THE PEOPIES INS SyrV , - ,f" FROM 111 U 1 LrfWl V . lMllVj Cffj' frfllERE it a ecience in eatinf, for science it really "organized con B mow tens Most women lack this. 'If you doubt it, watch thorn ' JX " Choott tho noon hour in any restaurant, and tnako a mental . .'. :..V noU of how and what business women and shcpper eat. ' Con timet these meal with those of the earn number of men., Look at the woman in the home, who ie alone. She is usually standing Tp tend eating anything that can bo extracted from the ice boa with the least trouble. Her husband pureuee a far different plan. - - " From It to 1. or any luncheon hour, ie Just as important ae breakfast or dinner time. As soon as women recognize this there wUl be mere profit able afternoons for both employers and worktrs. , ' . 'i Read this?: It contain food for. thought which can be converted bit . sensible action every day. Mrs Wade emphasizes some 'point that you ' have long suspected as true and workable. Through the medium of this page we hope to make them contributory factor to noontime happines. - By Florence R, Wade , sUoau Economlrt ud iooturtr. ..- OW, ood dlotlo wH oa pptlU, ' and , health oa both 1" Surely the inunorUl tM eiuat hire written theie line for ih vrtaent ImmIimm iromha for to do on else axe tbty mot appU cable. . j,", r V v Health, rood look and vital enerry upon tAe preeerratloa of theee three ra Qulrementa . dependa the buatneea woman'a ueoeaa. A maximum firoduo. tlon neceMitatee a maxtmnm vitality, and only by malntalnlna auch can . maximum output be aeeured, . How la ehe to aolra theoe greateat of vrob , lemal ' , .,'. Phyaiclasa tell ue that more evil la wrought among the health of bualneea and working- women today by the fcaatr lU-oonaldered lunch than by the Ion hour of labor. Hence the hltrta most , necemary for bualneaa women concern her health, and the very first of tbeee la the lunch and the ooneerratlon of: ber time from U to i. '-' .:- To secure rest and recreation-freedom from thoosbtwlmpliea Intelligent pian nkngr; for It may be aald to be the one vitally Important twur atalnat ' tha many, and should therefore count.' - Most young" business women form the habit of using this off midday hour ta aa unsatisfying way. Together with, several other girls they race Into a crowded lunchroom, and, amid . incej aant ohatter, Choose aomethiog hurried ly from the iAu of fare that happena to be novel or -that strikes them aa toothsome. Its nouriahlsg properties are of small eonaequeace. and It may fall anywhere la the eoale from mdfgesU tole to frivolous, from lobster patUes to anffei cake, it la swallowed whole. washed down with ice water and then away to a bargain counter ta aoroa de partment store or to tha excitement of a movlng-ploturs show. In both plaoes tha air Is bad. the crowd often rude and joaHing. aad tha time allowed so nearly op that it la only at breakneck apeed that they reach their posts oa time. This is not an exargeratlon of tha way ta wblch Hundreds upon hundreds of - This department will be in charge The plan wfU give the housewife the ana wtu present topics of interest to By Caroline L. Hunt ' vTbstilnrtna. P. C Or u umss w we year blll-of-fare making' effera fewest dlf , ficultlee la October. This is be cause one's family is likely to be tempted Into the open air for the pur pose of enjoying the changing foliage and to brine; back good appetites with, them. . It is partly, too, because of the abundance of foode on the market which, are at their best at this time of the year. Just the one fact that apples have not lost the fine flavor with which they left the tree is a help. Toward spring they need to be seasoned up a little with cinnamon, nutmeg or lemon, but not in October. Uncooked apples satisfy moat people at thla time of year for a breakfast fruit; if ' variety la . sought, however, they, may be accompanied by dates or figs. Thla combination offers the pleas ant contrasting consistencies or tsx turee about which we spoke last week. The crisp watery apples go welt with the soft concentrated dates or figs. Hmmber that the skin of the apple is wood food, and leave It on so far as possible when tha apples ara cooked. -K imminent physician, lecturing before a srls' school, advised bis hearers to eat i nt only the skins of the apples, but te cores and even the stems. - A face-' t student later in reporting tha ler--ture, said that ha advised thera to eat : the rVln, the core, the stem, and even . little piece of tha bough. . This little ;.. (' nerves to emphasise tha aeed id t ie diet of cellulose, which is found,! i . i sure, la the bough, but in toe ii a form for human consumption. I c stewing areen apples it is possible f ' t ave the skins on, for cooking ren- them, aufflolsntly tender, la tha ' a MENUS AND KECIPBS TOjlA JlEj - ywMZ women vpeod t2klunBitwn' . t "Only orgaitlse4 labor aa take aa - feonr for lunch," aald a woman, Vie Meratary oC a- oaptata of floanov to me . aa she croeeed to bar dee aad piaead faer fiatera . on the aleotrto awltca. I bad mine oft the top of my dweti aandwlca and a glaaa of mUfc-and dlo UUd aU letters between tatea and mwtdXcrws." "Bee here." I said. "foOTI kffl yaw elf or eUa you'll ruin your dlmtlaa. TM7 wtt to be totareeted to one's business, but do draw the tea at ruining your digestion. 2 siwaya take a decent hour at. laast-.-' . t . . ' "So : will ft, when I'm loaraf oa - the market," she replied. "Toa know ' very well that a parson under such on- , dlttona simply can't ta regarded aa a free woman." : f KK-.; "Say you don't mean M." Z begred. "Ton, so rosy-heked and bright eyedi so full of vigor aad glow; so alert a and bmS'---':'----' ?', ,,; "But I do mean it; we're all for sale, more or less. It's only cbe freshness of the arude that makes the difference." "Then preserve what you've got fa the way of a Wealthy direction." I ex claimed ae I closed tha office door. "And the president of tha concern aha works for never takes less than i4 hours for his luncheon," I ventured to . explain In retailing; our conversation . to a friend. - - "My dear, tha mala of tha species tm- derstands the needs of his body much better than the female," waa his sen tentious reply. And he most certainly i does. ' ' In ohooslnf e, lunch, the pries la la- ' variably aa Important ooradderatloa for women, and less frequently for men aa wall, and lust here ta where most peo ple demand Impossible concessions. Having a very good Idea of current prices and values in raw foods at tha groceries, provision stores aad markets, , thsy expect the proprietors of lunch rooms to perform, sniraclea; in other words, to aerva tha cooked meats data-' tlly, or at least ppetislne-ly, tor al- -most tha bare cost of materials, not .counting tha ost of ' preparing and . Serving. And tha ordmanr proprietor, trying to liva up to tha pubtto demand, of a different instructor every (month benefit of wide and varied experience. aU. Ml.t ,bA case of raw apples, the chief problem la connection with tha skin is how to secure cleanliness. If there is any doubt aa to the way in which tha apples have been bandied and, unfortunately, a visit to tha average market today is more likely to destroy . than to create con fidence tha apples may be dipped in boiling water. Thla can best be done by means of a frying basket. This proo-. ess does not change the flavor of the . apples in any way, I have avsu dipped such delicate fruit aa strawberries in" boiling water and '. '; have - found their flavor to be improved rather than 1m paired. It is necessary, of course, to chill them afterward. There Is apple sauce and apple sauce, " and there la just aa much difference be- . tween the Jellied apples already de scribed In these columns and the ordi nary compound made by stewing to- Set her applea, water and sugar as there i between weU-baked bread and the soggy variety. . HOHDAY ; ' l ""'l i . BRHAKFAIT , Qulnoe and Apple Cavuea , ,i . ' 1 ' - Hominr 1 t Doughnuts , f Coffe Asparans Beef and Ore aa Btesuits . as Cream 0UU1I v ' ireea ' rvpper Buns au - .Baked CnstSM ' ' eMsai,iarj''a - Oram tMMssa Potatoes , Apple sauce ainaersreed .. Coffee . ' TUESDAY 1 I V V. BBBAKFA8T r, , ' ' an m su . ... " !'; ., Cor. CakeTKy . Coffea :.haa bis chef or hla cook concoct some thing' that la a mtracle-to thosa who . know not tha methods aad who sea not I tha kitohea or tha atoreroom. 1 V Tha pubUo has been tricked, and who i, la to blameT The proprietor la not in vwoslnesa as a benefactor, he Is there to make money, and money you may be ; gure he will make by book or by crook. Therein Ha tha great menace to. the health of the business women la our dtles, for many dishes can be cheap, ., wholesome aad ganulne; , but others i taunt be expensive in tha nature of , . things to be genuine. "Poprular prices," uch as people insist upon, often de- "xnand tha most cosUy dishes. As a re v siuit, they get veal for chicken, canned lobster Instead of fresh, cleverly maau faotured .substltuUs for maple syrup . aad all aorta of jama t and so on through . an endless list of eatables and dainties. Now Z maintain, from long expert . anoe, that a jwell-chosea , -lunch need -"not neoeaaarily ba axpenatva. A single " dish, selected with an aya to the other . - two meals la tha day, would cost lass than tha usual lunch topped, off 'with -"'pastry or lea cream. It would sie be - mora nourishing aad : ultimately glo mora pleasure, because It would mean , better health,' and also because a taste . for simple food brings mora pleasure "ihah Si-. pamparad - appetite . . . . Tha first thing for, tha v lntenigent business woman to do and tha man . also Is to make a reasonable demand of the lunchrooms which ara to supply her needs. Then sha should study what " In her particular case sha ought to eat. , To study how to supply tha energy " - we need, how to repair the wear and r tear of our human machine, will mean a rich reward In health and spirit, A i safe rule la to abide by plain food and to cultivate a reUab, for tt. Ixrak fori tha flavor in meats aunpry oookad, la grains and vegetables forthe natural. "' not highly aeaaonad, flavors; do not add ' sugar, catsup, pickles and sploes and . ' a auparabundancs of aalt If good food dose not taste good to you. skip a mealt or two indeed, a rood plan is to fast every STlday , for the body's sake as . well as the aouTa. Hunger la tha best ' auoa.' Doa't say rou can't fast one 4 whole day and work. X once fasted alsv taea days, never worked harder or fait batter. My digestive) organs) not being taxed, tha entire system had a ehaaoa to throw off many of its impurlttaa. Unfortunately women rich and poor - young and old prefer tha frills la cook ery and men tha swabetantlsi. aspaoial ly meaU of this tha man eat entirely too rnnoh. particularly after tha age of .Mt'dnd reap tha results of an vnbslaneed ' diet In varloua- familiar maladies, such as rheumatism, gout, (Bright g disease, -atO.' "')' " " " "-''.-;''.,''' - (Desserts,' woman'a apeclsity, eould a out down with taraat advantage, eepe dally pies. Candy la tha quantltle- la ; which it is eaten, and tha times, la a doubtful blessing. W Americana are the greatest meat and candy consumers in the world, and the medical and oea tal nrofesaions veao the harvest there of la stomach and fclood disss ses aad - dasavlna'. achlna tenth Food for working ef&deney la tha great question , before tha business woman. She must maintain her phys ical well-being- or aha cannot take aveja -.. the first step toward success. How do you suppose a girt Who feeds herself on cream puna cast be anything else butmerourisiT - ,:,,.- .-j . v In a crisis tha whole world realises that women are jmaqualad for nerve and endurance. 1 Yet there Is tend ency among business man to look upon girls as unreliable aad aa uneven proposition for a longr pulL Tha typical young woman laugh a easily and cries . aaslly. i For buatneaa sha needs an emotfcmal thermostat Her mind must be regu lated aa wa attempt to regulate hot water boilers. Tha water must aettihea be too hot nor too cold, but must ba on tap at tha required temperature. To "blow hot aad oold" Is not a bualneaa : quality. ..:..'.;,,',-,..: .i".- "Be frivolous off tha Job," X beard an employer say to his staff of women I "for working sucoeae you must liva down the term -giddy glrla.' Steadi ness is a Quality that counts." Business women must plan thsk lives for their work aa man dot form habits : of eating, sleeping, working, playing, . that shall unoonscionaly square the ac count between "give and take." Make a boon, of tha hour oft from 11 to I Mgke it furnish food that feeds, a, breath of outdoors, a restful mood. - Good looks pay a fair dividend, and it la a fact that on good, nourishing food txnxCBxcn. Jfee Pie Wltb. Potato Crast , - 4 eBeeelate .With Whipped Creaca ' Pickles ..VT ?V.- Date and truTcookles ' I-' ' Wjwxb .V ; .";'"" ,: . Piquant- Boup i.:rV"'V ?-':.') meast Pork cuased Sweet Potatoes . - iL. ' Vrled Apples v...h - ' Chilled Pears With Chocolate geaoe ; Craekere ;f,;i-(;. Cheeae-?v,;'f: ffoj" i '';'?;;..- 'BRBAXFAgt V:' '"' ..'I-'"'.' tMemere Grapes - ' Corn Veal Mush Finnan Haddle on Toast . . ' Coffee . - , ' LUMCHSOM CWd Pjoast Pork ; ; . Fsaalad :' 1 Italian Boup Teal CutleU With Bam Mashed Pots tees r ' Bwalloped Bplnaeh and Cheese ;. Itaoaroea . Cream :i t i Coffee , THUBSDAY ' t , ' BEBAKFitST , ' - Ew Frmios ' lipple Cske ' Coffee fwttm r4 ril.M Ami - . 'Jv... .' Best aad PoUto 8Ud Te' tach Shortcake ' ,f - i ' 'iPHNwiia t, " v " . ,. i "v Beetroot 0OUD -': "fc- ! '. WBtVA Katlem. Oiope rTMaSnsd Potatost vnea.reea reppei local is It rmd rudd fudding Codes y . i ' sTBXSAX 1 . ' " Bus ax ran " oSOrTo-1 - (rd BSst Kaw ea Toartwite ' tTJNCHBOtt . n- sMsdet ' rrled Besf. , Baked retateaa ' x OtsnoTrlfle ' ' . f . - of C17 Soup m 1. l ' ' mea rerr-B at, : Tig rudiUog Cvtfea, depend good looks. , business woman need squander her ear. ings on expensive luncheons unlese aha chooses to do sov If she prefers rare . china and the services of a waitress, tha blgh-prtoed cafes and restaurants will furnish all this luxury to tha dsgrss for ' which she la able to pay. But most business women prefer laying aside this extra money for tha proverbial ' rainy day; Uua also is bar privilege, for thera ara plenty of place where her appetite ' may be satisfied at far lass expense. , It Is only, however, by concerted effort on the part of tha actual lunch era thsmselvea that tha right kind of lunch can ba aeeured. Btandarda must ba changed, i Wt as women workers ara' facing a present and a future unlike anything that has over gone before, and we need original and wise modes sf at tack, : Nothing that has succeeded here .tofore will merely, because of ' that, auoceed again. We must meat our own ' problema with our own weapons. And of the first weapona toe madi cannot ba saldi i. a, the selection af tha proper persons to have la charge of tha lunchroom. She and preferably aha la a woman and ; trained in, oomastla sclents must be a WaQ-pald .expert.' Beoausa woman ta 'a good eook or "has kept a baaadVw hoasa" lsnot . raoommandatloa enough. Sha must ba a good buyer aad a Orat-claai orgaa laer. Sha must have a rand af good . humor and be a atudant of bumaa na- ture. tySiilt-i'T -'r'". . Moreover tha income " from 1 tha . lunches ahould oover tha actual run ' nlng expanses, tha wear smd tear, te pairs, eta, . Mor can ona measure in i mare dollars andf cents the "Interest on tha Investment"; for all intelll- gent observers agree that tha mental and physloal to gay nothing of tha moraV-affacte" of nutrltloua food sup- piled to atudenU and workers tax faetorlea, stores, and all buslnesa of floea cannot ba calculated. The prod - - lg vital and far-reaching and in many , b csaes surprising. For inatanosi f' A Oerman la a large buslnesa con- . earn, relating - what ' tha : Junchwon . rocantly Inatalled bad dona for him, said that h used te brlntf hla cold luaoh from heme and eat it haatily, - rarely having time to aaoure a hat drink. Than at night hla wifa waa obliged ta have a bat dinner for him , and tha ehlldran, who ' bad alraadyT bad thaby dmnar at noon and da- ' taaaded e ahara of his. Tela made tt necessary fo hla wfT to Sarra twa -dinners aach gobeal day. This waa also tha taatlmdny of tha forewmnan, a widow with, two ehlldran la tha -publlo acbooia With tha navr ar , rangement, ' having had a dinner at the business place, the man found hla wifa and children upon hla return home dressed, rested aad pleasant! a light supper of fruit, salad and bread and butter oa tha dining table and the whole atmosphera of horn changed by tha really substantial- ; nourlshlnsT buslnesa noon lunchv Said tha widow with tears i "Ood bless tha Firm for our good lunch 1 My chil dren now take dinner at a. neighbor's and my evenings are spent In reading aad sowing. A light tea is all wa need. ; I can give almost aa ntuoh work again now that wa have our lunch provided and fifteen rain u tea for yeat aa well!" Thla 1 the bual neaa man'a policy of conservation of ; his amployasi v If tha taofinlqna of ccientiflo management. ' Just so must wa wissly conserra and use, not abuse tha Malta God .gives us. -:-. ' r . Aa to methods, they ara tha same : la ' schools, . business . firms, hindh roomsi horseshoe counters tha opea V and toward the kitchen, n Behind tha counters ard tha persons who hand' out the lunches, which ara paid for in i checks after each meal. These checks , . are sometimes purchased at tha door aa one enters. Often the customers " purohaae only a plate of soup or a cap of coffee to supplement tha lunoh, ,t , they hava brought from home and al- ' - ready eaten. !- "--.-,,-.- A table d'hote lunch, often proves . the best proposition, as much waste is avoided by reduolng tha number of -articles furnished in a given day. , eucn a luncn, oosung xrom una cents, can be generous and delicious, and the affect la aeen at once In tha quality dt tha work dona and the im proved health of tha people themselves. Too much stress can be laid upon tha ' Importance of relish In eating. . Bare , ftlTTJETXAiT :r..:,':JXdr VfOMJLTMertS t "SoUedEes !' 'i Bwaetled ftp .in. Ssktd, Apple iv. '",;,:' y Cab, Ohtekea Bosxp Wlgte. We : ' Sunday4 , y, ' Crtop Breadcrumbs With Cream ' Baked Omelet . - . Wheat khifltas - vones ' ''.;; OntCT ' BtsqtM Soup S- See Best With .Xerkaiire Pnddlm Cbouflower ' usidieV Patotees . , and Piramto salad , rnftimi i tie XT" 1 ' aTJPPBB " f ' 1 fasmllDsBml snBBsaBBBl t ". .' It' " Cold Baa Cllced Otufet . Cake . ,: Bran Siscults One quart bran, 1 pint wheat flour ? 14 cup molasses, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 tea ' spoon salt. 1 pint buttermilk. Sift to v gether the olour, soda and salt and add , the molasses and buttermilk. This mix ture is sometimes beiked In one loaf, but ' moat people like it better when, cooked in the ahape of mufllna. These muinna will keep fresh for several days.,. ; ' Uiif'fkmuroU Steak"- ' Have a ' sirloin or round steak out s 1V Inches thick. Cut it into Individual portiona Sear these over quickly In a hot spider with a little butter and place . them in a buttered casserola iPlace I . tablespoons of fat in the' spider and . in it fry a tablespoons each of chop ped onion and- carrot ' and a little chopped parsley. ' Add ' 1 tablespoon' flour and cook until it is brown. Add VA cups of stock, and season with salt , and pepper. Cook until , the sauce is is where we make a grave mistake. Wa look over the bill of fare and try to imagine what article ' will taste best. ' due regard being paid presumably to S((the relative oost.'''-::;iv'-P'vS.-:'-':;' ' Science otherwise '"organised cam-, moa seneo"-U applied to everything but food when it ome to eating. '. "I wish to be free to azetmse my ' teste," say both men and women, .,. . How selenee has no quarrel with this ' attltudsi It merely, says, Exercise . your taste, by" all means, but with a : good deal of common sense." ' n i What are tha energy requirements of ' the bodyt let va ' begin arttb the smallest. Whan a person Is resting and v fasting and it warm, be la using the: least energy la his body for example, 'if lying in bed. : Wbaa be moves about and does muscular work; when be dl ' : goats a meal, or whan ba Is exposed to I cold, be uses more energy. ; Za twenty-. four hours the average utillaaaoa f v energy under minimal ' conditions Is! ' about fourteen . calories a pound ' of actual body weight, for a person oft ; average , weight: (130 pouada), 1820 cal-i . , orlas. Al parson sitting up would use-') one calory a pound more OS60 eateries),) and if be opxests three meaU a day, he' tTOTMi vsray ajsM waVfUVUH WWf aa pvwnsef . t - If he doss light work, like typewriting, i f he uses twenty-five calories aa hour fori : this work, or la eight hours S0O calories. ; ,A calory is a definite amount c beat ' which, our bodies derive from foods, A aad each portion ft the amount which' gives V calories. tTor. Instance, . one orange deOdent ta' heatrMng sob- , stance, must ba classed aa one-balf por- I; tlon coffee, cream and sugar together i give another baU-bacausa only small .".V , amount ara used Ck-easn aad. sugar tuJfi quantities are bbUb tsiat-glvars of groat v.): i value. The wheat prodaota, the ooreel. and th4.ron actt butter supply anougli :: : beat ta coast for twe portions, or too 'calories. .V''ji:ii'"ji. j"'i-;.V': ' These tables furmah (he requlstte ' amount of protein, from U par cant to II par cant of the total anergyi ft is ' the protein we depend upon for building ' mateeUl for the tissues. Aa ssfcat bat t need anly of Just anoaga, with a safe margin ta make good the dally waste, Aa he or aba hJs &e tnaans of storing : thts fMostttueaf, any exoase eatea must ba removed by the oe-taas of excretion ' ana eussrar, ana every actus woman must be careful as awed i Sara are) Paw sample fleet so aa to eontaia the twenty-feosouri rKutremant. for the offloe worker aad active ertdocr wuiflwr respectlvety, : hour, from . 11 ta L; lunch be regulated ie it ta tamuda r pruportixmate . amount ' ' Me. f Wa at pertlmsy from Eraa Jwms. sr .............. . I . A ' mH HI. sa I IS . oieslorkev UBStCWBGSM, stuee saadwldbes I ft , aa o " St two seen peaUoai igAeaA aMvs eU. ' S3P -V3ilv ' 1 - isad and ouMeTM ,.'. loe wita ftresm..! l)t ' let calories. Ut' l Outdoor, Active W&u'.., ' "; portiona (rempreuin, : 2i JESFtrafi s 1 - --' dt SM ,. . vjeana- rou - and wtur h,.,.,,,.-, J ; One ts. Twoeucesof wy;a. Coffe eresm, sugar HO calories, U.I vno viaes gooa mint s Caopiese of epBia a , Waslorlss ' SUUfgUI I FROM AN EXPERT IN COOKERY thick and Chen pour it over the meat : , - la the casserola Cook, with .the cover --y oa, in the oven, for thirty minutes. Re V. ! move the cover and cook fifteen minutes more, ,u' wliey Syrup The whey which is left over when cottage cheese is made can ba utll laed for the preparation of a very : good syrup. TS every pint of strained whey allow ' S eupfuls of sugar and f ' boil until the desired consistency is !,.' reached. :;,,'7',r'W hy:y l&h. ?!i:Bait.'sBO TStvi -Sxklo'!':i ;;;', ' One cup bf butter, 1 cups brown sugar, - cup sour mux, a teaepoon baking powder, ft teaspoon soda, V teaspoon salt, I oups of rolled cata. Wheat now. vream ogeuier xna oui- ter and eugar, add the sour milk. salt and oatmeal, gift the soda and KOm 'POWder,: Wlttt-i 4ft f: OI BOOT and add to the other mixtura Add enough more flour to make a soft dough, cool and roil out very into ?nd cut into small rounds. Fut two atrsitvtsVsa .4 ini.i, with a.' mlstura of 1 flndlv ehonned dates and nuts be tween them. Sprinkle with, powdered sugar . and bake.i-.v-y: -f-Vs -i ? 'y U-; ' Chilled Pears Wltb diocolato Sauce ?' Poet aad core large pears and cook them In syrup until soft. Chill them thoroughly and serve with hot chooo- lata .aauoa fyf ,:.:yrt . v eCllioookt Banco 'k Two ounces chocolate, U cup sugar, Vi, - cups milky teaspoon arrowroot, la cup cream, VJk tablespoons buttsr. a tew grains of salt. V, teaspoon vanilla.' Melt the ohocolate in the top of adouble ' boiler and add the auaer. Add the tnlik Vend C0"y over hot water for five min , utea ThldKen with tha arrowroot mixed with the cream and add the salt and butter. ' -;-, . . v ' . y . :r , , , .-, Piquant Soup ' Two ; cups stewed tomatoes, cup .flour, J tablespoons butter or drip ' pings, 1 onion, 1 tablespoon grated car rot. 1 tablespoon grated horseradish, t stalks celery, 1 quart stock or water, vinajga? and salt, orxr the onions in the .. 11 1 J, aJS P J- . ' bUJttlHJDjaT - jmsT stsaN m....... : M .'. st ? grladisjiieJt t "' ' 9 i? OseaX crVani,eugar I ", , ; 8 ' i 'V '7 aMealorlas. ,s Tn" r . . ' tr wnroa f- - . : Cream ' af celery , ! " U ?lasry I ' " J1 . U '' ' tl2ft M 1 ay assess sasj && C am sxtMtstttatj. elm oi lainlnjryrabls Tbrdm , - jU PtveteTimmntes before bejJmTing to eat a tneel dcank a glass of waten CTms leewea tha atctnanh before tba coed reaohas K, and wOl aarry with tt any inuoua wblob. baa atwwuiutated stnoe last aattug. 'The atom act wait is thus ana reaay no aouvatea pr cue unm igoa.',?-' . rou cannot ohew yonr food tea cnuobv Don't eat food whlon you caenot cbaw with reUeb' until it to thoroughly ,. aaftsoed. The enjoyment of food, when ' it is still m the mouth, promotes the flow of the geatrfo. Juice, tbereby pre- ing tne stoma cn suu runner zor ica isevev, wean your cooa cwa :0)Uida "NO.;- .J,;' !:!-..;? ever wart for she assise of fairness to tell you when stop eating, , WltM . a Btue attention to tne matter, it M easy ' fte dec oecsoe oeioreaana ' now muon you to eat. If at borne, insist upon c knowtea; what the dessert is before you it. Ton wua orten prevent over . because rou will "leave a msvoef :.: emtlns tha last eaunea : t-: Never take a second eon of coffee. a Ke Ton will not care for a aeeond if roa anolsten your food sufficiently with sa liva. Take dinner ooiXee always watti desssrt, or after, never before. 1 , There la no pfaoe tn the world where you can apenu a nouar o save a cent 'mora easily than In tiila matter of the runcn crom u w u vat n uurea doui , uowieage ana bkuu luae, zor instance. TW . bur tmraery days were asar newly a. J TT7 vy was frightened away from a calm maal by a spider. But some times a spidsr Is good for aa! If the spider presente soma startling yet necessary truths. It Is a good encouatsr. Tee, it la disturb ing to ba routed out,, but It Is leolaI.i:W " The PeoplVa Zaatltute sometimes startles Its Bombers. It always ts good for than, .Take tbs matter of the lunoh hour shewn up en thla page, i, If you are eaUng year curds and Vhey foolishly, its time to atop. Maybe you are not satins; at ant WeO, the Institute wftt dear up a few . arroneou Ideaev tor raeVJMi-4f-ArMisii;ia;; -'.4 ;.:v., Next week -The Psychology of rood- by Ida Cogtwen BaUay-AUaa, will preaeat aa important subtect la thla WTitera : ebjtfaetartelloally bright way..''. ;- , ., .-' "t - ' . - ; fat and add the flour, cooking It until it is brown. Add the tomatoes, carrots 4 and celery, and cook for a few minutes; then add the stook and bring to tha , boiling point Cook gently for one balf hour, pass- the mixture through a sieve, reheat,-, and add the horse , radish, salt and vinegar to taste. One .' tablespoon vinegar fa uaually fouad to be the right amount ; jy , . ; ItiJlan Soup " - : ; Two ounces macaroni, 1 cup stewed to--' tnatoea, 1 .tablespooons butter, U cup rsted cheese, 1 onion. 1 quart of stock teaspoon lemon juice, aalt and red pepper. Break tha macaroni into Inch ' pieces and boll In the stock until quite soft. Peel and sllcethe onion aad brown v In tha butter. Add to the onion the to tnatoes. stock and half of tha macaroni. . Cook fifteen minutes and pass through . a Ana sieve Season with salt, pepper and lemon Juice and dilute the soup wltb stook it it la too thick. ; Just be- t ore serving, add ; tha macaroni and cheese. '.i''?..;iy 'fKr.f ,.-;".;' ' :''( i'-fvi t i,'' Voal CutlotgmthBAm , Cot a' piece of veal steak weighing . " about Mi pounds into plscea three inches i square. Fry in butter the veal and a. half pound of raw or boiled ham. i move the ham when It la tender and cut ' it Into as many pieces aa there are cut ' itm nt Vaur m. little water over the outlets, adding a few drops of lemon i juice, sai ana peppw. vo,w ,, and cook slowly, adding mora water If ' ; necessary. ' In serving, place a pisca of nam on each outlet. , -; tty Eacalloped fiptaach and Cheeso l ' Two quarte eplnaoh, 1 cop grated, cheese, 1 tablespoon butter, , i eggs. X ; ouj soft breadcrumbs,: salt. .Cookm eplnaoh in water for ten minutes. Dram . Off the water, add the butter, cook i until tha eiplnach is tender and op .' It. Add the other ingredients, place in the baking dish, cover vmu eumerwi ; crumbs and cook tn the oven until tha top ie brown, 1 .- . ' ', prunea" . When burins trmes setect the lanrer and better specimens to be served rW OaXIsItlbrsua sun-dried ralataa They are dsCdoue aad valuable as a food product, - and possess aa importaot medtoinal value for their laxative effect. Aa a comparative food value, one pound Is equal to one and one-half pounds of beef, six pounds Of apples, five pounds of bananas, four and a batf pounds) of potatoes, one pound of ; bread, four pounds of milk, four aad tbraefourtba -pounds of flab or two pounds of eggs. n a lone journey they are Invaluable. . One Uvea today In euoh a bewnderlrrg coaalstrom of literary aad pbllaathroplo . ebsba as well aa those of bridge, and skat, that It i a relief to turn from these tw learn of the novel cafeteria hanebeon clubs, which six young ma trcms ware Instrumental in setabitea ana; for buslnesa woman In one of our t westera cltiea. After all, the oafsterla, or self-serving hinch, is the best solu tion of the whole problem, because It ehantnatea the expense of set v tea Many (me and wall-to-do buslnaas men are alao) findimr cut ite advantages. 1 saw them by the dosen everywhere in tha west end on tha Peetfio eoaet entering the cafeteria lunchrooms from 11 ta 1.. aQaob takes bis tray -from the aide ; counter, hla napkin, knife and fork aad spoons, and, awaiting his turn, chooses his facet, vegetables, salad, dessert and drink, pays aa he passes to bis table, and ftnere lunches in peace. ' Often the business woman is accompanied by tier tnaJe acquaintance. . The food is ds- ' li clous, aad is the same ae la furnished -ta tilgh-ortoed cafes. In one well -known caaTe In Sees Frandsce, tnaaaged by ttxreb Sngllsh gentlewoman.' 10,00 peo- Sle go la and out during the week) wali reased, wall -groomed business 'women Book there daily, and that they lunch! I well la shown by their appearance ( We women must face . thla problem , honestly. Wa must overcome our most . peraMoua and universal habit of want- ' tag something for nothing, evea tn tha matter of a lunch. We nruet organise for right quality, right measure and right and fair cost. , The sdentlno pres sure of business In woman'a Ufa, makes it imperative to bave aouriahing food ' at a moderate prloe, ta secure this, and - alao an adequate eilowanoe of air and sunshine, from 13 to 1 dally , ;, v: . -, tery sorry Cor the lltOe lady who Wash them thoroffghly and dry fa a warm place. This baa tha affect of not only cleaning; but also softening them. 'tfB'" Btotrciot JSoup ',' f j -Two cooked beets, 1 stalk of eatery, , 4 onion, X turnip, H bay leaf. table, spoons butter, 1 tablespoons flour, 1 tablespoon : vinegar, aalt f and pepper. Chop the vegetables with tha exception ; of the beets and cook them In the but- ' v ter for five minutes. - Add the flour and ' cook for a few minutes; add the stook y and cook until it thlokeos. (Allow the mixture to cook until the vegetables ara . quite soft. Peel tha beets and, peas them through a sieve j strain the soup and add to the beets) heat and see- SOU.-. .. i . .. ; . v.. '? i : ft Crisp Breadcrumba . k " (Dry breadcrumbs carefully browned In the oven can ba served as a cereal with cream and sugar. '.The bread, after being browned, ahould be rolled and sifted. The coarser crumbs only should ba used as a cereal and the oner ones ; v ahould be used for crumbin orequettea 'ti-'''"'"''-'' Otaon Peppers '.'ti . Wash tha peppera aad remove aU the ( seeda Cut them In thin slices an4 cook them in butter and water until the) peppera ara soft .and , tha water baa evaporated. ,--t -L y. . ;.: :; Potato and Caoumber Salad !V7Stlv , i;Vfi;H:-vi;i Sour' Cream Sanca.'ivi.,-:, r . Take equal quantities of sliced pota toes and thinly sliced cucumbers and pour over them a dressing made of aoul cream seasoned with aalt, pepper, vine gar and a little finely chopped parsley . ! and chives. This dressing- is improved in consistency, by being ,. beaten thoroughly. ; : .: . ... ; " .' Yorluhlro Pudding . . . Three ergs, 1 cupful flour, t pint miSct teaspoonf ul salt Seat ue eent until , very light, then add the ..k. Vour the mixture over the flour; " add tha lt ; and beat well. (Bake In hissing hot ' remnans or In .an ordinary baking pan " for fifteen minutes, a nd baste wlua tfiU-jr plugs from tha be,- . - v. li , f ' ,0: