The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 12, 1913, Page 71, Image 71

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' v ' ' i . ' f J JP -
- . . ; ' . . - ' fXrTr v -iV
i . I - - . N.
U eW
no u-G : ,; uy
a VMMv K I , -.. . :-eaa--aWaaSaaBni
A 8 iAi ceneral rule, women do not -
, V take enoutb exerdee. 6e many
" of them tra employed Indoors
T all day long1 that they neve
. vet a chance to breathe in freth sir;
or,' I should say.v they never maks it
possible to set all the advantages of
the pure; air, t Consequently, we bar '
before us women with pale faoes, flab
by muscles and a ceneraUy Ql-nourlsh4 :
v appearance.4 1 v ''' f
A certain amount of ezerctse alons;
( with the fresh air Is necessary If you
wish to keep your Joints Umber and '
your muscles In a healthy condition. X
advise all women to keep upymnas
tf a exercises and outdoor sports, bo
matter if they have reached, the time
where they no longer tell their ages.
However, there are Just a many of
tha younger set who are as Inactive as
.their elders. Sometimes I think It is
lack of ambition that keeps them
from Indulging in vigorous exercises ;
but I am sure that once they enter
' the active field they would become, so
fascinated with the work and Its results)
that they, would regret the days they
':;' had loet. v: A'-."'V-f"
r must not dwell long en the eeces-
- slty and benefits ' of exercise, for X
am anxious to help today thoa per
sona who are troubled -witli weak
' backs. Very frequently the atUntloa
ef a physician Is necessary tn such
cases. But the patient can do great
deal go herself In the way of exer
else. ' The various motions. . will
strengthen the muscles and put them
' ni a healthy eondltlon. The trunk is
kept from falling forward by the o
tlon of the tnuscles of the back) there
' f orek you see the neoesslty for keep
Injg them tip. to' the vMtkJ;jfiKfri:i''
With two' ordinary buokets) ' a very
beneflclal exercise eaa be' practloed.
:. At' the. start have tha buokets empty.
: place, one. In front of the ether and'
i stand wlta the toes touching the buck
r et nearest you. (Now bend at the waist
- v line and raise the first bucket high
enough to place It over the one furthest
from you. Put It down on he floor
without .changing the position of your
1 ' . ...... i ....
RGPUSS to letters to the writer of
this department will be printed '
r in regular erderj but no replies)
In print may bs expected in less than
three .or four weeks. , : . .-, ',..
'; Correspondents desiring Immedlat '
replies to queries may get them by s
lncloslng , a stamped self -addressed
envelope. Personal inquiries will re
ceive prompt attention If accompanied 1
by a. stamped and sslf-addressed en-
'A Complexion Brush
' Dear Mrs. nne.
Ishave bea prwtnted with a eomplezlen
; bruab... WW you please teU SM hew to uaa .-.
itl . . - - U.C.P. .
A complexion brush Is used to oleanso
the skin. U Is eptendid for remov
ing blackheads and for stimulating
the blood circulation. Use hot water,
a purs eoaD and the brush and then
' scrub the aln thoroughly but gently
enough so that the skin will not be
Injured. Rinse the face well with
clear water so that no soap remains:
on the sKin. it is important to keen
the complexion brush, as well as an
other toilet articles, . clean If you
wish to have a clear, attractive com
plexion. , ' j , ; ,
To Cure a Double Chin
Deer Mrs. Byrnes. .
Kindly tell m what t can do to set rid
. of a Uouble chin, f , , , UNSIONBD.
To cure double chin, massagie daily, '
using the fallowing movements r From
point of chin, with open hand, press
firmly downward, throwing theiheeui
baekiward at h same time. Bathe the
chin and throat frequently with cold
"A r:i
' To Develop the Bust
Pear Mm Byrne.. - .
X have a atoall boat and am aiuriooa ,
to enlarge it, 1 have n ualng eocoa, j
buttar, tor two month, but do not see any .
ohanf. rleaae U ma what to lo.
y i : A MABifUHJD WfllAN. -.
Continue to massage with oocoa but
ter, nd In addition to thla take the
tonlo for which the recipe is here given ;
Dr. Vaucaire's Remedy for the '
.V,-,-.''':-"-P'-Jttt ','.- ;,f;v
Xlquid sxtrac of (ale-a (gonan- ,
ru) 9 S. or, ,
I.oto-Jhophafa of lime.. 1M "raJng .
Tincture or fannal , AO B Palme
i filmple ayruo (autijr aad watar
S to 1) UVtewioe
rrhe soae li I soup-poeoruls wlta mttar
b-foraaaoh meat. . .
XXator vauoalre sin advtma the drloklns
Of malt extract during maaia, , , ,
'An Olive Complexion'
Jrir Wra. ryinaa, "
will 7 n ma w"i will wnii.i ip
W a, mr aiim wmi,
lar -ia u
. feet 4 TMs requires a great deat of
. practice, because it requires a certata
amount of poise. As you become more
efficient fltt the bucket parOsmy- with C
water. . " ;" J '
' If yon have not been In the habit11
: of taking exercise, 'do' not tire your-
v self by practicing oo long. The sod-
tea exertion on the heart win do more ;
harm than good If it is prolonged. "
' The back Is greatly restsd by stretch
r. tog the .body straight out on the floor,
and it can be further rested by going
through - the following movements: v
while lying on the backtrace the arms
t along the sides of the; body hold bhe ,
feet together and let - toe toes point ,
straight ahead. : How arch the back so
- that the weight Is entirely supported by
the heels and the shoulders, & know you
will find this hard at first, but many -attempts
will soon bring success. Tou
will derive more benefit by doing an
sxerdse thoroughly ' and ( Intelligently '
ones or twice than if you do U a num- ..
bar of times in a sllpahod manner, , .
A chair affords as much opportunity,,
, for aTmnestle feats a any apparatus
la the gymnasium. Try the one X
' am about to describe and eee if yon
do not derive a great deal of fun and
; strength from It,
. Place a chair iwlth the back toward
you; then step on the lower rung of ,
the chair, lean forward and ffreap the
edge of the seat Raise the., left leg
and extend . the toeay Then false the
bat It to as sllvs eotor) aad 1 hould'
t like to hae a plus aad whtta ooawleon ,
It yon have a naturally olive comJ
Hexton, you canaot do couch to wdiltftn
it The . presence of pigment is re
sponsible tor the color of ths skin.
However, you can - fcaduce color " Into
the cheeks by exercising and living in
the fresh air as much as possible. The
rosy tint to the olive skin is very
. , Com Curt -" - "' '-
1 -
heuld like to
knew what to vmm to remove fhm.
, Followlnr are two redipee trom which
you can choose: - v
v ' -' Oorn Cure '
Mleyllo acid (M M grama ,
SMract oannabl lndlca S sreinS ,
flAllAalon 1 U. DunllA
CoUedloa ...........,..)S ounoa ,
i v i; Corn ' ,Curg ?
I Berate of sedlum 1 dram '
, Bitraot Of cannabis J acruple
- Collodion . .,....... . . . X ounoa
' . Paint ever the corn ones or twioe .a' day
... , and acraoa away auir&cla4 growth to three .
' r Sour days.',... ..!,! -.'...,,:)-; n '.;
'Ton should ' snake an effort . to rat
: shoes that fit your feet properly, so
that the corns will disappear. . .. -t t
V:C;&i' , nBran Bags'H:'i0:Pi
Dear Mr. Srmaa. ''
I wtan you would tetl tne,' Please, bow
to mak the bran bags to be uand In the i.
water whan bathing N. A BEADER.
' Mix equal quantities of powdered
- oatmeal and bran together: and to a;
pint add H cup of powdered soap. To
thi add about X ounce of powdered
- orris root Fill small bags and use
in the bath. ; r ::--:i
:r0;'(For Blackheads '
Dr Mrs. Byrnes.-. '"
WH1 you oiaaae tril ene what do to .
remove biackbeade rom nr lt .
' Indlge-ttoa and oonsttpatlon are often
responsible for the poresbeooming do
artvt wlitJi Ma(k snecka It is. thwre'
fore,' necessary to vay strict attentloni
' to the diet and take proper, medicine.
For local treatment X advise the ol-
' lowing: .. ', '' .:: :.; '
-. Green Soap Treatment ( for .
' : Blackhad
i Tlnrttire ' of
raSoat .m...- B vuuvmm
sal touaoaa,.
tlvUlad vltch
let this tnlrrura Stay a only a few mo .
tnonta, Uian waah oflt with hot water, '
' If tha btmh aowr imta,ta tha akin, e H
Somatlmaa will, uaa U avary otliar uay, a oold orai. . '
irttm aoap may be pamha at-any,,
drug atdra. it ta not a raaular "oake aoap,"
but ta of aboi tha eontanY of miataxd. -
Opan each ed acne with be point of a .
Sna camtnie neortla. Tha hart"iM nmam
tnuat ba pi iiaai 1 or pt"4 ewt. In arntr
not the rland aheuul tiaa ba bjuried wnii .
Uia tUt tUMsac and wevar, ee wIjs a ,
ifmmy --.
; , I J 4awew
. .... MMMI
' a k
right leg and throw the shoulders and
the weight of the body well forward .so
that the lege can bs placed together
on top of the chair's back. Tour po
sition should be so that the body 1
in a straight Une. , -
" .When you look at fbe. pictures Illus
trating the exercises you may feel that
'you can't do them, but Just give them
trial and. experience the glory of
tfolng the things whlohj seem impossible.-
And, besides, that weak back of yours
should really not be. - It it not neces
sary and can be conquered, with a
resultant betterment of health.
very weak sohithnt of earbollo add end a
' water. Sterlliaa tha ndka bafore win- 1
; by dlpplns tnia bolllns weter, aa tha ua of '
any Inatrumant, unlaaa the skin aa wall
, tha Bead) ta thoroughly cleansed. Is ai
'. ways eaweiwns..'-v.j.
' -Enlarged Pores'J , ;
Dear lira. Byraes. i
Will yoa plaaao tell ate what I can do
: to make my paras lees vUlbleT XONA. -
I advise you to use the lotion for
whloh I am giving the reclpei
orio acid .4..i,..'.dv,,,...'.v' dram '
XMetUled wHch basal, ajaeeaeee-esewas'oe) 4: 0IQOMsl -,
1 ' Apply with a piece of eld linen or a bit
et absorbent, oHton,Vr'::.,;'''J.i;:;-,.'!v,i,,v;;, t
I " Tou should always rinse the face
with cold' water after hot water haa
- been used on it An occasional mas
sage with, ice will help to contract
;. the. pores. v,-'l-fl':f ',UT,'y;,
Xar Mrs. gymes.. , . ,
i will you pWae Jet me have your recipe
for a skin food " ,
What can I use to tears ass the thickness
: say eyebrows and to earkea th.mT
,,'-!''.'." V " , m kBaiW. 4
' ; Here ! the recipe te - which yoa
Ji refer:-,-;. ;;,-.v,-.',-i-,!s,S;?? ff-j-:je'fy,
. v ' OrnngTlowsr Cream ';M . i
'' ; ''"''' A Skin '
' Oft of sweet almotMls 4 eoaees
"White wax ......
taeieesreseMefe W
, borax t
OlyearlB. Ml
drams .
drama '
Onuice-nower water ,.......... t euncae
' Oil of neroll ...... ........ It drop
, Oil of Usarado (orange skin),,,,, 15 oropa ,
, Oil of pimento ,.
' ' Melt the flrsf throe Ingivdleats, add the
glycerin to the oranse-flower watar and
Slaaolva ths borax In tha mixture then
' pov it slowly into the blended fa la, stir
- ' sing continuously. -...,;,
. To improve the growth of your eye-
brows apply vaseline to them dally. ,
Tou will find an eyebrow pencil the -moat
satisfactory thing to use .to
, darken your eyebrows. Oet one to
, match the color of your hair. i ',
A Cleansing Cream
Xr Mra. gymea. ' '
Will you plaaea tall me what I esn nee
: tnataad of soap to oleanaa any faoat KOA.
'-' A cleansing cream will suit your needa
and I am giving' you the recipe for s. '
Very good one: .,
White wax I euncae .
. fcwat almond Oil m................ II ouncaa .
i iiatill4 water ........ I unoe .
Olrcarln - ................w 1 Ouncae . ,
taOioylls add ...................... Nfraiae '
Walking Proves Tiring
rjaar Mra Bjntws.
I in very anxious Wits great daal of .
walklnr. but I find that I eooa craw tlrd
waan flmve "ne but a .few bkka, Ca .
you. toll aa why thla 17
' Xt may be that yon do not walk rwo
!Aly, Uow welkins; proves yerx fa
tgulng beoart-e there w-not enough
: movement sf the leg to rorce free
- circulation of the biood. ' The veins
- are too fun of blood and ronsequently
ttie legs become heavy, and the lndl-
f vidua! grows tired. Increase your speed
- the next time you go for a walk, and
see if you do not feel refreshed at the
end of the journey. One should wot
i wear tight clothing at any time. - but
nertloular care ehouM be taken te have
the body loosely clothed during exer
Obstinate Freckles
; I bellave that rod have a very good recipe
' for .removtns fracklaa. It contalna about
three or four Ingredleata Will you pteaae :
subllah UT . .. sAJRAH. -
Z v resume thin Is the recipe you hawe
vin Eoind:-; - - -. . ' - -- -AZ'.u . '
' ' i:,:-:.'. Obstlnfttg rreckles : "
Oxide of sine U dram
gublodlde of ptaiauth.. ........... dram '
Iaxtrlna .,....,,..,.....,.... drams .
Olyoerln .................. 1H drams
t gmad the paate upon tha freckles at
Blaht befera faint to bed. In tha morning
remove what ranoalna with a UtUe sowdarad
. bocaX and sweet alt v
, To Reduce the. Hips
; Deaf lira. Cymaa. - ' , '
:' Win you kindly tett ma the moat erTeetual
i and quickest maChods of raduclnir the hip
and larsT.Alae taU me what W enlarse - '
. the bust - P.
Khtercise will reduce the hipe aiid lege.
A very effective one for the former is
to lis on the back and raise tha lege
until they form a right angle with, the
body. Then lower them elowly. Repeat
this movement several times and do
not let your arms assist you at alt
Squajttlng exercise, ewimonlng. and
' dancing will do much to reduce the
tofoe and legs. . :',-
To develop the - bust practice deep
brealhlng and massage daUs with cocoa
butter. h , , v
Dark Circlet:"
Dear Mrs.
gymaa ' . -
Can you plaaaa ten me the cause of ana
ramadv fnr dark elrolaa Under the eyeaT
I m u years old aad have them all the .
Urn. 1 . ... - v
What eaa I do te make the eyelashes
swlyt i - , i.
Boroetimes dark circles beneath tha
eyes are an inherited tendency and
nothing can be done to remove thetn.
Or' they may be due to some Internal
trouble. When a person is anemlo and
there Is sn impairment of the chemical
constitution of the blood the. circles
will very often appear. Prolonged study,
lack of sleep or dissipation of any de
scription will darken Che skin beneatn
tha avea. It la necessary to have the
doctor prescribe for you so that your
system may be properly renovetwH , .
Nothing can be done to make the eye ,
lashes curly. -. . ,
, Cucumber Wash ' i
' ' gOwatat Us' 0TVlMw ' ' '
.. (torn time eo you published a repe
fontalntns eoeumbara aad alnobol. Ibie
nMoa was to ba uaad to whiten tha akin.
'' Will you please publish the raclra aralnf .
To make the lotion to which yon refer
out one or two cuousrrbers Into rattier
email chunk without peeling. Vut
aa Into a mortar and pound with a .
traeuie or use heavy potato tnaaule
i! I
U& F7fi and Sfrch ffo Dotty
and a heavy earthenware Jbowl) until ,
the trio as is pulplike In consistency, ;
Mow filter this through a piece of
cheesecloth or very coarse muslin, ;
- equeesing out as much of the Juice as-
- yon can. Mow put the refuae end fil
tered Juice into a clean enameled sauce-,
pan and simmer ' (don't boil) tor ten
: minutes. - - " ,
Then re-strain and when cold add al
cohol to the proportion of one - table'
spoonful to half a pint of the etrained
Ucuid. Bottle and use to eponge your
face instead of washing It during the
- The alcohol should preserve the julos,
' ' FaceTowder " , ,
J)ear Mra Bymaa.'- - - - -r; . '
win you kindly publish a recipe for n
v. hould faoe powdert - .
Also a recipe for a otodrnff er ,
i ? FoUowing are the recipes you dsslrei s
Tor Wbltenlnp the Skin ,
Iiq,ul4 Powder
y-ora oxide Of Bias iMaimiM 1 eunee
' Olyoerln .......... 5 .r' ,
"1 Roaawatar ,...f LI SU? :
Esaenoe of roaa ,..,,...... erope , ,:
f Sift the erne, dlatolrlnr tt in fust enourt
of the roeewatar to oover Itj than add the
r aiyoertn; next, the remainder of tha rose-
water. Add the eannee of rose laat, -Shake
well and apply with a soft epOnte v
, " er an entteeptlo sause. The face must
be well wiped off before the liquid dries, or
- It wlU be atraaked. v ' ; .
Te en ounoa of sulphur add a quart" of
soft water, and during intervals of several
days agitate the mliture repeatedly. After
tha sulphur baa satUed to the bottom of
the reeaptade use the dear liquid. Saturate
tha haad with It ever momlnr. aad in a
few weeks every trace of the dandruff will 1
' have dlsap
Tha hair will
eoft and sioasy. aad there will ba ae return
f the old trouble. . . . .
TbU remedy, however, Wfil darkea llgbt
-. hair. (- , , ' - t , ,
. - r For the Hands
'hau'bV vary smtefut If yom will taU
tne how to keep my band la a good con
dition. I have 4bxas oblldranaaddo all
the housework.. ... UBT MOTH ICR. .
When doing your housework ;or any
work In the garden you should Jpro
teot yourihands by wearing looib
gloves '' ! ' '
A perfectly pure soap should be used
to cleanse the hands. 'A tittle almond
meal may be put into the warm water
In which the bands are washed.. This
will soften the skin. ,
At night rub cold eream into the
han'a and wear loose, clean arlovee SO
that the bed clothing will not bo solli
A MossogsCreanl . '
."- Dear. Mra' Byrnes. - : ' :
ro you think a snxkaaM ereani e4
dally will deveioo coy buetf If aoy ktndl
teU me what kind S eraaia to uaa.
. .'. - --IX J. st. -' 1
A message cream rubbed into the
buat with a gentle rotary motion will
Increase its else. Following Is the too
lpe for a wery good cream: .
TAnorta ,'. etmees
Mutton tallow Cfresblv tried)....
Fparmaeetl w ounoa
(1 mm -
Coooanut oil .M
OU of sweet atmmde..m.4...,
Tincture oc pan -ma.... ..........
ui oc seroa.MMM.,..-..
, J dixie .
Wis as re mil '-r ereate of the sort.
Hub e gently 04 ni-t, l -
F A church wedding1 bu teen held.
ther ! cencrallr reception ftt -t&
horn of the bride ' or at
larg hotel In lt , ball or drawing
room. . This li an excellent war 'to ,
receive, a number of frlenda and ao
Qualatances, and eapoclallr ood , to
tha idea of tha reception It tha car
raony ba private. ' ' '
ThU' allows tor tn ntertalnineiitr
OJ friends woo r too nomerons. to
Toup at one time In a home, for the
gueits of a reception should come snd .
- go, thus keeping crowd ; comfortably
large yet not too big to handle In .
servlns; refreshments and entertain-'
Ing. . - "iyii', "
The decorations,' especially . now,
'can be of brilliant foliage. A bower
tf evergreen and autumn leaves is as
f V beautiful a setting as ' Inexpensive
t flowers. Here and there you can .
mass a bunch of roeee, asters or
-" " bright flowers, dmpllclty eouaU for
- much la the decoration of a small -. '
i when the gueita arrive they should
be met in the main room by " the
' mother and father of the bride. These. .
two are the hostess and hoet, remem- .
t ber, and should not be overlooked in .
r the formal greeting of the guests.
The father and mother of the groom
V are also Included in the bridal party,
v The host and , hostess ahould stand
' near the door and be the first to greet
: the guests.
Around the bride and groom are the
Providing Ihe Carriage 1
EAR Mrs. Adams. '- -
If a sin ask a younr man w a "
a daaoa. to It proper lor ue man xe
hire the earrfa-et
If a srl aaa a a
lane which to not taken.
d ehe stay with her aaoort or. If dur-
, uaiH
for bar-'
the oth
er nu'a rjartnert :
Tea If be" does not provide a car. ,
rlage the couple will then have to use -tha
train or trolley or walk If the
distance Is not great. -
When a girl is not engaged for a
dance she sits with her chaperon or her
escort. . -- ''
, It Is customary for men to exchange
partners for a certain .dance. In this .
way no one is left unattended,
' Offering Congratulations
' Dr aire. Adama
Will yoa kindly tell me how to eon
emulate the groom and aiso. what shall I
lay to ths bride t . StAHJOHLIi
(To the groom you may say, "Please
- sccept my heartiest congratulatlona"
' To the bride you may offer best wishes
' for a happy married life. ,
' Acknowledging Gifts . N' ;
t Dear Mra. Adama v-
. , I am a young, mooher and am anxious -to
know wheiTT should write aoknowladg. ; ,
, menu of gltta received by my little -on. .,
' 1 (;: .-."A ftSAJD&B.
If some one has not written notes of
j thanks for you, you should do so
soon as you are physically able.
- , To Secure Assistants -
Dear Mra Adams
' .. I expect to hold a reception, but as I
do not have any .maida ahould like ta
know what Z shall do for asalaianoa. This
to my llrat experlsnoe.- U. K. C.
Tou can have your relatives or your
) most intimate friends to ssslst you
in receiving and la serving refrash
-' ments. ,
' Wedding' Invitations
' Deer Mra. Adama,
,. i - loaa
h- wnnmtew n lha Invltatlona
which are sent to his relatives and fricmiaf
I . . JACK.
.' Not ths " invitations for aU tha
'; guests are provhled by the hrida
i ( ;v., "AtaTea' )'
ei. i Dear Mrs. Adama 1
s bom oca reiala her hat and gloves wblle
attending a toat , t Jl v
f Twk k r ' 1 '?"' "
V Form of Invitations " ,
j-: Dear Mrs.' Adama - -
If I feel tha I cannot afford to ha-J
' enaraved Invitation to guaata whom I wlaS -.
. to ati.nd my weoulng. ow ahll lit1'-
- themt ' i JKkKOTilY.
Tour ' mother may j -send Informal
notes to your friends end the friends
of your future husband inviting them
to witness ths ceremony.
Disappoints Her
Dear Mra Adama
I have
haan aniaaed o a man, for evr
vawt Ha la a rauwnt or tma my ani
early all of his raiailvaa llva hara, but
a aaa navar takon ma to aaa """.
a- tby avr o-IIM rm O'a. T'a ""
me-eua ana aotnow w aut .-
nc the evening ana ,ia aau wot
br another maa. would It be proper
waaT tha alrl's eacort daaoa with
tit a personal reply la aira,
uonHna eiawpea aBveivye
uould be
. tncloeed.i
' attendants' arranged so ,hat any one
who Is a stranger to one of the mar
ried couple can be'qulckly Introduced
"without embarrassment, It Is the duty
of -the uiher or a maid of honor to
.find out tactfully -whether the advano
lut guest knows 1 both bride and
- The bride receives all wtshes for
happiness with a gracious smile. She
should greet each gneet with out-
, stretched hand.!; Her dear friends are
. prtvUeged to klas her. This, however,
' is very tiring If every one in a long
Une takes advantage. It Is rather in-''
sincere if , acquaintances presume. J
must tell you right here of an ewlw
ward, shy young man who In his emr
. barrasament stammered, "Is it kiis
s tomary to cuss the brlder & i ,
- Congratulations are extended to the
. groom for his, good fortune In getting
such a wife. lie should accept all eon
. gxatutatlons In a dignified manner.
If a guest' be unknown to the groom. It
l yery easy for '.he bride to Introduce
v him. '; ' ,v 1 ;,v -v . .:
' Above all, the bride and groom should
I not forgot the waiting guests whsa a
very Intimate one is met . It is no time
; for lengthy ' conversation.' Only the
. Shortest : exchango of greetings should
The father of the ride need not rei
main in the room during the entire re
: ceptlon. After half an hour or eo he 14
at liberty to leave and to see that guests;
1 are being properly oared for in Whet
parts f the house.:;''';:;-j:.;:, ":i
If the bride enters the dining room at
i all It should be with her husband. This
is done sometimes to cut ths bride's,
cake or when guests drink a toast te
her happtneis.
A buffet dinner, with sandwiches;'
' salad,-olives, celery, candy. Ices "snd
coffee on the dining table, Is a very easy
way to' solve the problem. A friend can
. preside at the coffee urn, and on or
two maids can relieve guests of plates'
, and pass coffee,' ices, etc., to waltlnr
' ones. A caterer will furnish a menu and
, waiters, if a more elaborate feast U
wished, v:ih-M:':-k-ip: VV'' ' ; '
After an gtiests have arrived, or aftci
. the hour stipulated ' on the announce
ment card at the end of the reception,
: the bride should, with a near friend 0.
. relative, go to a dressing room, change
her dress for a traveling suit, meet the
:; groom, who has done likewise, said the
; two should depart for the honeymoon. .
No practical jokes or dangerous tricks
v should bo countenanced by the hoetess
or ths guests. It Is very commonplace
for tha jokers and distressing ifor tha
newly wedded pair. There is no humor
In the embarrassment or. In some cvbm,
aotual ; discomfort of other a Fortu
inntely, ths Jests of this type at wed
dings are becoming fewer, due to the
mighty force, of putUo opinion. '
nirnfs. He promlaes to eome daring th
weak, bat disappoint me all the time, say '
In ha has bueineaa enrasamanrta, Da you
- mink I ahould waste my time with him T ...
' It Is evident that yon do not love the
man to whom you are engaged or yott
would not entertain tne eaoutrnt t';i
ou were wasting your time with hinw
you resent bis creaunen or. yo
and are not happy in your e&g-
- ment, now Is ths time to reconsider Au
step you took a year or so ago.
Use of the Knife .
Dear Mrs. Adams. ""'"
! is it proper to eat from the Snifet .
, ... MABXB O. X.
No. -The knife should be used ex f
cluslvely for cutting food. . h
'1 , : "The Engagement Ring
Dear Mrs. Adama. ' "
Whan should the engaremant rfnr hi"
given to a glrlt .- , - ALABAUA j
- Soon after the proposal has been so",
eepted, . . . j
A Card Party
L I ara run to give a KM partv "1
should Uke to know tha form of lavliati.i J
to uao. t Ofiwa to nava aoawara to in a
: nrUatlooa,
ue. now euaai 1 sat, uua i e
v known I
. ' - . i
t. How lone before ue Party anooja. t&a
Invltatlooa ba sartT - .
t. la It proper to Invite a man witN '
' wHnrn T am ot aoauaUUel If I lnvt'a I
girl friend of nlet DOROTUr.
1. Tou can issue your visiting card
- writing on-the lower left-hand corner
tha date and time the party -is to be
held and the word Vard." It yo
add the letters K.S.V.P. your guests
WU1 be surs to reply. , ' :
1 Ten days or two weeks In sdvanoe.
S. Tea You can inclose a card for
him with the one you send to the around
"For an Afternoon Wedding
e It proper for a man to wear a eutawt
eoat to aa afternoon weoaingr vv nu iiui
as a. vaet eootuo. va wiin
rro. .uian, int la oulta nroper. A.
Single-breasted White, pearl or gr t
silk or linen vest or one to match
coa.t may be worn.
Who Suggests De'parting?
Dr Mre. Adama. ' ' . ,. ' ' ,
Wban I go with a girl to eel! em en a
her frlanda, which one of us si"""''' a-.
, gaat leaving; T .v.:-.;----. I
The girl should bo the first to n! !
..the suagestlon. ' ; : . .
- Wording 'Announcenezte
Ir Mra. Acrima ' , ' ,
iy nvUr la daad. ana fr a ve-r r
V-aann I do not cr to time nv
annnuncemanta l""d In ti' n '
father. What fur in caa I 1 " '
cln-uinstancast '
Following Is ths form y0u 1
I'ployr,. -.. . .-.... .
Jm'kvJ Mr. George W-r " ''
' ": f.-l-,-. a- t
-4 .-.-'.' MIks !'-' t.'"- "
' ' have tii ' r ,t y
. t - -
on P'"- '
r 'i