The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 12, 1913, Page 30, Image 30

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r -,,,V,'?::;.x.IPB-?-' '-
Jib -12th, one block from-new library
jiad lieillg tUeatre. Furnace heated
Hi. and rooms, complete tor bouse
xoxrssxBcrara booms "
BASEMENT housekeeping rooma. warm,
J dry, running' water, laundry, lawn,
nttable for plain working people, also
j sleeping rooms ror wonting men, i.v
, to $2 week. 676 Couch st, cor. 18th.
or 2 furnished H.-K, rooms .nl
single- (or gentlemen; beat, l bat.
rhone.' hot water, - electricity anal gas,
...i 820 Montgomery, near high school.
HOUSEKEEPlNoA-Large parlor suited
Baa range, xree wiwr, ukui ana noai,
reasonable reut, finest location. Main
'41)83. . - ;- - .. ' .
' ' Jl SNAPTwo nice front housekeeping
rooms, bath, water, light, fuel, home
like, all conveniences,. . week, 433V4
jut inii Halt
. UKJSliriia or unfurnished, clean
ana light, hot and cold water, bath,
-telephone, -etaanr-- heat, l-upfMarv
4943. Nokomls apts., 17th and Marshall.
LARGE, pleasant room, suitable for
housekeepings bath, gas, wood fur
nished, $8 month. Phone Marshall 1441.
eon wuimoy at.
WKfcST SIDE Single and double house,
keeping rooms, free phone, light and
bath, 12.60 to 4 per week. 496 Davis,
, corner of 14th ft. Marshall 6441.
tjjt TWO nice housekeeping - rooms
-.. (connecting);' phone, light, bath, wood,
etc.; fine location; walking distance.
263 Chapman st. Marshall 8938.
light, modern
walking dls-
TWO pleasant, . large,
housekeeping rooms,
tsnee. 883 11th.
I STRICTLY, modern, clean, lignt
housekeeping rooms, tit month. 680
TWO clean, light well furnished H. K.
rooms; gas range, warning distance.
113 mo. S07 Harrison at. "
TWO large, clean front furnished rooms
xor Housekeeping, with piano. 294 Jei-ferson.
LARGS furnished housekeeping rooms,
$2.60 per week;-pice large yard, free
oam ana pnone. 193 at. Ulair, Main l
LAUREfeHURST home of seven largt I
2 xooms, inc. 119 ttoyai vouri, iv
from Gllsan st House is just complet-1
ed: has every modern convenience. 1 1
will rent to desirable tenant for 130 perl
month. See owner, ill Piatt bldg. Main i
4126 or A-6128.
$22.60 Beautiful 7 room, corner bunga-
low, strictly" modern, with furnace.
fireplace, veneered panel dining ' room, i
hookcaaaa. buffet, lawn and olenty oil
roses, hard surface streets, beamed celt-1
ing, complete in aeiaii, on si i
Slat N.. cor. Prescott.
MODERN seven room Laurelhurst home,
furnished or unfurnished: has fur-1
neee,- fireplace, sleeping porch, etc. . Fori
sale on terms live renu -bj, journal, i
'i ROOM modern residence, furnace, etc, i
garage, large lot and 'iota or roses,
etc.: 24 E, 634 st., about 600 feet north
of Stark at. 'Will lease at $26. A.-E.I
Poulsen. 712 Chamber of Com.. Mar-
snau po or marsnau zioa. - .
SIX ROOM house on Vancouver car
line, near Columbia boulevard, chick
en house and yard,-2o6x2dil feet-plenty
of roses, fruits and-berries, 112 P?$ room modern house. K.
month. Tabor 2994 today, or Main 12 K j block from W-R car
curing puainess noun,
rooms, 20. in K. 2d st N.
rooms, 30, 70 E. lit ft st., near Stark.
rooms, 823.60, 846 E. Gllsan st.
6 rooms, 120, 660 B.. Ash at.
6 rooms, $28.00, 604 K. Ankeney st
4 rooms, $10, 126 Union ave. N.
7 rooms, f 17, t EL Sd st.
4 rooms, tie. 481 E. Ash st
5 rooms, $2750. 461 K. Pine St.
n rooms, ao, 14 union ave. m.
rooms, $26, 91 E. 12th st, N.
rooms, $36. Laurelhurst.
4 rooms, $13.60. 67 E. 12th st
7 rooms, $25, 469 E. Ash st.
6 rooms, $25, 2V, Grand ave. N.
4 rooms, 1 10, 164 E. 20th st '
rooms, $23, E. 8th and K. Everett st
6 rooms, $22.60, 644 E. Everett st
X - J. 3. OEDER. ,'
Real Estate and Rentals.
Corner Grand ave. . and E. Ankeny Sta.
' ; Phone East 61. , "
fjouses and Flats for Rent
t room modern house, $66 E, Mor-
neon : i . ; n . n ;vrs Tvnsn --.-,. vv
S OR 8 nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms: an conveniences; 10 minutes
wam to r. o. 47 college Bt.
, HOUSEKEEPING rooms, completely
v furnished, newly papered 'and painted.
m ciay. near Mroaqway.
1, 2. 3 ROOM housekeeping suites, $10
10 zd per montn; uean, comionauie.
CLEAN, nicely furnished room, $3.00
and up.. Heat light, bath, phone free.
Laiindry. 429 Market v
TWO nice, large-housekeeping room,
furnished: hot water day and night
ia jonnson at.1 ' -DESIRABLE
suite, 2 or $ rooms, light
pleasant well furnished, good location,
634 Morrieon.
bEVERAt. rooma In quiet home. Fine
view, .rnone morninga, Marsnau vi
HOUSEKEEPING, single or suites. Heat
, gas and linen furnished, 208 H 3d.
S61 TAYLOR; comforUble front suite
ana single housekeeping rooms. -
$20 'i nicely furnished rooms, piano,
gas, electricity, etc 809H th st ' -
HOUSEKEEPING room, modern, heat
gas range. 171 N. 17th st !
TWO nicely furnished attraotive house-
Keeping; rooms; hath, phone. 226 13th.
FURNISHED housekeeping ' rooms, ii
week up. Phone, bath, gas. 808 18th sc.
TWO cosy cottages suites, close In. S$
ONB amall room, suitable for. 1; rent
reawnaoie. uusan, near 21st.
-. i-v,,. -r EAST SIDB --V-."
CLEAN, respectable . apartments for
ugni nouseaeeping; rent reasonable;
near Russell, Williams cars; landlady's
rooms 613 Vancouver ave., side entrance
FIVE and two housekeeping rooms. 314
and $8 a month; S beds, cook stove,
neater, nan diock xrom Mawthorne car.
291 E. 49th st No children.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms tor rent, ti
up; bath, phone, electric lights, gas,
pleasant large rooms. 881 East Mor- ti uniurmsnea rooms, 88 per
month, Including water.. 4J0 Ste-
pnfn m. .
IU0 WEEK up. clean furnished h. k.
grooms, gas, free heat laundry, hatha
Phone East 6089. 406 Vancouver. U car,
; LARGE $ room apts- modern; private
bath. -443 Hassalo. cor. E. 7th.
, BEAUTIFUL, brand new. completely
furnished two room housekeeping
Suites, electric lights, steam heat, free
phone, beautiful district Sunnyside or
. Mt - Tabor car: new apartment house,
cheapest rent In Portland, lisa h-i.
mont corner East 39th st Tabor 2486.
$14 818. TWb or three completely furi
TUlamookg yrd' WaUUn,r d"Unce- "
. InOTICE Housekeeping rooms for rent
very, reasonable,. In private family.
xag Williams ave U car.
267 Knott at
i-none 6512.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms In
.o?rat m.UjrW. , wln ava. or
J!., lib 10.
Take "U" car, or phone
J OUTSIDE housekeeping rooms, cotn
V Pl'e,i!r 'urihed. $20. This Includes
hat phone, light etc. 863 E. WuhH
' f "" J8 6th. Phone East 861.
, 6UNNT and roomy 6 room house, fresb
ly painted and papered, two blocks to
' 5? .?d echol, 20 minutes out Beau
tffullocatlon. $13. A-2630.
MODERN house, 6 rooms and bath, ce
ment basement large yard with fruit
and flowers. Select neighborhood. 747
Everett st, $37. Inquire Don Woodard,
io za st.
When I will sell my g room house on
small Daymanta down, balance like rent?
K.enton car to Morgan st.,vji diock west,
A diock nortn to imj Mississippi ave.
MODERN house tor rent ground 80z
110; 23 bearing; fruit trees, barn.
cnicaen yard: rurniture, xor saie; aiso
fresh. cow and calf; Income $86 a month.
430 B. Kllllngsworth ave.
WHY go ' away out and pay car fare
when you can aet an 8 room house.
in first class condition,' a corner, full
lot good neighborhood, cor 16th and
. Ash, for 826.00. Call B-8046. .
SIX room cottage on 60x100 lot on 42 J
ave. S. E.; rent $12.60 per . month.
Hammond Mortsraae Com Dan v. 422-424
cnamoer or commerce oiog.
7-ROOM bungalow with sleeping porch,
b , .. lu, XC K . ,,W 1.U
norm, corner &j.icaitat, or cau , xaam
3feth sIh
....... $20.00
T nwtm mndarii limm. K. 71st fit..
S blocks from ear............. 31.00
5 room house, ' completely , fur-r -nished,
Vancouver ave. 22.60
$ room lower flat B, Morrison, -
.near 18th St.. ................ 0.OO
6 room cottage, 261 Bancroft St.. 10.00
6 room modern lower flat nicely
ftirnlnliM 709 V rn,v St.. water.
and phone included. . ... . - 46.00
The Shaw-Fear Co.
Main 86. 102 4th st A-8800.
$20 6 ROOM bungalow, furnace, fire
place. 460 E. 60th st N, Rose
' vlty rmrg. '.,... i-f
$20t4 room cottage, 467 Market Bt,
near 13th st
$20 4 joom cotuge. $60 Pettygrova st.
near I7th st.
8306 room modern house at 349 North
' SSth t. Wlllamntta HalehtS. -
$3510 room house, newly papered and
tintea, itf worm istn st.
$508 room thoroughly modern house,
' . large yard. -' 690 E. Couch st.
$608 room modern house, hot water
, - heat 410 E. 26th st No., 1 block
' zrom roaaway car.
404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones M. 8699, A-26S
.VnLA ST. CLARA,,' ' '
13th and Taylor.
Most modern apartments on the Pa
cltio Coast. " Furnished complete.
Roof garden in connection, '
Walking distance, v Beferencea
i ROOM apartments, partly furnishod,
Including heat hot and cold water,
beds, gas ranges, store room, and look
ers. In new, modern up todate buildintf,
MM Kllllngsworth ave. Phone C-2824.
wooaiawn 2V61, ror particulars.,: tan
at apt. B or Biancbard & Clemson, 702-8
Belling bldg. '
$22.60. 6 rooms, 886 E. lst Bt.i N.,.near
Broadway; walking distance '
$26, 6 rooms, o34 E. Uurnslda
ner E. 12th.
Phones M. 8699, A-i65S '
MODERN Ii room flat. 2U4 Margin, 2
blocks SOUtll Of Krnilv,ii krli1-
fronting on river. Beautiful location,
10 minutes' want to union depot. $17 60f
', '.: r .Fifth and CoUege. , ' '(.'.
- ' x a .. . , i .s ; .-'V
Clean, cosy; three and four-room fur-
Slshed apartments, very cheap. Also
achelor's apartments. Heat, water,
phone arid janitor service included.
Situated oivLucretla st, 100 feet north
of Washingten st. In an open court in
ma DRii residence amence wirnin uk
ins distance: finest unfurnished auart
ments, 3 to 6 rooms. See them before
locating.. Hates reasonable. References.
Manajrer. Mar. 1613, lanltor Mar. 1606.
bia room iittunear east end of new
Broadway bridge. -Rent l t . nm.
mond Mortgage Co.. . 422.4 i
or tommqrye. vehicles, etc. is
SEVERAL good chefcp
ranch .u or osiivbi
horses, express wag
on anil , harness, u
iL - ) ' n need of a . horse
5. I. V come and see me. W'e
Att y y ouuet what T
(C f14 Union Ava.'cor.
1 1 1 ' Tier of B. Ash.
SEVEN room modern f jat on 13th near
BtarK. inquire a i nurnslde. Main 828
ONE acre. 6 room house, chickens, SEE 649 6th. 8 room house, yard, near
fruits, vegetables, on Oreaon Cltv car.
line. Courtney station: rent very reason
able. Phone Oak Grove Bed 273. -
SIX room, new, modern house, 691 E
oil. c a 1 . 1 1 . . n
Fine lawn, 1 block: to B. I car, 2 blocks
to Bundy Baths. . . -. -
business. "Drake," 9 N. 2d.
room romnletelv furniahed house, ex
cellent furniture, suitable for high class
rooming house, $40 month: also 3 room
furnished flat. 818. 860 ChaDman. cor
ner of Mill.. Marshall 4174.
MODERN home in Irvingtoa near E.
llth and Broadway, cheap to a re-
merre I tJuai iirrnisnea nouns lor rent. iu
SlXroom house in Sunnyside ni Bei- .. Sine?" Also 6 room D2m
v mont Large lawn and garden. Owner cottaire and barn Call Wdln 2161
fflX&i-Wy'r-; Kern -rTm bSsSS " block
eiS".?? Vi2f2?l?"!r ;'otrlcJ' nicely furnished and reasonable. 6$
&.tk.Vk' SrrS-?;1-..-- t- Vancouver ave. Phone Wdln 18.
6 room flat, bath, electricity, cor. Jet- , - "
THE UPSHUR, 2th and Upshur sts.
- r urmsnaa i-roora aoartments. lis ur.
Including - steam heat hot arid cold
electric lights, gas range, laundry- room,
all free. Take "S." 23d st, or ,"W" cars
nortn. j-none wain sag...
$40Elegant furniture, all outside cor
ner rooms, outside bath, private phone,
automatic elevator, xirst .class in eve,
partlcrWr; references. Mar. 184.
i :.. Formerly the Wheeldon,
' " i ' ' ' Corner Park and Ta vlor.
Modern apartments in 3, 3 and 4 room
suites, furnished , complete; private
In the downtown district but qtilst
DESIRABLE 3 or 4 room apartment
furnished or unfurnished! best In city
for rent, location and arrangement; all
outside rooms, private bath, direct Pa
clfio phone; close In, low rent best serv
ice. - eneiueid Apartments, 872 Broad
wsy, corner Jefferson. i '
COMPLETELY furnished 1 room aula.:
"-with kitchenette, steam. heat running
nut ui uia wuir. pnone in every
room;. 7. blocks fro.-n 6th and Morrison
sts.. sis.bO ana ' ua. Z91 Columbia at.
corner otn.
THE WASHINGTON. 689 Northruo.
room unfurnished apartment with
bath and all modern conveniences, tel
ephone, steam heat K slectrio light
eic. iu v carto xist ana XMonnrup.
r-iiune main tl, A-U3S.
ferson and Stout $16. Marshall 4220.
'OR RENT Woodstock. 4 room houBe.
100x100. all fenced. B nearlnr true.
fine soil for garden. Marshall 6896. J-
soi, journal.
ON 1st Npv 8-room modern dwelling,
at N. tV corner East 26th and Haw-
morn e ave., 150. Tennis court adjoin
ing. Burrell Investment Co.. 2634 3d st
THREE room house and pantry, S lots
itmueu. . . zruic trees, oernea. Darn.
chicken yard. $8 month. On Mt Scott
car line. 291 E. 49th st.
FIFTEEN minutes walk from . postof-
iice, niceiy rurnisned five room riat
up to date, line view, steeping porcnes,
all light rooms. '464 Hall st, near 13th.
i ROOM furnished house, west side.
-Take depot-Morrison, car. 669 North-
rup. Phone woodlawn '2621.
FOR RENT Modern 6 room completely
furnished house., close in.
mook st
834 Tllla-
FOUR roomed furnished cottage, east
side; . water, light, phone, $16 per.
month. No children. Phone East 1502.
$10 THREE room suite, also bath, hot
and cold water ' ana. V.amt sath ant
Hawthorne ave. Burrell Investment Co.,
a sr.
FURNISHED modern 6 room house;
reasonable rent 1041 E. 16th st N.
Take A car. '
NEW 6-room bungalow, with garage.
ONE ACRE WOODSTOCK near Hawthorne ave.: fireplace and all
4 room bouse, on, block frnm rmr lin. (latest Improvements. Phone. East 2299.
$7.50 per mo. Phone today. Hell 190s. I irnim mnm ii-ni.h. ,.ni. i
or Monday. Main 8914. ' bath room and gas light. 739 wll-
HIGH class Nob Hill home to re- "on at West side. Phone Marshall 847.
sponsible party -who will lease for FIVE ROOM furnished bungalow. Will
vmT-.?-!oom"; wmlkln a,tnc A- amette Heights, nice view. Telephone
: "" 1 Main 4,
MODERN 6 rooms and denTSJ E. 16th six room house, all furnished, modern!
St. ODDOSlta Washington high Vina I fin ,, atiA ..- t..i and
..iiuuvmiiii,, 1 cuv rcuuimuw 10 ngutj pacramento sc.
parties. " room J-1 1,
$86 FURNISHED couiDlete. new. mod.
m. ciu 1 rouiii uuuso, lurosos. t soe tUkW
or I tnorne ave.
$18.00 for a fine 6 room house on
26th St.. earner nna hlnrlr wallr
Aioeria ear. uiancoara Ulemson. I far y 1.. ..i. v..n.. J,
70J-S Selllne- bids-. - I ir "Vi i..""
" irepiace: 111 cioui il. reference:
CORNER hous near Multnomah Club; I Marshall 4220, $26,
tJ L 2$2!$2& Ih I0010' -cheD "nt $12.50-4 room furnished housa HlJ
- ,.Ty, I Johns, nice lot near car Smith. Wa
Johns, nice lot near car. Smith-
goner uo., stock Exchange.
Large two. three and four room acart
ments, furnished and unfurnished, mod'
ern. rent reasonable. . 6th and Harrison.
j-iiuim main bus. - - -
3 rooms, completely furnished. 122.60.
All lariei outside rooms, private phone
auu mm, oea ana taoie linen, on carllne.
rnuum c-jmi, '1 apor Za.
UAKWMAN APTS, 164 If. . 24th St
two large, most desirable S and 4
room partly furnished apts., all modern
conveniences; references required. Phone
Main a 00. . xou snould see them.
THE CHELTENHAM, 19th and North
run. modern furniture, nrlvata .batha
and- phones, hardwood floors, new brics:
uius., reiinea neignoornooa, - oiocKs
from carllne. -
Burch Apartments ..
' New, modern furnished, 2 room apts
bath, phones, dressing room, fine loca
tion. 110 N. 21t st. Mar. 4141. W car.
- 14th and Columbia. - ' "
Famished 2. 3, 4 room apartments, all
conveniences: first claae. homalika. r-
sonable rates: ref. M. 7837. A -3 8 16.
E Stark and Grand ava. mruimm n.
nished apt., private bath, private phone.
Excellent service. Always clean- and
warm. Summer rates. Phone East 90S.
FOR RENT 6 room house, full base"
Miarquam neiants. 18.00 n.r unncou a .. n
A-8628. I ' furnished, to raannnaihla nounla A.
onth. including water.
ROOM modern hmiu f..i.hJ K9.971 n .7,.i.n.
SSf Tabom! 'nU't 'V "fences. WILL LEASE my 7 room furnlshe-l
hnm nlafa MAiIasnt Jtaal. hi. t .
FOR RENT, cottage, 4 rooms and bath, cation. 48 East 22d st north. East 6411.
qulrfat M 20?h cofneoot10- In- ARTISTICALLY furnished bungalow:
quire at 83 E. 20th. corner Oak. iarlf, f replace and norbhea: cirlina!
MODERN room house, cheap, by own"
- zr ""ooiawn im, Tabor 2896.
Tabor 2400. '
KF.1DT.V if , : .
wm nouse, sleeping I
POrCh. 1 block, to Bll-hmnnJ .... l3 X.. IX .1 .
and EiimMrth rt' B-ii--ri"".:? wkt i. rurnisned
- -.. c.wwm i vo,
FURNISHED 6 room modern house on
carllne, walking distance. Sellwood
NICE 6 room house with furnac and fa
basement floor. $18 month. 180 Skld: T"plne Sellwood 10
l.rnnm Mltair.
nap m. aaa st-, mi. ccott car to ciarKa,
mote st
2 room hona.
Phone Sellwood 1033
-ROOM house, completely furnished,
rent 826 mo. Call 411 Hawthorne ave.
ROOM bungalow at 931 Belmont; fur",
nace. larc- lawn tin it . . .
Belmont, or call Main 8368. " "uFOUR roomed furnished house for rent
DESIRABLE elx ronma ' h.i. " Williams ave.. 818,
garage; reduced $26. $19. Phone COMPLETELY furnished 8 room house.
Woodlawn 692. -.. modern, near ear. 1077 vs. S9th at im
iruK bungalows 320 to $35, furnished" FIVE room cottage, furnished, on b.
and unfurnlahal nn ".H car. Corbett St. 1JB. Tahor 4RT .
im-t . . . . . ' f"-'i'cii L. call I r '
S41 14th st, at Market
New, two and three room aoartmenta
completely furnished; walking distance.
prices reasonable. Phone Main 1789.
188 Porter st, Sd st car south, nice
Clean housekeenina' rooma dnnriv lo
cation. Just across from new Faillna:
THE THOMASSEN, cor. 3d and Harrl
son, 2 and 3 room apts., steam heat
bath, laundry, phone. $16 up; also aleep
lng rooms. $11 up.
HUMBOLDT APTS., urider new manage
ment 796 First St., cor. of Glbbs
t and Z rooms, rent reasonable, gas and
i $ rooms, thoroughly modern, nicely
furnished, 709 Kearney st, convenient
10 z su ana vv canines. Tola flat
has splendid furnace, fireplace and is
inexpensive to beat. Prloe. phone and
water lurmsneu, io per montn.
Main 8S. 103 Fourth St. - A-8500.
818 SMALL, neatly furnished flat ww.u
private bath and sleeping porch; also
inree room tint, waiaing aistance; VoH
neimoni. c.-004a, ' ; " '
FOR RENT -iipstairs flat,' i rooms, fur
nisnea. siiv.wu a montn. ora es CO
809 Ry. Ex.
6 ROOM flat, finished complete: furnaaa
heat, up to date. 435 Graham ave,
$12 3 room lower furnished flat. Ill
E. 37th. Richmond car to 27th, one
PIOCK suutn. ' " '
Strictly modern. . Telephone In every
rwin, nates to ana up. 'ITSn-
stent 76o to si. 60 per day. 11 13th st
cor, starit. Telephone Main 1773.
FOR RENT Small family hotel, com.
Dletelv furnished. tavlna well, rimnn,
auie rent, en vnamper 01 commerce.
fovJTEL roHl'l-ANU fa.urupaa vies
oniv; !. ana up. ' . . .
1 a
: , . ' ' '.,,.-. i llT . . . ' - .
fSBfl BB B8 BBbbpocii '
, wan u ujutn v..
vor. sol and
newest mod
em of flee
bldg. For
res ervatlon
of offices A
stores apply
at ouiiainc.
Mar, $20.
Journal .
Apply to Business Off tee
vt Ths journat .
OR RENT Store building, i rooms,
UDStairs: laraa barn: arnr .tn.!,.
take invoice. Inquire at 240 6th st!
grocery store. " " . J
Best arranrarf aiilt ne ,l...
In the Spalding', building all t outaida
inquire room 9i4.
BRICK warehouse In Sooth Portland for
K rent, trackage, light and airy. On
yed street, reasonable. Journal Pus
hing Co.. Broadwav anA Yamhill
STOREROOM for rent; desirable loca
tlcto. Front and Arthur. With or with
out 'llvlna- rooma than. . Pa.Mn.i.1.
rent Inquire 267 Oak st. room a. .
STORE with 6 living rooms, bath, elec"
trlcity and gsa, good business street
Rent $25 per month. , 614 Chamber o?
Commerce. .
MORTON APTS.. cor. King and Wash
ington, 3 , room furnished or unfur
nished apt, cheap rent walking dis
tance. Main 1082. A-6749.
The Dezendorf
208 16th. near Tnvlnr : .
One elegant 6 room furnished apartment.
WEST SIDE, near Heights. 3 and 4
room apts.. with gas stove, suitable
for light H. K, $10 and $13. unfurnished.
wwtf yam, ou x antj vunyjimn etreet car.
MEAT market with Ice box. fixtures a'ni
back room, good location, 7f6 Alberta,
only $15. .
FOR RENT Office, with or without
rani, tor particulars, call East -2162.
n . r. ... 1 . V ' . . L . ' i
STABLE for ( horses for rent Larra-
bee A McMlllen. Phone Main 2072.
BH 'tr.. counters and shelving,
$12.50 mo. 342 Front at
$10 Modern store. Wolff. Kftafi irat-.
road. Barber, grocer, cobbler, candles.
Mondtr. Del II at in m. will iMl
nsj. u, Sweeney Construction uo.
20i'llad Of hnrftaa arA ,n I , miiuh 111 S
from 1 200 to 1400. lbs., all ready for
any aioa or worK They win oe. suin
"--iiio-juaiiesi jxiaaer iorcasn. -U'
' ..Jne. Murphy Horse & Mule Co.
- 140 B. 8th St. Phone E. 6815
U. S. Stables
Just received another consignment of
horses and mares, from 1100 to 1500
lbs. ' Everything sold with a positive
sua ran tee as represented or money re-
i 31R Vrnnr mt
JUST arrived, carload horses and mares
weigning 1000 lba to 1800 lbs., an
young, sound, well broke and first class.
Choice of matched teams. Come see
them. All guaranteed, Williamson
aie mao-ies. root of Main, west side.
The Murphy Horse & Mule Co
Sells on commission, horses, mules, ve
hides, harness. Auction every Monday
ana rnaav, ju a. m X40 k. 8tn. a. is.
CHU.AP team of horses, weight about
i'ju ids., true workers, come ana
mens oxrer. as I have no una Tor them.
Also a pony for $20. 414$ E. 66th S. E.
a mocks north of Arista station.
$190 BUYS SDan of horses. -welsht 1100
lbs., new lfirht farm waann and new
harness. The outfit has been used 3
months 4148 E. 66th 8. E.. 8 blocks
north of Arleta station. i r
9 teams ' aood work horses for sals
or exchange. Will take hay and oats
or Portland real estate. City Market
ice c woai to.. sou ri. wasn. 1
ON account of sickness will sacrifice a
gooa qeuvery horse cneap. 864 El. tn
DAIRT route paying $360, 16 cows, bull,
- horse, harness and wagon, all eaulp-
ment for $2000; half. cash, balance
montniy payments; 36 head H to 1
year nure Holsteln bred heifers to fresh
en in 80 days; 1 registered bull gon
with them; not related , to heifers; an
xaantional In! nt Hnlil.ln ntila Ah
large uurham cows, 1200 lbs., all will
fm. V. .n KIA.AMWA. IDE . 1 . . a
cars Jersey heifers fresh In Decembtr
and ' Januarv. 84K. Oen. R Mnlral (low
o., ewi commercial dik. Main 6120.
TWO fresh Jersey cows, with calf. Get
: off at Shahapta station.. Ore. Elea.;
follow track to new cut, follow cut to
wiira uuuse. -rnone Main ziss, . wm.
oorecn, f. v. Hillsdale, ormon
ONE 2-year-old Holsteln bull. $75:
yearlina- Holsteln bull. 1R0 Would
trade for beef. Phone Woodlawn 3400.
W. Helm. Portland Union Stockyards.
W now have a complete list of all
breeds of dairy cows and half era Call
ana see us. ueo. K, Moxel cow WO (07
Commercial block. - Main 120.
SIX" head of . f reah ' dalrv. Mvi ' wltli
calves. Jersev and Guernaev. 1 tn 1 vaara
old, extra heavy milkers. Woodstock oar
io oatn ave., want g piocKs west
FOR SALE 1 young, very good Jersey
.Duro sow with 4-weeks-old pigs, full-
blooded;, 8
fine vouner Jerse
a. w. Klein. Cornell roe
y milclt
d. city,
A-l FAMILY cow for sale. Rich milk
er. perxectiy rentie. . no Johnson
ave., Lents. 1 block east of station on
canine. -
FOR SALE One fresh cow, years old,
Jersey-Holsteln, rich, heavy milker.
Take, Sellwood car to Harold avenue,
w xiro piuckb east to io.
SEVEN brood sows, 1 male pig, 1 Jer
sey cow. 1 graded Jersev haifar. fresh
in January, uoaqa. Metsger. station
YOUNG- Jeraey-Holstein cow, 6 gal.
milker, for sal at 1216 K. Charlaatan
at. Bt Johns. Phone Columbia 814.
FOR SALE Fresh Durham cow and
cair, gives 6 gal. a day,, 6 years old.
. Behm, 1536 MTlwSukle st,. SellWd car.
TttKmis rine rresb dairy cows, young,
neavy, ricn milkers, with calves; test-
am n. jumii ay., nt. jonnir '
DOZEN good Holsteln cows and
half era for sale or will trtd, (nr
Jerseys. U-671. Journal. '
FOR SALE Fresh cow: Jersey-Hoi-Stein;
rich milker; 1427 Commercial
sr.? pnone woooiawn 7l.
TWO, fresh cows, large milkers, and 2
mat wm De ireen soon. .794 Tacoma
WO fresh, milk cows, with young calf.
- i u ? mil ivuui uuubo. a ui iiicf iitMi or uniuri
FOR RENT 7 room house. M. .nH nished, close in on carllne. Tabor 1668.
BABTa- K- furnished H. K. rooms)
LvJL T?- P1-1"! "owing ml
' 'hinrCf 11 to 6 Sunday. 412 Vancou
ver, Drake.
2 NICELY furniahed housekeeping
rooms la Sellwood. near .car shops;
reasonable rent; electric light gas Q
heat 1007 E. 16th St.
FURNISHED H. K. rooma Walking
Ir?.wtano .Sacramento, between
. Williams and Union.
ONE large furnished room for light
housekeeping close in. Very reason-
W a - "I-" "v. COBL ' '
ruouwy onoge, 2Z.60. Owner. Main ROOMS, electrio lights, gas, bath.
10. I Slaal .. OQ Cm TOT 171... CA1 Ji
nwa nouse ZO: Turnltur fnr I FURNISHED 2 room rttntraa
rty.- . " vJT 1 ur 10 I JiuiHKiy at I Will JUlUg
lltht North n 8Ch001- 40 E. 105 Oneonta st Woodlawn
$8 mo.
$18 Good 4 room hnn.. ia,i. .
Couch. and 6 room flaOls! Phone
FTTRNTBHlTri Vinuaa nul E rnnm. ctt
KM- Vancouver ave. Phone Wdln. 8421.
rooma fnr HcrHf
lnr. With Sink an h.tK ... "
, . . n ri. nivi riauil. XUaBl BU7B
TWO or 3 newly furnished housekeeping
81 wT sBiT 'TZZZ. " wanteo.
r. mn, corner mark.
Housekeeping suite or sleeping
rooms: aas. Haht ana
Vmm, Phone
' B URNISHED housekeeping, kav wl:
, oow, nrst noor. Inquire at 647 Waid.
, ler. To adnlta ' weio-
VrwrBrrr- x i
- R-Clay iuzoi alotn". 604
FOUR pleasant clean H. K. rooma
close in; sUik, phone, hath; 660
1 Morrison st; East 4473.
' FURNISHED and housekeeping rooma".
dose in. reasonable. Phone. 408 E.
TWO rooms, front
. iwiui, irguii room, rirat riM, . r
( Orand ave. N.
..two k. K. rooms, close In, modern oon
venlences. 83 Is. loth. Eejrt lit?
ONE or two rooms for light housekeeo
litg, very reasonable. 896 RT n" viaVi
TItREEnloe clean H. K. rooma. til:
ground floor.
764 Alblna ave.
PNTModern S Mora bungalow,
- " itmmr vi riHwi n orne.
R.M bftuV 3Jl And Weidler; phone
l-.-lsl s. " ' ' '
koDBRN 4 room 'cotUge. WMli
v, $18. East 4702.
am a
s ROOM modern house for reni 78l If
MODERN 7-room house! ' 93
si. inone Bellwood 1 6 5 1.
new 8 numi..biiii
tin ,;. VT.T!Lr"-"
v'.. i . it i r . - r linn, wnnniuw. auu
.N 7 room realdenoe. East Side,
in: low rent. Main ifKH.
v-.v nui oiur, inouern.t room bun
154 Virginia st.'. Fulton car.
room modern linuaa. iuul
Hon. Phone East 4066. -
liUSi;,S mni flats fori rent. W, H.
Kw wteH, Tsbor 1811. 38d and BelmOnt
i)it REM Houses .and flats, west
side, M. E, Lee, 523 Corbett bldg.
4 SS?!, 8 Iot.t '"', woodshed.. $15:
HnT.018Keyd,y6'-i8darvn..Prl- ML S
HAVE unfurnished anl furnished
Sw ffdV.- Ncal Bro' 8
side, furnished 3 room apartments
jnC'".d"lir Plyer p1ano- Owns n'
? .room house on Buchtell ave :
K.effiClty 4nd . Key."at8e40
lunniBtiiuu ana unrurnisnea nouses
ror rent, weal Brown, 819 swetland,
SELECT table boarding house; good
iurmiure ana equipment; west side;
central. P-437, Journal.
a,Y 'T.00,m y"1 furnace and
. zz . v M v vn, vQr month
O. Graham. 588 Prescott st 0.3664
shall 4116. au- Mar-
EXTRA well furnished 8 room hous5"
vcomrenlence, with gTraVTlli
Heaters. $1 up. '
Steel ranges, $13 up.
Carpets, slightly used, all sixes, $3 up.
Dressers, $2.60 up.
Iron bed, spring, mattress, complete,
Phone Marshall 2676. 838-336 1st St
SEVEN room modern house, every cori
rtdemstnCe' ?0d locaUon- 71 E. bS?S-
FURNITURE In 9-rooro house, with all
rruit ana provisions on nana, 8300
takes it: housa rents for llfi- lnai- ih
plaoe for man and wife or women. This
is a bargain.' See owner at filo Wlllam.
ette blvd. Take St Johns, car. a-et off
ai mcivenna ave.
All outside 1 room urn ant. ins
rates; Includes light heat private phone.
Tske S or 16th st csr south.
LUZERNE apt; best 3 room apt In the
city; private bath and phone; brick
Drag a mm. irom postoiuce; $20 te
aotf. jytnntjian qa I.
39 Trinity place. 2, 3 and 4 room fur
nished apartments, private .bath and tel-
pynuiig, rates reaaonaoie. , " . .
171 King st. cor. of Wayne. ,
A few choice apts. vacant -THE
ALBEilARLB 'APT.., 388 Wii
llams ave., near Broadway; new, mod
ern 2 and 8-room apts.,- $20 to $30 mo.
THE WAYNWOOD, 109 N. 18th st 1. i
and 8 room furnished and unfurnished
apts., $13 to $25 per month. Main 8183.
THE LAURETTE Furnished 3 room
apartment; private bath and phone.
229 llth. 1 ..'. . .. , .,
JEFFERSONIAN 614 "" Jefferson ' st,
i afiifV ' auniiBiifju j siiia m rooni mpm
KING DAVIS APTS.; 64 N. King; 3 and
room nign-ciaas; references. M. 2068.
TWO modern apts., : $22.60;
room. $11.60. Tabor 646. '
1 single
FINE modern 8 ronm hnn.-'
vs KUh.Sj&S. CM thT KVy at $
UOUSB S rooms. 2 lota. iiA
naie ini. - j. . -cr-
Ch1,;t.n,Q11-M 8t- carlina
rJ " f
6 room huniraloiDr
iwrawpoo iioors, etc.
1640 E,
4 stkiVUr5i'Shd "f"8-' 18- 16 Easl
26th St. w w
tegodToll"1 h0"'P- W.QS
r2??t1S'.J,0fJi? wnool ani
. - .u. '".a at. rnone E. 3043.
S.m houB.ei nl bath.'
i ROOM modern house.
Phone East
room OOtta a-a. 1
nign. $22; phone Main
blocks Lincoln
b.fwV:u.moa-n. 803 Hant
- - isuvi AD OO. ,
- .... im mi. u car. '
MODERN 6 room house. $4 vs. iik ti"
North, tilt n.r n..v. ,ltt "V
MODERN new 7 "room 'reslil.nn. -n
: sleeping porch, $30. East 8162."
rr F-nir2"V ,4, 4 rooms:
near Falling school keys 276 Hooker
t ROOM nmm ... .. '
if '.ROOM house. Hi Ha ,i, IH'nlJ!
P 18 minutes' walk to po.tofflc'et" nly
FOR SALE Newly furnUhed three
room up-to-date modern apartment;'
111 uuiame ruums. 1 wo ueas, west Side,
8 minutes' walk to P. O. Rent $25 per
month. Best proposition In city. Phone
warsnau tioa. Apt. u.
FURNITURE 6 room flat for sale,'
cheap, easy terms. Flat for rent;
steam heat light gas; two rooms rent
for half of rent inquire landlady, 40$
VE are furnishing 60 rooms In hmm..
keeping- suites and will pay top cash
u ivv im . uc Aumiiurf vx suiy . Kino..
Main 8951. " .
$45.00 BUCK stove, let-class condition,
.In use about months, cheap. Also
a heatingBtove, new. Tabor (064. 1087
a. aiiiniii.
FURNITURE ilef ore buying seconj
hand goods come and see what you
can do here on new goods for cash: get
posted. Wlllism Gsdsby. 1st and Waab.
ONE small rooming house for sale. Price
J. V)0;..5a down. .. Terms. Phone
EXCEPTIONAL offer of 9 rooms, it
.taken at once; full occupied; reason
able rent. Owner, 471 Main st.
FURNITURE of 6 room flat at a eacri
flce. Call after 9 a. m. 215 VS. 16th 8.
FURNITURE o 6 room modern hal
for sale, $100. 281 Holladav ave. ,
FURNITURE of 6 room house cheap. 464
tn. iltn st, north. , . .. ... z
i-ROOM modern flat cloae "in" west' side,
ivu XL. w tnriuift jxii mnvAniwi., in
330 per month. Western Oregon Trust
Co., 272 Stark St. ' -
6-ROOM flat, East 15th st, close to Mor
rison car: thoroughly modern and up
to date. Western Oregon Trust Co 273
01a i n. 89 u.
IF you are thinking of starting a black-
- siniin or auto snop. pnone Tabor. 2178
kwu iwjmmn, rent Si. '"
WANT to rent 4 room furnished house,
walking distance to Union depot:
state price and location; no children. By
Nov. first J-689, Journal.
WANTED 6 room furnished house ter
manently, $18; no children. . A-733,
SIGN writer wants small shop space on
uuwuuiwu aiaixu'i: wouia iixe to ex
change work for rent P-464, Journal.
WANTED, a 3 Or 4 room furniuhad
-h,l,"e ,.y Oct-6; Address with price
WANT to rent a good farm on shares.
rt-o, journal.
for SALis namiitonian colts, have
been' driven together: full hmiii.n
uiaHftt uauiiji, will IUAO KOOa . COW SS
part pay. Phone Tabor 2799. '
ONE 6 room flat modern and new, nice
new rails a, nuurs ui Krainea, rirepiace
Price ; $2.7.60. 744 Iast
and furnace.
Ankeny st
FLAT for rent rooms, bath, sleeping
porch, hardwood floors, linoleum, gas,
range, furnace, fireplace -and shades.
Adults. Call at 268 H E. 80th. Tabor 2236.
FOR SALdi -Two Dlowa. two uiH.n
drag, wheel cultivator, new. and two
horse wagon, A11 for $80. Phone East
925.' " " ..''i" ' )' ' i:
FOR SALE Good, serviceable farm
team, zuo ids., wagon and harness,
cheap; also one 1200 mare $65. 1967
m, Btarn st, Tnai allowed. - .y-
WANTED To buy a good driving and
saddle horae: must . ha aantia anA
sound, bay preferred. ,- Box 246, Forest
Grove, Or." ' 1 :': '
WELL' bred pony, gentle for children!
saddle and bridle,, one of the nicest
ponies in town, s years old. 4148 E,
66th st 8. K.. 8 blocks N. Arleta station
'.WILL board light driving horse for use;
uvu nuino. 1 sos jrargo st. ; jrnone
2263, or East 6001. t ?":
single, dquble r or
$16, , 6 room lower flat large yard, no
objection' to small children,, At , 363
NEW 6 room flat furnace, flrenlaoo.
Dutch kitchen, linoleum, gas stoves.
70H E. 29th st. N. Key at 68. $28.6o!
900-Ib rr.y
ride, $26; 800-ib gray mare, double
NEW modern 5 room flat, furnace, fire
place, Dutch kitchen.- ,791 H E.JBurn
slde. Key 840 M. Ankeny, $20.
FOR RENT i room lower flat Vi blocfi
. from car. - Modern conveniences. :, Fuel
lurniBiicq. fio. 11)18 Ki. Bt. Ii,
THREE and 4 room flats, walking dls-
."wo J3V, 1 ; ' ; : if
UPPER and lower, flat 471 ' W.
nqure 468 Pfcrk, near.Jack-
OUTSIDE, attractive upper flat; 6 large"
rooms, modern, fireplace, bookcases. 0111.
stationary tubs,
IVB room upper flat, 626 Mill' st fn-
quire at
Morrison st.
MODERN 6 room flat, fireplace, furnace,
walking distance. Nob Hill. East 2821.
A NICE 3 -room flat downstairs. bath
Inquire 631 Wms. av.
THE ELMS. 191 14th st Modern I and
$ room furnished apts.; excellent loca
tion, walking: distance.' Main 417K.
THE BOZANTA, 189 H N, 23d' it Fur
i xusnea apis, i fnvata nan, bath, phone.
and cant r v. 810.
FIVE room upper flat, water Included.
810. 833 Fargo. ' Phone East 8103.
6 room flat
3o East llth st
4 room flat, bath, gas, walking dis
tance, 164 E. 20th st, Phone E, 1408.
Sellwood 67.,MMn
and ride, 325; call Sunday. 266 Arthur.
SbRSE, .harness, and wagon for sale.
$126 for outfit: horse young, sound
and in good condition; 726 Belmont st.
GOOD sk to 8H wagons, will sell cheap
or exchange tor , cows orv driving
horse. Phone Tabor 2137.
TEAM, harness and wagon, $105.00 - In-
qulre at Oak Grove butchec shop, Ore
ton City car. v
WANTED Horse or small team with
outfit for winter care; light work.
Phone Woodlawn 8064.
GOOD driver and general purpose horse,
. stylish, work single or double:- low
price, Multnomah stable. Main 6876.
A GOOD house for a good horse, light
- driving. Will buy It suited; - Want
$1100. ;I78 W. Kllllngsworth. ; 1
FOR SALE Several farm, delivery and
lumber wagons In good condition, bar-
m 1 no f i TThma.. 141 4.. ... ...
am,.... p . j.t jtypMiiuj, a j, jipi at.
FOR SALE Gentle young horse drives
single or double; $60. 489 Columbia
bldg. '."i, 'v . .','i V .,
WANTED Horse or horse and buggy;
y win ao carpenter worit xor tne vai
740 10.' 4Zd St. N.
4 and S gallons, for salt, chaan.
OR SALE 16 Shropshire bucks. 28
ewes, at a barsaln. Wm. Shaw iftii
Teon bldg. -
WILL sell my Durham family cow,
nan n. aain St., vvooastocg car. ' 1
FINE Jersey heifer, fresh. : 686 Leo ave.,
Sellwood. r
'"lp. 'f- , - i'V.,. .v ...
SIX. , f
lew -good mm
WEEK : ; ,
T BE ;. . ,!
Liberal terms on used cars. . t .
' " ' ..' -.;,. V,.,., -Jjf V';.:..'' .V'i V
'Studabaker lU.-fordoor a-narantaail -
$600. - ,-,
Buiclt I pass, in first das condition,
$300. . 1 .
Buick 1J13. model 25. Just as good as
new, $s00.
Maxwell roadcter, excellent buy, $260.
''' "' ' . i - 1 .'; k . ; v'j,.'". . ., !;'
Remember that all Wa ask for 'used
cars is wnat we auow ror them in trade. , ;
louao not pay a accoiid hand dealer's .
profit on used cars that you buy from ' t
US.''. ,.5;''''.K!'.t'.J;.'i; jk-'..I ;,, 'Jfi;., tfj;.;1
Oregon Motor Car Co.: f
glstributora Studebaker 1 Automobiles. ;
In 40-;; A-7666,,,: ; ,u ;v S8 ,83d $,1&vi
Buick light delivery wagon $200
6-passenger Stevens-Duryea touring'
r car $50 ;
-pass. Model , G CadiUaer touring -
car . ,J ; -.. ",400
5-pass. E. M. F. .30 h, p. -, touring - - '
car i.... ....................... 460
pass. Garford combination tour- '
In car and dellvarv wiioii ...... 780
7-paas. Peerless touring car, . . . . . . .1000
1912 5-pasa.' touring car,,, , , i ; ,$1J05 i
1913 4-pass. Phaeton. 1200
Thesa cara hava hean tHnrnttirhlv ''
overhauled and repainted by us and are '
In good mechanical condition. Both are
fuliyequlpped electric starting, and
lighting system up-to-date In-every ra-. '
spect. vX" - .
' If vou tn in tha market for. a mod
used car 'see us at once. - '
- Covey Motor Car Co, .
21st and Vvashlngton sts, Main 624, ; .,
1 '"" '' HALTS NOTlfTR Z.-i'-:.
' Three new L811 antomohllaa nt atan.'
dard make, electric lighting and start
ing, iwo roaasiers ana o passenger tour
ing car; will sell at a bargain and take
old car in exchange, terms. v.
09 Washington st. Main 6921.
SMALL pigs and sows with litters; Red
Duroc. Telephone Sellwood 889.
CHOICE, fresh cow at 69 E. 22d, near
' Btsrk. B-2666. -
FOR SALE 15 prime beef cattle; phone
main itaga; cam vjase, mrx yiacet Or.'
WANTED Good . COW. time rjavmenta.
Give full particulars. C-724. Journal.
TWO No. 1 fresh milk cows. 1967 E.
n Lara at. . . r .j. v
FOR SALE Jersey cow with calf, 430
cj. n.iiiingsworin ave.-
wrzANDOTTE cockerels for sale.- We
iook xirst pnxe cock at Oregon Stats
fair this year; young cockerels for sale
cheap to-make room. , Wood's Poultry
THOROUGHBRED 1 White" Orpingtons,
Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Red cock
erels, 0 months old, v $3 apiece. '4148
ootn e. tu.! s diocks nortn or Arleta sta.
SELLING out 200 thoroughbred leg-
hn,n, I a,. h.BlH 1 9 l.b..
8906 E, 40th St., Anabel sta Mt. Scott
ear.";- --i. ,. . .,
FOR 8ALE-S0 S. 6.
Wnlta . iMhnrn
IE. .k . u , . n .
. cu,, , w cau.,, ' t, ivuvivro. fa eacn,
AI? horouahbr?di. Wyckoff-Tancrede,
888 E, Salmon." B-2178. :.i
10 BROWN, leghorn hens, " lii' hatchl
14 brown leghorn, pullets for $15. Wal-
tera, ita in m. wain sa.
1 M! Ill I ... i III III
isuw i your cnance, 76 pair homer
pigeons at your own price; tfot to
sell. 1164 E. 18th N. - . '
BUFF ORPINGTONS, males and fe
males, fine Stock at scrub , prices.
Sellwood 1230. ' 1 ;;
18 THOROUGHBRED White-Orpington
. pullets, March hatch, bred from first-
ciass utility siock. Main ouv,
BUTTERCUP cockerels, March hatcheJ,
vigorous, $3 each;, will trade for pul.
lets. Marshall 1214, ' E-864, Journal,
12 PRIZE winning buff prplngton hens
and pullets, 11 Indian runner dunks, eacn. i tn. sznq st. - laoor .
TWO and three months' old pullets, 26o
, , v i oinj . ... , . . a a i 1' i iuuv,
General Repair-
' ma
SOS Front St
Oregon - Vulcanising Works,
,' . ."The. Tire Shop." i .K-
650 Washington st. at 18th.
Marshall 379. We buy and
sell used tires and do
First Class Tire Repairing.';
AUTOMOBILE Urea, tires, tires. $t.04J ,
to $30.00 each, we also hava a Urge
stock of new tires and automobile so -eessoriss
at cut rate prices, mall orders
promptly and carefully filled. Paolfia
Tire A Supply Co.. 828-830 Burnslde st j
FOR SALE OR TRADE Chalmers 86,' 'i
first class condition; owner going to
Europe; cost with equipment $2860; sub
mlt proposition and appointment will
be made , for demonstration, F-400, f
Journal.. - V '
gttybEBAkER $6, 4 or, passen7
ger, electrio lighted ! 'ind i -4rtartln( '"M
looks like new; a bargain. i ( .
$09 Washington St. Main 6932. ' V;
WANTED 6 pass. $0 h. p. or more auto
of standard make, want demonstrator'
car or an almost new; will pay cash and " .
must be cneap. write an tne particulars.
KX-620. Journal.
NO reasonable offer ..refused for a
passenger White Steamer, A-l shape.
Main nana, Aaoor. iojii,, i ask,,
Menzles. ;:'y -:' '. ' ::; ,
Have Vacant Lots
Tn Portland and acreage oh electrio line.
will trade either for- good -5 or' 7 pass. .
auto.' Phone Sellwood ll40. - v :'h''-v'vi
FOR' auto lamp radiator; tender and
windshield repairing, see Andy Keek-
--. .U,wlVinrA.-.avt..i hatVMfl Rihth
and Ninth, We also cary a full line pt'SM
accessories.' Phone East 164. : ' '
Written guar- ;
antee with ,
every, spring, '..jv.
us rt. lntn st. "
FIVE passenger Chalmers. $1.60 per .i'
hour". SDecisI rates out of cltv trios. '.
Phone Woodlawn 65T, Main 8925, , H.
F. Lee, 1015 Board of Trade bldg,'
Fl v Hi uassenaer A. L.. 4 door Chalmers.
a bargain, $60O quick sale. Wood-. y .,
lawn 667. .; Main 8926. H F. Lee. 101S 1
A PTiHAA i.lw : , V. , '"I ..:,:.v'-V
jaunru ui: iomi ."a i:. ( .: i . j '; n ''ii,iii:'1 T:i'S
nmr lb., delivered. No.'i old auto tlra. . f
So per lb. Live inner tubes from 14a to
25c. J. Leve, 186 Cottimbltt st. M. 6198.; h
NEW 1914 6. cylinder Losier at agency
- cost or will sell part cash, balance u . f
time or real estate. See car at garage, ,
93 N. Park St. .',,,..?,., v'- . r M:..
QltPJNGTONfi,' White and Buff : good , FOUR passenger ; auto. kWUi r sell i fori
A FULL blood Great Dane dog cheap.
7 mo. old,, with , pedigree, A t great
friend to children, i For sale or trade.
Make ma an offer. . Call Saturday or
Monday. Phone ' Woodlawn ,2247. v
BOYD'S bird store, 229 Alder st. Fine
" Boston terrier pups, Airedale terriers.
Spits. Jau Spaniel. English bulldoas.
Dun terriers, pigeons, raooits, pets. Mam
2184. '"'"1'. ..."'..:". "i. . (- .v.
S400 cash, or terms. 1 Machine is nrao- CMry
tlcally new; has not run 200 miles, L- " .
819. Journal. -. . . '
8TUDKBAKER "30" two 'passenger ,4 h
roadster, fullv equipped, Llttle.used, Ui'
and in first class condition).' Telephone v
Monday to Brown, Main 6961I.''1 :
AlITfV vttn J
Buick 4 'passenger, 8360. Phone sTabor
ji'oi or wain ma. tig ana 'rriiirman.
BUICK touring car. In good order. For i
tX3R 8ALE-1-A team or will trade for
. cows. n. wirtn, ask ?Mir atore,
BllvOn. Hillsdale, Or. " - ,
RUBBER tire buggy for sale.-$25. 'in
onlre 906 Fl 7th at. N.
CASiTToT Jiihvv Hound team; must Lie
bargain. , Woodlawn 244.
FOR i KALE Pedigreed ,. Bull .Terrier
puppies, out of prise winners.. Also
Boston Terrier duddIpb, Doks boarded.
Flashlight, Kennels, 811$ 54th St., 8. E.
Tabor 630. . '
WaKTE'D To buy a Boston bull terrier
' pup; price must be reasonable! i, Bog
246. Forest Grove. Or.'"-M "'!'.'.''.:'
ROLLER . singers . and " cages . cheap.
Woodlawn 350.
6969, Monday. . ;"'.
HAVE large, equity in acre tract to S
trade for light auto. Studabakar nra.
ferred. ' S-686. Journal !
CDDlMOMade and repaired, new ontA
Ol-1 Ultuo guaranteed. Washington Car :
at aam warm, m c;. wssnmgton St
Frank Larige, 228 Salmon. Main 181.
sale cheap.
Fi IS. DQdeie, wens.
FOR SALK Fine pedigreed English
iiuikiqb; puppies. w(v i "l si city
Hxt '.'I'll X y.... TTZTT.
x AUTO SNAP 1 ' 'V
for If sold this week,- I ,lght auf o dellvarv
Or. - car, cash or trarte Phone Main 2764.
SELL or trade,'. Packard ,30 rosdstirj,
tJOR SAI.l'J Male pointer dog, Ualned;
retrieves. 8iU Monroe st. -
FOR SAL li Lovely
. male. East 6308.
White Stilts dog,
.terms. MarBhall 6389, Main 1161.
BARGAINS' In sllirhtly used
Jfior.i'epali Ing,
tXI'A,, .
Main st , Phono MarvhaU, f 2 7 8.
tlraa: vul-
207 Madison,