o 'OSER-i'liV THEl bREGONi.SUNDAY?JOURNAI;, -PORTLAND, SUNDAY; MORNING, C .:aym asks for mure ' LKEnALn DONATIONS FOR NOME SUFFERERS: On behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, Mayor Albee appeals e , to tie cltisena or Portland ror contributiona for the sufferera - at Nome. Contributiona i. to the fund atarted by the Chamber of Commerce for the relief ,of the sufferer a are coming to very lowly and Mayor Albee urges that" veryom"dafht"-nttnoat-to help swell the fund. This should be don immediately, according1 to tha mayor, ( . ' '"' "The people of Portland." said Mayor Albee last night, ."prob-: ably do not realize bow aerloua 1 the situation la at Noma, aa the " result of damage done by tha storm. The people thera are in . e ' dire need and help coming from e Portland and other coaat cltlea will be greatly appreciated. : ery citizen of tha city, should, contribute, if only a mue, tor -. the aufferera.'--. ." ?'t:'-'-?y--) ' - Although the mayor ia urging ' that- contributiona be forthcom ing he aaka that all be aent to 'the Portland Chamber of Com- merce In order, to be forwarded" immediately to Nome. Mayor. Albee, aa another starter, haa e contributed $26 to the fund. With three previous contribu- tions aent In to ' tha Portland Chamber ef Commerce, tha Of fertng of the mayor 'bring the total vp to .H.r.';vi,,;f.i,v 4 .' ; ' a..M 'j 1 1 1 ' ' i ' . " ,.- ; .; i - . Journal Want Ada bring resulta. AUCTIONS Wilson's Auction House 16S-168 FIRST STREET Regular Sales' Days - MoncJayy Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 1 0 a. m. At our sale this week yon will find large assortment of good second hand Furniture: of all descriptions. Brussels and Ingrain Rugs, Linoleums, Lace Curtains, Pictures, Bedding Stoves, Etc, for Positive Sale to the Jiignest bidder. ' , ' 3 w v - FOR PRIVATE SALE: JSiSl' . licit an inspection of our stock. .You - will be surprised at the fine line of goods we have to offer, and we know - we can save you money. - WILSON'S BANKRUPT STOCK STORE Cor. Second and Yamhill i (Phone A3855) i:-ia. 1 m T . ' I w The Best Place fof you to buy your VfKUlE.Kx.bo,; H AKjLl WAKtS, CUT LERY and all kinds of MERCHAN PISE at Wholesale Prices. Also ; STORE FIXTURES Show Cases,' Caah Registers, Compufc. uis awuti, nrcprooi dates, ntc. SPECIAL AUCTION SALE TUESDAY NEXT AT 2 P. M. . ' Contents of the ILR1G0LETT0 RESTAURANT (In Bankruptcy) . Southeast" Comer Third and Alder Upstairs " . ' COMPRISING 1SS Leather Seated Oak Dining Chairs. Restaurant Tables, varimia sixes. 5-piece Wicker Set (cost $150), "icbbuik Asoie ana cnair. ' louet Case.- Automatic Towel Case, Velvet ; Forberes, . : 2 National Ca&h Re pi a. ; A. . . .. . -Z . " wrs vtotu saaersj. a large Refriger ators (cost $100, $150 and" $300). Monsrch' Visible Typewriter. Fire proof Safe. Desk and Files. Shelving and Cases- LaT R?lif .?,f5er ff!5?,tJL D,"ll"- Stml j St' , auu,i &(C 1 . IniS Sale offers 1 rood onnortunitnr I Auction Sales -.'"AT I 2e& - lew months. ( . Sale Tuesday next at 2 P. M. " , J. T. "WILSON. Auctioneer. .. . I v. .,,"'.''1 af a. J f. ' a-..'a . 1 vai uaiu i or rurnirur raL-a m ' Merchandise, Etc. M ain 1626, A-4243. ' 'IM-HI PARK 8TREBT. i.2Zthl 'Wved the choice furnish- L-n' 5 Prtvte residence, which we shall sen at auction,- 1 .. c on Tuesday next ' ew&M&a KXto-S !l,ii!3r- il'f " Ye,v,t rsei tnirrors. mantel clock, standa.tabourettea! v brass and Iron beds in full and K alaea - r fi". iuo aim ronon mat. ' ir.fe,i lows. bedding, Princeaa aik pillows . bedding, Princeaa and reksrra In u.k vnin. I n chiffonier, oak dreBBlne- tabu nil lurea, pnonogiaph and records, fumed oak dining room suite, via.. . n.ffl tanie, ehairs and buffet, china cabinet. VHTTJTtsnsHED 001L TjoajT dinner set. vanes, pianola in V.S KOnEKEi:rnr(lw.r inzff 1inM.mk-iSn,U7 c5e"Jb br," ' bound, .linoleum, etc. . A so from another hom4l .; the i part Xurnlshlngs of five rooms, as , '2"Tw,i v'T00"4 fnUure., parlor ' r, end - rockers, dining room suite. library tables, sanitary couches, ,- and , n.any other useful lota. . AUCTION ON TUESDAY NEXT AT ' ON THURSDAY NEXT We shall have another lot of sood. rieau noiiaeijoid goods to offer you for mnim ii inuiiuar neiv ai iv s. m. . . y r bakhr ond c, a, crowell. Furniture leslera nhd Auctionecrav 18S-188 paik st. AUCTION SALE I ,. ITltUUUdY, p. Ml . 21 T FIRST STREET Too will find a very lce assortment nf moriinm irul furniture at thla Bale, and among them a very fine dining set Including root , round oaa extension tahia with full box cane aeat chalra to match, fine sideboard, rochcia, atsndV massive braaa bed with good clean springs nd mattreeav folding beda, man tie beda, dressers, .warlrobea. cheap ex- I tenaion tables, kitchen tables, ateel l range, oak stove, gaa range, gae neatere, i wood and coal heaters, ' blankets, com forts, sheets, etc. etc .. v E G. FORD, Auctioneer. We WiU Sell Again on Wed- nesday and Friday at 2 p.! :,; .m. .Each Dsyi&JttM . Tou will alwaya find a good" assort-1 ment or. lurnuure to enooae xrom, FORD AUCTION CO. WE PAT THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR 1BEL rUKWIIlIKB, W ANT JK1MJ. PHONE MAIN 8861 AND BE CON VINCED. .; NEW TODAY u vitv "icvmu iunir, vmy igi minutes from the heart of Portland. Lota I for 8Z00: ouarter aorea for 14E0 Nl I room bungalow f 1850; modern I room pungaiow- zooo, and many, otner bar- aauia, ui touay ana ooe xne V- portunltles in ' thla beautiful ; growing district to get a home and pay for It like rent. Carfare ia 6 centa in tickets of 60 ridea. - .. The Western Securities Co. : Owners and Agents. eia pun lutff. " , Aran on the grooad at aCnltnomaa. BEST BUSINESS ; CORNER " EAST SIDE Absolutely the Best Corner Available! SIZE95xl25 $47,000 Terms If Desired (EO.-G. MAIR 325 Railway Exchange Bid;. Manufacturing " - JO LEASE lOOxlOO jWr-story brick Vith full basement, eleva,tor and trackage, West Side, long uase and cheap rent T. J. SEUFERT, 300 Journal Buildinei "" . . . . nwmm Mortgage Loans 6 to 7 H. E. MOONEY al Boom 411 railing Blag-. I Investment lOOklOO corner On 10th and Wnr mt North poC tssoo' ?aih ??.82' Sm 0,' P "i 3a Henry j "'"a. TT" Front Properly In manufacturing district, located be tween deep water and competing rat' llnea; one of the best unoccupied In th city: oaneclally well auited for i Ur, factory alte, prices given , upon appii- Ofltldn w-w . kata as, "oa roum Kasoo. Title and Trust Company onnh ana Oak Streets. ' Loans We Make Building oene, ' CITY AND' fARM LOANS fwest rata : C. M. ZADOW X Corbet ldgy-i A-1416. Marshall a. WANTED nmrrm R.;n... 1I1COIT1C DUSineiS rfOIftTTir I Will alve nart axchanra In n.r nrn. I rtV nd -? cb M-67. Journal. oloae In, , bath, electrlc lights, steam heat, ana for rock Inn. elevator, all mi. m conveniences, -prices riasi IM Second street . .if "'' '' - ? ' i XBYZaTOTOaT flna.moder .om. reaaonanie. uviaoTov r mvi,n ... hi, s xirepinces,- a oearooms, Beautifully I , finished, $8000, easy terms. ' Write own' sr.- aw33. journal. .v:moktgage loans faico'iipA - - $017 Board of Trade Building.. ' FEAREY BROS. v.. We Buy Notes : 248 Salmon St. - Mala 1881. a-177t. Hpmati Building Mortgage . NEW ; TODAY : it w ma xxapUe m ;'V7 Modem 5-Rcoa' Bungalow en full elty lbt, l-cent fare, as callent lew, for f 2250. Small cash payment and 120 par month takes It. WIT SXVT when oa ean awn your hornet Provident Trust Co. Sia SeUlag SuUdlsg, f lztk a Pnonas llaln 1800, , A-tMV m a am " . - w aa a -: a I 100x100, N. E. COIUCr 23d and! . Tr .1 orv v I KlVOtt, $3000. t. i f I .. ..;.' . . 80 acres, Forest Grove, $6800. t ' 1 100x129, Upper Washington t, :; S50OO. Le Noiir 223 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CITYand FARM LOANS At loweat rates. - ";. ', Smith Investment Co. 90 Fifth street Main S770. lit your name appears la Mitnar nnone book r i teiepnona your aa im AWi7173 an - have It eharged. 1 Bills win nauaa ie van the-foliowlna das Jor paymeni. - v.... v , TM . JOrnai cannoi i gmarantaa aoouraoy oi aaauma reaponalblllty tnt rrors of any kind. oo currlng la telephoned adverutamaniav CLASSIFIKD AD. RATES ' " In ifeVrOct. 1, 1818. 1 -AU. PREVIOUS BATES CANCFTXKD . CBABOED ADVBRTISEMBNX8 Dsllr or Sends. i .. H4 eeets twr word txr Insertion. ,B "ror R"1 a pnvste Fsmiiy.-t "rmb s Boird In Prirsts ramllf," "Sltustloa Wsatei M - HurmritmA ,A tijtn'' ' Brim . whlh M 1 Tbls cDsrce Is for sll cltssiricstkms esceot- n-l Weated' and "Wsated to bent" sds, which are IM cod ii prr wor a nsr insertion. d ear t9 ad ebsrsrd fnr lew then III etnla. Gash ADyKExIsemkNTS m rents dm word for sll elatalttctttons ex. esptina "For Ssnt ia Prltste t'sntlr." "Room ana tjosra in rrlvste rsnuir," "Bitnstioa Wsnted'' and "Wanted te Beat" ads, wblcfe i li cents per word. ree Insertions for the nrlea of two. Bersa Inieruoss for the price ef Ire. No sd taken, (or less tbtn 15 cents. MEETnrrj KOT1CKS - 41 ATTENTION NOBLES AlKuir xempie, a. a. Dl . O. N. M. S., will sriva a v ewe' sws- mil yiw aw ball and card party Thura- aay evening:, uciooer i. tha' Maaonla. Tumnlft. We'at Park and Yamhlil atreeta. Tha attendance of I Shrine and their Udlea in aollclted, tick- eta may be obtained at the office of tha all fJoniee ei tne Mvatioi r.pnrrtr or from Caotatn Wm. Davla 111 Second street, or Xrom any member or ma patroi. -PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD No. 43. B. A. T meets every Thursday evening In the I Mooaa hatl of the Royal bldg., J44M, Morriaon at, a W cor. . 7th- st Vial tors I welcome, v ' FRANCES FRY. '404 SIMPSON ST.' I'rtone woMHiwn 4. (jorresponaeni. i IklT. Hood Circle, No. lil,. W. of W.J J will' give a aueuiai nmmwttn oau, inurwiajr tYtmri, utiuuer ow, tut, Eaat Side W, O. W. Hall. East Sixth anil rasi Aiaer. sea. jjancinK s:du o ciock. Orchestra muala ; Admission, Cents 60 centM. jaaies zb cents. Mf7 unrtn X 1K1 tXT a XXT I will give a whist aoctal and dance I I , d mm, .iiuim,; ff,uiii. WWWSI ID,' ' Kast aide w. of w. nan. is. Hixtn ana is,, Aiaer ats. . urcnesira music. Aamio- alon 80 rents ' ANcHOli COUNCIL. K. A U. OF Sri- CUKITY. will give a card party and usnce juonuay evening,' vowoer ia. - at mission zoo, cnecKing tree.' 86 H 6 Sift 6th at, 1 Manchester b dar. ALBINA LODGK. 470, F. U. of Awlli give a wmst-ooo ana aance on x day evening, October 4, Id M airs' Hall, Kusaell at. and Williams ave, ' Admla. Husaell at. a alnn a& rntn tuMf - n''.., All are welcome. W. O. W.. Pridav. Oct. 17. In W.. O. W. Temple, ,lith at. ; ,I.e. Vanwaya KN1KHTS and Ladles of the Rose give first of series of 600 next. Friday, Oct, 17. at their hall. J29 4th at. Prlies. Admission 15c. ' ' AUHTitALIA Free atereoptlcan . leot ' ture on Australia. Wed.. Oct' 15. a' P. m.. in r;asi flail. Heiiina-mrscn Diasr. ALB1NA LODGB NO. 470. f W. OI AM , , , meeta avrv Tueaila avanina1 in Malr nan, in. r;. cor. imams ave. ancr xxua- sell at. H M. Call well. -Secretary.. THK Ladles' Auxiliary to Ordr of Rail. way tjonauciora nave postponeo caro party from Oct. 14 to Oct.. 2$ 2. BU8INK8S- CARDS 'i-' I AUTOMOBILES for hire. $2.80 , PEil HOl'H. Main KI4. A-4814,- - kf K I I r li A'J -.S ot illln muue. TitU A Trust co., Lewis bldg. 4th and Oak. JJTaW ' sV v -w AW V J V BUSINESS CARDS :vV;,,v Wj G. Smith & Cd-ncaV Washlne-trm bids-., eor. 4th on Waeh'tnn. luKo.nM suns tor rent, all vises. IJotaue Tailoring O.. 109 Ktark at. tbAK&s hkus., florists, fin flowers 1-. . JL "I I i and floral dealgna. Ill Korrlsoa at, ffiter$tattsficsl us arriages, Jjirii)3, JJZaiQ. PEATH8 .VVKTIS- MOKENB vi the family residence, 367 North UUt St.; Oct f, airs. Anna Catherine Mo reoe, ated 84 years, fi dan, beloved mother of Mrs. Agnes kforene Borquist and sister of Mrs, Ida Morene, Funaral serrloea will be conducted today, Oct. 12, at 2 '., from the Immaa. uei Xiaueran cnorcn, corner lin ana trrins; rrleads respectfully tarlted. IotMrment family pku KirerTiew ceineierr. nemains si rtuwai funvrrf narlora. '- bKKUAkl-ta iiaa't-raacl. Oct.. i. k.l.D beloved wife ot W. I eregarr, daughter of Wm. Uackar of Toledo, OrV sister t Mrs. W. W, itdmiB. ,Mrs. if. M. Wad.worth, Ml Marcsret Macker of Portland aod Mrs. 8. B. Owen ef Independence,. Mrs. J. 1. Neither of xouao, un. a. Im biucuit oz neio. JO. v( utj M. B. Maatewon of A.torla, Or. WlLiiAUS Oct. ft, x. a. WlUUm. of hwl . disease. Be lesvee to mourn bim bl widow and 10 year old daughter. The body Is at W. II. Hamilton's uudertakinc narlore. ll. 80th and dus; pixwn, si. wnu .on Ice et jVortland .orema k m. --f - : Oct. 11. at his late t TwentyVsTentb. street uiisan. r unerai sernce turlum today at a:ao p. iiOETUB In this city. north, Julius Koetbe. agtd ea years. Remains st rinley's residence extabllshment, Fifth and Montgomery streets. Kotlce of fuoersl here - efter. -- EoTiwrii. fni rvi.. ,r th. l.t. pHt :i :c " . r mV. day, (Sondar), at 1 o'clock p. m., at the resi dence estabUWDent of 1. P. Flnley at Bon, Montgomery st Fifth. Friends Inrlted. Inter. tnent at lillwaukle cemetery. ' ' WIIXIA11S Oct. 0. 1013. T. g." WUUams, siced . . 64 yeara. He learee to mourn falm his widow .uu " v xv.r oia oauigxiin-. away u a( w a. Hamilton fuoaraj chapel. K. 80th and Qllssa, funeral services at eramatorlum tomorrow, (Sunday), t g:i0 p. m. ' ' and a 10 year eld daughter. Body Is at W. U. COLU.NS At Louc uvh, Wah Oct. 4, Joha W. Collins, aged sa rears; formerl . ot I East Mrtund. ' FLOBALSOaOP '.".Vrti or an Kinns. Aiain Tioe. A-vvua. 120 etn. i'OWtiTH VhORAXt COm IS tut, choice cue iivwera ror an eenaaions; prompt main a. vs. Aliux. 11AXM SMITH, florist, 141 Sift at. In Belllna bids-. Main J1S PEOPLE S FLORAL SHOP, td end Aiaer. r-unerai aesigna a specialty. v rPKEllAI DIRECTORS NEW ilOME OF J. P. FINJLKY as SON. I . a. 01T ..-, I .... ilrmaal 1 If 1 na enir reainenna unnaetakin stab I Ilsbment In Portland. Representlni in tna greatest .advance In tha aclence of fu neral service. Tha automobile anuirx i aeuaea gnnwir are among i the many exclusive features, Th es tablished nolicr of modarata nrloea h.. J. P. FINLET t SON. Perfect Funeral Servloa, , Montgomery at th. ICR. EDWARD HOLM AN. the leading WlL Main en:-" K7?fs ?' .. A Sr2ELLER C0.r v " C-10S8. Lady attendant. Day and nigbj riiinninrr ft, MtPnnAiJndertakera wumniiftu, muucuiieiltra In every detail. 7th mnA tinA. Main 410. A-46B I66, L.may assistant. LEI Leading .aat -id. inrtJ..- Miojr aoSMIUL rt-iss.i tseat tsi. tc. ath and Alder. PORTLAND CREMATORIUM, 680 Glen- wood nve.j uk Bell wood car" Ooan to visitors dally -from a. m. to ( - - - w w . vjoo. VtO B Merrtnoa St. SKtWtS.SSSrsT-eSU Mska eioa. forsw so sua cur. - PEARSON .U7nidffi.W lm- UEMSTOCK, 168T H. 18tb. Sell. Tl, B-1123 sad University Perk Col. MCfJfTJMKNTS Schumann Marble- Works . East td and Pine, n East T4t. "i-' PORTLAND Marble Worke, 2C4-2 4th at. - opposite city nail, v Main S584. FOB . SALE HOUSES $100 CASH,. $20 PER R room morlarn bunnlnw haa nl I cam, iirepiace,, nuut-in nurret, dook uaiu, iirepiace, uum-in purler, DOOK- oaaas, paneled dfnlng roem, Dutch kitch. en, alaotrlo llghta, cement basement with Jraya, nice lawn, lots of roaea, 100 felt from car. from ar. , I $50 CASH, $1 5 ; PER .) M0. H-acre of ground, 10 minutes' walk from I Multnomah station, Oregon Eleotrlo R.,1 ,i.v-Ti iwui, lie Duannnr. wnn eiovw -o room, .new Dungaiow. wiiu I R.i on good road, and near good achooL ' F. A. BEARD A CO.. " ' ois wininiar niag,, za ana Ainer. fcQruVDZrroct Qnnn In Piw Ulr---plggeSt Onap m Llty J ii you wiu pay mar. mucn aown, z extra larre'6 room bungalows, every modern nuuun convenience. Must na Been to ba appreciated.- $400 tinder value, close sit. avivtiui oui var iv 84th at:- Two i blocka north. 1004 and 1005 Caruthecs i atreer. Another at ' 4Sth ava. and 46th at, Woodatdck. 200 down, $6.00 per mo. 12400. X-I086, weekdays or call. 96$ DIt vision at- -Only $1600 No More t,,,.. . ..u . t on East 10th at. Full cement basement, win, au ana eieoincity, ; S1DU casn. oatance moninir. ' 'i 1 . C, DaTOTJNGr A Co., 814 Chamber of Commerce, ' ' New Bungalow $2050 K U .,11 Vamama. t...- Dutch kitchen, lot 60x100, I blocks from car Una. Terma verv aaav. C. DeYOUNO & Co., B14 Chamber of Commerce. 5 Room Bungalow With tot 60x200 feet, ust 900 faat from Irvine-ton car line, eloaa in. Jim the place for a poultryman. $27SO.0O $160.00 cash. ' -"'-,M.-:,"i-'-!f C, D4TOUNO CO., 814 Chamber of Commerce. 8UNNYSIDI0 . SNAP. 4 rooms, neat and ' comfortable, lot iHxioo, nearly moaern. fries $1800. ?200 down, $10 per month. Lot worth he money. Located at 102$ B. Alder. bet. 84th and 86th.- Go eee for vour-' self or call G. K, Waller, Tabor 2842.. . BIX room modern, 60x100 lot, fine gar- .n ,,11 mmnt hai,m.iil mmm electricity, upetalrs rented, $18 per mo. Lea vine city... hi block from A car. Easy terms, i ' Jrlce ; $2300.. ,: Call 4071 r.Hsi zaa at. 1 mt. tabor noma or . i rooms, modern in every reepect, has Dutch pantry, "wing room, reception hell, S bedrooms basement. $ House le Plastered ami finished swell. ;: Snap at $2180, terms. See owner. 812 Piatt bide;." . 1 . A LITTLH! old houaa and 60xp0 lot in oeHuruui urnnon, wnicn j will sen for $600. $10 down and $10' per month. Firat monev seta thla. See owner. 812 Piatt bldg. ,':"'-' '' ' --;'. . .-- ' A BARGAIN -., , PSimlnrtaft S- rnnm mnAarn miMm, fy : car." blocks Laurelhuret; I eplendld location! Iew Ideal; , prl"0 4Koa, i5AO; phone owner, Tabor 1618, FOR SAtrJLnocsES f 01 aanawBS , - m tMmfviwOO'tSMSartS 6 Room Buniralow -w' Something Swell Buy Jt 1 Like f. Kent C Modern 6 room bungalow, never , been oooupied, in Ron Cltw Park ( i district, full eOxlOO ft. Jot Thla i bungalow ia rucht down to the a;, minute -with every convenience, v, hardwood floora, beautiful com bination lighting fixtures; built in buffet, fireplace, full cement y basement, afreet improvements In and paid. Prlca 13500; $100 cash ) -v- win. iiiuioie ii, ana oaianc liae rem u sum purcnaaan Dorr E, Keasey & "Col Id Fir. Chamber Commerce Bldg. 1 1 n nn1 ' - . iU ., . , . , ... ,i , j, HWMii, UiJta Al Bfi!jyUiATrutta i . . jauiu rvj a ivh, ; I A aanulns sacrifice sal ft. 7 room Cull. .Jj" "Jf a1?:' trto"y modern, double cpnotructed. all on one floor. Flryt claaa condition and atraot improvemanta in -aajd paid; fl bearing Lambert cherry trees, Bartlet Pear, augar maple, our rant, raapberry. English Walnut, elegant m ana otner anruooery. 1x100, property Insured, paid up for. another year. Will aell furnlahed If deaired, with or without player piano, Houea will rent for 2i any time. You are dealing with owner, not v . w-..'.p w.fc., . vuji, uvi agent. Fine drive running tje lengtn of lot to build garage If desired. If ken at once will sell bouse and lot ,or 'A78'! "; hve ' three yeara time on aiuuvr montniy paymenu IZB and Kr cent. . 1 ..TM property on B. Harrison between I f th and JBth gtreeta. 8 bloclca eoutb ot wawtnome avenue. v ua i Tabor lXoti ri '"5 and 6 Ropm Modern. .- Bungalows v ' . Rosa City Park ' district; liara . all the latest bull t-ln conven iences; hardwood floors; are .handy to car. prices $290 to 11750, Terma to suit you. Phona : Main 1800 or A-6281. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANT. OWNERS. . -.. ' Sad. Floor Selling- bldg-, cor, Stb , , , , and Alder, , Suburban Home tH acres at Wichita Station, on p. W. p.' carllne. So fare. Ail , In fine culUvatlon, with mod ern 6 room bungalow and chlck- jTil1."; ' w aua .eumijr ot ... , The Orekon ' Home Builders .v,y:, ;.,0. KT JJEFPERT. Free, i . I . link . VAAM - UlrfBI ..! : Marshall 1711. A-44S4.' :V:, '- Jujt rintshed. I rooms, with room for I badrooma.ana :Blirtin' nnrnH nnntlA. hardwood floors, awell fireplace, fine buITet, bookcasea and other built-in ef- rects, rineBt wood work finish, Dutch kitchen, enamel bedroom, all large airy rooms, doublv rnimlnirM tnt KAvlAA ironi, win put m iurna.ee anoi rix turea ready td move into for ISn isua caah and 120 nor month or will tii Ira fwo lot aa nrot payment: on K. J 3d, juat south of Clinton, block to car. v SI 6 Board of Trade blflg., 4th ir& Oak, ' 1-4 Acp 4 . Room Plastered $1000 Bull Run water, clone tn larara anrinnt and t cent carfare. SCO down, balance im rant, GEO. T.-MOORE CO. 618 Abington Bldg. BUNGALOW SACRIFICE, $8000. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 7 '; rooms, all morlarn nonvtl,tnAa Including : furnaoa and Ami . fiir- niahinga. Owner must sell at above gnce. wnicn ia lesa tnan aotual cost ox ouae. If you areJooklna for m. anan and at terms, don't fall to im iMi CAI.LAN A KABER. 782-7J4 Yeon bldg. . l,k.oo in an actual uuht. Strictly modern, extra well built. I ?m bungalow, best section Roaa City ?ark 0K lopfav. fireplace, light flx- turea, shades, linoleum, xas ranae- beau tlful lawn and flowers. 1 block of car. rincou uuwn iv iiitv, ior quick aaie, erma. Endera A HarUhorna. 1 ynamner or commerce. FOR SALE 1315. eaunv lor lien: fa-ronm Minn. low, modern, wired, gas In; aleeplng porch, double constructed, A-l material; una rinisn. none city rara car to 7th ana diocks soaut to 717. Price 2100, wwnrr. -1 B room modArn hAm An SAttAA e 101: waiKina- oiatanca; goon neighbor uvuu, -price isouu, on easy terms. 404 WilcoxAlda. Phones M. 8, A-USX TFurnishedBunealdw ' $100 cash and US nur month hiiva a modern 6 room buna-alow. furnliil. ready to move In; Roaa City Park. Prioa taiov. ywner, lanor 670. g)tii, j - , ... ... BYf.r50.?. 22lInil)ou nve'A on ii?",JTlfIkl:. ."tr. ,nK wconattri ". J2k. wJVi ja r v twvuv, iaruiB. S A'LTr can iabM oAr.ui ior quick aaia, a room piss tered house, basement, .chicken house, 40x100 lot, 3 blocks Mt. Scott oar: $800, llvir caan, oaianca i per montn. uwner, i ana jo,, nrn sc. irc-a tUyt-Jfe BteAcri property: Nev flrapl flreplaoe, electrlo lights, city water, 8 minutes' walk from the beach. , Address P. Q. Jones, Newport. Or. ! WILL OIVH Beat bargain In . WotklstwiTfof'eaafc Four living and bath room, just finished, jot 100x105. Might consider terma. No agents. Owner, 2-424, Journal. c,Ttif-iSniAnxc a LSow .M iw PiTiT iria room modern ahnlfM - Anim mt x-cninauia carr.. -. n.asy terma. ,: b. ,' M. venaro, et r.icn.ay Diag. fa A RQ AIN 1 200 down. i per montlCi' room new modern house fn Pirkhnnl addiUon, $400 below coat. $1$ .Henry i..-.'- 1 'i .. i ' "' " 'i ' ' i . . .i in W1L.U build modern homes, Roaa Clly fan aistnct, on easy payments, call woodlawn 1871. C, J. 228 Mason at. ':' lahonoy oV Son, BAROAIN For sale or trade, new seven room nouse, win traae tnis for : a smaller place; If house Is old' partlcu lara. See the place at 740 E. 42d at. N. , COTTAGE AND FUltNITURB. 1900 " S rooms, full lot, 8 blocks Mt. Tabor ear. " fto aown, no montniy. . Fred W. German Co., Chamber of Commerce. STRICTLY modern fi room bungalow, -large rooms. Hot water heating sys tem; 24 B, 6 let. 1 block north Haw. timnia ft uwner, u-iyjj gaiiy lerms $2280. a anap, nearly new and modern $ story, 8 room house, large lot, vicin ity Jefferson high - school; , peninsula arn: inquire jdds naryianq ave. 1VB room . cottase. aaa ranxe. i aaa water heater, good location, 2 blocks from car; jirice-$l800:smali payment; terma. weai crown, air riwetianq Ding, NEW modern & room cottage. Wood- mere, -near terma Two ; Tabor 813S. 1 car. $1980. Xour own Jots If t desired. OwneJ IF you want to buy, aell or lease reai aatata or loan money; aee me. , Law yer, 401 Stock Exchange bldg, MODERN 6 roomed bungalow, cloae to car. Lot aa firat Payment. Sell wool S204. -..-' -v---'-i, "SlX. room house, $ lots or less, frull. Phone East 1210. ' berriaa, near car. Owner. Terms. NICH 6 room bungalow at your own price for all cash. Phone Woodlawn 8748, evenings and Sunday,- ' . $1600 buys 7 room house and 8 lots 8 - mlnu tea' walk from It car lines; Ta bor 8070. ' " , .. ." - RTFS room, house, lot 60x100; corner; umuDiuiia ft v , c ty. t Phone Sellwood 681. 820 Gladstone ave.: $800 for my equl . - KAT.TT .nOCSES l . If You Are . Renting Thla ahould intereat . yous 6 . room bungalow, built $ year" 60io0 com.ir'lot. 2 blocka from Alberta car Hnd business dtatriot tor l50. $160 casli, ad $1S and Interest monthly. Borne small aa-1 " aessments bonded to assume.' , House rented now for tit per . 1? month, r jet via abow you. I' The Shaw-Fear Cor ; JUln taw 102 4th St. A-3600- . 'Open for Your Inspection- On Sunday from 10 a. m.' to i p. m., three new beautiful 7 room ' modern houses with alt modern conveniences, In Portland's moat :: beautiful addition, King's Heights, , .Don't fall to eee them. Take car ;; on Washington st for Klng'a Heights; get off at Hermoaa blvdV ' and Buehla Viata terrace, eaat to f irat houaa on aouth aide of street. , Can be-bought on email cash pay-, ment, .balance like rent J. P. Bryan. Woodlawn 2507. ' Two 5 Room Bungalows - . 3 blocks from the car matured fruit trees on premises:,, cement walks, city water and graded atreets, $.-260. Small caah pay- . . ment, balanoa monthly. - Phone Main- 1800 or A-6281. , PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, OWNERS,' Jnd Floor Selling bldg.' cor. ta and Alders . , $2850-::New:Bungaldw- : Near Jefferson - high school, $150 cash, $15 month and Intereat, ' 6 rooms, cement basement, oak . floora, fireplace, '1 flxturea : anrT, . shades, linoleum la bath and : kitchen. 0x100 loL The Oregon Home - Builders , v : W. K. JErTERf, Frea . 1406 Yeon Sldg. Marshall $718, -A-4484.- ; $1950r-Swell Bungalow rooms, modern, with bath: never occupied; east front level lot, block car; full cement basement and floor, rich enameled plumbing, Dutch kitchen. built-in effects, best plans you ever aw; rooms are targe ana tinted; eiecina in turea and comDlete in averv detail. .J moat beautiful home. It must so at tha auracuvepnce or sivbu; terme. UWM1SJK. 1021 K. J9TH NORTH.. ALBERT A CAR. Irvington District . S 0TH ' AND WEIDLER.' ' $200 A SNAP Brand new, modern, room bunaralow:-. 0x100 . rnrnar lot: hardwood floora. firenlaoa: cement base ment and floor, v ? This price and location will Interest and anneal to you. . Sea at oncel - Terma constaerecT. ---. OWNER, 44 WEIDLER. UABX JUNHJtiNX CAR TO ilTH AND HALSET. a TWO SNAPS : HA WT HORN TO rT STB 1CT $2200 -A brand new S room bungalow. xiarawooa noora, ouiiec. dook- ,i cases and modern In every way. A flna sleeping; porch, easy - terms, one block from the car ' Una Y..-. f ' . - . ' $2850 A splendid Utile -bungalow, fao- ,, tag eaat, win take a lot aa iiret payment, balance terma, - JOHN T, KARNOPP Railway Exchange bldg. - Mar. 2874 BT, OWNER. L .... . 6-room house, rhodera niumbintr. bath room. Dantrv.. cement baaemant. floor. inside cement walk, paved street, elec trlo lights, - wood hoist, hot and cold water. - ran; would nonaidar 9 mml cows,, horse, aome cash; long time on balance; $2300, value $2500; 1 block to Irvlnrton oar: close In; $80 B. 14th sr. N. Phona . Woodlawn . 481: a-oine- ta country " East 87th near Grant. 1280: half caah, r Beat buy in city, Mt. Tabor district hnlr nafvhhnn. hood, price $3760; caah down, $ 7 50, bal ance $2 per month; oloae to at line, fine' 'View, . .PALMER A ULLISOr. -' Phone 7311. i 203 OerHnaer Bide. SACRFJGEIl HavlllSf lost mivlfi m. nhllrlhlrth ,A forced to sell my 7 room modern house at a loss and. take baby east, will sell furnlahed or unfurnished. Including Piano. : Anv reasonable p.aah erfar nn. Good Home for Little Money .- 80x100 lot on Improved street, close Ia MP 1 1, mrruA lAi.flmi and flowers, concrete wah, small base ment, downstairs finished, upstairs un finished. 81300, a anap.- Neai Brown. 18 B wetland bldg." - .7: IM DOWN. City Park, suitable for small family; cement basement,, patent , toilet, alnlt, Dollar, nlaatarari a,,lv . .1 trlcity .payments like , TenU , . See. Mr. j-oBTn. sip gpaiaina Diqg. 8EK THIS BIRnilM 1 . " 100x100 corner.. Two houaoa. 7Afo eorner: fine for flats, sssoo if aniit a once. Short distance to Broadway bridle run caen. jno exchanges. $40 Montana x-iiwne vvooaiawn zui. NEW.e room bungalow, fireplace, bull. j, uiwuuuH, onn,- uuww Klicnen. hiumant wdV " --, i, ..jo, )JI1 UAIUIUB, .Viivicu uiauiut,- vxceueni neighborhood. $2800.00, terms to suit. Phona ownar Tihn t9 ,-. . " ON suburban eleotrie line, 6c fare, at- tractive home, 2 acres with good 7 room nouae: fronts' an imaa s . price $6000 make your own terma; Journal! . ' 0WM"f 1,avIn" city, -; JT-iiS, 60x100 lot, 8 room modern house, barn and fruit, 81700, furnlahed; small pay mept down, $18 monthlyi 4005 B. 49th st. Mt. oott car to Anabal station. W. L. Allen, phone Bell wood 17. . - NEW modern 6 room house, ull cemeiit basement Paneled dining room, best of plumbing, fine electrlo flxturea. walla tinted; a. bargain; nrlca $1000, $1200 caah; 1138 g. 17th- NT. In Vernon. T.T5! IVTVn -U 1' ,'L -"VJ"i.' . a.. v.. uuj.ii;a aaie - ox moa vern. 6 room bungalow,' $ blocks from Hawthorne carllne. - Rosas -and lawn. tret Improvements and sewee. Call Tabor 2418. -.- y- . . JONESMORB home sacHfice,. $4600 tor $1400. cash. Owner : removing to the lng bldg - - nn";on "Paid? "$8200 7-room bungalow, 60x106' lot,' full - basement; $1800 cash, balance term; 1 block from Hawthorne ave., near 44th at.; 1288 m Clay? Tabor 8878, B-18" i'6R SaLe f room house on car line ' at Wood mere, on easy terms; $1400; lots In Woodmere $800 and u: alai lota ? In Woodmere, $806 and i other bargains; call Tabor 6108. I IfAVB a fine well built 8 room houee. ' b'g lotonly IM blocka from ear, and well quick. E-806, Journal. GOING aouth. and will make great aac rifloe on my new $ room' bungalow In f,w..r.? 'SV "on' jnlas thla op portunity. C-728. Journal. . , 4 ROOii modern bun iralow. heart ' of Bunnyside, $2400: $200 caah. balanoa same as rent, six per cent i Leavlna city. Owner 142 2d at., room 24. JHtu&D MONEI-Will sell mv S room modern bungalow, one block from ear, on east aide - Sel. io3i i . - . L82600 Must aell mv b room modern home at sacrifice; $600 cash. No Woodlawn $48. ' agenta. CK New modern 6 room houae Cinu In nn K. UwnnA.n., llfiKA, Ma., '"", t,.iwuae t.oie, 9i i toarn or Traae. IIAWTIIORNTS bargain, $2400.- Strictly moaern ounKaiow, . t our large rooma. 0 - 6aiifc Journal. fou BAi-i; i; ' rJuJJS if ill 'mm Attractively aad Sensibly , : . Built ' : , .HERE'S ONE'- ' - 'balance easy;- - i-;'Ms... av a . a. a - m -V floors, buUMa buffot.- bullMa . bookeate r: furnace tiuvilme . Dutch kitchen, bunt-in 3reier.' fixtures and shades, The plan of this - bunsglow - will please; yon,:' and U is only I blocks from Bayr ; thorna car. " w ftERE'JS ANOTHER:' , SAME TERMS i ? ;t Boron rooms and bath. Includ ing aleepinf porch; plp4 for furnacei ' hardwood . floor; all modern conveniences: Also eom plate line of others la same district. ' . ., ,-FrFORDft'GO.' RELIABLE BROKXjh.S v , 309 .Railway, Exchange'' Main 1214 A-7II4 Wake Up, Stop Paying -Rent. ' For S4S0 caah and 12S nr month rou can buy one of the best llttlo bungalows . en tha East Side, H block from the car ; line, on a 60x100 lot; and surrounded by nice homes. This house Is double con structed .- throughouti It v contain a 1 roome and a California pergola porch tn front. There la fruit trees, roaes and' snruDDery. xnere is a run cement base. . ment, furnace' and waah trays, etc., hardwood polished floora; there is $30lt ' Insurance and tha premium la paid for t years. Price $$800. See Geo, P. Henry, $19 Henry bldg; " $1800 Toom modern bungalow, $10$ s " cash, $20 per month.' . . $10004 room bungalow, double ' con- ,:.:,;..; atructed, all built In eoavenl - " r.. enoes. : '- . ' . .. ; $30008 room modern house, all built wi - n J eaturea, 1 blook , to carllna : -v;'' '' and paved street. .- Sunday take Roaa City Park ear to . 72d aC Our, of floe weekdays 41S . Cor batt bldg.M-'i.:':.v,;,'.,;;.?;v sy'!n y ,; Gregory.: Investment Cot : : Rose Citv $3150:. New fiva room homa In Rnu rHtv Park; lot 60x100: east, front Hardwood floors,- built-in. buffet and bookcases. SleeplnsT- porch, fireplace, furnace and cement basement Gas, electricity. Side walks, shades and - flxturea Included In : 'DISTRICT-'- ' t s- . r ( SHDO:-0OW selling price. This property Is free- j j from mortgage. B $500 caah. balnjioe , iiiuniuiy, iinareat i per cenu flu1 iraaes, This price has been reduced $700. P-847, Journal. - - $60 CASH -20 MONTH. : A 6 room modern bungalow, Irvlngton Pflllr KAvtAA Ia ' hab, ... -.11 fine view, $2260. Smith-Wagoner-Co, PLENDID H6M! " Choleo location, Irvlngton; oalr and mahogany flniah; 2 baths, servants' 22m"tPa!;a5v absolutely modern.' East $78. wi H.'.Herdman.".'..':' . ,, ;.vS , NEW, modern fi room hlinornlnw plna In. Hawthorne district: lot Kftvinnt rice $3400, Will take lot or sell for ".VP ??,an01, roonthly. , Geo. Q. lair, 826 Rallwav Exchange blflo- 4 ROOM plastered house, . Mt Scott, water In. can be mada modern with small expense,. $1200, $50 cash, balance , terms. ; T-660, Journal. ' i - V- 9-tjyfx ooiianje, iractionai corner lot : welkins - distance. ,nt nM . at sad $100 caah, 61$ per month,' 6jer cent. George Q, Malr, 828 Railway Exchange, tfi7K 1 1 n nAwv . Small house, plastered, brand : new. 45x100 610 monthly. , , smith-Wagoner ' Co., 61 a Stock Kxnhangr. , " , y FOR'lSALE 8 room modern houaa. Mt . Tabor district.. 6100 down, balance rent. .Ford A Co., 808 Ry, Ex, ROOM modern house and large lot In . University Park,( $400 cash will ban- die. S-872, Jonrnal. , , . - . - 8 ROOM houae and large lot In Irving. Jajf ffci-l ? ..A w,1 ;ailla, S-nr FOR 8ALK 6 room bung'aiowa, Hav-' rent. oFrd & Co.. 808 Ry. Ex. .,.' SIX ROOM bungalow, large lot.' price rlaht; no morLu,,,' ma a .. . A-829, Journal. . $26 down, $10 pr mo., 2 room plus ..&re!h?u;r' corner lot" close to ear, $760: 6244 Foeter road, Mt. 'Scot -earl' . NEW, 7 roomed modern' home,- lo i car. Part trade. Sellwood 2204. . -