ill. VJ, C i - n -f n v VMir In ' n :tL:. V . I I Ul. I VJ U I II lul.'avW t i.i : iiniifiy from 10 . . to f I).' in,, uiro new iK Hinif'il 7 room iiM.J.Mfi liouHfH uiiii nil inuJerii . " ' v i.-nri'H, In l'nrtinnd'a rno.- t hi- !i:in'';l mldittuil, Kind's Ib-febm. , . J 'on t l.ul t') K'!J -Il.'.-m. J Hh-1 1 f nil. Washington tit. for .1. ri 'S l.'l.Oito; fret off pt 3 1.Ttno.-.a, blvi. miu i.uiwlua. Vista, e.ia t to list IiouhA on Hmith Hl'le of ftioet, . Cau bo bought on a mull caah pay m.snt, balance like? -rent J. P.. Lryun, Woodlawu 2507. 6 and 6 Room. Modern Bun galows i Rose City -Parle ulatrldtj . have all the "lHtxnt built-in conven- unices, hardwood floors, are. handy lo . car. Prico - $2800 to fajso. Terms to unit you. Phone Mala 4 100 or A-fi2li PROVIDENT tni'ST COMPANY, - OWNERS.. ' . 2nl Floor Selling btdg., '. j Corner tilxtu ami Alder. , A Ctizy 4 Room Bungalow . lrvlntton park: cood elied, lot. eminent bidewalka. come fruit and.- vioitu iu kuuii caiJine, rnce j.-uu, Vonr. own term.-. .Phone .. Main 1S00 or A-C281. i'HOViOJjJNT TRUST COMPANT. . . Oft'KEHS, - - ;: Ind Floor StUmi? Wdff, - Corner Slxtb and Aldtjr, ; $1950 Swell. "Bungalow .... fi rooms, modern. , with bath; never J upled ; east front, level lot, M block car run -cement baaement and rtoor, 1 w v . - f vva ' . w I uuiic-in etiecis. Dest mans vou ever eaw: room are larice and tinted; electric fLx - l luree ana complete la every detail. . a 1 mont beauUful borne. It muat go at the I:, io2ik 9h noRiraJifivl , r ; ' ALBKHTA CAR. . 1 I rvington District ; !-a0TH AND WElULKIt !' , $2600 A, 8NAP Brand ew, modem, , I room bungalow; 60x100 corner lot; hardwood floors, fireplace; cement baae- - , uient ana iioor. Thia nrlca and ; location will Interest I and appeal to you. Bee at oncel - Terme I conaidered. , . I -Plated, full, basement.;- 60x100. ft. lot. worth. $900; close in, 1 plock to car? ce 1 plock tocarr ce- ment waias, : gaa, aewer, ' easyrmuat sell. Lee. 15 wer, worth $1800 , is . 6tn. 1 8KK THIS BAKQA1N. IniWInft inmnr Twa hoiiHs 70x7A An I corner: fin a for flats. 15200 If Bold at 1 once. Short dieunce to Broadway bridge jrart ceen, - wajtcnangp , atw atonvana 1 ave. pnone woouiawn nisi. i - CHARMING HOMEi. Irvlngton, 9 rooms, kitchen. sittlnff, ainmg ana living; e neue, sleeping porcn moat modern; LeauUful lot! many ahrubi and flowerei worth $16,000; take lot leas, East 273. W. H, Herd man. New jajro bungalow, on 0S 1 CA 1n ruon Vlew' wneTftbnrsiTL . A. MUUJKirt '.r room nouae near i'.asti uuuca miu jiiia his., unct eeuuu. Terms to auit, no agents, owner -will bej in iuffa itff AuuiQH ati. ij0uri , ... - - ' 4 f ' ' " , . ' I LEAV1NG city, eacrlfice eale of mod-1 em. & room bunealow. 2 blocks from I Hawthorne carllne. JFtoses and lawn. J Street lmprovementg and aewer.; Call I Tabor 2415. . .. I MOD1CRN v ROOM HOUISi ONE nR MORE LOTS: PRICES RIGHT., OWN- , 'jl. OWNER. 044 "TOM.'.-; 1 L.uniber Ex. bUiy., cor. 2d and 3tarte eta. m Washington Uhinga to be doing early in " ; ' -.iLABi- jifyujuHx cak .to,, tt.;.At I VOR SALE 10 acres good land, I miles NPHna;; IZS.OOO needed; a $100,000 prop-1 a i . : . in 4 nnn T . j. I n. ' - ... I timber. uv clear aA. 1BS0. rtn. linr I tial. practical..' lrwn: a. chance to-more M,mnia j vblOUu ; I 0Xa. rnCo 4v less, Portlands - - I than double values. KX-516, Journal. IT AT Fatt Cash ; room house, partly" com 40 ACliES, two miles from Mint. Havel HKSTAtJKANT FOB SAL03. I . 'KR, TABOR 66. . I KEW, 7 roomed modern' hom.' le to car..' Part trade. .Sellwood 2204. FOlt SAI -L0T9 ' 10 $335 Splendid Building-, J Sites $335 v Lots 50x100, -and many of them t"i iVJ larger, within 15 nilnutee'. car ride from 4th and Morriaon. nar r . school, church and stor: lots 1 level, with good view; Bull Run . , i i water, good eolL S -cent car fare. Uctit - values in .the city. Price $435. - Easy terms, Our autoa will . ' " take ynn out Phone Main 1S0O - " or A-6261. , . PROVIDENT TRTPT COMPANY, - " . OWNERS, i ' ' ! 2nd Floor getting bldg., ' --. Corner Bix(U and' Alder sis. p Choice Building 'Lots on 'West Side. ' . Glenelyn addition, at S mile clr Cult, commands an unobstructed $ view of the beautiful Tualatln . vnlley, Bull Run, water, graded r.. streets and walks. Price $450 and up; terms to suit you. Let one of our autos take you 'out today. .Phone Main 1800 or A-6261, , .r PROVIDENT TRl'T COMPANY. 7, - OWNERS.. . .'2nd Floor Selling bldg., v . Corner Sixth and Alder. A BARGAIN-i-ANY TERMS, '100x100 on 4he S, ,W. corner-of East -. 40th and Grant sts, 'Address owner for few days. ; T-645, Journal. ' ' FIRLAND lot, ifioO, Woi tJi $460;- terms $5 .monthly."'1. Main 1166, or Tnbor 771. I HAVE a full lot, close to Union ave, ii to sell cheap. P-461, Journal. , ;'" ACREAGE JWE Foil SALE 8 or - l 8 acres best ! onion 1 land la -Oregon, 25 miles out on Salem Electric,. hi mile ' -to boat, Small cash and Ions; time. 890 Vancouver ' ave., Portland. . Phone C-2478. '. . 1 ft'Vyi-i's'fti&iVflv Private Conscience-rHe Gets No oaitk.-ra rri.-imjsa .tisr MUST PKOTCST ACVAINdT YOUR TAT IhfO- OyT WlTHtXTT AM OVtTRCoAT TWI WeATHeR.1. VOU KNOW HOW CAOtLV Vou CATCM COLP.iSlrt ' VOt1.t Pg -SICK BKOM ii. oik: 7 TV. I WOHOE - 1 - v Xl'.-J'i-., 7.,Vn" . '" 1 .-'..:"' ni : V- 7VA 1 1 :::$-?-' S 1 I Ci.."fia ';: t th.-. V f'AM El ..' I I tr" r-,S ' "' r'-'T-T -l1 It" . 7T -i .':,,'" 7,.)BIl,'.f7,.T'"' ..-''-V- '''7'':" :77.';l7.,7,,7r:l'.',;! 37 ' -' .V" X.; ':.,:: . '' '''-:?'-"j-ji:' eofywisnTr v ttaeiatA.4rTT.'. , j2jJ'T . " ' t " .',-!...",' "7 .,.'. , , , '.". ,'-. , ", . . .,: v;U:' , :'"' it;-.-". V - : 7-:77:."7'."7 : , - 1 , -..-.'" .-. '".".' . "TT.. ' .. " i i ? 10 1 ' M fi ft i ' I 'N. ' 11711 M,,'TIT j I'd'! , . i, ' "'". Ul lUaU.'tHl ,i r 'I'l, --aa Jt'(H) population, - - ,WiM t:t:iiii:r fit town alHO cannery ami i ieaiiiify. -Three quarte Acreage , 8Ijc ra Uoa from c-uurt house, on eouUiwest Blik'; Botiip rlli U; .oni 'tritots all cluared and unnr Cultivation aixt Klltnn utnrnn lnn.1 l'rigfts Ji'JS to $160 per aoie. Lrft us show von th a i ,rr., .., iV i i,7T., ' Jlln isoo oV A-2il ' 1 tt fVvii..?M.n ffrVrN COM I' Clirvr.irirfi . 2nd Floor Bulling Md(f, Lortiur ttixtli ana Aider, . 5 and 10 Acres CheaL - ISO , lip to 145 np.r Born, an t,.rm Tracts of 0 acrea or more; deep, rod r iui . Dun, wish waierea: eaeuy cleared; I j..:!..fLii. j J. i . v , t ee-i .uuiva, ivxiifius aua cuicaen tuning; 40-1 calt'd on count v roui. p1ok n iiv mwn on li, K. and river, near Portland. Own- llaln H0Y8. Jlvenlngii KaBt 894.V T 1 D. I V O 1JDW IS 1J1UK.. 1 I 11 H rill t KIR. S1I I CHICKiiN awl fruit lanciuis near Port. rom rwnrosa station on main )) b.-- profitable bunine for sele on terms MISSION , . ",".-wrr iwi.-ii lonwna una Avioria, ' This land or will exchaticM foV J'otlt"ui property; , COIAIMTU a' i'ivx! pht'jt,a ' " v mow anything' tl,a Sti r.tiJS &SI Vaw" IN TU a VNIOn" ' P, .,I600. U real plat, in or near H'tvtKii ad and oh on Burk V..rj .,,P,i7:, 8? IVi,," n,1 iivb- . or; for buUdinK Burooses: ' advances janti; oresimta flislnotj JbiMtacada line, electric station w mile. Kew aubdi-lsale vision, unntiuifl "valley orchaid tracts; I beet soil. fie wood; elcxant location. I Price only J 75 to 140 per acre In small 1 iracie; ouiay terms; quicK tram eervice. hid i-rtland or i" rr. . V1: l' rariK Alcharianci uuaitv 1:0.. hum Vpiii i . vaiHj nri-i ri'i'iTVri nw , 4r 'lu1"sVn,:v ' ' I '". .umiui iiuuu, - t,ho,' '"acadam road clfcee to land. 1" ' 2VT vv c .."ut "w" i1 Lljniber txehanga Wdtf.,. icor. J 8nd and Stark nts. Good -oil, city water, do., to car line, easy terms; will build to -suit purchaser, Phone Marshall 1EK5. or Bellwood a7K. V no. -h. uiuson, owner. $15 TO ttf PKH ACR& to SO acre tracts, aood soil, road tn everv traot. new echooL 2 mll to Co. himbfa river and railway etailon,- 14 Hours from Portland; easy terms. " 2lS paid In $1109; $900 still due; at Sioj per month: no Interest. - Sell contract. I Snap. A-76S, Journal. ; I ,a t,A -...h" 10 aorea near carllne. S100 cash, terms. ..- w..)'; t?A..f-. o ' 197 - r; ' '' "TSt , .ivri'ttA.7 r I . , , , , , ,t FOlt BAUff FAUJ1S r) ; tl GET YOUR CANADIAN HOMS PROM . . THE CANADIAN . PACIFIC .". , . LJ0S'. f BiS "w;r:a fcinr'"' rT f nonth; 4Ufe." i'" ""rV':' . ji . ,,IIUB ,W w I ear to pay tor lana itna One-twentieth down, bal- f Inetailments, per cenij rnrv loan. ,. it va iniiiim.i t nni interest '. - ?t. ,'; i I .h- i piwinr iu viPTrrn w.i HIBIT of priae winning producta oftoiag- tan n now you aowuiuieiy. . V ... . . . a i VJ a fertile Canadian plains. Full personall.v . FOR SALB, - Information. - Free macs ind literature. I fJiwerv invoice. 14l(iS'" fialea I2E0SI Personally;, conducted i excursions to I Canada, - i'l . j I L. p. THORNTON. LAND AoENT.' -f I ?'l nwt, wiyt-it'ifNOMAH HDThi.i FOR BALE on easy terma. beauUfull located took farm, 80 milee from Vi 2000 acres upland oastura and timbered. I for-UuIk of value. KX-6T8. Journal.' 1 T -i- . Va . ' I duk tsAi-at, ma per acre, lti acres. In- 1 ' " I ' B 2 SaCrifiee1 ! .;Vi U ttSfSa& Close in SS 2! J? " you VXlTrYLE fannS-Ali:: at . fair I ..Price", some stoeSed, good terms, only ! juues irum jrortiano. eiore ouying 1 elsewhere write your wants. ,H. B. AP-1 person, Rldgef ield, V7ah. WILL sell cheap my Doautlf ul home . fnrm nn Tnoiuiin rivbr is niiin, t. t of Portland. Will raiae it. tons hnna nr acre. - T. Wlthycombe, 51$ McKay bldg. I HAVE a nice farm, ail stocked, to I trade or sell. What hava you. N-7Sa. journal. FOIl itEST lfAJlIiS . 14 FOR RENT160 sere ranch. . Free rent to Jan. 1. For quick sale, stock, crop, I household goods, only $360. Sef Boot 807 Chamber of Commerce. . "I V."?J? i"1 -ommer.Ve' . ' Biuamm mill eirn: bu trm, unnnr maiv i r. . . .... TVi; v ; . . i. v .1 1 i 1 S..V i. k wJ-V4iuinKi a .- u-euo. journal. .7y an'd hog f f.r t years. Mt Tabor rontel V4 miles east of Sublimit. Joan S?25 2?? pusiness, learag city, 771 1 , ,ot9. M -eCurtfy. F-888. JournaL ii-i-i'-xtnivr ' i.1.1 1 1 - tracts; mortgage joans; " reasonaoie 1 "- v....-.. ..u TWENTY acsea near city. Water and I rates. F H Lewis & Co., 8 Lewis bid. energy. Who have friends and per buildings. Phone Main 9426. - Vt:' Afrt.i . " 7. ' tfL.ll ' P..' aonal following to represent one of ths ? 7ZY HOaiKSTKADS 47 GOOD 168 acre claims adjolnlnn. 8 0 a?!i&MW tifK ... ri..., e.v., ,,g8r mas."" HOMESTEAD Information free, send siainu. . Box 891. Welser. Idaho " - .1 : ' J , ' ' 1 " EA.CHANE -IlKAIi 1ISTATK - 24 t - - , , - . . - I $S$00OTOCK, of ..household, furniture and furnishing in pood factory town. luniiMiiug in feruou laciory town, hangs for clear real estate. A-768, il. . -fv. v ..!, ",'. ' to exen: .1 nm'riMl exchange what "you nave for ' what J lock bldg., 8d end Oafc Marshall. 2684. ;' I j vnn want. Puiuii. Rikn in Shu. 1 WANT an acre or two on Oreeon S ee. trie line this side of Garden Horn for I my city home. Tabor 8961. , rtM 1U I y. t IR THINK N& GET 820 or 480 acres, best In Oregon, $ioo, vuuo( interest per cent, on 1st CHEF Headauarters and Helpers new survey Just opened, no rock, level mortgage-v Improved .property. 92$ CalIFORNIa WINE I DEPOT. tImben- Waters railroad ; now- building-; Chamber, of Commerce. . .: ...y,yItff'Y . some good relinquishments, fees reason- I HAVE for immediate- loans, $800, V,,VWjm"' f: -...'- . able. Call 191 4 th st Main 8774." A li500. ISOOont currntta- A. H WANTED--At once. 8 men to learn auto I M i', 21 .N ui'-lo-Uutii. m. iiL iimrKfi, wuh com-1 i.U-ti fi.-,. ; i i it in pverv I urn r,i;. . . . a 1 iin Hlun. " .' , ' 'luuill IT liUI'S. n I i v' " "T'WM . Want, rlrl''f"f.' f"" l oW - showi-a etc. in one of. the iocti raising. , J. W. IfEFFKni.IN, Ow;npr, a'ii hallway . Kxcbanffa . H'AN'l KD to trade six- lots in Klamath Falls. Oreaon. valued at f9U0. for Rood KIM I UUH'I'I HI " 1 'Must be fully e(jnlpped and ready fori I roan, uive niaK una oescri ihoii w, li lnK. Address Harry I tiiy, Ipln lOriton. - Fertile Vancouver Dairy ap Feitile' imnroved. K2 acrtu. near cfty HmitR. to exchanRe for 1 000 cash. i0u0l Portland Drortrty,.and SfSOOO tnorUaca I t ail xniior Si7l. A lunLfcfrNQ with rental value of over iou per inonui to eicraunre' or a pood, farm Vf about $15,008 value., m. Journal. jqu Br Beritta county for ainaU I in- DroV(.fl nb.fn at 112 Car aoia. Hoi ..?rI .P"00 l e1 per .oe. U iH " nn artKm a rvivn m. m "" A il. 1 NOTICE to . home bulldlngr companies! 1 call me up bnut muifmig nonio for on beautiful Irvineton lot. Have line otfer. Phone C-I726. ".-yrmnraryrT-, nrrrrr-r-rr ; ' ' KOOMirUJ IIOU&IJ) S3 HjHAHLIKU. ror seren room roomma ' iiuuKU lor wuo, ciueo in, reii reatKiu- ei'ie. , inquire at tvt tin it, or pnooi Mailt 7897' - .,.-r .v-"- . cneap rent, modern, easy terms Dar- " v w h)il bALt; IK room brick bide., room ing nuuse: ttc'U , lurmaiieu ; account 1 Blcknewe; 28 N. 8d; Marshall 1605: xjijj 1Uv m ciioap wuu a v w IFr brjdge'f ifa66 BOARDING house. 15 rooms, all full. iVANTKD Partner in one of the best . lana, etocK and town Bite propositions ;Btds wUl be received, by the under- signed f or the furnltura and. f Uturea ot. Clifford grill on K, Morrison near 6th I 1st - Koom for rent at a low rental. STRONG A CO.. ', 06 conoord eidgr. Wibt. vnn -Klut flnanclAUv in eat ah ' Uhtof new manufacturlnj .enter. prise? Mannracturea lor ?m win eu ifor 22.80 eattenalvelv: have working rood el; Y-70L Journal. WANTED Partner -with about $500 oid mlnlne; proposition. Addreaa Wm, liampBon 282 "A 2d u room Phone Main 35ilv:v.;",;:-:'-'';,:"';v,-; cash who - would be interested in POPatToTnlaTWuVoOe1 payroll Ul exchange tor dear real I istate. U-62 8. Journal iT.r.w v F T """ ut WOULD lik to meet any man who will take an Interest and help to handle a 1 M. ii I,..-; I I , 1 Ml. tk, an intunut anil nolo tn tinnnia a. proposition that will stand any kind oil, lnvMnffftnoa. y.i & Afiom uus' journal i - , ' ' i , - - , . , " . per month.' Old established. - Reti -I ing from business.. No agenu. ;. U-648, .Tonrnl. For Sale- or Rent AH ; vnj.. Zith?b'nt: Call Tabor 8pi. , -far i &fii.i.t vL.. . r.,,n ' "iK t'AtTi 1 ITliD-to buy a small job printing I tflt, or Job press, paper cutter; eta. WUl ."1 'I" Zi.miZZZ land, Or. Phone Beiiwooa 75, . '.-.1 . ' II . Owner will Rive a favorable lease and 1 PART or whoi. interest in' aood hard: tTO Kl1" T gWr"wT 1 V ' , .7 .4.' nAur iuibi iu .v.u.i.u "4 v 1 wle.-v-Muat be good live, sober man. j T-648. Journal. iy- -- u ':'-'yr.-:,:-':: ' ' ; '. ' 'V14 bauk-f ooi room,- goon corner ior barber. bIiod in conneolffon. 1350 re- Quired: bargain. 748 unron ave, n, WEDDING invitations-announcements. Kyaer yrint. co. soi r,urniae. m.poan. MOXEr. TO LOAN HK.Ali ESTATE MONEY to loan. Urge loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; flro in. mranoe. W. G. Beck. 815-816 Failing. 'ARK naid rnr murtcauea, notes. on- wiBr'rEl CASH paid for -mortgages, notes, con- I tracts: morUfane loans: reasonable . . " . - - . . 1 rrr:?.. ?tu"rX estate security, Apply room 209 Stock Ehajnge bldg., 3d and YamhIU ,t : Bell, 201 Gerlinger Bldg, i?l'?:;!?JKvW'' .rea eaiay ,'"yr ,,a. ,,,,;,;- - , , WILL loan $20,000 or less, real estato. Farrlnaton. 416 Commercial Club bldK. MONEY to lwn. t to 8 per cent W. H elts & Co.. f 10 Bpaiaing bldg, T1;. . L1 J T'H AG.TsThf Com. . . : t t; $1260 to $1500 to loan on good Improved . renldonee property. A-B299, Main 7220f MORTGAGE loans, and 7 per cent, J HAVE $1000 for Immediate loan on first I uoum oaiomon ae Wi oiarn et. i zj ypoTmw--tam,aouu;--vy----K--:l $260, $350; $600, $850, $1200, $2000. Predl W. German Co., Chamber of Commerce. 1 T Thanks; None VcWRB CATOMNtJ. CTtP ixvu.wr.i). rVlr,' at barifwn; am leavin jr city. CIIEAPEST'AND BEST PUAfcilC TO . N-767, Journal. ' . I JBORKOVV UOXBf. T ".' -, "I AB"30JL,UTKL.Y NO SKCURITT. mitv?e fnavn.'si n I BtISiJi htkioti-y nONPiuiiiNTiAt To.VERT T,(R. - ,7'7.'i .V I'" V ., ..,',. '. . a.,-- a,- ,'. ,.'...- n.'rt I laa. . 1 tJ" ' 77' ' I 7 ' f. "'."': "V '. . ,""-,.''... .,. ', I "..,,.' i " V A" .' l '.., V -Q. , f I've oY to ' f J ; . 4. :oxt:v to kkal i;:s'JtvrK money to-no an. ON' IMTliOVKD, ItKAL'. l-VTATS On for llWLDI.V PU i' rOSLCriT VERY mad aa . bulldinif DrosresBes: liberal repayment prlvileKca, Is'o commission or uruhiraKs.' J. n i.ip8Pomi. ziz niaric. 7 Mortgagee Loans-1 J. X. WHIT13. , L .. i , . ... - 7 " , - i, i j, Win bava money to loan on your rwJ nidi iiiorignsvn oniy. I IUlMON t. MORTGAGE .COMPANT. L :. - 424 Chamber of. Commerce. ; P 1 Co.. Uerlinger bUiu., id and Akier, HAVE any amount" to loanon koo Portland real esiate. Call K28 Clam tifr or comitirtne bli. . No brokera MO.NiiY to ijian 7m it i: a i. kst1 a r v ucu. i-. iih:KUr, UZ8 HBMtV HL1X1, , MOXEV.TO LOAN Y 7 CHATTELS, BALAltlES NfcW COMPANIf- NiSW METHOD W are now t oudy lo .1 . ; Money ,t ratua konuat people can afford 10 pay , .t.vj... , i !..'., 1 :4 ,- Bllllllirfiieif BATES t ,2& weekly pya a I la. loan. ' ; I ,65 weekly paya a f Si loan. 1 1.1 0. weekly paya a f 60-loan. $1.00 workly. pava a 1100 loan,' . I'AN JtOU bKAT 4'HWM? . i IOU CAN OiST IT TODAY, BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL, -Rebate Given if Paid Before Due, - Between 4th and 6th t. on Wash. at. 'r. A1AKY LOANS TJUAiA AOIiia 10 1 TO f 100 UOUltSS A. M" TO I P. M, BAl UKUAIB TO P. M. v WXATfi KECUP-ITY CU, U l-AlL,Iit ifLilU-. ItlVATB PLACH1 TO OiiTAlN bUPAKATifl DEPAHTJUfiNX iXitt . - $20 LUMBER iiXCttANOB ELDG. id ana btark sta. Open a. m. to p, m. wumi isvninus-untii v M. 13LBY COMPANY. SALARIED PEOPLlfi AND OTHERS WANTING MONET APPLY JlOOMkS17 Lumber k-vbldq. . . 2mo and stark st. ' ' CHATTB.L loaue Money for . aaiarled naonle and others uuon their own namea, cheap rates, easy payments, 'Be in befre dealing elaewherei confident "al. p. 1. Drake. 828 Henry bldg. A deeliable piaca for ladies and gentle- men to borrow money., en diamond f T,5a. a'-VVyh eaatarn ratea. uiaiuona ,.opp. uwl drug more. MONEY loaned on .diamonds, jewelry Washfagton bldsf ' MONEY -Bold on liistallnient; conflden tlal to Mlarted peoplev o i ncrnrr uniit, ' iuocty loaned on diamonds and jewel- , I, , i - i , , I. ry, strictly confidential.' 141 8d. .' 1 ' . " ' i' . 1AJAJJS WANTKD'('::','.5v;;,:').30 tTKS'1rl27T torilr see : Henrv C Prudhomma fi. Inanclal agent" First tnori-"HK eecur- ttiea exoluaivelY. ' Wco bufldlng. F U T&i l.f... ' estate and nothing better. Lawyer, Hi stock Kxchange bldg. WANTED $3000, 7 per cent on $10,009 aweuing with 6 lota, jno conimisslon. oFINANCIAL 01 mortirnae securities for sale: amounts 2tu, saoo ana suooo; interest . Thesa are the direct obligation, of iVecurity "spilt 'ZEST; and" appraised t more than three times the amount of loan; an absolutely hleh grade mortgage investment Call for particulars.-Con- necticut Morteage Company, Wilcox bid. CASH PAID IVOR MOHTtlAOKH. Or sellers eauitv in contract of sals on real estate In Washington or Oregon. n, m. Monie, Lumnermnns niig. lwna WANTED. LABORING MEN. "A- good Investment and a steady Job; ?Y a.w, ' 5ur5 ned-- ValW hotel, 2d and Main ets. fuM- Kow8r ,';.To,"r?, .?, to, ,.B,. APDiy at ask ror F..M. Robs. iiVs-. y WANTED T evening. A A -V. ' I 1. I V . , . , tr 1 u T na r'a 1 11 m ?.ldest companies; greatest proposition to that are anxlour buTld uS a JKJSinJ- jSurnalP thorne Oarage. 445 Hawthorne, ave. WANTIOD - a farn,eT-bov throuah with . -chopi tQ h.ln on milk .waaoii Call Tabor 1102. BOYS wantad. 1 and over, with wheels, Steady work. .. Anoly Mr. Maloha, 76 WANTErj Kublier and Dolisner. : elan- prusn man. Appiy tjarmanAirg. cc. 1214 -Macadam. VIOLINIST, nonunion, good reader, to rehearse for cafeteria. Phone East GOOD man tor milking and chorea, email oairy. vs t.. sou st. w. FURNITURE finishers wanted. Free- land i ul Furniture Co., 449 Goldsmith at Whatever mo Wry LTTMnsr AKrwv lr9 ' - 1 ' rtnmrtnr .anvinsr: cwii ti ws I f 1 .1 7"., . .... 77: 777 . I i ' .. "Ai-. I ..v.- - i. .' i:i:LiWAXTO--r: i. Situation Wanted Arts. Ituserted free for thowe t nend of work and who 'are uuablit to (my for an advertisement 1 AdvertiMemtnts. roust be bought to the'Ol'iice peronally by. the i ti dewlring work. . " T. M. C. A., EMPlXJf MKNT UEPX. lCmiiloynient inemberahip guarantees membr win swurs employment or re fund i of V)ihihfirMhlrk- - lrlvain . twn months full membership privileges, i Record for 8 months ending Aug. 8t: Calls for mott .......... 15H8 l'osltions ' fiUed ...... .. i v:.;.10i5 AH youniT' men seeking employment, especially, etrsumers, ara cordially , in vited d ccnsult !ilh the secretary of tne r-mpioymrnt iJffnrimnt. ' .1 ..." J.' m V. . h , M ' . U unmarried men batween bkps of 18 and 35; eitiaens pf the United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read 4and write the English language. For Information ap ply to recruiting ptflcer. Worcester bldg., 3d ana Oik stw.. Portland, Or. WANTED r:xperlenoid elockmaker. Ap ply superintendent ti Trice' netween S-.'id and 10 a; is, sixth floor, Mfer & r rana vimpony. . .1 WANTKl-A Christian ,,r nhyslclan . to take good town and country prac tice and drug Vtore. On Oregon lleo iric. it. miles xrom r-ortinuo. Aauvess Orenco Drunr'Co., Orenco, Or. pltiNTEIt, murried, A-l, $18. Addreaa, .ii?a .Titi tt i a l , : ;. ; '. . , . . . . IICLP WAXTlil--,MISty, 4 OREGON AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 2r 2tt8 11th et Latest up-to-date meth ods of practical .Instruction In driving and repairing automobiles by expert in tructors and mechanics.1 Tuition, part cash on enrollintnt, balance at time of gran unci on. "' ' v' central" coMilliiictlL" CioLLiiciE. Bookkeeping, , shorthand, typewriting courses ..'under-' specialists; - tuition'; $10 per pio.; text books free. 'Have you Keen our, new oooklett C E. : Carlton, Principal, Central bldg.j 10th and Alder, oRlCOfW law BtHOOL. A thorough nraotical course in law: no time lost from regular occupatlonc refliatlona evenines. - Kanillel T. Rich ardson, dean, M. Morehead, See, 816-81? Common wea it n oiog., i-ortiana, uregon. VANTEO Portland mail carriers, pos- - tal clerks; lt to iwu montn; vaca. tiona; many November examinations; common education sufficient; - sample questions tree, rranxun insiuuie, iepi. az i-it, itocnester, n. t. IJiSE your spare Ume to' build up a mail . order business of your own. We halo you start for a share in profits, 27 op- Sortunitiee. - particulars free. Mutual pportunitles Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. tloo To 1160 monthly, rnilroad brak men: an exnerienced railroad man In. structs ana secures you a position, izv 16th st. 1 - Ha 1L vvi:Y'"kAiL 'cLfciiks " vAktiiK - Commence $75 month. Write for par ticulars, i Franklin Institute, Dept u4-u. nocneater jn. y. WOMEN--Get government Jobs; big pay; write ror tree use or positions avail able. Franklin. Institute, Dept $900. Rochester, N. Y. - ' ' 7', I'l.": '. iI'ntkhNat.hmiai, ' -,r CORRESPONDENCES; (SCHOOLS 80S McKay bldg. Tel. Main 1026;'A-4142 WATICD -Namea of men, IS" to $$. wieil.nK u uq ran w m mtui cer&. $78 month: KX-1510. Journal. LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen. T86, Journal.. ;';. ,: UNCALLED for tailor made suits. $. up. Taylor, the tailor. I8SH Humelda 'tifciE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheu- matlem; 69 tablets 25a. All druggists. HELP WANW2D---FEMAtB i 2 Situation Wanted Ada inserted free tor those In need Of work and who are utiable to hay for an advertisement Advertisements must be brought to the of tire pereonauy pf the parties deelrtng woi- . EXPERIENCED salepeople wanted for glove and ribbon departments. Apply between s;30 ana lu s m. at superin tendent's office, sixth floor, Meier & Drank store, , HOUSEHOLD Workers' -Institute, now open for pupils, train Inexperienced girls in everv line of household work. For in formation appiy miss m. A. yuinn, sse um, namnaii map. - WANTEIl A woman willing to take . care of a sick , lady and 3-year-old cniia. rso waeuing, zu montn. Ad dreas H. H. Roley, 4th. and Oak ats., Milwaukle. Or. " . WANTED---2 experienced waitresses at tne Kttte care, fuone jf, iiinz, timas, '''"l'''''''-''"'''':'''' " r ''v A RETIRED farmer would like hous keeper for small family; direct 657 Hotel Trautmenn. 'WOMAN for general work In ' small family,-Influlrs 628 E. 19th St. N. NEAT, ciean girl wanted in 'rooming -house as helper. W-820, Journal.- HELP AVANTfiD LALK AAP FEMALE ' S THE MOLER BARBER . teach you the trade In colLegk win 8 weeks. Send for free . catalogue: eXDert Instructors: 20 years tn the business; a lifetime scholarship given to each' Student; spe cial inducements to ladies. 48 N. 2d st the barber trade in 8 weeks, pays you while learning, tools free, tuition re duced this term, expert instruction, po sition guaranteed, special, inducements to ladles. 238 Madison at, 252. 2nd. WANTED Patrlotlo eitiaens to help put a atop to robbery , by i Telephone Trust A few can do it Address with stamp A. t Cridce, Secretary State Tel. League. 6f E.' 22nd st, north, : GENTLEMAN or , lady, introduce new line; $150, 60 days' work. Call Hotel Renwick, 206 Broadway, room 202, morn Ings ; "" '"'": . --j'.',-.. '..'. ': . .:' ' EEN Ait) WOMEN wanted ior gover.i ment Jobs; $99 month; write for list of positions open. - Franklin Institute, Dept. 826-G. Rochester. N, Y. f,'.'-. - ,; F1SK .Teachers' Agency seourea poai- ttons for tettcnere, 8is journal bldg. PKIVATE shorthand school, experienced i teacher, $6 per month. 393 11th s. To I PIP MY UTMOST 4 ti , TO AYfiRT , WAXTni U.' ii.'j.ii,:; AMI RAU'PIMB p'no obivintr K'lanminPil rinners In l leHHwi. fin I Kilern bbi WAlS'TEDtipeclal asente to n-prespnt one of the large ol.l line lift) lnisiir ance companlew, Bplendid oiMioHntutv and territory, either city or Btte;. con tracts unetjuuled ti men of energy, and ability.. -Call 618 Morgan bid. V- EAPEUlENCl'.D'.-. inagHSine or biok .almeii. big commlHion, i nxcluKive territory. Harper's MuKasslne, , J AVoi' caster, bids.; Jd and Oak. '.'' . SITUATIONSMALE WORK wanted by a clean cut young man; comes of a good standing; no boorar,', fighter or bud habit; eteady worker; wants work in city; not atraid of work; of neat- appearance; have worked as agent for' large freight com pany and )iandy man, A-764. Journal. IfOlJNO man wautiTposltion anoral Job bing or steady has-a few tools; am good ut odd jQba of any kind, auto driv ing and painting included. -Phone Mam ' r. vp"nyi am jerrerson et. WANTED A ' poeition as .aaalatant bookkeeper billing clerk or any kind of gdnerai office work. Best of refer ences 11 lo ability and character, . PI US, journal. WANTEDrPositioh by young man hav- )ng served two years as macninist. Desires to finish trade. . Experienced with gaa engines. ' E. V. Parker, 276 Hooker. ' ' LAND CLEARING, v I "clear- land at , reasonable prices. Iirge or - small tracts. ; Address 82 1st t. " Collins. -f'.- ' "- ".. " --.'' kKRMANEiVf nosition wanted, middii.. . aged, reepeotabla man. - Reasonable wages. Country preferred, W-813, Jour RESPONifiBLE." middle' aged OermnB speaking man,' well acquainted wita city, for . collector. Will furnish cash bond, w-068, Journal. EXPERIENCED ladies' and ' tents' tailor, unmarried, wishes position in city or country; sober and reliable. 0-S36, j ourtiai, ,''"..., ."J.'-.'..",r.,'..,.! ; ;."; iOCPKHtlKNCED fireman will take sta - tlonary or marine Job,' In ; or out of city. Phone Marshall , 2 729, or address j-tias, journal. WANTEL) Position as arooery or hard v ware clerk; 6 years', xperience; A-l rererence. Aaaress it, jr. stover, Jen iiinss Lodge, or. BOOKKEEPER now employed wotitd like set of books to keep evenings It m. Hsyiesk 506 Montaomery. SITUATION wanted of any kind by young man, strong, and is. not afraid or worn, wain oios. FIRST class painter, decorator and en. graver would like work of some kind; wont guaranteea, 481 wannattan St. - CHACEt'pfC'R, experienced on, all cars, wants position - with private family; single; eood references. D-710, Journal. V7ANTED to clean walks and norobes and build furnace fires mornings in private nousee. Address p. o.: ox aio. TI&iUER cruiser want work, A-l city references, E-805 Journal. FIRST CLASS meat cutter with best of rererencfs. .wants position. B-3078 THE man. that called at 229 Vt 1st call at e:sw. SITUATION bv first class barn man first class reference.' - 287 Weldler st SITUATION by man as dlshwasber. Z- 848. journal. . , YOUNG .man. l veara of sue. wlllin to do most anythlnr." 8-8 IB. Journal. cARPlfiNTER, first ciaHS, want work t oncei -t-none jiennett. wain. 48j SITWATIOXS fKJIIALB YOUNG woman, with boy of two, whose husband works out of city, would like to work tn private- ramiiy for coara and IUUIII, S,1 1 A'VOUU, WANTED A good home - and some waKea to a kind elderly woman as companion and nurse, Mrs, Vernie Mc- Lane, Lenta, ur. - - - - . MIDDLE aed lady would like children to car ior; goon noma, nice yara; best of references. Call 1682 OaUnan at, St Johns ear line. WOMAN in country, wants permanent position general nousework. Mrs, Lourlnda Conroy, Butte Falls, Or.. ELDERLY woman uositlon ' as housekeeper , for - widower. Columbia ENGLISH girl wants scrubbing and cleaning In apartments or hotel, phone Main 8849. . . . : ' '''.' YOUNG widow with child wlahet house work or car . ior invalid ; can speak irerman. rnone peuwooq tuzii, WANTED Situation as cook or general housework; first class references. 187 Weldler.-- :''''.'' -..'.:.. , .-' - - .' . fc'iKN'CKl-KAPHER' desires positipn; con- sclentlous worker: references. S-674 journal. - EXPERIENCED laundress wants day wors. van asi, eao sater t ; even- In r-s only, EXPERIENCED housekeeper,, elderly gentleman preferred. Call Tabor 44 2 0. SITUATIONS WANTEII MALE ';;ft;,:,ND FEMALE 23 MAN and wife wish work on farm or . farm .to care ror, f, unmmer, 439 Aider st, rortiana. -t-none a-zszi, - i DRESS9I AltlXa 40 DRESSE8, suits and alterations made; gooa w hi prices to emit custom i. Sir. R. t. Black, 461 Jefferson. ACADEMY ef Parisian BclenUXie Dreas nukinK. - Tailored i Kuka Coraeta. Teachers wanted. 604 Goodnonah bldg, LADIES'- tailored suits, $25 -and $30; good materials and workmanship. a,V. - - a a i i i- 1 .1 ., . r DHEfitiMAKER Wishes engagements by tne day or at noma, ii.ou. Mnr. B63. DRESSMAKING and alterations by first class aressmaaer. main nne, -. NUITSKS 00 MATERNITY home, the best of care and vour choice - of doctors. Jennie Walt 149 E. 76th N. COMPETENT nurse with 1 reference wants confinement case. Phone wood awn 2682. "."' : -'"' - - " MATERNITY nurse wants pase immedi ately; do housework; Main 147. r: FURNISHED IIOOMS .K,:.-:,'.,;, WEST"' SIDE ROOMS and apartments in modern ho tel, $2.59 we and UP. 455 Alder. ' T, iftt pAfp.vou: HLU Tip: ." . ..' , v. ' N" 1" 1 Ml III. i ! j-lif-lrto llr.iits, .! ,.,: . l.iiV',11 Iota, y. fiuu. 1 ir wit 11 01- wilimut li; 1 M ri. I'lintn-i I 'lift or. f.i .. 1. lint i.;ii iA n rooniM, rasialla iu 1 buiJUinif. ,iifiiiiir tb , batliM, club lai'iiitifK. a. cat't-urla. , Full pttrunubii office, cor'-, tith and '1,-hk. - ' liO'l t-.i. oak.;. $47 Oak St., .--between kfroadv Park; ettam heat, hot and co. i v in roqma; pood, ir.leati ttxin, ; ished, 82.60 wyek; only 6 f.M,- CENTTiAL liOTEL. ui' PA. i'.. Splendid double room for lor;; rooms, $2.60 up; with bath I'i. 1 thing modern. T V rl (JURIST llulr.l. 160 1st St. cor, 'Morrijson, ino lpni. 1 pished cool rooms, ii werk up; t eient KOo iley. S car from ibnut. YOUNG man, rooming . at V. ii. t . wants roommate to reduce joou expenses. Inquire Y, M. C. A., cor. . and Taylor. ' - ' - - MCELK furnished rooms,' modern 1 venlencea, near MulUioman club, i 20th, near Morrison. FURNISMEO l-oom's; fvt-n bth, p: - heat; I LtO up. 208, I7tli, mar ri Main 7923, Taj KENlLWORfTTllof KL. i 228 U "2d St., steam heat, hot. cold w: rates VI per week up;.trariient solb-l IWeimason fSr' i per wk Free phone and bath. Main 7', HOTEL SAVON rJ , 8 J 3?toX ATtlrAMTt.T ROOMS in private familiea; we mauit -.a descriptive- list, giving wide ra. of choice; cap place you in just vw you want 1 Call today, no charge. CLA RENTAL-BUREAU. 1015 Chamber of Commerce. Alain 4n $1 WEEK, .large.' roam;- modum; h". - -- comforts. : 773 , Roosevelt, near marRnall 4ll ELEGANT front room, 3 blocks of :,f " . nomah i club, walking distance, $10 i Main 4l66.- . NEVVLY furnished room reasonable, minutes' walk from city hall. 6Q1F NEWLY furnitihed rooms, all conv.- encea; Marshall 4467: 414 Colim" 475 MORRIS'ON Dealrable" uiTi2 more; a room. X12. All convenlerw BOOM3 $1.75 Up,, J blocks fronTl'.", 808 Salmon st. LADY to . share apartment elefi '-" porcn; rererences. A-1795. Main 6:i , LARGE front room. 1st floor, for t jiyuuy laoies. tteasonaoie. 804 12tn FUKNISHED KOOJIS THE CLIFFORD HOTEU H. 6th and , Morrison eta Amerl and Eummn nlnn Mm, in' m..,i large lobby, special rates by month. 1MB Larrabee, 227 W A-ai rauc. Kooi 82 wk. up. Brick bldg.. steam heat, h and cold water. ,bath. phone, eleetrtcn -' IVBAISEEB SOOMS gABTBTjPBV .fBIWB rAITtT T $1 A MONTH Nice east room, fn" nished. Large double windows, sur able for one or -two. Modern convo; lences, home privileges, 1H blks. nor, of Hawthorne. 232 E,, 47th' st - I ho Tabor $132. ' EXCEPTIONALLY nicV .arge ro. i. newly furnished for 1 or g gentletn modern; garage if wanted. $1 E. Sii corner Stark. ' LARGE, cheerful room, fire In rom sleeping porch Connecting, home con forts, walking distance, east side. I'hu East 1540. - FOR RENT 3 nicely furnished sieei-i. rooms in private home, gentlemen i r ferred. 781 E. Yamhill et 260 E. 82d St., near Hawthorne ave., nb ly xurnisnea, pleasant room. Very rt sonaDie rent. $8.09 MONTH, nice sleeping room, 1 , tiace heat, bath, phones. . 4 5 2 . t a FURNISHETj room, light ' heat, bath, I, II. - jPg f ill jU SI.. U Cr. BOOMS AITS BOARD r&ivATfi FAauiiy WANTED 2 men, or man and wife, t room and board. 13 ft tier mnnth i. . bungalow, everything clean, nice, b i 1120 B..M11I. Puon Tabor 11S5; prlva i family. WILL give room and board and bei.t N care to-1 or 2 children, aire 2 t years, good home. For particulars i BEST room atid board in the city, UD. steam heat, modern, hnth .i,,v piano, home comforts. 534 E. Madia- nawtnorne car to 13th sK LARGE double room and board for t - people in' widow's home. Tabor 2 LARGE, airy front room- splendid lo tion. 3S N. 18th st ROOM and hoard for young lady; In, priviiPKea; very reaeonanie. Tan. v- . t. a ';u"i." . .. a. " " x.auuiii a . xront roem. Home coois use. or piano. Main 8312. 381 1 ClilLb to care "for. Tabor 4("5o. ; HOUSEKEEPIXO KtDOJW WEST SIDE GEM HOTEL,' 6664 1st st, furni rooms and housekeeping rooms, kU' neat. in every room. H.aH up. ONE. 2 and 8 housekeeping rooms; e; tricltyi gas, free phone, hath, hot v ter all hours. 646 H WaHhltig-ton WT6ST SIDE PEITATE FlfUIiT TWO clean, light well furnished H. : rooms; gas range, walking distant $19 mo. 807 Harrison st - two large, clean front furnished ro. ror housekeeping, with niaiio. 294 j. ferson. bESlHABLE suite, 9 or 8 rooms, li ,. pleasant well furnlehed, good locals 684 Morrison.- Furnished housekeeping roomti, laownanaie. Main 4f7. Several" rooms in oulet lioiue. view. I'none mornintrs, MribM HOUSEKEEPING, sliiKle or sultan. Ii gas and linen furniahed. S0, i.'. 61 TAYLOR; comfortable front bT and single houeekeeplng roomw, ""FTfRlVISHKD housekeeping tov. 890 H Jefferson st By Folic. avert THAT, THgpT i mi c : i t .. 'A" "-a