The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 12, 1913, Page 22, Image 22

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I. TEL i :
Williams' Runnersup Take De
Lincoln and Jefferson Have
Not Yet Been Seen: In Ac-,
tion on Local Field.' 1
light in Whitewashing Bob
Brown's League Champs,
' ' 1 1 ; " ' ' -r. , , ; ,. . . . :
r:A,V:4,-'TT?",-''''-'W. "' "TSii aatuiu i iii' 11 - i i. i.,,' ' , , .." iiuim - mii ' ' '"''".'u""iJ.v, ' ' ' ' ' I ' J '
VAX - V . &, W 1 i I
) It " " ' ;--.; i(
Statistics of " Blank.'-Games
- Provide-Some' Very;, In-,
- terestlng Reading.
. . The Portland Colt shut Out their op
ponents tO times during the lilt North
western League baseball eaon. Van
couver and ; Tacoma each secured v H
shutouts. Seattle won II, Victoria 14,
.and Spokane II. Portland wan ahutout
It times, and Venoourer wu white
washed la the same number of games.
The Victoria Bees proved to be the hard
est team to blank. Tscoma ana eponane
were the easiest to cypher. Mcuin.
nlty's men' failed to score In. 10 games,
and Spokana In 17. Seattle failed to
score in if games. ,
The Colts took a liking to-shutting
out the champions, the Beavers being
-smothered by the Colts I times during
the season. Portland scored shutouts on
the other teams as follows: Tacoma a,
Seattle 4. Spokane J, and Victoria S. '
Lou Stanley, of the Colts: SUnley Co.
valskle, of the Spokane .Indians, and
Kaufman, of Tacoma, were the leading
shutout twlrlers of the league, each
blanking their opponents In games.
Hall, of Vancouver; Dell, of Seattle;
' Kantlehner, of Victoria, and McGlnnlty,
of . Taooma, each pitched I ahutout
. games. " .'. ,
IffMlm by One Baa,-
Seventeen of the games were won and
lost by 1 run. Portland and Seattle
shut out their opponents I times by the
score of 1 tat. Spokane won I such
4 games: Vancouver t, and Tacoma and
- Victoria 1 each. - Tacoma lost i 1 to 0
. games, and Vancouver - 4. The other
. teams lost 3 game each. 1 i
The number of shutouts secured by
aech twlrler: '
Portland Stanley , Mays 8. Hynes
I, Martinonl t. EasUey S, and Calla
han 2. Total JO. .
Vancouver Hall 8. Sohmuts 4, Inger
son 4. and dark . Total 16. " - --..
Tacoma Kaufman 6, McGlnnlty 6,
Glrot S. Bolee, Concannon and Kurfess
1 each. Total 14. - '
Seattle Dell C Fullerton t, Kelly t.
: Gipe, Reardon, Mclvor and Melkle 1
each. Total 1J. . .
Victoria Kantlehner S, Smith 8, Ton
er 8, .Fitagerald, Hardin, Fitchner and
Narveson 1 each. Total 14.
Spokane CovaleskU I, Douglass 4.
Toner and Kraft 1 each. Total 18.
The complete list of shutouts, of
which there were 98 during the season,
are as follows:
April 15 emits, Victoria, -vs. Seattle. .... J-
AprU 1 ttchoaate, VncoaTr, n. Taeoma.T--0
: April 17 OoTaloskl, Spokane, ft. Portlano.J0
April 23-.Infereoll, Vancouver? t. PortUnd J O
April 8ft McGimUtr, Taeoma, v. Seattle.. 0
AprU 2 Hmea, Portland, tt. VawOTer.e0
April SO Toner, 8pokaue. v.i Seattle. ..
AprU SO Concannan, Taeoma,. t. Portland.4
liar 1 Fuller too, Seattle, VI. Spokane... J
May t Glrot, Taeoma, . Portland. ...,T-4
May ' 4 Kantlehner, Victoria, re. V'cou r.t0
Mar 4 Martlnonl, Portland, vt. Taeoma. 0
May Hall, VaneouTer, Tt. Spokane.. ..80
May S McUlnnltjr,. Tacoma, Tt. Victoria. .T0
Mar. Stanley, Portland, Ta. Brattle...,! 0
. May 11 Kaufman, Tacoma, Tt. Victoria. .4
May It Dell, Seattle, t. Vaneosver. ....1 4)
May , 14 Kantlehner,' Smith, Victoria, tt.
PortUnd 0
May 1ft Covaleikl. Spokane, Ta. Tacoma.. 0
May 19 Melkle, Seattle, Tt. VancoaTer....6 0
May St Ochnrata, Vanconrer, Tt. Seattle.. 1-4
.r 21 Eaatler, Portland, Tl. Tacoma...! 0
May it Hardin.. Victoria, t, Spokane... 11-4
'- Mar 24 Infaraoll. Vancounr, TirSeat11e.S 4
May 24 OoTaloakI Spokane, ti. VaooooTer.l O
Majr XT Bole, Tacoma, va, Victoria... ...I O
Mir 27 Stanley, Portland, Tt. fc rattle 50
Mar 28 Smith, Victoria, T. Tacoma ... ,T 0
May 2S Callahan, Portland. Tt. Seattle... 0
lr 2 Kantlehner. Victoria, va. Tacoma. 14
June a Hall, VaneooTer, ti. Taeoma.... .60
Jane . ft Glpe, Seattle, v. Spokana.,..... 0
Jane T Kaufman. Taconw ti. VancowTer.e 0
. June s ladreao, Bpoaaoe, Ta. Taooma.. 10
June IT Hruea, Portland, ta. Spokane. ...50
June 18 Stanley. Portland, T. Spokane. ".8 0
June 22 McGlnnlty, Tacoma, t. Van. ...20
June 23 Karfeaa. Tacoma. ti. Seattle... 80
Jane 23-J-Kttsrerald, Victoria, te. Spokane. 0
June Hi Kaufman. Taooma. Ta. Seattle.. 40
June 25 Covaleakle, Spokane, Tl. Victoria. 0
June 27 Stanley, Portland, t. Vancourer J O
June 28 UartinonL Portland, ve. Vaa.,..l 0
June SO Dell, Seattle, vs. Vancoarer 84
July 1 Kaufman, Tacoma, Tt. Victoria. .30
July , 2 Toner, Victoria, re. Tacoma.... 10 4
July 4 Kaufman. Tacoma, Ta. Victoria.? 0
July nterald, Victoria, ve. Tacoma.. 8 4
juiy ' T MartlaonL fortiano, re. xneoma.l -o
July - 8 Eaatley, Pertlaod, m Taooma... 2 4
July 10 Kraft, Spokane, n. VaneooTer. .3 0
July 10 Narreaon, Victoria, Tt. Seattle.. 8 4
July IS Glrot, Tacoma, T. Portland 70
July 14 Schmnta, VanoouTer, va. Vlctorta.l 4
July IT IngeraoU, VancouTer, ti.' VIctosU.T 4
July 25 Stanley, PortUnd, ra. Victoria.,. 80
July 27 Reardon, Seattle, Tt. Spokane. ..20
. July 28 Doug laaa, Spokane, T. Seattle. ..70
, July 20-tFtillerton,' Seattle, Tt. - 6pokane..T 4
July 20 Stanley, Portland, Ta. Tacoma.. .1 0
Aus. 4 Toner, Victoria, Tt. Seattle 80
Aug. Doue-laet, Spokane, fa. Portland. 0
Au, 11 McGliuUty, Taeoma, tb. VlctorU.4 fl
Aug. 12 Clark, Vancouver, n. Spokane... 20
Aus. 14 Maya, PortUnd, n, Seattle.... 10 0
. Aug. le Fullerton, Seattle, Tt. Portland., 40
Au. 17 Kaufman, Tacoma, Tt,. Victoria.. 10
AUf , 23 Maya, - Portland, Tt. Victoria.,, .24
. Aug. 24 Douclaae, Spokane, Tt. Taeoma. ..80
- Aug. 25 Kantlehner, Victoria. Tit Spokane. 80
. Aug. 26 Callahan, Portland, ti. VancouTer.l 0
Aug. 28 Hall, Vancoarer, ti, Portland.... 0
Sept. 1 Kelly, Seattle. . Tacoma. ....10
Sept. 1 Ball, VaneooTer, tv Portland.. .20
Keit. 4 chmata, Vanconrer, ti. Tacoma. 8 0
Sent... 6 Clark, Vincoueer, ti, Tacoma... 80
Sept.- tltchner, Victoria, Ta. Spokana.. 0
, Sept.. T Ingeraoll, Vancoarer, Tt. Taooma. 2 4
fcept. Dell, Seattle, ti. Spokane.. 1.',. 14
Sept. 10 Mayt, Portland, Te Vanoourer.. 0
Hept. 11 Kelly, Seattle, . ti. 8kane. . .. .1 0
Sept. 11 Hy iiea, PortUnd, re, Vancoarer. .2 0
fcupt. J8 DuagUH, Spokane, ti. HeatUl.,.4 O
Kept, la Dell, Seattle, tb. Spokane 40
fept. 14 McGlnnlty, Tacoma, Ta. Victoria. 40
Sept. 15 Kelly. Seattle,. Ta. Portland. ...30
' Wept. IT MclTor, SeaUla, ti. Portland. ...14
Bfpt. 18 Clark, VaneoiiTer, ti. Spokane... 80
Sept. 1ft Kantlehner, Victoria. Ta. Taooma. 4 0
Sept. SO Dell, Seattle, ya. PortUnd ..i..4 0
' Pept 25 Coraleekl, Spokane, ft. Portland. 10
frrpt. 86 Hall, Vancouver, ti.. Victoria... 20
Sept. 27 Battley, Porttaad, ti. Hpokaoc. .80
.' Bob Eari, former ' Jefferson . blgb
school athlete, has been elected captain
of the Cottage Grove football team for
- the 11 8 season. It was thought ' that
Earl would return to the " Jefferson
school this season.' -iiw.y .
and wearableness our
025 suits are the equal
cf any $35 tuit you ever
Sit Alder Street, bet. Second end Third
.Mi' .v
On the left In the top row Is Coach
CaMcrate of the Columbia univer
sity team. In the cenwr la the
Portland academy eleven, which
may Drove to be the "dark horse"'
the league. On the upper right
is Dr. Earl RInehart; coach of the
Jefferson team. Dr. RInehart
coached the Lincoln team of 1911
and won the state championship.
Below, from left to right, the foot
ball mentors are "Spec" Hurl
hurt of Portland Academy, Vin
cent Borleske of"' Lincoln, W.
Moore of Hill Military academy
and Virgil Earl of Washington. .:
:. V, Cooper In Charge of, Re
lgatta;. Pjans All Sorts of
Races on' Opening Day. ' "
tbe greatest water regatta aver
staged In the northwest will be held
on the opening: day of the 1914 Rose
Festival, acoordlng to the tentative
program as. outlined bye V, Cooper,
who la ta change of tho regatta.
It Is the plan, at the present time.
to stag two or three : motor - boat
races, one yacht event and several
canoe races. ; Cooper Is trying to ar
range for an elght-oared race between
crews representing the University of
Washington. James Bay Athletlo club
and Portland Rowing club. Swimming
races and other aquatio stunts may be
on the program. .'.::...., -,
. The motor boat - races will be) for
eash prises and it Is expected that, the
entire Pacific coast will be represent
ed In theee races. Portland's fleet of
eight crafts. Including the Oregon Kid,
Oregon Wolf IV and the Baby Bell,
will bat enured In the events. The
exact course . and distancea of the
events, ylll not be known lor some
Medals and trophies will be awarded
the winners In all other events.
Cooper has hopes of-seouring-valuable
prises for the winner or every race,-
- It is coopers suggestion , inai me
regatta be held between the Steel and
Broadway bridges, so that many thous
ands may witness the regatta. It is
alio the plan of Cooper to have the
motor boats make two or.tnree turns
before the publla .:--v.
Committees nave been appomteo ny
each of the local water clubs to con
fer wltn Cooper. Tbe . first meeung
will ba held in the near future. . C W.
Boost. Xj. M. Meyers ana w. h. gunu
will represent the Portland Motor Boat
club. The Portland Rowing ciun com
mittee is H. XL. Judge. R. C Hart and
A. A. Pfaender. The representatives
of . the Oregon Tacht club are J. M.
Yates, T, C. Creasey and J. carr.
Travels Over Century, Mark In
Informal Meet in the. .,
, I Time of 10.2. -
Dick 'Grant the sensational Portland
sprinter, made the Stanford university
track and field followers sit up and
take notice In an Informal meet on the
University field on 'October' 4. Grant
captured the 100 yard aasn in tn last
time of 10 2-5 seconds, and won the 120
yard dash' ln;,22 4-B" .. seconds. k:'''':
It is expected that under the training
of the veteran "Dad" Moulton that Grant
will make a name for himself as a col
lege sprinter. : . ';v'-' ' -vv:" '
Grant formerly attended the Washing
ton nigh and Hill Military Academy n
Portland, and is the Joint holder, of the
local and state record ror the ceptury
dash. ; He formerly held the state rec
ord for tbe 220 yard dash., .?
a Ban Francisco, Oct. 11 -Wiring from
Hammond, Ind., to promoter James W.
Coffroth. Jimmy CIabby,the middle
Weight who recently won a 20 round de
cision from Sailor Ed Petroskey, has
called off his 20 round engagement with
Frank Logan.- Clubby explained that he
la Interested in several , business ven
tures with his father and that it will be
Impossible to fight here this month.
However, Clabby , said, .. he ) would be
ready! to fight in November and there
ft a- possibility of Clabby, being used
here on Thanksgiving day. V
I v- V 1 ih9 ' x - -dlii ' ; 'X: W-
Oregon Kid, National 'Cham-
. '!..." IS- 411 'tt :. It I I al . .
pion, ana won iv, iew
Boat, Will Be Chief Rivals,
The speed boat race between the Ore
gon Wolf IV and the Oregon Kid in San
Francisco bay, on October 25, the clos
ing day of the Portola Festival, is at
tracting the attention of the northwest
followers of . the motor . boat racing
game. ' Several other fast speeders will
be entered against the two- - Portland
racing boats.. , "
Johnny Wolff, whose boats won the
Paolflo coast championship for four
years, previous 10 the 1813 regatta, is
aaxtonarto get revenge-on the: sensation
al Oregon Kid, which defeated the Ore
gon Wolf III at Astoria and later cap
tured the national 82-foot title at Chi
cago. . . 1 . t
Wolff ha spent all his spare tune
tuning up his new boa V and expects to
be able to retrain the laurels h lost at
Astoria. ; Tbe Oregon Wolf IV it 1 II
foot boat, and Is equipped with the same
engine which landed the coast title tour
times for Wolff, a- Cylinders No. t and
8, which went wrong -during the Paciflo
coast races at Astoria last July, were
overhauled in the, east, and are now in
perfect working order. . , .-v. . ,-.,-wst.?
The Oregon Kid is dua to arrive in
San Francisco during .the first part, of
this ' -week from Ixulvllle, where It
raced on October t and 4. The Kid has
appeared in five eastern regattas, and
performed very creditably in all of them
except one. It sank at Buffalo, but was
raised eight tlays later. Its crew has
patched 4h craft up considerably since
It left home. -
Other speed i boats which will likely
start in the Portola events are the fam
ous Kitty Hawk ,V, of New York; the
Kitty Hawk III, ot Ban iego: Fellows
II. of XiOs Angeles; Bull Pup III, of Los
Angeles; Fleming sob v, or Ban Fran
cisco; Scamp, of ; San Francisco, and
Dawn XIL of Sacramento. Several other
crafts are expected to be entered within
a. few days. , -,; 4 tr's-. ;":,s-'..-';vj
The Kitty Hawk III. which has an
28000 maliosrany hull, is credited with
having made better than 40 miles, per
hour. Tbe Kitty Hawk V, one of the
most consistent performers of , eastern
boats this season, has made 4S miles an
hour several times. On Its first tryout.
tbe'Flght'ns; Bob v mane 43 miles an
hour, according to reports from the Bay
City dlstrtcUv,.f.v
The Oregon Kid's record of '0:50 4-8
will be given official recognition by the
American Power Boat officials at their
next - annual meeting ' In New York.
Captain Spencer's : speeder made this
time at the Kansas City Tacht club re
satta. '
The Portola course will be measured
by officials of the American Power Boat
association before and after the events.
so that there) will be no trouble in bav.
lng the records adopted if any are made.
.;( .il"'.,.' :. .',''', 1 11 . i.y !. . ,; i
' University of Idaho, Moscow. Oct. It
Coach "Pink" Griffith is .rejoicing over
the decision of the university faculty
Johnson for the football season. There
was some Question as to his eligibility
the first of the season; but this has been
cleared up, and the faculty have given
him a clean bill to play, Johnon is one
Of the best men on the squad, and will
play at end. It Is predicted that he will
be a strong contender for the all-north-wetst
team this season.
Manager Tommy Luke Has
Secured Two of Best - ::
' -' Lightweights, r. ,
The - Beaverton Amateur Athletic 'club
will stage its first boxing tournament
of the season on Wednesday night, Oc
tober 21 The card Is being arranged by
Tommy Duke, ex-Brooklyn club mana
ger. ;vr..r :iv;.;.- :-?-.X' .:--v. '..i.i vm.:
Luke has already secured the consent
of Schmeer and - Carlson, two of ,, tho
best lightweights In the city, to appear
as the ' headllner. : Luke has arranged
the rest of the card as follows: Hew
lett vs. HUL Masurowsky vs. 8herrett
Cronqulst vs. Hansen, ' . DrlscoU vs.
O'Brien and Gordon vs. Bernstein.
Arrangements have' been completed
for a special car to Beaverton, which
will leave the Jefferson .;. depot at 7
o'clock. ! f
Practically every Interscholastlo Foot
ball league team was represented at the
Washington high football game last
Wednesday afternoon. , ,
Jbvery young man is interested
in go o A sports and go o tl clotlies
Oothes they're styled for your particular taste and 'made to stay
stylish. All-wool or silk-and-wool steam-shrunk fabrics. and best of
: trimmings are put in their garments. The workmanship, the. fit, the;:
quality are some of the main features of these clothes. - V
" - Twenty-five dollars will buy you an extra good Suit or Overcoat.
We have them from $20 and up to $40. Drop in some day and try
on a few. You'll be satisfied, and so will we. . " "
When buying Furniahing or HaU, you'll find the most complete
assortment of best makes here in Neckwear, Snirts, Gloves, Under
wear and 'Hats. ' ' ' , - . -
Tho Men's Shop, for
Quality and Service
Chairman Jeffery Endeavoring
to X3et Thre Year Trophy"
' " ; "Put -Up.;"
According to the present plans of
Oliver K. Jeffery, chairman of , the
squash committee of the Multnomah
club, the Paciflo Northwestern associa
tion championship ' squad tournament
will be staged the week of November ft,
There Is a great deal of Interest la the
squash game this .season, but Chairman
Jeffery is waiting .until all players get
in form 'again. 'V- '- -v-ji .''' l-y-".
; Immediately after the championship
tournament "Is held, arrangements will
be made for a handicap tournament. The
players will be handicapped according
to the game they play in the P. K. A.
Jeffery Is trying to secure a- three
year trophy. 1
V ' . " 4aaawiiMa(aaaeaaaeaBWaBaaaa .' . - . - ' - -f
Ekstromwho "played fuard In the
Academy-Columbia 'fcame last Friday,
was the star tackle of the Astoria high
school team last year. . '
' You'll Find, Whatever Game'YoiavGo '
4 , ' . to, 'the Smartest Dressers Wearing" ,
Hart Sckaffner fe? Marx
1 Rbsehllatt
HI 11
Idea ,1s to Make Organization
Educational Institution in
stead of Money-Making,
' The members of the Portland Motor
Boat club,-at a special meeting to be
held Wednesday evening, will accept Or
reject the reorganisation plan, submit
ter by a committee appointed by Com
modore C. W. Boost' The reorganisa
tion plans were submitted at a meeting
held some -time ago, but no vote was
taken on the matter, .'v.i-;.'',,-'- ",'V .?.-.
.. If the club members accept the new
plans. It la likely that the proposition of
purchasing a new clubhouse site will be
taken up Immediately. Several offers
have been made the club by various
property owners, and every one of them
is an excellent clubhouse site. ' -
The' proposed . consolidation of the
Portland Motor Boat club and Oregon
Tacht club may possibly some up for
f Co.
rm roiuwo mcct
Northwest Corner
Third and Morrison
Coach Hurlburt Seems to Have
. , , "Dark 1 Horse" This .
j . 1 "i Season,"'..'-
Which is the strongest team In the
Interscholastlo league? "
If this question has been asked once
during ; the past week- It has beeiA
asked a - hundred , times. . The ; league
opened last v Wednesday afternoon and
four teams 'were seen In action. Of
the teams that have played Washing
ton appears the strong? and Portwf
land Academy next by virtue of . its -'
victory ' over .the Columbia University'
team.!;,''';1, i; "J, ;;v .-.: -
; lenma, nowever, Lincoln ana
.mionuii, nave nui Deen seen in. ac
tion on the local field. Lincoln, has aV
strong eleven, s. which ' Is undoubtedly ,
the heaviest of the league this year. V
Jefferson's strength. Is unknown;'
With a number of Its regulars out of
the game, the blue and gold squad
played a practice game with the sec
ond Multnomah - eleven over a weelc
v eaaa - vraaai 'UVaj,nU I ! W V
RInehart, who la coaching the Jeffer- !
son players; won' the state champion- .
mm y . . . . iti.u vii. M .ail 014 uu. . V . -
may have something under cover this
(uvii... oycou aa uua xina inava nmv-
hatt Is trying v to get out of his play
ere, wno average aoout its pounos to
the- man,' ', -' ;' '... ;-...'..5'-
.um ai.iciinw. UL 1 u rviuaiiw ai.wit
emy team in the Columbia-'-game Fri
day -waa no great surprise to the writ--
the '1; Academy and ' Columbia . elevens,: !:
; WaahlnvMn 4 nfArifTa tnr th vini.
of a quarterback, who can. run the
team without faltering. ' Laughton,ra .-
former' halfback, showed up the best
nf tha tarn til.tran tfiA riv fhAJntk. ITapl "'
n Vila . vyci4iua i, taiue ,. u& n iuw ihu
Ball, the other slayer, was a bit slow
in osseins- out the signals. ' .
The defeat of Columbia was a. sur
prise 10. many,-, as tna. teven was
countea. as one or tne contenders ior
the local championship at the start'
of the season. Inlurles robbed Coach :
OBlllraf ' a aava.fil n lilai tiaf rila v.
uooiui oh wuu iw Kauueai aiiiai -
son. defeating the Astoria and Cen- .-,
laalca Tiaar whlrned his Olivers Into ex
cellent snap Lana aitnougn no is not
V.-.Hn vt,He. imb a . AhamtttimalifTl-v
Aiavan nm mrmwrnm 1 n m r n m will vtikks ma
other teams hump to win the title. -At
the present writing the cham
pionship will fall into the arms : of
eitak T .iaiitnia : waaninrrnti ; fw ' KnrTisnn ..
- - Sa. aa.All kalaMilaJI IIhA i T ft. "
1 1 f I f I W t n f fPaw sMfaa m ; 'y'.-'tr'l'.l
4 - Portland vs. : Los Angeles .at
A . Tia An1aL alarht eamai. -- . ' d
" San Francisco vs. oaKiana at e ;
y 1 dan r nuciacD, nrea snanieav ' . - W
e Venice vs. Saeramento at Pao- e
4. ramento, six games.,
discussion at 'the meeting. It was re4
ported some time ago that the consol- .
ldation would not take place for at least
two or throe days. . - .
The new reorganization plan is to
make the club an educational institu
tion, instead of a money-making corpora -atlon.
- At present each member of the
club holds one or more shares of - stock: ,
Commodore Boost expects the members'
to accept the reorganisation plan. '
e'--aa5ae7') (
Cbpyrlt-ht Bsrt UUaffner Mar
' 3