Vi THE r OREGON '"SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. 0CTQD2R A2. 1ZIZ la yy;.,,,- : . ' : : v :-r- tr.rr:"t-ANrEAST''"lNDIAN EESAMERIGA::''" 1 Visitor Finds He and His Money Move Fast Here V';, , r mm 'X mm of rose FESTIVAL C011IM i Amounts' Range Higher Than "TasT"TeafrsrHrstoricarfa 1 : - - "niU-New $650 Player Kk"' ' i iAn-r t m than intr-nrlenl but geant Planned.; , -r' S there seems to be no let-up in IDNS POUR S , . :mV: ;';J Jllj.' IT wsxrr VJLt O. V Va32J - f4 "liifniiinii-iirrwi :irra 111. I .u; .''' ' mm "The Roe. Festival Is Portland's t racest advertising sassl" , : This sentence taken trjm a letter re ceived : by the . revival , of flclala thtp week reflects the consensus of opinion of alt the aubacrlbera to the festival . fund to date. :- ' . Anewera have been received t over SO per cent of the letters sent out aslt- , in subscrlpUons, and In every Inatanoe the amounts subscribed have been from 30 to 60 per ' cent, higher than of pre- ' vlous year. These lettera are acknowl edged a as received and the writ- era ara requested to aenft to' the fesUval . board of governor any Idea they may have aa to the betterment of tbe. fes tival ''vM - 'V. M";,',;:"v;i-'':'"' "Ths responsa baa been moat encour aslnK.'f aoid Jes A. Currey.s pubUoity . manager, yesterday. "Without exception all who have replied to our requests for subscriptions tbua far have been unant mou In pralaa of the Koe Festival aa a treat thine; for Portland. Neuatad ter brothers, pastern v Outfitting com pany. Fred A. Jacobs, Judge William 1. Kenton. J. p. Ft n ley A Son, alelachner, Mayer A company are only a few of the large establishments thac have written. Finising the festival as great adver tising. feamre tor the city of Portland, "The response from the emaller nier- chants has been most gratifying. " Our request for suggestions has also been well received. , We want ldeaa'that will help In. making the Rose Festival bigger and better than. ever before,"- It has been suggested to the festival board that the dramatic classes of the University of Oregon and -the - English classes of Oregon 'Agricultural college . be Invited to prepare an historical page ant or play to be given at Multnomah field at the time of the fsstlval. , Such performance. It Is suggested, would Jhave to do with the history of Oregon and would require several hundred stu dents. The matter has been turned over to L A. Alderman, superintendent of schools, who baa charge of the educa tional features of the festival. - - The board of governors will present a preliminary budget relating to the ex penses of their respective departments at the next meeting of the association. MULIT AND ALBERTS - - WOULD BE EXAMINERS . ' (Wtblittoa Bnni of Tat Icurnnl.) Washington, . C Oct, U. Ex-State Senator I V. Mullt, of Ashland, and Marry Alberta, of Salem, are candidates ' for appointment as bank examiners. SOCIETY . WOMEN PLAN - - VISIT TO GRAND CANYON .'" (Wtablnetoa Burets of The loaratLV ' . Washington, IX C, Oct. 11. Mrs. Joseph N. Teal and Mrs: George D. Wll lett, who have been In Washington for a few days, will leave tomorrow for home via the Grand. Canyon of Colorado. ' Calef Bros, want you to visit their stores if In need of house furnishings. ' Calef Bros, E. 3rd and Morrison. Adv. Try lo Wiiile- People Who Attempt to Hide Unsightly . Pimples Behind Paint and Powder, Clog; Their Pores and Coarsen : . Their Skin. . Pimples are the source of the great est chagrin and humiliation to the sen sitive girl anxious for the admiration that beauty receives. And It is only nat. urai that, she tries to hide them be hind paint and powder. Slie Uttle recllsea, however, what al most Irreparable injury she inflicts on her ekln through the clo&glrsr and en larging of the pores of the tkln. The impurities n the blood that cause pirn-, plea have bow no way of escape an :1 new pimples . break out not only on ., the face but on the shoulders, back and arms. Instead of improving her looks. ehe has spoiled whatever v beauty was jrt tier. There's Vo Use Trytnff, I cant Xldo Pimples With Paint. If she only knew how easily pimples i can be cured with Stuart's Calcium Wo ofers, -she would never use cosmetics again. Just aa soon as her blood has been cleaned by the purifying agents of this sovereign remedy, all the foul . conditions of her skin pimples, black heads,, brashes and liver spots would quickly disappear. And the rosy cheeks, and rich, glowing colors of a healthy, natural complexion will be a . hundredfold .more attractive than an she could, possibly get out of a paint box or s powder rag. Htuart'S -Calcium Wafers taken Into the blood ' convert the Impurities that have gathered In the nores into a- gas eous form that readily escapes through the pores. At the same time, they . stimulate . the pores into throwing off the foul ' matter -that has accumulate 1 about them. The result Is that fu Mood and skin are quickly . freed of all Impifritles and restored to a healthy, vigorous condition. With pure blooJ, a. healthy, beautiful Skin will follow as certainly as day follows night If you have a, pimply, broken out skin, you should clear' It up at ones itli Stuart's Calcium 7Wafersw Don t v. hlte-wash your face. ' It fools nobody end only, makes-matters worse, . There is only one remedy that is at once safe and effectiveStuart's Calcium Wafers - recommended by the best physicians There is only one sure and , quick way to beauty for you. ' That -Is a straight lirte to the nearest drug store for a too i ox of Stuart s Calcium . Wafers. .w start ivash Pimples J(USV! .AtwA, too ' , jr p . . - M. F. Modder- of Colombo. Ceylon.' 1 in Portland for a preparatory course of study In Y. M. C. A. work to be followej by advanced, training in the Springfiel-i, Mass., school after which he will re turn to the far east and enter the work there. ' Of Dutch parentage, he la ft na tive of Colombo and has had considera ble experience in writing for and Illus trating newspapers of the orient , Written and Illustrated by M. P. Modder. "The East is East, and the West : West" and there is a world of differ ence between India and America, Ever since I stepped ashore, this wonderful country of yours has made me open my eyes wide, and behold the strange thing to be found here. : Everything in Port land 1 new to me, and it will take mo some time to get used to it all. In India we go our, way la peace and quiet ness, but, by the sacred Ganges! I have to run, to gallop, and sometimes fly in The entrance- examination for r the training class at the Public library will be held Wednesday, November 12. From those who pass this examination the re quired number will be selected -to form a class; which: will begin work on -December 1 and continue for six months. Those who complete this course are eli gible for appointment as general as sistants on the library staff, r. - A model sailing vessel is now on ex hi. bltlon at the Albina branch library. 160 Knott street where it is attracting much attention. t i-W.". j A meeting of the Oregon IJbrary As sociation was held ln-the Fublicllbrary last Friday afternoon.'. Librarians. and library trustees from all over the, state were In attendance. Miss Cornelia Mar vin, state librarian. Miss Blair and Miss Coulllard of the Btate library, and Miss Anne Swesey, librarian . of the public library, represented - Salem.'" Miss' Cor Inne Mets, librarian: of The Dalles pub lie library, and Miss Anna Lang, presi dent of the ' Board of Directors, were present. ' Hood River , was represented by the librarian, Miss Delia Northey, and Mr. Lucas, a member of the Board of Trustees. Mrs. Viola P. Franklin, li brarian of the Albany- public -library, was present, also Mrs. Upshur, librarian of the Astoria public library. Woodburn was represented by Mrs. 8ettlemeier. a member of the Board of Directors, Med ford by Miss Robinson, librarian, and the University of Oregon library by. Miss Margaret C. . Uplegger and Mra Marion McClaln, Among others in at tendance wore: Mrs.: Lilly; librarian of the Eugene puhllo library, Miss Bardon, librarian, McMlnnvllle; Mrs. Apperson and Miss Kendrlck, trustees, McMlnn vllle; Mrs. Rodgers, donor of the library in Forest Grove, Mrs. Hanson, librarian. Forest Grove; and Mrs. Jones, librarian at Cottage1-Grove; - - ;-" The meeting . was presided ' Over by Mist Cornelia Marvin, Miss Delia Nor they acting as secretary; Papers were read by Miss Mary Frances Isomvltbrar lan of the Portland public library, I1bs Mets, Miss Northey, Mra.- Franklin and Miss Lillian Spencer, order clerk of the Portland library. In the evening the club attended a reception given by1 the Multnomah , library club in, the. staff reoms of the Central library. ; , . ; Dr. C H. Chapman's lectures on the "Evolution of Liberty will begin Wed. nesday evenlng.October 15, at 8 o'clock, in the library, hall. 'Admission is free.,j,; WOULD GIVE REAL SETTLERS ; 1 ST CHANCE Centralis. Wash., Oct 1 1 Thursday the Lewis county commissioners sent a telegram to officials at -Washington suggesting that the real settlers of the Big Bottom -country. In . eastern Lewis county be given preference rights In the land drawing to' be held there soon. ; E. E. Teachnor, fchalrman of the commis' sionera, Thursday nlght'V introduced a resolution to this 'effect ; at a meeting of , the Cejitralla -Commercial club. . clU Ing aa -an -exampie the case of W. Tully, a Jtandle fcankeK' who filed on 160 acres of-land, and who has had I! hearings on his .itltner,-l , -J, I Public Library Notes- ' - ' w m leak, viejajft . - w-r- jwww m sv vsn ienw i "vwx this fast country. I have te ' move six times faster here than in my homeland, My money goes 12 times faster. If I don't move fast enough, I will have all the autos in the city on me. and the street cars will pus.h me forward or a yellow "honk", wagon will send me five blocks down in the wrong direction! In spite of all its faults, your coun try Is a good tonic, and I think that It will put some, extra life Into any ori ental. It, will shake him up and thor oughly change his slow ways. And I must also . admit in spite of the fact that I was maltreated at the customs house and thrown out on the pavement by an Ill-mannered street car, that I like the American people. It is said that they speak through their nose, but I can testify to the fact that they spend through the nose! They are fine sports, the . fair sex in particular, and they know how to treat a stranger within their gates. Yes, there is no use de bating the fact that your ladles are charming, and more or less faolnatlng. For October Planting ' CP? SELECT "Top Root," solid, properly matured ! Bulbs, specially grown for florist useTHE KIND YOU . WANT. FOR EARLIEST FLOWERS INDOORS Roman Hyacinths, "Paperwhite," Narcissus and China Lilies will, bloonv in six to ten weeks. . , i v FOR A SUCCESSION OF WINTER FLOWERS Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissi, Crocus, Lilies and many , other i free-blooming beautiful flowers can be grown in pots or boxes in your home and are sure to bloom. FOR OUTDOOR PLANTING Our splendid offerings of Giant Darwin and May Flow ering Tulips, Hyacinths," Daffodils and Crocus New and distinct varieties of great beauty will command at- '' tention wherever grown. ' " ; IF MOLES EAT. YOUR TUUPS or destroy the beds, you can easily keep them out by surrounding the plantings with -wire netting one-Inch mesh, two feet wide, sinking so the top Is at the ground level. ; '; ,. ... t ' t OUR AUTUMN CATALOG . ' of Bulbs. 'Roses,' Trees." Ornamehtal Vines. TVrns ' and Flowering , i?; ..Plants, listing the beet 'standard varieties,, and latest novelties of : tmerlt-a-splendid guide to your purchases, will b& mailed free on : ifr request ; Ask; . for,.. Catalogue.:. No. IW-wr-r- 'ft.rv.' roruana oeea 0. Front 'and Yamhill SU - - S-ratccrrOs ANt YOWR rVkveU But some are far too red in the cheeks. Perhaps they are continually blushing. Ah, but I cannot understand why, when a certain young, delightful belle wiped her Hps with her pocket handkerchief, it left a red stain on the kerchief T Their costumes, however, perplex me, because they are so different from the Indian silk draperies. The more delightful your lady, the larger the feather In her hat Yesterday a friend informed me that he was knocked in the face by a feather belonging to a hat fiye feet away from htm. v It astonishes me yea! it makes-me sad to see some ladles trying to re semble the beasts of the forest One had on a bearskin, another a wolf, and yet another a leopara skin.- The corner of the street reeembles) a perfect menagerie, with the escaped an, 1 male of a soo out on a holiday. The poor husbands looked like perfect pup py-dogs besides these majestio ana aw inspiring wives! More anon If the ed itor requires any! ., ' ; ;; DUTCH BULBS Our Direct Inqsortatkm Hyacinths. Tulips , Narcissi AnrJ Many Other Beautiful Snrincr ' F In wr in cy sjsrsFe mmmy .am -w fi mmm Bulbs Now on Sale in onei Main 4040, AC015 II IJ ; vwl. 1 II H !:'!! Ivlk. , 1' - imi 11 fl .. 1 Ut .1 ),; HWlWlUr Maasawa, SALE A M 1 r SAVING PRICE ib4DD to YOU 3loD $20 WEEKLY V Portland, Or, Oct 1, I9f3. Mr. Pred W. Graves, " t McAlpin Hotel. New York City: ' ' , Jones Market can't move need extend contract covering additional ; month require '. Immediate answer. " ' P. C GRAVES. A Galaxy of Splendid Player Your Buying' P6wer.Need Be But $10;Ci;MelntKy;: v ' , Price S 450 Ludwig, golden oak, "carved S25S J 450 Kimball, Circassian walnut........ S260 j 425 Cable-Nelson, splendid walnut S 5265 J 5 350 Lyonft Healy, small size... , S51G5 1 5 550 Gaylord, 88-note Player Piano , . i 5355 55 650 Universal, Player Piano, fumed oak J 5415 i 5 350 Ahlstrom, large upright grand S 5150 i 375 Bradford, fancy walnut J 5215 J 5 650 Universal, 88-note, mahogany Player Piano i 5415 650 J. H.s Shale, Player Piano, 5415 i 5 350 Fischer, upright, ebony. ; . ; . . .... . ... . . .,;,:! 5145 i 5 650 Cable-Nelson, latest Player Piano .......... J54G5 1 5 425 Cable-Nelson, Sheraton model. J 5265 i I 425 Vose & Sons, Upright Grand, walnut. . t. , . i 5245 i 5 ' 350 Heinze, fancy Circassian walnut ..V 1 5195 J 5 325 Gerhard, large fancy mahogany, S5245 J 5 750 'Weber,. Player Piano, in walnut. S5355 $ 1425 Ludwig, Chippendale", fumed oak model, . . . S 5260 S 750 Smith & Barnes, 88-note,. in fine mahogany, 1 5465 i 475 Hardman, "Empire Model,M, fancy mahogany 5 5260 i 250 Hardman, Player Piano,. in mahogany. . ..... ii 60 i 5 450 Kimball, in art finish mahpgany. , . . '. . . . ... I i245 $ 050 Krell, Auto Grand, Player Piano, in mah'y $565 $ 950 Kranich & Bach, Miniature Grind, Louis J ; XV, richest mahogany ...... .. . . . . t . .". s . . $595 S .425 Strohber, in magnificent rich mahogany..... $265 J 5 750 Armstrong, 88-note, in splendid mahogany $465 $ r. 650 Kranich & Bach, large .mahogany, Upright ' Grand with tone of a Baby GTand.'JiiC i .8465 8 ' 375 Bradford,VUpright Grand, fancy walnut. j 5215 i 650 Chickering Bros., Art Style, splendid,' walnut $455 i 51000 Kranich & ?Bach, Player Piano, the wonder i " -t of the aere. in : finest $ 450 Strohber, in finest English oaJci. $295 650. Lessing, a self-playing 650 Brinkerhoff, large . 550' Bradford, 88-note,- mahogany, Player-Piano $365 . : 4UU- Kramcn. ec .tfacn,' in 250 Cecilian! Piaiio Player. '' pmA"t'l.ii ...i-."ni t - -imi.ivTvi .fHum r aver. rmnn. in ni -manniranv.nann ouu : ounncisicr, in -cu mutsiun, on iimsa. . . . , . 9XUO .' 350 Pease & Co., fancy walnut, Upright Grand li $175 f 650 Steger, large,., handsome Upright Grand;:.1. , $385 i 250 Zeck & Co., rosewood old model. : . . i $ 65 uuu xwranicn oc .oaui, miniature urana, oneraton - t - -. f 950 L'ester, Player Piano, in San Domingo mah'y ,$565 ' ;350.lRns & ; Lane, CabiheV; Grande: fancy f walnut $195 950:.Kjranicfri ft $.9acJi,f mlnlitur. t.GrahfBi'iii Cir- a a a a a s ia a - ti m -. : z cassian;walnutJojf Sheratprt case;design:r HamiltorLi.iirt5' mahocran'xr-i: finish r'to..';: f : 350 Hamilton vart mahogany f inishvljV v 325 Martin Bros., i aincy carved mahoerany . t . $400; Webster pure-missbn; tivVltK 1 -Mke- youV selection now and pay $1' down, UVUl l IT All V - paymentand then.'before deliverr. vbu oav whatever agreemsat you make for . foHn foU.'-.!'.' .;:uut-oMown,DuyersiT rs saie and satistactory to buy one of these pianos by wail. Write trs, and we will send you full description, or.jf you lilce, ship the piano subject to your approval. We pay freight to any point t ' Every Piano Of plaver piano purchased carries with it the Oraves Music Kuarantee uarantee.frorft eachrnaniifaCtufer ;pf ;these new musical instruments ; besides, we take it in exchange yeaf, allowing the .full, amount paid,! if desired. , ' " ., , . ",cnangf within one Small MuiiciJnrta GuiUr.,; H2S$8. Banjos, $S.5(M1250 tne Sheet' Music-and Music Books i&f -.7Sc SchQol Songs.' Bailey;; IOcIIS lFoHos.Jo-7Sc;Song Folios.; !10c$1.00 Song FolioX S e,?,dy I,(75.0c ""'"vTvr.T. v J ' A1AH $25 CASH '' $20 WEE Telegraphic Intelligence , " ' , Sale To maho&anv:.;T7z!.v."'S765 wonder.. ... 415 88-note Player Piano. V. . . $415 plain eoony case. . ... ., . frit "teahoeahy - i.. 1 f f.JJ J.y a . m .. . ; - & f-i .if 5595 5165; 5190 5245 i'!t tr style i.-i-;;' the first payment,, and. the balance $6 t . ' MAED ON REQUEST . - - 1 11 FOURTH STREET ffief ars nrAfitinC bv thtf Rfr ; moval Sale! offering -the bah VtvV Graves Music Co; la now on .aalA at 111 Fourth street, and added are' the carloads of new ' pianoa and played piano that are arriving for the new' store i 149451. ; Fourth; ISt; ich;: is ''till f held by its fornier becu pants, owing to the 1 fact that their new building is not yet 1 ready for . occupancy that a ' the reason piano purchasers - can secure such unusriaTvalues ' particularly 4 In new t-Planos ' buying at but a fractipn of the v ' original ' selling price of I the ' quality offered. , Remember, : you need a piano now--besides j rrirlatma is ' comino ' on :and ( you had better secure ' the new ' piano now at a saving of. $110 ' to $189, and if you like, we will ' have it stored for you and de- . liver it as vaiisunas umc, u you' do not wantit: delivered now. - ". ; r A , Hew'Yerk, 'Oct. 1913,;' Graves Music Co, ' j - Portland, Or.: ... . Tender Lewis rent if accepted arrange continu ing Jones another month Richardson must fix up deal. . . M'"-- FRED W. GRAVES, Prea. " ' 4 11 GRAVES MUSIC CO." and Piano Bargains Saving Cash H Easy Mothlyor You. Payment Wkly. Payments $195 $15 , .$ 8.00 monthly $190 15.: 8.00 .monthly 15 $ 7.00 monthly 10 . '$ 6.00 monthly 55160 55185. 55195 55235 55200 55160 55235 55235 55205 55185 51160 55180 55155 55130 55395 55165 552 85 55215' 51190 S1205 $385 15 2.00 weekly 20 - $ 2.80 weekly $ 6.00 monthly $ 6.00, monthly" $ 2.50 weekly,': ' $ 2'50 weekly v $ 6.00 monthly .$ 2.50 weekly $ 7.00 monthly S 8.00 month! $ 6.00 monthly . $ 1.50 weekly ' $12.00 monthly $ 8.00 monthly $12.00 monthly $. 8.00 monthly $ 1.00 weekly ! $ 7.00 monthly $15.00 monthly 1," t!,- V V $15.00 monthly $ 1.50 weekly ' $12.00 monthly $15.00 monthly , ' $ 1.25 weekly -$12.00 monthly; $355 $180 $285 $185 55160 $195 $50 $10 $50 $235 . $100 1 $20.00 monthly $155 $25 $ 8.00 monthly $235 $25 , $1200 monthly $235 $25 - $10.00 monthly .$185 4 $25 ; $10.00' monthly, suo 5au $ 6.00 monthlv $190 $295 $135 $175 $205 $185 :flsia:? 9 i.w i weekly ,: $25 7 $12.00 monthly $10 $ 1.00 weekly , S10 j$ 8.00 monthly: 8251,!$ 2.00 weekly i $10 ,r$ 1.00 : weekly $210 $50 5 5385 v 850 $155 $A0 $20.00 monthly $15.00 monthly $ 1.25 weekly $355 $50 $15.00 monthly $ 1.25 weekly," $ 1.25 weekly $185 $135 810 810 $155 ' $15 , $ UO weekly if yoii drj notwa'nt to pay the full the halanr'inaaic-nr t . o monthly, etc., until the piantv Is paid ' - , ! , . , . Co. guarantee of satisfaction' as also" Volini; .E4S??h vK.Scr35 .s?! S"d,eVtt kln?,' SS0.C Son 'fi'Xr 4'.; I, KM, '''.':!:., V