
Sufficient Services to Com-
ply. With Law. -
iWdlns- 'to hold In abevance for th
n.-i.. ti i haf
plan to construct a new edifice, the
i ' First Methodist -church In i quarterly
, conference last night voted to move the I
, i main activities of the organisation tol
t(je jGrac church building- at Twemni
' ana Taylor streets, -rneoecision waa
; by no mean unanimous,' TVS. McDanlel
' and B. Lee Paget attempting te head off
the action until the entire congregation
should have a, clmnce to vote upon it
i The quarterly conference ef, the church,
attended by- a emeu percentage of the
.. church membership, however, sustained
v the proposed move as suggested by the
5 trustees by a vote of SO to 4.. '
i The move to the Grace church build-1
. In is considered merely, a tactical stepl" oe benefited by the bridge.
In the effort of the church to construct I Th committee consists of Oeorg I
a new building. , Legal' complication 5""r" r""u" v. wwsiocw.
-A arising from the proposed sal. of the ISr1n,, J' Ff l?l!n' J'
Klrst Methodist church property, in- L F Bron, uda C Mpr
' voives the churter prohibition against row Barbur. . , i
purposes. '.. .V;v ;
TUe Oraca church.' congregation has I
j oeen worenipping wjtn tne irsi cnurcn I
proposed, by uniting the membership
people ior more than a year, and it was
'and financial resources of tne two or-l
iiganlsatione, to build a great edifice that!
Vwould b adequate to the growth of th
. i .... i n.i.-j . I
y. . , . : . .. . i
lUtsiiuiiuiiKLiuii ill roTLiina. r I
, . T V. . mmrois improvement league, H. I
that if the resolution of the trustee Moody; speaker; Retail Grocers Tand
; . were adopted It would mean a split in Merchants' . Association, at Allsky hall,
. . the church, some of the members going Burt C. Jones, and 1 M. Lepper, speak
to Graoe and others remaining at the ers; .Greater Irvington Improvement
First church. He urged delax, declar- clubs, t Irvington club house. JuJge
"m "-ual unie nvuia praviue m mnooain. u. Muniey, speaaer; Arieta Central
of erecting a new church by the sale of I club at the Arieta school. :
the Third and' Taylor streets property, I The Portland Credit Men will be ad
- either by a change In sentiment of the I dressed- tomorrow evening by A. Burn-
members or a new act of the legislature I
: wnich would reduce th vote necessary I
to carry the building project .
a. F. Johnson, secretary of the board
" of trustee, declared the move' to Grace
church eniintntly desirable because off
the tiiTorinr xhiin-h fapiiiti h i I
M.j Smith, another trustee, spoke along 1
similar line . - ' , . I
v. Cn,iK .Aut tu.t " w.,i I
be necewary to hold at least one grlS'it'!'?Al,2l,' .n.. Ea,t
ice each Sunday In th First church to
, wltht the r reouirement that a
'Meihodlst Eplscopaf church be pet
J?i SS
bVlWinV iist nigh? and endorsed the
action taken by the First ctrtirch con-1
ferenc . , Rev. C. Ji Cline, in a short M'
i.iir H.,QrH .i mnv. th niv thin. I
' that could be done. . s .
' Rev. Benjamin Young, pastor of the
First church, then told the Grace con-
gregatlon he was glad the action had
been taken, although it did not solve
the orooerty controversies at all. mere-
ly holding them open: for further sc-1
tlon. lie urged co-operation and that!
' ho severance or .relations' be allowed!
i to mar the Plan. ; I
' The resolution ae adopted , by the I
: First' church conference authorises the
trustees to - remove the' activities.'' ot
the church to Twelfth and Taylor and
to arrange for the conduct of such
' services at Third and Taylor as shall
;' comply with the law with reference tol
the use of the property ior church
purposes. - - ( J
Police Nab' Rudolph Schwab;
Judge' Fines-Hmv $20
for Violation,
Rudolph. Schwab, the I. W. W. street
speaker, last evening, attempted to re-J
open, the Recent war over public speak-1
J log on the streets. His arrest followed 1
and this morning he was found guilty
In-the munclpal court and fined $20.
.;.:,; Schwab nd his wife, with a few fol
.'. - lowers from the Socialist Labor party,
'. opened their street meeting at Alder
,' and Sixth, streets. Schwab announced
he would talk upon . his constitutional
rights. He had not spoken long before
-lie rorerred to .'Mayor Albee as an an-
, archlst. Patrolman Slnnott ordered
, ..- sc-nwao to stop epeaKing and move on.
j..,' He refused. Motorcycle Patrolman
; . uoukiBtone then placed him under ar
! He was released on 25 ball.
. t, j tits morning, Schwab testified he
was speaking under the auspices of
tne t ree Speech reafrue.
?l don't think the question of free
" speech nters into this matter," com
nicnted Judge Stevenson." "It is not
involved in any degree, although the
v,,, iierenaBnts always set up that plea,
There is a small area set apart in which
, political speaking is prohibited. There
5 " are many other streets upon, which the
if. oeienaant couia nave spoken. If lie
' had gone one block south or four blocks
ii north, he would have been outside the
restricted district."
- v , Schwab sought to take Bn appeal, but
.. ' the ourt directed that a writ of review
oaiem. ur wet. n. The supreme
court today handed down the following
Leonard Construction company va. How-
X Tii..LI a i . . .. .. '
i i -iuiiiuuib s rteaiing company, ap-
iciisiui appeuiea rrom Multnomah; ao
tlon 'for damages: affirmed
, Francis Schulte vs. Psciflc Paper com
. pany, appellants, appealed from Multno
inaht action to recover damages for per
.'.' sonal Injuries; reversed, .. .
' Portland Publlo Market i Cold Stor-
K company vs. u.u. woodworth, ap
r pcllantj appealed from .Multnomah: ao-
lv tlon - to recover ; on ' assessments on
, r stock; reversed? !'. , .;. ,. .
Olive May Schaedler vs. Columbia
'on tract company,' appellant; appealed
: from Multnomah; action to recover for
r vcrsonai injuries,- ariirmed.
, F. U Warren vs. city ef Astoria, ap
pelUnt; appealed from Clatsop;-action
for damages; affirmed. .
Oeorg l. Peesiee- vs. Gordon Fall
Klfftric - Manufacturing company, an
peiiant; appealed front Multnomah;' o-
M-y Hooper, appellant, ts. Maty
Hooper; appealed from Clackamas; on
petition for rehearing, : former opinion
' v r.' V-rl. .;;';' . i;s,Vj-t(';:.i,;;xi,,(
l.ffie Barenstecher, appellant, va the
.. 1 lof ftrauj applied from Multnomah;
Plans for. Bond Issue, to Be
Explained Under', uspices
ot Committee :, . ;
rou' rl'1 ' U H held tu-
igat at which speakers from thgov
bridge commute will explain th
I value of a apan aero the Columbia be-
tween Portland nd Vancouver and tell
why . the voting of bonds would be a
most meritortus investment - Other
meeting, will be held almost nightly for
the reef of the week and interest 'n
the project eeema to be growing- dally,
The ' special committee appointed -f
outline the plana for,, the big agrlcul-
tural and industrial parade which 1 to
oe tne.reaiure or. "bridge day.'r October
I . will meet tomorrow noon at the Com
I merciai ciuo to won" out the various
I Ideas for i making the demonstration
elghif leant , of the v Varied : Inter-
The Amalgamated Sheet Metal Work-1
.international Alliance, Local No,
wuhmur ,h i 4
V . w mt,n
, FriJar "ight at Mbor Templ.
" - " n mt i mu .igwiwn namim , m wumui,
!u52 J?5ue,t nd. .ha .m'nl wtlllbut Druragoole. allege Baber com mi t-
:Z.ZJjl"lX...l ' "re, or
mwukv urvMmui
h. - . . . . . - - . . .
mi meetings to Da neid tonight are:
ham, of Vancouver, and u- M.: Lepper.
Thursday afternoon, the Women's Good
Government club will be addressed by
JMr - Abigail Scott Dunlway and Frank
I B- RHr Alice R. Nugent will preside.
lat meeting win oe neia at z:so p. m
in room A of the new city library.
fnt meetingof Webfoot and
Mltnomah camps,- Woodmen of the
World, win be held Friday night at the
w t tiM.. v r ni .V .m .'LJ
h ? nd F. B. Riley will speak
onT" SfftlinTSlH.'- hi..
' organ)-
ckUylr.' :ihd Masons' - Union:7 W
jiWJS "?r?S T-W
- rV.""; . " ' V T '""'l
United .Artisans Henry Hill, W. A
ITeung. John Van Nortwick, Ralph Am-
l0 eorge A H. i , '
i1'?! rd.r..0' EaglesDr. S. C.
Blocum, Edward Holman. Alex Bweek,
Jay H. Upton, J. V.Lankln.
1 Sacajawea Circle, W. O. W. Mr. Mc-
WIUlm. Mra E. Roth, Mrs. Hettle
Vaughn, Mr. Rosa Mayer, Mr. Valaska.
rorimno urueiu verein a. otreiri,
Peter Roth. Henry Roth, John Zoller,
Adolph Rieder, .Thomas Mtlenberg.
Cafe Entertainer Goes pn Trial
at; Sacramento; Blames .
. Ex-Prizefighter,'
(Ualted Pren LeaMd Wire.) -Sacramento,
Cel., Oct 14. Sam J.
Raber, cafe entertainer, went on trial
here today before Superior Judge W. M.
IConley of Madera county, charged with
tne murder or Cherry De St Maurice,
la woman of the underworld. "
The woman was found dead In her
lapartmente on July . 8. '
"Br .confessed that h and , Jack
wrumgooie. a prise fighter, entered the
wom,n' apartments fof ' th purpose
ot robbery. A.,-struggle .followed and
1 bm rrn
OlPii all
r rr 1 1 - - I irniinrl I
a M . - a a ' '
l(v ;'V:! 3MTM
. .f?sr . 6--' i
Chart Shows expected electric .'rail
Waghlnjtoa after completion
the woman was killed. Raber chafged
ted the crime, v. . . . ,, j
Cleo Sterling, an Inmate of th Cherry
6 rp q ip n 12
fL.." "sw 1
Uae this pure food every day, Madftm. Use
it for table and .cooking ; purposes. A million
families do ao ; every day.' And they save 10
cents to 20 cents a poimd.: . - - i : v
vow -
Marigold ia tKe most wholeom tprtmd ior bread.
It ia Absolutely Dtife.- M
conditions, r Each pound ia forernment inspected. Get
; this whole'some food todaj. Madam. -' Ask your dealer
for Klarlgold Then use it every day. , See how the
. children ( enjoy. it: Our miBmk takjrm. Writ f it.
' 15th and Marshall Stf., Portland, Oref on :
h ii ii 11 u u.u U"U u u
the most J tat&iary m-sal
on an
U .' ;. U- 1 11 I' ; - :.'A
prepared with to little trouble and
a tablespoon ful for ' each pertoiu
development of . south western
of. bridge over Columblar Iyer: - j V
resort, is awaiting trial -.on a similar
charge, and both Baber and Drumgoole,
who were arrested in San (lefoi charge
that she planned the robbery, 'It
u u u u u u u n a il
M t)
added VaDet.;:
- J"' ;-l' a. :
) expense, just
mado instantlv' ' .
of lid;
PhyslcianV Are Present From
Ail. Parts of Oregon 'and "
, Washington;;
Comlhg from 3 all ;' parts of Oreron
! and , Washington 60 membora. of . the
alumni association of the University of
I Oregon Medical school held ev banquet
at me Muixnoman note) last night. Dr,
W. E. Bmitft acted as toastmuter. A
number ;of graduates of ; the medical
department of Willamette : university
were also present as the two medical
achoola have now been combined into
lone central school, known as the-medi
cal department , or ; he University of
Oregon. ; i- v f::i -x i-X: v4
Among the speakers. were Tr. B. A.
eommer, president ; of the Willamette
university medical school alumni asso
ciation) P. U Campbell,1 president of
th University of Oregon, who spoke of
the high .standards needed In medical
schools and prophesied that the Oregon
medical chool would . bec6m One of
the greatest In the United States: Dr.
K. A. J. Mackenzie; dean of the Oregon
1 Medical school, . who called attention
I to the large area the institution serves
and spoke of the" larger- plant needed
to . accommoaaie tne consolidated
schools. '."" " vi , -
Dr. W. H. Bird of Salem., former dean
of the WUiamette r University Medical
't;-,.-r &r
' f ,
i appear eac
cnairr and
to the tired I
Being lstoiniM ;
imtiiral that
'-:-.v,.,;-'4'-v:- -:i,v
am chosen.
ect Turlds
ive &e gest sale of
-ho-.i. ,ic(iBed the moril support 0
the Willamette graduate? '.r,'-,WUUam
Heuae urged that the Oregon . instltu
tlon should turn out more graduates,
and Dr. j. p. Tamiesie suggested larger
and more Impressive graduation core
monies. Dr. Calvin fi. White, secretary
of the state board Of health; Dr. J. N.
Bmlth of Salem and Dr. A. O. Bettmttn
were alsa included in the Mat Of 'peak
ers. , 7 , i
KesolutloM were passed " indorsing
the appropilHtlons ' for the University
of OrKRon whlcli will be voted . upon
In the forthcoming referendum election.
-:;.-::' ' . .
'I'. Whinftoa Bnrean of Tba Journal.) ' '
Washington,; Oct. If. Civil service
examinations will be held November 82
for' postmaster as 'follow: '.VU'w-.
' Grand Hondo, ! held i' at t WlllAmlho:
Walteraville, held at Thuratonj, Tuala
tin, held ac Sherwood.:''; t-:-.,t-y'-:ji -t-?
. I,, M,' Lane of Thornton has been, ap
pointed postmaster at Canias Valley,
Douglas county vice K, H. Browne. . ,
Arthur .P, Staley has been appointed
postmaster t Pleasant : Valley, Baker
county, vice Jacob H. Rowland.
'T.v.l'j''1"1' 1 1 '" '. "',;' ' "
Body- J Believed to Bo; Inventor's,
t Amsterdam, .Oct. . Jl.T.h body of a
man," believed to be that of Theodore
Deisel, -the millionaire Inventor of the
Kas engine, who disappeared two weeks
ago while on his way from Antwerp to
London, was round at tne mouth of the
Scheldt river - today, . . owing to i the
high wavee,' the.hodr was not brought
In today, but it waa said all Identifica
tion marks had been removed from the
clothing. Delsel's son Is en route here
from ' BerlInr'J,,:i?'3x."f S'i'y'ftM k :
lamp to
ess man.
, ',; .
foV sweetness
tess, oi
,flie cigar
; TO PORTLAND WO ! " .1 .
Mrs, f ranees Stevens Rc
membcred ;in: Will- of Dr, -; ;
. 1 S,' A. Robinson,'
Word has been received ' her that
Mrs.- France B Stevens of Portland,
daughter of the late George T. Myers,
has been, named th chief beneficiary ,
under thfe 'will of; Dr. Small Adams
Roblnaon of Washington, D. C., who
died last Veek, leaving an estate valued '
at', $200,000: The win wa drawn in
Portland, April 1J, 1806. -:nX i
Mrs, Steven is : to receive all. the
stocks, bonds, Jewelry -and household
effects of the deceased, the balance to
go to bis grandchildren and daughter-in-law.
- ' - '
Mrs. Stevens, who la '.the ttt of B.
P. Stevens, assistant ; cashier of the
First National bank, was disinherited by '
her father, because she insisted In hav
ing Dr. RobluBon attend her.mothtr on
Jhe occasion of her last: Illness several
years ago, . ana against tne wisn of
her father, i; When hef father; died, five i
years ago, ha was , bequeathed only ':
$20,000 of an estate valued at $750,000.
and she is fighting now to have the will
declared unfair. The case la In, the
Oregon supreme court,.;, .--v, .- , :;
W' " ; ' t '--m n..
' U common ense bujr'Buperler coat
tS ton. Main 154: , Aav. -
bring comfort
t : J
tlives considers. -
and ibat is :y I
,'.v T. I"'' !rf .-il.i-
oi cnoicest leaves
olesome: tobacco.
otthe nation
Individual', '
u. p nvwuuuug; aixirmeo,