The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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l'nTAMi nriPfrn inn
. '. ..' t- X '
.Inexperience and Youthfilness
,. orTwb'df Aides, Specified
. by. Master sWilliamsi'i -1 .
I' h i".
north. . Even If I had been warned 10
minutes sooner by the aecond mate )t
would nave Deea ample time to wear the
ship around, -, s,n 1 t!.-. X -"After
vtha ship payed off and was
nearly before the wind she struck and
remained fast , I told one of tUe men
to see if there waa any -water in her
and he came running: aft to 'the poop
to say 11 W8i nan iuu or water.
''-ir-.,f i-''i'Kaa( Jteaca than.
r "l then told "the mate 1 to put the
starboard lifeboat out, . but,: no sooner
was It out from the davits than a big
sea cams along and crushed It, t sang
out to the mate to get a Una over the
bow to tha rocks and to see' that ail
the - 5rew cot ashore safe, which they
did.- Then I told tha mate and; second
mate to get aenore. seeing . that
could not do any good In tha ship. I
myself came ashore In about-half an
report, in i the
' InernlHnra anA vrtiithfnln. nf ttialhour.
mates oh the British ship GQenesslln -"There was bad
r ,v. I naner'a about me.
disaster met by that vessel hen she ',I;,havejwverai friends In Portland
went oft the rocks ar Neaft-Kah-Nle soma thatTiavj known me for tha. Ust
mountain, or., according to a statement J years, and they would readily tesU-
maae yesterflar afternoon b Cantalnlf' , m..v. .
Owen WtlHams.' The .first statement
, mads by . the captain sine ihe wreck
. rpuows: - i Wn'Mil'KT;i',
"At about g:8 of the nlgit of Bep-
;. temoer
, night previous
innuenca or any anna. , ... .
"Mr belief is tha same as ' that, of
my attorney at the' trial, namely,, that
the loss, of the ship was due to, the
a first ana
SO Islghted TlUalnok Head. The
previous I ,was looklns for the Mcond fflBe' wn?
llaht and r hurt nn i" " ,v, years, or ago ana nave noi ,naa roucn
rintU JSWwiSi 'Vltr
1.80 in the morning, of October 1, the 'HS "ft.,'. ? thXht the ahlS
wind belnjr light. I then .went around Si aa nSo in Wmm.
to tha westward until 8'cjoclc Jn that - ' "-. -- . , -
(Continued From age One."
morning, eorhtflve to six knots, I then
ju n wie nonneast again. At S:ao
I took a sight as usual and at noon I
got tbs latitude which put 'me S3 miles
vt tana, j ,v ...-' '""
OluroBontstsr Was AXf Slarnt, .
"When I slanted Tlllamonlt Hd
It was at abant the, ilm, 1 nuarf t
na a Knew tha,t my own, chronometer was , reported, might go to; Mewco, City
" rig nt wnne tne snip a enronom-1 to warn Huerta of the serious conse-
SVJU which may Vult from hi. sel
alahted Tlllamoair, t ,vin. ' ! ftDSOiute .powar.. ,
fnvth5r f. , The igovernment, dispatch from the
ho many. montbi s J , ' ! capital; said,, would ' send more'trops
; At aoon on October 1;I waa on deck to Uaxatlan i. today to deal , with the
Until, about 12:46 'and Jtha.'uhln voklrholR whn ar trnwlnir ateadllv bolder
xecung Qii aDout rive tenets. The second in that section. -..A,'t--i
mats waa on deckel foja him I was go- The yellow f vep: apidemlo in Carmen
ing to the chart room'To Has down for and Campeohe,-nd-the. smalt pox
J. hour and, t9jtaU msit I o'clock that acojrgs ini the; north -were repotted to
"T"'v" wnsiaerea irnaa any be reaching alarmln;" proportions,
amount of time, to roi Th finnrt ha.I f ... . -" " ' '
waa workinr then. At i o'clock I meant X I V li - . w ' '
M -wi: 2-!? ha.toT iTSSTt ' w
ilv Tiv " Wn tnei.)o,iH , itr.vl hron to. bflJi. reo-
eieouon mie
into 'a farce,
certain that no
Mexico under , the
rill K nnnmlliA
7' "I . did mot WBJlt to .lone , etshi . of vilr .wnoiMl tnnivifMd tiv Mexico' and
iiMiu m cub ik Bnouia mm, nn . vrv 1 tti,f v nnut ; .Kruftin. ' ncennimr 10 ,re
. foggy, aa.tny experience on' this roftst I Dotts. nlant to ; withdraw recognition
- wnicnj iB-now a rew years, is that you 1 oc , Huerta, has ?' lnereaaea-, restaent
' uKua of get iqg ana inicK nase. uni vvuson s imn,-jn mo umraaio succesa
this day it mas vry hasy and I could I of the administration s policy. .
not , distinguish the land very far off. J fConstitutionallst representatives here
At 18:45 when I went to the chart house. I predict the early dissolution ' Of the
! regime,
xiooa uae unaer tne lea.; Therefnr. n I
ZZXVl'JZ;l'fal?:.? and f it is practically '
I could not make out the land very plain- HuerU i
ly... V7?rf- nv3i.r:f Aw .
. "At :1 the ' seoond mate eam and Atta
i ., told mett was lO.mlnuten tat two. --.
ma tt Waa 10. mlnuten Bant t-wn I n..i. . ir.. rw., lllnH.
He iiever gave me any warnlnc that thai TVv.. njan),
wf f'Jn-Jut simply camejfieeinr from Mohterey. Mexico, as a
T7 w; na 'a " was result of reports that Mexican ;reneis
;10. A IeW minutes Afterward tha rnitil ... an nn. ttiat
carne inand said we were getting close! city, according to advices received here
. in. '1, came OUt at once as I bad hun hl ftrnnnn.. T a Inn wu reoorted
lying down fully , dresse4.When 1 went that General Joaquin Maes, at the head
"u ana zouna we were so .close! of Mveral thousand reaerais. a pre-
iii 4 mia in man at tne wheel to putlparlhg to attack Torreon. , ,- . ...
the helm hard uo and caiiit an himiiL.-.J,i-.'j. , i r g.J'"-;'.--;-1
on deck to wear ship. It took more timal r.M. Ma. nr; Mdm 1
"'"ibers or tne eamnet were present
meeting' today with President Wilson,
r-iwuxn!ruLn."'n 'iahj j'.g !' which the latest 'developments In the,
- - t - ; .- r - r, ; . " "."T I Mexican situation ware the main ub-
Quickest, Simplest
Saaily 'ana r OheapJv
j- Kome.': gavee Ton fa.
Jects of discussion, tjo definite en
nonncement was made concerning any
deoisldn, but it was understood it was
the consensus of opinion : that Provis
ional- President Huerta'a arrest of the
members 0. the : chamber of deputies
and proclamation of a dictatorship cre
ated a highly critical condition ci in
tenatlonal affairs. -
"Laxurnage Intemperate"-Moheno.
Mexico City, . Oct - H. "American
Charge d' Affaires O'Bhaughjessy was
, Tha- plan makea f a ';; pint of cough
yrup enough, to last a family a long
time, Tou couldn't buy as much or as
. ood, syrup for t J.P0, - ; il';':i
,. Simple as it is. gives almost In-1 Personally, most courteous, and, , of
t bwuihubi ana j usually j conquers u f"" " nn.yiii t
trftffi SgSraohecSm,
aiJ?, .tiL,!M'."I tha Washington ad-
haa Tin eredUnt "r nJlnlstratlon'a intimation that theUnlUJ
' ta ki!rM2.-0Lo l' States would, be : deeply, dlspleaaed
SSl r. h; h1a harm;, befall the Mexican depu-
rJt :M.r!r.r--!- 0r. S,h00!" ties -arrested at Provisional President
aathraa. w , Huerta's orders last week for dlsrega.
. Mix n mnt V'ri...i-f- 1.." 1 ln?, "quest he made. " . , ,s t
u rim r . i - Huerta ana his ministers were in con-
'Jl 5?. rnce today oonceming the commnnl-
cents' ' woruTv i tThTt .wh- .-i i", cation, to. which it was said a reply
' ttusV.P.
j Take , teaspoonful everyone, wa o ffrn00n' .-.r . v : --,7;,
h. k... .; " ."-v" I!'' T
PineM one of the oldest and best UUUK dUNUo CASE
known ;remodlal agents for the t throat
membranes, Plnex is a most valuable
i concentrated compound of Norway jwwte
pine extract, and la rich in gualacOi i
other natural healing elementa O
preparations will , not- work,, in this-
. vumuiuauon. , 1 , - ( e
. Jbe prompt r;esults from this mixture
save enaeared ft to thousands of house
wives In tha United tates and Canada,
which explains; why the plan , has been
imiiaceq 1 orten,; but .never successfully,
Av guaranty )f absolute satisfaction,
or tnohey promptly refunded, goes with
- thia preparanon.). Your druggist tias
-inex, or' .win get it'for-you. Jf not,
sena. to ;ne f inex co vu wayne, Jnd.
h nimn nnrniiT ;
u 1. nil 1 1 11 ih iy 1
M si mm .1;:' a. SB , t-fi -a. fr
W'V!"U cVILU 111
safe iai. -m i ; . -l r.
; mmm
f C )v . 1, I 1
If j. littli stomach is sour. liver
v , . .torpia ana Dowels
uive -uantornia By rup, of Figs" at
,onoe a tcaepQonful today -often
, a sick child tomorrow. " A
If your little one is out of sorts half
sick, Isn't . resting,' eating and . acting
naturally look, Mothert see if ; tongue
is coated., Tina Is a sure sign that it's
- little stomachji , Mver " and bowels -are
cioggea fun waste. When oross, 'irri
table, feverish,'1 stomach sour, breath bad
; AM.. h,i olniMDnh .ilk. .
' throat, full spt- cold, give a teaspoon ful
r -uauxornia yrup or 3gs,",and in a
few hours alls the constipated poison,
undigested , rod, and sour 'bile 'gently
moves out ot Its little bowels without
griping, and you .have .a -well; playful
child again, j ' ?' jr;.r ...,J . .-
Mothers can -rest "easy after, klying
i this harmless ''fruit laxative,- because
it never fails to cleanse the little, one's
liver and bowels and sweeten the stom
sen and they dearly ;, love its pleasant
taste, Full' directions for babies, chil
- : dren of all - ages: and for , grown-ups
. printed' "on 'each . bottle. ; . V f ; : ,s
Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. A "It
yur druggist for a BO cent bottle of
"California Byrup of riga": then see
that It is made by the "California Fig
Ti-rus!"4Cpmpany-tJon'Jt.-tje- XooleOl
- (Continued From Page One.)
debtedness can be paid out of the earn'
lags of the utility then it -is not to be
included In determining , the debt limit.
"It necessarily f;- follows,''. f says the
opinion, "that the additional dock bonds
of the city of Portland heretofore su
thorieed and not sold under the provls
tons' of section 118 of the - charter of
1903 as amended,, cannot be disposed of
except upon an-affidavit showing -that
In executing sucn ooiigatlona the indebt
edness of - the ' elty would not be aug
mented beyond the limit thus fixed.1
' .."V.. u..';?.: I
, "The-'declsion of the supreme court
means that we will have to amend the
city charter' aeclated F. ,W. Mulkey,
chairman of the commission) of public
docks, today, in discussing; the dismissal
of the test case involving the validity
of the. dock:.ond. lasua:.-- 1 ,'?i'
"We wm, not nave time to bring a
new notion in, court before election. The
court, did not touch upon the merits of
tne case at ail, merely finaing mat no
sufficient showing, had been made -40
warrant its s-doing. ff-?..-;
The amendment- we Shalt have ' to
make, to the charter will be-to authorise
the ! Olty , to;? Issue bonds; : previously
yoted ' for, by : the people, vv "f ,
'Had thef. court gone .into the real
question' at issue, the point Would have
been settled, but the questions, argued
in the brief a of 'the, attorneys were not
considered in the findings of the court
We had anticipated no stick .opinion and
will have to go to the people for a
definition of the powers (hey wish to
grant; theMty m Issuing their author
lied ,bonds.f , . l-X v .-'.,. . c
J ' ' Nnv Cltruamy-Product, ? t '
LOs AngpleB. Oct 14. Application was
filed with transcontinental railroads for
rates on oranges and lemona pickled in
brine, ' cohsiKned to - eastern candy fac
tories, -establishing a 'new, citrus ' fac-
product whluh will be worth millions
annually to ranchers here.
JourJial'ant JUbsnng; . results,
'i v.. l'1 -
Occupying Intira City Block. , ' . Morrison,
Morrison. Tnth, West Park and Alder Streets,
, IN THE BASEMEOT--GrMt peclI purchtse raids by! our) A J rl'Ylr )
Millinery buyer, who 1$ now in,lH- East. ?Everv?Hiit new O iJ C V ,
'- h .
;i and forwarded' dirett 'to u frdm oiie of 'the largest Milling
ery houses In the countryrTJul season's most popular: styles and richest of, trtm
. mings. Shapes of velyet, plush,, velaur. and felt, in every new color and black. The,
y.tTatest.MiUiiieryim8t'k''or..'Bisinetit't .history. Regular $5.00 to Hats :
lor Oniy , SU IM13 piai'lAy rw OUR MUK
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmwm v-y wsi-- ,ji wajaa,-' m mmmt yawa sar . f. a t ;. vw wvtMmvu'
DonHFailloRcolsferYourVotcin Guessing CotitCGt-10 Valuable Prizes Free
" Jiifllljuflce. Pay le ; Base
mepfl v 5Jni(Dlei?prIce ( ofs;
1 j
20 Frige Stamps In Prcmlnm ParlorsDoable Stamps on Casement Cagh Purchases
A miilioh free stamps will be given away this week to our friends and patrons in addition: to exteaonlinary: bargain of ferings throughout the various . de- .
partments. Tomorrow will be Basement Day and double stamps will be given with cash purchases .ofjipc or more 20 Free Stamps at Premium Parlors, .
GUESSING CONTEST CREATES FUROREI Thousands have already registered
prizes are to ? be given to
a h. books m Morn-
their names in the Guesslnr Contest - Ten valuable prizes' are
those guessing- the nearest to the number of redeeme
VAL.UAMJE. riuxu rUK CHiuuKbri uwoLR l 2 5 0 s.f ct H. ; Green Trading '
Stamps will be ' distributed among children who. bring "irt greatest number roltvi!
Children's Coupons which appear in 'our ads dally;'? Coupons must be brought to ;v l
1; son-st window 20 free S. ft.H Stamps to every, entraAt See prizes in window.:ll Premium Parlors on 4th; floor by, 4 o'cIock'Friday; Oct. ;i7. Save the coupons.
juinrmrii-i-iir - ---!-- - " - - - -------- - " "- -r - -- -- --- - irrrif -0"irvriririniiAiVi.rLPi.'
r a
Women's G15 Fall Coats 59.98
if -- i .
In the Dasenient
S Many -pleasing 'styles li ! plain
cloths and - fancy
mixtures, f Full length models i or the - popular
shorts Macklnaws. Splendid materials, &Q AO
rich colorings. : .ftj.oo Coats, special.. $ViJO
'S . S'V
Women's $10 Coats S7.48
BASEMENT Excellent Coats for general 'wear.
Good a uality .fabrics,' stylishly cutand well made:
Fine assortment ' of serviceable shades;
also black. , AH sizes, f to.oo
Women's Nerar Tailored Soils
shades; 7 4
Coats St e s40
Special S15.00
BASEMENT-Suits like the$e,fWould sell ordinarily
fromf i20boi: to 1 123.00. 2 Great 33 variety; : of
'newest fall materialspretty .mixtures,',serges, 4i
agonals, tweeds,' etc. ' Faultlisily tailore.'and per
fect 'fitting; i Vry bestof linbsgs. A' rare Suit
bargain is,, this for- tomorrow's : sell-- f P sin
ing., 20.00 ana 25.00 grades, spe'l 7lU.UU
Women's $15 Tailored Salts 510.00
StylUh Ncw Dress Shirts $3.48 ,
Just ,7$ Suits in this line. Smart
new fabrics and excellent styles.
Plain j tailored i models for ' gen-
era! wear. Regular ; $ 1 ft Aft
i 5 - Suits, special e 1 UUU
Dress Skirts of . plain ' blue and
black P serges and mixtures.
Mostly plain tailored models: r In
all -sizes. ' Special to-;'o Mo
morrow at. . .. . . i . . ..f al.tO
Odd Ltnes WaistsValste
Indian Dntnrobes Special $4.98 '. "';.. '
'-'..V'! . "i 1 M '! " " 1 1 V '. v,'
Dainty Walsts of voiles, tcrepes J Women's heavy Eiderdown . Flan
lawns, : etc., in great variety of hel Bath. Robes, in Indian' de
attractfve styles. Odd lines, but signs and colorings. : Silk trim
all sizes to 44j: 1.50 tlQ med. ln all sizes. A HQ
2.50 grades, special. , ...iJOC H Special ............ .44,70
Rem S7e5a Coats at
: 1 yt"
Special $4.98
BASEMENT 'I Children's- School
Coats heavy, Varnj ; and serviceable.-
-Made.. from the' popular rough
materials astrakhan, . pony cloth,
cheviots., etci.i; Ages-6 to A HQ
t47,5o Coats at.....i$f!.JO
New Coats at $2e98
BASEMENT Smart little" Coats of
corduroy, 'cheviots and' novelty mix
tures, in fine range of fall colorings.
Neat fitting, Jstylish Coats for girls
6 to 14 years of age.1 On AO
sale at, special, : . . . 10L,-O
Great Jubilee Sale ol Corseto
Regular . $2 Grades
, ' BASEMENT Corsets of style and
! make that .will Kive most satis-
nicely -finished and boned with non-ruitlble steels, i Six
nose tsupponcrs auacnea. aaes iroro : a. iu ,-(
30. Regular 2.00 Corsets, special at..'... . v
Renular 50c Drasfelcres at 33c
.I .... 1 nijr i 'i ii in i i m i. 'i i ' i i li ""; i ."
1.U0 f lannel Gowns 6Sc
New . number. Mil .Women's
Brassieres here for. Wed-
nesday's sale. Extra ;. good
. materials and ; nicely, trim-
med. r Alt sizes from 34 to
, 44. . Regular-;. SOS:
Brassieres at,
Women's Outing"; Flannel
Gowns;- cut full and ; long
and extra well made. -, Neat
pink and blue stripe 't pat
jlerns and plain whiter Our,
regular t Gowns, fia
special at. vvvi.;V.USlC
Double S. & H. Green Trading Stamps with all Basement Purchases
Silb Petticoats
Special S1.98
BASEMENT A ' wonderful ; sale of
Women's Silk Petticoats.' . Rich mes
saline silk; in good weight and
deep vdye.. Cut to conform to tha
new ' style skirts. Deep accordion
platted flounces and well made. Va
riety of -wanted, shades , QQ
and black. Special. . .?lJO
A Great SialeSbl paiifey S
dresses, waists, petticoats, linings, fancy work,. millinery, etc.;-etc.
18 to 27-Inch widths, in' checks, stripes, figures and novelty J J
effects of aU kinds. Worth to 1.25 yard-special; . V. ..;. , ,C
$1 Costume Cordnroyis at 69c Yard
52-In. Wool Broadcloths at 98c 1 1
Notion Day
At the Main Floor
Oargala Circle
too - yd. Spool -Cot;
Spool , 8I1IC
lore... 4 ar
ior. .
black,' colors
6 00-jrd. Basting Cot
-, ton, black, white,
for ......... J. .4
880-Td. i Baatlna Cot-
" '', "A ton,:, a dozen only
7 - for ,45e?
'f S-rd. Darnlna Cot
r: ton, black, ; white,
PK.yVfa.'.v t'Mfi i. lf
1 f Nafad Dfss Shields.
. all alset..U.,x9
10c Fish-Bye yenrl
. Buttons, do. . .54
4-yd." pieces 5'VWhlte
Cotton Taos.. 24
It yds. -White Cot'n Tape, asstd., Be
i 4 -yd. pieces Linen Tape, - asstd., Set
White Bias Beam1 Tape, .assorted .
widths, on ssle at low price of 04
'I0o Combination Coat, and Trous- -n
ers Hangars on sale now only Bet
Odds, ends Seam Binding, bolt 64
Skirt Braids, .black,- colors, five-.
yard plecsa. . on sale now only )
86o Sterllngsklrt. Markers, sp'l 74
styles,' on sale at low price of
J5o Machine Siockinsr Darners
10c Collar Bapporters, six on can
SonomOre Dress Fast'n'rs, gross 3
Collar ' Foundation, .whit oniy- K4
Bone Hairpins. . card of five only Sr
88a Dressmakers" Pins,' H -pound
box on sale at low price of 2Ro
ISo. 8111c Seam "Binding-, yards. Hi
. SO Safety Pins, package., only
2So Roll-up Tape Measures at 16
100, Bias Isolds,. white, all alses, Kv
to Mildred Hair Neta, special at 3 J
BASEMENT ' 30-inch Costume;
Corduroy, in good heavy, weight
.for suits, dresses, aklrts-'.-eto
Will give more than ordinary '
wear and tailor beautifully.-' in
black,-white and new Fall shades.
Regular fl.00 grades at, ? A
t6e yard. . . . , , Uujt&t
36-inch All Pure Wool Sergeblack, navy, colors, the yard, 49e.
384aca All Pure Wool Serf, splendid weight, black, colors; 59c
42-lnch All Pure Wool Serge; sponged and shrunk the yard,'' 69c
BASEMENT Special sale of 52
inch AU Wool Broadcloth. ? Just
the right weight to tailor well.
Shown ; in s the Reason's " most
wanted shades j Valso;.ln ' black.
Rich, lustrous finish.' On; sale
tomorrow at .the , special AQ
price, yard ... ....... ;.JOC
Wool BlanEielo
Children's Ribbed Hose 10c Pair
Women's Cashmere Hose 19c
BASEMENT Children's Ui
Ribbed Cotton Hose, in ' me
dium weight, with double heel
and toe. Warranted last Stain
less black.1 Good, serviceable
stockings for; school '.wear.
For special, selling Wednes.
Women's Umbrellas
7 Special 98c m. i
BASEMENT Full 28-lnch sizW
with . strong steel frame and rod.
Fast black' rainproof cover. QO'
Fancy wood handles.' Spec's - vOC
Child's Umbrellas 49c
Medium large size, with strong
frame and rod and fancy- wood han
dles. Fast black', rainproof top.'
day at the, special low , ft.
price, ' the pair... .... lUC
Women's Winter Union Suits 59c
BASEMENT Women's Black
Cashmere. Hose at' a. bargain
price for tomorrow. Medium
weight; with -gray "heels and
toes and heavy ; ribbed .tops.
Splendid cashmere ; Hose of
fine,' soft cashmere yarns.
In at -sizes. Special, ' Q
the; pair )'. . ; AaFC
Union Snits Special 95c
BASEMENT Women's Win
fine ribbed
ter .weight Union Suits of
white cotton.
fleece, lined. -High -or- low
neck,, long or' half sleeves
and iankle - length. , Perfects
flttlac. A full range oW all
sizes. Qn sale tomor-,:CQ"
row at, the suit ..uStC
BASEMENT Women's Pure
White . Ribbed Union Suits
extraordinary . good value ; in
these' garments.- High neck,
long sleeves and ankle length.
Supply ; your Winter - needs
tomorrow at 'this ! great ' sav
ing. f All i sizes, ; spe-, ftEf j,
ciar, the suit.......;,7C
BASEMENT 1 20 , pairs heavy Vi
cuna Wool Blankets- at a trenven-dous-
reduction. ? They te Anlll
seconds some are ' a ' trifle imper
fect. Up to IJ.I0 grades , 7 BO
Wednesday jttii ;Vi ?.::MJO
COMFORTERS $1.48 Full' bed
size, covered with best grade, f silk
oline. filled with soft white . c;ottn.
COMFORTERS! $1.10 Heaty fuU
bed size cotton Comforters, slJWo
line covered and filled with vhite
down, -; Extra . good.' values, . these.
$ 1 .SO RUGS, 98c i i 12 7-iinch
Rugs for. bedrooms, balls,' etc.! Ex
cellent p a 1 1 e r n s and colorings.
en Rod Cleaners 'are: guaranteed to
give , satisfactory service. , ; Easy to
operate no, breakable )&A, Off
parts,- cleans; thoroughly, tfiliJD
MM Ead Percales
nyzc Grade 9c Yd.
BASEMENT Mill ends Percales.
Full 36 inches wide and in lengths
tip to 20 yards, y Dark colors j . Aj
1 a yi c grade, at,, y ard. . . . . i; VC
2Se POLO CLOTH, 19o23-lnches
wide, extra - heavy, neat patterns.
PILLOW CASES v 1 2c- 4 S x3 6-lnch
Pillow . Cases, ( good- heavy muslin.
90 inches.; -Seamless,' good weight.
12 Me OUTINGS, 9e Mill ends of
from t to ,20. yards. Neat patterns.
heavy grade, . Full ; 1 4 inches wide.
HUC1C TOWELS 90c DOZ-l 5x 36
Inch size .with neat, colored, borders.
beautiful ; new ' patterns and color
ings,1 and of , extra; good quality.
Double Stamps :witl eaih purchase
Boys' 35.00 and $0.00 Suits at 53.65
All Sizes 8 to 15 Years
IN THE BASEMENT STORE Boys' good heavy School -Suits In Nor-
ioik ana regulation styles., many or tnese nave two pairs of pants.
Excellent, assortment of materials and attractive patterns. ffQ JC
Reagutar IS.oo and 16.00 Suits, special for Wednesday at ejO.OJ
- .-.:.-, ' ,;J!'it. r.-.v-, ' 4- f ':-..:" , ,v ' - t'lfi '- l""5..' ., i'.';,:'',.s.i
Men'o gl.25 Union Suits at Only 95c
dd Lines Men's Underwear 79c i :
Men's i Heavy Ribbed : Cotton
Union Suits, In naturar color and
perfect fitting, r Regularinr.
$1.25 grade at, suit. . . . . if DC
Men's 52.50 Winter Trousers $1.98
Hundreds- of odd Shirts and
Drawers lri extra, fine grades, in
one big lot for quick . 7Q
clean-up j $l.5o grades. . . I JC
Uen'a 91X0 Wool Shlrls 51.19
Men's heavy Wlnter.Pants of cory
duroy, molesun, casslmerea, wor
steds. Neat patterns,;
all sizes $2.So Pants
Men's ; Wool Flannel Shirts, In
navy, gray, and olives Military or
plain collars.- Sizes 1 4 J4 1 1 ft
to 17 $1.50 Shirts ataDle 17
Sale Lace Trlmmlnfls and Dandlnns
THE BASEMENT. STORE - Hundreds: of yards beautiful 1 Lace
rrimmings, Bandings, Edgings, etc, in length from i'v to 10 yards.
alack, white and colored , effects. Worth up to $2.00 the j Oft
yard, on sale for one day ati;iy.;V5.
Vnl. Laces at 29c Doz. Yards
Extra large French- Chiffon Veils,
In - black and popular , colors.
Neatly hemmed. Regu QQ
lar ft.So grades for....;. IOC
'-'-it f. VTJ i ltH
Dainty .Yal." Lace Edgings"' ' and
Insertions, in hundreds of dainty
patterns. ; buy ior ,tancy fln.
woi k " now. - Dozen yards L J C
ozen yards
Women's Leather1 Handbags at 39c
35c, SCc Fancy Ribbons 2Zc
Women's Leather. v Handbags ' la
medium size with ; strap . handles.
Only a limited number In OO
this lot, while they last at eJefC il
5-lnch " heavy A-Silk - Ribbons,
In scores of beautiful shades and
patterns j 3$c to 1 30c OP
grades at, yard.;........JC
Sale ot-Womcjq's tllQhGradc Shoes
nednlar CXCOto tollindscl
' - -.ii ! iii.h iii n p mi ill in Jn-ii tinsiisinianii iiawnsnsini
All the popular ;, leathers ah last's ' and sizes.1.
We also include at ttils price men's and chiK
dren's: Shoes, selling up to $5.oo the. pair.
CARPET SUPPERS 29c PAIR- Fine .Velvet .and Plush Carpet Slip
Double S.
chases tomorrow
Ha. Green Trading stamps with all: Basement. 'cash -pur-
Supply the winter footwear needs at this time.
29 PAlRFirfe V.lvat inri Plush C!srnet Slln.
pers for men and women.?! Made with heavy, carpet ,soles 'and come
In a variety of rich colorings ahd irt all sztL ( Oil salt Wednesday.'
Basement Notions
1 I I '"! 1 ' 1 ' " 1 1 ' " ' . i ii
35e Noyelty , Shell Hair-Goods 10
5c Hooks tod ; Eyea. "at.wofoff 8o:
;ioO-yaM. SpbOf Cotton, spool, . 4o
Regular 5c Spool" SUkV special f-4c
t oc Book or Bundle Carriers at K3c
Polished Wood Hair Brushes at I0o
Sheet PlcturesV your Choice fofi;? Se
,.,...,.,.1 .......
Free DemoiUtraUon and Special Sale Wearvcr Alumfoum W Floor
Child re iVs Contest Coup b r:
Cut Out ThJs CoapoB Sava It UntJ FrUy.
V. .3250 Stamjis for Chadren Under 18.
The child .under-16 years who presents e
' largest number of .- these coupons In our,
.Premium Parlors on 4th floor by 4 o' ';
. Friday; will receive looo S. & H. f
free;-3d prize, 750istamps? 3d pr! , i.-
stamps 4th prize, 300 Stamrj; 5th i .
stamps; 6th prize, too stamps; 7th' prize, too s!.i f
prize, too -stamps'; 9th prlze"i'0O stamps: 10(h piuj, tto r'