The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1913, Page 12, Image 12

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    .iiY-,i--V-.lfy.,V'' -V',-'T-rh " - 'V' .,- ... .
Ship's Hold; Crew and Of
ficers Had Trouble, : ' -
Mission; Is toyfakeV-Portland New ;As$ay: of Ore .Found 'In
snappy, oiiy . oyirroviuing & i jyiouiif i aDor rarK oneway
vHealtfiyusements,', ' iT;, ''$52;;,JaTpn'f
-How to Make Portland a Better Plane xna mystery of the "gold mint" In
to ttvo." la to be the them, of the dis Mount Tabor park" deepen with time.
cusslons at tbe'ifceetlng for the organ-ln latest ;wrlnkie is am away of an.
isaCion of a Recreation league, lump of the yellowish .-ore Just
held Thursday evening at library halt , mM snowing IBS, worth of tho precious
A program of Xiva minute talks and ,ve n ;, against tne assay
frora the horned liner Voltnrno. - They
were transshipped to a vessel bound
xor iw Torn.
- (TaKcd Ptm tMMl Wr.t .
Liverpool' Oct. it. The v atemmehlp
Devonian arrived here this . afternoon
with He contingent of the survivor I short ttlav rf.mnnifr.iinm win t rn mftd om time ago that ran more than
ed liner , Voltnrno. Therl ri ...... ... I MOW:'. .-t V.4 iJ'N.v'(ii t :? ;.vvJ.;--s' .':.
. . a-'vv vwrvnoeo. wiai were waa.raauy
Official, of the Uranium Steamship America., will give a report of the or-11 Vf.n ore!!
corapany. which operated the Voiturno. I ganlxlng ;; committee, alter which the BnrritaAr,t uuZtZ. .''
ventieitifln ? thV 'InaiMtin i ""0"ou wi uu place. ; w. or lu on na naa n assayad on hla
1diltt'a ' "'.';th't? U Brewater. oowmlssloher of puhllo af. wn aocount. A previous aaaay made
, The that U tu atarted flr n .eaUon a PubUa hht
by., bomb which they sid they believed AffalrV Dr. S. X. Sommar., member of JSLSSIa vRjJXtLZJ?"?'
was planted at the lnatlrstlon of a I ne acnooi board, win taut on "Flay ana I ,". -
rival company. This company, they as-1 Education." Mrs. Lola Baldwin will 17 T"''; n,J,, now,a : '
erted, has been fomenting trouble be apeak on .'Tteoreatlonal Keeds of Port-1 rn wm -v,,, fc: .
land." A demonstration of camea and 1 . - n-
treen the Uranium company and lu land." .'A., demonstration of games and I , "VA i u?.a.
emploves for some time, the Uranium's folk dances as conducted In the primary auMtiontuiini "mV 'iruiL :!r
management having received many UU grades will be flyen by groups of chll- ."Tf" oSuSJS T tha hi
ter. .d shorUt. before the Voiturno dren from th.Xadd school, under the mi. " ajtuih of talhudr2
oft Rotterdam there-was a dispute be- direction of Robert Krohn, Malsted y SS5 "S?art? fo? tS met2l hfl
tween the officers and member, of toe Miss Johanna Cramer. -i : .!it. "V," t..f t?JJB,,
J Xifeboata Perfect, gaye Mannffer.
New York. Oct, I "All rot and fool
lnh" was the way Edward Thomas, man- J that are doing-splendid work In better
Mies Johanna Cramer. I found anythlna of value, rnvtinnmima
., .T w uraKu.av.vua wwi ui xpooioa anoruy wmon may result
wwn xuug u inouau-uu wur, ua aoiuuoa ox the mystery. " f '
said Robert Strong, chairman of the I . '. '-'.-.
organlstnt; committee, "and many others I ' , Veteran, fla GantaJn Diem.
San Francisco, Oot, 14. CapUln Her.
T ' 1 -" . -hum maiing eaucauonai racuiues ana in reiorrn-1 n . iym-i ,w "
allegation by JVederlck Radae at Havre Ung existing aoclal evils, but the Beore- ;ntti fr,
today tht the Voltnrno carried only l.ttn i,.. . nrrn.. ..m. I?0 C0M ttamahtM for 40
. ;, " I from all these. Its exclusive mission iwfrwvm"
f n.s.;. Vhi- i .u f , Portland a happy city, y ;
of llf eboau than d d ; the Voltumo," , hnn. do thli bV llvin no to
wQf(uw(' (a
A , Uttlo copper added to steel oro-
tumo could not have aallid with onlV f!?!Aiffi,0
nine lifeboats The government In- J.Si J?: EPwithtr. e
pectora would have forbidden It." ' brta If00 B"1810 T.ltb5? hI
. . ' - , reach of allr to preserve national and
' JUnneaoolis Due Toniirht -' ,ocal traditions by bringing about fitting
v o,,?wr!w wf. . oalebraUons ct th. holidays; to an-
Queenntown, Oct. ,K Wireless mes. .. ,... .i.i
saKes from the steamship Minneapolis Kir.. A ' Z.7 M3r.mZ
I fitting expressions of ariintelKgent
rarty of rescued passengers from the p0,,1 " rocreaUonU Ufa
v oiturno. a special train will bo wait-1
Ing to take them to London, whence) they
win pent, xo Bouinampmn for em
barkation on the Olympic, bound to Newi
, r,f i ; . r '." i '"f ' -y", ':-'';'-'v'"''
f Praid for Devonian's CapUiln. .
London. Oct. 14- The manaaemnt of
the Leyland line telegraphed today to
Captain Trant of the Devonian, . which
took part in . the rescue of crew and
paseengers from the Voiturno:
; "Well dona - Directors, manager and
; "tatf ara proud of. you." i-..-t
Ean Joae. Cel.. Oct 14.RelnfOrce.
Yourigg ErigHshman Brooded
8peelal to She Joornatl"--,, .;:
Medford, Or., Oct. 14.- Brooding over
an estrangement from : his sweetheart
In England, -whom he hoped to forget.
wag the jnotlya.tbat caused frank, Tur
ner of London, England,-to fire a bullet
through his heart' and slash his wrists
with a knife on south bound Southern
Pa elf i a paasenger train number IS. Eat
urday, according to a verdict brought
In by the ooronera Jpry sitting at Ash
land.'-,.'v".v;' S:!;.i?s:,i;f1'ti;: r9
There whs nothing introduced at the
Inquest to show that Turner might have
been a-vietitn of foul play. - - .
- Funeral services will bo held "Wednes
day afternoon at 1 o'olook from, the
Perl undertaking; room, . x '-.
Oct . li Or, , B,
8eattla "Wash,
rioyd. of the United States health serv
ice, doubts that the rats recently caught
in Seat tie had bubonlo plague. This an
nouncemem was maao looay wnen an
other rat wae killed and examined by
Dr. Llyod. City health authorlttea 7 a
few ' days ago found what they con
sidered avldeneea of the plague in five
rats killed, - Federal,' county; and olty
authorities are cooperating, and believe
there is. no danger of humans beta in.
xeciea, aijnougn a campaign or ex
termination will bo kept up. '
Committee slacks. But Little
More -Than $1000; More
Small Sums Sought. -
Almost 00ft of the necessary UOOOl
runa to maintain the Portland Sytu
, From 40 to 50 WomWa Critical Period. T
. Such warning symptom as 'sense of suffocation, hoi
'flahe?t severe headaches, melancholiaTdread of impe'ndiriff'
evil, palpitation of the heart, irregularity-, constipation and
dizziness are promptly treated by mtdligenUwomen who
are approaching the period offlife. vr.v,----
- This is the most critical DerioH nf
. ''' ". . ' ...v, uu otic
i-T m , ... 111 tr-
' t i ; , ;
A luck purchase cf -women's Sample Suits frcm ons cf th best
manufacturers in New York. We would contider it an honcr
tq have you and inspect theie"Suit. " '
Wirth $30.00 .
'Fall: -
Worth $40.00
Sulto ': at
; Worth cs&oo
These Suits were made by one of the beet manufacturers in Nevi
York and we guarantee them to be the belt stylet, and perfect
X r
Ave You Going to Be Qhe of , the
; Lucky Ones to Secure Onp of
r These NewPall Cbato atti
Worth $25.00
Worth $35.00
Worth 545.00
Fox Sets;
Snow white, largo
Muffs, with Ibaat
heavy ' satin I list
bgs. Collars very
long and trimmed
with fox tails.
The styles are newest, the materials ' are Chinchillas. Bouclei,
Eponge, Cheviot! and Mattelasse.. : It's a' purchase ' of sample gar
ments. You'll be delighted to see these excellent, coat -j
New Winter!Goatb: at
$5.95 : $7.95 $9,915 i
, TherV bounteous ataortment to choose from at thos. prices.
Comeoarly tomorrow ' morning theio spOcials j won't last long.
1 ' -
Corner Sixth and Alder. Opp. Oregbhian
Sale of
- v v
A recant shipment
of! th. vory new
el styles ia Wash
Waists, -J1 soft,
clingy materials fa
the' I.t-r
ments wars rushed from hr .- I phony Orchestra this season has ban I t nrhn nAnl.M. l .. .1 Ll' t-.i, . .t . .. . . -
vr to assist.' la -atamping- out tmj "bscrlbed up to today. According to "! "".r"1' "IC neaitn at WIS time mVlteS lDe'
T.UH.U ara - now sweenin aAnthi "u'"u ui n,- iiigoi w ine cam-i; vuiiiuic ann nam
lttee for. tha Ad" oinh.!'-' : . . .
now .swA.nin? ahii
and east on the eastern slopes T of tha P1 ' committee (for : tho Ad.
higher ridges of tho Santa Cms moun-1 Iopln,r that ther wiu e able to
xn.ra are xour autlnct fires
burning in a 'apace) of six miles wide
. by two miles long. -, .. ?; , , . ..,
Unless the flamea.rjin K. Van J.4.
ins t.uvu nuu-K oerora nisnt tna mam.
bers of tho committee have been work.
Ing hard today on tho canvasa. " . ' i ,
une tning that is proving disappoint
disease and pain. . Why not be guided by the ex-'
of others and take Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable (
nd? i; It is an lndfeDutable fact that t!ik
n present 'Dounda,- Mayor RolDli of l! " lvJ.'"w woiraea, nowever, is tn
ban Francisco. W. H nmiPh..i ..i-S U of response from small - cont rib u
t'lsr..l -.i ... ". l tojta. Chairman T.1W I. naa.ll.
w , n mronca v.ueicnerr. gnu - others inuporiy oetween the head
. """r, m. mb ixrenco and
xieiq will lose heavily. Tha r
rractically under control' early yester
day afternoon but a hlgh northweat
wind arose , and the flames s broke
"''"" mno Battle line.
k . . It was esUmated this afUrnoon' that
forest fires had burned over an area
of 28.006 acres. Tho heaviest loaers so
.ra jjra. , . Moody, A. McO.
Craig and the 8anta Clara Valley mil
& Lumber company. . five hundred
acres of the Moody ranch and ' 700
jotii cur ranch have been
burned over. The lumber company has
lost more than iooo acres of timber.
Reports received here shortly before
1 o'clock said tho fire was only two
miles v back of Saratoga and Congress
sprlBKs, . and that the situation was
considered grave. Automobiles by the
hundreds have been pressed Into serv
ice and are carrying provisions and
water to the fire fle-htera. Th
? . " u w oo maaing nut lltua, tf any.
jt headway against-: the flames, ; -r
Buperlor Judge t?elch of Santa Clara
i county asserts that the Utest fire is
- v. Ut.enuiu7 origin, bis country ee
- tate is threatened, and ho Is working
f ightera Judge Welch says ho 1 will
f '' upon the atato forest servico for
i numjiivo . inveatigation. t '
- , Centralis. Wash.. Oct. 1
new ordinance requiring a license fee of
ISO a day from transient merchants von
- "v,, ,Waroay wnen Harry Bren
ner, who was arrested Saturday night
on a charge of selling a bankrupt Be-
?l ?. tcku,' B"con with a Can
: trails stock. capltuUted. Brenner was
; to be arraigned before Judge Wodmark
i?,?.lM0Url tod,sr' but VMterday he
furnished bonds that h would sand the
Bettl. stock back and pay th. ciS. of
... .iun mm.
: penence
impound?. It is an indisputable fact jthat this grand old .
ITlOini.1.'... . - - .. . , ' . i vuyu.;. w uuj LUlUUVll ,
lacVofpf --nm94m ,
d&usosuScr ; 6 IS nertteonials, support Ujis ; fact. ;V ;
ajii.tx; juiua vaijuh, rjaaiz, Ohio. -'
rt Worfe Texas. have taken Lydla E. Rnkhamg Veffetfiw "
ble Oompound and derived great benefit from its use. It carrief i
safely through the Change ol ! life yhm I was in bad teafJE? b?d
that all gone feeluwr most of the time, and hmirrriA .e3tw t ZI. '
IfJZ nd.tHe h flashes were very bad. - I had tried otoer
mall sumo from - many peopla be
cause such contributions will do much
to popularise the movement for high
class muaio in the city. , -
Since tho committee began - work, a
total of 11710 has' been raised and If
subscriptions continue to oome in at the
present rata there is every reason to
believe tho- full 15000 will have boon
proaured by the end of the week. -
We are now almost within $1000 of
our goal.- said Mr. Talbot today. "Now
lot every man and woman who is Inter.
etd n better muslo get busy and help.
With. such cooperation the fund would
bo completed In no time at all."
Among those who have made dona
tions are tho following and, tha amounts
oc insir auDscripuons: v, v.
Iaham Smith, 126; K. R. Koehler, $10;
Lewis A. . McArthur, U: Miss liOls
Steers, list lira E. C, Theolen, US; J.
E. DSTidson, tt: Mrs. David T. Unnav.
man $15; Oay Lombard, $25; Mrs. Frank
O. Owen, tti; J. A. Cranston, $16: Fred
U BoUford, t5..3ii'"iv,, :.,,..;- --.:....
ff o.uuuwu uu9 vumovQ xmui a rjegan taking Lydla '
ft Vegetable Compound. It has now been sometime sin
a buua. uia tjomTJOiinn &nn i nm hi art nAMtum A
uommound and it mada mo a at.mno r,n . v
that I foUowedmvfrieM'8 'Tr XXiJlV '
as I live. Before I took; the Comnound I was alvrvw.
At Arleta school today 800 students
were given luncheon : at five : cent
cnlece. it was tha first off ort mad in
city schools west of the- Mississippi
river to food children of grade sohoola.
The first luncheon was a grant euooess.
City Superintendent R. Alderman
an4 Mre. Ward, chairman of tba com
mittee on arrangements of the Arleta
rsrentToacner' circle, tendered mutual
congratulations. :."'-,. $ - : x ; .
Children, were informed that for II
they may obtain ia lunches, consisting
of bread and soup and gingerbread, with
variations every other day. Lunch
was served In a building near the school
bought by the school board.
one hundred and sixty children have
applied for lunch ovary day. and nearly
oo for rainy, days. Teachers are to
get their lonoheon in the same building
at it cent. eacn.
Prom Mrs. EDWARD B. HUBERT. Fleetwood, Pa. I ,
35f -"J" Change of Life I was hardly able to'
iSSur1 had 4 headache and I was so (fizzy and '
SSSHftLJ!?t of heat werelS bad
. . ww nuwi j uu.
as long
ana now I have not had medioin f mm rtnrtn- vJ7
: ,. irrom airs. r. J. MTJLIJBNDORE. Munford, Ala. '
, lIord. Ala.I'was so weak and nervous whflepassinirthroiitrh v "
. u iug saws AO wuiu wt Kuiuu w oav a gate Biam, .
fr tbmach. ft noticed that
. uu. jua x uuuuioiux o , cgu taunt? vutupuuilU VVil3 Bat ,
: yertisod for such cases and I sent and got a, bottle.:
It did me so much good that I kept on taking it and
;i found it to be all you claim, i iYeoommend it to
all women afflicted as I Tras," Mrs. F. P. MottsNi
-.wmn, Slunf ord, Ala, , f ;i v. ;' - , . ti
-1 J (COJfFIDESTIlL) LTNS, MASS.. for ad vice, t
; Your letter will be opened, read and answered :
dj m woman and held n strict .confidence. . .
The Gall of the
. continue, to bi thoiuandi of hunter out inltf
the meadows and thickeU! Never has there been
f ,n'W -fplen v
- itTiT- a V ou f bag your-
jelf thia weekl . Inunon, Winchester, Marlm,
4 iox 5notguiuv-ul'gaue V.., U
t-ull hne of U. R CrWinchesteraana Metal-
he Anuniminon.--- t ,
Aahfor Frei Copg Oregon Game & Fish Lam
'Means the
r nun
- -3, a i i a , m i
To Bend, Madras, Metolius, Terrebonne nd ' all 4 Central Oregon
, ; . it , s , ' Joints " " - - ' . ' --...Prospective
settlers win fjnd pleasure. and profit in seeing the'eouhtry
by oajr and better able to decideon a location upon their arrival at
.' ' ; ' destination.
"'' city Picket office " '
Third and Wwhington. u Phonear Mmhall 450 sad A4121
notice-to -gitizens:
; ' 1 r
Tha greacatt life-aavinff DDrat(is"invented in recent
-able in cases where animation is suspended as a result of asphyxiation, electric shock or drowa-
; ihb. ' iHMug .iiu cAiiwug vi u ii wauo uiv(iuuta4iy liicictorc, u is nvatUBDie lOr Int j
restoring tf life that depends on a revival of the faculty of breathing. " , '
The Facifie Telephone & Telegraph Company has purchased a Pulmotor and hat placed if at
their Main Office, corner West Park "and Alder streets, where it cao be secured at any timeday
-, or night. 1 1t is the desire of the Telephone Company, to make this apparatus available for use in
any case may be of service in saving human life. , " ' , t , . , ; ,.v
The'public is invited to call up Main 8800, Iyocal 54 and notify the attendant -of any. accident' -
where the Pulmotor may be of service. An experienced operator will be dispatched It yOnce with t
f,i the Pulmotor to the acene of the aeddentand every effort will be,niade to assist in the saving of'
"life.', A regular physicjan should also be called at once.- - ' 'f. - . .
4 "
t,yean Uhi FULM0TOR.'.ft is liivala- .
The Ytmhill Public R!ar.v V
kdt b hclpinj thouxuncb ,
of families to cut down
the hish cpit of livini.
- Vai Wedneiday, in. addition to
, ' the low ctices. those who
preset this ad whenmldnj purchase cf SOc or
over, tt toy cna ttsll, wi3 rtt 15 extm S.
Greca.;.inti3H'to?i 'RlEE,-. fctcUc ;re-!2i
y2 i.Mj:)ir
. 1 - ; ,
IMI !!( V
.-J v , .' i.
. . 1. ,1.)
0.TD FMI'01000
Onry StrMt. abov. Union Square
Luropeam Plan $1X9 a day tip a
American Plan $3X0 a dy e- 7)
Faw afI and brfch Uructitre. Third ad.
d.uon of hundred mom mv0 buiiJine.
Kvary Sjpeana conrutianea. . Modorate
rataa. Cnar f thwtra and ril d
trict. On earline. tranafatrina' ad ever
eity. IrfdriiMUitaiMiilnuiUiUuHn. ,
Your Vant
.,..1 ;, .