. - the, gxGQ?j : Sunday jcuaiAU: ro.iTLAro, zizvay i:c:: .v ocrosETi T2. ' un. ; ' '" , " ik' i " t r ' " ,,11, w t ""V i 0' X t 'jm' iL ."X ((.) i y C N 1 .: : '"'Aw I ' ' ' 17. -A" ." - v ns. ii -v i 'New.cmdlemble'-;i-, . - SsCxsk iJ:morG:to:!the!& -yA :$ .-j " ' ' , T until he liable to ue the earth. Am . ' 'A, i,: . f'ftaaJSs--- N EW devices have, been Intro !4.t 4.500 feet an alrsMo ttOTln dueed into , European armlei v elowly can observe the enemy on the whlnh wilt miilra aarlaT ground accurately, and ' ret be be- re more terrible and- aJgjL & than any form of military ecience.- , of clouds vhlch can be counted on Airships are - now ' painted like as reliable cover; lasting until there ' clouds to escape detection br the l decided change of weather.' At enemy. ' Thej seek "cover behind " 6,0? ,eet occur Cumulus clouds. Clouds. ThV .tf.rlr hr t,!T, nU y"u"11, n- n . parachutes to light vd the enemy's . position, drop bombs and give "false Information concerning .their ' own , position. I,', The English army authorities have . planned a wonderful dirigible balloon , carrying a number of smaller craft, very much as a steamship carries its lifeboats. "The small craft are fitted with searchlights and bomb.ehanv, , bers and swing on davits on each. Ma nt h vrnt voaaal , 1 ' The parent ship will be manoen- ' , ,vred by her crew to a great height ' above the enemy's position, where she will be beyond effective observa tion and the reach of shells.; , - , - Preferably the attack will be made by night The parent' ship will- re ' lease one or u snuui - cran ana , eteer it by wireless in the direction, of the enemy's position., "Then a , change In the 'rapidity of the wire- : ; less waves will start a little electric epark on the small craft 'that will . ignite a great acetylene .searchlight. This will light np the enemy's posi tion for a mile around and make It as clear as daylight to t&e watchers In the airship. V, ; ' " Then another change In the vibra tion ox tne wireless current- ana a - . bomb will be released br the open-' inff nt n trun Ann, s It will full Vinwn ' iwlth devastating effect on the sol dfers and fortifications below. - The men below will have a poor opportunity to aim at the-"attacking chip. The smaU craft will not Indi cate exactly the . position.- of the parent ship, The searchlight spread ing out over, a great area will not reveal accurately the spot from which it comes.. .-. , ; . It will be possible to steer a small . craft back to the "parent ship, but even should one be destroyed its loss would be Insignificant The effective $ range of one of these bomb-dropping craft would be about three miles. : They would weigh ninety to one hun dred pounds' each and carry two bombs apiece.' The system of steering them would be operated by means of a swivel beam attached to the front of the airship with two motors attached toit " -'..' , Another arrangement has also been perfected by which . a parachute : la vsed by the parent ship in place of a smaller craft .This baa the ad vantage of economy, as the para chute costs much less than the small craft,' The parachute Is need both to carry bombs and searchlights. A AAA .4 IV A.LA- ' v,vyw imi lira uio urKMnimaiuBk or fair weather clouds. From 10.000 to W.000 feet range the cumulus-nlmbua . -own Inability to see the earth whew. ' ' sailing above such clouds. The airship wlU let down an bb server in a basket through the cloud until he Is able to see the earth. ' As "j be goes down be will communicate '. with his companions in the ship by . telephone, telling them when he has , ' dropped through the clouds far ; enough to see the earth, and finally , wha he sees on the earth.' It may " , be necessary to drop the man la the ,'' basket two 6r three hundred feet. , , "He will be Quite invisible from the earth. ; Needless to say It. will re ' Quiro remarkable courage and self possession for the man In the basket to perform his duties efficiently. , , , The ; aerial soldiers of oppotlncv " ' J if1 ( 1 mtm m in in i.. in iiiiii.1i i.i 1 1 i .in i i i i mi i in i, , i,i V ',, I I , 1 d 1 f 1 .... ... F 4 'ft ' I 1 SJ ,., :' Si- r. MM ,(' i. 7 rarafeN v.- 'i- ir" --oir- .i7-Ti ' -i.c.i-.: rz 1111 i 1 IM. 1 ," , !:' " V . , . - 1 vM' ' U''' - r S ; , - i 0Prihi.: WIVH ht ta 'CoinpaW.areat Britain mghW Beim4A ;v t J.'i. V ? S f- , ( !,; ' . I 0 -ss " ni s i r r A' aMllful air strategist win note the whereabouts' of a 'distant aerial op- sldes wQl nave terrifying and deadly ponentand then fly above a black encounters with one another. . Here , rain cloud until he bas tne enemy again the knowledge and use ot , beneath , blm. - Then he .will come clouds win be of vital Importance, crashing down through the cloud '1 ..,,' .Ill AJ4. MThe: fig1iteTS falhebiat air ship will steer hj wireless si parachute- bearing a eirch-Iigfct untfl it Kghts tip tlie enemy's postiion on earth and then they1 will rain down-bombs upon then . r . t";1 " Vtti4- helpleaslvictims." ' '. r V -s upon the unsuspecting toe.- 1 -- . Sometimes' aerial opponents wlU run against one another unexpeot. ' edly. In thick cloud masses and then will come a horrible combat for each" can send the other to certain death.!; New Device Tested at Farn borough, Enfland by, Which . an , Airship Hidden by a Cloud Lowers a- Man to Re- . port the '(Enemy's , Positions.; HOW THE STARS PROVE THAT ; JAPAN CAN NEVER WHIP AMERICA A OCORDINO to the revised and modern , evil," vice' versa the influences of botn are Z tuaehinsa "of the science' of planetary always friendly. ',' k " TL influence, Japan would never ; benefit The sign on the serenth bouse la tSe boro by going to war, with Uncle Sam,.evea should Japan win.-which la doubtful. - That she could, ' ' MACCabee. . -tofllct mHous tost- am and prop- ercy ana cause no iu iuwjruvi . www able to suppose. ;4 4 vV ' " r ' ' . On anmi mnrt. ttf frotlhl IS in fltore ;' . for . both countries, , particularly the .United . - r n i - -- - Bt-teais rery evident owing' to the transit et j -s .. . j - Baturn through the sign Gemini, which. la the 'ti'. ' 'vt,r : clouds, aeoomDanrlnK r thnndnrh storms. 'j. . . M i- l-. At 20,000 feet Ue the clmvcnmiilna clouds, produclag the effect known as (usojierei say. AC SO.UOO fAnt arn This system was actually tested by ? clrrMtratus clouds, composed of 1 the army at Farnborough, England, "rrsiais. ..whether aerial warfare - -it . ...C Will fM MrWI IntA t).l. .t-f ..-I ' ness of the night a balloon ascended X the Interesting' problems ot j each time It dropped a Un bo some Nimbus rain clouds at a height of , ewo feet lonie. " immediately a little . u"u wui anora tne most opened and at tne same moment .rV'V1 iron enemy en- , , there burst forth a strong and steady ,, V1" J operating ua light which revealed the army; en campea oeneatn iu , ' ' the neighborhood. An Ineenl- " one arrangement has beep . The parachute, like the smaU air ,attned lr: boat can be ru dud br wItoIam till V r.""""" It, liEhts up actually the area which ' , 1 it is .designed to see. iJomos may be attached to the parachute carry ' -lng the searchlight and released by - . wireiesa vvaen me axiacjcers aesijw to effect tremendous destruction they ' - ''. ' 1 , ; - :';: .... .. . .r. . .... ...... . ... . .. jb ji ',;. n i i1 .;) iVi';3'iw; '1 can sieer ouer-paracuuies loaaeu ' Wtth bombs onlv in tb ltarhtl araa. " - Air navigation has now been de- veloped into a recognized branch of ' military science. It is .certainly the ; ' most perilous and difficult of all, but the appalling- destruction and 'de moralization 1 which it " may Inflict - upon the terrestrial enemy seem to make It worth all the loss of life It ' must entalL -; 1 . . In aerial warfare there will be as , ' many different types of vessels as In ! a naval fleet A moBt Important part ot the new science la a knowledge of f the clouds and how td use them as ' cover Some clouds offer a praoti-; cauy - permanent 1 proiecuon, wnue - Others are only temporary. - . - , - . Up to a height of 4,000 feet above ' arround gunners trained to the work - - can hit an air craft This waa the v jexperience ot the Bulgarian war. ' At ' p.000 feet however, it Is Impossible ' ' to recognise the color of an airship and to distinguish' between friend. ," and foe. ' ! "K , Within this range there are plenty ' of shifting clouds in cloudy weather 1 which may be used as cover, but . they are more or less transient and , airmen using them must run the risk . of being discovered! and exposed to "artillery Are. v ruling sign, of this country. Mars (the god ox s - v , ,.) i, wax' uvo w - tt .rjrvr- tJ' 1 " ' aTil fiaturn. and came to a conjunction with 1 1 , and the conditions of the-tlme show iti They j, ;l ..". ;. ' -, remained so-until Mars text ui nuun aiu- , , 1 . :, IV ,' lM -.mm. nMMI.KAa . W St X'( f . '; - -Tn namffltuir Mars will retTOsraae in ue eisa mm. th onnosition tlace of thSTOoon ln the ;' Mikado's nativity and will operate Its evil la ; . , luence until 1 early in Februarys 191. ' These V'l ' Tll QiraCUOni WUI UV UOirUUOUWI V VUW wevyv ,.. , V r",J-v AMJ.4W411 :K1r.a nrVitlt' slATTIIft MOrt fif tTOTlblft And WlU it sa "T" w- --T -i ,.-.,:-.',".';; more war talk. , - y - ';''' : . l: The planet Mercury M the ruling planet of the. United SUtes; the , planet Venus rules Japan. Both these planets are -inenaiy ait- , - 4 posed." according-' to . astrological phraseolo ; sr, and although- Mer cury 'is .' convertible, changeable that ) Is, , with the good It par takes of goodt with the s'copd ot the United States Is Eaglttary. Thla ' is Jupiter's domain, and indicates success and fortune to America la all its . dealings with " foreign countrlee whether they be friend or foe. And this is iurther vouched for by the stronger , testimony of Pisces also. Jupiter's domain 'on the mldheaven. : But In 'the horoscope ot " Japan the Influences are In no wise as fortunate , as In those of the Ualted.States. The Japs'horo- - scope has Aries and its ruler. Mars, In Its ser enth bouse house of enemies. Aries rules Ens- 'i land. Germany and, according td this testimony .' of astral Influence, Japan would be more likely ' to Start a row with either' or both ot those '' countries upon, the slightest pretext, or vice a .versa and the sign Cancer on the mldheaven. the house of the moon. Indicates 111 success for . Japan in .most ot , Its' dealing with foreign 'countries, ' The moon's influence causes rest-, lessness, discontent, - constant , desire for change and excitement, rash-and useless un dertaklngs, eta, which Is to say that there is never any means of knowing what the wfty "and discontented. Jap may attempt As a na " tlon they are believers in the oocult Hence, knowing the preponderance of favorable v. planetary influences in the horoseope of Uncle - Sam, as against the lesser fortunate astral In fluence In their own country's natal figure, they may never get any nearer to a war than v a threat ' v-v V f 'v :" . Jo other country on, the face ot the globe has so fortunate a horoscope' as the Unltel t y$-:-dt, r tA;t.i,-;:-::','r;.:, -"" 1 ' - -1 ' ? -xiti . . . - A Hew Type of AL-i! TI : ; Carries Smaller Ccrr.l-1, ' j Craft That Are Z".: " VVircIess.