The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 12, 1913, Page 19, Image 19

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Throngs' Celebrate Dctrothd o
' Seas in .Characteristic and
- Enthusiastic Manner, -
By Marlon Mac Rao.
Ban Fraticlsco, Oct ll. Probably no
where in the wide, wide world is Joy-
the kind of Joy we, spell with a capital
J expressed In eo virile and whole-
souled a manner as In San Francisco
And surely In the history of San Fran
cisco never has Joy been expressed so
ireeiy, witn more acclaim, nor with
' greater enthusiasm than on last Friday,
When the president of the United States
pressed the electrlo button, which gave
the signal for. the blowing up of the
Gamboa dike, on the Panama eanal. The
Betrothal of the ocean had been con
summated, and. at the news California
gave Its peculiar, Individual kind of ex
pression. Sirens shrieked, bells clanged,
panos nrayea, wnisties rent the air with
tneir piercing blasts, bombs wars ex
ploded and so did the men, women and
children of San Francisco, ; Just explod
i d with the real Joy and appreciation of
-wnat tney consider the greatest under
v taking ever accomplished in the: world's
X history. .
t Long before the hour on' which - the
nisnai coma Be expeoted. vast throngs
fathered in Union Square,1 and when it
uecsme so crowded that there was not
; room left for even a carrier pigeon, tho
1 overflow filled the cafe and hotel
grills, and expectantly a waited the great
'o. came, ana tne cereorauon was
on. New Year's eve was not in it with
" "toe official openina of tha Pimmi canal
"' TTfol th8t ' what the dynamiting f
umuuut ayite means to, us down here.
, It Is the consummations-end Ban Fran
cisco, is consequently, flagrantly, bots-
, noubiy jiappiy. . t ti
j ."It was a great day, as you have all
" Tead in Jthe daily papers. Toe program
was carried out to a nicety. The blue
ji-ei na me uaiirornia urays added
a military air to the proceedings, and
the 'officials of the exposition were muoh
to the foreground. Addresses by Gov-
, - ernor, ..Johnson, Mayor CBolph,l Hon.
Joseph tieFevre. of Panama, Major-Gen
eraj Arthur Murray, U. & A., President
' w, T. Sesnon, of the Chamber of Com
merce, and Vice-President R. B. Hale,
of the P.-P. I. exposition, all tendeB to
. but increase the enthusiasm and patriot
. lsm of the crowds. 'When the glorlaus
voice of Miss Aldanlta Wolfskin led the
Municipal Band In "The Star-Sparigle-I
. , Banner," a saner, more serious raaJIxn
- tlon of what the event meant not only
to this city, but to the Paclflo coast at
large, .seemed to take possession of the
ruiatlng populace. But when the ariel
bomb was fired and -the' American flag
hoisted by little Miss Roiph, there was
1 again wild abandon, and 'multitudinous
i voices vied with the mechanical contrlv
, ancea known to present day mlrtft-mah-,
Ingand noise was unconilned.
f '- Watoh for portola Olrls. .
. ' This Is not the only celebration which
,1s occupying the attention of the Bay
, Cityt however; In truth, celebrations
are mighty regular affair down here
. and they are never half done, either.
The Portola Glrla contest,, which had
the city divided Into SO or more factions, ,
came to a triumphant termination by the
Beivouon oi xi wonaerxuiiy ciever, rosy,
, pretty, jrlriv 'of , the .northern, trio, and
when they come to Portland with, the
official inviUUon to attend' the Portola
' Festival do the right thing and accept
It- will be well worth tha ; time and
- money, wilt this eetlvaki fcVo
-' Beautiful and ; aristocratic Stnorita
, Conehita Sepulveda, whose ancestors
V , were soldiers with Don Caspar de Por
tola, has been chosen as queen of the
festival, and haa consented , to reign
over the distinctively social features of
; the great celebration. Mies' Sepulveda
la at present the house guest of , Mrs.
Phoebe Hearst at the Hacienda del Foso
da Verona, at Pieusanton, where she is
receiving much social attention. 8he la
, a dark eyed, vivacious beaut, but of a
dignity and grace of bearing which be
speaks the poise of a queen. In eon
;" sen ting to accept this honor, a distinct
r lys&ctal feature la given the festival.
land Show 2a On. ,,.,...
Luther Burbenk, the world' greatest
, horticulturist, and proudly gjlalmed as
. California's own plant wlsard, opened
the big land show yesterday, which Is
"being given under, the auspices of the
State's Home Industry league and ; the
Ban Francisco real estate board. This
V la ' not an advertising scheme In ' the
accepted sense of the word but a great
' big event worthy of the countries rep
iresented--and i they are nearly here
with magnificent exhibits. .' Big circus
tents at Eighth and Market house the
show, and 141,000 square feet of space
la-devoted to the mammoth display. ,
Orand Opera Season To Open.
A feature of the grand, opera season
which opens tomorrow, and which is al
ready an assuied success, if one can
judge from advance ticket sale, will be
a home grown ohorus. Not An amateur
chorus by any means but composed of
the best vocal talent in the city, with
the choice given to youth ; f Conductor
Nlnl Belluci i Is, delighted" with this
chorusnot only Its appearance but Its
voiceMndtvidually : and collectively.
At the rehearsals which ara being held
In th Valenuia theatre, one will ; find
quit string of -; limousines which do
not belong to the prima donnas, but to
the members of ; this arlstooratto v. and
. tuneful chorus. . Aida will open, the bill,
and as this is a favorite with the Ban
1 Franclsoo musio lovers, even standing
room le not hoped for, on opening night
' Entile de Goeoria .will be heard In con
cert at the Scottish Bits Temple tonight
and will be given his usual ovation.
An4,.the Western.! Metropolitan Orand
opera company is not to ba without a
f.Ew cusL:,::;a i;j utter; alder stheet district
r .mfatmmiiAM.m ieniasMai.iwtrie ihh .mmmmmmmMw-w''mmYmmmiu
V llBBssasiZZBBass
1 i
-: i.!..- j.-, ....... ... .... .. . ; t - , -r
Handsome little "taxpayer" recently completed at the toutbeast' corner of Twelfth and Alder by the D. P.
Thompson Estate company. , i
rival in this field, vfpr the Germans of
the city will follow the example of the
Italian and the French, and will" have
grand opera of their own.. Under the
direction of Emllle .Hanlsch-Schonfeld
and Max Hanlsch. a series of German
operas will be given at the German
house ty a company or excellent yienna
singers. This, together with: the great
number of high .class recitals and con
certs billed for-the Immediate future,
promises a - perfect revel of musio ' for
the coming months. , . .
Tea Sanoes the Stage. ., , .
Tea dances continue to be, not only
popular, but a rage. All society is
dancing away,' and any disciple of Terp
sichore who cannot do a tanro In an
Unpenetrable' forest of tables and chairs
la no disciple at all, and not ranked-as
smart at the dansants. The search tor
weir mannered monkeys for the Brazil
ian ball In Oakland this week is still on
but so far the hunters report poor
luck. If I don't get lost On the Amazon,
will tell you about this ball next
week.- It is of too great Importance to
be.lightly treated with one paragraph. '
Very few Oregontans have been here
this week, but a great many; are ex
pected to arrive for the Portola cele
bration . and Incidentally for the grand
opera season. '' Mr. O. M. Clark, chair
man of the , Oregon commission, Is at
iue paiaca . tim- is nere to corner Witn
architects concerning the Oregon build
ing. . Bob Mccracken is, back from a trip
north, which included visits to Seattle,
Spokane and Portland. R. F, Delovage
and Earnest Cox are at the Stewart, and
the 8t Francis has as Its auests from
Portland and vicinity Louis C. Kelsey,
Joseph H. Ferguson, S. B. - Springer,
Henry A. Haszard and F. W. Bond.
New Educational .Feature Is
Added to the Y.'M. C. A, ,
; .t, of Portland, ' . '5
That America 1 behind others na.
tlona In. lta system, of estimating the
cost of construction projects, is the
assertion of Charles Burton, a Port
land , engineer who had his . training
autvau. r. uurion . wis ; week . will
begin the teaching of a coarse in plan
reaaing, estimating . ana - cost -reading,
a. me roruana ,, jc oung Men's Chris
tlan Association. v" .-,
. It is" announced that the purpose of
tins course is to oiscuss with the aid
of practical demonstrations, . the . best
methods of arriving at an accurate es-
timate or the cost for the' erection and
oompteuon or, a Building. It " Will In
troauce a complete system of cost
Keeping, -wnereoy a contractor Is an.
abled to watch the progress - of the
work day - by day from a financial
It Is a universally accepted faet
that Xmerloans make the paoa for all
forward movements, whether It be
peace or war, science or art, or what
no v naia air. Burton. "But she has
to catch up a Ute when It comes to
scientifically .estimating the cost r of
building construction. -
.-"The time will come soon when the
present system or figuring cost of a
proposed building will be abolished,
and a new. and - entirely . different
metnoa taxe its piece.
refer to the Introduction to this
western country of the quantity ; sur
veyor, and to the custom of building
contractors stlmatlng direct from a
complete bill of quantities. .
"This practice has been carried out
successruuy lor many years In Eu
rope ana is.. rapidly gaining favor n
the eastern portions . of the United
states ana tuiaaa."
v . ' ...r.., u
" ' Llebler Company Flavera.
The principal players engaged by the
taeoier company ;,o aate for their vari
ous attractions include Viola. Allan.
George Arllss, Mri. George Arliss (Flor
ence Montgomery), . jonn Blair, Clare
Blandick. Lawson Butt, W. T. Carleton,
Margaret Dale. Arnold Dalv. oriano-o
Daly. Pauline Frederick, Charles Har
bury, Henry Harmon. Violet Hamint
May Irwin, Alice Johnson, Gordon fohn
stone, Cyril Maude, - Margerey- Maude,
James O'Meill,- Lennox Pawla. Cella
Storm, W. X Thorne. i pell Trenton,
Sarah Traux s and at Brandon Tvmiui.
These tolayers wiU appear In "Joseph
and Hil Brethren,? "The Garden of Al
lah," -Disraeli." "Widow by Proxy."
"General John Regan." and Viola Allan's
new play,
m m mm m m . u
- No odds how much your head aches;
.how miserable you, are from constipa
tion, indigestion, biliousness, ' a "Casca
ret" tonight straightens you out by
morning, ' , ' -
Clean your stomach, liver and bowels
tonight; end the headache, biliousness,
dizziness, nervousness, the sour, gassy
atomaco backache and ail ether dis-
f i rs
KD UPSFT-Dlffi i M
tress; relieve your sluggish Liver and
Bowels of all the sour bile, gases and
clogged-up waste which is producing the
misery. 1 ' ( f - V
A 10-cent box of Cascarets keeps your
head clear, stomach sweet liver' and
bowels regular and you feel bully for
months. Don't forget the'chiidren their
little insldes need gentle cleansing,
too. is , . - ,
'win-ma ' - jnawa. -
Reduction of Expense of Con
' ' strutting. Multnomah Coun-
': ty Section Shown, . -
i Less earth will be moved and the ex
pense of building the Columbia highway
from Portland to the east boundary of
Multnomah county under ' plans being
prepared by Road Expert 8. C. Lan
oaster will be smaller than under the
first plans, according to County Com
missloner j. Holman.' ., Mr. ? Holman. S.
Bensoa of the highway advisory board,
Mr. Lancaster, Road Supervisor Small
and Purchasing Agent Nelson en Friday
inspected the work now underway. -,-
"The new highway should be as great
an asset to Portland and Oregon aa the
Tosemlte valley is toi California," said
Mr. Holman. "I believe it will become
as famous as the Applan Way at Rome
or the' Great North Road Of England.
I was impressed by the grandeur of
the surroundings. ' v '
"The most difficult and costly, work
en the road will be 'for several miles
near Multnomah falls where the camp
im oeen estsDiisnea. . v
"Hera less than .-as miles from the
court house, are Gordon Falls. Multno
man Falls, Horsetail Fall and the Ore
onta gorge, besides tnanjr smaller fa Is
and countless other features, such aa
tall peaks, domes and high cliffs. ;'
"Mr.- - Lancaster has provided for
a road which will . have no greater
grades, than five - per cent - and
will have none hut safe and graceful
curves. ' In places where cuts through
bills had been planned he has located
the road around the face of the hills
making , less expense and saving the
beauty of the road.
"Robert Brooke, In charge of - con
structlon work, Is a man of Independent
means ana - is aomg his work for a
nominal salary. He Is Interested In the
wur lor tno results aionat Bince isse
he has done similar work -for various
railroads. He has : an excellent force
of men under him." -
The hew road is to be 34 feet wide
and will follow the railroad right of
way' for several miles along the river
where the cliffs leave little space. The
remainder of the route will be aiongthe
river, but outside this right of way.
over 6000 acres of land In the High Val
ley country, The last purchase Is pas
ture land. , , st
Mra. Alice Rumbaugh. a wealthy resi
dent of Little Rock, Ark., has purchased
6i acres of the fine orchard tract owned
by J. D. Biggs of Three Mile, Wasoo
county, paying $400 per acre. The orch
ard is set mostly to peaches and apri
cots, now In bearing. It la the intention
of Mra. Rumbaugh to build a fine coun
try residence on the tract next year and
to make It her permanent home. ,
. a land deal was made Tuesday where
by Mrs. Joseph N.' Scott becomes the
owner of 84 acres of land Just south of
Athena, adjoining the MCArthur place,
and owndi by Henry Keen, the purchase
price being $8816. '' - , Jk'
t-hh ",'."" " A
, Washington D. C Oct. Represen
tative Cullop is a budding- "oil magnate."
Ho and friends "at home are owners of
an oil well In Ohio, which Cullop thinks
ts going- to make all hands rich, maybe.
During the hottest time to Cullop'a fight
for publicity of indorsements of federal
bench appointees, Cullop received a tel
egram that his oil well was cpoutlng
like a house a-fire a gusher, it was re
ported. Cullop made a flying trip to
Ohio, a week-end Journey. He threw a
few ehlrts and socks into a suitcase and
"beat lt tor the first train to Ohio.
Now Cullop la confiding to a few Inti
mate : friends that the. gushing reports
were somewhat exaggerated. " .
Eveir .Breeder. Cows Are Being
Marketed; 0,-W, R, &
Se,esrig,$olutj,o(nf :. ' ;
Structure Will Be of Brick stnd
Will. CotV $8000; Qther
Realty Deals
''Talent, the enterprising Southern Ore
gon town, la soon to hava an iinno
brick business block, which will b the
largest store building In the city. The
structure wuacover a ground area of
70 by 0 feet and will contain two $5 by
v aiore rooms, rne "uoner etorv win
be divided into , offices ' and living
rooms. The building is to be erected
by Albert s. Ames, as representative of
'n vapttat tnteresiea u Talent.
The Roy Trammel Tarnau'contalnina la
acrea and all necessary improvements.
ivvi.u nvu miin east" or. jsugene,
" t ween to Mr. wymer. a
newcomer rrom California. Consider,
atlon not . given, , , . ,.".
eprmgneia.! Lane countv.
a, modern apartment house. The building
ie to be known as the McKenzie Court.
Plana for the struoture hare been com
vein siiu me cou tract let. .i
H. C Rita haa nurehasaA fnn tjv
ert Bassett a 10 acre Improved ' fruit
farm located near Mosier. The tract is
a portion of the Davenport placa It
is set In bearing cherry and apple trees.
-flmythe Bros, of Ariinton R.
plated .a. trade whereby for a considera
tion in the neighborhood of $80,000 they
have acquired the Cedar Springs sheep
ranch and Outfit from William Smith,
well known Gilliam county sheepman.
The trade Includes B0o acrae i..
located 10 miles south of Arlington, to-
athi with wMnn. m t .
leased ' from ' tha Northern Par i ;
ether with two bands of breeding ewes
and ranch equipment. . -,
The land secured fits in with 'the for.
mer holdings of Smyths Bros., and glvs
them aa a printer range the areater nor.
ttlon of northern Gilliam county. . Mr.
umitn, wno sold ma cedar Springs ranoh,
still retains his land .south of pilot
Rook, and Will operate there In the fu
ture. M, ' ' l t f ' , ! ,".(,
During the coming winter Smvtbo
Bros, will run about 88,000 sheep, which
Is a larger number than they have run
la the past " .
C. A. Maokey, former superintendent
Of the Linn county poor farm, has closed
a deal for a 140 acre farm located near
Toledo, in Linooln county, . " - ,
WlUlam Reals of Corvellla had lust
purchased the Kirk! Hoover place near
Philomath, the deal Involving about
110,000. The Hoover place la one of the
best farms In that section, 100 acres be
tng under cultivation. - Portland bust
neaa property was Included In the deal.
It la reported that Benson Bros, of
Union 'have purchased 100 acres more
land from the Union Pine Lumber com-
uaaV. ThU W"l make tuem aomathUia
i Present high prieea - of ' beef ; have
proved so alluring to cattlemen of the
northwest that the ranges are being
cleaned out utterly, according to D. A.
ciarx, livestock expert of the Oregon
Washington Railroad ft Navigation com
pany, who aaya the future is being de
frauded by the growers' aeal to "make
a killing" today.
They are even sending1 their breeder
cowe to market." eald Mr. Clark yester-
aay., -And all the while great atacke
of alfalfa are standing;: in the fields
with no stock to eat It, if the north
west is to produce its own beef supply
a radical change must come In tha sys
.era ojc aiiunar on me producer cattle.
If the killing of calves could be stopped
the problem would be partially solved."
. i rarnc Manager R. B. Miller has tak
en up this question seriously and has
asked Mr. Clark and Agriculturist C. L.
Smith, to work together to see If a
change cannot be brought about on the
part of, particularly, the amaller took
men. But the same condition also pre
vaua on me Dig ranges, with the re
suit that shipments of livestock have
iwien oir aireaay. -..,,.
For more than a year now, the north
west haa been supplying all the pork
it consumed. Mot om hog has ' been
shipped in from Kansas a'nd Nebraska.
as In previoua years, and with the In
creased acreage - of alfalfa, . together
wun me graauai spread of the "corn
belt" the finishing process has produced
animala or fairly choice condition of
meat (, ; - ; -
And so the railroad men 'now depend
upon the nog and the aheep for the
bulk of the livestock business. ' Mr.
Clark aatd tha sheep,,' In time, would
become as. scarce as cattle if present
tendencies continue, because the lambs
are being sold and the awes go to the
stockyards as promptly; aa the rami and
wetherak - . j , ! i ;
The 0.-W. R. ft N. haa been encour
aging the shipment of breeding stock
Into the state from the south, and Mr.
Miller says It .will continue to do ab, in
the hope of Inducing tha stockmen to
conserve their stock eVen in this era
of high prieea.
'"Several days , ago the new Una '.built
westward from Vale handled H carloads
of cattle out of Juntura. In this region
M tha atate the cattle ; resources -are
being developed with the coming of the
railroad, and It Is here that the necessity
of conserving; the . industry will .be
preachedVby railroad men. as well as
the Oretf on. Agricultural college experts.
i ,"1 ' I 1 -,,(' Jl r
; Berllni Oct 1L A terrible tragedy Is
reported from Klausthal. Early the
other morning the dead body of an inn
keeper, who had been shot and robbed,
was found In., the bar of his establish
ment and a hue and cry -was raised for
two young men who were suspected of
having committed the crime.
They were traced to oateroae, where
the police came upon them as they were
engaged In a, dispute with an outfitter
about adme new clothing which they had
purchased. - ' ? t , y l , j,.
The men turnea upon tnein .pursuers.
Whom they received with revolver shots,
killing workmen and wounding a po
liceman. One of the murderers was tak
en, but the other escaped and barricaded
himself la an outhouse, t - '
Steps were taken to smoke him' oiit
with sulphur, and when he appeared at
the window, he was shot dead.
Boston Market la Good Shape With
Movement liberal ; and Ontlook
, Rather '. Favorable j ' London lias
Very Good Tone.' '
Boston. Mass.. Oct. ll-Tradlng In
wool has broadened in the Boston mar
ket though the aggregate of sales
does not quite measure up to that of
the previous week. Conservative esti
mates give the total transfers as fully
8. S 00,000 pounds. . This Is composed
largely of territories graded and In the
original bags, but also contains a fair
proportion of foreign fine woola and o
mestla fleeces. Manufacturers show a
little more readiness to , pay asking
prices, though It Is claimed that deal
ers are more disposed to meet tha views
of buyers. , w,. ,.-rT-
.London continues to show strength,
with: American buyers taking consider
able Wool, mainly crossbreds. v ,
Now that thg first shock of the actual
passage of the bill making drastic re
ductions in most . of ' the. sections ef
schedule K, is past wool dealers and
growers have a little breathing spell in
which to distribute the domestic wools
remaining-, unsold from'' the 1811 . clip.
Pull effect will not be given to the
tariff provisions until after the dates
fixed for free wool and tha new rates
on roods go Into effect Enough Is
known to enable the trade to forecast
to some extent the effect upon the tex
tile Industry and the outlook on wool is
by no means considered Jtopeless.
Continued Prom Preceding Page
Oregea ...,...,.. 240 ,
Oretna . ..... .M4
Orcsoa ................ S80 1
Oregon ...250 L t
Oregon ................ 4
Orecoa ...... .......... S '
Oregon ................ 18 '
Orejon ................ 8 ,
Oresroa 10
Washington ............ 8
Washington ............ M
Wasblngtoa ............ 0
Washlogtoa v.,..,.... T
Oregon 10 ;
M '
'Prise winners from gitenv fair. '
-' Tuesday Homing galea. "
' " . f STEERS . '
Beetloa. Mo. 'Ave. tba.
Oregon IT
. , ..v . OOW8 -Oregea
1 i v " .BTIXS i
Orecoa ;...... . .....,' 4
Oregon. ....,...,....,, 8
Oregon 8
101 ,
1180 -
Oregoa. . ..'. ....178 . 88 r
EWES A , '
Oregon Tt ' 100
Washlogtoa ............ 100 " 90S
Washington ............100 ' )M
Washington ............ 4 188
Wasblngtoa t,....,,.... 8 " ICS '
Wssbingtoa .,.,. 45 , S14 .
Washlngtoa ....11 ' 21
Oregon 18 . . 180
Oregon ............. .f .' 4 , lh
Waiblngton ........ v. i , 8HO
Oregon 80 ' 11T
Washlngtoa 15 ' .12
Tuesday Aftenieoa Sales, t
Section .. No,
; f Jew Pricing System .
He Oravca Music Co. , removal" sale
Oregea '
,.......,. w
.N ........ TO
a . a a a
,,, 238 '
1T0 '
; Wedaesday Horning
Beettoa.i , . Jio.
Oregoa ,..-......... '
Oregon 8
Oregon ................ i
Oregon, ................ 1 .
Oregon" .... 9
4 .
, . COWS. ' '
Ave. lbs.
, 21
148 .
' 6
Oregoa '
I::::::::::::::: 1
Ave. tba.
1160 '
1048 V
10HS -,
1035 '
0M ,
1140 ,
loftO '
Ore gun r
; BCIX8. :
Oregoa 1-1200
. IAMBS, ' , -
Oregon 8T5 " BT
Oregoa r.,... 04 04)
i , ' 11008.
TO )04 r
,Wdaesday AfUraeea Kalea. ,
Section. ', No. Ave. lbs.
Oragva 88 . S28 .
Oregoa ..... 11 . KIT '
Oregoa .,...,. 9 . 800
Oregoa 1 . 850
Oregoa ................ 1 , , 80 -
Oregon ,....... 8 143 .
Oregoa : 8 M
Oregoa ...4. ....... . 5 .r, ' 00
Oregon ...... .........ltK, v 84,
Wssnmctoa 819 ' 65
Oregoa W " 00
Oregea ' 1 1 110
1 - BWK8 "
Washlngtoa VO , M
Oregoa 64 loo
Xanrtaay Morning sales,
-cows. ;
eetleeC , Ko. Ave. lbs..
Oregoa 4 1W.
, . - t uvui ;
, , 80 IRS
40 (- 200 '
................ 1 )
i T : 121
. ..... . .': 8 . i .M 420 4,.'
f Tharadav Afteneea galas. "
' i . STEKftA
Bectloa. . ao.
Oregon ................. 18
Oregoa J
Idaho .... It
Idaho. ................. J
Oregon 4
Idaho ....I............. f
Oregon ..........-.. l
- 88.M
- 8.05
' .00
, 17.15
- 5.00
' 8.05
8 0S
' S.05
- 8.85
V 8.00
- ao
1 85
. 0.M
, -
. 8.00
. t.00
, 8.00
, 0.00
, j00
i 84)0
... 5.00
, 14.90
' eo
. T.OJ
Idaho ....... ....v,.,,.. . jirt '
Oregon .......... 8 liuO
....... , HEIEER8
Idaho ,.. I 1150
' " 11008 ' '
Idaho ...........101 - 105
' ' . ,9 , WES '
Washington' ,,WS 04
Waalilugtoa ...)...... 2411 ' ' tH
Waabiiigtua ...2 80
Waahlugtoa ,. 20 s , 88
Waihlugtoa ...283 ' J00
Wasblugloa ,..,.i...;m . 81
Weighed off ears,, tberefore filled
lOe less, -..
XrUay Veraiaf Sales.
" 4 HOGS '
aoetloo, . No, Ave. lbs.
Oregon ......... 42 183
Waahlugtoa ........... 88 " 187
Idaho 8 4 ITS 1
Oregon 40 118-
Waablngtoa ............ 8 ' una
Idaho 8 ' 211
Friday Af tsnota Saiaa,
Section. ' , ho. Ave, lbs,
Oregon 1 11IO
Oragva 00 180
Oregoa ' . SM
Oregoa 1 8wo
IMarday Homing Balaa.
1 , BOttB
Seetloa. Ne. Ave. lbs.
Idaho .............. ....100 . 1A8
Idaho 1 SlO
Oregoa ................. 00 00
i XWES '
Oregoa 80 80
IS 86
4 UO
4 00
, 400
price ' is
. 18.08
S 05
. T.5
" T.45
- 85.00
Will I L
" The claim of John M. Hess, bow of
this city, and the counterclaim of Mrs.
Mahala Constable Berry, now Of Cal
ifornia, to the title of the first white
child born in Oregoa have drawn back
the curtain of time, bringing forth the
fact that A number of other births pre
ceded theirs. George H. Hlmes, curat
or for the Oregon Historical society,
advancee claims - for four, and Cyrus
H. s. Walker, a prominent ' granger of
Albany,, adds seven more names to the
llat.-.v,.:r.::,v-.,s;. ,r, v,;.,?'.
Mr. Hess was horn In 1845, while
Mra Berry first saw tha light of day
In November .11, 1844. Mr. Hlmes
names the following: Mra 'Jacob Karam
of Portland, born In 1840, Mrs. Maria
CampbeH Smith of PorUand, born In
what Is now Balem, in October 1841,
George P. Holman, now of Salt' Lake
City, born la Salem In February, 1942,
and - Oeneral, Medonem Crawford, U.
& A, retired, born in Wheatland, , Tam
hill county, in 1844.
Mr. Walker, writing from Albany, In
eludes In his list of seven names
those white children . who were born
In the old Oregon territory, whioh em
braced the present Idaho and Wash
ington. Historically speaking, It was
Oregon. T " : -
The verjifUBt white child, says Mr.
Walker, wav Alice O. Whitman, daugh
ter and Only child of Dr. and Mrs. Mar.
cue Whitman, who was bora at Walillt
pu or .Whitman's Mission March 14,
1817. . She was drowned in the Walla
Walla river near her borne the fol
lowing year. Jason Xee White, son
of Pr, and Mrs. Elijah White, an of
ficial of , the government among the
Indiana, was turn J"!i-
was drowned tUe !...,
the Columbia river nt ti e ,
CttdfB, , . Josil Bt'ern, k-h t i
Beers,' -a Methodist mi.!.d..i.i v.
born September 16, 1837, an 1 t
the bk of three.
1,'lisa :SpaldlnK, now Mri Ai
Warren of Brownsville, Or, was i
November ;; 18,.. 1837. She Is a u
vlvor of tha "Whitman mnasft--re ui
1847. . A boy born to Eev.' &11 V.r.
Jason Lee June 8, 1$3, lived oily 10
days and the mother, died immediately
afterward. Her grave was tha ftist to
he dug In Oregon for a white motin-r
and she was the first white woman tu
be married In the territory, isha was
married to Rev. Lee, July 18, ls3T.
Mr, Walker himself was born at
Whitman'a Mission, Pecember 7, 1138,
and claims to be . the oldeet living
white man ; born west of the Iiocky
mountains. , Be Uvea on a farm near
Albany. ' ' '
The late John Henry P. Oray of
Astoria Is Mr. Walker's seventh selec
tion, born March 80, 1839.
Use common sense buy Superior coal.
$8 ton. Main 154; A-164L . (Adv.)
Your Stomsch Dnd? .
Mayr$ Wonderful : Stomach
; Remedy, cuid Do Convinced
; That You Can De Restored
eiia ,( , - t
'" -rS5'r"ftir' if '
.. .......
: ;......,: i
Ave. lbs.
, 1105
1181 -.
. HOT '
lino '
1045 '
T0 -
.............. 1
. T.60
' 7.48
' 7.85
' 70
"( 7.00
) M
: IO.ts
a. 74
The Wonderful Acdlghona
- gives ran starlns to .
m m a tha dt loatantlf ad-
Mnleae f U Atuatmt for loud orfalol
1 1 ivtiiva aavi
soaod. Stopa kaad nokass
Reatorae Hearlna
head of otbar d
liaa eimoat aiuaan
eanitlTBw to aouiid. AU
1 moat nmaaetaoaa. trf
i mt m war(ia AutUyboa t
i we4V a u t. n...
plainly Euin-J,
1 F.J -ctroTriono Co
l.iimoerinr.l X..AS., C". 8fh.
- Slid buirl
Try This Free Pretcription
Do your eyes give you trouble t Do
you already wear eyeglasses or spec
taoleaT ' Thousands of people wear these
"windows" who might easily dispense
with them. Tou may be one of these
and It la your duty to save your eyes be
fore It'ts too late. The eyes are aeg-
leoted more than any other organ of
the entire body, . After you finish your
day's work you sit down, and test your
muscles, but how about your fcyesT , Po
you rest them 7 Tou know you do not
Too read or do ' something; else that
keeps your eves busy you work your
eyes until you go to bed. That is why
so many have strained eyes and finally
other eye troubles that threaten partial
or total Diinanesa. Eyeglasses are
merely crutches; they never cure. This
free prescription which haa benefited
the eyes of so many may work equal
wonders for you. , Use It a Short time.
Would you like your eye troubles to
disappear aa If by magic 7 Try this
prescription: , Go .to the nearest wide
awake drug store and get a bottle of
Optona tablets; fill a two-ounoe bottle
with water, drop In one tablet and allow
it to thoroughly dissolve. With the
liquid bathe the eyes two to four times
dally. Just note how quickly your eyes
clear, up and . how soon the tnflamma
ttoa will .disappear; Don't be afraid to
use It: It la absolutely harmless. Many
who are now blind might have : saved
their eyes had they started to care for
them In time. ' This Is a simple treat
ment, but marvelously effective in mul
titudes of caaea, wow that you have
been warned don't delay a day, but do
what you can to save your eyes and
you will thank us as long aa you live
for publishing this prescription.- Adv,
v Ton are tint asked te take Vajrr'e Wonderful
Stamaea Xasedr tor weeks and moottai before
Tou receive aoy beoeflt one dose la araaUr "
raqalrad . to eoavtaee the Bust skeptical euf
ferer of Btomach AllmenO) that this greet
reaedr should restore anyone so affllcttS te
good health. Hayr's Wonderful gtomaoh Bern '
edy has been takes br many tboosands of
people througbont the land. It baa broujcht
kaaltii and aappiaass to sufferers who had dee
paired ef tr belDg restored sad who bow pro
claim It a Wonderful Kemedy and are arging
others who may be suffering with Btemaob,
liver and lateatinal Ailmeata to try It, Mind
Son. atayr'a Woaderful gtomaoh Eemedy Is ao
Kfereet than Boost medlolnes that are pat eo
the market for the varlone etomacb ailmeata
It la really la a class by , itself,- and one doee
will do more te eoirruic the moat ekeptlcal
offerer than i tons of ether medicines. Beaults
from one dose will amaae and the benefits are
entirely aataral, aa it acta on tba eooree and
fooDdatioa el these ailments, remevlDg the
polaoooue eatarrb and bile aeeretlona and al
laying the underlying ebrooio Inflammation is
the alimentary and Intestinal tract, rendering
the same aatlsaptle. Juat try one doee of
Kayr'a Wonderful Etomacb Eemedy put it to
a test today yoa will be overjoyed with your
esMt reeoverr sad wlU - highly prataa tt aa
thoassnds of others sre eonatantly doing, lend
for booklet on Stomach Ailments to Uee. n. ,
liarrt Mfg. Cbemlat. 154-160 Whiting t Chi
cago, 111. Per sale la Portland by tha Owl
Drag Cow Broadway and WeahinKton sta.
Srinc back color,' gloss and thicknaga
'',. 1 wesk r&eMje4Wekfll 1M Sk CaaVSh
and Sulphur. . , , ; '
' Common garden have brewed Into a
heavy , tea, with sulphur1' and aloohol
added, will turn" grr, streak d and
faded hair beautifully dark end luxuri
ant; remove every hit of dandruff, stop
scalp itching and falling hair. Ulirr
the- Sage Tea and Sulphur , recipe at
home, though, is troublesome. Aa eas
ier way Is to get the ready-to-use tunic,
ooatlng about 10 cents a large Uott'e, at
drug stores, known as "Wyoth's . ae
and Sulphur Hair Remedy," thus avoid
lng a lot of muss. '
While wispy, gray, faded hair Is not
sinful, we all desire to retain our youth
ful appearance end attractiveness. By
darkening your hair with WyotU'S Page
and Sulphur, no one can tell, because It
does It ao naturally, eo evenly. Tou
Just dampen a sponge Or soft brush with
it and draw through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time; by morning
all gray hairs have disappeared. After
another application or two your hair
becomes beautifully, dark, glossy, soft
and : luxuriant and you appear years
younger., . ' ," . " , :
af I -- - - ......r. w w w w
"T,! J "' ,( a safe and sure "wo..,"
.anan'a m.lllii. ... . ,a tak.
kjx wocka like aieirlc. i'rtra t2.v;
r ':nd furam"il by the llelfnnd
vo, i.d aiorrlaua stiwt.
IHH) ACID 111 TM :
T tk it slass tt Salt if your Back tarta
r kddr bottlers you-r-Drizl.
Vv mors vtter. a
If you must have your meal every
day, eat It, but flush your kidneys with
salts occasionally, aaya a noted au
thority who tells us that meat forms
urlo add which almost paralyses the '
kldneya In their efforts to axpel it from
the blood. They become sluggish and
weaken, then you suffer with a dull
misery in the kidney region, sharp paina
in the back or sick headache, disslness,
your stomach sours, tongue la coated
and when the weather la bad you have
rheumatlo twinges, The urine geta
cloudy, full, of sediment, the channels
Often i get sore ana imiaisa, ooiiging
you to eeek relief two or three times
during the night .
To neutralize these Irritating acids, to .
cleanse tha-kidneys and flush off the
body's urinous waste' get four ounces of
Jad Salts from any pharmacy here:
take a tablespoonful la a glass of water
before ybrealcf aat for a , few days and
your kidneys will then act fine. This
famous salts is made rrom the acid or
grapes and lemon Juice, combined with
lithla, and has been used for generationa
to flush and atimuate sluggish kidneys.
also to neutralise ' tha aclda In urine, "
so It no longer irritates, thus ending
bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is Inexpensive: cannot In- -
Jure, and makes a delightful efferves
cent lithla-water drink. '
1 J. I REEFE' ;
'8PECIAUST - ; ?
Careale and Wervwwe We.
eaeee iwadlly anecamb ta
i mytlwrongb aaa eaaaaes.
are aMtbode ef trees.
BmbI whee they ere
, sarafeUy and eaaalatestlr
luUewed. r allataaos are
at a . aUniuuia, b.
eaeee I bate treated
auutssefallr tboaaaads af
, eaaae exactly like yaat
ewa. It la aa error a,
te seek the adric at
epeeiallat who baa kM
seam el esuarltuuo ana
gives exclusive iMwaaoal sttenUow ta tae
treatment at sock eeeee. I ei ftcw-d
te pruaee ta tbo stataa of Oregoa. Wa.e
logtoa. Calltorvle and Nevada. My- ofdre
Is tboroagbly equipped wttk everr eieetiv
sal and mechanical device seceasary tt
the ecMBtlOe treatment f roue aUinaau.
I tba tatvat taitisillea.
'P 1 g Xrt Bneeeesftillyi
fHrtOWft - hBHVOta, J.UMIB. ' gKte.
gaBNIt, VHKJlail8M.KKLaAhIH.NlA,
icuttaiA, auuM, .. btxaiui, . ftbka u
wiuia.".,?4;V .vi;',;,!''. ';,.;!'('? .j.'; :
- Oaasnltattoa aad gxamtoatloe ruaa.
g te e I te 4MUI MuaUa 10 i t
J. J, KEEFE, Ph. G. M. D.
Stoema 11-18 Lafayette EWx
luv , frasfftso'rti! er.. coa, rn.
1 rojtiLaKD. OB,
I Br
! W ' ...... r t
l 5
,T .
r 'i
adv page 12. seoUoa i (AdvU