The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 12, 1913, Page 29, Image 29

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. : ixrss ni ixcrs 1 1 go . . moxey to. loan 27 help wahcd. smlk 1 .-;t:in .-vanted-Agent8 ;e ;v;siroATioysyiALB vu r- , -
v All Kinrk nf Rll:inp;J ' " - - 7 --- --T--l:H?ATB ' ' " " -n C jtnri4Ar. ": Ao nM " T SALESMEN makWgYmall townswholo ""; " ' - '''VVv7.". v'i " WANTEltCpositloh as wmigrapher"by V1''-'-
Wl, IMMUd VI OUdlllbdO ' , l; ; A OllUdllOn VvalUkU ." v time or ia Una. hould erry our AGENTS The biggest moneyenaker out , competent experienced younir lady, 4 ROoai In privau uiu.n..-:
' , One of the finest meat markets In t Ads. Inserted free for those to need of fast selling; pocket slue Una, -.Special sales In years. 'Concentrated; liquor ex- years' experience; can take dictation rap- descriptive liu givu- t v
Orison outside of Portland, thoroughly t , , . , woi k end who are unable to pay for an plan, aUowlng return of unaold goods, tracts. , Makes thaVreal article at home. idly,, transcribe notes eorrectly: do neat ot cnoK-ej .can piu.-e you i
. equipped, in every particular; small .' advertisement. Advertisements must be Makes flulclt, easy sales; $4.00 commis- eaves over SO per cent. ' Something new. and rapid work on typewrite!'; first class ou Wttn.V .Sa U;',', .!,,y,''? '
fntiount of cash will handle, an ell fix- ' , bought to the office personally, by the slpn on each order. SOMETHING EN- Can be sold anywhere, wet or dry. Guar- references. U-798. Journal. , ? -' 'at't W-..N1AL 1U.K.
' : " belong with building? and are In- w have funds fof 'approved real estate partios desiring wbrfc. ' ' T1KELY NEW. .Write for outfit today, anteed strictly legitimate. . Small ion- COMPETENT ' luVnT.f " . owahier """'' -J-
-'. lea ia rent.. . , ' , loans. Any amount from $300 to AMBITION win, .,., V..rH in United 8HKD Myo- co- 812 S'1 Chicago, dented packagaei-morr goto faet. mmtmilVm k!i lAROK ..outsldifurUU-.-rUw.... ;
. . ' $10,00(1. g to AMBITION wlMwir rwiM la . Illinolo. Jnst send Poatat "today..,. Onfvereal . Im- or wlUta to work half dar aakur ' water, bath, steam heat, . '
r5nnoctionpry' Iftfnm n& cigars , Lowest current . " loan i Jft'wS j&fa the navv aid Jaa'ASto TE best side line. Our new lino of port o.AfxcainoratatacMliiaa,- m& Tahmil W HhM corner Broadway-a.,.lerir.,...,
nln a hoa; ho'usa for-" .llARTMAN-THOMPSQN' ' ' w HooTo-r g-fflSl KTJUN SHSI .ulffi'tlic!:"
tKKn!.".1?? '? HiAlnScJZ,Km " " , BANK t college, you will lead a healthy Hfe, $80 to $100 per week selling these goods owm Become one of our. local repre. ... ... - ark st.
inhfxl'Jl11??1' 14 teldy board- , " --MoHgag- Loan.,. ' eat ood f ood JlleenTln a comfortable ss a aide line. Dept. Y, United fitates sefttatlves and sell high grade oustbm- WIDOW with child would Ilk portion prj'gg-;,;- ; ' ,k-1 Nw,'r7a77T;;,'i
r anroomera, ', , r . IH-variment bed. take part In athletic contests, chum factories Co . 180 North Market-st, made phirte; also guaranteed sweaters, -honsekacpsr or.;JaiUtrcM..' worki P$nf" wSt water th i r. -
M'inV ; miiM ',,d .tork '' ' " witl fln ftl" "'"' 'v"unir fellows and Chios go, 111. underwear, hosiery and neck ties direct, fmutmh,v&.j raferonca'.M'!. fuX ro"S-D,r Xd locaton'' )
frmfe: 'Lwyhand 'gamn 5toi ' " ' ' r something .W tfi. ; wW Steady SALESMAN Capable specialty tna'n for to Immca.TBAlAST, MILLS. 'V l "J-;'. ,6P12tli. lt,t-wtlon-
aood r.Bl ;.S- .'- exocHent:.., pay, increasing with Oregon. Vacancy now, Attraotlv PTt. 2H, Cohpes, N.j Y.:;-:. :;-..;:-;,:: WANTEDWork by-dy-or hour, -ate TvANTrnT "r:uliiimia vm.'n'" ;..,ui r"r
LZi-Lil SrSno 8 iA iwLiis i i ..... ack anUatiaciitrraoMhaiicatoaav- Tmm?saIoa"coMtraofr Staprc Una on i .;:,: ? per hour.., Call ovenings between i .yiuai?,J,'l 'iaa t1, -
' ---u'ul"(00---'ittV rri" , , ," i: L wonw Many,iopportnlttea newand exceptlonil terms. P $35 wiekW AQENTS-Salary or commlssloi'arekt- fnd 8 p. m. or 10 nd X am.,JSondV; iaSHron? room bit td Cull Huml-r
. AkaibROWN 1 SwetJand Bid WE can make lmmed'ate loans of th jnotion. Call at Navy Becrutting -bta-. for expenses. Miles Blxler Co, 82T. est seller ; yet. Every user pen and East- 8908. ;J. : ;--- ;. ir llondav ' fauo l"5r
. liiLSSf.V'"? Mln following amounts on Portland real ,iJ3,"wy,.E0l1ln lw?ff 1 Cariin bldg.,. Cleveland, Ohio. Ink buys i on sight: 200 to 600 per cent Xjl ex-teacher -'of the ortlanl public t,.M? 'riLru' w ; -,
l3rnciri , estate: . - Or. Talk with enlisted men there. JJ xsts;i7m"'a ;'inU.. --y a1 wTKAt' " 'aiS' profit. " Ona ' aaent'a sales 1620 In six . schools will aiva Drivata lessons rea. $10. A MONlll Front room, -modorn,
' ' ' UlOCery f- tlOOfl " , : , $ $000 wrlt free ookleV iThe Making -heat, light, hot and cold water, l.ath
. Be o,an to make money wa have , . . Sl&OQ ' ' I gcoo . a Man-0'.Waranian. -.: teUa-all. about Ji'PMlJtmAB uf -'co X-24? 1 CrTtsse Ws " "hSn 011 AoartnTeaY$10 " lce neigTibSrhood. Clo in.' lo N.
. .had for some time; goo location; no Jigoo ,' V " 1 4000 " '. daily life on the big U. S. ships. Fine ods of pracUoal instruction In ..driving f:"J'i"'. r. . VrB8...llg- S"xv'--' Ap " f.Vj : 1 1 ,.:.,.. 18th street, corner Johnnon. Mar. B512.
competition; good fr?eh stock; living lifma ' ! 1222 ' pictures Address Bureau of Navigation, and repairing automobiles fy expert in- WANTED Special agents to represent totlNO Woman; with boy of -two. wbos f A 5w W1" sLzsrIr& ' '
room" "Will take awe trad BnU liSSS fioooo ' &oi 82i, Navy Ipann 'ultion. part one of thelarge old line life insur, ...".baaband worka oat of city; would like Hua't?? '
fjiJft1?!! bide A'wlah to borrow, St with ton, I. & W:P?Pf - cashen enroUment. balance at time of TttrAjM XiXtk :
.W S HAMMOnI) M ORTG1A COMPANY, gAEiK WstaIt you ,n buslnes,: furnish. gSaajS'oiahM OFNTXemaW pleasant roon, ,n
1 mmm fssi pmlsspp ssis siii piii
Portland busieHt Mrners.VvLow rental Por?land We do busfs aulcklv St SoSth2 iorfai 5riwiiela . " home anywhere; no canvassing. Oppor- the market. SendjosUl today tor par- wanTEDA " good" home ."and "' some tHREB furnished rooms with or with-
undeV.' VOiv79tinon the right raTea wdat - Record T for B month, indina- Aug 81; tun ty. lifetime; booklet free. Itagadale tlculars. B. M. Feltman. sales mgr, iYea toi Tclnd Slderty wonwn as out . board, ' reasonable ; rates. 61$
aecount c heanh.rprlcel$6000.lMiglit to the ttrrVwar F? Callffor Zl'H Co., box 2, East Orange, N. J. , 8081 Sycamore St. Cincinnati Ohio. compan'on and nuraa? Mra Vernto Mc- Qutmby at. Main 8205. ' . ;
consider good property in part payment, . .THE WESTEKN SECURITIES CO- . Positions filled ,,iv... ..... ....109S CENTRAL COMMERCIAL COLLEaa WIDE-AWAKE agents make big money Lane, Lents,- Or. - v y--' - -- -' -' FLEASANt room for lady j una of par.
N4e;-. journal.--' ; 818 Piatt bldg.. cor. Park and Wash. All young men seeking employment. Bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting handling our easily demonstrated spe- ONE-PIECE dresea li 60 and uo AU lor piano, home privileges. . Main 8&a.
THE highest bldder-buys ' 80x100 $1600 or leas private money on Portlanl "Pc laHy strangers. are cordially to- courses under JW clalty. Wrlto today for free particulars. tmriag andiaking' over a specUlty. Clay. . '. :- - " :
ground with B room plastered house. real estate. Main 8883. ylted o, consult with the secretary of pee mo. t text books free. Have i you Standard Supply Co, Box 1081. North Fit guiranteed. Phone B-l or call LARGE airy front rooms, all modern,
also hpwcaae'-and -.fixtures;, will in- i 1 , . , , i, the Employment Department. ESS.n-V r"J5Sw5L? inf hnAider Tkt" Wash- ." " ' " 461884th St. B. E. . ' ' ' . residence district. 'Marshall 764. 7f
KoVtoT,hffi ' ' BtOKOT-tO -fcOAK WANED-Kor TJ. S. army, able bodied, ggy'1 bl g'hM lr AGBNTS make $00 per cent profit sell- VANTED-PosltW: as ! bookkeeper or ' - - ' V,
nieht li f Vstk'Rrhl'm''ii . ' C1IATXELS ' SALAUIES ' unmarried men between ages of li yfPtCJtJ .lDgi 61gn ,CWikmr$l1H cashier bY experienced lady with ref- FURNISHED room in steam '-heated
rH..?1 , Stock .Exchange, Mar,,-, 4014, ii,1!;.. and 86; cltlsens of the United States, of , side line. New. clean cut Proposition, buy 10 tolOO on eight; 800 varieUea. ,rn0M. phone Tabor 424$. Box 8. flat for 1 or i, Wdiea; reasonable.:
fipnilhft Bargain 7 NEW COMPANY NEW, METHOD ood chaoter and Umperatehabita. Pa V-ff.?.n5I2SPV Lents, Ore.. - - - ' Walking distance. $27 Everett et. FlatB. .
' - " ' OorSKKm.. rent , TflESE SgT. MoVmoV Si; K fig. .ft t want you faTOva? SSg'
SaSirS luncb room with 7 ' WW 7011 ' "rulTCu! Whl f fiW WdLE-AQD Udy, German,, Catho- oK. '.aSfa
- DSSS3 Money at rate, honest people can afford WAi,TED-Expenencedclockmak.r. Ap- naffiga AENTHtiuIck, . get in line with big 'iSSS Marshall 4118. ; "
and factories: no compettllon within w pay - ply superintendents office between ard son. dean, MvMorehead, Sec, tU-MT n n1ftlte7. " Sure -100 profits! Vii-6?0 j?S.W & g0 ONE sleeping room. 810 Main. J
blocks, good or two women or man and , Mm Cfl Mff BP MPS 8:S and 10 a. m, sixth floor, Meier A Commonwealth bldg..' Portland, Oregon, tv-rtte today. Free particulars;, Lavello m Pf P ' ?' .;0UrnV -: . 11 11 1 1 : '
' wife;, will take cash or real estate In , - arw&RMVfPiLn " Frank Company. , . 1 Co. Box 4R Sacramento, Cal. WANT housework, $ 'week; Jhomj FUIIXISIIED ROOMS . 6a '
V , ?r near city. East 2283. - -,-, . I .11 welkiy 2 18 toSS: ' , . HELP WAJTyED"- itaiALK j EXPERIENCED magaslne or book or wrtU; toour,; M - ' EAST SIDE '
J -Bargain ' gfy gt- WANTED Young men of character and ' SltUatlOll Wanted ' t.rVuor?.'liar5pfr-r3Sa.n5 A LADY "employed day. wanto place to " "itw CLIFFORD M OTElIT -
'''One of the best 'paying saloons In VcAN YOU BfiAT THEM? . energy, who have friend. ' and per- 1.' JJi2 t J!- thlul ta siaad 'at cester blJg., 3d and Oak. - - . -rrr- after 4 p. m. for room and board., H,' 8th and Morrison sta. American '
Portland everything for $4.$00 or will ' Vou CAN OKT IT TODA? ' onal lollowing to represent one of the in,'tTi'd J ' V,i . ."."r? i ' i , i , . , , , .'' " W-852. Journal. and European plan. New and modern,'
: . aeU half interest: lnvesUgate this. God- ) f 1 BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL! - - oldest companies; greatest .proposition to ilBilitaiuat be SITUATIONS MALE 3 SITUATION wanted by a middle aged large lobby, special rates by month.
v.' dard. 602 Couch bldg. -; - Rehates aiVn it Paid BefnVW ima. those thatare -anxious to build up a tX5iht toba offlSa J:. ..T - TZZl woman to assist la bouse work. X-822, THE? Larrabee. 887 .barraoee. Koome
XR $100 will , teach you nice, easy profitable business. A-73V Journal. ffiffi'A0.-0!.!0.? "rMUly py M WANTED A - position aa i assistant Journal. , .. . $8 wk, op. Brick bldg-steam heat, hoi
business.- payingOtf w more"er -V . IPtlBRTIIlOD LPAuS QS(D. U'O BETTEK yourself and be sure of pr" ae"rlnir "f r . bookkeeper, bflllng clerk or any kind REFINED musician and ohlUrea'a en- and co water, bath. pl.on. .iwtrtcity.
rnonth; aomething new: fine proposition. 418 MACLJEAK i.uQ. Witl nONES steady, good paying poslUon, many WAElvi.YOtJNa LALIKS FOR TBL- general of flee workv Best of tefer- tertaiaer wishes engagements, after- . . rcMSEZD lOOMS
Call evenings after 6:30. . J. f. Richards, Between 4th and. 6th ats. on Wash. .t. openings, positions guaranteed. For WAiiuiwuu www v aw jnees as to abUlty and character, tf- noons, evenings. References. Main 7888. jbast BIDB PRIVAtS I Tvaxft n
406 Harrison at., 3d floor. -, Open a. m. to 8 p. m.. Sat, till 8 p. m. """v aod,dr?0 'SobbMaSK ' SPHONB OPERATING, WITH OB K'fJ1 , V .v WOMAN la country' wants permanent gg' A MONTH Nice."a7t' r"oom f"ur-1
FINE rooming house, close In; good TESjLHt Loan B 6 .jAi NOXEftT fZla il aioi wd- Fn' ; WANTED Position by young man hav- poaitlon general housework. Mra 9initha IdoUblerind2r? auiu'
-. $ home oamel-back truck, double har- Vio".- TO $100 l '1' I V" . -. WITHOUT EXPERIENCE. - PAID - lngr acrved two years aa i machinist LoVrlnda Conroy, Butte Falls. Or. gSm o7 Mera eonVeVU '
ness; wlU Hake homestead relinquish- CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO WANTED By mining corporation, ap- . , pesires to finish trade. . Experienced t , . . t able f or one p w K?k SaSih
tnent or sell cheap. 10 E. 12th st, S BORKOW MONEY. proved. State Corporation. Dept. com- WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE with gaa englnea ; E. , V. Parker, $7$, SITUATIONS WASTED MALE )?fffhaMf,4ith awSi'.
" ,rB-1140. - u. -'. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. Detent stock salesman, v Thla property . Hooker. - "' - . . . ivn VVMIM! - S-.clS Vi, 1Ux U .
' SAWMILL" OPPORTUNITY "on '"tHU- BUSINEB8 STH1CTLY .CONFIDENTIAL has passed the experimental stage. PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELE. LAND CLEARING. j '-f, f jf-7!"'- ,
-TrooSriiA Moner , in handa of aov- - HOURS 8 A, M. TO PV M. Large water power in conjunction. C , ' I1 clear Tand at reasonable pricea MAN and wife want work on farm or LARGE furnished room, - front. : Also ,
. 1 rr?mentrno?Wtt and deep'cC- : - " B ATURDASJ 1 P. M. - K Lebold. Salem. Or. ; - ' GRAPH COMFANT (EAST .OFFICE). Larg"or small tractt Addre.a $24 "dairancS m Tswlaa" aSPnol . room wlth sleeping porch Suttabla
. lneltoV BayClty" Particulara 702 'i lAAJlfr- T' " SALESMEN wanted, i want men every- - JrrVw am 1st st. Collin.. afraid of work; 101 yeara experience, for . housekeeping If -de.lreA - J2 E.
! Ppalding bldg ' 300 FAILING BLPO. whera to sell my gooda. 100 profit. COR. ITH AND BAST ANKENT BTS, bERMAyKNT po,ltion wanted, middw Good reference, furnlah.d. 0-618. Jour- th at, corner of Alder., .. Phone, East
- ' 1X YOli want a half interest in a pro! A PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN Sell, in every home, office and factory. ',MAm nwwrri vncflT pirk aged7 respectable man. Reasonable ' - " ' " V :: : ?684- 'V '; ,' ;-.
fltabla fTelSerorlse reouirlng onfy a i MONEY ON - - If you want to make money answer OB (MAIN OFFICE). WEST PARK CuSntn preferred. W-$l. Jouii NEGLECTED education; private In- EXCEPTIONALLY- nice ; large room. ,
" amaif inveMtmJntt la so calf and see Plamonds. Watches, Jewelry, Pianos; etc this adv. Free particulars. ; -Becker'a." mrrnnnvn ifmt tilt naf " . 9 - t ' ; fgtrucUoa Tglven to grown people and newly furnished for 1 or a gentlemen,
, 'a a" I'SyE.' nd. tSWV Box 818, Dept. 10, Portland,- Or. -;. AKP ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST $0. 6 L d SaSJ PX ,ted-a(6th-
V bEUCATESSEN.' lunches, cheap - rent, ft -0 ; t tSFltt&n t2& ataato-ia MAN and wife wish work on farm or Z-n. 'J flr ln -
nw noru 7n cioar liso month- b- - S4A Trvnffiiri?A Mrip tit Tn' (i handling lumber, but calling on retail v eit for collector. Will furnish casn farm to care for. F. Grimmer, 41$ LARGE, cheerful room, fire In room,,.
! , aidTeWthPe!xPlUW fadSSrTO'S! S'oootot ' " W-""t f ura"h Z"11 Alder.PotuanV- pgon? A-2827'. fowaUg"di.tocT.!'.
Kxchangot - 8AUBJJAX EVENINUS, UNTIL 8 PV M. to Otagoa. or otbar atataa. ...M-741, Jour- EXPERIENCED ealepeople wanted for YOUNG man wants work, good, willing tt, cc-sVrri an Sfst'mo
IF YOU want a money making poolroom ELBY COMPANY. 2- " , ... - ' r - glove and ribbon department.. Apply worker; can furnish ref. tT Cheney, DRKSSatAKIXO 40 . i . ..... j.,.. ..
with confecuonery 'ln connection, for SALARIED PEOPLE T 26 ,Bi?.wlF J?0!?" 2'S: ! iftSI5 between 8:30 and 1 a. m. at superln- $04 Cook ave. Phone C-148$ or V-700, i" Lad Y with lomi ;xperlenoe7nlad ui" ?Yf&!liJKJti2Z JJa
BOO, answer thia ad.--Thia will -pay , -AND OTHERS WANTING MONEY 4 ,1 r?' a? JJW office, alxth floor, Meier Journal. ' ; dmaklig, tou5g' alteration. homJ , l block liSi atli 474
" lyou 00 per cent. N-788, Journal. . .ffiWi ' ' adwX Em'plw? .A'--V' WANTED Position a. grocery or hard- wlshe." work ?Wo ' w W8vV?watt: Ma?ketSbtCA.3B6y ." WUn''
1 tfOR SALE Paint shop, good location. .. HfSft fepifCT , - ment Co. 24 N. 2nd st " V i;..--.i'-; iS.(?v'-- v' f ware clerk;. years' experfencet A-l Call Tabor 1880. - ONE nlcalr furnlnhcd r"om ' 1th rrl"'-
- vfer cr laaa .-w e,.f,u ljjSi
fe-ig BfgSS aaaSSS..B635 11 ;w,s;;
! f S?cob?tt bidg nV "m"' A 'deetiauie place for ladies and Tgen tie.' WANTED District manager. Or, Wash, appearance and capable of doing high frl"p?,BrPMnfch mMn -nk'Lt mtr, r- Mrs. R.D. Black. 461 Jefferson. out board. Call at 7 Tillamook at.
U-tfiTUnfL room to nrlvat; nien lo borrot 'VaoBMoa TamSnd noney making proposUion. obin anSrtmen1 ho"ei ACADEMY of Pari.taa SolenUflo Dress. $12.60. 2 furnished H. K. room, and 1
' ,,WmX; lni. :il0,?,?n wSSihtii and Jewelry at eastern uratea.iamoaJ local representatives. . Sunday or even- and 5 p..m., 407 Selling bldg. in tSSi ViTssSSm, making. Tailored A Suits. Corsets, sleeping porch, private family; water T
' a""S J?-dernA t,lephon Mafaaail Klact 834 Wash!, opp? Owldrulra! lnga, 24S E. 43d st WAN 'eD A ' compefent widow or na110 dg " rtlrK Jour Teachers wanted. 804 OoodnOlinh bldg. and light free. flfS Kerby at ;
- tvw." c 1 tf ikjL- mn MONEY loaned on diamonds, jewelry MAN who has had experience as ad- maiden lady, from 80 to 40 year, of vnmjn'M' in " kiPh".t.' LADIES' tailored eults. t $28 and $30; FOR RENT 3 nicely furnished sleeping
? aretstatlon 4 I WebbCTG- and waVehoulie receipts. RoomJlX irvertlslng .olioitor.VCall 80 to :80 age, Swl.. preferred, to tafcy cfiarge of .PJ?" whe?eTnerS and f00.. I!1'' , workmanship. room. In private home, gentlemen pre- 1
- at stotion. F-L weDDer oar- Washington bldg Monday morning. Grant Gordon, 804 a country home; no objection to one I'JKft.f''!? fiTTa fie Elite, 884 Mohawk, bldg. ferred. 781 B. Yamhill st.
' GUOCe'rY lng rooms- tfk, good real IMMEDIATE and confidential loan, on WcWgobldV fCaO at 1 Morrison .L. room g "1 lead to promoUon. S-878, pEaSMAKlNQ and alteration, by lirat KlCE Urge furnished room, 1 furnace
iBr' T A?,t' 4 ?srS ents furniture, pianos, autos. - Mortgages THREE subscription solicitors . of good Z'w,''"-1 fd " . .. i VBTROa' ' ahi-Wied " hardworking ; clasa areBsmaker. Main 825. . heat, on best carline, $8 per month i
' 8ate- 2?8' Apt- y bought. Bauer, 206' Alder street. - appearance, for easy proposition. Call HOUSEHOLD Workers'- Institute now A 3b'tnA DRESSMAKING, family sewing neatly or $2.60 per week. EaBt 830$.
I , MOXE TO LOAM 27 MONEY soid installment: oonidaa!. tfavarlKSo anktod trtheTitn De.tdrer.re5cei "done. $1.80 a 'day East 84t iso k 82.t, near Hawthorne av... niceJ
f V ' : ifrTiD , . ui.t0 saiariedpeople. . F. A, New- 84 C- : ; g ,. formaTton aooly Mlaa M? A. QulnnY 835 Addres. M-478, Journal. WJiNTED--bressmaklng - by , the .day ly furnished, pleaeant room, very rea- '
.g. .gyS. x,'B.a L",nrj; : - ' J A pytV'.'Z T$ S.'&SS! jurMUafiyt03. ' aUlnn " COMFORTABLE and aoreies. dog Phon. Tabor jjffl " V , , h' ' , .
! r . J; ' J40NEY loaned on CUmonds and lewaU bl rofe oSminar areat "seanort Call only WANTED A ' woman willing to take muasle. made - to order; v expert; DRESSMAKING 848 Dlvlstm st. TWO nloe clean furnlahed aleepln J
!- J L?,SSTJE9,fiN. 4ra - ry, atrlctly confidential. 141H R.n8 fT'loTw'fi George Hu.enk. lll a" Grant at."; B- f, , . "f00" J '
' FOR BU?LdSJg PoStR? LOAKW WAITED 80 Hto'te?- SStft tASSSk 'V JS? JST&i & BELLVBLE married man want, position matFWtY bTf W b.W of' care "$OoToNTHn"e Aleepln, room, fur-i
' CONTRACTSJ . ?OM. ;;-WAK'TED,-6i.rscURrT' wa'CaUm &irWt2 MilwVukla 6r. - t janitor apartment hou.a N-75s, Jour- it hSSt' P--- '
COL1IMBT k liwv TTtTTRT CCL. $10,000 3 yra at , vaL $30,000. w. side bldg., after 8 Monday evening. PRIVATE SCHOOL SHORTHAND and ' ' ' '- - ;""V' y Walt 149 E 76th N - " Market' ,- ;
. ill pPAiniNrt Bff , 8,000 3 yr at 3, val. 20.000, a side SALESMAN wanted: a Dusines. worth' typewriting, modern methods, register WANTED Offloe position; experienced, ptWfcrtM t, 1 pur,a would take ' a naZ NICELY furnished room, close in. B
itr a tti-mV am wrvr,rA t . A m !'f 2"? 1 1 vaf "J1 while Tind u oroortunltJ (S buUd S for fall term $6 per mo. 269 lech, at, good record anS referenceg. Main ?tXg fZw Uh?ma bist ofcaVe raf. car: lady who .peak. Germaii pre-.
sTHc?LN.Vfa0iSiSx23 H$T-5 yr" f f v w-bus Main 8893. Speed olassea now forming. 89?8. Pateraon. - t-- tatt!?' r.-?Trf, ferred; reasonable. East 02.
' - " VoffVA $i000l 130oSst 1 JlooZi vSIt'val AoootSd! res CapltafcityNur,ery 00 SaJem, Or. UoOK wanted, for Off season.! in gall PAINTER Oooj, alt round. ' married. Tnur.e with references WELL lighted large room, vvalklngdi--
lOOOSS 80oil?V IsStfsli' 1'iooi y?2 it Vtr& - s'soo" t S dJ TAILORS antid to T work on ladle.1 sidehoteL. Pleasant place and light wanta work, $i per day. P-488, Jour- C0StMmmt ejllhl w ; tence. Particulars, call East 8874.
" McKENZlS & -CO.. iroooH m it t$2tiliffiwti$l Jackets. Only first claa. need apply, work for the winter, but must be cap. ''- : ,r , " ! lawniMJ. " ' " FURNISHED rooms; beat, light and ,
Main 2801 , 616 oVrllnger Bldg. ffiltZt yr. at ,&L 4o!oo6Wfarn? aVelss. 147 j'oth st. ble: $40. A-828. Journals - - J W6uLb lke to start early morning 'mATERnITY nur.a want, case immedl- , Path. 469 E.- Burnslde at
: $1000 00 TO $26 000 00 ' s MoKENZlE & CO.. CHEF Headquarter, and Helpers. ' . GIRL for neral housewprk in family fpnace flrea la Nob HU1 diatrlct. lately; do houMwork; Main 14L - FURNISHED room, light, heat, bath, $
. . BUS? NESS AND RESIDENCE Main 2801 616 Gerllnger Bldg. CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT, of four, 1 1 adulta, $ babies; must use Main 642. - -; - ;1 rT"?rro.'ro''w."i-- "'l, ra month. 269 Fargo St., jj car.
U.S. MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO. $$000 WANTED on vacant property In " ' 286 Yamhill st ffil J,Vi.9 1 - BOOKKEEPER "now .employed would , . FUKNISHKD ROOMS , . filCELY""fumUhed room for rent!" 4S3,
,. .- .) tli-oU yon Blig. 0 " one of the beat residence dlstrlot. In CALIF. I offer 4-800 cash and, ready "f" ( 1 like act of book, to keep evening. H. ... WEST SIDE Williams ave. j
' -Main 2418.- the city of Portland, on a ahort time land on credit, or trade, working WANTED 8 experienced waitresses at M. Hayles. 605 Montgomery. rjwg.goee!t ' . ' 1 r 1 .
I LOANS mads on improved city property loan. - Valuation to exceed three time, mine, $83 N, E. 28th t the Elite cale. Phone P. Ulna. Camas, 8ITUaTION wanted of .any kind by lnm-r ' tJKFUnNISTIED rOOMS 10
, - or for building purposes; advanoes value 'of loan.. Moral risk thirty times WANTED At once, 2 men to learn auto . .- i L . v Vj young man, strong, and la not afraid THB ANGELA HOTEL - .-.. r--- '
made a. building progresses ; liberal value of loan. , No agents need-apply. repairing and driving; caU at Haw- LADY aoUcltor. fw days, Jbousehold of work. Main 6108. ! , .2B Washington st TWO dandy unfurnished front corner
, repayment privileges.-No commission or I desire to deal direct with the money thorne Garage. 446 Hawthorne ave. arUcle, large commission, Q-874. Ty '-ou want to build a bunaalow or have , Nfwlr,.'u.nlnfd "oma,-steam heat, rooms, new apartment house, electrio :
brokerage. J. P. Lipscomb. 843 SUrk. lender. J-829, Journal. i . gTCTa tlrni bov thrmrh J tg Journal voSr bZumm rsnairld: call m Main f1ctrt avator private phone, Ughts, ateara heat running- water, f re w
I 6 AND 7 MORTGAGE L6Atts.""; SEVERAL flr.t" mortgage, (or sale; Wh0oltoAhernonr mlTA'.gSnl CaU GOOD girl for general housework. Muai tU' rwir'd-, ctl. ' tt' Maia oiwi&o?batVi".PA r? ; Bnt ,
"iS gor,4nJn? WlLgboy not over H good bom. $. ' , SS5S 5' g1! TWm Unfurnished apartment ll'
: iiS MOTT'sIowd school even: tA rfca? raftgruuW niaan' BO- two tge 8 room
'ttSvoRTfliflB of loan St over thlJt'er - o?t N? l"l sessions; individual inatruoUonj HOME portrait wllera will be given 1625. A-2788. Room 16. baths. ubfaclllUea, special -ratee at TOP-l, fVsTi iiKt near FYont
"4MHffimk"S VwtoA&-ffirffi?& easvVerms. 810 TUford bldg. ; ; very WWfl Ind uo-ment. . foe work WXNT ED-A .toady job. reliable, young catoterta f FuU t f't. $12.60. 188H Market, near Front
-V;; i BTOinBiirriir... ct with the money .'.lender. , 0-639, WANTED Rubber and polisher, also aecured. Call Main 7694. . . carried roan, at common labor. 4-688, P"108- cof-, 71" TtOOMq AVD HOARD 13
MVtSAS -1"0,?-tLi,0.,t Journal. -.-- s -- - f . brush man. Apply Carman Mfg. Co, WANTED Woman for general house- Journal. HOTEL OAKS. - KOOaiS AND HUAxtU : 1J
; " Belleyrs!aeSSrUeTircontra IF you hav. Idle money, see ma,, No 1214 Macadam. ' itZSlv- 5U!kV.,'aT fJwwMf- -" 28 PAINTER and paperhang.r want, wort $ Oaa .h.twwnoadwayana giJMI-INVALID or lady desiring com. :
i 'F A, Beard Co., 611 1 OerllngeV bldgT charge to you for loaning on ' real VIOLINIST, nonunion, good reader, to Kearney st - . $$ per day; have aoma toola. Call f' "J"V?L5i btSi w.ii fortoble home for the winter; reason- ,
, fi koO t6 ' L6an -for ir rf, estate and nothing-bettor. Liwyer. 401 rehearse for cafeteria.- Phone Eaat WANTED Girl for light houseworkj room ll7, Main 177$. IShila'BftkJtoimat "blB ratos Address Miss AUen, 400$
,1P?Lto0partyAfoii0at fock Kxchang, bldg. 01. .--''- " - -; - no waahlng, no oooklng. Phona Mar. MARRIED man, "wber. steady, desire. M-'ggj .gr j 41th .t Phone Sellwood IT.
Improved Portland property., N-760. LOANS from private parties. 2 yra, 7 JIOMB . portrait callers wlU be given 48,4 " V, ' ., , , , - .ltuatlon. night watchman or bam- 'eimnlx'nmtAXmM'-'t a. 8. people wlU find good board and
iJournaL " - ' "f9p r 'V" V- w par cent; gcod aeourity; Peninsula very apeclal lnduoementa for work WANTED-Honeat, reliable girl for man; experienced. 103 East 8th north. ,,.c';!S'r fejjr rJilS4 rooia ofose in a east eida Addres.
' . Property. feeOa .Goasett. f Weet Kill- secured. Call Main 7824. -' aeneral houseworks foreigner prefer- WANTED to clean walks' and porches !iin?aSiS .nSIltfmoJ fo. K-769. Journal. - ' -
- ' M0rtgag8 LOanS fnK,wortlt:--'-; - ; ;,; PRfNTER, married, A-L $1$.. Addreaa, fl Marahall 441a. , Wa build fSSSeflrw wr. In ' Tu'tvf "ill MTU' ALDER GRAND HOTEL. Room ani.
V ."- L 1 WHITE. ; WANTED $1000 in established busl. SX-476, journal.. - A RETIRED farmer would like house- private houses. Address P. O. box $10. A,rVrrriAt HnT ri pVicVlcifaJ board $8.60 per week. Home cooking. ,
, - 701 Selling Bldg. ' 1 ,v - ness. safe security, will pay reason- " ' 1 " " ."" ' keeper for .mall family; direct 657 WlNTINQ ' tlnUng. paperhanging;'" all su.rtM dSSuYSonr far f? a i- fiSr- H1H Grand ave. ' T '
;teSfetes iZSSrZ mn.,: w,, SS iaaagwag
. fraS55Srass HT;v'-'!!T &jaww jssstasi osteite E, 1... ...u., SwSS'SS;
homme. first mortgage loan, exclusive- '5S ,,,f.i.on,Ht fA?' Roci,l,te.r' Y- ; Journal. , - , ,ny ktod of jobbing Ppoa. SeU- CHEAPEST good room, in town. Brick FefacUon guaranteed. Wellington Court.
I - ,ly.; Wilcox bldg. , Will give ample .security, No agents YOU can earn $6 dally making mirrors GIRL for general housework, plain cook- wood 2241. . - ': bldar Hot waterfheat all modern.. 11 16 th and Everett. Apt. 625C.
,$10,000 at 8 PERCENT. $3000. at 7 per VSSly lenr A-768 Joal W inil tVnnVrSiLi B?"d iaSfci!P7vllhBf TIMBER cruiser wants work, A-l olty toJ4 week. The Garland, cor Waab. and Wi-NtED-i men. or maa and wife, to :
per cant on improved property, also ;w7rV-V ' t 11 ' ' ll'Jt 5fi .re.iln"Ku-.Pinp Ua fJT 86th st Phone Marshall 4979. k references. B-806. JonrnaC ' Trinity place, bet lth and 20th. room and board! $80 per month, new :
- smaller amounts.,.. CowfisW. 616 Com- WANTED-To borrow 81500 on $4600 fuU detal.i i of .operation. JL ft , Keltd WANTED Girl for general housework. fc,RoT pLAaa meat cutter rlth best YOUNG man rooming at Y. M. a aJ bungalow" everything dean. nice. bath.
, , -'inarcUI. block. ' ' ' ltV'tsJ ' T?1 ' 730 Overton. Phone A-6697. oyyefernfes. wtnts'posUio B-8078! St, roommate"?? Feduceroomihg 1120E. Ml PnonAabor ilSJ; private,;
. $1000 to loan on PorUand residence Iv.T- j w ' ? !lvit tOCAL representative wanted. No can- WOMAN . for general work in small fat aiS tir.t JLsa barn ' man- expense Inquire T. M, a A, cor. 6th family.- ''.. - , - . .-
, property. . ' - v.,,, WILL pay 10 per cent for loan ot $300 vasalng ar aollcltlng required. . Good family Inqnire 628 E. 19th .t N. SITUATION. Wrat. alaaa Mtra man, Taylor.-- - . .7 ., , . wirtow with nloe home woukl lihe
''ItfeteS froVcar-R7r4Co,ufn?iark,t- ttWOTrSS bS&Sti work taken in exl guAT Ot? by man a. dlahwasbar NICELY furnished rooms, modern con- t'.f vif. .Jr
, , 00 yya rs rg., iccz zzrn fmTJz&.i, bHv:,hgta:Do9 Md" K:art?w!a "T $o?rooto tw!,r?.fo;wow
property, fire insurance. McKenaie 4k acre, fruit i land,, Klickitat . county, AN intelligent person may earn $100 WEEXmShurJ 1 nd ' PAPERING and tinting, $2.60 up; paini- l,) " " 1 ,.1., ' Addres. 444 Bldwell ave.. BeUwood.-
. Co . (ferllnger bldg.. 8d andlder. f value $1000: liberal discount. - East 6329. monthly corresponding for -new, ., hAfP- 0' Caolv bla btdgJ Ing reasonable. Joe Marshall gast 2101 oTaxatllto?BBa?w,OTV WILL give room and board and best oi ,
' HAVE, any amount to loan ,on good WILL pay $10 for Joan of $100 on piano ftjSS' fflrtiJwlMB VOUNG marrledan wantTmde' em. MMtan &tel 8lYS ?ug -Jar . to V S? 2 Vdr.n? age 2 to 8T
" Portland real estate. Call 248 Caenv and - furniture; private .party. ; no "c",laI, v Syndicate, 708, Lock. and house glria ..Phone Main 3062. . proyment Call Tabor 4961. FURNISHED rooms; two bath:" 'phona raara, good home. For partioulara C-;
ber of Commerce bldg. No brokers. broker. M-743. Journal. ? . . port, N. Y, ,,;, ';," ; y j,,'; , "'";"," WANTED Girl to share H. K. rooms; bXgHRlECED bookkeeper and stenogl heat- 81 M un? Toi 17tL near Taylor 2994.-- . ". . ; - ; ; ; .'
. MONEY to loan.iarg. loua. a .peoiaMyl WAl4TED$6o6:oo loan, . . Will pay , I I WILL start you earning $4 -Ujrt qulet working girl; Marshall ., phantrposltlon. PPhone A-669i Utto liYj ' BEST room and- board to the city. 66 '
- r building loans; lowest rates: fire 1. ' per cent and expense but no broker home spare Ume,. silvering mirror.; WANTED Lady to keep house in wld thb window cleaner and house man r- " TncMtt wAbth wn-t-Ff. ' " '-P "team heat modern, bath, phone, -
sTT '?uu feyouh 'mmsi1 vsv-am g-y hotel MAsr S15S ::
; Money, toorov.d f.rma JrgSbU. 'fi. ffiAidb TOItffl E MOLEB BARBER COLLEGE will SFTUATIOKSEMALIi! 4 Pg-wg Itgtjy. g MytfU gggj4" break 0 of 1
flaorgajr. Moore Co.. 618 Abington bid Journal. - , , ' ogj., Echalige? nuffalo,MN "y fore'catllefexSer WOMAN will take -lrge J-rooming HOTEL SAVON rn'jn.n andW&t 5Vfernoe-1,r Ea8i
'EifSSSTnw W6A0N da'yV-5 LwSuNg?vN. Jo'for0.: 'Sf tJSE your spare Ume to build up a mail 2o' eaV. S'tT 'iiJ&l t HuSSl ghaIlU1011 ' MtrlS KeaVni ' Mf T RObMS and apartment, in moder" he SoVdoubU room and board tor t.o
?hdn oi?cf 811 Railway 60 va. .W1XT' 'A . ror UM ot order business of your own. We help scholarship given to each student; spe-. iLJ m . ; , tel. $2.60 week and up. 465 Alder. IAl?l .fin'S??),?, Tho? Ssti
' ExchanKO bldjf. . Main 2129. money. m P-448, Journal. you stsrt for a share in proflta, 27 op- clal inducements to ladles. 48 N. id st COMPETENT , woman wishes bouse- .K T . . . f PxPto to widow a home. ThorZ87i.
. - MORTGAGE' .loans at current rates. Real $300 to $600 wanted on A-l collateral, portunltles. , particular, free. Mutual Srbqon Barber College "teaohe. y5u wy,-wlta avanlngg off. $$5; Sell- JXSiSS'n M11 arLtrnrtMim' aplendidlota. 1
estate aecurity. Apply room 203 Stock One year; Interest quarterly. V-600. Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. hh., rt, t "a w'kl?.v. l"a wood 1477. ; . WTST SEPB .PKIYATB, FAMray-; tlon. 86 N. 18th st.
Exchange bldg., 8d and Yamhl'l sts. Journal: RaILwaY' MAIL CLERKS WANTED! while learning, tool, free, .tuition re- ELDERLY woman , wishes position as ONE large, well , f urnlshed room" and ftOOM and board for young lady i It..., -a 1
MONEY TO LOAN Real Estate. $1400 first mortgage ' City, discount Commence $76 month. Write for par. duced this term, expert Instruction, po- housekeeper for ' widower. Columbia ; kltchenetta All convenlencea Close privileges; very reasonable. .Tab. 1 Si; '.
n'-4- " : J. J. OEDER, - . $50. J-684, Journal. 1 ticular.. Franklin .Inatltute. ; Dept. sUion guaranteed, speolal . lnduoementa $05.' -' ::. .-. ...,,... In. 221 Weat Park st. ; jTK.ii.B fni".!..;;",.:.,;., '
' ' Cor- Grand ave. and K. Ankeny st ' WANTED $900 for 8 yare, Mt. Tabor 224-G Rochester, N. Y. -. to ladles. 233 Madison at, 262, 2nd. A YOUNG woman with boy of S wanta NICELY furnished front room, modern use of piano. Main ma. 8t 1- . '
$1600, 1600, Interest 8 per cent on 1st lots as security. F-388, Journal. GOVERNMENT positions are easy td AN intelligent person may earn $ I JO to care for email rooming bousa J-671, 's convenleRoea, $2.60 per week. 401 6th. m,,, car)""for TrW J080".""' -
' mortsage. improved property. . . 928 rr- -. r 77Z277Z T " .--. get My free 1 booklet Y-$68, tell. bow. . monthly corresponding for newaoa. Journal. ' ;, - Marahai 6148. , -, . ; s li-i-. , : ... T:rTZ.ATT'Z
Chamber of Commerce. FINANCIAL Ot Write today NOW. Earl - Hopkine, pers. No canvaaaing. Band for parttou- MIDDLE aged lady, good suburban ELEGANT front room. 8 blocks of Mult- R92XW 9h0r, viv '
IHAVE for i immediate loan., 1 Isou. "cash paid for MORTGAGES: Washington, D, C. lara Press Syndicata 707 Lockport. Mhomej would giv? moAer-a care to 1 mah club, walking distance, $10 mo. -ll"- " nroad-vay.
, $1600, $6000. at current. rateaT aVh Or fller?s eauky In wntract of".al. SALESMAN to call on physicians. fcs: N. Y. ' ' . " : 1 - ' - y or 8 children. 6gf Bldwell ave,. Bellwood. Main 4966. .,Vi. .,,-.s ,t. NICELY Ji?J i V'h'Ik1'' V ;
PU. 201 Gerllnger Bldg. oa 9 Tn&l&iStSlim &h&" tabllshed trade. Expenses and com- WANTED Patriotic cltlsens o help fcYPBRIENdED cafeierla woman wants CLEAN, comfortable rooms, steam heat. v,fam. "Tf eaaonablaJOFhj;.
$1000 to $6000 for immed ate loan ou H. E. Noble. Lumhrm- bM. i.oana misalon, Also one f or central Oregon. m put a stop to robbery, by - Telephone work; best of referenoea. M-744, Jour. electrio light $160 per week and upj A child to care for. Mothers . it.
' real ewtate.; Tabor 771. J . wanWd By orlvate oartv to buv a p- a Box. 121, ..Philadelphia. Trust. iAffew can do It - Address with nal.y - . . f ...."- $0 cento per day and up. 131ft Tenth. Reasonahla ..r F-$87.. Jotirnnl.
VTErea1T$tooo or less, real estaii" good real wfate mortgage or con WOMEN-Get government Jobs; big payv f.lP Sf f d BTnrtn - LAbV wishes position of bousekeepar: NEWLY finished room reasonable' li '" 1 - rLrr,vn ni-i u
' Farrlntont 4i Commeroftl Club bldg. tract, $500 to $1000. Phone TMain' 6482 Wrltefor free, list of position, avail- fcgL".?t. Z J?v Aw-" "t-;Prv;- - Call-281 Holladay. ,- -- minutes' walk from city hall. 601 6th. IlbCSEICEICmO IiOC... 1 .
VlONE-x- town. 6 to 8 per cent WOT o'addraag mU. Journal. abl. , Frank In inaUtute, (pept,A699U. VESA NOW EN a for goveraj A GERMAN., Udy Vant. wasbin. and ROOMS $1.76 up, Tpiockafrom' P' g .' U'llS'F - FTOT'
Belts & Co-do Spalding bldg. UF1lV WANTED MALE 1 PAlNd work foV women ai homa 2 "poVl tiSn!' oVen.FrllnkUn Uutut'l Ironing by day. Phone, Ball, iW 308 Salmon st- : v; . ; eSr'lto'.u"1 t-TTw lt" V:'!
MONEY toloun or.' real estatiT -' HELP WANTED- MALE 1 mtWg wPloyor for ?n 0? V.?rUnfa Dept. 328-Q. Rochester. N. Y. 5aCE curtains, draperies, linens laun- LADY to share apartment aleeplng u robnli and housekJrj,!,,, ,, ,. ,
A. H. HARDING. Si3 Ch. of Com. WANTED A boy for a small dairy, L R.ovr. P. o" Box 263, Philadelphia! MAN and wife to 0 for apt where dared by expert Called for Tabor 317. porch; references. r A-H96. Main 6973. nt ln every ro,. ,!;., , ...
- $1200 to $1500 to loan on good improved Small wages but homo for Winter. - "' TiTFiTKfAfthtvtAt ' . man can attend to other work day YOUNG woman to solicit for printing; LARGE front room, 1st floor,. for two TVX"Foim TiTu- i u 1 .
rewidence property. A-6299. Main 7220J 8906 79th 'st. B. E. k on -commission. -8-680. Journal young ladles. Reasonable. 804 12th it. nlahed c'm;lcte tor l.ou.i-
I MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent BOY about 17 years old to do card writ- 608 McKay bldg, Tel, Main 10281 A-4142 S1FK Teachers' Agency secures ponl- EXPERIENCETD housekeeper, elderly ?7TCELY"fu?n!hed rooms,' heat, batlt, Thunnan ft.
i Louis Salomon Co.. 2ii9 Stark st. Ing. Roberts Hros,, 3rd and Morrison. vantI'D ' Nsmco of men 18 to ' B6l tlon. for teachera, 816 Journal bldg. ' gentleman preferred. Call Tabor 4480. phone. 769 Ifoyt St oiVi":, a amrST" "
, $250, $350$G()0, $8r,0, $1200, $2000. Fred WANTED A man with '.team to haul wiahing to bo railway mall clerks! PRIVATE shorthand school, experlenoed POSITION as Demonstrator by educated $T60 WEEK; clean, ploaeant front room, tri.'-ity. a, 1
W. Qprman Co.. Chamber of Commerce. cord wood. Woodlawn 941. $76 month. KX-610. Journal. teacher, $ per month.. 898 11th st. lady. F-294, journal. - oleotrlo llpht; 171 18th ntryt. tr all hour.
3JONEY1 TO LOAN ON RAL KSTATK FURNITURE flnlahers wantd. Free- UNCALLED for tailor made suite. 64 RAGTIME piano olaying guaranteed be- JuACE curtaina" band laundered. .'. Phone 1 OR 2 neatly ftirnitshed rootim, r ut i Ta "ii'it. ...
' GEO. P. DEJS.UM, 228 HENRY BLDG. land Furniture Co., 440 Ooldsmlth st wp. Taylor, the tailor, 289 M Hurnsida. . glnnera In 10 lessona 601 Eller. bldg. , Main I486. Pr month each. 64S Taylor tL $2.23 f. i .