0 t - REVIEW . -- i 1 I. -.. ' - - i All the Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for v the Information of the Busy Reader Foreign, Eastern, Political and Congressional News Notes. to Be Preserved ,for Reference; . Jtrc ctiup ana : StJVBN warships hav been ordered assigned to lw Pranciaco 'during Portol celebration thl month, by Secretary ot Mm Hvr Pniel. InvtUUan tf ' occupy H2 Ground tp wuna tn wt r- nmvr acmr. bv, lw ' Settler. tto itrtct or4r n dn reclamaMoa project, Mk federal oTernment trom doublf meat by tt wd nation, : frealdent WUaon. eonf erenea with adnata Jeaaera. propoaad. la aatd, to foroo , TBoalaltrant r, democrata Into Una by holding them to their caucua promiaaa, on the currency bill. Commlaaloner ot Mediation Stewart of ther department of labor will aah ongreas to Inveatlffata tha eoal atrlka, following refuaal of aperatora to accept offer, of a aetUement. Operatora re fuse , to grant any recognition of ( tha union j-tha Colorado Iflr. :i : ' Lottery of 11 farma In th Taklm Irrigation project baa been authorlaed by tha aeeretary of tha Interior. Appjl canta may obtain Information from tht land office at JKorUt Taklroa. . i Propoaittona whereby tha rallroada may avoid proaaeution under tha Sher man law were made , to tha attorney general r by .,..PraaW en t - Elliott, T, P. Qulyler, and President Hadgey of Yale, dlrwtorf of ta New Haven road. : lMwttiipl nd Legislative THE progreslva party right under tha Oregon direct primary law, to pama itU. : dtatrtot and precinct eandldataa at tha nejtr prtjy. tion, baa been referred to tha attorney general by tha aecreiary pi f Marabtieid "wet" nd "dry" torcea era rallying tor a atrenuoue campaign. ; A full reglatratlon of votera la being nought by both aidea. . , Clatsop county will vot on pro posed 1400.800 good roade bond laana November , ' :. 1. f. JUnehau, a aaloon ' Ban Franoiaco, may have to forfeit hia li cense pecauee ha procured tha arreat of a woman who broke a whiskey flask on the curb in front of hi. place. The aaloon man had bean warned not to sell the woman1 hneband llauor. Th Bverett, Waah, board t education,- will expel atudenta found belong ing to- any eororlty or traternlty. after November I. - ... . Glendale and Butherlln. Oregon. wlU not vote on local option ls.uea Novem ber a because of technlcalltlea In the petition. Governor West ha Instructed Treaa urer Kay to abld by the law which pro vides that no member of the board of control .hall b .financially Interested in any contract, for state auppliea. The commission -form of government baa feeen adopted by Joplln, Mo. poccd: ommls8lon form of government Utpoleon Rice was elected mayor of Ro.aburg and Ml.. Agnes Pltchford was elected treasurer.' Plan to Increasa MnnimAitnn to v defMteil. ' . The queetion of permitting the aale or inioiciui . imivi ii ppnngiieiOi m-lll Ka vaImI nil NnvntnW A . . ' . r.i A. Frana, a merchant, waa elected councilman at Hood - Riverte-fili-v eancy caused by death of 3. M. Uchmelt- Seattle, Wasli4-will Vote oni the quea- JU. .ne UnfiAn a arakhatAaa . IUB V. CIC.iivii VI ".av m l.v 7gfJ j nre a comjnitjsioo form ot ffovernmenl Pry goods roercbanta at jOregoW 3lty tt'iii n r AiAutttAV. rvnniia in in tiim 111.980. over tlicir counters. In acoord- tni't wnn action vy mi vuy injuncii. Newport and Waldport, Oregon, will ,, THE OFTH EWORLD'S ; , , 1 vet en liquor queitlona, both aides to tha local option issue preparing to put " Legal and Criminal u j EREP WAtlACE, detained at Lewis- ton, for forgery, wa .Identified ; Pred Faulkman, wanted by federal anthorttle at fleattla, , , :--'t? Suit . against - susrended Bank of Nampa, ha been brought by stata of Idaho, for recovery of $45,000 which WM OA oepoalt whea tb bank failed. i Burr Harris, a negro, arrested at Ban Diego, Cat, admits alaying Mr. Rebec ca r, oay, a tnrisUan science prac titioner, at Los Angeles, recently, and aay h killed Mr. Raskin in the gam eity two year ago, r :-Vi.W.;. ;.-,.. Police were aet to guard the residence Of Superior Judge Ogden of Oakland, Cal.. following the Judge' receipt of a tnreat or vengeance by a supposedly in sane man. ...,;;.'. Mrs. Clara Bibb, has brought suit for divorce on ground of desertion, against D. . H. Bibb, epc-atate ' aenator and weaitny lumoarman. or uaiirornia. The famous baby aubatltutton case Involving tha Slingaby - estate will b revived in the taking of testimony by in. Bnusn consul at oan vTancisco. . Tha municipal league of Seattle has started an investigation of tha get ot Superior Judge Humphries, who In week sent 14 man and women to Jail on vharge of contempt. t.H --rts wimam warning , wa grreated at Vale on a charge of passing , forged checks en business men ef that place. uujr m. unnaay, rormer casnier or the CHisena National Bank Of Baker City, wa freed of the charge of misap propriating f unda, , because of the gov ernment's failure to produce any dam aging evidence against him. .W Thee, A, Smith; lumber company has been asked by Governor West of Ore gon to defend Ita title to 10,000 acres of land which. It 1 Intimated, ha been obtained by, us of dummy school land aelaetion. ''.',..-'; w- -t. Suit lias been filed by the attorney general of Oregon agaJnat the governor, secretary ef st&t and treasurer, for re covery of 114,000 aald to have been un lawfully gpent out of tb penitentiary revolving runa. : ,s Tha suit of bows K. oiavi ror to. 000 libel against Phil Franels, a newspa per man, has been stricken off th eourt calendar at irtockten, Cal. v.-- William walker, who eaeaped from a chain gang at Alameda county last year, maae a rortune in Aiasua, ana reivrnea to serve out ble nUneeV'.-'' The Wendemere hotel. Banta Monica, Cal.i reports that Jewelry and cash es timated at IIQQQ naa been stolen crom hotel guests, and ' that a well dressed young man who mingled with he pa trons la suspected. X Tne inree mtest onjection raisea against . the worklngman's - com. pensatlon act. have been declared In valid by the Washington supreme eourt, ana ; tne case - win go to in unitea 8tatea nupreme court.' ? nv; ' Cashier C. A. Koelb of the American Velvet company plant at Stocklngton, Conn., waa robbed ot $16,000 by two masked men, a he wa en route from H" Mn w to panv v-i- '.?, , Henry 8penoe, Who I -under arrest, and who admits having slain 11 persons, formerly lived In Philadelphia, v Judge Humphries of Seattle released ST prisoners whom he had sentenoed for contempt of court, ' Complaint bad been made to Governor Utr of Wah Ingtort. 5vTVf'.5""'-.-r'i'iPl: ' Ban Diego nolle are eearchln-' for a man who . held 6-year-old Stella Kerr captive in a vacant building over night Governor West bed no right to Incur debt, in carrying on vie crusade work, mo m emergency Doara naa no u thorlty to declare legal such action, ac cording to Attorney General Crawford of Oregon. Delegates at the convention of the port Central Miasour) Dental as.ocl' OREGON. SUNDAY "JOURNAL," PORTLAND. SUNDAY . will i iii urn i - :' Uon were atampeded and attacked by a patient who went insane during a den tal operation.-- v -- .- --wi Mayor Gaynor widow may seek an nullment of the will. She aay th in come given her 1 Insufficient. ( Three men were snot, ana on wa ra tal ly hurt, in a fight between consta ble and striking miner at Cheswlok, Mich..'-.- . Suit of th government against th American Telephone A Telegraph com pany, under the anti-trust law, may jiot be begun until after tn conclusion of tit suit against the Ball company now pending Id Portland. Commercial and Industrial . V ANCOUVER ;. and Prince Rupert r partle hav contracted for tht en : tire coal aupply of th Rlvorton Coal ' 4b Development company and th Llbby mm on coo Bay ana th ur plus of the Bmlth-Power mine, for the next i months. .j-ro I'mf-j, Tax collection in Jackson countv for th quarter Just ended, amount' to 146. 141. Unpaid lfll tax are 1111.000. wnurtcen thousand farmers heard th lecture of Professor Holden in hi tour thus far in th "corn and alfalfa" spec ial train through Oregon and Washing' The Umatilla irrigation project haa produced It first wagon load of apples. arpeoimana of Jonathan ana wiuesapt war brought Into Hermlaton. , .w fivvMii vavrni x.inn Oounty passed . through the summer without glngl destructive fort fir. ' Thre carload of horses have been bought In upper Malheur section by the government, for. us in tb war de partment. ;:--sr: , -r..j :., New ties and new rails ar being placed on th Southern Paoiflo line be tween Alrlle and Independence, Or, - A project foa th reclamation ef a large tract of Vpttom Und near Klo, Wash.,-1 paid to be en foot. General Superintendent Campbell ef the Southern Paeiflo haa completed a readjustment of salaries of station agent and operatora v ; I D, Weatfall of Tualatin, Or: won the handsome loving cup offered bv the Great Northern railroad for the best agricultural . xhlblt gt tho stat fair at Tb publla dock Commission of Port land plana to purchase - and . remove 8 wan island, In the scheme to , make pubuo. dock site at Mock bottom and at Bridgeport.;: v .... v-. v--w The port of Astoria ba adopted res olutiona calling on the government to nave a nreage nuut especially for use on Mj Colombia river tar, r-' , , . ' Farmer of Pasco, , Wash., displayed great Intereet In th "corn and alfalfa special." Many beard - tne lecture of professor UoMcavvV'' 4 'v The driving, of th first splk of the new Johnson railroad being built from Liewiston, via Tammany," to Vollmer. wae celebrated by olttaen of Twlston. Fred Todd of Portland ' raised f 163 worth of oil of peppermint to th acre at West SUyton. the- experiment prov ing auceesa . ;-.';..: .,-, A two tory frame atruotur wilt' be ereeted Gato by th Knight of Pythla. - v--.-')w5.fr V.'v H.ihxv Flv ; hundred million", tons of high grade iron ere has been leased 'from mine In Chile by the Bethlehem Steel company of New York, t 17. fe f;f:v.':f.; Foreign' 't'l'X ':. GELEBRAtlNG the safe return from the Balkan war of hi nln sons, Constantino. Plumlskos, a farmer of the Island of Mykonos, Greece, tini de NEWS IN voted the eavlng 10 7ar to tho rouon ox a cnapei, . . . . . ' Imnlr... mrA lnkMM MI.FI fit WrellOa complain agalnat tb quality of th controlled by th nation, and a remedy 1 SOUght. -.. Th chamber oy eemmeroo or vo-ver, approve th plan for th eonatructlon of bor tinder the ohannel. which, It is said would quadruple th cross-channel irairio lire Gideon SlJvestre ot Frano hanged Mn a m . ajtanfa . Ima wfkleb Ka planted 'for 'that PWrpo many yearg ago. ,. . . : '':i"--L;'' - J--.'- Uay, nw gtpa, mat noosea oiu ikba toned teachera wUl b all the rage In vm .1. tki. winiav. Tha Mflah-walk" and the Maxtxe are the latest dancing fads. . During-ft funeral on the Bavarian. Swiss frontier' German cuatoma offic ial aelsed ths coffin' which wa found to . contain' eaocherjn. Th mourner were arrested. , : . r v. v m i In rtvenge for tb rr of their innf. Vrnim. tendon auffra getUs' burned two houses, causing fSQ, 9UO ogmage. - -.- --- ',:- ' Dr. tioui B, Sambon, a BHMsh eg. ..Ill atiMw nallecra. the mvatlfVing dlseaae which ha caused many death among native ruaw . mw malc..V:vv-A .);.,..:, t,'.-'.' tfX'-; c Th eat and mouse act denied . 'ti.i.1 Amm aatitanaa In Iandon. and ..IV.-. m-m-j, . th msn died result f hungar iinn... f jiiiln f gawa-Goburg.' Get- la uM m ha mare than 14.000.000 la debt flt broke,- and , harried by mall army or cwutotor. . . v. v? Tb French -war office I testing vg i....iinn Milad - thai F-ravi bv which, It i claimed a battleahlp oan be destroyed by wirie.' M sre dt An alliance of France and Spain 1 ia n it. Mlltleat .ehaaa board of jSurop, now that th Balkan wr is Ver,:vv Hurrragetie in wiwn in h. TOaattnlnetar AbbeV. With chant for uffragette-now in-prini, when the clergy raueq te rnvnnvu . i women In their prayera ' --" , va(4an . Pnincara will b gUardd olossly on hi prnt.trlp to Spain,, be cause or rumor oa tnat a- v-hjv will b mad t assassinate M ruler and King Alfonao, . - f-;v Buffragettes ln london engaged the police to an exciting, fight using flft. umbrella and hat plna. on the blue ooata Mia Annie Kenney, militant leader during th absenc of Mr. Pank hurst wa arrested. ';"'"';! -;''i;;'' Tuan Sht Kat ha been eleted pres ident of China y, the two house-ef th republican parliament. He will ml flv yeara Twenty candidate were nomi nated. . -:-i,:;t"- ''.!' - " '--y . " i Slight earth shocks have caused but little damage to th Panama egnaL Un important allde wa reported. ,? - The plan -to dethrone King Otto f Bavaria and place Prlhc Regent l.ud wlg on the throne, has been-renewed by the Bavarian government The prince on a former .occaalon vetoed the plan. :, An aeronaut lost his life at Barcelona trying to av a spectator who ha been taken up by a guide rope Jy ac cident -The other man was uninjured when th ballon :decndcV-AMv. --v:.-; '- Peaoe resolutions, have been adopted by . Buddahlste in Toklo, ! expreaalng friendship toward ' President -Wilson, and wishing for contlnuanoe-of friend ly relatione between the two countries, United State Consul General J. . Jones wa guest at a public banquet at Winnipeg. Just before departing for hi new post at Genoa, Italy. King George and Queen Mary will act a. ar.nn-na tn tha hall, tn tha ttrfla ( 'th Duk of Roxburg whn th. child , MORNING. C Z . cSIl 12. PICTURE win be babtised In th Chapel ReyaL St James palace, October 10. The Duchess WM Mis May Goelt ef New Terk. PreUmtnary tq hi deportation. Harry Kemp, who eloped with Mr. Upton Sin clair some time ago, was sentenced to II days' imprisonment at hard labor, at lionoon, - wnere ne naa come irons New York aa a stowaway. - The village ot Tomasl, In Panama, 1 reported to have been totally destroyed by an earthquake Population 800. Mud for the uae of tb osarvltoh wh I Buffering from a malady, ha bean ordered shipped from the salt lake near uaessa, nuaeia, to tne imperial Paiac at Malta-v,.....-,.-fl-v:v--:v-:- . m . , . - MoGill university haa conferred the degree f doctor of law on Sir Gilbert Parker, Canadian novelist and F, B Benson, Amorio&n Shakespearean actor. - In th dieput over the estat of 1100,000 left tq Emperor WUUara by Herman Knorr, aa eocentrio character, th emperor ha decided to retain half r s tn property ana ei tne wiaow uti the other half. - ' 'Embaraseed lover , the Indiscretion of the Hanover legitimist and publicity over the affair which has come to the emperor of Germany and 'the imperial office and duke of ' Cumberland, Em' peror William ha ent a special envoy to arrang y (or , . -ttlmnt of , th troubla . - , - - . . ',,'', . Prlne Kataura, ex-premler, who has been ill for ome Mm in Japan I re ported as' worse,- and his death 1 ex peetd momentarily, - - , . ;. : To - keep Mexican beef hem and equalise th American tariff the Mex ican constitutionalist imposed an ox port tax ot IS a head on beat eattla. Pompstio herd tn the mountain of Btyria, AuBtrl,, ar being billed by tiona, wolve and hyena, which escaped from a menagerie, and th Austrian fi1Tini-'K orjpJg4..t MpeiUr tton to kill the beaata, k . IICiiifl;iViiM Note- ' 1 rUB Tnth United State Cavalry, I MgTO troopers, wr praised by Jlejor Oeharal Wood. hf of gtaff at th United State army, for their bravary and efficiency, . . . , Maxwell Evaru, general eounael of th Southern Pacific, and eon ot tha late William M, Evert. 4. ,jMa a( tn, ,g. Of II. "' ' tVf-i ' ' ' h Sympathising with, striking miners of that section school chlldrtn left the schools at Ahmeek.- Alleus, and Mo hawk,. Mich., and prosecutions for vio lating ; the compulsory education law may.folJow.;K-;'-.j.'i;tfciSM'',:;'-r-;;.; w&'-W. i J.i Wwley Browning, a pioneer mer chant who waa on of th drivers who helped Brtgham Young's family across th plain, is dead at Ogden, Utah, aged IT. -...,-! v ,V v j.'i? :.(vi. ?' ..-V 1- -M Yiii . i.New Tork customs effleer etsed plume valued at 110,000 : received from Europe' in violation of the Underwood tariff bUU? a-They -will be returned tq Europa-'.,.(.,,,r','.,!;. "...viii---,fii;: i A bear worked th I at eh of th eabln of H. J.- Hoblnette. a homesteader in Douglas county, at the provisions, and broke dlsho and furniture. ;. Ml Bertha Olson ef Hlllsbora, waa queen of the Washington county fair for echool day,:-October Benjamin P. Cornelius, postmaster at Hlllaboro, haa been suooeeded by J. C. U Lamkln, en ex-oonf ederat soldier. .- Mrs. Luclnda Sawyer, a pioneer of '51, died at Bugsna and wa burled Wed nesday. ; ....', f.it-, Conseltdktsd lto Insurance aompapy of Portland, has been granted permit to sell stock by Corporation Commlaaloner Watson, Permit bad formerly been de nied. ; - out Tool, a section band of Tur- 1 ' : AND 1 PARAGRAPH ' . - a-Pbotographs. copyright by International New Service. 1 Han Scnmidt m ho gppearad si tb coroner's Inquest Into th death : oC Anna AttmnlUr of whom ho Is th confessed murderer. Blnco ' his confinement Schmidt has crown v beard. . - -Millionaire Jury which condacted Aumuller, Theodore r. vnonts gno ymoens asiof are in two lljures in ths front row, I Chester G. Piatt, secretarr to Governor Bulier, who wgi v witness ' in the Sulzer Impeachment trial. t 4 John Pojrd Qrajr, New Tprlt stoelt broker whQ testified t , ths Suiter trial. - - ' I Herman Oelrlchs, ths second -richest young man In America,' wht3 ;.: wss recently srreited In New Torlt following an sutomobUs accW v dent In which a young woman wai' Injured, . . 8 Senators Sage and ;WWi Jmpprtant figures - In the 6ulier , Im-,-' v peachment trial. - N 7-Jamei C, Garrison, friend of Governor Sulser, who was put In JalV; on a contempt charge. ' ; ner, Or wa b4Ud by a 3oqthor P etfiQ work train. .' . ' Henry Roy 0. II. of Albany, lost bis left eye from gunshot wound as r uit of an accident while hunting pheas ants. . s t i,l I t , WnalaaJta llMUSAS In th blUln m. a jma A laaka. were destroyed. aii -naanaatv limiiiL rendering many people homeless, s. result pt ; a tioai lorn, y-:- v 1 .i.ii T BtnAAirA Johnson. formerly associate ditor of thj hp. viu uourriroumai, t vw H wa a nepnew or general Aiuert pu ney Johnson, i . ., , ouri ruled that rtgular fir insurance companies cannot , writ insurance automobiles, , ;,x f: ?t."- ' ' F, D, William son. said to b ajseal thy landacsp artist Of Dallas, Texas, mysteriously disappeared from Colora do Springs, Colo., and . a search wa started for him. " - " , Herman Simon,, th Urgest individual silk manufacturer ot th United I State, who died leaving an aetata of 110,009,. 000, named employe a b.eneftcarj to the extent of ll.000.OOOA v- ,1 Sava Radakovlch, a Servlyi banker, baa disappeared from .?uWo. taking with' him. according to the police, 0, 000 of his creditors' money. -r Ten children at Belllngham and vi cinity have died a reult of eating fruit whloh bad been aprayed ' with arsenlo. lAfe Grelner, a pioneer of Garfield and Columbia counties dUd at Pomeroy, Wash after an Unf with dropsy lasting. 16 yes.-y!: ,r,v.'K ;. , Hundreds of bushels ef potatoes and a larg number -of turkey will be old at coat by Mayor Shank of Indianapolis, before be retire from etfie January; S, aa a blow at high prloe for living, f t Denver la Bearing a coal famine aa result'Of the strike In th coal mlne of Colorado. ! striker deny responsibility for bomb outrages. t ; '"' Displeased because 1 the Republican state convention declined to accept amendments he offered to the platform, Augustus Gardner declares he will run for governor on his. own platform, Virgil patton, graduate of Washing- 1. n .ul. miliar, hna haan fyiala mmrim lull w v v v .jw. . m v - - cuiturist of Walla Walla county at a aiary 'ur f tr, , ; John D. Rockefeller Jr., told his Bible the Inaueit Into ths death of Anna class In New York that If Christ should com to that city and find theologians quibbling over doctrine, he would tell them to quit and devote themselves to other mors useful things. Appl growers of Denver rather than sell the fruit to commission merchant tor CO Tctnt a hundred pounds, gava hundreds of barrel , away . .tree , of v oharga ':.;,M.:'!:.-.v-..,,,-.'--',,.. A plague , believed to' have been brought by rat arriving from th or- fan In ah (n. Am a, aaltlal ITInaaa . among children in Belllngham, Wash, D, V, McGlone, privet secretary for Thomas V. Ryan, testified in the Sulaer Impeachment case, that he ha given the governor 110,000 in oasn fin behalf ' of Mr. Ryan's son. t. 7- ' : ',' 'u ., 1. in 11 ui.,.. m .. ' jim qi i. ' " ' Complaining they have received no Increase within th last It year; engl. ' peer and assistant employed en lum- ' ber earner on th Great Lake have asked for a wage tncreas of ll per month, while ; chief engineers of built , freighters have asked for an Increase from fill to I14Q a month. RheumatiGm A Eoso Cere Given by One Who Bad It ta the spring of 1808 iwu attacked b Haaeular and lufUnioiatorr Kheumatltui, 1 uttered only thai who neve it know, for ever three yearn, tried remedy ifter remedy, os doctor after doctor, but eueb relief M 1 rerelTtd Wae ooly tenporarj. Finally, I found a remedy that ear ne completely, end It see aem reternod. I Sure sItos It ta e lumber who were terrlbl afflicted and even bedrlddea with Rheume tlm, and tt etfeoted a cure la every cw, . I want every eufforer from any form ot Ehenmatle trouble tq , try this marvelou aallug power. Don't sent a cent; imply Rati your Same n sddraM and I will tend free, to try.. If, after you have need II nd It bat proves Itaelf to be tint long, looked-for raaaai ef curing yoor lihaqm,. Jliis, yoe way sand the Price of It, one d. ir, but,- suderiUad, I do net want your money nnleae you are perttotly aatUfted te end It I'D't that falrt Why eufiar any lnngar whan poaltlre relief la thus offered yna free? Don't delay. Write oday, Mark H. Jsckaon, Ko. 0 Uurney 01dg ertoute, K, .: -.. . J