THE .OREGON SUNDAY ' JOURNAU PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, C qer 12, y. 'A'.- s 1 'l J I ( I. - 'I km m m Vm ii1 TTT) : 0 P irm mm Ik 10) Ik":;.' fr 'I:' 7fTKaFs art 'excellent stretch" of road!' ; ' , ' iJust such remarks as that are heard. every day 'about ,the ; " Unnton t Road and the : Jerwilliger Boulevard. V ; . ; Both"- are ipaved. with WARRENITE, which, by the test of !; i time and. hard use, is proving to be the; ideal hard surface for ' . 1 boulevards, suburban; pavements and country roads. , v ; - - , WARRENITE is1 the only, satisfactory hard . surface which :' can be "laid over "old rhacadam, as; was, done 'in the case, of the; j; . " Linnton Road..- Instead of excavating and throwing away the . bid macadam road bed, which originally cost a considerable sum , , . of. money; this; was utilized for the, base, and redressed with two "o : : inches of WARRENITE surface 'at a; comparatively low cost. ' , ThisT method Ahas 'proven1 fully; as good as where the-old base is' . removed and a new one substituted. 1 i i WARRENITE surface for country .roads is -composed of the - varying sizes of. the best stone obtainable and bituminous cement, having all the durability and stability . required Of a ' successful couhtry road surface: ' k' , ' ' ' . k . ' 4 WARRENITE, an modified form, is constructed under ' the r: same general principles, ; supervision arid care as the Bitulithic ' street pavement the growth of which has been unprecedented in . the' paying world; WARRENITE is especially adapted for the ,surfacing,of country highways subjected to the ravages of auto mobile traffic. '3. " it i t V THE! FIRST HARD-SURPACB ROAD LA'ID IN OREGON THE LINNTON ROAD, MULTNOMAH COUNTY PAVED WITH WARREWITE ' :rV'j,'f,:i!'i'i"SL, -i.'v ' '::i:sS::5: :.:;ifK;g:;:; . , .y-'YsX'.y.--w i ::-.w -.-. 'y'': :--X X ' v.-: :v:::y;V :::;!. x: ' Avis' v . y , ' , ) , "x 5 . ; ' ; Thisysltriejtle . J Csup the Multnomah County officials; 'and is the first hard-surface road of its kind in the State of Oregon. The lower ; ' v photograph shows the WARRENITE construction on the Terwilli-, -ger.Boulevar , ' , : . . Oregon is to -be congratulated on getting a flying start toward , - a , firstlass' country thoroughfaresV WA is reasonable ? ' ; : - in first cost,; sanitary and dustless, affords a'good foothold for ; horses; arid automobiles do; not skid on it. . rl , ,rs 1 s i ; :lil3;;tocthex : 'time to present date ari additional 1 ,000,000 square yards have ' peen;laid.throug WARRENITE today 4s n , L try Koaay tne resuu or eleven years or practical cApcncucc - u . -r ' ? lFscieritif ici-esek SlS ditiorii; weather ' without ; . . tf;reepmB'dWcrac i ? Rv thft n;ft"nf WARREN ITE ? OreVon's cbuntr v hiVhwa vs may vi vDe.maae so permanent ana auraDiet in cnaracicr, - uwi, mc uu , ) ij .... . ."'.if.-Mf.l. . Mr THE TERWILLIGER BOULEVARD,: Portland PAVED WITH WARRENITE f f orgotteri;;f Stichroads H''' 1 ' s Yriiif'innn'lrieV rbnrernin WARRENITE ' Of " BITULITHIC J, . , Or. ."v;-:..". pavirig areTearnestly invited. It ; undergo obligation - , , - , iA "l.V.;.;.-i.,i r ., journaiPDUiiaing;g .'; 'v',,'-";f;'