THE OREGON SUNDAV4 JOURNAL PORTLAND,, SUNDAY MORNING;"OCTODER 12, 1C13. :.; jViuG PiCTURE ACTOR, TO SUCCEED, MUST BEr I k SUPPLIED WITH NERVE CALENDAR OF THIS , WEEK'S ATTRACTIONS f Secrets of Business) Told i by Arthur Mackley,' an Author- : uy on nun iviaMngf ! : , SHUBERT Mil " THEATRE OPENED BY FORBES ' . Br Bernard tu .Cohn. Memphis, Teniv Oct 11. Toung man or young woman, If you have n imM t Ion to become a ; "movie" actor or ac- I tree and have gray-blue eyes forget j It. You can't appear on the screen, tor no picture producer, will five you , a ...a, ,a U'0 va. ua. . ...hv. w..a) things I learned Friday afternoon in a ' ley was formerly a popular stock actor 1 In IfAtMnhti (I 4a tinaa aana tfia luit , known fig-urea in the notion picture world. :' i:i;.u"'t v' ? v Mr. Mackley "knows" motion pictures. aawjaa Cuis at ws ww w uv a vi yS ' stars of the Essaney company ha is also its stage director and writes most of , me . scenarios ror us productions. ; According to the movie actor the l?op- : uianijr vi mouiin pictures is on an in ; crease and the quality of the produe tlons Is Improving-, y . . , ? "The tendency now is toward the pro- irtlon of multlnla nhntnnl auction of multiple reel photoplays.' he said. "By the first of th year one will but seldom see a moving; picture play in one reel. The photoplays are being mada In two and three reels and their magnitude will Increase. - The, time will undoubtedly coma .when a motion pict ure theatre will give but on photoplay a n .v,nln Th mi Kl.. will h. itf .imIi magnitude, that no stretching will be necessary," .,:' -r. . oets Into tha Blood. : "Don't you motion picture actor. es- peclally those of you who hays been I on am legiumsie aiaga eei mi joss 01 i no auuiencer uom you xesi ine toss ; of th inspiration of tha crowd and of urn applause r ; ,... - . a v. , "Not a bit of It." was tha quick an j iwcr xrom us man wno several years . ago was a deep, dyed-in-the-wool vlllalrt I In TTft wilHnay twtlr Mwmanv aw avha I was regularly applauded and hissed ac . nTv1i Tier ti hia AmAm tinn t. "The dick of the camera takes the place I of the audience. Where the regular ao- i-ior piaya to hundreds tna motion pict ure actor piaya to tens of thousands j. and tha 'click of he camera stands for them. Whan wa ara ,nt(n th, lfr. j -ent scenes we can hear the click of the I macmne as it its impressions with ! the turn of the crank, - I know right . daw X nnMn'f llr - anatlr 1aim w.. I ' ....... ,. I . v .ww, wu you iet me camera oegin to cncK ana t ii pec a can uii two, ii gets mie ine niooa just like the applause of, the au- dlenOe."' us-,, - i a .'?. 0,-'V,'-.'-... j'.;' - Mr. Mackley was asked as to the qualifications of a motion picture actor. '. Hust scare Verve, , , v: , "There is one thing a motion picture factor must have, and there is one he must not have," was tha reply. "One of the main things Is nerve. One of the things he can not bar is gray-blue ; eyes. They will not photograph In mo ' tlon picturea ; A single photograph of a person with graV-blue eyes will show up well enough, but in a motion picture - that teraon Will . IHIimp tn ism, .atnn. 'blind. The motion picture actor or ac trees Is called upon to do many things i and to take many- chances. Of course the camera can perform many tricks and many of the things that look most trrilllng are very simple after, all. But there are many that are not j "la a picture we were taking not so long ago for example, something hep , pened which could have resulted most enousiy an eren ratal ly for Ck M. , Anderson and myself. Anderson- was acting the role of Broncho Billy and I was tne snerirr., I had -chased Billy, and at tha end We hail m.' itni NOW It im, that th nrniuriw when the time came to take the picture i xnai particular scene round that be was entirely out of blank pistol eart- riuKca. in rear ox naving nis neglect discovered ha resortd tn u. took some genuine revolver cartridges uu puiiea out - xoe ouiiets wun his teeth. - Then h tint um al1n drippings in the shells to seal them. Of j course when the tallow became cold It f lutraenea. wen. we acted the scene. ; I ; nrea ac jsniy ana I noticed him wince. , I fired again and I saw a look at no in ' In hla face. He fired at me and then I i mcoverea tne reason. That hard tallow I bullet struck me, and soon J was bleed i ing like a stuck via-. -Billr wa Moarimv j even worse. ? But that acene was one i oi. tne most reaiistio shooting scraps ' we ever put on." -.j.- , , Hall CaJne in Squabble. ' Owing to his aquabblo with the ti- brary Association of England over bis i latest novel, Hall Calne . bas not yet I completed his scenario f ?The Chrls- Liebler Feature Kllm company. The Li brary Association of Kngland, an instl tution quite unlike anything we know here, .has it in Its power to ruin the sale of a book, and therefore, Mr. Calne Is putting every , bit of - energy at his command Into his contest with them in the matter of the circulation of his lat est brain child. , e' e t :e e. , ROBERTSON Tremftndous 'Hit in" Prfi- .sentation' of VHamlet,'! , HEILIO Eleventh mnA HTmr. ' m nsoq. Tins afternoon at 3:10 w end lot on Kound-Un motion tlc- turea Matinea dallv. , Kvanlnn. ; a .SO. - i , - e jbak. wit Broadway and Morrl- e) son. , Baker Stock company v In e The l?eep Purple." beginning this afternoon , and running - all e week. .. , e t , ; , beginning tomonrrowafternSol5aat t Eminent English Actor Makes , PANT AGES Broadway and Aiaer., Kerinea vaudeville. Weak e beginning , tomorrow afternoon. e Matinee oany. .XMignt perform- . e ,ances 7:15- and 9tU-tH v'',e wuuaaiA - Hixin Between e Washington and Stark, Motion e . pictures. ;'-.;: ":-' ?.,-., a rn;ofLES-.Wet Park and . e aiaw.y Motion pioturea , globe Eleventh and Wash- ' e lngton. Motion Plcturea t . e Attractions - of - Vast week. : e zia.iuiu-wuo v v auis,. - motion e pictures. ',(' ;, :i .-i;.1- vf: ,', .j.yui : - LYRIC The Tango Dance and ine najan tiaugnter." PANTAQE8 VaudevIIla. . PEOPLES, COLUMBIA AND ULU0& Motion pictures, v I In -"The . Auctioneer" : David ri..a 1 moved, 'A Temperamental Journey- from the- Beiasco theatre ' to the Republia The move was only four squares but it proved to be decidedly "tempera mental Journey" the Bepublle stage bands , furnishing most xtt the temper ment They said the more made "A Temoeramental Jnurna' "mmA -y and dematWed- that Beiasco hire extra bands. Beiasco refused. ' The 'hands struck and Beiasco had two leaders ar- SOTHERN-MARLOIi ? . Br Beaa BJalto, N VafIt flnt . H T ' mtmm' arala night when Sir Johnston Forbes-Robert- r 4 I on, the eminent English ' actor. ap peareo at the Mew Bhubert theatre, in West ITnrtvfnnrth alnat T, mrmm tYim dedication- of the new playhouse,, built as a memorial to the late am 8. Bhu bert, and at the.Sarhe time the begin ning of the end of ' the great actor. With hi, vlf, fmrtrAm IT.IHntt mr,A . company of St English players, Forbes- jYuuvnsoa ww piay a season in isew Tork. i thn, ' tour th, mamt mnA . rrom the stage for all time, so he says. Ha hail viutrihm a ,Ka cwi.h . u . - " J v . " h . w., ,,wv r goers at the Drury. Lane In London last SDrlna anrf It wn a mimnn hi nnraalm His New Tork farewell was luat tmi pres8ve.';!:;;;:-v.v',,,,;;v,;ii;:.,v : ,.: ;.V Foroaa.'Rohartann'a nn.nln Mil ' mrmm "Hamlet ' ' and ha acorad a tremandnua hit. Mia "Hamlat" thla tlm. hail ath.t it lacked when he played the part here mmtmrtu yri ,o. alUSl wnat It laCKed then and ha nna la lariaflnahla . glble, elualve, but It is very noticeable. It is tha ounlltv that ha nut Intn "Tha Passing of the Third Floor Back." Per sonal magnetism, charm, call It what you win. it was r-oroes-KoDeruon's gen- r-;,-v:,,VV';'1:(5Vi , ' "' maae.--.ine massing or tne Thfi First Wfifik Was HfivntftH ?.blr ioor piy- in the " ":. ' . , . :' ."Vr""' unes mere was little. Plot there was none. But it was an extraordinary play bacausa rtf tha mftnr'm ninuiaiiu. u. put the same touch in his : "Hamlet" this time and redeemed it from the me- Broadway has aeen many "Hamlets," HAVE BEGUN SEASON AT M MANHATTAN to "Much Ado. About , ; , . ' I iwawy nas sn many -Mamiets," and Julia Marlowe hare teaun a fiwal.t0...Eadl "d " "kes some "Ham, weeks' season at th. Manhatt.a. ll'K .". Pih on th Rlalto. . - ; 7. -"t i oroes-ttooerison spiasnedl bouse. The enUre first week was de-l ? i voted to "Much Ado About If othina-. I ! "t never wanted wealth so much as and JusUn Huntler MeCarthvT ww-.n! now : " ueen l would give tio Play, If X Were King." "Much ITo CS.? ,,"LUi.P.B til!. .1? M I About Nothing" was the bill each ere-L' Tno" words were written in 1I7 by nlng and at the Saturday matinee, "it? 1? ernnaro.i in tne visitors' book I Were Klng" was presented at the IJ:."1?0? B0,PltV ,n London. To Wednaadav matina. i " oay. the Divine Sarah made aood her lowe appears in "Much Ado About Noth- Pf?n1":M yen 1ter' In London tweV aaaa ewall a. - 4 .la- 4t. . . . I lUvBlrB sUlB BTaLTel M. r)tr.BriT nArfACinenna Sothern and Marlowe 0haksprean re- for nci,oplui and also Char nertolra hut win not v. "r, I lnr Cross hospiUl, The latter lnsutu. Wert Klng."v' f Uon,WM included In order to. get the During Sothern and Marlowe's five l ' Ang ueorge and weeks' engagemerit at toe Manhattan ?ue!(n M"y frfatiy tatereated In nn.- v-,.. .1 ii. T. 7. . I Charlna Cross hosnital anil whan tire Shakespearean repertoire of elrtt Bernhardt announced -that part of the plays, as well as Justin Huntley Mc 11T7.ZZ Z a ? .,v l?wr "Jestles Carthys "If I Were Xlnr." Th.ri wiiil onc, ow? e venture and occu-l be 11 performances of -Muoh Ado About pieS L:n? ?" "is afternoon. Nothing," fire each of "Macbeth" and U.k . " wr". 108 n. Per "if I wara TrinT- a.h aTi haps' th most wonderful role in Bern- lnr of the Bhr.w." -Marohant Va. I repertoire atter .-tamiHa" lea" and "Hotna, an jtn. fc" I-.v I Mucn money was obtained for the hos- of "Hamlet" and "As Tou Lik. lC" and Ltalw .nd..?i'.hp .J.0- h, th one only of "Twelfth Nlaht" . , I Institution will enable the man- Mr, Sothern and Miss Marlows tres- ff,?. " ' Mei ".,,a desired new ent revival of "Mnoh aa? aJjT." J!? building? the beauUful place", that m .Lj i rrj I Bernhardt wrote of a thlM n a nantnM ma M tiio ,mwm mac tner nare mail I - i at th.i. ir.t .att.-- .""7 o. Tha great French actress said it I "w - wvuniaMiva uiiDLiiRr in I a -' i Shakesperean repertoire, Tha t lra tntnt l WB. ";. aPPesrance in London. appearance of Mr. Sothern and Vri-. JA"?'- . id Marlowe was at -tha ininoia th..,. laoout wew.jorg yet ets 4 19134914 PORMND SYMPHONY . ORCHESTRA NOW ON, SALE SHERMAN & CLAY'S EILERS MUSIC STORE FIRST CONCERT . . November 2 at the Heilij r uslaess Manager, Mr. 8. a. lalt, 318 Morrison St. , Chicago, on September 19, 1104. During their first appearance together, they were aeen in "Romeo and Juliet," "Ham let and "Much Ado About Nothing." This was Mi. Sothern's first appear ance as "Benedick," but Miss Marlowe had imnaraonatad "Raatrfna" OUB occaalona hafova that tlma dick", was a favorite role of E. H. Soth ern xatner, jsi. .A. eotnern. in bis re vival oi tne play in 186S, Miss Ellen Terry impersonated "Hero." in tha present revival of "Much Ado About Hotning," ny Mr. sotaern and Miss Mar. lows, Frederick Lewis appears as "Don Pedro," Sidney Mather as "Don John," .Tnhn , O'RrtAfi a . 'CtaiAI . . nrmi.. Harris as "Antonio," Walter Connolly mm wonrau, - j. eayro (jrawiey as 'BO rachlo," George W. Wilson as "Dog berrr." ' Miss Elizabeth. Valantfn. aa "Hero," Miss Helen Singer aa "Mar garet" and Miss Millloent McLaughlin as "Ursula" When Mr. Sothern revived Justin Huntlav MnTirthv'a nla r Were King" at the Wednesday matinee. ue appearea in nis wen rememoerea role otVlUon," , . - Mow Than TSOO People.- " Thara will ha Avar fflA aannU on tour with "Joseph and His Breth ren. thla aaaaon.. aa avail aa els, donkeys, horses, sheep, etc., of the original production. To transport the It massive scenes, the costumes, the anlmala and tha ttantila - am- - - city, will require 11 railroad cars, mak- us ii ua ui mm oisseei oramauo at tracUon that' has ever been sent on tour. , i that Twelve rears aa-n David wn.m the rough and tumble work with Weber and Fields cast his lot with David Beiasco. Th publlo came; they saw Warfleld,- and Warfleld conquered. It yeera.ago that tears were first uacuu-u -wna smiies ana smiles were OUt Short Wlth - tain 'In I "Simon Levi" 'In "The AucUoneer.? Now warfield is back on Boardway as "81- wwii wn, wjta mm nas also come the'Sama-atnllaa and tha a.. - - . .. - .v nwi . n acaa. I Warfleld's .triumph is aa great and as wuipiei mm it was on nis rirst appear ance in thla homelv nlav waiah ,.11. u. story of the old Hester street second hand merchant In tha It .huh nr.-a,., a . . - - w i "'"' nas oeen a star ne has created but four characters. They are "Simon Levi," In "The Auctioneer;" "Anton von Barwig" in "The Musio Master;" "Wee' Blgelow'Mn "A Grand Army Man," and the aged horticulturist in "The Return of Peter Grimm." As "Peter Grimm" came back after death so has Warfleld's oimon ievi- returned from, the old gen eration And is living for the new. ; The character of "Simon Levi" has not chanaed In tha hmad a-n.. I after 13 years there is found a finer iiaaing, ana a stronger appeal. After seems wameia in tne revival of "The Auctioneer" there la llttia ,aa.r. wonder why he has created so few char- uitra. jbacn one or tne tour he has created stands out as a masterpiece Th DUblln ftllnra to thaai ilaaa.a, at and Warfield is bound from presenting v,.uBia u ma aoi-iiuaus yoaa ..'. f; To make room for David Warfield rested.' Then he went hKck stage and set the scenee. hlmeelf. .. j-. ,. ' '". " ' ."'-i"'t' 5 Miss Mslre O'Neill, described both aa "the most beautiful woman in Ireland" end as the best actress the Irish play ers have produced,, will take the. lead ing feminine role in ."General,-John Regan." (T'i;. v.- ''V.V'V'A'-','--?.'!;' f.! .'nil , ' i i ii 4j an i i'i i I in i i l . fffi .'v - Use common sense buy Superior coal tl ton. Main 184; A-1511. (Adv.) GLOBE THEATRE . Jtirta VJTAGRAPH MASTERPIECE EXTRA! Special Two-Reel Fegture lEST r,,.' -'V ;'!: H.- i'v"' ;'"'X't f ' This Storjr is Beiutifully and Attractively Told " ' " -PATHS WEEKLY t ' MIRS nnpnTtrv nicuMv Current New Items of Unusual , LEWIS 1 Interest ,,...' In New and Pooular Sonc. ORGAN SOLO , 1A.-1ATT CPATC irt- ' .THIS PROGRAM 3 DAYS ONLY TODAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY , Vitagraph Comedy : ' CUTEY'S WATERLOO ' SGrand Wagner Concert ' ' WAGNER JUBILEE - - 4 ' (Auspices of Confederation of Germat Speakin Societies) , " , HERM. S. HELLER . i , PIHJRMONIC ORCHESTRA . V MRS. ELFRIEDA HEIIXR-WEINSTEIN, SOPRANO IN WAGNER NUMBERS , H;i.::-'-V' '-i'?.'v;,.i- "-i -f.- ... . ...:v'.'';--:v-'t.'Vv1t!l--vi..':,i3iA.'(; Wonderful Meet Choru150 MALE VOICESend Otker AttracUons 1 ' ' RESERVED SEATS SOoADMISSION 23c " . . MEffii T7.jr? THEATRE I I V gl'renth and Korrison. eLLasaV Fhones Mala 1.' A-ll.a' AFTERNOONS .2:30 is Jt EVENINGS AT 80 OXNING TODAY THIS YEAR'S MOTION PICTURES EIlHl; PENDLETON Lllll U1P Oreatest Motion Flc tores Zrer Taken of This Sig Yearly Brent Popular Prices WSSS 2Sc '' SZSXBTX9 8XATS .BBLLIlfa TOB ZTSHIsTaS ( Wa OBDZmS BECZXTZS VOW-Address lVettenOheoks to Fengle, Box office Sale Opens Beat Tuesday. W. T. 3!S NEf THURSDAY lTn-io i--'a '.'v sTBCXa.Ii rntXOB MATXBZB SAT0BIAT WILLMyFAVERSHAM . ar xzs owb STtrrsBBOtra FBOsxrcrrxoir or - JULIUS CAESAR . - , WZTX TBB SZSTXOITZSXZS STABS ' ' MISS CONSTANCE COLLIER and R. D. McLEAN . .. 160--OTOarXB--15f--MZCIAl. OBOKZSTBAr . .''-'v.' i.-i"i". ,-;':. r.;L . ' -r ;".. ; .- . '...,-' . TBXCZS t " Evenings tower Floor, 14 rows, $8.00; I rows, $1.80. Balcony B rows.? a , aa. i nr.. a a In. c 1-1 a. a . ..... n, ' , lvv, t i-vwD, wu, av . Dturur Miuneew-iiover ioor, IXIv, $1.00. , Balcony.. $1.00, 7Bc,60c u . , . 5 , , XCATZBTZB WZSBZROAT OCTOBER 20-2 1 -22 MARGARET APIGLIN :0:0p' COMXDZXI ;k't-- "AS YOU LIKE IT' AND TWELFTH . NIGHT" iheatre reoDies Wet Park anrJ Alder SUaTtinS si alala. 1ft Sunday VUUUCI DANIEL FROHMAN Will present Irs. Fiske "Tessof the LVUrberviUes" Six Complete Parts . ) 'V ' :' "' ' l"' , ?- f ' I'- '''"'",1"' ; , -iS "t ..jit".!.". " i". , . v ;,'." f-i.' . ' jv SCHEDULE OF SHOWS 12 m., 1 :30 p, m., 3 p. m.f 4:30 p. m., 6 p. fn., 7:30 p. m.,' 9:10 p. m,' Price 8. R. BAUFiIGARDT LECTURES A UNIQUE SERIES OF... ILLUSTRATED E D U- . CATIONAL LECTURES " BEARING UPON THE HISTORY OP HUMAN. CIVILIZATION X 'AT" i ' ; UNCOLN HIGH SCHOOL Park and Market Streati Wednesday Oct. 15, 8 P. M. . "Florence, the Pearl of ItalT Thursday, Oct 16, 8 P. M. k - - , "Rome, tbo Eternal Citv" Friday, Oct 17, 8 P. M. , "Pompeii, the City of the Dead" C.a...J. a"a ia a ' aaiuiuay, w, aO, a r. X. - : xno casues ana laegends of Tuesday, Oct 21, 8 P.M. . "Sweden and the Swedes" Wednesday, Oct 22; 8 P. M "St Petersburg and Moscow" Thursday, Oct 23, 8 P. M. An Eveninc vith the Surs" Saturday; Oct 25, 2 P, M. ' . uuiacijajus anu . onaae , , speare's England vx:', Under tha Auspices of the Port land education 'Association , Come Ikkettgg'2.00' Single Admisaoa . . ; 50c Te&xBers'uidSlutlent Course $1.00 Single Admisfflba.'.V... . 25c Balcony 10c, Lower Floor " 20c, Box Seats 30c Box meats' reserved' in ad vance Phones 'Marshall 880, A-2087. ( .. W1EX0F0CT0B13126 MaryPichfprd in - "IN THE BISHOP'S CARRIAGE." Columbia Theatre Sixth and Washington Portland's Model Photo-Play The- auc. . rcnept . vcnumion nre proof. . Rest Room for Women. Licensed Filnu-&acellent Music; Upea 11 a. m. .to 11 p. m. ; , , Matinees Made Specially Attrsc-; , tire to Women and Children. -PROGRAMME SUNDAY TO WEDNESDAY. DEAR OLD GIRL Two-Reel Essanay Drama.' NEVER KNOWN t TO V ''SMILE' Biojraph Comedy .f- ft, THE MILLIONAIRE'S . Paths Drama. tv?': SCENTING A TERRI. BLE CRLM2 P,0?rrh Comedy. " , MATT DENNIS, Popular Baritone ORCHESTRA Prof. Karpf Dlrc'r .. S mm mmtmm m...Jm if III --- ) TH EAT 1 1 Z v Main 9. A-r t Ceo. Ii..,J3aei. .mi t.. ZXTZAHCES, Broadway end Sixth Streets. Home of tha Incomparable Baker-Players .wee:; co: ::.3t;cing today, Sunday, m.m- - - , , InEE, OCTODER 12, 1913 An Intense Play of Criminal Life, by Paul Armstrong. , , METHODS OF WHITE SLAVERS LAID BARE. A Play with a Purpose Interesting, Ab-. , sorbin g and Amusing. Inside - workings of New York' most . dangerous crooks. - full strength of . the . popular Baker. Players. ' , . Stage Direction of James A. Bliss. ' Evening Prices 25 c, 35c, 50c, 75c. tj t , 1 Matinees, 25c and 50c. Two Weekly Bargains Monday Night, ,i : 3Sc Wednesday IVlat-aSc NEXTWEOC Uncquolcd VoudcvIIle 7D 1 AW 1 YrO ?J 7m vvi Broadway and Alder Streets IVceU Beginning Monday Matinee; Oct. 13lh (a . BORIS FRIDION : 0 a. J . ... -I rJ mfJS RUSSIANS 5 Direct from tbel seasatloaal earayeaveat at tae .Theatn Xmperlale, -Xosetnr,. im tbelr weaoerfal . aatlTe dasees a& soars, ntaaramoeatly s'-V ''-H 4 estUXed. , , ,h ; . Connors and Edna Maurice Samuels Sc. Co. - . , Delightful Amusers y In "A Day at Ellis Island V Tom KeDy v . , Aldo Brothers Irish einc.aa- Comedian 1 ' " . ,. Aerobetlo Athletes 1 ' 5 , ., . . -: :' ' .i t .. i .... . u.. ' , . i :'5..' 'j'' ' i, Pantagestopo Pantages Orcheatra . s Latest Animated Erents :.. K. & Evensen, director - . isaaiiiiiiiiaaaaiiisiaawaiaaa.aaaaa ,. I I ii i I . l Hi. J i III. IL i '1 s poarrr toxozt Tats bazst iqanr stATzarxx, ztzXt szat iBat aPopula Frloee -Boxes and IHrst Blew Baloony Besenred, Bex Office Open rrom 10 A. SC. to 10 V. SC. Vboaee, A.aa3fl, scala 163C, Onrtala , , - '. a mfr m,1t saeaal AtlA i . - 1 ft.1 ,. """i 7 t ; h ( V - One Vi7 eek Beginning Llonday Matinee, Oct. 13 V I G Leonard &. Onslow i v: In a Refined Musical Comedy Playlet The Land Manan Music, Mirth and Specialties TUESDAY NIGHT Athletic Contest FRIDAY NIGHT Chorus Girl.' Contest Frteesi-ariflits, lSo-tSe, SCatlaee-, Aay Seat 15c Is of Y I T '.rlritlt I llbiHl tV WEST PARK AND ALDER. TODAY, TOMORROW AND TUESDAY a. 1 TWO REEL SOCIETY DRAMA . IhfeShadoTO of JMe Pure Woman. Ctst Aside' by Her Vicious Husband Becomes the DWnlty f v - of a Dreamy Musician, , ,. Chivalry ; Days , v Enacted by Boys and Girl .Only.' ; ' ROTIFERS Scientific and Educational. ' Wifey Follows Hubby ... ,, ' A Comedy. , Funniest of Situations. ' MR. HARRY THORNE ' Pipe Organ Solo. "aa3uaaiaykJUlS-I FIGHTERS OF T1IE PLAINS Two ; Part Western Feature. Thrilling, Realistic, Superb.7 THE S I M P L E LIFE Comedy '' Drama., '.'.- ITALIAN ALPS Scenic. -ECHO OF SONG .Forceful. ALICE ROONEY Soprano. . it 11 WASMINO' M 1 ft' tf TH E A tT C It, V WASNINOtO Multiple Feature THE WINNER 2000, feet; An Ex ceptional Tale of the Race Coarse. TRAIL OF THE LONESOME MINE Western Drama. - - . THOU SHALT NOT RUTZZTw Comedy of tOO Laughs. til MAYEO-Cartoon King." luc Aur,;u.Mur 10c .; E., . , ,,., -, ..rry