The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1913, Page 10, Image 10

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inm piurv.
Lender ' Failed to ' Pay License
and Give. Bond; Presslire on
Man Directs Attention.
.... Deputy 1 District Attorney,' Rlcharfl
v eich is personally following up a. loin
shark that may get lnta the courts
... thrnnfrh tho diertsrd of the law. In
I!", Ouiry of the tat bank examiner kas
brought out tne lact mai mis joan com
pany ; has not conformed to the law,
nanv ha. nnt conformed to tne
The following; instance Started the In-
i.i A youn man who formerly lived In
'; Portland borrowed 130. agreeing to make
... ttvonthlv.. . payments, of 18.60 ror 11
months. Ills .brother Indorsed the ob
ligation. After making- four payment
amounting to $33.40. the young man left
the city and bis brother, who la married
and has a large" family to Support. Is
now pursued by tha loan shark, who &
. !U mands seven more payments, amounting
mi to 1 89.20. . malting a total charge uf
" SK1.60 for the original sso.
' Progressive Business , Men's club and
US; th Associated Charities la seeking to
... raise a- fund or $50.00 v to establish a
J;' remedial loan association, which h
, hi already been Incorporated under , th
' name of the Portland Remedial Loan a
soclation. . The company loaning money
w In the case lust cited ana other com
J'.J panics are under the observation of the
in' loan association and will be brought be
J fore , the district attorney as soon fts
evidence is completed, t,r
' All persona who have borrowed mnney
I" from loan' companies since June I, "1913,
in and are paying more than 10 per cent
'' ter annum, sre tirsed to brins the fac'.S i
, to the Portland Remedial Loan associa
tlon, 412 .'. Commercial block " that tha
J- case may be fully Investigated. No
" charge will be made for advice or in-
vestigation and violations or the law
i. will be laid before the district attorov.
!'' The- violation of the law Js not in th
i.i rate of Interest charged, but in the fail
!:' ure of companies charging more than
i.. 10 per cent per annum to pay the an
" nual license fee of 150, to file a bond
J!,' In the sum of $1000 and to meet ottr
i' crovlslons of the law.
!;" As a result of a special effort on th
i part or volunteer solicitors . rrom the
'' Progressive . Business Hen's club, who
III' gave their entire time yesterday to so
i" liictlng. subscriptions for the loan fund,
"J $1910 was added to' the fund from the
nt following subscribers: ti & Jackson and
Cltisen." each 100; H. L. Plttock, $260;
III Henry Olmstead, ilBOi T. L. "Eliot. J.
in K. Daly, Dr. A. 8. Nichols, Hartman .1
, J" Thompson, each $100; A, H. Harris, 6;
. T. U. Williams and Orlando Davidson,
( each $20; Jesse Wallrath, $10. ..The in
',', tal amount subscribed to date Is $13,079.
; - , THEftLIMOlvy CLUB
The Richmond Parent-Teachers' circle
has arranged for a mass meeting at $
:. . ; . -v
Qregor SkoIallc
New Tork, Oct 14. The 80 members
of the Alimony elub, composed , of di
vorced hnsbaads who. being held in
Ludlow Street jail for non-payment of
back alimony, are maklmjr quite a time
over the latest arrival In the jalL He
Is Oregor fikolnlkv : the violinist, for
merly concert master of the Chicago
Opera company. Skolnlk entertains the
fellow members by rendering som
celebrated " -operatic selection " each
morning. Bven the warden and keep
era enjoy tne snow.
o'clock , tonight at . the sohooL There
will be open discussions on the ques
tions of purchasing more land for School
use, an addition to the school building
and petitioning for branch library.
All men and women Interested In these
subjects are urged to be present -
If Any Change Be Madeln
' : Hawthorne Line They Want
It Extended Norths
Lents, Oct 14 A protest with over
$00 signatures already secured and
more being added will be presented to
Commissioner Daly this week, signify
ing , the Lints Commercial club's 'con
tribution to the merry war over street
car : re-routing. ' Tha Lents body op
poses tha proposed running of Incom
lag Mount Bcott cars to Second and
Tamhiir streets, and thence on Tamhlll
to First It favors t,he present routing
to Alder, and demands that the chance.
If any, toe to run the. cars farther norfh
and farther ':' .-. "
President If. Rostad of the Lenta
Commercial club Is on the committee Of
the Greater East Side United Improve
ment Club's-, association ! recently ap
pointed to carry to Commissioner Daly,
nd to the courts if necessary, the fight
for automatic Interchange of service be
tween the two telephone companies.
; Seutlment In favor of an Interstate
bridge la on tht increase here, with U.
Rostad leadlngtin selling bridge buttons,
Mrs. Bright and Arthur Qeislcr are also
rendering valiant service for this cause.
A. brtdae-bbostlng meeting will bb held
Just before the November 4, election. "
. .The next regular meeting of the com
mercial club will be held first Friday
in November. ' i. .v . ; ,
"Reduce Running Time of Mt Scott
Cars." la the latest battle cry of the
Lenta Commercial club. Within the next
day or two the executive committee will
launch a petition to this, effect t ' the
Portland Railwayf LlghfTPOWey Co..
and it is planned to secure aeveral
thousand signatures to this. At present
It takes about 0 minutes - to reach
downtown, from Lents. " Tba plea la
also made for "no atopa on Hawthorne
avenue between Fiftieth street and
Grand avenue, thereby reducing the. run
mag time to 40 minutes.
-.r'';':(gleat''Bitsi ff ne'Voarsst.) '
Salem, Or4 Oct 14. "We are receiv
ing splendid cooperation' from railroad
official and county eourti in our move,
ment to eliminate aa , many;, dangerou
trad crossings aa possible,' said Chair
man 'Frank J. Miller of . tb railroad
commission today.4v ' 'W--'-f
' Th plan Is to reduce a far a pos
sible the number of place where wagon
roads cros railroad at grade, and to
be slow to Authorise the establishment
of any grade crossings In the future.
D. W. Campbell, general superintend
ent of the Southern Paolflo. ha assured
th commission of hie hearty coopera
tion along IBM line, ' , ;
': "We -are pleased to note the progres
siva view of th commission on he
subject, and will b glad to cooptree
TOJTBAirj c:;:! drew ' .
;i FlLViS
- '-J '
Injunction Which-Prevented
- Enforcement of Legislation -
- Has Been. Dissolved.
Augusto B, Leguls, former president
;'of - Peril, tent JW two
ons to : tho' United SUtei :for
,,tuelr education. On goe to tne
.' Univerettj' of Wlaconsin the other
1 to in, ncademy In Wafrenton, V$u
y-f- in, jQq II a "pleasant; evening r
- - r C I in your Crossetts. The
'-.;: ; U 'Zjhy 1 real man style of themy ':
yiyy -ifeli" -' 1 .A-f and their spienclid com-7 ,
y CWVy ' h ' , frt make them frlendsy V f
iH y j(V' ' indeed. Note ths hand- y t
Sf y 4 i some model below.
"'Irt's ' " ft JO to $6.00 tveryvkr s:':-': '.' '' '
: jv",y :yf- Lewis A. Crcesett, Inc.l,stVrjl North Ablogton, Mass.' . v-
mt, ;''.- '' ' r' ,: ' C-"' ' ' ' '-fi ;CV;',';-':v'lf,i:--''V," ''. '.'
''!. , '""-yj ' ' - - ' 1 ' l "
' : - -. - Ther',a special Crossett
,,r , , Stvl jiiiismmii 11 1 . Ust for people with arch
iilcwis A. Crossett-SHOl-Joteston STJniphy
For Men : '
$6.00 tb:
04.50 to
Z :3 Alder St.
:l , , .- fc . "'if.'". t . H, , t: !: ,;.. t ' W '
,. ;" " 1 .'v. . r.'r: i'v;v'-
; , .'")';.'! Vvy .rft 11 -rAr.
Medical Bid
I I,
IB if fQns:
Mo ImajlAlJ iy)
y vr
liU: - -jw
with them In every way. possible la the
elimination of haaardou crossings, ana
I might add that we thinlt all crossings
at grade are hasardous, - say Super
tatendent Campbell.' , - -V . -
- (aawm Bsreeq tit TBt Jmril.)v
Salerno Or., Oct" 14.-The state rail
road commission is preparing' to form
ally notify th various commission
merchant In th state that the injunc
tion restraining the commission from
enforolng th provision of th new- law
regulating commission merchant has
been dissolved and 'that the commission
merchants must make application for a
ltcenae If they would continue in the
business. If th commission merchants
do hot oomply with the law, tht com
mission will again, rfr th matter to
the district attorney with a request that
h talc proper action against those who
ignore' the r--i,i ,v-o ;
" Although ? the, law wnt into effect
Jun a, It ha not yet been compiled
with by any of th commission mer
chants. Whet the merohants refund to
apply for a license, and la Other ways
to oomply .with - the 'law,; the railroad
commission referred the matter to Pis
triot Attorney Walter Evans. About that
time an Injunction was obtained from
th Multnomah circuit oourt restraining
th railroad commission from enforcing
the law. That lnjunctloa waa dissolved
Ust Saturday.
The law require that commission
merchants, In aJJlilon-to 1 ; c:t a
license, must pui up a bona guar
Ing payment to their customers f r f 1
produce consigned 1 to them km! . .-.
make weekly reports to the farmer-; i I
ether consigning produce.
, ....... . !
Atistralla'S si :tato ctipltalia ere note
connected by wlrelPHS telegrnphy.
Mikes H:.:ry Grqrwi! 3
' Vanish From' tLd Skin
: (Aids to Beauty.) . ..
It Is now uch. an easy matter to
banish hair not wanted that ho woman
need longer tolerat . superfluous
growth on chin, Up or cheek. A thick
paste made with, a little powdered del
atone and water and Spread ort the hairy
surface t minutes, thew rubbed off,
take the hair with it, and after It Is
washed i to remove the remaining dels
tone it will ba free from spot or blem
ish. To avoid dlssppolntment. get ths
dalatona lit an original package. Adv.
POE in and we'll
prove that ; our $25
Suits tare ' the ;equal of
any $35 suit you ever owned.
Savo the $10. . '
144 Alder Itreet, bet, eoond and Third
Thousandj of orudent men provided their clothinsr and furnUKins eoocU for tho entire
Winter in this marvelous sale last week! There's no let-up to the tremendous value'
giving! R. M. Gray sold his Fourth and Momson streets store, including an entirely
new, just bought Fall and Winter stock, at about 50 cenU on the dollar, because his
other store required all his attention. 4 ' ; ; ' ' x - i ; 7 ; . , . . , ' y
Gray's ;Chestem
ety Brand Clothes, Knon Soft and
Stiff Hats, Underwear,1 Shirts, Gloves, Et
You benefit by these season-end prices, right at the beginning of Fall and Wmter. '. The. lease ioon expirei
, ' everything must be closed out at, once.
i r
To $40. O
Vv 1 ' 1 1 .
Beautiful garments from the world's best makersChesterfield
Society Brand Sterti-
R. MetGrays Prices:
from the world s best makers Chesterfield, W 1 3 r"7C5?
t-Mayer, Etc. All New Patterns and Fabrics. ip: f(Jz
Were Up to $40. ; Your choice Tomorrow - - yJJ j
i -.
Winter Unewv
Cooper's; Wilton Bros, and other ! ben naket
Shirts 'and .IDrawers'y
SOc cd 30e
75c grade KO
$1.00 grade ...... 05)
51.50 grade
$2.00 grade 1.4S ;
$2.50 grade ...fVS.
$3.00 grade ; .,;.fa.l5
, ..ii Mf
Men's Union Suits
$10 grade .. ..t.05c
$2.00 grade ...-Sl.5
$2.50 grade ",$tfi
$3.00 grade ...Sa.lO
W ediiesday 0nly-r-Any Knox
Hat in the Store, Up to $5.00,
New Fall Stiff and Soft Shapes,
New Fall Shirts
Gray' $1.50 Shirt.. . .J.. .... ..
vi.j .uu oturis . . . M . . .
Cray's $2i0 Shirt
i Ruffneck Sweaters; !
Jumbo, shaker' and plin knit: ,'
$4 Sweater Coat f or . . v . . 92.45
$6 Sweater Coat for . . . S4.45
$8 Sweater Coat for;. .... .$8.45
Gray's 50c Neckwear for 30 Cents
Gray's $1 - Neckwear for 55 Cents
Suite and Coats Worth to
$SO.OO All at One Price
'fiwijj ll -j , w sweater uoati tor.....; ,.. ,...,fB. 11 , v
J i , - I -Gray's 50c Neckwear for 30 Cents ; (
. QJtC20 mUm VJs ' Gray's $1 Neckwear for 55 yCentsJIN,
iMll Wl'Kllll'KflSfNIl) '".liaviMMI