in ; o.....;j:i daily journal, pouixand, UCTQBER U V. Tualatin Valley Acreage Miles front the Court Houso on tho West Side I.ylnff Bloritf both eni of the iipw h (nit Hi atrret electric line, , I oHiillf ul Jlntrl' t for huburban-. tiome arid uin'i for the man vent- . Ins; U small tract of choice land convenient 1. 1 electric car ser Vice, pood sli'j ; ' ntr facilities and crushed rock n.uJ Kuding into Portland. Prices, depending tign dletance front station, $-50 to . , 1500 per' acre. 125 to. f0 down --enuVtimall payments monthly, .--r The Shaw-Fear Co, Main 35.' . Q2 4til at. A-3500. 1 v r n Acreage ' ' ' "'"tt'imlles from court hOuec, on . soufhwoat lde;, good cloh sull; " .koine tracts all cleared and tin-, der cultivation and some stump . land, Prices $32S to $150 pr acre. l.t ug nhow you till property.--' -Phone Main- 1800 or A-6281. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, ' v "... , ; OWNERS. . . . Jnd floor Selling bid.' of, 6th ' . t.v. ;. na Alder. , ; j, -' ',''. .7. (' i::' ' ; ',VA-;; 4-:.-'"j','.''!'"- k . -FIVE .ACRES -$260." -'; 10 DOWN. -IS PER MONTH. Buye 6 acre or togged off land. Three quertero of a mile from center of town of 1000 population, also cannery and creamery, Three quarter of k mill from railroad station on main Una be , Iween Portland and Astoria. Thin land 1a iree xrom rooKe and travel, ilea larel and will not overflow, - Ideal for chink en, raising, dairying, and small fruits. Will grow anything that tan be rained in western Oregon. From some of these . tracts you nave a beautiful view or the i olumbla river. 400 acre from which to moose, reject title and warranty dead. .... B'L.U REAL. ESiAiE LV 213 Railway Exchange Bldg,. id floor. Between Id and 4th on Stnrk. Acreage 9' Miles, From Port- , :-. . - land . ; Crushed rock road at I tht wayj 8 or 10 acre tracts, rich aoil. run ning watet and convenient to . school. ITS to $200 per ; aSre, onetenth - of -. the purohaaa price , cash, balance very easy, - , The ShawFear Co.'. Main 35. ,1011 4th st.v -A-SSOO." ..,, .-. ";"';..; ; --f--'. ?. .: FOH HALi FAUMS 11 . GEt TOim CANAbtAN HOME FBOM THIS CANADIAN PACIFIC RIoh, fertile land for every kind o farming, from $11 to $30 per acre. To approved farmer We land $2000 to make Improvements such aa house, barn, sink ing well and fencing. Terms, &e years to pay for land and repay loan. One-twentieth down, bal ance 19 yearly Installments, per oeat interest. --r. - ,..'' v-' See the CANADIAN ! PACIFIC EX HIBIT of prise winning producte of fertile Canadian plains. Full personal , information.,. Free maps and' literature. Personally j conducted excursions . to CWdPf HOBMTotfJtAIfD aOENT, 171 Pine t tMULTNOMAii iiotku VH1LE other teal estate companies are klvittg up their offices, and cutting down expenses, we are opening branch offices to take care Qf the demands. The drv summer haa tlemonstrated the need of Irrigation In this valley. Come and ee Us at 286 Stat k sc., Hear lrd or No. 4, Railway Exoliange bidg., or irt4 Korth th st. - Willamette Valley Irrigated Land Co. '': .:. y y.-.- ' ; FOB-SALE on ettay. terms, beautifully located etoca larm, muci rrom Portland. S00 Qcres under Irrigation. 2004. acres upland pasture and timbered, ran use Portland acreage in exchange ror tmiK or value, ka-hh. journal. FUR KaLe 133 per acre, 180 acres.. In . eluding mm site; 0 acres under plow, '. balance pasture and heavy timber. Ideal dairy and hog farm, phone and milk route; 4H miles east of Sublimity. John ' W'!""' Btayton. Or.' Route 1. . J'EBTILliS farms All slsea .at fait prices, some stocked,-good teltns, only 2 miles from Portland. Before buying V elsewherd write your wants. II., B. Ap- person. Rldaeflold, 7ash, - AUal'l 'HALiA TTmeie in threat ed in Aug , trallan land can ape Mr. Kellv. Aua- ' trallan government delegate, nt Peck ' . Jttdah'a office, ,262 Stark St., Portland, 46 acres near carllne, near Portland, plat fine, 160 aores, Lane countyi good farm or stock ranch, with equipments Box 84. Tlgard, Or ' WILL .ell oltean my neautlf'ul home farm on Tualatin river. 16 miles west Of Portland. Will, raise 2 tone hops per acre. T. Wlthycombe, 612 McKay bldg Ion SALE I'arm of 142 acrea close in! For particulars address Hans Weaver, '.Myrtle Creek. Oregon. - - ton REXT FARMS 14 vAic)UHiitN house for ' rent,' ground 80x ,, 110; 23 bearing' fruit' trees, barn, chicken yard; furniture for sale; also freah cow and calf, Income ' 286 . a month.: 480 H Itilllnf wworth eve. FOB BENT 160 acre ranch. . Free rent to uan, 1, i or quick sale, stock, crop. nnlv 1.150. Hoe, Boot, B07 Chamber of Ootrhnerce, UOJIKSTKADS 47 HOMESTEAD Information free, - send ', stump. Box 291. Weiser, Idaho. " . - , 11 1 1 The Dingbat Family , THk'lfct !THaWKf,,THU5Cl Affi!, wiSK the -jkn V-JJIS" - roiLiJ-A . ' . ' , '' ' . 1 1 ... . : .46 j-' l J; . ,. , . M'M'l",'M"M1,''WM-'"'''iw,"1lM'M--MJ . . " - -a, ' ' , -'-..',. : r .,'..-.;' '-'i j; '.' , ' 1 4? kiUMkETt:Ai.ii in trie faltmlaw; -deep, rich itoll: B'wrt water, near railroad, nctiouis and oua .rouus. , 203 Garliriga It Ht home,' 'icaua and ruUni-iulahmeiiti, to Drylitko Store. Information ror utamps. Andrea ,-Dryiake More, llO.UK.siTEAL.3 near Portland now ofert for entry; rich end level; railroad to itinii; cnvty. kt Oak, room 21. CHOICE 3 if 0 acre homeHteii.l i'wliilho Co. Addreas Wm O. Mast, cor: 11.1 arid Asn fit rcets, fortinnd," TIMI'.KH - .-fcafca. TIM 1 5KB in all Bized tracts up to several " biuiOH fut't:- pawmtu and loircrlntf trot' ORition. Reports and entlijiatea mada on timber and land, : IK Stevens, 622 Cor- OBll lUltft. - KXCJIASGISnEAU KSTATli 24 AN "u p-to-date meat tnarket, Vl tit "com pieie iiiBi ojbmm aquiptnent in every way. inoiuuine lateBt imnrovnii ick man ufacturing plant,, refrigerator, cooling uuxea, snowcasex, etc., i m ona or tne b'est ckietf In Montana, dolnit a cood profitable business, for eale on terms or win exciittnye ror Portland propurtyi thorough investigation. g"ntedi' your ODCOrtunltv to afluulra a nood nftvin Uiarket, with an established trade. In the B1CST 8TATE IN - THH UNION, where conditions ir. aitcellent and every bod v maklntf inonev. . on to bros- perous Montana, the treasure state, and you are bound to make money. Former owner blade lots of money, in this mar- keti hna .nrii mni'haiieH a km tract of land and going Into farming and live' stock raising. ; . . , - . v J. VV. HEFFEltljINt OWher, , ' . 807 Ballway? Kxohange) tildg. ' 20 Acres With fine modern house. 12 acres In nr. chard, all in cultivation artesian wnil and good Irrlttation system In one of the best towns in Idaho. Thla nronnrtir la clear. Will exchange for home or any 8 00 a property in or near Portland and aseuuD aome... ,v ' 603 Gerllrfeer Bldg.. ad and Alder. I HAVE! farms, acreage, lots, houses, r grocery stores, confectionery stores, restaurants, rooming houses In fact. mi Kinus 01 proposiuona ior exenange. If you can't bell you can trade for what you, wane uoauaru. coucn Did. FIVE room co tag e, large lot, In Van- couver, a, u. unt corner, ev root street, fruit trees and berries. Prop erty south fit Portland -preferred, Ap uiv uwu.r, , r, r. urn vtara jjnve, Vancouver. B. C. " FOUR lots, , free of Inoumbrance,' free acreage end some cash, to exchange for email store or rooming house. This party means business. Goddard, ; 02 Couch bid. , . , FARMER Exchange -As flret payment on naw modern house In Portland, will miie norses, siock ana implements and give terms oh balance. X-684, Journal. FARM of about 40 acres, highly im . nrovad water nlned to hmi! mnn roads; valued at 111, 000; t miles south east of Portland city 'limits, for ex change for Income bearing Portland real estate. n-,nn, journal FOR BALE cheap, or will trad fr team. ner lot on a. 66th and Halsey, 'Call 44t HatMlo,;- ': ' ' I1 3B00 , STOCK of household furniture ' and furnishing In good factory town, to exchange for dear real estate. A-763. Journal. , .. . h " , . wtwmw.,, a 1 1 1 a cur WE j-xi-nanae what vou have for what you want. Peper St Baker, 444 8her iock oiag.. sa era uic Marsnaii ztS4. 200 aores Benttn county for small tin proved nlace at $12 per ; acre. Box 194. Rainier, Or. WANT Los Angelea acreage. In exchange for acra close to electrle line, a miles . Owner. J-I27.r Journal, from cowrthouse, SWAP COLUMN '- 35 - - -- -- - . TRAE DH new No. ' ft Oliver tvne writer for horse, stock or f arm tools. 129 26th at Tabor 4702. WANTED HR;AL KSTATB 1 TICB to home building companies! !all mi tin about hulldinar homs for sale on beautiful Irylngton lot., Have line orrer. fnone v 1 ItOOMlXO HOUSE'S S3 BOOMLNG house foreale, 18 housekeep x ina? rooms, all wall furnlahad flna lo cation, making good money, steady roam era, x diockb irom Washington St.. minute walk to center of business dis trict. Will sell at a- eacrifiee. Owner leaving t6wn in a few daye. Call M. 80. 20 ' BEAUTIFULLY furnished modern rooma, lease at $76: most lovely home and $80 month clear, $1400: terms. God. dard.SO? Couch bldg.x, FOR BALE Nice little rooming house! cheap rent, modern, easy terms; bar gain if taken at once, 486 Alder at. l-ijtt SALE 18 room brick bidg.J room . ing houserwell rfumtehed; account slckneea; 88 N. 8dMarehall 1605; WANTED lot or cheap land aa part pay- ment on good paying transient house near bridge. Calf Eaet 2688. BOARDING house, It rooms, all full, for eale at a bargain 1 am leaving city, N-767, Journal. - - , -...,,', ,. ... - IUSI.Ki8 CHANCES Hi :. : baioon Bargain -- One of the best tiavina aaJoAna i Portland, everything for $4500. or will sell half Interest; investigate-thla. God- oara, oux coucn oiag. 11 1 -i' ' - Genuine. Bargain r , Oroeerv With thrna llvina- rAnma t $21; no other etore for long distance anv way, Worth $700i my price 847S., God dard. 603 Couch bidir: JjiOLICA-TESHEN and lunch room with 8 room 1 f urnlshed flat, near College w.m j Butui . vvmirciiitvu wicnin 'Q blocks, irood for two women or man and wife; will take cash or real estate in or near city, . East 2263. ... ' e . l.l KINrsn CHA N"( !'S liiM tUOOHUK. Official,'- Orano 'trunk 1'acific townalte and general OIVIHIOU point, vltullwxv Mnla JUBtCOtl' eluded at Vancouver and Edmonton t)rotiKfii,iz,oou,ooo, ..British. Columbia s raiJioHil center.- We have choice eites J11 heart of Prince George. Low price. eitfy lermfl. UtiDorttinltv for bl protivs Write today for free, full particular". i-nnce .f-orge inventhieilt Co., u 11 ! 1 ! 1 m ' n ui'ig-r vancouverf B. V." ' . " UHU .JiHV. new aim.U . ilnnrecaente'; chrfnee for business, easy terms. Call iiniiiwiiiitieiy, ivet fs. Uliwnn. WONElf Ttt " LOAN UliAL list ATM - 27 ' MflNKt Trt .rAM 6H IMPROVED. RKAL EKTATP Oft fou KniT.niMrt-' utriipnii-a- Vrenv PLEXfBLB.' CONTBACTbTi NO COMs COLUMBIA LIFH & TBUSt CO. 'M 1 BPat.dino tit. nil. WE loan moti'ey in amounts of 2i0 and un In ISflnil tin pl. ulst. In ie tior Portland. -We do buslnese quickly, at the right fates and at moderate expenaa to tne oorrower, " . . JHB WESTEKN SECURITIES CO ' 612 Piatt bldg., cor. Park and Wash. Iioun 00 to tilt, ftim no BTTSlNEHrt ANSk.RKHtniCNTnTll. U, . MORTGAGE & INV ESTMENT CO, eia-sis yeon Bldg, Math 841ft. made on improved city property . or for bulldinn DUruuaea: advances made a building profresnes; liberal repayment privileges, No commission or oruKerave, J. r, Lupecomo, c ciiarK. Mortgage Loans L L WHITK. 701 Belling Bldg. WE have money i loan on your rati estaie; ursv mortgages ouiy. HAMMOND MORTQAU13 COMPANT, . - 4 21 Chamber of Commerce. ' PRIVATE funds on bund for Immediate . loana, any ' amount. Henry u. Prua homtne. first mortgage loana excluaive- ly. wiicox Plug. WE have money to loan at low rate of interest on Improved real estate. . H AKTM AN-THOMPSON BAN it, . Mortgage Loan DeoL $100,000 on -moi'tgagea, ; city and farm nronartv. lira inauranca. Vf clvnnala ak 11.. ... . . 1 . 11 . . HAVE any amount to loan 00 goo Portland real estate. Call 22 Cham' ber of Commerce bldff. No brokers. to luan, large loans a epecialty, building loana; lowest rates; fire ln- surance. W. i. Beck. 818-616 Falling. CASH paid for mortgagee, notes, con- tracts; mortgage luansj reasonaoie rates, w, MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real estate security. Apply room 202 Stock Exchange oiag., saariai amn:i eta. MONJX- TO IOAN Real Eetate. -, .,,'. - -. J. J. UEUEU, . Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny at. HAVE- for . immediate ' loans, tauo, iduu. 'sovuv. a 1. current raiea, a. u Bell. 201 Garlinger Bldg. . $1000 to leouo for inimeaiate loan on ri jawr 11. ' WILL loan $20,000 or leaa, real estate. Kamnaton, eie uoinmerciat ciup niog. MQNEX to loAii, 6 to l.per cent W, H. Belts ot CO., f 10 apaioing Diag. tnKltV In. ln,n .n mal .stut. A. H. HARDING, 818 Ch.'of Com. $1260 to 61600 to4oah on wood Improved resiqenoe property. A-Dg. Main tksu. MORTGAGE loans, 4 and 7 per cent, Louis Salomon a Co., 9 Stark st 2250, $350,' $600, $$50, $1200, $2000. Fred w, uerman uou vnamoer or (jommeroe. MONRV TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. GEO. P. DEKUM. fit HENRY BLDG. $1600 or less private money on Portlanl aaail . a,4 fal a 6 . u icai Hotato, , . ; MOVE1T TO LOAjf . 67 CHATTKLil. SALIUES NEW COMPANT NEW METHOD are now ready t Money at tatea honest people -oan afford tO .Pa, i H vr- : ,'f .v...-- -; y; : --OUR'ISCff'RATES' - ' , 8 .85 weekly pays a 1 10 loan, 2 .68 weekly pays a I 25 loan. $1.10 weekly pays a 8 60 loan. $1.(0 weekly pays a 1100 loan. CAN YOU BEAT THEM 7 . fOO CAN GET IT TODAY. BUSINESS CONFlDKNTIAL, Kebatea Given If Paid Before Due, 418 MACLEAy ilLua BOiH PHONES liLvO. BOiH PHt Between 4th and 6th sta. on wash. st. Open a. m. to p. m , Hat. till 8 p. m HALAHV LOANS OiS PLAIN NOTE tHEAPEBT AINU . pest andbest place to BORROW RnQW MONEY, IELY NO SECTJBITT. ABSOLUTELY BUSINESS STIUCTLY CONFIDENTIAL HOURS 8 A. At, TO 8 P. ML SATURDAYS ITQ 8 P. M. S) I ATE . tSEUUrUTI (JUL, 809 FAILING BLDG. SALARIED PEOPLE" AND OTHERS WANTING MONET . APPLY ROOM 81T t . LUMBER EX. BLDG. 2ND AND STAttK ST. ' CHATTEL loans Money for - SalarUd ' people and others upon their own Mb mi. Atiuun, auBtr r,.inant- me betfora dealing elsewhere! confiden uai, u u. irane. eas nenry oiqg. A deslraUla place tor ladies end gentle ' men to borrow money on . dlamonde and Jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond Palace. 34 Waan., opp- Owl dfut atwra. MONEY loaned on diamonds, jewelry - and warehouse , receipta. Boom 10, Washlna-tow'-' bide. :o:--!'--.- ;,. .-!:'... MONEY sold on.lnstallitientj confidea- tlal (o salaried Deools. P.. A, New- tan. R14 Henry bldg. MONEY loaned on dlamonde and end Je 41 id wal- ry, strictly conridentiai. ' . 1 d. ' 0 '07 s A PRIVATE) PLACE" TO OBTAIN ,;:- -. ;-. MONET . ON - .-(u,--.:-',,:w Diamonds, Watchea, Jewelry. Pianos, etc AT LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES, ,.- , SEPARATE DEPAKTMENT FOB ? ;-';-r --'LADIES! ' ' -l-J-!' ". 820 LUMBER EXCHANOH BLDG. 2d and Stark sts. Open 8 a., m. to p. m, BAURDAY EVENINGS UNTII4.8 P. M. ELBY- COMPANY. . LOANS WANTED ' SO SEVERAL , flret mortgagee for - sale; -also some applications on hand for food loans, ' amounts -from-$260 up to 17,000. a Henry c Prudhomme, Wllooa bldg.- .' ' H" you' have- idle' money, se-mes Ke ! charge ; to you for loaning. .. on teal estate and-nothing better.. Lawyer, 4vi Stock Exchange bldg. LOANS from private partlea, ji ryrs., .7 par cent; good security; Peninsula property. - Zeila Gossett, 7 West KU1 Inesworth ave. J60OO WANTfib-FiiBt mortgage, , . 2 years, uuiiaing loan, iz,nuu security. A O. bo BR 4. WANT 276 LOAN Oli MY diamondre f or 60 - dayfci ' will . eive $60 . for use of money. f-is, journal, $300 to $500 wanted on A-l tollateral. One year: Interest Quarterly. V-6, Journal. : '"'.' . : - . WANTED $2506 for 2 years, 7 per cent, on improved v city . property .worth inooo, close in. call 614 uorpett Diag. WANTED $900 for 8 yeara, Mt Tabor 1 ote as security. journal. FINANCIAL. 01 emu pun sun MnnTrlatlir. 'Or seller's equity in contract of sals on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H K Noble, Lumbrmni nine.. i,oans HKU -WAN'JKll J1ALM 1 Situation Wanted-; Ada. Inserted free for those a need of work and who are unable to pay for an Sdvertlsement ' Advertisements must be ought to the office personally by the parties oesirinr worav . m. u. A. tuanrvutMiiiiik unri. mnloyment membership guarantees member Will aeoure employment or re fund f membership fee: gives two months full membership prlvllegea, 14 montha social privileges. ... vurnA frn. a mnnlli, andlna int. Ill Calls for men ,1.1688 Positions filled .............. ,,..1026 All young men seeking employment especially strangers, are coruiauy in vited to consult with the secretary of the Employment Department ' ' , WANTED For U B. army, able bodied, unmarried men between agea of 16 and 86; citlsena of the United States, of good charaoter and temperate habits. wno' can speax, react ana wrue ine EngMah language, for Information ap ply to recruiting oinoer, woroesier bldaf.. 2d 'and Oak eta.. Portland. Or. WANTED Young men of character and sonai following to represent one of the oldest companies; greateai propeemon to those that are anxious to build up a profitable' business. A-781, Journal.. WANTED Two well dressed young man to tra.vat .with manaeers travel ing expenses advanced; men with house to house experience prexerreo. jiier i a. m., 616 Panama bldg.. 8d and .Aider, U uH 16 year old boy who haa fin- Jt Ji .Lua jalxh.f ' All mm' t3aakaaa ' IRIIVU KrHITIIunr IVUUVli vajiii ee at ivna Clipping Bureau. Portland - Trust Co, bldg:. Third and Oak, " y " ' 56 MEN wanted for Wm. Faversham S nrnituntinn Of "JllllUS CaSiar." ADDlV at stage entrance of Helllg theatre on Tuesday, Oct 14, at 4:80 p. m. . ; . BOY wanted with bicycle, $60 per month. Apply at once, room Sft Chamber of Commerce bldg. . : y- , ' CUE IT Ueadquartera and Helper. caXiiobnia wine VAVOt, y 288 Yamhill st ' ; . WANTED At once, 2 men to learn, auto repairing and driving; call at Haw thorne Oarage. 446 Hawthorne ave. WANTEDA farmer boy through wi school to help on mlU wagon. Thor 1162. ' m(Sf f.J'.fl to 'aaii on arocera With bat ent fixture, Aleo oL men wanted. Tabor 8867. ' - : .. '- r liuntt uUittiM wanted. A nnlv a once, The uaa-ian tinoe Biore, ie Waahlnaton at MAN to work on farmi no milking; steady joo; one wno wiu worsi reason PRINTER, married, A-I. $11. Addreaa) KX'Hlu. Journa H, : GOOD jpalnfer wanted. , Call at E, SOth and Harrison eta. FURNITURE finishers wanted. Free- land Furniture Co., 440 Goiuamith e HELP V AXTKD -M1C. 40 taaeKa-WaaIaeM . . OREGON LAW SCHOOL, -A thorough practical course in Iaw no time lost from regular occupation; t-anltati&ns nvertinra. Kamuel . T. Rich. ardson, dean, M. Morehead, Bet, 818-817 Commonwealth bldg., Portland, .Oregon. WANTED Portland mail camera, poe tat clerks ( $65 to $100 month; vaca tions; many November examinations; common education eufficlent; sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. an-u, itocneeier, in, i, UEK yeur spare time te build up a mall order buefneea of your own,' - We help you etsrt for a share in profits! 27 op portunities. Partloulare free. Mutual Opportunmes Kxchengei .Buffalo, N, Y. RA11.WA1C MAU tJEERKM WANTED. Commence $76 month. Write for par ticulars. Franklin Institute, Dept CORBEs PONDENCK SCHOOLS 668 McKay bldg. Tel. Main 1026: A-4144 'tiOCOMOTlVE Bremen, nrakemen, ..r"te" iyv. penu age, aiamp. 786. Journal. "' -:"'- WANTED Namea of men,' 1? wiatting to be railway mill; to 86, clerka. 175 month. KX -610. Journal UNCALLED for' tailor made suite, $6.46 v up. Taylor, the tailor, 869 M Burnsldev MOXKV TO LOAN 01AXTKLSr KAIAKIE3 Onpyrlght. 1018, tsterastleeet . KTewe Servlre. , 111:1. : OB KGUN A UTOMOtoiLli-BCHOOL, 266- , Hua nth !. uaiesi up-io-aaie mem- ods of practical Instruction In driving and repairtn automobtlea by expert in structors ana roeohanics. ;Tultlon, part cash on enrollment, balance at time of cm,;nUL CdkkEAClAL COLLEOti . Bookkeeping, v ahorfliand, , typewriting courses . under , specialists; (tuition - to per - mo. ; text books free. . Have you seert our new booklet T ; . C. Si Carlton, ITincipai,' central blag., loth and Aider, WOMEN Get governmentTobsi big pay. , write tor ireo list, or positions avail able, -Franklin . Institute,.. Dept. 69U, Kocheater, N. r .' ItKLP WAMrinv-FEALK a OlfiMtlAn MnnA fC; ' .( ,-MLUilLIUII II till IHli f .4 -A 7, ' Ads. inserted freaJor those in need of work and who are unable to pay for an advertisement. Advertisements must be brought to the office fternt.aUy-by tee pwrtlH dealrlna w,ir ' , EXPERIENCED- ealepeople wanted for glove and ribbon departments.' Apply between 8:36 and 10 a, m.' at superin tendent's office, sixth floor, Meier & Tauit store. r nArier.'tinr r WnrLara- Iti.mnt. nnw open for pupils, train Inexperienced girls in every una or nousemna wont, ewe in formation apply Miss M A. Qulnn, 835 11th. Marshall C086. ; V,- ;..: nomc viniHil. for off aeaaon.. in sea side hotel,- pleasant place and light work'" for the winter, but must be capa ble? 840. 'A-8Z8. Journal..; ; tVAVTIIJ exDerleuOeil waitrcsHee a the Elite cafe. Phone P. Hint, Camas, wain. - ." v if. WANTED Ladles can wake $9 to tit per week. . Call Mi , Panama . bids., 8d and Alder sta. WANTED Woman' for general bouae work, must have , referencea. . 829 Kearney et WANTED Honest, reliable girl fit '- general housework; foreigner prefer- rea; imrenau tin, : A retired farmer would like house. keeper for small family -direct 867 Hotel Trautmann. : ..; r' ST. LOUIS ladles' aaenoy 'Cooks, wait ressea. chambermaids, housekeepers. eneral housework. 288 Mam st. M. 203. NO player, 810. Hotel and family ilo.. city.; and; Country. . Howe a Agenoy, 85, 270H Washington. ami. for aeneral housework, plain cook- Ing, small family. Call mornings. xee N. 26tn st, ' i'none marsnaii tttttf. WOMAN for general work In small ' family. Inquire 628 E. 19th St. N. WAITRESSES, Cooks, chambermaid, and houee alrte. Phone Main 8052. WANTED Girl for, light . housework. -848ft lotn. ; WANTED Lady to keep house in wld' ower a tiome. uuy. e-07, journal. GIRLS wanted. Apply 84lst st N. HELP WANTED MAIM FKMALB .-.:' AND 5.,'- - 20 THH MOLEB BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks.' Bend for free catalogue; expert Instructors; 20 yeara In the business; a lifetime scholarship given to each student; ape clal inducements to ladles. 48 N. 2d et, OBEGON Barber College teaches you the barber trade In 8 weeks, pays yon While learning, tools free, tuition re duced this term, expert instruction, po sition guaranteed, special Inducement to ladlea. 288 Madison et, 262. 2nd. W ANTE'S Patriotic citizen to . help - nut a atou to jobbery by- Telephone Trust A few can do it - Address with stamp A. D, Cridge, Secretary State let League, 964 B. fllnd at. north. MEN AND WOMEN wanted tor g overa ment Jobs; $90 month; .write for list ot positions open. Franklin Institute. Dept. 826-G, Rochester, M. T. PARTNER. In vaudeville; must be good , singer,. ' tenor, baritone or , eontralto, g-871. Journal, frisk Teachers' - A gene; icy 818 secures bos tlone for teachers.". 8 Journal bid, PRIVATE northand school, experienced tencher,. 66 per month. ; 898 11th St. , TtArtTlMK. n ana blavlnc a-uatnnteed be glnners i In 10 leesons. 601 Ellefs bldg. WANTED Special lujetVAo" MpreVen t one or tne targe oia une me insur ance companies, splendid opportunity and territory, either city or state; oon- tracte unequaied to men or energy ana ability, can si a Morgan mag. R3:iifcRIfiNCmi maeaaina - or boo aalesmen, 'big Commission, ' axolueiva territory.. Harpers Magaaine, znt ,woi- cewter Diag o ana uaa. , - SITUATIONS MAL 3 YOUNG colored man wishes position in private latnuy, garaenmg ana care or ntos. John Jones, 411 Couch. : ' WANTED te clean walk and porches and build furnace fires mornings in private houses. AdnreBS f, o. box 810. WANT e Job as janitor or porter or bouse cleaning! good reference. Call Eawt 2388. . . ' TlMHfciK cruiser wants work, A-l city reiereiiceR. rj-n.,n, aonmai. FIRST CLASS meat cutter with best ' of-references, wants noaitlon.' B-S078. SITUATION by "first class barn man; nrst ctaaa reference, ani weiaier et. SiTih ATION by man as dlsbwasber, Z- 84l, Journa PAPERING and tinting, 22.60 up; paint. Ing reasonable. Jon Marehall. "Hst 2101 YCJCTNG married man wants Inside em ployment. Call Tabor 4!fli; - JANITOR Exlieriencetl!11 Wu'nt , work ' a JTv. hmiya jyrar day. Main g.102. lsXPERiENCt bonklteeper aildtenoSt .r fanhee wenlif'tOelHiinj , A-FS97 YOUNG man. 21 years of age, willing to do most anything. S-815, Journal. a a SITUATIONSMALE lWANTJC)rBygood. stenographer, past- lion whb live wire concern wnowante man to worl' un to noaitlnn bllity. Applicant has had I years' expeit once aa stenofirepher,, and can also nannie ooo"v l.u6)ie1'uJourHai!, .LAN!! t?IriARIN( . ' I dear laid jron.nreasonable prices, Large or sm.u-ii,, ; Address 824 1st at. Collin,... V.', a KESPONSIItLE. aged Germon '-speaking man,, well 'acquainted wltii city, for collector.; WillTfUtplsh cash YOUNG man -want work,- good, willing woraer;- can lurnisn rer. I uneney, 804 Cook ave. 'Phone C-1481 or V-700, journal. . "' WANTEI Position ae groeery or hard ware clerk; years experience; Al reference. Addreea It , F. Stover, Jen- ""'B QCTKe. ur. . ' ' . . COMFOItrAitLE and soreless . dog ; mussjsies 'Riaue .w mow; erxpert; uvorge juusena, iioi jo, urani at. u PAlNTEIl--Good, all - round, married! wants work, $3 Per day, p-496, Jour- BOOKKEtoi'ER "now employeii woul-i like set of book to keep evenings H. M. naylcB, B05 Montgomery. you want to ouiid a bungalow or have your house renalred. call. .up'. Mala 4958." ' FIRST, olaua Painter, decorator and en graver would like work of some kind; work guaranteed, 4 81 Manhattan et. EXPERIENCED man wants position as janitor; can give city reierence. Alain teao. A'Timv. Room is, JAPANESE, h i it h school education.- de . el res position hotel, olu,. store. ,; sakt 827 Everett (it;;. ;; JAPANESE butler,' Well educated, tle- sires position; . can Said, 327 Everett et. can cook," .housework. PAtNTElt and paperbanger want work. s per day: have soma tools.. Call room 117, Main 1778. ' ' MARRIED man, sober, steady, desires situation, night watchman - or barn- man; experienced. 102 East 8th., north, 8ITUATIOIW FEMALE COM PET ENT s bookkeeper, eaahler, wishes a small set or books to keep, Or willing to work naif a day; Salary moderate. Telephone Woodlawn 1686. ; WANTED To' take care of children un . der aohool are at my home in the country! can giro references, F, M. WIDOW with child wouid lite position -aa - housekeeper or Janltresg work) oan furnish good refareno. li-480. Journal , . . - AN ex-teachef of the Portland pubtto scnoois wui give private lessona rea sonably aftarnoona or evenings. Mar shall 21)71. Apartment 610. FASHIONABLE dressmaker Wiahe eh gagements in families, $1.60 per day. Phone Mala 4107. 450 Yamhill at Mrs. Evans. ' '- ' .. ... W-ANTED A good home and some wages to a kind elderly woman as companion and nurse. Mrs. Vernle Mo- ONE-PIECE dresses ti.lti and" up." Ai- AiU lltMAlII f W m yfV14M6jri Fit guaranteed. .Phono B-1048 or call 4818 64th St B. E. LADY caterer will furnish auppers for churches, . clubs, lodge and private parties at reasonable rate. Phone Marahau 2594. . WANT housework, $7 week;, home nights: call or write; atate hour; ioa VI 8th IJ. - . . LADY employed days want place to worn after n. m, lor room and board. w-etii, journal. - . . WbMAN la country wanta permanent position general housework, Mrs. Lourlnda Conroy, Butte Falls, Oi - COMPETENT woman "wishes housed work, .with evenings off. $35; Sell. wood 1477. ELDEBLY woman wishes position as housekeeper., for. widower. Columbia sua. A YOUNG woman with boy of 6 want - to car for amall roomlna house. J-K71. Journal.' - .' -., r; ;-. -: MIDDLE aged lady, good suburban homei would give mother car to. 1 or 2 children.. 668 Bldwell ave., Sellwood. A GERMAN' lady , wan U washing ant .Ironing by day. Phone Bell. l26. LACE' curtains, draperies, linens laun- STENOGRAPHER Some expenenoe, rererencee, 10 w wage, m am o73. MANICUBI8T ishes position, barber shop preferred, J4 B8, journal. GIRL wishes position In grocery or eon fectlonery. N-762, Journal. bEMONSTBATOR wishes position. P- 468., Journal. , .. ' . 1 1 ' ' ' ' LACE curtain hand.laundered. Phone Main 1488. SITUATIONS VfANTKO MALE , AND FEMALE kvz-9& MAN and wife want work on farm or dairy ranch; am a Swiss and not afraid of work; 10 year' experience. Good reference furnished. . O-f 13, Jour nal. - -v" DRESSMAKIXa 40 DRESSES, euite and alterations made! good work at prices to ault custom ers, sire. R. D. Black. 451 Jefferson. - ACADEMY of Parisian Scieotlfie Dreee making. ' Tailored Suite. Corset. Teechers wanted. 304 Ooodnouea bldg. DKListSM AKIN'G and alterations by first class dressmaker. -Main 9 us. DRESSMAKING, family sewing neatly none. i.ou a aay. nast evi. ImiSSSMAKlNG 648 Division C NURSES 60 MATERNITY home, the beet of care and your enoic or dootora. Jennie Wait. 149 E. 7th N. ' !-.."'-V"... - COMPETENT nurse with references wanta confinement ease. Phone Wood lawn 2632. a e Pa 1 , ....,,.; .,...,,.... . , !l I f!c'- hoi- fu:mmu:o h t ivr-r FOR Y. M. C. A. member. 1' ' rooms, reaaonable iu price, iw- ' building, vacuum clean I, batlia, elub faoilltien. rpe.mi r.. t . cafeteria. ' Full pariiculara ut t.u.. , office, cor. 8th, and Taylor yty HOTEL OAkiS. 847 Oak at., between Broadway a 11 ! ram; siearu neat, noi ana coui w In rooms; good, clean beds, well lehed, $3.60 seek; only 6 rooms I, XOUHIriT HOTEL. CentrallylicateUVJS-u to-and from all depots. Modern convenience. Tran sient gueata given special atuinlon, boa up anil $3 week up. 160 1st at. Central hotel, ' op, jpaa lTvT.r " Splendid double room for 2 or 8, aln,ie rooms, $2.60 up;- with bath '$. ivfui-thlngrmodern.-, ;.:''';::'''' ';.':' ;;'-:'-::""- ' '.:' NKVVLY "furnished rooms, Kt.iii lupat, ' eleotrlo lights, elevator, private phon-, hot and cold water, reasonable rates. 625 Washington. Mar. 1950, ; ' YOUNG man, rooming at Y. M. c' A ! 1 wants roommate to reduce rooming expenses. Inquire Y, M, C A., oor. e.ii and Taylor.. . - " KEN1LWORTH HOTEL, ' ' 8284 2d Lj steam heat hot cold water, rates l per week up; transient solicited. HOTEL MASON i&'Wor per wk. Free phone end bath. Main 77 b4. HflTCI QAWfiM 181 11 tit at. P.r- iiwi uu univn man manent and trane't. and apartments in modem ho - toi, yi.bu ween and op. 4S Alder, BOOMS in private families; we maintain , a, descriptive list, giving wide range of choice; can place you in Juat what you want. Call today, no charge. . - " CLA RENTAL BUREAU, 1015 Chamber of Commerce. Main' 4030, FIVE minutes' walk. - Newly furni'ahed front room. - Hot water, bath, phone, furnace. ' Splendid location. :. $t.&0 weekly. 164 12th. ' ' ' - v PLEASANT room for lady;' use of par. lor piano, home prlvllegea. Main 465. 448 Clay. . - - - LAKGE airy front rooma, all . modern. residence district. - Marshall 784. 187 Ollwan. - FUHNISHED room In : steam heated ' flat for 1 op 2 ladles; reaionab!-. Walklng dlatance, 627 Everett et FlatU, $1 WEEK, large room; modern) home comforts. JUi ; Itoosevelt, near 23d. Marehall 4116, NKWLY furnished room in erlval family; modern! telephone Marshall 6Jt 19 Hoyt at. NEWLY furnished room reasonable, 1J mlnutee' walk from city hall. 601 6th. Rb0M8 $1.76 up, 2 blocks from P. O. 808 Salmon St ' ' 1 OR 2 neatly furnished rooms, rent $$ per month "each.. 548 Taylor at FUIINISITED HOO.US EAST SIDH - 63 THE CLIFFORD HOTEL IS. 4th and Morrison sts. . American ; and European plan. New and modern, large lobby, special rates by month. , THE) Larrabee, 227 Hi Larrabee, Roorue 62 Wk. up. Brick bldg., steam heat hot and cold water, bath, phone, eleetrlqlty. rtmznsKED books BIDH FKIVATB rADTAY 9AVt $ A MONTH Nice east room, fur. niehed, Large double windows, suit able . for on or two. Modern conven. lances, horn privileges. 11 blka. north of Hawthorn, j 238 E. 40 th at .Phone naa Kn KIRS -s - - " - -- . LARGE furnished room, : front, Alao room with steeping; porch; Suitable for" housekeeping, if desired. 122 E. 19th st, corner of Alder. .Phone Eaat $684. - . ; - NlCEtt fjirnished room in Ladd's ad dltloni suitable for 1 or 2 voun men. Phone East. 1814.-; "V-v - - FOR RENT 8 nioely furnished aleeping rooma in private home, gentlemen pre fwed,78lE. Yamhill a,v; . $6.00 MONTH nice sleeping room, fur aace heat, bath, phones. 453 V4 East Market "' ' ' ' ,'' - --1' -' ' ' ':' ' WELL lighted, large room, walking di tance. Particulars, call East 6874. FURNISHED brooms 1 heat, lieht pain. 469 E. Burnslde at " UNFUKNISHED OOM9 10 TWQ room unfurnished apartment $ t per room per week; gae plate fur ntahed; Belmont Aptav. 480 Belmont I. Tl. Ql3. ' SINGLE. $2.60; two lar: . flat7$l2.60. 188H Marl xrrr room near Front. ROOMS AND BOARD 13 NKWLY furnished rooma, . attractive home, -choice location, exceptional, table, only minutes to business dls trlot Very moderate terms; meal patron.' age eoHolted. $11 llth. ALDER GRAND HOTEL. Boom an 1 board $5.60 per Week, - Home cooking, 121 Grand ave. BOOMS AKS BOARD -PXXTATB IA6UI.T .' n WANTED Aa Oucunant for a. m- ' f ullv furnished nutald room altri. light, steam heat and plenty of hot wai ter, $30 per month. 785 Irvtn- st Phon Marhan 8897, . WILL give room and board and best of car 10 1. or a cniiaren, age 2 to 8 yeara, good home. For particular O- BEST room and board In the clty.'lj up, steam heat modern, bath, phone, piano, home comforts. 664 K. Madison: XJTrt eartrinxn a 16(1. a. , Ken, rv VHUliio T-caa VUf 4 ft 11 m lj LARGE, airy front room, splendid loca- iiwii. a 11, jAin ei. PLE1ASANT front room, ' et of piano. Main ! 1, home oooklngl 2212. 861 10th. ROOMS with or "without board; home WVIUIII, 4,9 D1VHUWIJ, Puts One Over MA I i