The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 13, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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    :the-oregow .v dailyjournAu Portland,; 5 Monday evening, o
12, 1
;:i OMERSlMt
People' Will Be Told of Great
v Benefits to Come at Little
- ' Cost'; toJaxpayerSil;!;
, Tares oTJ' meetings inDeiiaitToTToe
proposed Interstate bridge will be hekJ
tonight Wnen speakers Will explain the
advantages of such a -span, the economl
featurea and the finanolal end of it,
showing how Multnomah county will
feel fiardly any extra, tax burden.- J.
H. Nolta an4 L. M. Lepperwill address
the Mt. goott improvement club, which
will meet In Anabel church; MQ. Win
, stock, Ralph Coan and 1. E. ' Lofsren
wilt apeak before the. Men's league at
Vunnnyslde Congregational church, and
. H Vrtg will talk to the Beaumont
Push club at the Kelly-liecnt store.
.The ory of "resister" is still; heard
kt the bridge eadquarters In the Com
mercial club building. - Because many
voters are not Qualified because of fail
ure to ret their names oil the election
books, the workers are making special
appeals. Realising that sentiment is
Strongly la favor f the bridge and the
bridge bonds, ' the committeemen see
failure only In - the lack , of i sufficient
Interest to bring out a big vote. -
: ::t Women to Beglster. . ,'
As stimulus to their brother electors
to get properly aligned, the members
of the Women's Good Government club
will march in a body to the county
clerk's office next Thursday afternoon,
lojiowmg the meeting at the publie 11-
rary building, room JL There they will
a U qualify for the actual ; easting of
' the ballot., V-,.- .-. ::-',".. , , -r-$
Mrs. Abigail Bdott Duhlway will apeak
., at me meeting on behalf of the bridge,
and Frank branch Riley will submit
statistics.' -.'Voters will have until Octo
ber 10 to register. . Four hundred peti
tion signers had failed to register .and
.- the bridge -committee feels -that - hun
dreds more who are not represented on
the petitions are similarly delinquent '
These other bridge meetings - are
scneauiea xor nis weeai rararose im-1 ceremony the K&thbone Bible, the or
provement clut, H. U Moody, speaker. I lginal one used by the founder of the
1 uesaay Bigm; neuu urocer- ana jer I KJlights Of ly thlas, Justus II.- Kath
chants' association. Tueadav ' nleht: 1 hnn. m,i,n ,i..t i,.,t-
f , . ,
iiim.i).i.....iii.jM.wliii,i, 1 !... 1 1
::V:;;;vaiv 11 ' . 1 - . -- i II
Ieft to righN-James H. 6 wintij Pendleton, Or., k grand hancellof of'thf. domain of Oregon; 'I. It. Stinson,
; . Salem, grand keeper pf records and sea! of domain of Oregon; Fred E, Wheaton, supreme keeper of records
'3' and seal, , .. - - -
1 (Continued From Page One.)
Greater trvlcgtoh Improvement club,
- Judg M. O. M unly,- speaker, Tuesday
, night; Multnomah and Webfoot camps.
Woodmen Of the "World, Friday - night:
Portland Association of Credit- Man;
Wednesday night
Ttareimg Item to tteip,
Th Oregon-Washington division : of
the Travelers' ' Protective association
will hold a bridge meeting soon, though
' the date has not been set The asso
ciation has asked for speakers to ex
plain tne details of the bridge project,
though the secretary- has stated that
most of the members are favorable to
the project v.- '" : . '
Belated petitions are Still ' feeing : re
ceived at bridge headquarters, though
the time for filing these has passed.
J. II. Nolta said today this , merely
showed that Interest In the plsn is well
sustained and IS aft encouraging sign
for the success of the bond election,
Washington Oct. " H. Denial Of
printed reports that California, Japanese
are buying land from his cousin, former
Governor . Jennings 1 Of florlda, was
voiced :. today by Secretary ; pf State
Bryan, 4 "It la' an fanquallfed falae
hood," said Secretary- Bryan. ' "but you
know the newspapers must have some
thing to print" . r i j 1 ' . , , ,
; n turn m 1 .11 1 n;.;.,;,,v.j;
Two Divorces Granted. '
Habitual drunkenness was the charge
In each of twe divorce suits In which
Circuit Judge Oaten granted decrees.
Marls P. Beale was granted a divorce
' from Roy Beale; and Viola Fisher Was
given a decree from O. Golie Flatter,
Two ehUdreh were awarded to the cus
tody of Mrs. Fisher. .4-.v. ! v 4
Special Sale of
Sample Suits
and Cloaks
1 ' 1
, The. kind yWve 'been looking '
for at the right prices.
' $50.00 Sample Suits COO'tltf
and Qdaks .... . . . . OoiVO '
$40.00 Sample Suit (COT CiK
and Cloaks f tVO
$35.00 Sample Suits 69 I Qpf
snd Cloaks .... ..... VtdXJD .
$30.00 Sample Sail 0 QC "
and Cloaks .... . . .. tp JLOeaO r
$20 to $30 Sample
Suits and aoaks, Vl-4e70
SpIaStrltkd Cloak Co.'
. '--tri,TAXB-;t
;:3-C04-205 S wetland Building
I iUh and Washington Streets
bone, when the first lode- was' Ins tl
tuted at Washington, D. C. 49 years ago,
will be used. This is the first time
the Bible. has been ever brought west
of Kansas City. . It is in the care of
Mr. Wbeaton.-
In addition S9 members of.Ivanhoe
ivoage, no. i, or rortiana wui be pre
sented with the Pythjss veteran Jewel,
an honor which is conferred only upon
members who have remained in good
standing for 15 ..years.-; . -t
Tonight's meeting will be called to
Order by L D. Curtis, who will Intro
duce ous Ck, Moser, past grand chan
cellor, who will make the. address of
welcome. ' . -: . , . vr '
At the conclusion of 'the Initiatory
ceremonies, Ivanboe lodge will present
the . five act drama, "The Lesson of
Friendahip." ; , rv . -v. . -v -v . -
' arand odgo Officers Corns, ?;y ;
"VlftUaUy all the grand lodge officers
have arrived In the city, and in addi
tion several high officials in the order
from neighboring states have come to
attend the convention,: .Among the lat
ter are: ,Mr. Wheaton, Grand Chancel
lor ted u h. Tonkin of waeiiington;
Harry - lAve, grand, keeper of, records
and seals, of Washington; Qua Meese,
grand prelate of Washington, and Grand
Chancellor Todd .of Idaho,
The convention Will convene tomorrow
forenoon at 10 O'clock, and James Ii.
GWlna of Pendleton, grand chanoellor
of tne domain of Oregon, will be in the
chair. -The other grand ; off loafs aret
Frank 8. Grant Portland, Vice ohancel
lor; H. I? Poortnan, Ontario prelate;
X tt. Stinson, Salem, keeper of records
and seals;' J., W. Maloney, -Pendleton,
at. el Sx. : J esse B. paul, Pendleton. M.
of A.) John C, Holt Fort Stevens, Inner
guard; V. It Buckingham -Boseburg,
outer guard.
The first day's session will be given
over to routine reports. : Adjournment
Will be had Wednesday following the
eleotion and Installation Of officers for
the ensuing year.
Among those Who Will be initiated
Into the rank of page tonight are the
following. From Balemt
WUI Be Made Pages. '
" Balenv Neil SummervUle,'; Uoyd T.
Rigdon iod Frank F. fichrom. - 1
Pendleton-George F. Gillmore,. Ru
dolf Be"hel: and F. f; Francis. '
St. Helens John F. Johnson, Milton
J. Ford. " .
fit Johns-W. fester Allen, ' ,
Astoria Hdrry Paulson, Percy Camp
boll, Solomon Etter. .
Baker Aoy William Cook.
Albany Nell M. Bain, Samuel N. Bra
den, Samuel . Gilbert, Edward Wash
burn, W. G. Ballack and John B. Hul
burt, ; .. ' , ...
Portland Frank B. - Nicholas. H." P.
Wolstedj Joseph D, MoPheters, Arthur
LaraeU, WlUlam Larscn, liar old P. Sell
wood, A. J. Conger, W, A. Burke, Wil
liam A. Carter, B. O. Llndberg and Mar
cush McGraw.
Discoverer's Career Reviewed;
Janitor ad Forgotten to
Turn on Lights, ,
? (Continued From Page One.) '
the city had resumed its normal appear
ance. ,
MTa One Ceeaaa to Mind.
The affair, indeed, did not at any
time cause anything like the sensation
such an Incident would have created In
a community less accustomed to govern
mental methods of the kind. - In the
stats of public opinion !n Mexico, too,
many have wondered all along why the
provisional president did not take some
such Step. 'V't : 1 t :-V.v: - .x-:.
It was the general Opinion that what
Huerta has most to fear is some oom
pllcatlon growing out of the diplomatic
corps' expected call on him to explain
the deputies', arrest The thing being
an accomplished fact " however, - it
Seemed likely , he would manage eofhe
how to smooth matters over until after
election," at which It was assumed he
would see that the presidency is turned
Over to ex-Foreign Minister Gamboa;
whom everyone believes is thoroughly
under, Huerta's domination. ' ,'j'
' .Domlngnes t-tt':&tf&
That Senator Oomlngues., Who disap
peared after attacking Huerta , In a
speech la the upper house i an J , into
Whose case the deputies were undertak.
ing to. investigate when, they were ar
rested, has been kilted, (here. was little
doubt felt. Bumofs that three of . tho
deputies have also been shot were? not
much credited. It did not eeem llkeiylt
was thought, thai Huerta would ag
gravate the situation by such a step) so
long as he has things as well In hand
as. today. ''' :..",;' r.
-The army, to all appearances, re
mained Joy at to Huerta. That his friends
have adviaed General .Felix Diss to re
main in Havana was a Subject of con
gratulation, since tndat people thought
his presence here might precipitate an
uprising. That -rrealduut Oias is not
Today is in reality it legal holiday.
Columbus day, but tho general observ
ance of the anniversary of the dav Co
lumbus discovered America, is meeting
with but little recognition among bust-
uoBsnien , or in a city, i n hanita arm
closed and unden the auspices of the
Knights Of Columbus little talks oh Co
lumbus are being elvea eturifthf at th
puouo scnoois. Beyond thle little In
the way of celebration ii being dona
- Columbus dSv kxerrifcaa a . th. t.Ik.
coin high school last night almost came
iv griei. ' xno janitor or the building
was not on band to oten the bulMine
and turn on thojightey thinking that
the oeiebratlon , Was scheduled for to
night instead of last nlxht Whii tha
erowd, good tiaturedly, waited outside
the building .a taxicib was dispatched
for the missings janltoTt'- As . result
uie meeting started half an hour lata.
" John a Veatch made thetddreas of
the evening, taking as bis subject "The
unaracter or uoiumbua? He outlined
the career of the discoverer of America
from roving sea capUia' to mapmaker
'The Knights of Columbus Glee club
rendered several selectlona and Mine
AgneS Kelly sang several sold number.
Arthur A. Kelly preside i
-While tho banks are closed today 1n
honor of Columbus day, there - was
no general celebration of the day in
me cny. upeaxers were assigned to a
number ef the Schools, however. Robert
i. O'Neill talked to the pupils of Jeffer
son high school, while Mr, Veatch re
peated his address at the Washington
nign sonooi. .
Special excerolses are being held in
very class in all tho schools. Where
soma feature of the great explorers
life Is being touched upon. Parents
of the pupils have been invited to thj
exercises and many are la attendance.
Municipal Judge Stevenson held court
this morning, v There were the', usual
number .of police court caees that re
quired attention. : , - :- t.
City halt emnloyes did hot tales klndlv
to their work this morning, stating that
others were allowed a holiday and could
see ho reason why they should be barred
from the day off." The members of the
eltr- council decided lastweek that tha
city hall should not bo closed today. "
.Circuit JUdge Gatene-heard tho only
case tried thla morning in the circuit
Courts, Judges Cleeton and Kavanausn
were there, but had no business. " Judire
Davis did not convene court. Judge Mo
Ginn will hold court this afternoon, and
Judge Morrow has not returned from
La Grande where ha, held court for
Judge Knowles, The district courts,
the constable's office and the office of
the clerk of the district -court wars
closed '!; The other offices were all ooen.
Contlnu4 From Page One.) -1
to. lnolude all matii..i , rtion's"o;ifc
ot to be VoUd oa," 1 i:rt a llaney.
v"The; ballot title does not includs' aU
material portions of t act to be voted
on. ; It' omits an It . ,. 10,000.' I ;io
not bolievs that tho aLctlvt 'ballot
title;" woul JnvaUdate the entire elec
tion, btit that it " would Invalidate the
election, on this measure." :-r ' ; ' V
i r'oopls's knowledge Xs idueatton. :
John F. togan said? The question
Is, v" do, the people understand , What
they gre voting on. Do they know that
they are voting on an appropriation of
$75,000 made' by tha legislature and re
f erred, to them by a referendum' pett
tlon. -1 think they do. 1 Thera la no da.
feet Irt the measure and no ,misundar
Standingr-aS to its nature. . .
"A referendum measure Is hot like an
tlatlva measure. If. it: wara.ia.Ja,.
ltiatlve measure t would say that the
defect in the ballot title misrht invalid
date the election. Hut this, 1 would Bav,
Is an Inrermal irregularity in ballot
title- that is not necessarily fatal, , ;
t':.:.;-.,v IQnor Ztefeot not Xatab . n-v
"Reooanition of an informal irrepular
y in the ballot title as fatal would
ace too. much power In the hands of
one man to nuli.ry Uie acts Of-thj peo
ple. .1 urn not Burs but that the ame
matter eani8 up la conencllCn With the
Initiative' petition placing the"Broad
way bridge bonds on the ballot and that
the Informal irregularity In the 'title
then was not huld to be fatal." . -
Klchard W. Montasrue aaid he did not
believe that tha detect in the . ballot
title, beintr of minor nature, would In
validate . the electlon'-on the measure.
The lawyers giving opinions, all stated
that they were doing no offhand, and
without deep Investigation into law and
precedent which more time would per
mit, -; : . . . ..
Pica at Age of 103.
4 lios AngeleB, Cal Oct 13. Mrs. Mer
cedes Foster, 105, Widow of the first
mayor of Los Angeles, died yesterday,
weakitrg'Tavlcg iin dfrrive-genera'
tlon.;? a,-'4' 'i.':'? v".-w. -iox--; ' Ka -r'P! v
'11' 11 1 ' 'ii' 1 ' ' 1 1 m if ; -i n i1 i i, yV'-r
fe Cadets Injured at Footbal,. 1
1 West PointvN. "S".; Oct U.VBwperln-,
tendent- Townsond of the Military acad
emy said .76 per cent of the students
who had to have a surgeon last ; year
were football victims. - -.
deer visits cc:";ll:
and dies during iii
.1 1
Coqullle, or., Oct 13. A deer v.Hh t
broken og and ihorourhly eh nibt
limped i Into town over th -long nor 'i,
bridge Saturday and was i.ih.o,. i sua
captured". ; Arrangtnents had be. a mn ' 1
to ot the ahlmul's fructured liiu!.. uutr
the deer died during the night.
, .' " 1 1 !': m : " . ; i 1 ':.
1 Batlly Uunicd Kavlnt; lUrs. . . '
Los Angoles, Cul., Oct. 13. E. M. Jen
nings, ax city employe, was seriously '
burned rescuing a horse he had driven
for 15 years from jthe burning municipal
g tables. ;.. :v-:f;-f. '-'
Cleveland, Oct 18 John 13. nockefel
ler yesterday listened to an address by
State Buperlntendeiit Wheeler of the
Anti-Saloon league, and announced; "I
am for temperance always." v -
; But - it should
Judges anything
fare exceptions.
be remembered . that
like liumphrles" are
on his way to 'Mexico was a matter of
some surprise, reports having been cir
culated that he had already sailed from upain.
Bald the Governor of Arizona
Kogales, Arls- .Oct " 1. Governor
Hunt of Arizona and - General Carranxa,
Constltutlonallat governor of Sonora,
met at the lnternailonal boundary and
exchanged greetings. r ' v
: -- -- ' 1 "ii : . '
Aerontanlnr is also dart serous ta In
nocent .spectators. -,
tunlty to paas upon In advance of opin
ions from lawyers.. ' :v , - : v . :.
': ZSeotioa Xegal. Bays fiolman.
TUy opinion Is that the defect doesn't
affect the- eleotion 'on the measure,"
Said Mr. Holman, who then outlined the
procedure under the law, which requires
the attorney general, after a referendum
petition has been filed, to prepare a bal
lot ' title from which any , person,- who
is dissatisfied, may appeal within 10
days. . : ; ' "
"No one," said Mr. Holman, "has made
the appeal within the necessary time.
The referendum must Of necessity be
on the Whole act and not a part of It
The action of the people Is not on one
Item at a time but all together. . -The
supreme court must certainly "be expect
ed to hold that under the law the defect
in the- ballot title is ; Hot fatal to the
election.".: . .v J , - v -'U.-i .:
The defect might possibly affect the
f 10,000 item ' but I hardly think it
would,"- said W, V, Fenton. 'Under tho
law the attorney general Is reauired to
file a ballot title which shall be a true
statement and not art argument likely
to create prejudice tot or against the
measure in the mind of any: person. It
seems to me that the ballot title 1st suf
ficiently broad and X don't think the de
fect would affeot either the act or the
appropriation." - ,
r pes Cohten4 f o ITulllfloatlon;
k Martin U Pipes, however, takes the
poslUon that the title must b true to
The measure; that If U apparently called
for action on, an appropriation ot. 1 65,
600 rather than On 76,800 it was not
true to the measure, and consequently
would Invalidate the election, i .
"The attorney general Is expected to
make the ballot . title broad enough 1
' '
ZA vl- via
"W.S 111.
tIA 'if
If Coffee
Don't Agree
I ' h IB 1 . eT - .' . .
,v; ' . sa.
A prominent Philadelphia ' physician tay: -
"It, on discontinuing coffee, you feel tired, languid
and 'out of sorts,' the coffee had better ba forever dis- v
continued, for you are' on the Verge of inebriety.".;
- r Thousands Lof people have taken warning and proved
that coffee -was the cause of their headaches,' biliousness and:
nervousness. ! . . ; - r :" -" ' -,;- IV-' V , . V:
v ' A ijreat many former coffee drinkers,' eeUn the need of
jiot drink with meals, now use f ; '
i - A rich, nourishing food-drink, with a delightful flavour much resembling high- . '
. ' grade Java. Postum is made from prime whole' wheat and a small percent of New .
Orleans molasses: ' Contains no caffeine or any other drug. ...
v e- . - . , t ?r''."
,. , Postum comes in two forms. , , - -
':: Regular Postum requires fifteen to twenty minutes boiling to bring out the .
i rich flavour and food value. . ; .7
, , Instant Postum requires no boiling, but is made instantly, by stirring a tea- n
spoonful' of the soluble powder in a cup of hot water and adding jcreanv and sdgar
to taste. - ; . ;y., ; V- t , - - . ' tf
Drinlc it instead of Cof f cb . " .V-'r'- X
yulLV;LJ j.v-'vil, in.'J lj
I. X70TO 1
inttNCH KtrutLhs mopejmV)
Natural Alkaline
: Vater
, or 50 yea -;
the' standard v
- Mineral Water r
- for the relief of
Bour Stomach,' ', '
Indigestion and '
Urtc Acid, v
Bottled at
.Ull.l .III
New Pall styles in Waterproof Outer Garments, front our factory to von
first ott We will Offer 800 fine medium and light weight Cravenettea,
Englisk SIip-On and Gabardines. - '
Our System of Selling Direct From Our Fact6ry to You at
First Cost Eliminates Aliddlemen'i Profit
We present a remarkable ' demonstration of early season coat opportunities
that command your attention. yA saving of 30 to 40 Per Cent. ' .;v ;
Ladles' Fine Poplin and Slip-On Coats
In blue, black and tan d? Cft
$12.50 values at.,...;.. $001
Ladies' Superb All-Weather Doubted;
Service Coats .'and Engliih Slip
One, 118.00 values, ' (J1 f fkfS
(pecial at. V VeUil
Ladies' Superb All-Weather Double.
Service Coats, English Slip-Ona and
Gabardines, imported sad '- domestic
fabrics! $20.00 valuee, 1 O PA
$15.00 and..,i .', k U . . 1 aCi.D V
Men's Art
On Costs
-Proof Slip. 6(2- (JA
$10 value. ..apD.OU
All-Winter Enslf.h Slip-On
CoaU' n ds Craven- Ol A Aft
attest $16 values, at...? 1 1eUU
Men's ' Superb . All Weather ,' Double-
Service CoaU, ' English Slip-Ona and
Gabardineit $20 vale.
at $15.00 and..
Samples of . Imported Raincoats tor'' tT f Q , J m J ? Oaf
men . and women, quantity limited Sl JL O , C4.I1CJ. pmJ
343Washington Street343
.'' 0 One DoofWett of Broadway, Formerly Seventh Street ''
In buying' a GOODYEAR RAIN
COAT you are buying tho' beat
and taost . serviceable garment
manufactured. No -fictitioua Val
ue V Everything as advertised.
1 S. ' .
: Kmmr mw w .TiAi" ,v ill
m m -
r M: - IR ' ' II!
4 IH V V I : -.1 V II. t III
. k jre 4a i u; ill
iii .
See - wonderful window display
an indication of the" tremsndoue
bargains within. Ji ':