The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 12, 1913, Page 33, Image 33

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    . PORTLAND,, OREGON. ) SUNDAY , MORNING, 4 OCTOBER , 12, 1913. ?'
; 1 V ' v.; vrrWtf fic? openings the Panama, Canal an infl
J.r , 'Pfyfrffit -y , Thrifty iniellige
1 ; , . : ; . : t V No mater u;r2 country these new comers hail
( , ' " . . 7i'Li
v. . , rrWith, the opening ; o Me Panama, Canal an influx of foreigners to Oregon will set in at once. .
, A , - mt..'SA.- !.-M11l-i M. J 1 LI 1 .- il f. t I 1 - f . - l ,
iafe? iir names unu tununes in our oounteous stare. ,
,za7 rom, 7n is ; 5orc they will see merchandise from the FATHER'
1 LAND, for this is the ONLY store maintaining offices in Europe arid sending, buyers periodically to the fashion
centers for the newest things for home and personal adornment. .. ", - . '
Tomorrow We Feature American and Foreign MercKaiiidise
In a Showing That We Are Sure Will Be Interesting to Our Patrons
c Our Buyers Are Now in New York
When, we moved into this new store we pledged ourselves
- to give the public of Portland and the Northwest a, stoe that
would be ah aggregation of stores each one complete of its
To keep abreast with fashion's dictates and changes.
: . . To give tothe public reliable, first quality merehsuidise, at
' the same prices that you are paying for inferior goods 'else
' where. . . ' - r. '
To fulfill our promises this store is extending a service to
. the public never before attempted by any retail establishment
.on the f acif ic Coast. - v
We are sending our buyers to the Jashioii centers every
few weeks. , . , ' , ' -
Through' our lew York-representative we are kept in-
i This year, owing to the, tariff changes millions, of dollars
r worth of merchandise was held in the New York Custom
House awaiting the passage of the "Underwood bill," which
meant reduced duties on all foreign merchandise.
Receiving, a wire that the tariff bill was expected to be
' passed any day we rushed our silk and dress goods buyer;
. women's suit, coat and waist buyer; misses, "junior and chil-
dren's suit, coat and dress buyer; corset buyer; imported
' lingerie buyer; infants' wear and undermuslin buyer; neck
y; 4 wear, lace, handkerchief and veiling buyer; millinery buyer;
linen and wash goods buyer, to the New York market.
: V-They are there now alert, eager, ready to send everything
"new" in fashionable wearing apparel. ; ,
Every day we shall receive new creations in Fall and Winter
fashions hitherto unshown and , unknown. - i 1
To make the shopping trip planned a pleasant and enjoy
; one we offer brOad aisles, a great big, light, cheery store,
where the sunlight trickles through the windows and where
i.vX God's pure air is allowed to circulate where everyone is
t'y Mppy, healthy and contented. - ; . ,
:f C'McnimnAito of c Merit Onlv"
4' .,
Showri for the First Rme
These hats aire oi a beautiful quality seal plush with rich silky
fmishv All the new snapes in both medium and small effect, com
ibining the popular": French' effects so IbeComing-f to the averago
; woman. These, hats are complete and require but a "perky" bow,
a feather, fancy, or band to make them ready to wear. Come in
black only,' but the variety of handsome shapes In both' soft and
modeled crowns is almost, unurnitedii
--'--py-- - try .Jt.!f-,
Very opecial yoc Each
-Lohg graceful feathers in peacock effect which' give an air ol;
distinction to the simplest' hat. They come in black, white, laven
der,' blue,; green1 and various other colori:ii:;v')4;' rf$
When applied to women's suits is difficult to define in words -but tt is
expressed to a complete understanding and recognition, however in these
""Women's $38.50 Tailored Serge Suits ?
Special Brice $27.50
So many women have the mistaken idea that the plain-tailored, ready-to-wear
suit is out of the question and not to be thought of.; But those
women who are familiar with our plain-tailpred garments find them equal
to those custom made, as -they represent style, finish and materials equal
to any garment they can have made to order. When you see these special
suits you, too, will agree with us that they are superior in every way.
-The U. S. Navy serge used in their construction is of
that splendid quality found in men's wear. The jackets -are
lined with Skinner's Satin and provided with inside
pocket and fitted with shields.' '"-f'C-!"
The jackets show, the very correct 36-inch length, cutaway in the front,
fastening with three buttons. Hand-turned collar, and reveres. The skirts
very cleverly draped and trimmed with small bone buttons. Third Floor.
Jftom ranee
Finest Hand-Made Chemise
including every model in stock -
At Deepest Reductions '
Chemise of imported longcloth, f
percale or nainsooks. Come in Ma
deira, French and Austrian embroi
dery ) in dainty floral ' and conven
tional designs. Some have loose
backs, others the French v backs.
Some trimmed in Cluny - lace edg
ingi others with Irish . lace Insets.
All have eyelets,, ribbon drawn. ;
$1.00 Chemise, Special 79c
fiJS Chemise, Special. . . .$1J9
$2.50 Chemise, Special .... $1J9S
$3.50 Chemise, Special. . . .$2.79
$5.00 Chemise, Special . . . . $3J8
Others up to $21.50 tor $19.19
arourth 71oor .
From France and Germany
One-Foujrth Less
Handsome reproductions in bronze
of celebrated works of art from the old ;
world galleries; many beautiful French
peasant pieces, so dear to the hearts of
those who appreciate tne peauntui in
sculpture ;" modern original pieces by
, , , From France
' Hand-Made Paris Blouses
of the Finest Lingerie
Such wonderfully beautiful creations
as these could only have come from
5 master, designers and such exquisite
i hand work is only done' - in France,
where the nuns of interesting convents
in the byways of the Provinces are
steadily at work fashioning lingerie
'. that ; will be worn by fashionable
women of the day. ' . t
French, and German- artists. Many
equipped " With , electric lights which
rnetttabBronres-thatean be-used in - "ft. futile whsattemnting a
uuijiuuu ui utn wveiy oiouses
the living-room, hall, library, as well
as public institutions. . : v ;:A " ;
In fact this . sale embraces every;
bronze piece 2 we have in 'stock. "A
word to the wise is sufficient" Xmas
will soon be here and have you in
mind any particular : piece for your
home, or perhaps a gift to some friend
of artistic taste. Sixth Floor.
Jfrom Austria
$25.00 Austrian China
Dinner Sets
Special $15.75
there are blouses almost smothered in
gorgeous hand-embroideiy, others with
dainty spreading sprays of embroidery
combined with real Cluny and Valen-.
ciennes laces tiny hand-run tucks and
the finest veining add to their charm.
Various : styles and designs show
ing the high as well as the low necks
and long or short sleeves.
$7.50 to $22.00 Each
Third Floor
From the Philippines
The Quintessence of Refinement r
$4.50 GOWNS FOR $2SB '
$6.50 GOWNS FOR $4.65
These exquisite gowns represent spe
cial importation from the Island of Ma
nila. They were made to oar special de
sign and then embroidered by the natives
In various intricate patterns, being copies
of, the best French needlework. Of soft,
filmy white material, having kimono
leevet, alipover , style. ; The ..neck and
sleeves are daintily finished with hand
made scallops and across the front, .as
well as on many of the sleeves are beau- ,
tiful hand-embroidery designs. . r
These gowns are the daintiest that it is
possible to create,' and for women who
revel in the sheerest and finest of lingerie
this will be a rare treat Fourth Floor
London Haberdashery
ilfor illen
'I Allen & Solly. ;;
sold exclusively in this store
English gloves of Denf a make la
fine cape and pique style, in various
weights and styles. Dent's gloves
combine quality, - style ' and fit '
Shown In tans and grays, in dressed
and undressed kid.
Priced from $1.50 to 2J2S
Sweaters for cold and outing
-wear. The new English styles in
pure lambs' w,ool and fine Vienna,
sweaters in plain and heather mix
tures, made with small rolling col-,
lar and V neck'::?l!:;ifv;:.?;' f.:'
. Prices to $22.00 . . '
, New English neckwear, made of
- best quality silks. . Rich in, quality
and colorings. Such scarfs as the.
best dressed Englishmen wear.
V . , Prices $1.50 to $2.00 ,
V-Made for us in London in the
Vyery latest shapes of finest quality
pure linen..; New Fall styles open v
' for your inspection. ,
r f ' Price, Each, 33c ;
. The Dozen $4.00 -
introducing a new dinner set that
cannot be ' duplicated in Portland.
'either a dainty floral desiern of pink Just
Cluny Lace-Edge Doilies
Squares Scarfs
At Import Cost
about 500 pieces of scarfs.
rosebuds or a narrow lacy gold-edge
design. Clear white dinnerware in neat
shapes. Set consists of .
'12 Soup Plates
12 Dinner Plates
12 Breakfast Plates '
12 Tea Plates
12 Fruit Saucers
, 12 Individual Saucers
1 12 Teacups and Saucers
, 2 Meat Platters
, Covered Vegetable Dishes '
Open Vegetable Dish
Pickle Dish r: :
Gravy Boat and Tray . -
Sugar and Creamer
Covered Butter Dish
, -aita Floor
--Made by the native Indians on hand
looms,; Dyed with unfading vegetable
dyes in bnlhant reds, , blues and soft
;h7W!ltoF?Y '&
The art; of. weaving -Navajo Bugs
v" is fast dying out. Positively this gen
eration will see the last of the genuine
t hand ;; woven rugs, for ?the "Young
ll Bloods,lwith? theirfemUeEduca--i
tion," find it far beneath i their dig
nity f to do this "Squaw, Work.". :
Some! very special offerings in Nav
ajo Tugs go into effect tomorrow;"
$ 80 Navajo Rug for ll f $635
$10.00 Navajo Rugs for.;.$7J95
$12.50 Navajo Rugs' for.. ,.$9.85 1
a " ar.. t.. . v'.a. . mm w
f25M0 Navajo Rugs for Wti $17.85
s Navajo, Rugs for. . . $21.85 :
$30.00 Navajo Rugs for. .. .$23.35 .
$32.50 Navajo Rugs for:. ; .$22.45 "
$50.00 Navajo Rugs f or H .$39.00 ?
m aAa nwwr -
squares, doilies and centerpieces of a
jihc grauc 01 uncn. '. iney are edged
with Cluny( lace and inset with Cluny
lace insertion to match, combined with
drawn work. These covers are suit-"
able for buffets, , diningJ tables, dress
ing tables and serving trays.
In round doiliesv the sizes range
from 8 inches to 30 inches. In the
scarfs are sizes from 17 to, 34 inches to
18 by 54 inches, .
15c Doilies, Special. . . . . . . . .10c
25c Doilies, Special ... , , , . ....18c
v 35c Doilies, Special.... . ..... .23c
49c Doilies, Special.... .39c
65c Doilies, Special . . ....... .39c ,
85c Doilies, Special , . . . , . . ... 49c
$1.00 Doilies, Special.. ........69c
$125 Doilies, Special, . . . .. . . ,79c
$1.50 Doilies, Special. . . . . . , 98c
$1.75 Doilies, Special. $1.23
,; ,;,v '.,:'h::'S-v'5;;y.'." )r-$00ts''; aeexaent
Our i Own Importation
of London
English Raincoats
For Girls 8 to 1 4 Years
Selling at $160 to $20.00
Very Special $12.50
These are typical English
outing coats that are worn by
the smartest girls and women
in every part of Europe the
name "Hunt" standing for the
very finest English Garments.
They , are made of ,tan,
brown or Oxford mixtures or
strjpes in English tweeds crav
enetted. Lined throughout the
shoulders and sleeves. Made
withyraglan sleeves, .strapped
or with turn-back cuffs, cut on
straight lines. Fourth Floor,
For. Youngsters
In London you' will . see these suits
worn by the small boys Jn Hyde Park,
where the children of the British nobility
and aristocrats are sent with their nurses
for their daily outing. .In New York you
see them on Fifth avenue and also in the
parks, in Newport and in Florida these
suits are worn by the children of the
smart set ( " '
Of course they have - not - been seen
here, for they have never been shown be
fore. Our Boys' Department is here to
supply our patrons with every novelty in
juvenile wear. Soon you will see them
on the children of Portland's smart set
In sizes from 2 to 10 years, sell
at $3.50 to $5.50.
- Tonrtn arioo
A Free Lecture in French
By Prof. V. B. De Lory t .
Will be conducted in' the phono
graph hall adjoining the book shop. .
Tuesday, 11 to 12 A. M.
Les Anges Gardiens .
Pure Linen Table 'Clotlis
; ' Special, $2.48 and $2.98
Sizes by 22 and 2 by 3 yards '
Napkins; Special, $3.19 Dozen
' These table linens - are made of a good
. quality sturdy linen the kind that resists '
the laundry. Full bleached and shown in
several neat designs.!; l ;; v Basement
mi&:"r' , ' .', Tt'j
Women's Ribbed Underw'r
The name "Hanro" guarantees the fact
that this underwear Is genuine Swiss im
ported, made of finest materials,-1 procur
abble, the cotton the finest and softest,
the wool the .purest and cleanest and the
silk all silk; that they are absolutely un
shrinkable, and that all points of most
wear are reinforced. .
-Priced from 50c per garment
to $6 the . suit, according to
weight, style and material used.
' v' ',' if 4 9i rrown '
Dr, Jaegers Celebrated
Golf and Sweater Coats
Of finest Shetland wool and silk. " ' .
: FROM $1.50 TO $35.00 J
yTTh4 !,r;i':', LVi;vraJrt Floor -:V
JUeatner Jrannier ; Dags
Very Special $3150 "v
The yery newest and most popu-
lar shaped bags of genuine put, seal,' s ,
and Morocco in black, tans, browns, -blues
and green. Mounted on frames 1
finished in silver, gold or gun metal. --They
are fitted with coin purse and -mirror.
These bags represent styles
that are now carried by the better
dressed New ; York i women with
their tailored and afternoon suits.
W3$tf$M-. . ' , First Floor. r
' 'r . v ': . .11. ,f a