The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 12, 1913, Page 70, Image 70

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Hatshepsut at Her ToHef
' Quite Feminine PJotnreu
AlfT oir dlscoTerlea bare toea
ntda t7 tna jqETPt icxpioranm
. m SN...... YT.
leheparnt the remarkaW woman who
ruled over EgTVt 4.500 Tw fO.
Thesa tilscorerles more thin Jostlfy
the claim of Queen Hatabepsut te be
Called tha Mrs. Fankhunt of her time.
" Queen Hatsbepsut gained full poe
cession of the throne from which the .
ousted her worthies brother, assumed
the garments of a man, extended the .
empire Into far distant regions, erect
ed the greatest temples and xnono
tnents of her time and care the pee- ,
pie the most efficient gorenunent then
bad erer known. i
' The latest work hearing on Queen .
Elatsbepsut Is the complete ezcaTatlon
of the great Aemple built by her at t
lOelr-el-Bahrl, west of the Nile, near
Thebesr-, This hulldlng was erected
at the hase of a rast cliff which adds
curiously to Its grandeur.
" The temple now stands practlcay ,
perfect with terraces and courts re
stored. - The wonderful colored reliefs
commanded!)? Queen Hatshepsut to
record her career and glorify her eez ;
are now .visible to the world. , The
temple was constructed on three ter-
races end lies at the foot of cliffs that ,
rise 400 feet sheer above it
(Burled la the temple are Hatsiep
eut; her father, Thutmose L; her
brother, Thutmose IL, and her half-' '
brother, Thutmose IIL It Is notice '
able that In all the decorations Hat- i
ehepsnt . occupies nearly , the entire
wall space. Her men relatives occupy ,
only the minimum space necessary to j,
I jj ana cuucrriuuK uinui
depict them, and they are all repre
sented standing, "while the Queen la
seated. , t
, On the upper terrace of the temple
Is a.ehrine of Hathor, the cow god
Jesa,' the farorlte divinity of Hat
Fhepsut. On the wall painting -within
Hathor Is represented In the form of
e, cow suckling a hoy and protecting
man standing before her. v
Z On the lower platform of the tem
ple Is a most Interesting relief Illus
trating the methods used hy the an-'
dent Egyptians In transporting huge
obelisks and monoliths. Three rows
of boats tow the huge barge In which
an obelisk Is loaded.
- The relief shows the pilots boats
running ahead with the pilots taking'
the soundings, the taut cable, the
swinging oars, the . tender and the
rear line of craft carrying officiating
priests and the royal emblems of Hafc
nhepsut t ' w .
In this way, with the aid of 2,000
men, - the ' two' obelisks erected In
fconor of Elatsbepsut were carried to
the temple of Amon at Earnak.
2 One . of the . many Inscriptions to
JTatshePiut on the walls at Delr-eV
Eahrl declares: "Hatshepsut;' the di
vine consort, adjusted the affairs of
the two lands (L e, upper and lower
Egypt) by reason of her policies j
Egypt was made to labor with bowed
head for her." ,
The magnificently colored reliefs
of the temple show that Hatshepsut
wore all the costume and regalia of
a male Pharaoh. She wore a crown,
dressed , herself entirely in men's
garments and put on an artificial
beard. The archaeologist informs ns
that an ambaaador - at ' her court
would find the way to her favor if he
addressed her as "His Majesty."
' Hatshepsut, through her mother,
Queen Ahmose, was the heiress of the
older line of Pharaohs, which had
left no male representatives. From
the beginning of her career ahe was
v confronted by a conspiracy of her
, father, Thutmose L, and her other
, male relatives, to deprive her of her
rights, Jost as the modern suffra-
gettes . say they are being deprived
of theirs. She compelled her father
to surrender the throne to her, as
he was not of royal descent and had
no rights after his wife was dead,
Che was married according to the
ancient Egyptian custom to her
brother Thutmose XJv
,:ij endeavored to usurp the entire
power, hut Hatshepsut overcame him.
First she forced him to acknowl
edge her as co-ruler, and her next
step was - td send him into retire
ment and assume all the honors and
rights of the Pharaoh. ; She was
One Thinf
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The Wonderful Temple at Defend- Cahri WnicKxHathepsut Buflt and In Which She AK
, . , . ' lowed the Record of. the Men of Her Family IIardy Any Space at All,
. styled "the female Horns," and - a
- woman ruled, alone ; over Egypt for '
the first time. M
. Her father' was still alive and plot
ted with her half-brother, known as
Thutmose HL,": his son by a slave
named Iflis, to gain possession of the
throne. Thutmose ; UL - held tha ;
throne for three years, and then Thut-,
i mose H. emerged - from 1 retirement
and secured the throne for himself,
; while keeping hie wife in the back
ground. , i , 1 1, : i . .
But Hatshepsut was not to be sup
pressed. ' She - gathered her adher-'
ents together, and at first .cleverly
compelled her husband to acknowl
edge her as co-ruler. When she gath
ered sufficient strength she threw'
him off the throne.
Hatshepsut was now Permanently
, established in power. : The inscrip
tions tell us that ''Egypt was made"
to labor with bowed head for her,
the excellent seed of the gods. The
: bow-cable of the south: the mooring ,
stake of the southerners, the excel-
i lent stern cable of the Northland is
' she, the mistress of command, whose
' plans are excellent, who satisfies the
Two Regions when she speaks."
, Her faithful followers were placed
in all the high offices of the empire.
It is conjectured that there must
have been women among them, but -the
records do not speak , certainly
on this point ' Her scribe Amenem-
hat. and his assistant, Aahmes, stood
next 'to the queen, recording, all her
wondrous deeds. . The most powerful
of her adherents, Hapuseneb, acted
at vizier and high priest of Amon,
the great god. One scene depicts
her father, saying before the assem
bled court on New Tear's day:
"Ye' shall proclaim, her word,: ye
shall be united at her command. He
who shall, do her homage shall live;
he who shall speak blasphemy of Her
Majesty shall die,", -
Although she is represented in the
sculptures in male attire,- the. ruins
indicate that she enjoyed great
feminine luxury. 'It Is reasoned that
she wore masculine attire on state
occasions, and Tery delicate feminine
finery on social occasions. She used
her '- vast wealth to procure Jew
elry of gold k and precious stones.
In her tomb -. have ' been t found
a magnificent : necklace of v. gold
and amethysts a yard long and many
strings of gold beads, gold necklaces
and rings. There were also strings
of amulets in the form of Hathor
heads and gold hawks. -1 .
The perfume pots, the little pincers
and magnificent ' mirrors '. that lay
upon her toilet table have all . been
he Mrs, Pankhvrsi ef Old ErTPi Dldn'tBelxere In and That
- 77"77 " ',J '7"f'1' ', - ; " . jCtrBrrlght Xtzii
; the Great (iueeiiiilatshepsut,
Who ! Was Krst of e
: ) Suffrages of
Ago and Even Wore a
. .... :J. i-VOi.V,:A.' ' amm"a'mm ..,) ;.".!
brought to light, proving that wtth
all her Wonderful virile statesman
ship she was not above making her
self as attractive as art could ao"
compllsh. . 1,1 - 5 '
Her banquets were magnlfleent af- .
fairs, and the whole, known , world :.
must have been searched' to provide
dainties and luxuries for them, fin,
one relief we see her servants' bear-.
lng twenty-one different . kind of
' meats. Wines were provided In cor
responding variety and abundance,
for this early suffragette was no pro
hibitionist. ' - '".'.;
Another of her great temples wag
at Buhen, It was built of beautiful
. sandstone, ' brought , ' from - Nubia,
which 'her followers explored. The '
inscriptions indicate that .Hatshep
sut built this temple entirely, al
though her successor after her death
-' tried to steal away . the credit by '
writing his name on every wall. He
even removed whole blocks of stone
bearing ; her picture and placed hit
own portrait in their stead. . . t.
i The square pillars were all sculp
tured with the queen receiving the
symbol of life from the gods and
goddesses. Many of the inscriptions
are Interesting, as showing the senti
ments and. Ideas of the great eueenv
For Instance r ,
: . "Oh, Horns, Lord of Buhen. may
he ' grant life, prosperity, health, a
ready wit, favor and love." r .
When Hatshepsut died after reign
ing twenty-one years, her miserable
- brother, Thutmose. HL, who had
hardly dared to show . his head
while she was alive, hastened to de
s face every one of her monuments,
1 erasing her face and name wherever
possible, and striving in every way,
; to steal the glory of her great and
beneficent reign.'
' ' Queen Hatshepsut, was a great h
dustrial and scientific pioneer. . She
: carried on mines in the Sinaltlo pe
ninsula, a savage region, far removed
from Egypt In her own country she
established factories that : prod need
glazed ware "and' colored'.-glass,
which were novelties four thousand
years ago. - - , - 5
One of the remarkable achieve
ments of her reign , i
was the sclentiflo -expedition
she - sent to Ftmt '
a country that is
believed, on ac
count of the anlp
- mats depicted la
the temple - paint-,
tags, to have been
. on the" coast " of
Abyssinia, . On the
return of the ex- .
; Lady's
Case of
' Time, '
Approximate .
, Trousers v
' - Satisfied ,
Expression '
if ""w , - -'rtL.'l'r ' A 'ff f'
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Was the Hanger Strikeas This Wall Palatlaj y.rn?A Prjrr 31 - f 2Ier Ililchsa
y the Star OeaipamV. Pnat SrUta'ZUghts XUeemC ' " . - 1 . V '
Like W
. AVXI ;y .;,
' A -At. r f "Jgggag8 n Aj
Hetoheptut IMaldnf Offering
, Weanns
ftorers Theban troops went out to
meet them, and a great naval flotilla
escorted them to the steps leading to
the temple at Delr-el-BahrL
This - expedition maae collections
of the i fauna and flora of Punt, in
cluding giraffes, baboons, panthers,
hippopotami and horned cattle. 'All
these things are shown in the reliefs
at Delrel-Bahrt , The trees collected
were planted on the 'lower terrace
at Delr-el-BahrL Trenches cut in the
rock and filled with t earth, which
were evidently made for this pur
pose, have been found during the
excavations. . , -
Artists aooompanled 2 the - expedi
The Criminality
OBINS, bluebirds, , scarlet '
orioles , and other decorative and singing may b baked in
. birds of the United States
fend made Into pies!"
m nhnHtnA tnr 4h tnrrh
Goddess of Liberty holds in the harbor
There are certain immigrants, especially those who York Zoological
. Some from Southern Europe, who, so
4 concerned, can only be compared to a mongoose. . ,
In the .United States the immigrant Is an Inveterate
St-hunter in the north and the negro is but little bet
r in the South, -i. With the murderous automatio gun
and the habit of. the negro to hunt in bands, over vast
r stretches of the South annually, every living song bird
is slain.' Nor do the laws suffice to
': States, robins shot and sold
Cl-rW r' X C f
v . , t i II I UU". fill 1
i (
:.vr-7- -
. tV "V , 7 .Vl. v:
to the Goda. A Wall Pabtinr
tier False Beard as Is Also Her
tlon to make drawings of the strange
animai a, : nsn ana pisnis oi us
In this respect Hatshepsut
established an enlightened , policy
, which Napoleon was the first among
; modern monarcbs to follow.' t -
Later Egyptian -dynasties ' were
i very neglectful of Hatohepsut's tern ;
pie, perhaps because they were Jeal
ous of her sex. In the course of
centuries a landslide , burled part of
the site, and then in early Christian
times a convent was built on : the ;
Highest terrace. , ( ,
It was known in the early, nine
teenth century that ' the temple of
Hatshepsut lay here," but through a '
of ; "Pot-Hunting"
tanagers, . golden
BtAimtL ln1iiilln
must not be shot lark is legally a
Some such notice as this should1 Prm Kimng
.t.,,-' More destrucute
of New York.-
far as wild life Is v only of song birds,
to catch and kill
" and quail.. In the-open wild Ufe, the domestic cat soon'
became a fierce, and intractable creature, and three ,
States have passed laws requiring cats to be licensed. '
at the same time permitting the slaughter of wild cats?
Of all men,, the farmer. cannot afford to-tolerate the"
protect In eight the bird life which
for food, in five crops. t ,
.' A A .7 '
'. '
j 1' 4
Ddr-el-Bahrl Showing Hef .
curious accident In modern times .
cne - extent ox ; vie ruiua , wm cuu-
ceaiea.' me eany jrrenon excavator.
Marietta, who went to workr in 1853 ,
An Ytm dnnav : nlitfnrm thMT th
'earui : ana ruDoisa av . aug up bw ,
the SDOt where he worked, , In this
way he concealed under tons of rub ,
blsh 'much more than he revealed.
The regal chapel of Thntmoie X. '
eni 0 tak ' Inns . viVn4 sAi4ei4eilte Saws i i
euu A u muiu vvu4 e vaaejsi ii iii esi est 1
Immense white altar, the finest ever ' '
found In Egypt' were' covered up by '
him. Another French archaeologist; r .
tlM XTq111a wav. w.rir h, :'
In 1893, and after years of labor has) '
completed his task. - '; i ,
Oiir Song Birds
'the THntrtnt of nnlnmMa.- MnVhfri?a "r-
a pie: in North Carolina the meadow 1 1
table dainty? and over halt the States -
oi ooves xor xooo. . , :
suu is the houBe cat About three-
quarters of a million song birds are' killed and eaten
bv domestlo cats . in Massachnsetts alone. : . Thu ti-or
Gardens suffered fearful Josses, not
but the neighborhood cats were seen
rabbits, itray saulrrels.' chlnmnnfr:
existence of hunting cats, they are too destructive-to
feeds on the insects that Injure his
, : .;, . t JT
''Oft 'J :M
ii i ii.i
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