c ::iCQN SUNDAY JUUIUIAL, llLAliD, " SUNDAY. UO..:.,-. OCTOBER, I'. , -' . s Adelaide-Byrd. . fiTT, SjepTM I Hi I" if ft f j f 11 ii 1 1.14 . .rTi - - . FOR FALL HATS , mrmm mmmmfmmm i i , ) n m i . , , , ) jl v" J., : r: '' I N V . v mHSSffl yeuow powars aro moxw beautiful than rou think, Per- I . hap you hav seea that s grouped la golden brightn aft th ampty lot or th Mh beep. Su( her la ft ehanos to bring than) trta your living hall or sltang rom, and th beauty of this eentorplec deelga will re warn you tor your reoou .wm OnoVthlrd of th dealga la shown, Tou caa templet It oa tan, whit op ' gray lined by parking th entr and matching th diameter r mfttchlnf of tha scallopa around tha dg. Aitar tranafarrlng th dealga, : thread you. f needi with ooarsa tneoreailttd Uon, Jf you prefer thJ all-whlt Wft on., f whit, you will b gratlfled t th M fecUra way la. which this dealga. work up. If you hv fledded to tak th , solden : glory of ths"' natural lloww, ,.: ohoosa a bright yellow and ft rra brown, with a green for th leave that; will not clash la th combination, Tho dwlgn 1 arranged for Bttl work and groat affect. Work th flower in ; outline around tho petals, and suggest ' the streaks on each petal by outlining. . Fill la th center with brown French bnnta. Tha leave should fc In rreen. out" lined on th eixs and vei a. Work . the etralplit etem of each tiower In ( tm eUtoh, using green thread. Fill In s ihe auiiiiulrcular epacpa above the wal lops with Frerwah knots and use your own preference for colors. Brown M.M good und pi Helical, yellow Is bright, while black a tunnlng e?ct, l- mot t poi.ert In oombinatlon w'th ' tli bi"'''.It'i!rilorccl dmia. t x ili-r.pj e,i v1!H tw-c'v or sixtoen elra.iiis of uarning ' cotton bl(t in one hand along the curve aa ' uu work over it, a ou vould ps couohtnf ihrnl Bttonhot ovr till . Another affeflUv) and nulck way fj t vi soutaoh wratd, whloh ha . Mnatd to shrink It, la ft similar, way. fllold It as you futtonfcol ovar Ik ' vm Chaln-otHoWng with; douU or trlpia , gaming, thread makes aoud padding aver which you oaa huttonhol wlU "r 5 eulcka. a- , A brown tdg gives duraM finteh to tola o!gn.- T mak th center. - plec larger you caa adl a laca of torchoa or cluny. Tha touch of color ': can h given to th laca hy aeloctlng th solid parts of the deetgn and f.il lng la with French knotsof darning sUtchea In color, lrany dMlm ef lc. heve oolil flowre acttrd over ta fcopen'weah, Tbee n roior naVe a : si'in'ilJr euge for ft bdjl.f oopterigot 4,1 Of thl Character. . ' ?: Tho flowers ar conventional and It , Is the embroiderer' good fortune to be , bound down by no hard and fast rules of cdlor. Although h sunlight yellow ' of tlie flower 1 lovely, it need not be i brought to your library table if it wl.l clHtk with ft prearranged coior eci5me. nv color ar liosxibl In thlw i ustk. Whichever you choose, rtink th outor pert : of tne design darker in color. v,i This will alve it (vharsrrter. Do not discard tho ttcslgnwhcn yom; , , x - .r , . ... - 1-.., .iT-, .u....,. .-";. ft- - , , enterplce la omplatal' ' IXae) th; flccirn and va th aeparat mouri ta any artlitto eomhlnatioa that you wish, f Apply th sunflowers along th dg of curtain, In ft straight tin on an h long pillow top or In slngla, convergent 1 atraichtneas at C) aid f 'ah aval . one Try th poislhlUtlea of th Cssira, It :U gurprVs you and lieftuUfy you A' Buffet Cover ft BBAUTTFUI buffet cover can b l mad by buttonholing cluny or torchon medallion oa whit linen. (Out thre linen sumws bout ft foot each corner of the linen, about an Innh in from tho edro. Buttonhole th medal lions to Ui liaea aud cut away, liiat - V - oft ; pert' of th linen under th medallion. Now turn tho square on end. eo that . they ar diamond-shaped, and Join them ; t'other with oluny or torchon insi-r. in. 'Ahout tha ntlr edtta of the oi one thus formed whip a row of th aoe Insertion, . and on to this Whip a ; lace edx to matchv A design of punched work in the center of each squara ..would b effecUve, , tttuat tht tttilvwmaA-ma . N la tier glory whea It ome ta th tult ( ed3ta on t trirrv ttlnf. Tht i rom!nnc of th haa-nad ornament on All typo of tUttt 1U ktp mar oa.ftf hw5 ny la tho fjuiWonlnr of Uk, ulll, , bowf, flowori nd dd trimmiBf )mun4 n irlro. Wv.'v. ::''V:;:.'-''JV-..'ii--'v "': "f 'V Tho womnn who 4oi$ not favor ftny thing but ribbon hg n xollent op portunity to ti it ta tho fln!Mj of njr typo of bit, Mvif orniunknto eon lot of o eoTorod wiro 09 tho top of rtjch ro loops of 'ribbon cluitoreO ttt petal faohlon, omotlrooa thor rw tvo or throo groupo of thtm, making ft pa goda tSfect " , . . ,., A flight cl U!Ior4 bov it on of th aileet Way to deoorat ph fldo of ft tailor! Jigt, hy un b of rad-t4 olxti, th amalUit one t th lop. War ynu iiotlo4 .h promlneneo of th butterfly a mUUnoryT It naulre e zprinc4 touoh) to t butUrCy of tMll Qt chantllliji M porch oa th erow fcrlin, y'..'.;-. T4 plapnipg ft ftiltterffy. th tuo of tUsu paper fil'4 tielo. Protr th form, pq tb paper ' tout th set orer fho (trwbig. Stitch tho wlio la place, Uehig th ovtUSo of tho drawing M ft ruld. la thlg vr tfo rins irlU b hftp4 a4 th Ppr aa be torn ftwar. Four f th log on b pUe4 round ft long ovftl form (hot rproat th body and th rnront tto rudf , for W.'- :;,i;,;';;,,;,"'.!..:j. s.t .v.,.. , On wry eWror jpjjltntr 1i reou4 ft bunea of poaeocb; feathor from) th carrot M hft tn4 th tnt ttrct. tv ornamnu Py itombWuf handirork nd hr m elrra Bh took ft nunvber of ftathorg 041 A ut tn topi wttH gtm about tbre . That Silk Scarf. TOTSuB - U 14 1Um-strlpl scarf la tha op 4rftWr, wonderr lng why It rr hM Vett Wed as much as iu high pfic sheuid wr rant Well, her is th answer. Cut a strip of silk on-hif yard la Width and one and ft quarter yards long. Any Scarf will allow ft plca this -Six, with som to spar fog pJndlnf. gjn tho strip with a plaia ink whlM ehlna silk, and grtar ooterlag Muar piscaVof asrdboar with silk, 4 whip tha atralght atrip ta th Bowom, dividing tha irfath lata uarterit ttiom th too. and vaka a easing wiw a donblo row of gUtcWnf. TbrougH this -run ft drawstring of Hlk wrd, . A dapanes klmon at laafpeaglr "erep WU1 proflt hf elrf Ue of th ' gllk ioart Cut ft tri from th tangth wid Qough for ft. soft irdl 4 atutht naael saa at th oaok. With 1 th rmJdr toftk ft loft allt that ' aada la goft ad thftt r wlfihtd ' with taisal. tf thm t any mora gllk, nak Ht ruffa t flaw tha slrg. ' ift trgrallng kit N groWed front ft Utk icarf and would wrnt , know th mrrenc. TW drUcl omg Ut all gisaft md th mn propmoag tin depiod n feu. Un th east with pop. , lin gno Pins wua solorad braid r Uh tapa Atuoh ft pi af top t th t packed. Th llWj Inner pockets Should be of the tamo pe . ..I I kLII. Ik. fining I mad. for -r-." .tby wlU Uat onre ; . - Ther Is B - ea loa why watnaa thould not pa - raatlT ' though sweeping, M ft It a duetcap or an old :t- Silk soarf, Tha pmm k mobcap Is now, tlng 'yc tin a Sad with a ' ahansd. turned-back brim rthat auegesta Holland.. It protects in hair,,, and at tho earn tlm 1 pme thing to ppen th -door la and not de mand an apology. You ean tttaka two or three of theo ee- t mm rt. if th scarf Is of oft silk, it will "com into your sew ing oirol to b changed lnt ft beau tiful sewing asroa. : Any ehape ean b out. Th ueiial apron J one-hali ol a yard wtde, which a th j width of ft acart. Th apron with a double curve oa th. lower dg to form ft beart will be an as eenlable sift for a Md Cdg th soft ilk with satin or Ilk ribbon about two inchea wlda. i allow- j;yv-lt on and ft.' half.. 't&'MittfA ln th measure ! y '"! 'went of th outer t&Mm ;f4 ,adg'.f tor full Wffla, Cat : out heart-jhaped pooket and hind with tfbbon. Add a hand) ami ti-Tnga of ribbon, and oraaonf wtUt your compliments. ,v .;:''..', : "-.:.t; M a atralcht hag with an pea tat tending halfway down and bound with silk tap will make an eaeellent noldar for An blouse, Th top 1 run on a drawstring and tied ever ft eoathenner on whloh th blouse is bun. eurly , thli la better than having aa tinused oart Alako It worth th orlgtoaJi price. : Traveler's Kimono 0' mi MQ feats ft hesitancy ahout appear IPC befor strangers la ft klmon any deeerlptlonj hut, cfttlmea, specially la ft sleeping ear, aa appearanc ia nnavoidabl. U I surprising how much mora com f ortabl and how much lest incon spicuous on feel n ft kimono cr rinU of subdued colors, suj It i only th priooed tmve'tr cr t' woman of wretched to ate and tll-urct i Ing who will persist in floating up ani down the car aisle or hotel hall in a kimono of conspicuous brtehtneni. A professional woman, who finds it necps ary to travel back: and forth over the country many time a year, said that She is Sure of attracting no mora at tention In hr kiirtnno t,.an alie would If fully gowned. Miie fctmono 1 1 ques tion W of very nark 1 iu rt.'"". nut, .Smocked ''ross tho t-s--t I 1. -t.t to glv it fullness, and tun lull cleaves were ehlrred Into straight cuu at the y.r'.-'A. .., . . lncti tow, Tr" tl.o grouped arouT 1 ft button that tad t!. color of tlio" peaooclc la It f'.r placing 'thto ca- ' ; bociion t the :,! f a velvet hat. ; ' fcatid of chiffon over It Will fcold th ornament Aowa and give a moot un. oeual effect, especially on black velvet ' Try thl wltU your peaoock feather. 1 Tbey Will brlrg you good luck ta mil- ' rilnerrv,,' i . '.;;..; .'":.,-;;' i Th opportunity for bead work i ua- ' limited. Oa strip of gray or wtdt net ft ilmpl delga can h (worked wlt& 1 .. beads on a colored thread. If you baeto t'.fho Ml' a plec of tieeu paper, aftor . ttarttlnjr'"," atiflpl fleelga On It. xm can follow tho load-pencil lines a yoa ..' would ta tho revived darned work. Xo ornamental feat bena thor Is ft grMt neld. Ktrtp of metalUo braid oaa ' b given ft touoh f color by using tho ; deetgtt ft background and working over It la solid gtltchee. ualag bright Silk or JnercerlMd cottona, Th Intro .". duotlon f tead with th ambroldery Will ! th band t th plans of aa xpetuiv fabri.. .. " .. .... .. ' On evening hat tier Wt3 aw crrncTi haadwoik, and If yon have bad oxpo- . rlenc In th rose of tho wrapped typo , you can put ft to good aocount. Moue sellno will bo itenetvely used In two ' tonea Th center of a nouseelln roe should t padded ver a disk of cotton, ' and around this f5 folded fabrfo to wlrled or folded la thro portlona Jvcavee of pale grn moalln ar ffectlv If mad of tw thiekneaoes, wired along th nter and bent sot ghap, - ' '.', Th making of Wtos bows Is ttorr 1 Itself, and will ba glra its du. CCka main thing 1 to sets th noedl and a bright dea and glv your hat tho stacm I th seaio. -, ' ' ' " " , JJses f orRctnnant3 pi l , Laco A T Tltli season tho remnaa E. eounters gr well stocked wltk 1 r4 Qj, Ungthi tt lac, chiffon aad t whip ' ca h purchaaod for : a , sUpenc. ar ft littl mors, trvm the . fasolnatlng kraakfast asps, aamlaoles or tea apron can bo faihionad by th nimeie-nnger4 pecaiarwomaiv !t STaTX TcZrZ lal "rt to'ls iMaw-.,: Ztr: --.,m. piobcap and Un H wlth ; wblto, pe4j, fclu ar olnk ehlnft silk r chiffon. J To this Stitch two pleate2rruffles f th point d'eeprlt finished with a -barrow l adglnf of ' Tajendanne Uca. . About th ja of tt erowa draw si .. band Of pal t)lu or pink gneaealln ribbon gn4 tl th and ta a fiat bow . at' th id',prH front ' ) Tht flatnty : lac t ' aprons . ar aaeiiy mad from., dotted r plain net. ,, Cut a pattera from paper la tha hap f ft heart, trlangla or oval. m When this IS tha required sire, out . Out th material To th adg stitch ft three-Inch run at th material bor dered with , Barrow lacV and gather ... th gpron t tha walrt Una. Attach ;c gtrkigi of pal plus o pink ribbon ;-j at th gidea. 'A psaaant's apron is ;-; ractangular la Shape and extend near-.,-; ly ta th hem of th dreaa, Thero is a.' B bib (a this variety and tha rud ,H ta inly placed at aha hen-' Vrom a atrip If lao fnsrCoa : a . dgtng twelve Inches ta, width ftnd from a yard t r4 ahd ft tnarter tona ;& oaa : h mad ft hgndooma aamlaole ,-. tint , th lac wlUt ghlffioa or ehlna silk (n any of tha past! tints, and" run ft shirring gtMng througrh th top; and hottom. , Xxw tha lowar on t fit th waist and hind wwa ft strip of ;,; th Silk r wash ribbon. . Td th top Utch ft narrow beading and thronjrh -th thread ribbon, which t then tied ;! la ft full bow at tha front. - Over ach hulder olaca ft atraa of rihbon tied la how at th top, r fona Ch straps of rlbboa oortred wi& shirred bands of th lao. , ' . ;:, Tho mora laborati i tamfaolea ar trtmmed with garland of tiny roses ho mad at horn or purchased at th -trimming counter f th department i gtora: - -',- , 5 Th present fashions strongly approve of th II art Antoinette flahu and odd langths of laca, point d'oaprit or net ea b successfully utlllaed to faehloa on of thes lovely piece of neckwear.. , Vlrst rut ft Paper pattern so that It ' fit perfectly across th back and ahoul. ders, Allow th anda to exUnd to th . msJrt Jin, r below th girdle, la points. - IFinlsh th tijes with - ft arrow pleated frill of th material or a gathered frill ef Uca. Thai artlclea ar easily and Quickly ; mad and t eccctuWe gilts for a most any occasion. . J ' , Hov.to Transfer V HEH13 ar euzesilons for trans ferrtnjr the pattern before you t any ttvaterjs4 before working Ptrhapa tha easiest way ia the "win-. 'A dow-pan' methoJ, Thl Is succestut when th material 1 thin, i:k iinern -. batlate, ate, Tin th sheet of rflr"? and th .material toother and )."'. 5 then no aainet th glass cf a ' - ; dowv Vlth a sharp pencil draw on t matorlal th design, which can be tn ; eea throush th good.- If crm-l a f r . th. deslsnt nty b given, c: -;!. t paper and turn t1. other r'Je t t , fabric, ' If you hav certoa i:;'r, y i i plac th aheet fcptweea your t . the pewrnaper. T'- 1 St ! With a aharp T" 1 i o -f the dpsi-v Th l ' ' left in fino .ifit. and w: I I ' worked. - The Inst tiij In' " .pnper or ( ' ' ' the 'pnUern !- ;'l IS '" .. I on '" i. I. 1 I .1 ..ti i ' ; l.iin, P'''".' " ' ' I'H. Ul. ' "I A