The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 12, 1913, Page 18, Image 18

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I Former AVeaknesa Disappears and
i An Interest Begin to Purchase
1 Growers Aw Now Holding Posl
tlon of Mnch . Importance.
" T Trvmfcm M- COMB.
" Thl has been a very Tantul wwk In
1 i. .mi ' tha ' market ' baa
tlal weakness now aaema to av Deeo
tn to, wtica of certain in
tereiU who wanted to buy, and there-
fore created the Wea that to manei
A In lhla they were
Ju.t aa -llUmtte a have been tha
ho ntv, nerBiBieniiy mm"
Viicea, even beyond tbe height where
i There la only one lde to tha nop mar
1 fcet m far aa the ataUetlcal poeltlon of
1 price anaii ro, buiuv i " " J
Sf the opinion, that th Price ahou d
over" but the other aide telleyea that a
, There ia no mlsunderatanalnr the
atrong poaiuon J"?
There may be perlodo of teg'?
but are In a position to hold of' un"1
they forco many growere to let go.
There may be times when it looks al
most certain that the price cannot pos
sibly recover lte strength, but aane
Summary of the situation Jnd cates that
barrlar accident, of , nnlpulaUonthe
price snouia remain r- w
di?c? -"".'sl; i. of
the making of V"''?!
lnieresis hijf ---- y.,,t
yarding what la going to happen, but
SnJess growers become weak kneed there
is not the allghteat . possibility :,that
prices will recede.
many growers who do not have financial
baling that will allow them to hold
their suDPllea for an Indefinite period,
and It U from thle cUss that the short
sellers and bear operators expact to get
thThe?e,1; not the atlgrhteat. doubt now
that the recent decline in nop Parf
prices tom 28o to hllt1. vary
V large' per cent of the trade haa been
-ho'rt a?l the time. While soma tha were
f bad changed front ao 3at they, too,
' could cover at a profit. Buch tactic
1 teost Oregon hop growers much money
thfs. season, but the wore is perhaps
, even so far as the growers and, these in
terests are concerned, because .the latter
placed the market on an artificially bull-
I lsh plane some time ago.
Interest In the hop market by Amer
i lean brewer Is perhaps one ox tha best
i lRns that haa been ahown In the trade
V ecently. TJpTto a few day ago It was
i almost impossible to Interest doneatte
J brewers In the hop market at all. Now
they are showing that they nava been
converted to the high price Idea Jy send
J inn in quit liberal orders at tha recent
advance., '. , . -
f Tli Me prices are tbosevat which Wbetetalen
! Sell rm retallua, exoept . a etlnrwlse Utd:
i BUTTER Nominal. Ore me it cube. Mc
I State rrearaery. 82ffl33cf audi batter. 22c.
J EGOS Nominal Candled local extra,, 4oe,
. eeVaet pnlleta, (Oct erdtnary taadled,. SSe; eaae
1 count, B8a34e; spot baring price, Ste t e. b.
Portlands atorare R26i3c.
LIVB POULTBI Bene 1BC( springs
lac; itaita, 8c; geesa; 12ei Pekta daekt, 14 ip
Ific; Indian Eannera, 10c; torken, 31e; draaaed.
Soc; pireona, oia, n, n.o uomm. ...
- CHEtBR Nominal, rreah Oretroa faner mil
rrna rwlns and triplets, 17c; daisies, 1THJ
Sonne America, 184e.
BUTTEB FAT Prodnears price for tatlaad
, deUrery, per lb.. Me,
, Hops, Veal sal Btaes. ,
v BOPS Saying price, cbelce, jsef prime Mel
' ! swdlam te prima, 23c; (oedlam, 2c lb.
t WOOI-Nomlaal, 1818 cbp. Willamette vak
ley coarse Ootsmtld, lfle lb.j median Bhrop-
sblre, 17c: choice fsncy lota, .18c Ifa.j eaatera
: 1 Vregon, 10ffll6c. according to shrtaluga. ,
cuiTTiM oa caacAUA BaBKr isul car
, lots, fie: less than ear lota, ic ,
. MOHAIR 1818 Nominal BOc
HIDES Dry bides; Sl22c b.t green, llej
". salted hides, Ue bulla, green salt, 8c; kips.
I Jiai8e calrea, dry, 24326c; call skias, salted
er gresB. 17aJ18e; green hides, le less than
1 salted ; sheep pelta, salted, ahaarlngs, lOQSOei
! dry, lOc
meats, risk and VrsrlatOBs.
" CBE88BO mi ATli BaUlng price Ooontry
i killed) Bogs, (aaqr, 11; ordinary, 11; rough
', and baary, c! lancy veals, lo; ordinary,
'.. UVse; Pour, U$12ci lambs, 10ci nuittoa, iOa
i coats, lajee,"' '' '
' HAMS, BACOH, IT& Bsas. tlUa2SHe;
. I break (ut bacon, ITHOSOHet boiled bun, ficj
picnics, Uttcj. cottage I). , "
IaAKO Tierce Ufti empoasd, tierces.
t. MKJLTS raeaing noose steers, jre. I stock.
14e. eawa No. 1 stock. ISUfllBe: ems. 8V4ei
r wether,, 9ttc; lastbs, llVicj pork lotos, ioc;
Arsaaed bogs. llVie.
OXBTKKS fiboalwater bay, per gallon f ),
' per 100 lb. sack ) Olympia, per gallon,
v? t ta-(0; per 100 lb. sack (); canned, eastern.
65e can) $S.b0 dosea; eastern, la abeU, Sl.iod
, 8.00 er 100; rssor clama, 2.00.J5 bos.
. . V1SH Nominal. Dressed flonndeia, Tc; bait.
'- but, 7Q9ci striped bass, ITc) chlnaok saloon,
i ac; stseuweds, (); solas Te lb. shrimps,
' ISVie; perch, 8 lb.; lobsters, 80s lb.; black
.:7T h- era. fillwaw efnatlt fi; ahail. St kl 1
! CBAfi-Larg, fl.Tfi; nedlna, $1
r ' flrstierleS-
- t BU0AB On be, to. 85; powdered. $8.iB fruit
, I er bernr, 80.20; beet. 8S.06; dr grsaalsted,
I as.3fi h yellow, i.6S. (Abore tjaoutlons are
1 ao days net caab.J
i BICK Jspaa style, No, 1, BUOSe New
Orleas,, head. 67o; Creole. 6He.
, i H0NBT New, f2.7ft par case.
' DJtANB Bmall white. 2-oes large white.
I BJtcj ping, dfcc; lima. 0i4c; plnka, 4cj bayo
Alt Coarse, bait grounds. 100a. 10 per
ion; ow sivvio, win oairy, bus, sis; loa,
17.50; bales, 82.26; extra floe barrel,, 2a, 0s
u4 KM, 83.2Site.00. lump rock, 20M par ton.
rnilts and Tsgetahlae.
' TBE8H FKC1TU Oranges, 80.00(38.00; ba
aanas. Me per lb.; lemons. th&; (mes.
IJM par 100: grape fruit, CalUorula, 15.50;
plnespples 6U7e lb.; canuloapea, 82.00e2.T8:
peaebea, fancy, OOiaaoc; ordinary, SOiioc; wa
lermelona, IWc; grspes. Concords. 120 per 4
lb. baaket, ataar farletlas, TficiL2&; pears,
(UKxal.TS. ,
, ,aTALE8 Tarnlpe. IjbO; beets. 81;
oii 81; parsnlpa, 81.00 sack; cabbage, 81.25:
1.1 tomatoes, OQ75o per box; string beana!
HOSe lb. J green outona, Vto dosen bnncbea:
! peppeia, beu. bead lettuce, ao26c
flower, gl-tttfl-BO dosen; rhubarb, local )
i t artlcbokes 81 dosen; sproots, So lb.: apinack
local, be lb.j peas, 7c; green com, 10UK-o
per doses '-.
, , BEUKlsa BlacktMrries, IJS; fcocklebet.
f rlea. SlllOe lb.
i Al'rLKS Bating apples, $lXKXa3.W; cooking
, applaa, 11.00 ' . "
: foxa-roaa wmng price: Krtra choice,
t 81.25; choice, 1.1 ordinary, $1 Mck; buy.
1 lug prloe, earlosda, 7bjtl6g country polau;
. aiaraet,. SO lb.
. ' ON10NB Jobbing price, tLTB; carload bar.
j Ing price, $18 t 0. b. shipping station; guue.
' 1 TlVKiairn Alia Saw tibia: ROM i . a..a
V tie boiled, bbla., 61c gal.t raw cues, ee; boiled
' caaae, wv ml w aw aaiana, 10 leaa:
11 cake meal. U per ton.
l WU1TB lKAD Toa lote, 8c par lb.; BOO lb.
TVtIL U1AI Oatload lots. 834.
' TliRPKNTINB In cases. 73c: wood k-r i.
., roc; .Iron barrels, efts per galleas 10 ease lata.
'.,!T , 1 "
i South ' Omaha" Advance Early but
1 ohowg Jjoag latter.
i Conlk Omaha. Oct. 11. Cattle 109. Market
. at.artr. H tears es.isjavjmi eow ana aeuera,
f H Jlf .
I Uoiia 4000. 4 Market epeoed 8 higher, closed
i tuner at $7.6010.8.25. . ' ,
...! None. Market ' nominal ? Tearltsn
) ' AU; wethara. 84Mt.vlnbHJ7aod
,, . 'W, -T "", 'ft.-iiW.,; . I . a':; lav V VPI - A " 1 , W , ' V " 'v aVl' w I BJP ftW L . - . -;.- 1 aa . r"..i r
UN BEtlEB H; : .' ' .- .ft-, Jv : ,x
, Take ' Mora ' Optimistic View of . : .. . - - ' X .
. Trad. CondlUonn Fndncen Be- . , , . ; tf -fr 1
Ttv nenrr Clews. '
Material conditions affecting fh ito
market gnow no imporum iw v-,
oropa are now practically beyond erl-
An A n mii nA fair areneral result are
aaaured. Farmer are certain of secur
ing profitable prloea for tneir proauuw,
and whll thia may not b entirely, aat
t . kma wKa ,m mmmW i n a a re
duction In the coat of living, thy fact
that an imponani otaaa ui
trial producers is to have a fairly good
year Is an element of much l"POt,c
In the prospective demand and distribu
tor! of merchandise. Besides, our farm-
era have naa wwai w,-
of prosperity and ar abundantly able
to stand any local losses In crops with
out serious financial Impairment Aa
for lower price for food products, they
can only be attained by a larger .produo.
r. . "s . ... ,uiat nn i, well aa
by more economical methoda of dls-
trlDUtlon; ail i wmco oujtow -auire
time for accomplishment, i . 1
nnr monetary situation also show
little change. There is atlU. a very
strong cautionary apirtt tu imuuui w-
i - . i - A .Vm.J ,nii t n M f 1"
of an autumnal crisis, though dimlnlsh-
k.- .nt..l no ,m! awav. In
mo u in leu Diam nw "
iii.j CIA.. aUa .HilIIah Vi a Ulna
auesuonaoiy oeen mucn reuevcHt y u
r rr- .tuint Half nf chir nrnm.
Ised bO.UUU.VUtt fgvernraeni ueinmiw
having already reached the banks. The
lull v requiremeni ior ani v
m -.a .i luM m, ain1 tnal
may be expected to expand for some
Air . nnm. Vv,rtiAl,iM mil hn.nks
are In a more comfortable position than
OXpOCieu. ' anu . IUI, i wuuw . manic,.
of distrust la gradually disappearing;.
T a.n I k.HlrMM F 1 -A-1 m lt A 1 1 1 W A tl
loans, and show a disposition to restrain
ait xorina ui, uuuu, wutu, mi, ,m-
dency being ; to encourage, contraction
rather than expansion of 1 loana ; In
are taking oar of their regular custo
mer ac easy rates. .
The money situation abroad, however.
la lua a ohmKI. Th1, Wttfll akmrhaa1afi
by the advance In the Bank of England
discount rate to 6 per cent, which was
evidently Intended to check, exports of
a.1 a a- MtAslna ' Ti4 1 mwA TJIanrnt havm
BJVIU .V jbiiioi ivsa 1 misi bui a;ty ess - w
already absorbed . large aumi recently.
AfUrOpv lllaal SUV JT91j IWUV017U
.a Ik. Oa 1 1ran . l?st It ttVaiandk
and Germany, aa well aa some other
countrlea ara piling up bltf war cheats
which not only impose a traln upon
unanciM rcauurocn, ? wui jubv wiobiw
liutas ' ' Vav 1 i' aejoaa v wuimiucu uivhrh
aiaia vaaamasaaVI , awrnaata silwsaaiai 4t tsa sn Irt n bV Mltaa
PUyi VcWag uuvevafiiiBno; a aa viaaaaaiuBj
oles. The October settlement in Paris,
wnicn wero regaraea.wiin sums Biire
henslon. fortunately passed off without
disturbance: but th European situation.
Just referred to, illustrates the world
wide stringency of money from which
there 1 no Important relief yet In Bight
Tha prospecta of our Importing gold
tniB nyi ur wuiwr an lyiiivwuah nuvv
Only Show of Strength I In the
InltlaJ' Trading ' and Then thV
.Market Ia Unchanged From the
Closing Point of Friday.'
Chicago, Oct , 11. The only show of
strength In Wheat at any time today waa
at the opening. Wire houses and an
Individual leader with a considerable
following In the local trad aold early.
It waa near th close when several
prominent concerna In the trade become
aggressive on the selling side and
caused ao much . weakness that long
wheat come out from many source.
There was a sharp drop In Ouluth re
ceipts this morning, but thia failed to
count aa an element of support against
other bearish Influences. Milling sale
of wheat were limited to 40,000 bushels.
All the foreign markets ; reported x
ireme ouunesa.
There was selllnc of corn on a liberal
scale during the morning. . The market
was steadied for a time by purchases
of December against sales of corn to
tn east overnight by a couple of ele
vator concerns. Later th market had
to take 600,000 bushels of corn from
some unknown source, through a local
broker. Th fact that the short Interest
was largely reduced on th upturn th
J ast couple day left the trade to be
nfluenced by some aggressive selling.
Probably the fine weather over the bin
corn state and th favorable forecast
for a couple days ahead had much to
do with th heaviness. Oat futures mad
a little closing rally- from low point.
Bnippinjr sues or iio.uvu ousneis neipea
the feeling on th buying side at. tha
close. It 1 probable that the greater
part of the selling- for th day wa In
fluenced br the break In .corn.
There waa dlaaDnolntwient In th
provision trade at the close because
packers railed to come into the market
with support aa they frequently do to
establish a better basis for sale of
cash stuff. It waa a weak and Bagging
market moat of th session.
Rang of Chicago price Tarnished by
Overbeck A Cooke company.
ovacu vi jtraue Dunning.
Month. Open. High.
Dee. 86 8654 ,
May W 01
1 A
DwC, a t-wsMaeve 85 6094
i ar
71 7
41 . 41
44U . 44)8
1088, 1
1080 '
Jan. ........ .1888 1908
1087 A
' '. a
1030 A
10T8 k-
1030 A
May 1980 1080
10TS '
Oct. .........1078
Jan. ....1048
May 1000
Money and Exchange. ' , j j
ver, 2 8 id; bank rat. 6 per cent. -
a.vw av,, 1 ' "KJ wt.. ....a ajkuiiMB,
Long, 84.MM; Bhort, 14.86. Silvar
nuiuon, io - - ,
t , u i
Ban Franclaco. Oct. It. Btartlna.
change 80 daya.4.80, sight, (4.86:
doo., $4.80 Tramif ers Telegraphic,
ygr unit yieuiiuiu; aignt. par,' .
. New York Cotton Market I
Month. j Opea,' tHeb. . Low. .Close.
Jan. .........1808 1310 , J2&4 .120498
nana ...... . ibis , yjsnnS
May ..,.1813 ' 1818 , 128 19'UH7
Inly J306 . . 1808 128 VlmtitmS
Oct. 1344 ' 1844 1830 laao31
aVeCf Mmmim-- 1828) . 18.0 1810(11
By Hyman H. Cohen.
Hllmtnatlnn of , nnlltlfta would nrob-
ably have been worth hundred of thou
sand of dollar to raoioo nortnwest
apple growers this season. Tha aver-
r- vTAwaM Arapn.niation i todav hon
eycombed with politic, and this la prob
ably one or tna very worst iniug, ium
the average producer has to contend
with. '
f Mtna MaaairfaiV lr VMrlAnS
head offlclaltf ofa Paciflo northwest
fruit dlstriDUung agency mat uie biiu
IsaUon of the concern this season haa
ik- -Arl44n f nvant 11 000.000 to
Paclfio northwest apple grower.. . . ,
This seem to be more of a political
utterance than anything else: therefor
1 accepted for Just what it la worth in
I? 1 ..... that inmaf
theae organlza-tlon which ar blowing
louuest aa v j w.iT:
producers, ar In reality th one Who
are selling at the lowest price thiase.
son, seems to have been lost eight of by
those mailing in ",'n nnn iS
the cauae of th gain of $1,000,000 In
wealth by apple grower by reason of
their existence.
..: Frioe ruN wy swiw '
a . . 4ab ara MywI mAM bV
uppiy an., . --
concerns, ainwuau, C " r.
sanitation that has the best connec
tions and Is "Johnnyn-the-epot when
th .uppiie ar noeu .a. "-ttfuSZ
in siP- '.."i: ZZuZm Wimir
time lurce i ,
to hav proper organlgation and Judg
ment meina the loaa of thouaanda of
."newa. a season when rival
worth to producers ary;
tning www v----,-
On, ano only taua w jamm.
World's Grain Crop Shows Shortage
of 1,250,000,000 Bushels This Year
Minneapolis. Minn., Oct 11. Serious
Miata in tha world' a crop of
g?aln for li$. The aupply 1 fieariy i
nr Mat lii than last year. Tho racal
SKency'aggreSStU ftOOOjOOQ bush
el of th live grain etaple. - Thl
.hortag 1. not mao up by Potoe. th,
SJTfiat?. and $OMOO,000 bushel.
IMS than tna world' normal potato crop
of 1910. . ' ..-
cated the preUmlnary report upon
world'a crops and tha future of vrleaa.
prepared by Oranga Judd Nowest
KTrmatead of Minneapolis aa of October
1. Thia authority emphasises that the
four readstuffs-Uheat oat rye and
barley will probably be 600 .000,000
bushel less this year than In 1MJ, 70.
000,000 bushela less than two ywcm ago.
but 4 per cent mora than in .tna iio
orop AmplaBnpply of Wh.
"TJnles Russia and ATgentlnaeon
cltid th year with mueh greater yields
than now seems possible, Northwest
vairmntaaif save, "the world a wheat pro
duotToneWm U only tabout 100,00000
bushel, libera San last year " This will
Oe an increase1 01 wu . a u
SeTitipply of wheat produced through
out the world in 1912:
Of this Increase ousneis
dna to the extent to which th bonansa
wheat crop of the United State ana
Canada exceed, laat ywr-" .
; - .'An rnnaa yi,imiu"j C c , -
aa.7 1 M- ,AA AAn AAA KliahalM.
which has since been confirmed by the
IDA AAA AAA Thia ia In shaTO
nnntrant to the anparently. misleading
and erroneoua forecast put out in late
Agrlouiture at Rome of 812,000,000 bush-
ei aa tn xuasian crop, - , .
Of grave importance also Is tha J&iro-
t . . 7 i . na.anaa.'ava.
more than wheat, is rye the breadstuff
DC:: IO, lOCII4 a.,.y .
Northwest Farmstead iuim wai jKuruo
may hav only 1,700,000,000 bushel of
rye of the 1018 crop, or J30.000.000 bush-
be still larger if latest cabled adylcea
irom KUSBl are reiituiia, - ;
,,.v, n.a VaSnntlna in . data ' OrOtk. )
Tha ahortaaa In tha world'a supply of
oats bids fair to b greater than waa
- amDllaa aMA In Kfa-tf. Amairlea
than last vnr M more than, 300,000,000
bushel, and - with another 100.000,000
oezicit eisewnere, uia wui iu m v, yj
oats may be 10 per cent less than last
year, a aeoreaa oi tvv.uuu.uuu puaw
. 1I.A-w.-a M aaaahaB 4lla TTiYVm
clufctlon ia spita) of allowing1 thai Kuasia
has tha moot trodiffioua oal crop laviU
lalaH4aK.a.1 rtrtA AAA AAA . kiisaViailal -; ''-",;."li i
Barley 1 much, less than sual In
North, America, but th world'a total
yield may com up to tha normal
amount ' L '
. la.nla WaTVat at OaiWI VrloO.
' It appear from official return of th
actual movement of grain that only
about 18 per cent of the world'a total
wheat crop la consumed outside of the
countries of production. - '
Theae consuming countries ar Great
Britain and Eurcpe east of Russia, which
tha araiv aaAiV that SllffArM tha heaVH
teat relative defloloncy In .191$ grain
TOropg, ThertOT.eNorUiweat.Fara8tea
keep price below th lavel wher they
rightly belonged. .
There ha been entirely too rauoh pol
Itlc In fruit organisation In the Pa
cific northwest Everywhere there are
cliques, which try to rule or ruin. All
are looking; for their- Individual Inter
ests, and. It la up to th grower to keep
them In Una. . . . ,
Growers are perhap more to blame
for th loss of some of their profit
than are th leader, of th organisa
tion. Th average produeer haa been
found to allow the other fellow to do
hi thinking. Th result has been in
many Instances that some other fellow
has got the money, whll th fanner haa
had th experience.
Spokane Apple,. Show Oftlclala to
Campallror Exhlblti Prom :
the Northwest. ',
epokana, Waah.. Oct llOBvary apple
district In th Faelf lo northwet will re
ceive on or more visit from represent
ative ot the Sixth National Apple Show
and Fruit Product congress between
now and th opening of th exhibition In
Spokane, on November 17. .
W. P. Roman atarted on a tour of th
district early this weelt. glng, first,
to North Yakima. While there Ti will
make arrangementa for placing thelr en
tries at the show, ter a fewdaya
there, Mr. Roman .will vlsiJT Wenatchee,
Hood River, Rogue River, Walla Walla,
Moscow, Lewis ton- and other northern
Idaho district, alao western Montana. ,
believes those eountrietf will 1 need to .im
port between 600.000,000 and 700,000,000
bushels of wheat durlngtha flsoai year
ending June 80. 1914, thus calling for
very bushel of surplus wheat .
In the case of corn, only about IB0
000,000 out - of an average world s sup
ply of 8,850,000.000 bushel 1 consumed
In th corn-importing countries but th
surplus thl year la ao reduced that it a
a question whether any such, quantity
can oe spareu.
? A Qtuanom OI iiiaminiaiMi ?
am....,n ia ia nmlw naiuiiarr to dlS-
" iiioirav. a- m v..a - .
trlbut and market th rjll
graauaiiy ana "vcihj
oomlng Biz to ten month to aupply the
demand "without artificially reduclnf
nriAD, .. anva Oranga Judd Northwest
Farmstead." It addsi In Tlew of the
increasing population, anu
umpUon of Industrial proaperity
little Bnsinesa la Reported at Any
s Point in the Pablflo North- !
west Thia Week. . .
I . Thar haa been a very quiet tone all
week in tn grain o-wa oawmw
almost been at a etandstlU throughout
tha Pacific northwest A -nfUw
of wheat waa purchased at f raoUonally
. - -ha main. Mnaratnra
lower pncwi wa .a a"- -m- -
w"Sh. iln wheat situation ConUnuea
congested, and aa prices here JM UU
somewnat uikuw
there haa been no recent selling- abroad.
, viatB Iliaiaei. awaaa -a " . . , --
and sllghUy reduced price, but taken aa
tne wnoi ue nunw auye-ia .,
either way. ' - - " ,Ariaw
trade, "with absolutely nothing doing in
brewing and but little movement In feed.
whi,ui Nominal nroduoers prloea.
track baalst Club. ?5o milling, blu-
tm. 7388at Turkey, red. 84o; fortjr-
fold779o: red Russian and .hybrids, 78
ep77c: vaney, 'o ouanw.
-BARLB3Y Nominal producer prloea,
track basia Feed. $24aiJI4.B0 bMrwlng,
$26.50; rolled. $26.60 per too, ''
f OATS New. feed, $9 mlUlng. $2S.M
LVra' ' a.itl . Vatant 84.70:
Willamette vally, $4.70 local straight
i 8.85 ; export, ta.ooM.
ir AY Producer orle-s: "WllUmett
valley timothy, fancy. $1414.80j east
ern Orepon-Idaho fancy? timothy. $18
16.60 alfalfa, $11018; vetch and oata.
MILLSTUFFS Soiling price: Bran,
$21; middlings, $30: aborts. $28 per ton.
GRAIN BAGS N0. caiouna,
akal t . 1 . .'.,. .,' .j..' i, ,., :)"'!. at,'.' u- " - '"I 'J I
TfLOTEn EKED Buying price! No.
1 red, county point- ,ioi Portland,
i0o;JsUc-.iJ14ot - "
r 7V-f ' ' -wa la :' aMaa ' la.tal.
iucu W'lU aaiv oaauvis aaa vaaava a.wa-
nesses. and who own apple orchards,
have been known to spend from $25,000
to $30,000 for a small traot of apple
land, and absolutely pay no attention
whatever to th marketing end of the
business. ' Such tactics would not pay
dividend In any mencantil line; neither
ar they, profitable In fruit raising. -
Too SCn oh Oonfldeno. . ,
Whan the average bualnes man, 1
aakd for credit by a customer, th abil
ity of that person to pay his bills and
his record for payment are most gener
ally thoroughly Investigated. Not ao
with th fruit grower however. , He will
take any one's word for 'hi honesty
and ability, and leave it to Divine Prov
Idenc to get him out with a whole skin,
Th result la th usual failure of the
farmer to mak suitable .profit out of
his Industry. -
The question of whether cooperative
marketing Is better than marketing; by
private interests is on that la still to
be settled. Result - to date ara seem
ingly unsatisfactory: There ara private
marketing concerns ; that net growers
better results than do th cooperative
organlaaUon. and there ar som of th
latter that really mak good.
wet multa to Conn. '
It 1 th net results of the marketing
end that should; count with th pro
ducer. Prejudice should be laid aside,
and th matter ahould be settled entire
ly by tha plok of the organization that
rives the grower most for hi produot.
That 1 what h Is In business for, al
though to he the way that most ot
them work th wire In their organisa
tion meeting, ward politic ar more to
their liking than anything el. If real
business Judgment ruled the action of
producer, the marketing problem would
aoon b a settled fact. .
throughout the world, th demand for
theae crop should be even better in th
oomln- month than usual
'Therefore, natural condlUona Justify
J continuance of th fair prloea to pro
niar . whlnh nravailad durlna Septem
ber, Yet it producers and dealers every
where rush th aupply to markat.tha
demand will be exceeded temporarily,
and prloea will ba depressed artificially
and unnecessarily." h
ratar of OnOa aMoaa la Amr1wa.
'A careful analysis prepared by the
Orange Judd service bureau show that
th prloe of grain In tha United States
and Canada ia mora closely affected by
the supply and other oondltiona in the
United State and Canada than by the
world'a aupply or Liverpool price. -
Price Too Low for , Producer , to
Consider; Are Waiting for -
Change in Situation. '
Independence," Or, Oct . ItrOwlng to
prloea not being sufficiently high to
aatlafytha grower, many tona of vetch
and clover seed ar being held at the
Warehouses, private bine, eta. In vari
ous Polk county towns awaiting tha
time when tha market will again, open
and good price will b paid. Through
out the harvest season of both the vetch
and clover crops during .August and
September, grower saw that there were
manw indication for lower srioes than
nave usually peen paiu, ana many re
fused to sell at xigure even consid
erably higher than were being offered,
v During th clover season, especially,
th absenoa of buyers wa specially
noted, soma grower not having received
vlalta Trnm int.
Growers In th leading clover growing
district claimed there would be a poor
market at4he start and that the prloe
would be below tne average paia in most
aMaona. vaton nrouani no a svuau insi
year to farmer who held tor a short
time, and clover' growers held their
clover seed until the. winter had well
advanced, and secured : lEo a pound, for
it while the pric at the huulng Um
la many times no more than flo or lOo
a pound. Those who hav no warehouse
pao r Jtoroeo iv neii iu veuiu e a
large, crop requlrea considerable room
to liav It stored. , - -.
Whatha or. not the erio Will ad-
Tance onough thia winter to pay for
holding tho seed is yet a queatloa among
th groweia tnamaeivea. - . ... ,
' , . HI ' . ' ' I '' ' '
Market nisee 10 to lBo With Only
Small Run In the Yards. w ,
- Kansas City, Oct 11. Bog 800. Market 10
ClAe blgber. Tops So. no. ,
Cattle 800. Market steady. ' ' , .
, 8beep-r800. Market steady to firm,
1 j 1 I "" 11 'aa-a-a .
, fi San Francisco Barley Calls. " f
Ran m-AnclaoOa Oct 1L narlavi
.. . , , , Onen. Close,
DeCemb? aaM-,.W.Wv141)4l 141A,
Aiax ami 1 wmmm i laninwiiwufgn n' " I . vou-
- . ; !', , i i' i ii i a f i I
Downward, Trend of Trade Is Con
tinued With General Iiosa In Val.
ues; Many Condition Contribute
to the Selling Side of Trade.
', New York, Oct ll.--The stock market
continued to display pronounced 'Weak
ness and th slight. rallies which took
place were" very febl and tailed to
hold, ' Sentiment of late haa been great
ly depressed by tha character of Wash
ington advice, and by tha well defined
lndloatlona of reactionary tendency in
trad clroles, both 'her and abroad. Th
uneasiness In . tha' , foreign markets,
which haa been, induced by the, f eara of
labor troubles and by the strained finan
cial 'condition In South America, Egypt
and India, contributed to the unsettle
meat in domestlo quarters, and a feature
of recent trading in the stock market
has been liquidation by holder of se
curities who purchased during th June
and July decline, presumably for per
manent Investment but who apparently
ara now disposed to reduce line In
view of disturbing factors confronting
the situation.
Support haa been conspicuous by it
absence, and prominent market Inter
eat seem disposed to resume a neutral
attitude pending some definite Indica
tion as to whether foreign liquidation
of American issues la likely to continue
on a broad scale and whether the cur
rency and banking legislation now in
prospect will be handled along non-
S artisan lines and in keeping with a
ealre to refrain from upsetting exist
ing standards. Aside from occasional
rallies growing out of an oversold con
dition. or1 short covering, the trade Is
Inclined to believe, a stated - recently,
that the trend of aecurlty prices -will
continue downward until ocourrenoes be
come suoh aa stimulate. .
Range of New York price furnished,
by Overbeck & Cooke Co.. 218-217 Board
-a. at ' VVa j M V,tlil.. 7 ' , .a, I...1,
y , mug umiuiii,
t.nLifiD n-rinvi
lOpenlUUb I Low I
Amalgamated Copper Ooi
AJnarican v. m , ..
American Can, e......
American .pan, pt......
Amerloaa Cotton Oil, . ,
almerlcan Looo., ..,,,.
American sugar, 0...
American Smelt, ...
Amarlcan Smelt, of.
.( 834l 68Mi 83
Am. Tel. A 'Tel........
Anaconda Mining Co.,...
Atcblson, e, ..........
Baltimore aV Ohio, ....
Beet Sugar..
Bethlehem Steel, e......
Brooklyn Rapid Transit
Canadian facuio, ...
Central Leather, ...,..
Central Lestber, pt.
CbU eV 0. W.,
Cbi, A O. W., pf
Cht, M. 8) Bt. P.,
Chi. A N. W., o.. ......
Chlno Copper...........
Chaaapeak A Ohio.,.
Oolorad . A I., o....
Consolidated Gaa. .......
Corn Froducta, .........
Cora Prodncta, pt. . . . ..
Denver A B. ., .,...
t)enTer A V pf-...-
Brte, a
Brie, Sd pf.'.,.., .......
Brie, latpf
General Electric . . ... . .
O. Northern, ere land.
a. Nortbern, pf
Ice Securities ........
Illinois Central..........
Int. Metropolitan, e. , . .
Int Metropolitan, pf...
27J4 tn 2714
140 j
Kansas City Boothenf. .
liouisriue waaarui.
M., K.- A T., .........
V., K. A T., pt......
Missouri Pacific........
National lend. .........
Nevada Consolidated.. .
New Uaraa ...........
New York Central,..,. .
N. Y.. O. A W.a..
18 4b
Norfolk A Western, ...
Piocm American .......
Nortbem Pacific, ....
PenntylTanls - Ballway..
Mr, v., xa, m u w..
Preaud steel car, c... .
Pressed Steel Car, pt....
Bay Cons. Cop par. ......
Beading, o. ...........
Beading, 2d pf......
Beadlns. 1st DI. ........
Bepnbllo 1. A ,,'....
uapuoue J. a, pi...
Bock Ialand. e.. .......
Bock Ialand, pf..i...a.
St U A 8. r.. 2dpf...
Bootbam Pacific, c. . . .
Bootbem Ballway, . .. .
Boutbara ttauway, pr.
Ten ft. OoDDer. . ......
Texas A Pacific..,. ...
T., Bt. la, W.l t.M...
T. BL Lm W- DX.. . .
Union Pacific .......
Union Paclflo, pf.......
V. H. KnDDar, o.. ......
U. B. Rubber, sl.,.a....
U. 8. Bteel Co., e,.,..
U. Bj. Bteel Co, pf
Utah Copper.,... a
Virginia ,. Cbemlcal.....
Waoaan, e. A.....IM,..
wanaan, pi. .'...-a a,,
W. V. TelearaDh
Westing houae klectrio.
Wisconsin central, e
atal sals 314,800 shares.
i lit, .i.ifi is niirnr ? 1 '
Output in Monmouth Section Esti
mated at 20 to 80 Per cent .. ,
. f Over 1912 Crop. ' , . ,
Monmouth, Or.. 1 Oct 11-All the
prunes In thia region of th county; ar
now under roof, Th drier of th Mon
mouth Evaporating company Is yet well
stocked ; and a sufficient quantity of
prunes Is on hand to run th plant for
several days longer. Most of thia week
wa spent In hauling th last of. th
crop to th varioua driers, aa Ploklng
m fflw cuw was luuiiHU ui, uipv va
the week. t 1 . ',
The prune crop was very heavy thl
season, estimates placing its Increase
over last year from 20 to $0 per cent
With weather condition Ideal during
th greater part of the harvesting; sea
son, and prospect ' most favorable ' for
better prloea for the product this year,
the grower ar well satisfied with the
outoome of th eaon, . '
Several new orchard will soon be
coming into bearing, and the crop In
this section will undoubtedly ' become
larger ach - season from .this time on.
Land that has been cleared in the hill
region wher th red soli is prevalent,
ha been set but to young prunel trees,
already many having been planted not
far from Monmouth. ,
l . ' 5 ' inn ii 1 i t- HC 1 M J f
iX , N 7
Salea Are Made at. $8.00, or Dime
. i. Above Closing of Friday. -
Chicago, Oct It Hogs 10.000. Left -
1800. Market 10c higher. MUed , sod tratcbara
87.75ffl8.60: good and heary, 8.05(fcJBt rongh
and heavy , 8f.66m7.98, light. 70(418.60,
Oattle200. Market steady. ,
1 Sheep 2000. Market steady
S, .' " V. '.. . aosncpgss ,,v . ...
oak Bt- Oround rioov. lowle JDlflJ,
Increase In Eustnea Come a Ite-
ault of Better , Net Iteturna to
Shippers Than Competing Centers
Have Been -Paying.
portiIakd iivzistoce: rtjw.
Week ending Hog Cattle Calve Sheen '
aa.a. mm j o n a re . n n n , aa 4 . n iv n r.
Oct, IX
aa 8867
$1 - $768 ,
wv. v a,a.,,.,aoww
Sent 27 2863
nutf :.
1085 '
87 ' 8648
$1 11,718
'83 - 9168
mv" 6868
' 28 f 6664
38 - 6223
Sept 20 ,,.,...8607
Sept IS .......264$
Year ago 2700
t year ago... U044
! , I, il i 1 .IUI H . I 1
f , , By Hyman II. Cohen. . V --
Tha importance of North Portland aa
a llTaatook trading center 1 being am"
ply demonstrated by tha ' gradual In
crease in the volume of business han
dled m the yards. Each year shows an
increase in the amount of tuff that
J lasses te th scales and the present out-- -ook
ia perhaps i the best since the nW
yards were established.
Notwithstanding the general decrease,"
In the holdings of cattle and hep ail :
over the country, North Portland haa
not only held It own In the amount of
tuft marketed, but up to yesterday
then waa an Inareaa in offering of -2193
head over th corresponding tlma .
a year ago aa regards th former, and, .'
an Increase of 88,421 head of th latter,
Thar must b something attractive 7
In th marketing end of the North Port
land market to call forth, such an In
crease in bualnes la th face 'of do-':.; j
creased showing in practically every
other livestock aenter In - th oountry.. .
While there hav been occasion,- per- " .
baps, when value here hav been om .
what out of line with those ahown at
competing center, atlll th averaga
prices obtained hav been aa good and
In many : instances -better .'than what
shipper could get elsewhere, Thl eon- ,
elusion Is drawn by th faot that A -large
per cent of th arrival her war 7
marketed from sections that oould bav. .
lust a easily shipped to Denver or ,
South Omaha.
The great lncreaa In th number of 7
hog marketed at North Portland la due
both to the very good prloe obtainable ,--her
and th Increase In th amount of -.
stock being produced In thl aeotlon.
For the year lo data ther were 133.801 v
head of hog marketed In th North. 7
Portland yard, or 67,098 head . mora
than - the corresponding time a year .
ago. ' 1 ' - 1 i
' Jfortlaad Xg Top for Xoga. - ' ,
'During th week North Portland again
climbed to the extreme top ' for lo(f
market prices in tha United fltatea. All'
stockyard center were diatanccd. Whlle -there
was a alight Increase In tha rata
aa compared with a week ago, th de--mand
for stuff wa more liberal and
price held firm moat of tha time,; . ....
General hog market range: ' ' - -
Top killer $8.0A$.$Ki
Good and light 8.60 8.65
Heavy '-.aa.a,.,a'.aaa J 512i
Bough and heavy 7.50 07.78'
. Xaghtar Jtum of Cattle.
Thar wa a aomewhat lighter run oft
cattle at North Portland during the!
week aa compared with the previoua 7
alx daya. The market reflctd. thl
condition moat of th period, th trend,
of th trade ahowing quit a fair lm
provamont over recent week.
Th mora limited runa of late have
given, killer a ohano to dispose of,
moat of tholr accumulated holding, and
for that reason most of them have r---'
appeared In th market with an earnest
desire to take holding of of faring,. , .
General cattle market range: - - '
Best teers a. -..$7.7r7.85! '
flrrllnarv ataera . 7.6O1 7
Poor eteer ...... 4.7S07.18 3
Beet heirerg ...,......
Best cows ...a,. - $.70i
Medium cow 6.25
Tnni . rttvmm .". .'....uuiu f 8. 60
Ordinary bulla 48906.001
ranoy stags in..,,Miaaaa ' , ".no
Fancy bulla a... ........... ... 6.60 -
Prima light caivea .$09.OOt
Prim heavy 6.6007.60;
, shaep Market za ntoaoy. ' -
X ateady ton wa shown generally
by the aheap trade at North Portland
during the week. Ther waa an ln-i .
ereased run over the preceding six dayai
but th bulk of the arrival wore direct:
shipment to killer. ' These interests
hav been compelled to purchase direct'
in tha country, owing to their Inability
to secure their need of the class of
stock wanted. Thera haa not recently!!
been a poor demand for anything that';
waa of real quality In tha mutton trad. -General
mutton market ranges
Best spring lambs ,..$
Ordinary lamb ,,.... aw 1.00
yearlings .H,MaatlaH4, 4.85
Old wethera , a. 4.16
Fancy ewes ............... $.80
Ordinary ewe .......... 1.76
Keaday Afternoon gales.
', gTBXBS .
Bectieeb ' No. Are. lbs. price.
Oregoa J , 1073 ,t $738
Oregon -m 29 ,,1088 , 8.83
Oregoa 1 1080 , , 8.78,
California .am. It - 1007 , 8.60
Orego .aMaawim 11 - 1168 . ' T.40
Oregoa ..a.. 20 , 1021 , , T80
Oregoa mm 10 ,- 821 B.73
' .. COWS -
Oregoa ... ............. t 2088
Montana 1 ' 1008
Oregoa ................ SS ' 1084
Oregoa ...a.. a- 10 889
Oregon.'! ' 8 7'77.:'.'. 1120
California 1 ' ' 870
California,-. 14 1063
A60 -'
8.85 .
. 8.60
, ' 1
$.(' '
' $8.78'
.a ...... 4 - $80
, . , , .CALVES t
i - . no.
OrSgOfi ia.i.ia.aa-a. ; 7 1
Idaho .................a 1
(Continued on Following Page). ,
8JULKC3 "'.
to aad frees ,
New York
j j
I !
la only OIwhtow tins sailing ;
fraaa aiavM Vaaiat. . 7l:i,
NaWYORg-.'riiewerM'a HaMwnarfulalt ,
Knjoy en route a view of "Niagara Falle," one
ot the world' seven wonders, and daylight
trip oowatn "UiMonc Hudson hitbt" wttn- '
out cbangi of ears, arrlTtng at Glasgow Tla
the picturesque Hirer Clyde. .
' Hew, aaarge. Modern, Twin-SoreW Gtaamars ,
Caraeroiiia, California, Caledoiiia, Coltiicbia
TUS0ANIA,' 14,000 tons, (Bulldlngl
Fitted with Wireless Telegraphy and Bilge Keela. '
Drawing Booms, Lounge. Smoking Booms, Or- ,
chestras. Lnzarlowly Appointed Saloon and
Second Cabin. ,
tTsaurpassed TUid Class Ttdly TitmfiheA -TxW
Rooms , for - married couple and fimlllss of
two, fnnr and six persona,
Mediterranean Service Froa New York
First Cabin Faaaage to Sanies $60 end up.
- - Third Olaaa at Vsiy Low Bates.
Alienor Line Drafts .Payable Free of Charge.
Tor Book ot Tours, Knfea, etc., apply to .
86 W. Randolph. Ct.. 8, . Cor,
SteomshiD Bre&kwatsr '
Balls' from Ain,worth dork, Fortlund, at 8
p. m., etery Tuesday evening. - IrelHbt re
ceived until 12 o'clock (noon) oa sailing day.
Pasaenger tarei first claas $10, aecondT class
(men only) $7,, Including berth and Dieala, Tick
et office at Lower Alnaworth dork. Portland Sk
Coos Bay Stoamahlp Line. l'hnnea Msla tiJOOl
l.'lM T. H liaatlnv." Am,. . . ,. ..: 1
m 'V '-a-' -a. "-"a.a-a... i,,
41, )'