C ICON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY l..o:.MUG. OCTOBER 12, 1013. I ail MM; HOt'&lM , V ' 'J'r ' . are.' a discriminating buyer and know aiues, wnen you te tnem, an inspea' non ot our list win convince you 1 - - , 61CE; , . I J." L, Robinson ; ' $900 Nlee'little 2 room house, lot 100x100, oipcKi to car. i. ' $1100" 4 room plastered house, M aer. food . w ooosnea, ail fenced; short walk, to car $60 down, $10 per month, w; v?: ;j - ' SHOO " Beautiful room house. 1 44 stories ' 4 rooms just plastered; : nice Dutch kitchen, basement; lot 40x100; big. fine woodshed and chicken .house; $60 oown M4 sia per montn including in : teres i, ,. , ; .. , v V $1200 6 room house; bath, hot and cold water, big- new range; lot 40x100; 3 blocks to car; f SO down and $15 per mo. - - S 300 - room plastered house, lot 10x100, chioken house and woodshed; 1V4 block iv car; ou aown, iiv per monin. ' 80 acres,, with good 4-room house, 35 miles from The Dalles, nearDufur; 26 .acres under cultivation. Will trad for uius noma near rortiana. , . - - $2000 , room plastered house, with tt acre, 1 block to school, nn Otlharl rnnd' ham chicken house, all kinds t bearing fruit trees; eay terms. '- - ,-,.. . .Beautiful new modern 6 room bunra low, with beautiful built-in oonven , iences, cement basement; $150 down, ti per montn. " AmboV; Heights -3260 Lot 40x100, $5 down and IS MS ,i month! all level, sightly, fine .soil. ' iitn water, a diocks id car. - -. 1-2 Acre. $500 . All level, water in, Ilea fins, on Gilbert " ran, oniys snort waiic co car; lio aown. -. iiu mo. auy now; you won't regret it. - $400 and Ud Elmo Height, M acre, $6 down, fl , . per month. - 1 . ' The Bright Building ft Investment . company will build you a home on easy . terms, rut your installments inu I home Instead of renting. 'BRIGHT BLDG..& 'INV, CO, ; ; Thekla- Bright, Mgr. ; Lenta. Or. 3 blocks east of Pos toffies. ON FOSTER . ROAD, " Tabor 4219. - .B-6111. Go and See . '1276 E. 30th St. N. ' "; --u Today, if Possible jane Aioena car io and or the line and , walk half block north. This Is a five room 4 dwelling, with furniture, both ... ass end wood ranges, modern plumbing, electric light and ; fixtures, basement, ' lot 50x100 , ' all htahly improved, : roses, , :.:':, lawn cedar trees, eta., cement walks, graded street, no mort gage to assume. ; Only $300 ' cash and balance small monthly ' payments. Remember no mort sb ee to assume and price la :i,N riaht. . . Party wanta to go away. This is yonr oportunlty. . tie the property today and sea'ua ,, first thing Monday morning. Price $2600, We have axdu-, slve sale. f" Wr A,' Barnes: Co.-" S ,404- 1wla bldg, oorner Fourth . and Oak Streets. Main 2011 Sacrifice ' Sacrifice Sacrifice 7 Room Bungalow $350 Cash, $15 Per Month THIS IS THE BIOOEST EACRIFICB IT 18 ON A PAVED STREET. ALL IMPROVEMENTS PAID AT nun rii;is, ...v.; CEMENT FLOOR IN BASEMENT. ' r. ALL MODERN. . '' , HOST PREKRST OWNIT.R . SIKHA . WILL 8ACRIFIC4U, AS HE 19 OUT OF ADDRESS! .Call at 399 E. 39th St. ' A S ROOM" modern bungalow on v S . City earllne, located on B. . . . balanoa Ilka rant ,. , "1 V- VmT Mnt when ' can J . With snt larera hA mrtm m m Hla- ' . iK appealing bed In tha dining room, ' rnaking It adual to t room s ,, nouse; iocaiea at-7za and Blskl- YOU. VTHm XI RES- SKA nrnrn K1 una renu- Aug one on kj. izn at.. .:' S blocks from that rjn-llna $1660; $S0 down. bal. like rent. ' ' Phone today. Eaf iirt ' 'T. W. NORDBT, T : $760 For Houso and Lot .S".w Payment, fit per month. SsamHOMEATODS nitiuuop lumrrju LO DUI1UII. I CO I ,' blocks to aood car service.. Hauu Is ' new, well built, sided -with California u . flllitl. all .1. V-V. found up. i .Neat front "porch, This 4 property is. In Gregory-. Heights, now . the home of over 200 famiii. Hundav. , take Rose City Park car to 7d St. Our Gregory. Investment Co. . 1 . " 11 I." ii in ii. sum nawworne uungaiow- ftalrs, .mignifloent buffet and mantel back, book oases, French doors, reoep ; V tion hall, hardwood floors, model kit .. chen, special built-in features. large fc c oaeta,. attic, double constructed and : ' elegant finished throughout; light fix- ium Buu ninuun snauen. come out 10 m ' 343 I, 43d St. 1 V?' ' Owner. Tabor B1 1 SACRIFICE '.;S1I ' "' room bungalow, cor. lot, paving paid , fpr, sewer, sidewalks and curb all paid, $150 Cash $J0 PKft MONTH, Ca K. 8th St. $1300 Total Price Part cash, t room house, partly com v ; pleted, full basoment, 60x100 ft, lot l Werth IM.V CIom In. l hinfc tA rmr- cement walks, gas, sewer. iWorth S1SU0 easy; must sell iijjee, 15 N, 8th, Mi NEW 1 room modern home in Irving. ton; hardwood; finish throughout; Xi-roodaril- In every dntall. It cost and is ;f ; absolutely worth $SR0O. Kust escrtflce v . , . (q w.i II. I . . i ,,ii . i ., fuowu.t fw...w nui jiiiiiuiit, jripro ji, : l i jour ehnnne. Ynte- Realty Co., Hi 4th 61 fhlLli 11360.00 ' 4 ROOM BUNGALOW . t'lb Down ' $15 per month ; ' . 80x100 oorner . ' ' at Grays Crossing Tiill eonewte hHment, bath, toilet, lavatory, I'mch kitchen, etc I'lUClS $1100.00 Furntshoii 4 room bungalow i , . ' $60 down , , ' 1 B per month 5 , " . ' ' iOxlOO corner : 1 . ' , at Grav'a Crosstn Plastered, tinted, hot and cold water, electrlo lights, gaa. Dutch kitchen, etc. 4 ROOM BUNGALOW $26 Down , . , " - IIS nor mnnth -. Near Union avonue and KUllngsworth: ooncreta basement, 1st class plumbing, gas, electric lights, Dutch kitchen, etc. .r, o. tiaiiocK, 603 McKay tsiag. 1 Phone eveninas, Tabor 1535 Pays Over 16" Per Cent Net UWJUy . SJ600 CASH fA,X MKC I REQUIRED. ... i . . . ' , . . v. nvir m iimt oj. ruuras ana 7at biujm. l 01 4 near Walnut Park, between Union and Williams ave: best car servlceincome s monin rnoe suu. .inis ouiiaing has tust been comoleted and Is strictly modern, with a wall bed In each part wooaiawn ma. - - 12600 New modern 4 room bunaalow. Delaware and Alnsworth ave. Bar gain; easy terms. Owner, 844' Monroe. FOR SAx,E LOTS SO $335-Fine City Lots $335 ftoxioo leet; ib minuter noa from pos toff Ice; near good school . : and church; level ground;- good ' view; Bull Run water; 6c car . - fare. Best valuea in . Portland. ' Easy terms. Our autoa will , take . yea out. Phone Main 100 or A - 1261. . . PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANT, i , . . OWNERS,'-. i. Snd Floor Selling bldg. cor. Ith ' and Alder. . Snap for Cash ITSO. awful nloe lof within 100 feet of " proposed Willamette : Boulevard' extension to Broadway bridge; close to Willamette rlv- er; every- boat would ba In view .. from td story of a house located on this lot; street gradsd, cement , sidewalk and curb, also sewer, all in and bonded; easy to pay off. The chance of a lifetime. I want .the money. Call after 7 p. m. Woodlawa 1154. . ' - CheaD Lots ". f STI 50x100 ft adjoining Altamead, . , niocKji rrom ena oc ml 'laeor ' ' car. 1SAA rh hat. tnnnthlv. I 85060x100 ft In Irvinrton Park. 1 . , niocK irom Aioerta canine, - on z ja. siat at gsoo cash, bal. mort- $ 780 100x100 ft' adjoining Altamead, i oiocsa- irom mi. -raoor car. Sinn rain, ha I. mnnthiv. 81100 100x100 ft - Irvine ton Park. block from Alberta - car, on B. sint. iv casn, nai. mortgage, - Kauffmann & Moore , ' 826 Lumber Exchange. A BARGAIN Two lots In Leland Park, on Iff. (1st st, near Clinton st l Price f 428 each. Worth $$00 eaelv 1 . t. w, nordbt; , ' . 702-8-4 Couch Bldg. - - . FIVE LOTS FOR 81800. On BOth St.! Inra laval In tion, fenced,, 60x100 each, 1 block Mfc Hood line. 6 blocks Altamead line; $800 cash, balance easy terms at per cent. LUtuDUEMANN, RULET A CO. Hi s unaniher or csommerce. $25 Down, $10 , a Month Will buy a lot 4 blocks from ear, near cnuv anos stores. ., rnoe 60, worth CALI.AN ft KA8BR.V'T$.4 Teon hldg, S25CV Bull Run water, 6 cent car Una and very alghtly; most any kind of a payment down and 'a small monthly payment corg-e i-, moore co.. Big ADington oiag. JbOUR business lots on tha Sandy blvd. 116 ft frontasre 4Sd at. naved streets.. ImDrovements nald for uiv in date. Price $8000 ; this Is tha finest district in northeast Portland: or wltl trade for alfalfa land at Hermlaton. Or, owner, ueo, k. rrsites. Boappooae, ur. IRVINGTON PARK. 4 lots: owner la In Vannmivar- n. f . in- need of monev; nulu nffar. flea Mr. Hall. Western Oregon. Trust Co., 8T LOT FOR 1178 CASH. Onlv 8 hlocka rrnm AltamAAt tmi ah ; fin st, lovei. ksxioq rt Sea us Mon day If you want it. . ' : ,LUBDDEMANN, RULET A CO,, . -til Chamber of Commerna CHOICE residence . lot reatrictarf n ii, sin vi., near tJi vision, large nr trees. Improvements raid. Only $620. 10.00 month or second marines Phn i aoor ill. 360 -Two lots, 100x1 00 corner, end of . nona insuidu oariina aTtanaian. in aide lots are belna- sold hers for tB&O eacn, noi a pargain in tne city uns tnia. t;aBii i oniy. jacon Haas, oeriinger bldg, MONET'S the faotor" here come and buy two lots, one $800 and one $200 under actual value. These are CHOICE iota in very aesirabia localities. .Johns ton, 708 Knaldlnt- bid a. . A - BEAUTIFUL half bioc' -' ioOxiOO," - everlooklna- - tha Reed . Institute grounds, with fine variety of fruit and naae (rees. - Must De sola. will take ZZ60. Bee owner. 618 Piatt bldg. ..". $2500 FOR $1600. r Beautiful Ouartar blank nn tha Ala. mada and 47th. faclnsr south and east rnoea lor quicK saie iiouv. ; oaeiL ev vuiit;crru uiqk. 1 rimne mam 0a, ROSS City Park lot on E. 68th st., one Diocx irom car at bargain; $200 -cash and balance to suit purohaser. Owner, $576, all cash, buys an east front lot - in nose jut rarit on m. asa at. street work paid. Hurry If you want this. C De Young ft Co.. 814 Chamber of Com. H ' . - .. .'J ' , L . ' l vv nu wants to Duy a corner lot on uroaaway. j oiocks rrom nriasre. loo on Broadway. This property will never no oneeper. Aaaress m-t4Z. JournaL LOT 26x100. 80th st, Irvlngton Park, 1 ' diock irom car; price Bsvu; Bieo aown, alance ona year 8 iter eent A-7E0. Jmirnnl ' -: . . CONTRACTORS, .bargain. . 100 ft. near ,-Patton ave. Can build 8 xeottages. Terms, ZUa Qossett, 7 West-Klllings- wortn avenue. ROSE CITT PABK lot tor sale, or trade on bungalow. (2d at. bet. Stanton and Alameda. Albert Lundstrora. 860 Wash. st. Marshall 879. 32u BUYS beautiful view, lot. West Bide; only to minutes car ride: gran J for home; $10 cash, balance f per month. M. E. Lee, 628 Corbett bldg. $ 1700 Jtiuya Irvlhgtonot close In. Pavements and sewer all- nald for. C DeYoung & Co., 614 Chamber of Com. LOT bargains. 2 lots worth $760 each; 'Will sacrifice for ' 24EO aajsh: naah talk". L-844. Journal. $3x100 CORNER, on Heights, 1st bench; ' M, K LEFT. 628 Corbett Bldf.-'i; yWri.BOslMKSs L6t. .." 70x90 for stores and flats. Irvlneton. Vmt it ..T.::-r-':-.--,z-: MUhT SELL 60x100 Beaumont lot Aree uwner, tr. u hoi ivvs. . BKBT rllence site, Portland Ht $E0O cash, balance deferred 7. 46S 18th. FIRLAND lot 350. worth 2460: term 86 monthly. Main 11B8. or Tabor 771. 1000 I falf cash, lot on B. Taylor, near tn- t. . inquire 14W j;;, 4Uh st. 1 INK quarter block, K. 18th and E. Glman at. : Inquire owner, 795 Oregon. ron sle iiousrs FORJttl.V TjOTS 16 mm mm ' The Harbor of Fortune Where Rairaf SallW i,. Meet '.v.-; - ' Can you Imagine what will happen to esiaie values ' in voos any jt'.. within a few months, when the rallroa la completed 1 Do you think you cat. buy a wall located business lot then for It you are not familiar with condi tions there, it you know nothing of the great virain forests, the vast undevel oped . ooaT lands, the . great dairy and fruUosslbWUes,, then YOU CAJN'T But , Listen 'to This ' ' Within a few months thousands of people will be flocking to Coos Bay. The masses are only waiting for the railroad to carry them there; and as sure aa thev ODan thalr avaa on hla LAND of OPPORTUNITY and undevel ???Jw"lthi VALUES - WILL PURELY- CLIMB, and MIGHTY FAST. . Will you let It be a financial benefit to yout ......... ,., v. . - Do you want td double or treble a few dollars by the quick development of this heretofore hidden empireT , Your investment need net Ha lara-a a few dollars per month but remember MAKE MKN RICH. V-B'!'M", : u .Prices NOW as low as; ;M ; $75.00 Per Lot ; 4 Terms $3 to $5 Per Month - Business Lots' ' . t As low aa 8200 ear lot: IS .o tin m. month. , . . i Can or write for frea pictures and lit eratura. - r , . - Wm. L. Graham & Co, - . . 410 Henry Bldg. . Main I17. Have You Seen Glenelyn? Glenelyn la aituated 3 mile southwest of tha postoffice, and will -waon hava eleotrio car ser vice. .Bull Run water. graded streets and sidewalks now on tha property, 18 minutes' ride from tha postofflee; So fare; commands -a fine vie" w of Tualatin valley. Full alxed lots $451 to 8850. Im provements Included in this price. Phone Main 1800 or A-2l. .1 PROVIDENT TRU8T COMPANY, . , OWNERS'. Sad Floor Selling bldg, or. ftn and Alder. ' Don't Hunt Longer for a Bargain rHer? It-Is;, 60x130 on upper Portland Heights, for $560. and $100 caah will handle; all assessments of grading are paid and included in price. ThTa is vueaper tnan ouying lots in acreage and on the market of four year ago; good "w, ihiiui aiope, jusi, rignt lor Duna Ing. :; -', t " , J. G. Rainey Marshall 3177. - 800 Yeon bldg. A-8468 AGRKAQB The- Best Buy Near Portland mvery one tens us mat Lake View Villas on Oawearo lake la tha beat anan. ulatlve buy on the market In Just ai lin.t ,m. len. . . . , i , . . , , , i ewv ww wiu we aaiuns in lots. Buy now in this scenlo suburban homesite .district and you will never regret It - Only ona Oswego Lake. No one also has any lake property for ale. over 3B,vov worm or iota and acre tracts soi a out or our rurst plat this summer. Water piped to the acre tracts. Electric light and telephone service shortly. Come in and look over the nnotoa. jl small navment aown an . an a month, buys an acre. . . I he Atcnlson-A en Co. - - 810 Oeriinger bldg.. Id and Aider St. 4 320 'ACRES "loggeojoff land clou ' JL.10 Astoria, on good county road. ' ,PriC $20. . ; ; ? v'i; This Is the bast logged-off land : bargain In the northwest; 3209 acres logged-off river bottom and , bench land; 700 acres of ' which n ha no stumps. Close; to larg .-4 city, with rail and wafer trans- -. Donation, telephone, R. F. IX; good gravel county roads, and in' ''j ,.rl- yek 1F soil. - Prlca 848,000. Term 26 per cent down, . - 702-3-4 Couch Bldg. Acreage : 2U aores all . In cilWfmtlmi ' Jlbest of soli, 3 block from Oregon t: wity canine in Oak Grove? This ia an axeeptionat good ': buy."- '- '.-'" For further particulars, see K THE LAWRENCE CO., - , 171 4th . .Bet Morrison and Yamhill 8ts.. Main ?15. .. , . , - A-2$lk. 800 ACRES wheat or alfalfa land, house, barn, all tillabl, 80 in cultivation. Price $4600; will consider city prop erty a part or all pay if clear of debt 40 acre8.J3 mile from Portland. An earllne. Si mile from depot trout stream, house and barn; 10 acres clear, all good -land. Price $6500; terms, 8600 down; wood will pay for place, r 40 aores, all tillable, living water, school mile, station, V miles, no rock or gravel, Price 81200; terms, $100 down, balance 10 years 4 per cent 11UMKSTJSAD REALTY CO., 282 H Washington at $62.60 CASH PUTS YOU ON ' "' HM. acre tract suitable for - chicken or hog raising, . berries . or orchard. Within 30 mile of Portland and less than mile from station. Fine soil with lenty ot living water. Total, price 825; r.y terms. 1 . LUEODEMANN, RULEY A CO , j.,; oi j Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE A good, fi acre, all im- ' proveu, sniau floui. ana uarn, young orchard. 15 miles from 3d and Washini?- ton , ts. A few i minuter , walk from ear. Might exchange for good " house and lot in city. . $4000. Term. E-800, Journals ':',' .' .:.,:;''.' -i'-,--.:- t AC'Rli.3 on WiliametU river; grand for home, handy to Portland. For price and term see M. E. Lee, 123 Corbett bldg. $2(M) ' . ' tnd ba extended . . ' tenna of ' ' Si " Tualatin Valley ' Acreage 8 Miles From the Court House on the West Side , ' Lying along both sides of tha new Fourth street-electrlo line. . Beautiful' district ' for suburban ., ,. homes and also for ths man want-" ng a small tract of choice land. - convenient ' to electrlo car ser- -' -" ; vlce, good shipping facilities and -:: crushed rock road leading Into Portland. , Prices, depending upon .. . ' distance from statfon, 8250 to . $600 per acre. $26 to $50 down and small payments monthly. . The Shaw-Fear Co. . Main 85. , - 108 4 Oust , A-3500. Acreage - - 4 miles from court house, on , : southwest aide; good rich soil; ' : some tracts all cleared and - un der cultivation and soma stump land. Prices $125 to $460 per acre, Let ug show you this property. Phone Main 1800 or A-4261. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANT, . . OWNERS, -2nd Floor Selling bldg. cor. th : , ! n4 . Alder, . ?.:., ,;w FIVE ACRES $250. fl DOWN. $6 PER MONTH: -. Buya 6 aores of logged off land. Three quarters of a mile from center of town of 1000 population, also cannery and creamery. Three quarters - of a mil from railroad station on main line be tween Portland and Astoria. This land is free from rocks and gravel, lies level and will not overflow, - Ideal for chick en raising, dairying, and small fruits. Will grow anything that can be raised in western Oregon. . From some of these tracts you have a beautiful view of the Columbia river. 400 acres from which to choose. Perfect title and warranty deed. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. IIS Railway Exchange Bldg.,' 2d floor. Between 8d snd 4th on Stark. Acreage, '; 9 Miles From Port- land i - Crushed rock road all the way: v or 10 acre tracts, rich soil, run . nlng water and convenient 'to achool $178 to $200 per acre, ; one-tenth of the purchase price ' cash, balance very easy, ,. - The Shaw-Fear Co. ' ,. Main IS. - 101 4th st . A-2600. - , - SPECIAL ATTENTION 4ft Seraa of flrat nlaaa hnllntn land frontage on the Willamette river,. 80 minutes out of Salem, on tha Oregon mi,in, I . .11 . ..... a 4w.vK.wn.. auiivav mi m a, uiKa u&io ui cultivation. $166 per acre. Terms, noth ing aown, a smau payment tne zourin year, four annual payments thereafter, six per cent To improve tha property In soma substantial way is our only ra- qulrement - -' ...v ; WUJMBIA TRUST COMPANY 618-19 Board of Trade Building, ; 20 Acres. $600 $12 Cash, $12 Per Month 81.00 far from Portland. . . I miles from a village, i. Good roads, telephone, neighbor. All plow land with a creek. . Fred F, Huntress, " 409 McKay bldg.. 8d and Stark. t 5 and 1 0 Acres Cheap.' 820 UD to 848 ner acre: an lami Tract of & acres or more; deep, red shot- soil, well watered: easily cleared; ideal for general farming, fruit vege tables, dairying and chicken raising lo cated on county road, close to live town on R, R. and river, near Portland. Own ers. iui tavwi oiag., rn ana uag at. Main 8078 Evening East 394. ' ACREAGE AT FAkM PRICES r" NO 100 PER CENT AGENTS' COM- 3 . MISSION IN THIS DEAL X am offering rich Willamette valley land,- desirably . located, all oleared ready tor planting uu rail. Call and learn location,; then go and ae it and make me any reasonable offer and we can do bu sines. Term. . No agent. Owner. J-483, JournaL CHICKEN and fruit ranones near Port v land; Qreshara dlstrlot, Estacada line. eiectno station jk '' mile, xxew BUDOl vislon. Sunshine Valley orchard tracts; beat soil, ) free wood; elegant location. Price only $71 to $160 per acre in small tracts: easy terms: quick train service. Frank McFarland Realty Co 309 Yeon dio sr.. r-ortianq, ur. Don't; Overlook This r , 3 1-6 acre east of Montavllla, all in 4 year cherry tree Blng, Lambert and Oregon; soil very best; on two pub llo roads, near electrlo oar; good neigh borhood; a bargain at $600 per acre, S. P. Oaburn, 603 McKay bldg, EVERYBODY Is talking about the fact . that we are the only ones doing a big business In Farm Lands. It la because we have -tha goods. Ic would pay you to drop in and aee us. Willamette Valley Irrigated Land Co., 2 6 (Stark at, also tt North 6th street. YOUR OPPORTUNITY., - 1ft aores for $300, close to river and R. R transportation, good neighborhood, school, macadam road clos to land. Thia traot fronting on a road. Your own term. 214 Lumber Exohang bldg., cor. 2nd and Stark sts. - Good soiL city water, close la ear Una eaay term; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1688. or Sellwood 478. Jno. H. Qlbson, owner. - 40 ACRES $200 PER ACRE. - ' All tillable, 25 sera In fin state oul tlvatlon, orchard, fair buildings, on good road, only 11 miles from 5th and Wash lngton sts., Portland. j ATKINSON A GILBERT. Ill W. 6th st. Vancouver. Wash. 20 ACREti nice level land, 1 hi mile! to ata- tion, on nitacaaa une, acre cleared. 3 acres slashed, . rest in nice ' second growth, no rock or gravel, water on place; $2200.. Might 'take a good team or two. Owner, T-897, Journal.1 ' 815 TO $00 PER ACRE.' S to' 10 acre tracts, good soil, fbad to every tract new school, 3 miles to Co lumbia river and railway station,, 1H hour from Portland; easy term ' 216 Lumber Ex. bldg., cor. 2d and Stark st. 20 Acres, $600. . " $1.00 fare from Portland, close1 to town, splendid farming land, $100 cash or will accept $20 cash, $10 monthly. Claude Cole, 017 Hoard of Trade, FOR SALE i or 19 acres best onion land in Oregon, 26 miles out on Salem Electric H mile to boat Small cash and long time. $90 Vancouver are- rorinna. rnon. u-Jl 1 J Parkrose Bargain' ? Acre tract near street car, rich allu vial soil; will ,ell at original .price, llOOO; term. J-828, Journal. '-' FOR SALE My equity of $1000 In 10 - acres aood land, nartly cleared. 28 mile from Portland, for $500. Jf taken at once. W-803, Journal. FOR SALE Five years time, 4 per . oent Interest. 20 aores. aood aarden and orchard land; 14 miles out on B, P. railroad line. Bee so r ront St., oity. FOR SALE 40 acre good land, 3 mile station, Lincoln county; water and timbea easy cleared. $660, tertna. Box 6RS. Portland . . ' ;' '.:.:'';-- TWO aorea under cultivation on eleotrio railway; small shack and greenhouse; $1100; $60 down, $15 per month. X-623, Journal. '- ';'';. -J' - 5NE acre nesr city on fast eleotrio line and hard surfaoed roads,. $160; easy term. v-ess. Journal, i 10 aores 'near earllne, $100 cash, ter 11 Price $1600. Wm. M. Marshall, y ms. Van couver, waeh. Rout 3, box 187; $5 per month . handles chicken ranch close to city. Ho fare. A. C, Mar ster. 203 Wilco bldg; 8XCRE"S cliolce TsnT Foster road' near Milwaukla. , Or. No arenta. T-390. Journal, ACItRAGR ACREAGE lOKTI acres 2 miles from MIstj have paid in $1100, $900 still due at $10 per month; no .Interest sell contract; una p. J-838. Journal. ' . FOR HALU FARMS - 17 '- -TDOE WIDOW s The; greatest buy in Oregon . . , Hi acres, all'ftn rich land. ,116. acres in irrigated alfalfa. 78 acres in grain,' can be irrigated. -' 48 acres, all farmabl, but not irri gated. Water appropriated from never fall ing stream in 1877. No question about wuter supply. 118,608 takes this place as It stands, with- fin home, prolific family orchard, cows, horses, mules. sheeD. hoars, ducks, chickens, household goods.-. toolH. lmplemant,-hay-rok-er jeecing , ivv cattle every icing- goes with tne place. Owner's husband died and widow unable to handle place, that's why It is offered at the price. Expert etockrnon declare this ranch is worth $50,000 aa a. ctock feeding sta tion, : " .' : ' . ;'r; ' Term: $5500 cash, balonce arranged tO SU't. ." '- '1 y , ST. CHARLES LAND CO w .' , f. 204 Morrion St, y - ..-..':i.., , Portland, Or. , FineFarm -m' of T86 Acres " i-y 18 ' mile by, road to heart of Portland, 4 miles of good town. : 90 acre cultivated, 40 aores past ure. 20 acres being planted to . hops, balance - timber, mostly -bottom land . with 1 mile-,; river 'frontage, fin buildings, good well, and cistern. room house, . ; 8 barn and out buildings, - All : . stock. 6 horses, 13 cows, 40 nogs, . poultry. 60 ton bay and grain , feed, also " farming . Implement and tool amounting to about $6600 value go with this place. '" This can he-handled for about 87000 down, balance long time at 6 per cent. Price 832,500. See r Spooner. Marshall 384, A-413S. TATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, ?y .-...:' 10QI Wllcog bldg..;. ,-.:. ; Where'- Rolls the Oregon -' 816. acres frontinar on the Columbia. SO. mile from Portland, rail and river transportation. Plac 1 In fin, condi tion, has a, large t room house, - good barn, other outbuildings, good water, large list of implements, tool, - ma chines, etc. Dally mail; graded achool; $400 gasoline - launch. IT first class mixed Jerseys and Holsteln milk cows. s heifers, a nne team 01 norses. 1 yeari in. 1 colt 3 shoats. 100 chicken. It ha an income of over $2600 a year wmcn can oe aouoiea. Duck lakes provide plenty of sport. Fin pheasant shooting and trout fish ing. - . $3000 down will handle It Balance I year, percent - 7 ST. CHARLES LAND CO., -Jn.T.f-to 4 Morrlwon st, Portland. r ' -Jarhes J. Hill's V r ADVICE TO THE -FARMERS; RAISE HOGS AND MAKE MONEY. . to acre farm with good 7 room house and larg barn, $6 acres In cultivation, about 10 acres In bearing orchard, black loam soil. This is a good farm for any farm purpose, but especially so to be used as a dairy and ho ranch. Plenty of good water, two a mall streams and a good welt 1 Fine oak grove of about t to 7 acres. Just the place for -hog pasture. Only 60o fare to Portland and fl mile to station on electrlo line. This place has been held at $10,000 for the past $ years. Now it must be sold and I offered at $6600, Easy term to the right Ptftr,..-;-,:- i-va-..-;. ;,,i',, - Ar VESTER,- ' 825 Railway Exchange bldg. Mar. 1574, 27 and 1-100 acres, 2 mile from town on a good road. lias about 20 acre in cultivation, balance 2nd growth fir; good 6 room house, barn and chick en house. -Half a mile from, boat land ing; all Implement go with the place, also a cow. 2. horse, and a number of chickens. The orchard ia a picture, the location ia icieai, ana tne sou is excel lent . The owner i compelled to move to foruana, ana want a gooa nous in a good locality. Must be dollar for dollar, or do not wast our time. The place I priced below the actual value at 85000 for a quick turn, and If you ar looking for something fin, thl is it Come and look It over, and if It doesn't suroas the descrlotlon I will arladly Ray all your expenses. .Would sell for alf cash and the balance at 7 par cent. Do not delay seeing thl. Phone and I Will meet you, or com Monday morning. H. P. Apperaon. Rid gefieldf Wash. ' , $3600.00 40 acre. II acres under cultivation. fenced, about 30 aores more easily culti vated; good orchard, apples, prunes, cherries, blackberries and grapes; there ar a few standing trees and some good iuga out, ng ruua jiur n 1 arm i ira roil ing; plenty of good spring water; 3 tory house; good barn, full of hay at present and several other smaller buildings: - personal property, - light nA ..a. . . ...... V. . . m . 4 . . . . M W. .. . nasvii,' ivwi uui, uys.fl a Vi nens, plow, harrow, cultivator, 1 horse and a lot Df smaller tools, such as needed on a farm: also some household furniture; this plac is only ona and a half mile from town In Cowllta county, Waahlngton; would consider part ex change for house and lot or would take 1500 in cash a first payment Ol'i'O A HKALiTX CO 183 1-3 HR8T STREET, Bringing, Home the Bacon A wonderful little 30 acre farm, near Vancouver. All In cultivation. 'Nifty little 8 room house, great big barn brim, mlng over with stock feed of all kinds for the winter, good milk houao, well water, running stream. 11 extra fine Jersey and Holsteln cows ar bringing home the baoon-In the way of a check for about $100 every month, and there are 3 fine horses, some pigs, 75 chickens, a cream separator, mower, rake, plow, harrow, I wagons, buggy, shares in private phone line. It i on milk route, and F. R. D. Dl, 1 1 A 1 IjJNU VA)., 'v, 104 Morrison street, Portland. '. 100 acres, 400 of which is bottom land, all in cultivation, noil the Very best 1 mile riverfront, close to . eleotrio road . and station: , can't bo beat for hay, hop ana , f raJn, a a subdivision you can reble your money; this 1 a forced aale. Price 8100 per acre. ' T.- W. NORDBY. . .f,. ,-: ;T02-l-4 Couch bldg. , ; , . VIdBAL ST6CkED bAIRt RAClt. " '' 1 40 acre, I mile from N. P, station, same distance from Columbia-river; 60 acres ' cultivated, . lots of outrange, plenty pasture; running water, perma nent creek; water piped to buildings; good house, fair barn and outbuildings; good orchard; 14 cow and young cat tle, 15 hogs, horses, 16 stand bees and all farm Implements; price 86000, half cash; 2000 cord of shlngl bolts, worth $1 stumpage,' JACOB HAAS. 303 Oeriinger Bldg. TILLAMOOK dairy , ranch; 320 acres, 3 mile to Blaln. Or ehees factories;- half level, rich river bottom; bal ance rolling, good soil, easily cleared; 110 slashed In grass. 40 aores In -meadow: barn 40x48; 1H mile of river front; big outrange. Big anap, $6600; terms. 104' Oeriinger- bldg. ;', ' L6ok Into Trilfl: . T : 10 acres, . 8 mile from busy little town: house, good water, etc.: coons to accommodate 400 chicken and all eggs consumed by the local market Several acres cleared and best, of aoll for fruit trees; $2600. " terms, p Particulars $11 iiumnpr jtu jii.i 11 ui k . f l , .f. , FOR SALE or trade, 40 aores irrigated land 4n gunny southern Idaho, where fruit vegetables, hay and grain -grow in abundance; He fin to Irrigate: 44 mile to R. Ri station and school, 4 miles to thriving town; this I a bar gain for some one: see owner, 1140 Mm nesota ; vevf Portland,- Or, JBOK BAi.l--8as per acre, 180 acres, in- eluding mill site; 60 acres under plow, balance pasture and heavy timber, liliml dairy and hog farm, phone and inuic route; mllps eat of Sublimity, Jolia Willing, Btayton, Or, Route 1. 1 ALFALFI.MlSslnl 17 ' ,.20 'Acre Bargain -' ' : v; Well, Improved; " Price $3000 This Is a very choice country : home and the pric is especially; attractive. Read the description carefully and se if you do not: agree with ua. ' There ar 20 ' acres, all in a high state of culti vation, best of soil, lies perfectly, not a stone, nor a' root - nor a stump on this land. Splendid 7. room bouse. Insured, for $1200, ; cement walk to house, barn 48x 66, wood house, smoke house,, hog , house, chicken house, bulldlnRS -' all In good shape. Woven wire fences. . Good bearing orchard of apples, prunes, peara, cherries, etc., . Living stream, r rno auuo. -H-hT-bF.-49(rrr-Leated on - good- , traveled road. 1U miles aood lit- tls town and about 80 mile south of Portland. : ' Hargrove & Sons ' ' .V'VJII .N.tbT;;; Main 4381, A-7259. X. 160 Acres, 37 iVriles From7 '' - ; Portland, ' ",.:0nly $30 an Acre - ' V ; Thl tin ranch Is In Whing- ? ' ton 'county; has 26 acre under - cultivation, 40 acre in pasture, .. . balano easily cleared; , 4 room , : house, barn, creek and ' springs, ' , ' 60Q 2-year-old prun trees, young -V orchard. Only $30 an aore. 31000 ; .handles It. balance A year, i per cent interest ' Dorr E. Keasey & ,Co. : Id Fir; Chamber Commarc Bldg.' AT, EDGE OF VALLEY 3 HOURS' R1DH FHOM PORTLAND. SOILEXPERTS AND LOVERS ' OF NATURE CLAIM IT TO BE THE MOST MAQNIFICANT TRACT OF LAND IN 18 STATE. . MUST BE BOLD. .On. mil - cquare, practically level About 400 acres in cultivation, 240 creek bottom, of which 80 acres Is sandy loam (alfalfa land). The unimproved nortlon is covered with young fir, Alder and vine Maple. Slight east slopeno rock. Soil dark chocolate, outside range. - A large clear stream through center, one of the moat beautiful In tha state. A 20-foot water fall. Well fenced. Good buildings. . Will make , low prio and good term, ' - - Complete photos and maps to show. . GEORGE E. WAGGONER, - 805 Yeon Bldg. 30 Acres . Near McMlnnville ' 80 acre 8 mile from McMlnn ville. 24 acres In cultivation, bal. easily cleared, good wire fences, new school but a few rod from k the property; small house and . barn; a (ream runs through the property; 18 acres In 8-yejar-old orchard. The soil Is a rich, dark loam. Pric $6000. Will trade , for a good modern borne in Fort land of some value. , , DorrE. Keasey & Co, IA Fir. Chamber Commerca Bldg. DAIRY FARM. STOCKED. F 120 acre, about $0 acres rock bottom tana, uvu t buuaings, family or- caara, spring water piped to buildings; $2000 worth of personal property, In cluding 20 head dairy cows, also other siock, implements, ieea. etc. ' riu. will easily run over 40 cow. lncom from farm this year over 12000 - - Located on main oounty road, close to school, church, store and market Both river and railroad transportation. Thl Is one of the best income producing farm on the market. Everything sac. rifloed for only $10,000. We have per sonally inspected this farm. Come in am4l a6 am 1 1 AaAatl : jK.hILL, 419 HENRY BlJq BARGAIN8I ' 2 aera near Oreaon ritv. 4fl In ant, tlvatlon, new building, fine tract crop, stook and machinery; r7800. . 80 acre near Estacada, improved, $5 in cultivation; $4500, - t 69 acres near Barlow, 43 In cultiva tion, good buildings, team. Implements MIU VH'V, f I1VV, . 80 acres in Linn county, fair build. ing. I orchard, 25 acres In cultivation, running water: $2800. $800 ch. 80 aore near Scott Mills, 25 in cul tivation. 40 slashed and seeded, fair Buuaings, running water, oronard; $2700. . juvary on a Dargam ana many mora GILLADUFUR. 313 Ablngton bldg. Mar. 2TB 8. A-8566. Ideal 80 Acre Hog Ranch : , Located in the heart of the Willamette valley, in the great clover district; all in tne nignesi state ox cultivation, vory best ot soil.: good wire fencing, lays Perfect, fin ' new house and - barn, a acres bearing; orchard in excellent shape, Without a doubt, this is the best all fiurpose ranch on the market today, and t la prioed at only $11,000) take $6000 caah to handle; no trade. Endera A Hartshorns, 481 -Chamber of Commeroe. 180 ACRES A-rood farm for srraln. atock or a dairy, -13 mile from Springfield, Or. 100 crea ' under cultivation, $0 acre oasture. 20 acre fir timber. - good ( rodm honV plastered, fair barn, 40x44. weii ac rous ana -Darn, ore: xiows through farm, spring in pasture lot; oil rich loam, produces xood - crops: fp.mlly erohsj-d, school 1 mile, church 8 mile, Pric $45 per acre. Must sell soon. Addrea H. F, Begrow, Box 81, Engene, Or. - 100 ACRE stock ranch, with new 3 room km,.. M..t all .nlkiilllnM, , M ........ Igood apple orchard, about 26 acres In rgood cultivation, balance easily cleared; ? lenty or outrange ana gooa seeaea pa. ure, with running water; 100.000 feet of timber. v large storags building and lodgs , hall. H mil from postoffice, stores and school, and railway station on the place. Price $6600. with $3200 cash, balance on time at $ par cent, KX-619, Journal, . 600 ACRE atock ranoh, 9 mile from railroad; aprlng water tha year' round; house, barn, oellar, 3 pasture. 3 fields, 160 acre finest kind of soil, in regular cultivation.- 40 acres more can ba broken. Price, with 83000 4own, $8.60 per acre 8S.es ail casn. Mortgage or fi&uu at per cent can be assumed. M. Fltsmau- rice, Condon, Oregon. . FOR SALE 4 acres in edge - of good . country town, running water, fin or chard, seven room house with - eleotrio lights and modern conveniences, barn, chicken houses, etc, 80 miles from Port land. Fine place for chickens and ducks, Sacrifice prio I350O. Term. . Phone Beuwooa bzz. YAMHILL COUNTY STOCK RANCH. 440 acre creek bottom land, practical ly all tillable. 20 acre , cultivated, set buildings... This is an old burn, lota cf rotting logs and stumps, all . seeded, lu-avy growth of grass, if in trout stream; no gulches. $7000, good terms. Chs. W. Carr, 818 Board of Trade. AUSTRALIA -Those interested in Aus- trallan land can ae Mr. Kelly, Aus tralian government delegate, at Peck Judah's office, 2 2 Stark st, Portland, UCl. 14-1 D. 160 ACRE farm 12 miles from 'Enter- prise, Wallowa county, or.; good tim ber, timothy meadow,' good water, well fenced, good buildings; $4600; part trada Aoareea uox s i, anterpnae, ur. 120 ACRE stock farm In Polk county, : close to R. R., and fully equipped, horses,, cattle and hogs,, Inventlgate tnia lr you want a iargain, a, J, msner. V w ova n aaaia r W W irton bldg. Main 4841. 46 acres near earllne, near Portland, plat fine, 160 acres, Lane county good farm or stock ranch, with equipments Bnx 84, Tigtrd. Or. ; - - vlLL ' sell cheap my neautlful home ! farm on Tualatin river, IS mil- weit Of Portland. Will raise 8 tn. bur " r ere. T. WlfTiyoombp. fill WcKv I' i'OH K A I.K1' 5"Ny Tc r t . i . "'; 1 ai-li I j nines west or inrni i imp, in $2600. 281, V) 7h at. M. V. rir t Olt Ml.l I Kor idi i i in i i MyrUe FOR SALE FARMS 1 : t I ' - i:-.r . unuu No. 140 HITCH J I II Xa 2 creelia and M.ii. l-.r ti casn, ,. it a a enuii. rso. a id acres with 13 a'-r,- house and harn, texm, I hack, cow, poultry, farm mucini miles from town, for $uu0-cdui 1. a nana. . - . M . No. 840 acres unimproved Intnl. 8 mile from town, for $1000; $U0 c ., balance to suit, v No, 4 40 acres with a good lffti house and a new barn, a nilles li.- i town, for $1200; $800 cash, balance t ult It's a hummer. . No.'! -40 acre with 10 acres roadv to plow, small house aud barn, null from town, for $1600; $600 casli, terms on balance. ,. - No, 640 acre with 10 acres cleared, 10 more slashed and seeded, spring aini running water, 5 room, house and Darn, 1 miles from town, good roads, for $2000; $1000 cash, balance to suit. ' No,,, 7- 40 acres, 10 acres cleared and 10 acres slashed and seeded, creek, and well, small house, barn 40x44, team, wagon, buggy, cow, colt farm machin ery, thi miles from town. Price $2600; I1BAA .V. VBlnM ... I , .. No, 840 acre, 20 acre cleared, 3 springs, good orchard, m story house, large barn, team, . machinery; 8 cows, ?oultry, hogs, bull, young stock, 1 mite rom town. Might consider a small place aa part payment Price $4600; $2500 cash. Nothing better. No. 940 acre with 20 acres cleared, for 21800; house and barn. 3 miles from town. ' No. 1040 acres and nothing better at any prio.' 22 acres cleared, 11 more slaahed and seeded, well and spring, 4 room house, barn and other outbuildings, food team.- 2 colt. 6 cow, 3 yearlings, hogs,' poultry, all farm machinery, wagon, hack, all small tools, 2ft mile from town on graveled road. 80 rod in school. , Price 15000; $3000 cash, ' bal. a .- -. r-i I.,. w-aI.. want It will pay you to se me befor buying, a I list nothing but th beat. r E. F. Gilbert 101 Washington st, Vancouver. Wasn. . iJjlJJ.I-,A. ' , I i . 400-Acres . ?: DAXRY HOG, STOCK. GRAIN OR - . Jt FRUIT FARM. No better or deeper soil anywhere. This farm took '11 first prises -at the county fair on fruit, al- falfa, clover and timothy. First "'; class buildings. - The ' place is : .. all' fenced and cross fenoeJ. Irri- . -gatlon ditch with perpetual right of 80 miners' inches of water. 'Felling on account of old age. : -Will consider small part Unincum- -. bered Portland property, part cash . and balance 6. Price 830 per . acre. If you want to do good, diversified farming thl cannot be matched. - ' . T. J. SETJFERT, , . -, 800 Journal bldg. . Some Good Farms Cheap 200 acre, best dairy ranch in Oregon, fully equipped, $100 per acr. k ;, SS acres. Improved ' and equipped, 10 miles from Portland post- oince, 3zoo per sere; a anap, ;.. : 130 acres, 65 miles from Portland, 2 mile- from Oregon Electric: A-l soli, all improved, new , buildings, well fenced,- $100 per acr. - - ' 12 acres of fin Soil, lo' miles from Portland, on Cornell road, t4 cultivated, young orchard and small fruits, house, good new bam,- 3 cows, 60 hens, grain and hay to winter took, pric $3600. - 1 60 acre clos to Forest Grove, 20 acre slaahed and seeded, small amount cultivated, 4 room house, good barn and outbuildings: 600,000 feet good timber; price $2600; nave many others, large and small. LSee my list and get prices. NEAI BROWN. 819 Swetland Bldg. . tSKAA AA i will buy IB. 5 acres, of which I acres are under' cultivation., balano some what rough, with some scattering tim ber; (he plowed ground is level: there is a. box house, 20x24, two small barns, chicken -house; 18 prune trea( 15 apple trees, 1 quince and some berries, all in bearing, fenced on two sides; th soli is a black, heavy, rloh soil; it is well wat ered; the Yamhill river form part of th north boundary. It 1 1 mile from good business .town, in Yamhill county, about $8 i rali4s from Portland: would consider an exchange for house and lot in Portland or a good vacant lot There is a $1400 mortgage, due in five yearn at 6 per cent Interest; it Is payable at $200 per" year forf the first four years; th first 2200 payable September 1, 1914, and the balance of $600 Jin on year. It it In a aplendid neighborhood and would make a sic little horn for someone. - '-' OTTO A HARKSON RKALTT CO.. - 183 1-8 FIRST STREET. , With Stock and Crop .- Only $30 -Per Acre, Am forced to sell my 60S aore stork ranch -on account of poor health, ' Will give som on; good deal, 100 acres cultivated, - 268 slashed and open, 150 fir and oak timber. - family orchard and small fruit 8-room house, barn and other buildings. - For good measure I will Include with th place 4 horses, 10 milch cows, 20 head calves and beef stock, 88 bead hog. 125 goat. 100 chick, ens, all kind of farm implements, moat of furniture and new $80 cream separ ator, interest in local telephone : line, crop In ground, 60 tons hay in barn and other items., want $8065 cash, balance mortgage or will take email farm up to $4000 and $2065 cash a first pay ment See my local representative at ,IA nMllnva, hMa GET TOUR CANADIAN HOME FROM .;K:i'tJU) CANADIAN PACIFIC, Rlch, fertlie land for every, kind of farming, from $11 to $30 per acre. To approved farmer w lend $2000 to make Mw.auk.,A.M am, a .ii.K aa tiniic . tiorn ,inlf. Ing well and fencing. Terms, 20 years to pay for land and repay loan. ' One-twentieth down, bal ance 19 yearly installments, 6 per cent interest. . - " - - See th .CANADIAN PACIFIC EX HIBIT of prls winnln product of fertile Canadian-plains. Full personal information. Free map and literature. Personally - ''conducted ; excursion to Canada; ." -" . U P.- THORNTON, LAND AONT. 271 PINE BT., (MULTNOMAH ltOTKf.l -'Dairy or ' Hop Farm 409 acre Willamette river bot " t - torn land. -:A ,'V.v",V;...; s..- . : ... -,,'--':V' All level, " deep sandy loam. Every foot can be cultivated and all can be irrigated. On of the choicest farms in thl valley. Of fering this at half it value. No .trade considered.. ,. .- T. J. SEUFERT, " ' i $00 Journal bldg. 44 S acre 1U miles from North 1 1 Or.; black soil, all but 3 acres in 1. cultivation; mostly seeded down clover; no buildings; the heart of A. lngton county, about 18 mll? of ! land. Pric $223 per acre, Owtiur, t. t i ''!. E. jpTakes. wceppoose, or. BENTON COUNTS'. 120 acres, about clear, good f land, no buildings, will tra'la f r ! In Portland. See Mr, Hull, .v i Oregon Trust Co., 272 gtark v f . FiSlitlLU fHrum All '." hi. . prices, entile wtofked, goml fru ., 26 rnlles from portliiicl. l.-f ' -i elsewhifM wiile your w,nta. i. . , parson, Hld.arial.. Wa-ii. 1 Inh ft mm, o r i timber, vv 1 1 a !" poiiil to 'r i ' " t l mPROVEDGH