The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 12, 1913, Page 15, Image 15

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Other Attractions Are Scenery
, and Superior Class of Peo-
plQ Who Reside Here,;;.
: ' .v""""""""".,: .-
JRy A. R Slanson, Member Portlid
, .Kealty Board. . .
If I had been asked to give no H
sufficient reason why Portland is : the
beat place to live, and to express It in
on wore, l would say "cumate." ;
Orecronlana arc not erreat boasters.
They have not Ilka their neighbor In
southern California, subsidised the east
; cm magazines, -by the -expenditure of
thousands of idollara in their advertis
ing pages, to sing the praises of their
enraate, in season and. oat of season;
- but we know end the record! of Uncle
. Sam's weather bureau are always acces-1
sibie to prove It to all doubting Thom
ases that , the climate of Portland,
taken as a whole from January to De
cember, Is unsurpassed by any city, bar
. : aoner!.r:'T':--v;v"':"'(v"v-
Not long ago an eastern weekly
; printed a letter written by a young man
residing here,' who referred to the Ed-
lson plan for a model house with seat
lng apparatus and lea plant so con
trived that they would produce an even
temperature Inside the house, whether
y It be winter or summer. The Portland
letter writer said: "In short, Mr. Ed
ison Is striving; to produce, by artific
ial means, what, we In Portland enjoy,
year after year, from natural causes.1
Botes lm Bloom in December.
The editor, commenting on this, com
mended the writer for "his enthusiasm
and loyalty." ; Tha truth of this, bow
aver, -is gradually gaining .credence
throughout tha Incredulous east With
, In the past le years tha population Of
Portland baa doubled and the 100,000
new comers are writing to their friends
to come too. They tell them that -roses
are In bloom In December, that . the
grass Is green not only at Christmas,
but the' year -around, and that blankets
are not. Infrequently necessary to. the
comfort of a sleeper on a July night.
- Time was. when, the viator complained
ofr our rainfall, but It Is pretty widely
understood now that- tha rains' purify
tha air and prevent disease. . The Or
egon farmer counts the rain in his as
sets. And, as the rain comes usually
when it is most needed, he is Justified I
In looking upon it as adding so many
$20 gold pleceav to his annual profits.
Me other city la all the land Is so
healthful as Portland. Pure air,- pure
water and. pur food, combine to pro
mote health' and longevity. Our Heath
' vlfal atstlattrji talla the - m1k I
onlv nine deaths to every thousand In-1
habitants and this, too. In spite or the
fact that thousaads of tha new comers,
on their arrival, have deeply Implanted
la their systems the seeds of disease. -
I have personal knowledge of one
family which came here two years ago
Xrom an eastern city, in wmcn xanuiy
sickness was the rule rather than the
exception, over $200 a year having been I
paid out for doctor's bills. Slnos they!
came to Portland, no memoer ox the
Xanuiy baa been sick. .s : ;
Climate U Mo AH.
vuuaM u mm mm , I
But climate Is not all that Portland I
i.- .u- . m i
vvoavBBca w vu mvtv udjiuj,
I MIT I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 LU 111 n. 11 UJIIB.UI1&UL, 1
' "i are Industrious, educated, cultivated, re-
xinea, prosperous ana nappy, ;a nigni
-school education Is at the free command
of every parent for his children, If bel
desires it, ana tne opportunity ror env
ployment In every field of labor and
business Is so great that this olty may,
with perfect truth, boast that It has
no poor, as the word "poor" Is under-1
stood In the eastern cities.
The beauty and grandeur of the dean
ery- immediately surrounding Portland
is unsurpassed by, any city of the
United States. From the bills back of
Portland, . where many or Portland s
business men have built their homes, a I
marvelous panorama of rivers, railroads
busy city streets, oulet country roads. I
well cultivated farms, wooded hill and
distant snow clad mountalna At " our
feet, on the beautiful Willamette , and
farther ' away on the lordly . Columbia I
may be ' seen steamers bound for Ban
Francisco and the orient, sailing ves
sels arriving from the ports of the old
world or starting away on the long woy
axe around Case Horn to Eurooe. , ,
While trade and commerce has come
to this lovely spot through, the industry
of man in creating wealth, this natural
grandeur' of it all, -rivers and fields,
forests and mountains, far superior to
the much vaunted scenlo places of the
old world, has existed for axes and its
dally view from the glorious sunrises I
to the -unpalntable colors of the sanset
'Miia Of tlma or travxl ' . .
Portland Comparatlrely .Tounr.
. Portland Is young, l comparatively
speaking, and too many of her eltlseni
:have been too much occupied with busl-l
, ness to pay much attention to the aes
' tnetic side or life, but nature I
wrought here la this mild climate of
.tne racmo-coast tne marvelous back
ground for the most beautiful dty In I
, ; . ine worio. - -,,:.,v. ;. : .
: Time and a little better understand
ing of the duties that accumulation of
i, wealth impose upon the suooessful
, man, will result In creating a dvlo pride
In the heart : of every resident and - the
work or man la archltectura la land
scape gardening, in making use Of the
. noble rivers as - commercial hlahwaval
, -will be everywhere on artistic Unas and
the children of other countries will be
, " taught In the schools that Portland, per-
. nape no men tne largest, is nnquestlon-
ably the most, beautiful city of -.the
t world. i
a What a field for recreation, too,' lies
;; witnin easy reaca or the wearied busl-
i nrer or ocean, valley or I
i mountain, xieia or forest all ara at
. band. Take your ehoica 'Tie a matter
or a raw nours only to reach your fav-
, pnte haunta. Will you fish or buntt
., No better sport Is to be found of either
- ,:miu iun is axzoraea : almost at ' our
aoors. - ' ( . . t , k
v Churches Are Xmposlng. '-
.. . Portland might also be called the City
of Churchea Thai worship of Qod is
far from being neglected here, The
, churchea ar many . and - for the most
part Imposing struoturest The congre-
!" w targe . ana . tne pastors art
men of broad views and deep thiakers,
, iuj vj. wuom. nave come nere from
puipixs oi uie nest churches of the
- largest eastern cities. Herein one finds
, ? 10,000 acres to choose from -fruit and
diversified farming 47 miles north of
Hot Bprlnrs on main Una of Rock
liiwio riinjiii pienunii i months
farming Tar email deposit balance 8
years write for frtoe descriptive book
let. -a.aar.aa iana aeparunent
eiocK tv&
FINW ky.N.
490o ..PT:
3 rrfirn
a; .44
Plat showing compare tire assessmetfti
for 1011 of blocks 100, 107, 114 and 118
la Stephen's Addition, East Portland.'
Za selecting a district to. show the
current year's comparative assessments.
Tha Journal chose a close In East Sido
seotion, peopled almost exclusively by
waga . earners. Stevens Addition ex
tends south from Hawthorne avenue for
a dosen or mora blocks and west from
by Bo . means
unimportant reason
a excellent place to
why Portland Is
I live.
there were not alreadr reasona
eaougb why Portland Is the best place
to .live. It needs no prophetio vision to
foresee the commercial greatness of a
dty located upon a river, second only
u uie umiwouiies io me .Mississippi
and the Missouri and In many respects
greater than either. - Over a hundred
miles inland come the deep sea ships.
" xrcan water cleaning me nulls of
Jrale" effectually as If they had
" 1, " c"nea-
Him river uul rail onmnt. .
nortina - tha nmint. A .
. a ' ... . -
empire, uie cuiavatea area of which Is
"For Forty Years
; tbe Standard9'
" . "GarlaiiH" are the most
extensively -sold and popu
lar stove specialties in the
world,' because by, positive
test of years they have
proven to be. the best. .
And; besides,' wGarlana'
present the latest departures
tmm AM.MaaUIUi. J J ..!
hi uiud.uicnid.uuii aiiuuesign
and exclusive features of ad-
vantage not. found else
. where. f,V 4 ' ,
See our line of "Gar-
kna" before buying your
.f7 N-'i
m I ' t a v
" ft. ,
LadiTs Addition to tha river. : Praotlcal-
ly all of that -portion of tha tract from
Grand avenue to Lady's Addition Is
filled with tha homes of men and women
who draw dally wages, small business
men, or those who are paid' modest
For. tax purposes inside Jots In tha
blocks shown above are assessed at
$1160 and, $1100, and corners at $1450 to
doubling every few years.' Bverytamg
combines to make this one of the larg
est commercial cities of the world.
With abundant room for growth, Fort
land will never become a dty of tene
ments, .but will always be noted for Its
beautiful homes, surrounded by exten
sive grounds. - As ' the modern facilities
for rapid transit are adopted, little
country estates ' will Join In an un
broken line eastward and southward far
up Into the foothills of the great Cas
cades. -.' -t- .
One cannot refrain from paraphrasing
Judge Story's tribute to America, an or
ation familiar to every schoolboys ....
"Oregonlaas. you have a country vast
In extent, embracing all the variety of
mi MMM8 Mi W
r J
Mias9saMKB 4iiipMakaMa
'? vi
, 4, ' -5
$1780. Lots In these blocks sell at $150
to $3760, on the usual terms, chat Is SO
or $6per cent cash, and tha remainder
extending over a period of two or three
years. In cash transactions these lots
would bring about 10 per cent leas.
Taking Into consideration the fact that
60 per cent of the real market value Is
the basis for assessing Portland real
estate, the assessment of the subdivis
ion of these blocks Is too high, ....... .
the most salubrious climes, held act by
charters wrested from unwilling kings
but by the bountiful gift of the Author
of Nature." . -
.Berlin, Oct' 1 1. Frederick Ankener,
the aged sailor from San Francisco who
was sentenced to six years' Imprison
ment for deserting from a German ward
ship ' $4 . years ago,, began servlns his
sentence last week. Ankener deserted
in Valparaiso from , the Qerman cruiser
Hah in 117$. Be went from there to
Monday you may have your opportunity In buying
a massive Steel Bed, with.heavy continuous two-inch
posts, five one-inch fillers and perfectly constructed
throughout, white enamel and Vernis Martin finish.
A Regular 014.00 Bed
This Wecl Only
Stewart GasVHeaters.
'This dandy little stove
burns only two feet of
iras rer burner oer hour.
Produces tremendous heat
immediately absolutely,
smokeless . and odorless, -economical,
safe and sani- -tary.
Ve have them in '
; and 08.00.
T I I I. .1
Widow of Late State Printer
' purchases Home la Ladd's
' - .Addition.. , : 1
' Mrs. Alice B. Dunlway, widow of the
late' state printer, Willis XLDualway,
has purchased a handsome new borne
In Ladd's addition. The property la
located near .' the center of the tract
and was sold byltrs.W JJaAdwnfor
$6380.' , - . . ' ' '
Ellen H; Miller has purchased from
Helen M. Geren a new house on lot 7,
block 14i Hollyrood: consideration $$B00.
A house ' and lot described as the
east 4 S feet of loU I and 10, block 4,
Foxchase addition, was sold last week
by C. B. Harklns to Harry G Fawoett
for $4000.
Dots V n' M Terminus
addition, Alblna, have been sold by
Orville 0. Johnson to Alexander M.
Baxter for $6000. ,
Walter V. Burreii has soio to ue
tt-W. R. ft N. company, a strip of
land containing 1.14 aores la section 11,
township 1 north, range l each con
sideration $1420.. , . '
Owners of Lots In Wholesale
'District Have Chance to
. Profit, by New Offer. .
Portland - property owners bare an
opportunity to make a long-time lease
of a lot la the wholesale district and
Improve It with a building suited to
the requirements of a local firm seek
ing enlarged quarters. Tha firm ' in
quest of a new location, now occupies
about 11,000 square feet of. space In
one of the larger, structures , In the
wholesale distrtot. About . $6,000
square feet would fulfill Its require
ment tor spaca This firm will Uke
a long lease on the basement and the
two lower floors of a building located
between Third. Broadway, Burnside
and Glisan streets, and will pay $600
to $000 a month rental. Any property
owner wishing to talk business to the
manaa-er of tha firm will he given nis
name and address upon appucauon to
the real estate editor of The- Journal,
Saa Francisco, and has bean sailing from
that port aver since.
Fast (0 years oi age ana nomesica ior
a glimpse oz tne oia imineruuia, An
kener arrived-in Kiel on July 1$. Be
llevlag that the amnesty granted by the
kaiser In celebration of his Jubilee cov
ered bis ease, Ankener Immediately re
ported to the authorities and made him
self known. Great was bis surprise
whea be was arrested, court-martiaiea
for desertion and sentenced. Ankener
hopes that Baa Francisco friends Will
appeal to the kaiser for hlmt ,
Use common sense buy Superior coal.
$$ ton. - Mala 164j A-1641. IAQV.I
o n
tf you think 1 Is the face.. take an.
other look at the two beads pictured
hera One shows a girl with the most
critical would pronounce beautiful.
While her features are fairly perfect,
her greatest charm lies In a mass of
fine lustrous hair. The onooslte Dlctnre
4 ii,f lupirvua air
la Identical as to
exoeot that tha
.wanting. . .
. Both of 1 tbeae ladles would attract
attention anvwhare. but each for a dlf-
i ferent' reason, one
r.suoern beautv
superb beauty and
e,vr x
of her comical appearance.
1 : . r J
The hair . makes
A woman loses her
proportions as she
".S;- :r.r- Saves the Hair ''ft
-; There Is nothing whloh is so destructive to the hair as dandtaff.
, Rvarvona la mnr. w laaa MTioaail
umii is contagious,
. ' Dandruff rahe h. kali a Mia, anan
and causes It eventually to fall out.
. Thouaanda riailv bm .Tnarlannlnv
lar and Intelligent use of Newbro's Herpiolde. That Herpiolde is somethlf 4
besides a deligntful hair oressing, is proved by the diaapnearanoe) of dandxu,
a clean scalp and healthy, luxuriant hnlr. .
' Not only mar hair loss ba atonDed.
come atrophied, a new growth of hair
The life and luster of Xerpicdd hair
An abundance of fltif fv. allttarlB
permit tui neecuees aestruoiion is , unparaonaoiei, , -
Att Sealers sen and guarantee tt la both BOe and 9VM
'-r' aot seusxeoMsx.
AppHoatlons obtained Sarhes
The man who drinks Is often; dis
gusted with himself. He vows he wlU
never drink again. 1 Bat his self "cre
ated habit" u stronger than his "win
power." His many "good resolutions"
do not hold him. WhyT Becaase-hls
body has become a storehouse of "alco
hol poison." This poison Is constant
ly seeking to multiply itself, and the
victim, in hla lucid moments, longs and
cries for help. Mow the best help for
such a man Is the "n&L XJTJUP." ror
In three days the "llU TJUU.T
MMMV aenteallses the pdsoa and .ie
mores II from the system.
40 College Portland, Or.
Help and H
Begt liver and bowel regulator
for mamma, daddy' and
children.' ,
If you're headachy, onstlpated, bH-
ious or stomacn disordered and you
want to enjoy the nicest liver and bowel
oleanslng you ever experienced, take a
tablespoonful of "California Syrup of
Figs" tonight aad in the morning all
the constipation - no lson. nil and
clogged-up waate will gently more out
of the system without griping aad you
will feel splendid. v
Every member of the, family should
use this fruit laxative as occasion de
mands. It is Just as effective for arand-
Editor Tells Wow :
D.D. D. IPrescFiptSttsi'
- Cured His EcssiBQi
agymsn csd Bss&er Also TTrils Usa -'Tte?.-1
Scccrcd llellci; TIun:!r3 to DeD.Pi
B. a BotahMam, Zdlter Bohe. Prot.
tttstown. IlLt Kem ember, mine wsa
ins wis of af teem years standing. Now
I am completely healed, after 4 boo
ties of D, o. XX I have seen a ease of
ti rears standing eared. I hew
my own doctor oared of barber's Itoav
rhlch be could not core himself. ;
F. R. Tasar. Banker. EODldntea,: Xa.1
X treated with three doctors for era
months. They did me no goodj my.
face and scalp were full of the ale.
I asDllad Tjl IX IJL Tlranilr, mr
face Is as amooth as a baby'a
Rer. I I. towninr. Pastor ta Ave,
Presbyterian Chorea. Roanoke, Vat For
three years I suffered. Intensely- so . I
have at last found relief la UIX IX 1
D,P. P. freerigga-fcr 15 Tcsrs fcg gaiari gi En:
' Five Big Volumes $1;98 V
You Can't Duplicate the Offer at the Price T,
. " H. "ciw vmxm ooinwMiY" V'
' HP A.; f mm -mm "lm'
ThMoeupoa, II presented
Oregon Journal any
bearer to oae fiveV
bearer to oae fiv."Volame set
m m douBu in nav una
(equal to any similar selling,
For 01.9S
The Vets are too bulky te be seat by
have them for the $I.8, the set to be
to be paid by tha receiver.
W ' W -mm.
features and other de
turn oppuaiiv uiviur
wealth of hair is
on account of her
the other oajaocoua
all the
good looks In
loses her hair.
to thla annavlna tvonhla,
and lnatra it haaJthl daatiora Its Sfs
' '
Yha axwidarfnl mavM aftamlfiia the tMS
but tf the hair follldlaa ham aea ke :
may be anticipated. . , . -
Is beanUfnl te see, to
hair la woman's ahlafasfc liaanfT
Shops .and Beaaty
eaJing for the Drinldng Ifcz
The Veal Treatment1 , la i
harmless - vegetable- ecenpeond.
through the lips.. No -aypodsamto aaJ
Jeotfoas are aeeded, sad the patient M
surprised to find the treatment se stnwj
pie, mild and ' effectrre. The
home" la also a "real koaav where alii
the comforts of home ara provided, Pit4
vate rooms, "Registered PhywlolanaJ
Trained Nurses" and everything thm peJ
went may Mean that is soadaoiva
health and heallaar.
If yon are Interested" for yourself, eg si
mena, write, eau or phone
. Vaoaea sfarthaa I40O, sVW
pa as ft is for baby. It simply cannot
Injure, Even cross, sick, feverish chil
dren lust love its Pleasant taste, and
mothers can rest easy after, giving lt,
it never xaus IQ exxeoi a good
"Inside cleansinc. .-.v. .'.,.
For thirty years taUfisnaa aVnrn of
Flgs"; has been recommended by physW
clans as the ideal stomaoh, Uver and!
down cieanser. MUilona Of families
who are well Informed use nothing else,
but recently there has come a flood of
spurious fig syrups, so we warn ; the
public to ask plainly at drug stores for
a 0 cent bottle of "California Syrup
of Figs," and see that it la prepared by
"California, Fig Byrap .Company." . We
maker no cheaper else. Hand back any
"counterfeit" with contempt, ---v-r-v'.
am M
cured. I aave ao
Mwiedgiag the
xtrtoes af Uisi'
speouo. .
Tha eared at? IX XL IX
nac. an chruggiaca knew aad are rtad .:
to reoornmend $jdm saothhig. eeokna i
Uqald, f , tt. j
Cornel to tf aod w wf3 tan ytrtlv
more about thla remarkable remedy, ,
and the efficient XX IX XX Skin Boap.
We offer the first full else bottle en
the guarantee that nnlwee it does as ,r,
Is said, your money xrUi be reXaaded. t
y alone. ts judge.. ; z?,-?.: rs
7 Saatler Drug Oo Waadv at rourth 'T,
Woodard . Clarke a Oo, droggists.
. . ' r 1 ml . '..a. 1
af the mala office of The
nnu waAV . am .
of Bverrbcdy's
entitle the
at flsJXX)
man. but out-of-town reefirt c
sent by express, shirr l.- c: a -, i