Fonton, S I WBU'ton N. Orleans Ksw totk Chicfltfo at. ul . . '1 Tnr: . .t r . .'n .t-t i el , ,4(5, ban Occasional ra 1 n tonight d Sunday; fi-an. " -y k i I ".'.' SOU southwesterly Winds, , , .3i h oitbaiif Kan, City lei cyvin fortland humidity, a. w. . PORTLAND, OREGON, - SATURDAY EVENING," OCTOBER 11, 1913TWO SECTIONS-18 'PAGES. ' VOL. XII. NO. 183. PRICE "TWO CENTS. v V; 1'ISof IVORLD'S SERIES Mathewson; Seemed Easy for . ;the Athletics at First but . Warmed-Up and Used His ; - Wide; Curve ; and Fadeaway .: to Advantage After Third. . CR AND ALL REPLACED HIM ' jN FINAL INNING OF GAME Hair Line ' Decision on Barry at First - Prevents Another Athletic Score in fifth FoN l lowing; Baker's Safe Slam J In i That Frame. TUB SCORE; R. H. B. 3 6 1 12 2 t; Philadelphia,' ;.'..;, . New York . - ...... if ,f; PHILADELPHIA AMERICANS. AB. R.-H.-PO.A.R. 3 4 18 .1. 0 0 T Oldring, If 4 I 0 s 0 1 8 o i J 0 vq 14 0 0 2 o o i 0 1 ;1 0 0 0 i f :nLlln ail - . . t-. a ' -Baker lb. . . . . . . . a .1-.. MnTmnAa 1h ' ... . t ti ..'. ',,' ti r - : . V Plank, s 3 Toui .;;.i;..Vi;; 3 t 27 is j ?& ffEW TORK NATIONALS. . i'' , ; v AB. Hi H. PO. A. E. HarkOf,'-- So . . fv.S i',. 4 w?:;:l)oylei. 2b... V.i "4 Fletcher, ......,,.. S .' . Burn. If., ' 6hfer.-cf. ........... 2 " i . Murray; rf .......... . 3 v' ., MoLraiy c... S ' Merkle. lb . . . . , 3 ' rv Mathewaon, , p . ...... 2 CrandaU , . . 1 '5; Total; . .' ' A .' ft " A , II .A 1 ' 0 Of 2 3 0 0 0 1 8 6 0 3 ,0 0 0 3 0 1 3 0 0 IB 0 ,10 0 j 2 0 .0 1 t 37 15 " Batted f or .-Mtewoa-rv- , r'-''- SCORE BY INNINGS, i ; Philadelphia i . T.fl O M 0 0 0 0 0s v,..-Mtt.V..-.,.;.;V . I 3 0 0 I'D D M New York 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 Hits.. ....... 0 0 6 0 1 1 0 0 03 ? v - . SUMMARY, , v ' . r ;V Slrucl? out By Plank 1. by Mathew : ion 2 Baaea on t balls Off Plank 1 ; Mnthawaon 1. .Double playa Collin to Barry, to -Molnnea; Barry to Colllna to ; Mclnnes. bacrlfica hits Baker. Colllna, Mclnnea I. Umplrea Klem behind bat. Egan on baaea, Connolly and JUf ler on ' foul ltnea. ; ' -; ' '.!vv-,.''i ?, York, OcU ll:rl;adl nans won the world's i baseball championship tot '.Conn! Mack's .Athlatics here this ; afternoon, ''.when.'v In 4 the fifth gam of the series, the; Athletics annexed their fourth victory by a score of n 1 . . ' i : iiJSfi'f wr.'.rth.vCOB -khlt-''-- 'J tint effect' of the' OU ' ' i "! ht" ' Plank dupllcat- y ed Mathewson's effort ti vi- . i when, like bis veter ' (SHERMAN' an , contl horary,: he , weatra vry atdrm, and by a superb (ipmonstratlon of 11 those thing which . mk for pitctiKif excellence,-, he a,tood th Giants -on'.tnolr beam-ends! " Plank's southpaw was there forty vweys; und to the very last llckar. had i the stuff to make the puny efforts of the V Olant v batters. I No kid pitcher could ,liav aiaplayed greater stuff in a freah, . young arm thanJVas 'unrolled by th ::'Gettysburc battler'-Aviji-,.; v Plaak Carried Jfroa f taU. . , At ' (lie. conclusion of the game his . i',LmtnatAS dteplayfcd v their sentiments in th' tnitttt of bearings ths veteran i. twlrlcr from the field on their shdul- . (Continued on Page Three) USE VINEGAR TO FOOL IN.TI L Safe Crackers' Get $2000 in ;4 Cash and ' Goods , from . ;' ' Lebanon Store t':k .' Xanon, Or., Oct II. The safe in the store of the Reovte-Clark oompany was blown by 'burglars last night and rifled of Its, contents. - The burglars took not;only th cash in the strong v box, but : also the ' checks , that ' were taken In during the evening. A q.uan .tly of .blankets, comforts, flour and sugar that was piled around thb safe was badly damaged. It Is not known how much "cash was ! secured, 5 but V it is thought the total loss will reach 12000. ',. The goods were also damaged by vinegar, which was : poured over them ; and on. the safe. It is thought vinegar was - uaed- to kill the scent to prevent bloodhounds ; from - trailing - the thieves. Sheriff Bodlne , Is here from Albany ; investlgatlng;:;;t:;';r:,rri'fr:-i':;,.;-t ' ' '' ' , " , " m . ' S ' I, ip, 1 1' Arrested for Gem Theft," ' JJaW York, Oct, 11. James Stewart and Hastings TJ, Mason were arrested In connection with the recent theft of 1 16.000 worth of .gems from Mrs. C. C. humaty, once Mlsa Mary Harrlman, and Of $100,000 worth' fron J. H, Hanan. . ... ( -;.mi 1.'. ' ' ""' ' t .Turkey ' Buy ' Brazilian ' WarblJp, . ' JSTewcaatla-on-Tyne, Oct. Hi Erailllan representative have .closed the sale Of the Brazilian auperdrgadnaught Itlo de Janiaroi Just finished, to Turkey. , BLOODHOUNDS ( t 4 f i - " I ' k'' ''' I DEMAND REVOCATION OF FRANCHISES URGE COMMON USERPLAN East Siders Make Request Af fecting Railroads," P,'R L &'P;;Given Hard .Rap. ' That the member! of, tha city council should Immediately revoke the f ran- chlaea held by the Southern Pacific and 0.-W. R. & N. company on Eaat , Flrat and Second atreeta and In their place grant franchisee with oommon jae? prlvllegea, and It the commlesionera did not Bee fit to take auch action, refer the matter to the people at the apedal election November - 4, waa the conten tion of a representation from the aat Side Business Men's club meeting- with Will - H, Daly,' commissioner of publlo utilities,' this morning.. . v' - . In connection with arguments broueht out relative to the revocation of these f raachiaaavsser Uoaw werenauie- that . PoloTt!rUBo!i' T''"-a. Portland. Railway. L4ght & Power J .;umpany was not .trying to meet' the people, .but that , the company Intend to glv "only moonlight." i .' .:''-rt?.'01ty Cat System1, Wrgetvi-'vV .''It4- was argued - that lf the v public irervlco corporations . doing business In Portland would not reduce their rates the city should immediately make plans for municipal' ownership of such facili ties. . Among, those that should be es tablished by the city, it was pointed out,- are a municipal; street car -and lighting system, .' paving plant 1 and others. y ' Uan Kellaher of the Dock commission and East Side Business Men's club and (Continued on Pags Nine.) j THE MOST WASTED TIMEALONE ... . 1 j.: ' ,..v-' i;'. I V ',. WOULD .MORE PAY, FOR J, H, Nolta Gives' Reasons . Why Bridge'' Across 1 -Cclum'4 " bia River ' Should ' Be- Built. "The time people Ipse In waiting to cross the Columbia river on th ferry, if measured In dollars and cents, would build the , Interstate bridge without any trouble," declared J. H. Kolta,k one of the prime movers In the bridge project, this - morning. "With an adequate span over the Columbia, th people who actu ally uae it could take , care of the coat out; oft the money they(-sava. , But they won't -have 'ttfy-'---'- -s,ii''' Mr.- NolU reviewed tha hUtory of traffic ; across the? Columbia', between Portland .and Vancouver. First,' th old rowboat that used to take people over. Man would ride their horses to the riv er bank, tie them$? tree an4 TQ vr lnPjtbwC' ' ' ' "linount their steeds fcJa and nuu iwuiii) Lter cams th trestla and the ferry., NoWjthe neo eaaity ;-for a. -.bridge is, vmoro obvious than ver. :.. , . f-i '-'?'' ,i Mr. Molta said with .tha cheapening of th coat- of automobiles, ) the bridge would make It possible for the man of average meamixto .buy; ha country pro duce diMct from th rich farms : of Clarke, Skamania and, Cowlits counties and carry It home In bis car, at a real SBVingV" -4.. vy.-,-. a.., r'tw "' i "We talk-about going After, the trade of Alaaka when, we. pay no ' attention whatever, to the rich .oountrr right at our' door-a "region 'that: Is as cloae to ' Continued on Page Three. THAN NEW SPAN CUT. E . ' '' BBS !1 0 OF DEPUTIES IN JAIL Arrests Follow, Refusal of the ) Lower ; Mexican House to ' Drop Investigation of Killing of Senator Dominguez;: SLAIN . AFTER SPEECH CRITICIZING HUERTA Members of Catholic Party Alone Allowed Their - ::.:'v;-;;Freedom.''-L'.;'..;': Mexico. lty( Oct; iL-Doclarlnf both branches of congress suspended. Pro visional President Huerta practically as aumed a dictatorship, her today.. Ills formal proclamation dissolving th na tional legislature announced that new senators and deputies would be chosen at the electon October 2. . f Th Mexican capital wa terrorized by the boldness bf Provisional President Huerta's coup last night when b had 110 members of the chamber Of depu ties locked up for falling to drop an In vestigation of the death of Senior Do mlngue 6f. Chiapas, who wa killed after making a speech sgalnat Huerta. ' The provisional prealdent. had asked, through Minister , Aid ape in an addreaa before the chamber, the reconalderatlon of the vote to Investigate, eaying the deputies had "not the power to investi gate ' a matter upon which the Justice department had already passed. When, after hissing the minister, the chamber of deputies adjourned without complying with Huerta's request, be had them locked up as they left the build Ing and even caused the arrest of a few who lingered at their desks. The Cath olic party members were the only ones allowed their freedom. That so high banded a proceeding; will be allowed to pass without serious trou ble was considered more than unllkeJy today.. The city was practically under martial law, however,. Huerta - having plainly made' up his mind to nip any demonstration against- himself '.In the bud.-: ' 1 : - :-v r Senator Domlnguei a few days ago spoke in the senate a bitter criticism of th Huerta regime, declaring that condi tions, In Mexico were worse than ver? that nothing had been' done' toward paolftoatlon of , th country; th cur rency, of Mexico naa aepreciatea, iiaias had been neglected, and towns raxed and that famine threatened. The situation, he declared, was due to the fact that th Mexican people - could not resign themselvea o be-governed ,by. Haerta-tj BERLIN BANK DIRECTOR I CHARGED WITH FORGERY New York, Oct.' 11. Bi-Dlreetor Paul R.' Lindner of a Berlin bank has been arrested charged . with - a - 31,000,000 forgery. 1 " - ' Federal Force Reported Destroyed, - Mexico City,' Oct 11. That General Alvtrec. with his force of 1000 federals, were killed to the last man by rebels, Juat before the latter captured Tor reon. wa reported her today. Al vires was on; big way to retake Durango when ha fell Into au ambuscade. OF AtLL!" yillsiil I AO CITY TI LEVY III . 1914 NOT TO BE M0HI1913 y'-i i i . ii i 'i - '. i! -.v ' -,. i- Department Estimates for the Coming Year Total $3,741, .957, Which Budget- Com- - mittee Will Prune; ' PUBUC'HEARING.WILL . ' . VBE HELD OCTOBER 20 Business Men Will Be Invited to"Be Present, and Join, 1 . " " Discussion. "! tSix departments of city government ask v toui, of 33,T41.86T to meet ex penses next year. This is approximately 3557.908 more than th cost of running th government this year, which is 3, 134,049, , " s Th budget committee purposes to prune deeply. It does not Intend that th expenses of 1914 under 'commission government shall be more than the ex pense of 1913 .'under councllmanto' gov ernment,, said Commissioner of" Finance CV A. Bigelow, who Is chairman of the budget committee, this morning. From the amount to b raised .by tax must be subtracted revenues from li censee and other sources. The estimate of the dock commission is not included id the levy of the city, but will be se cured through a levy in addition to that of the city proper. The amount asked Continued on Pag Three. NAVM j. Ai Beck with and C, H, Bristow Picked for ; Med- ' V - iterranean Trip,- To 3. A, Beckwith and C, H. Bris tow, officers In the Oregon state naval militia,' goes th honor of representing that body in the fall practice cruise of a portion of the Atlantic fleet to Medlt eranean waters. .' They leave "Portland ! tomorrow, for v01d Point jCcupfort Yan wnere tney wiivrr?'rj to: ,tn com manding officer of, itiO.Ytlet.Vi''T"'r ; ! The 'fleet' of nine'; large ' battleahlps will be gone until December, and will Carry two representatives of the naval militia of each state, for Instruction.', . Mr. Beckwith is lieutenant . in . the Oregon naval militia; having served In th organisation for the past three years, v Ha is member of th firm of Johnson & Beckwith.' attorneys, in the Fenton building. Mr. Bristow is ensign In the militia and Is connected .with the Caravan Manufacturing company. . . . - ' SEA SAFETY, BILL IS ISHE Passed Last Session but Taft . .Did Not SignHt; Is in . , Senate Now,. - n (Ualted Pre tawd Wire.) Washington, Oct. 11. -The "sea safe ty'' bill has not yet been enacted. . It was. -passed at the last session of con gress but It was not signed by former President Taft and now stands in th senate as unfinished business. " Senator Fletcher. a member of the committee drafting the bill, will demand quick action in view of the Velturno disaster in mldocean. Senator. Fletcher predicted when the Tltanio sank that tha next great disaster would come from within 'the vmo. v ? ;-... CONSTRUCTION PLANT, AT SEATTLE, IN FLAMES ,j. , V lin I i i i Ii n , I' i ,, i . Largest on .Coast, and With Other Property. Doomed to. WW 'Destruction,- ; , , ;-.;. ':.. (Oolte Ptem teased .Wire.) V-.iVV Seattle, Wash., Oot. 11. The plant of th Seattle Construction A Orydock Co., formerly owned by th Moran Brothers oompany; and the largest on th Paclflo coast Is in flames. A kfrong wind is blowing and -the complete destruction of th plant and .much' otner, adjoining property seems Imminent - I.,-,.. . , THIS BANK NEEDS . - V SAFE BLOWER BADLY ', 'ii.; lii.-'W." " " . i - Los Angeles, Oct 11. The Merohants Notional bank wants a safeblowtr,- with references. For tlfre days one of Its safes, 'containing 1800,000. In gold, 1 has deflod the eriort of experts to open- it Nltro glycerin will b-used tomorrow. ir- " Gorernor Entertains Colonel. . Barbadoes. Oot ll,-Th governor en tertained Colonel Roosevelt at luncheon MBttraatty''; UNFIN D BUSINESS LIIIER BiUS AT SEA GADItlli:& 136 ir.imiGRAElTS WITH HER AS SHE SINKS; 521 ARE P.ESCH Af-'i. rjivVV.-if,'!.-.. V '" 11 1 1 .a'.':.-;i;'"r::,V.. i: ' t". V;V , .. -. Steamship Volturno, Canadian Northern Vessel, Leased to Uranium Steamship Company Catches ' Fire in MFd-Atlantic, 500 Miles East of Capo Race, Burns to Water's Edge Before SinKing. , ' " ' , , ,: , ; . 10 SHIPS ANSWER WIRELESS CALLS.FOR HELP Amid Raging Storm Other Steamers Make Gallant Attempt to Reach; Burning Ship; Many Jump Overboard and Drown; Life Boats Wrecked. (United PreM Leased Wire.) , , Liverpool - Oct. 11. Alter burn ing to the water's edge, the steam er Volturno , sank la mid-Atlantic yesterday morning. ' '.' She had 564 ' passengers: and a crew of 93 on board. Of these 138 are missing. .Undoubtedly all per ished. ' - , - - - , Ten big linen surrounded '. the charred hulk when It went down. At desperate risk to themselves they had rescued 521 of the crew and pasBengerB. '' . The Volturno was commanded by Francis Inch, who only won bis cap tain's stripes two months ago. She be longed to the Canadian Northern Steam ship company, better known a tha Roy al , line, . but had , been leased to th Uranium Steamship company of Hol land. '''; :y. : -.'-'."'"' ' - October 3 she sailed from Rotterdam with 24 cabin and 840 steerage pasaen gera, bound for Halifax and New York, rir Starts Tbursday. ... Early Thursday fire brok out on board. It spread so rapidly that Cap tain Inch soon-aw the ship could not be saved. At his order the- wireless flashed th "S. O. 8." call for aid. From many directions responses came immedi ately. ';V.i;5--;..W'' ' ; Th Cunarder Carmanla was only 78 miles away. Captain Barr; ordered fulj steam toward the burning ship. The Cunarder reached , the scene at. noon Thursday. It was not far, from th spot where the Titanic- sank- i Ths Volturno was biasing furiously from stem to stern, and- rolling heavily In the trough of the sea. Six boats had beea lowered from the burning craft but owing .to the. XouUnsrof the tackle. four of them were smasnea on me voi' tumo's sides, and their, occupants were drowned., fh; other two reached th STARTS FOR U. S. Militent Leader lSails on La Provence From French ' - Port, , 'fTTnlted Press Leas' Wli...v ' Paris, Oct 11.- Mrs; Emmelin Pank hursV the famous militant suffragette leader; sailed from Havr for th United States today aboard tha liner- La Prov enc. BeforaleaviDg Paris. Mr. Fank hurst said: ;i : 4 "I wish to send, through the United Prets,: greetings to all men and women of. America standing tor more healthy social conditions, for putting humanity on a higher level and for the administra tion of plain justice to aiimanama."; LAND RECOMMENDED - . : .... " hah rnrr a mam run i nuivito i chlunu f-. ;;f; ':;'' - ' (WSsblnstoa Surean of Th Jcuninl.V jy .. Waabln gton, Oct ? 1 1. Vary s largely through , the ,f fort b' Bepresentati v Sinnott th ' d!rctor: of the, geological survey has recommended to th secre tary of the interior designation under th enlarged homestead act of sections 7. I. It. .23. 26 to Zt. township -28 south, range 1 east; .sections 1, 8, 11 to 11. 23 to 26, 3B. 3, townabip Z7, range i east. Lake county," nar FrtKoly 'Jh' &Xi SAY. PRESIDENT; WILL ASK FOR FREE-CANAL London Oct ll.-On th word of Its Washington correspondent th Times savs President Wilson will ask . con gress to repeal the law allowing Amer ican ships to , use th , Panama canal toll-fre.;., a,';;-'.-;;v ..j;; '''?i;;fc 3; si 'v:? vi-t; MRS PANKHURST : GOOD ROADS SECTION Special feature of THE SUNDAY JOUFu' ' , TOMORROW Why is a. GOOD ROADS-enthusiast? Do YOU realize that poor highways are the expenr-ivc ones? t - m .f ' . j . '' i-' , 1 i , Do YOU know what is being done to improve the re- ' of Oregon? v' ' . , These 1 questions a re satisfactorily answered ana other ohases of' the- trood roads, problem comprehcriMvcly i' cussed by "men who know in a special illustrated scci '.will be included in THE SUNDAY JOURNAL f,.r t..- ; THE SUNDAY JOURNAL for five cents the copy. ' ocean aafely and those on board were rescued by th Carmania. ' . ' Tempts magtng Gal. . There was a howling gale, and for tba Carmania to run close to the Volturno wss an undertaking of thp greatest dan ger and-difficulty.. Captain-. Barr at tempted it again and" again, however. The, liners Grosser Furst and Seldlitz came up about 4 o'clock Thursday after noon. . La Touralne, " the Minneapolis, the Kroonland, the . Rappahannock,- the Narragansett the Devonian and tha Cxar arrived soon afterward. r , Throughout,' Thursday , night the bi ships maneuvered constantly - in an ef fort ; to get - -close enough to the Vol turno to take off her orew and passen gers. All had repeated narrow escapes from collision with th burning vessel or with one another. Captain Barr ran the Carmania onco within 100 feet of the Volturno's stern, but failed to get a line on her befoiv the gale swept him again to too grei: a distance. Lifeboat after lifeboat to reach the Volturno, but In the storm each time they '.failed .to get near the vessel. - ' J. '..T: '' ; -, -.- v-;-- Zxploslon Thursday Hight' , r About' 9 o'clock Thursday-night ther was an explosion on tne flaming shit. (Continued on Psg Two. , HATED PRISON DOCTOR , IS BEATEN BY GETTES v it' it"' - , 1 " Dr.. Borward, Forcible Feeder, Does-Not'tTfy-rto-Defend 4 t (DaiUd press teut tTlra.t ' . London, Oct It Catching him jn-f outside , Holloway . prison, three bh f ragettes- pounced on Ir. ..A. Forwa th Jail physician, today,-and broke . African '.sjambok, or, . rhlnocroi h whip, . ver? bi shoulders. Tlio 't i ( did not try - to defend h!i"" T militant suffragettesf havo with especial bitterneaa bo. forcible feeding,' under his m minlBtratlon, ; of suffragette f in Hollo way prison, : Considering .th rest of the v profession, too, at fault .for not li it protested , against the Holioway tor's methods, a suffragette war 'i r late yesterday emafihed. a larce riuirn of windows in ' Hurley istreet, wi-a i there is a large medical ; colony. Suffragette today denied the 't port that ' Mrs. Pankhurst did not s on La Provence for the- United fctatc- WOMAN ,R0PES,lMAD v !: DOG SAVES CHILDREN u Oakland".- Cal., Oct: 11. -Mrs. Emma Rodgers of West Berkeley roped a rabid dog yeatorday, heroically, preventing 'its attack on 'school children.' She held th.i animal off With aetick' around whk '-. th rop was wound until help can ,'. CANAL BUILDER CLOSE ? , TO DEATH IN HOSPITAL Baltimore. Md., Oct ""11. Colonel GaU- Uard, one of the builders of the '.main ' canal,"-. lies unconscious her , today i : St. John's hospital. ; :H is suf ferln ; from a brain malady; and it la exiweto to end fatally toon. . Colonel Ga liliar-i does not even recognlie' Mrs. Gaiiiiar i. NO CURRENCY LAW ; before DECr::: ' v 1 V t n i V1 WasbingtonOctnt. Ecm;-, ' v.--Smith1 of Georgia today canvas: , 1 t senate regarding a proposal- to rue until November U. Senator Smith s: he was certain that no currency li pl; i tloiv would b; passed before Dwtml,. t is on sale by aU n: ,Tv, ' vow o,