t;i:: cv.l con daily journal, Portland, Friday OCTOBER U 1 1 i Choico Building Lots on Wes ' Clcnelyn addition, at 3 mile cir cuit, -commands an unobstructed view ol tlio biautiful Tualatin ' valU'.v. Bull Run. water, graded , streets ami walks. Price $450 ana up; terms to suit you. Let one of, our autos take you out today.. . Phone Matn 1800 or A-6261, . . , PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. OWNERS. .' : 2nd Floor Belling bldg., ; . 3 , "Corner fclxth and Alder. : i LLAUTTFUL view lot. coiner, side walks, graded street, no assessment. Cumin iinnll vour view. Ideal homeslte, only $400, JIB cash, $5 per mo, , M, E. Lee. 623 Corbett bids. BROADWAY fine 1-4 blk between Broadway and stesl bridge. A bar train tor quick Hale. good apartment Kigit. A good business lot on Mississippi and Russell sts. can jtiam iugg. j-iubsi BARGAIN 40x100 at Lenta, on block car. 8460.7 Phone owner TaDor uau. F1RLAND lot 4350, worth 1460: terms 16 monthly. Main 1166, or Tabor 771. I JIAVK a full lot, clone to Union ave. to aell cheap, P-481. journal ACREAGE ' 87 Beautiful Subu rban Ac reage on' the West Side , Small tracts, rich soil, on grad ". ' ed - roads. 16 minutes' . walk to station, .-$340- per acrs, Tracts fronting on graded street with food sidewalk, close to station, ' b00 per acre; one tenth of the. purchase cash and the balance , . monthly In small payments. .. The nw Fourth utreet electric line ' runs through this acreage and the row cars will make the distance Jo v 3 minutes out, ,' . - ; v'.i ' The Shaw-Fear Co, Main 35. 103 4th st A-3500, FIVE ACRES $260. , 110 DOWN. 15 PER MONTH. Buys acres of logged off land. Three . quarter of mile from center of town of 1000 population, also cannery and creamery. - Three quarters of a mils from railroad station on mala 11ns bs- . . tween Portland ana Astoria, Tnis una Is free from rocks snd gravel, lies level ana win not ovsrxiow. xaeai ror cnica n raisins-, dairying, and small fruits. ' 'Will grow anything that can bs raised In western Oregon. Front soma of these . ; traots you have beautiful view of the - Columbia river. 400 acres from which to choose. Perfect title and warranty deed. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg., 2d floor. Between '3d and 4th on Htarn. .Acreage . Six miles from'tuurt house,, on southwest aide; good, rich soil; . some tracts sll cleared and under cultivation and some stump land.'. Prices $325 to $460 per acre. Let: us show you this property. Phone Main 1800 or A-8281. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANT. OWNERS. - v - j j, v -;: Snd Floor Selling bldg., s- Corner Sixth ana Alder. : - 5 and .10 Acres Cheat 120 ld to 145 per acre, on terms. Tracts of I acres or more: deep, red shot soil, -weir watered : easily cleared; Ideal for general farming, fruit, vegs. tables, dairying and chicken raisiiig; lo- ' catea on county roaa, iose to live town on R. R. and river, near Portland. Own ers, 70S Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak. sts. Wain S07J. Evenings i-iasi - - , -One Acre Tract - . Onlv $235 , - Within mils circle, 5 minutes from. eject no station, fzo OQwn,, io a montn. i ne mcmson-Miien ,; uo,. ? 210 Gerllnger Bldg. CHICKEN snd fruit ranches near Port land; Gresham district. Estaoada Una, clsotrlQ sution . mils.- New subdi vision, Sunshine Valley orchard traots; best soil, free wood; elegant . location. Prices only f 76 to f 160 pa acrs In small tracts; easy terms; quick train service, Frank MO arland Realty Co 803 Yeoo ' bliir, t-frtlnnd. Or. - JUVERYBO0V is talking about' the fact that we are the only ones doing a big business In Farm Lands. It Is beoauae we have the goods. It would pay you to drop In and see us. Willamette Valley Irrigated Land Co, 286 Stark st.. also 684 North 6th street . YOUR OPPORTUNITY. - 1 10 acres for $300, close to river and R. R, transportation, good neighborhood, school, macadam-- road - close to land. This tract fronting on a road. Tour own terms., J! 14 Lumber L'xchange bldg., cor. Ind and- 8tark am. . . , . .20 Acres $600. $1.00 fare from Portland; closet to town, splendid farming land; C00 acres on the market; $100 cash: or will accept $20 cash, $10 month, a Clauds Cole, S 17 Foard of Trade bldg. - Good soil, city wster, close to car Una, asy terms; will build to suit purchaser, phone Marshall 1686. or BellwoOd 47$. J no. li. uiDBOn, owner. (IS TO $ PER ACRH. to 10 acre tracts, good soil, road to very tract, now school, miles to Co lumbia river and railway station,. Itt hours from Portland; easy terms. 115 Lumber Ex. bldg.. cor. Id snd Stark sts. HAVfl calls for 20 to 160 acrs farms at ths right pries. If you want to sell or trade writs us, giving full descrlpr tlon; owners only. The Atchison Allen Co. 910 Oerllnger bldg. . ' t'OR SALE 40 aores good land, 3 miles station, ' Lincoln county, ' water and timber, easy cleared, $650, terms. Box 685. Portland ' M 40 ACR&8, two tnlles from Mist. Have paid tn $1100; $000 still due; at $10 ' per month; no interest.;. Sell contract. Knap. A-7B5, Journal. ' 10 acres near carltne, $100 cash, terms. Pries $1500. Wm. M. Marshall, Van couver, wash. TRouts 8, box 137. . tin l.o Private Comcience-'Sometimes PRIVATE CONSatTNCH, 1 r mis! on ouTV. miss' WL- ... I f S A I III I H 11 I I 57 UAVij Ijuiui a ir biiiull acreage of 1 t 10 Hcnit, wim or, wiriout puudlnB wltiun lb nines or Portland, oo Wcat bi.m; prioe muai oe riynt and term reiisnn:iUlo; if you own the land Zn, wt . tu well or trade, write Us, giving 'i i im A'l'rmtsnv.AT.T.S'itf ri i 810 tJrlli)Kr Rid f ,. 2d and AlHer. $& per month handles chicken rancn close to tity. eo rare.., A, c. War- l'OIt HALE FARMS 17 BIO STOCK AND DAIRY - FARM AT KDGW OP" VALLKY2 HOURS ' Rll'li) KROM PORTLAND. BOIL KXPERTS AND LOVERS Of" NATURE CLAIM IT TO BE THE MOST MAUmflUAN-A" TKAUT W IjAMJJ IN THE STATti. ' MUST RB SOLD. On tnila aouara. 1 nraotktallv lvpl About 400 acres in cultivation, 240 creek bottom, or wnicn so acres is sandy loam (alfalfa land). The unimproved portion In covered with vounar fir. Alder and Vln Maple. Slight east slope no rock. Soli dark chocolate, outside range. . A lanre clear stream throuah center. one or tne most oeautirui in me state. a. jio-.root water ran. wen tencea. ooii buiUlinea. will make low nrioa and IJompiete pnoios ma maim 10 biiqw, OEORGK K. WAGGONER, ; 805 Yeon Bldg. GET YOUR CANADIAN HOME FROM M Jtlia VAlNAJJlAll FAVtJI IV Rich, fertile land for every" kind of farming, from $11' to $30 per acre,- To approved farmers we lend $2000 to make improvements bucIi as house, barn, sink' in wen ana . lencmg. - Terms, 20 years to pay for land and repay loan.' One-twentieth down, bal ance 19 yearly installments, $ per cent Interest.' Sea the CANADIAN PACIFIC EX HIBIT. ' of prize winning products of rertue canaaian plains. t uii personal information. ree maps and literature, Personally conducted excursions .to Canada. . . 271 PINK ST.. MUr,TNOMAM HOTs.V.t Ideal 80 Acre Hog Ranch Located in the heart of ths Willamette valley, in ths . great clover district; all In the highest a tat a of cultivation, vcrv besA of soli, good wire- fencing, lays Deri ecc. zins new nousa ana nam. a tcrnfl hMrin ntharil In aTnallant ahana vvitnout a aouDt, mis is tno nest an purpose ranch on the market today, and ft is oriced at only 111.000: takes $6000 cash to handle; no trades. Enders & hisrtsnome. 431 t;namter or uommerce. 10 Acres Along the Tualatin - R ver . ? $100 ner acre1! 18 miles from Portland. 2H from town and electric. to rock roaa to portiana, on gooa county roaa. lies level. , best of soil, partly cleared. Small payment, balance $100 per year at a per cent. , would consider soma trade. 1 W." . 4t CO., ' Main 65g4. 810 Spalding bldg. to acre fruit and alfalfa ranch, all nnder cultivation: has sood welL house and other outbuildings; is less than 3 miles to Hermiston sna on mam county roaa. Tne pries or tzzuu is easny iuuu less than actual value. - Owner is called away by death In family and must cell at once. . : ' - - r- CALLAN Sc KASER, 728 Teon Wdg. I FOR SALE An estate of 2500 acres: 600 sores rich black prairie land, together wun st oca, toois ana an equipment; can be irrigated; private, water right and flume: balance naature and timber land: an taeai location lor m rina biock larin 125,000 will handle it. KX-B16, Journal FOR SALE $3B per acre, 160 acres. In- - eluding mill site; 50 sores under plow, balance pasture and heavy timber. Ideal dairy and hog farm, phone and milk routs; 4 K mile east of Sublimity. John Willing Btayton. Or. Route 1 ' FERTILE ' farms All slses at fair prices, soma stocked, good terms, onlv 2 miles from Portland. Before buying etsewnere wriio vour wania. . n. ah- person. Rtdgefleld, Wswh.. , 46 acres near carllns, near Portland, plat fine. - 160 - acres. Lane county, rood farm. of. stock- ranch, wUhr-squlpmenia. Box 84, Tigsrd, Or. WILL sell cheap my Beautiful home , farm en Tualatin river. 16 miles west of Portland. Will ralss t tons hpe per sere. i. wnnycomoe, tn mcjvay oiag. LOGGED off land on water, railroad , ana county roaa; gooa sou: near port land. Phone Main 973. 620 Medical bids. HAVi) a nice farm, all stocked, to traae or sen. wn&i navs you. n-ibi. journal. WANTED FARMS 8S AM In market for small dairy farm. " not leaa than 30 acres, not too fur from Portland, ready, to- movs on to. Must be cheap. Have some cash and want-terms on balance.-. Perfer to buy from owners. "P-S65, Journal. . VOll RENT FARMS 24 FOR RENT 160 acrs ranch. Free rent to Jan. 1. For oulck sale, stock. crOD. nousenoia gooaa. oniy 3ou.- bos Hoot, of Commerce, TWENTY acres near city, Water and buildings. Phone Main S426, HOMESTEADS 47 GET 820 or 480 acres, best tn Oregon. ' new survey Just opened, no rock, level, soma good relinquishments, fees reason able. Call 191 4th st Main 8774. - EXCHANGK REAL ESTATE 24 HAVJ3 lot close in, clear of inoum- hMni, villi S1AAA In t,ti1. Am .of modern 6, room bungalow, with' garage HAVE a ladr who has soma acreage or cltv lots and some cash to trade for a small rooming house or soma kind of business. Call Main 6877. - HAVE some good property to exchange for a roomlnsr house or soma kind of business; will assume some if pries Is right. A-822, Journal. . ,.. .. $3600 STOCK of - household furniture , and furntshlna- lh rood factory town. to exchange for clear real state. A-763, Journal.-; '';' .-., : WILL trade equity In, 3 lots, 3 room house, full basement; chicken houso and yard for horse and buggy or Teain, Address Wllllsm C. Hansen. Lents. Or. WE exchange what you have for what you -want, reper at Baser. 444 b tier look bldg., 3d and Oak, Marshall (854. s :.c ...ic.: BUT YOUsT MOT QVOINO To WftTAR -IT AN? THCN ITRACM1 tTil Vl?RY, Vt VWWOr4Vj vr. KNOW JU9T WHAT yoOHB J-klklJC. SfA MAV 7 : UUT I'M NOT BUT IN IT I'M MerRe 4-V HA.VINO IT 5VHT VP ON APPROVAL , ANP I SHAN'T KBErT i:X( ilANGE REAL X TAT II AN up-t'-lute meat tiiark.-t. wltli com pluie first class equipment in every wnv. includina luteal: Imnruvnd lc man- ulacturlnjr plant,, refrigtuator, cooling poaea, rnuwcaavn, etc, in one ui best dries in Montana, doing a trood proritfioie tUHliiess, for-sale on lernu or will exchange for Portland property thorouch lnveatlaratlnn r,ntfil: youl opportunity to acquire a Rood paying maraet, witn an estat)UBfll trnue ni the BEST STATE - IN 'i'llU UNION, where conditions ars excellent and everybody making inonev. Oo to pros perous Montana. Ih-reuHurs state, and you ore bound to make money. Former owner mads lots of money in tnis mar ket; has now purchased a large tracl of land and going Into farming and live iuci raising. -; . J. - W. HHJFFERLIN. "" Owner, AN up-to-date meat market with com plete first-class equipment in every wav. Including lateat Imnroved ice man ufacturing - plant, refrigerator, cooling Doxes, snow esses, etc., jn one vi " best cities in Montana,' doing a good profitable business, for sals on terms or will exchangs for Portland property. Thorough investigation granted. Your opportunity to acquire a good paying market with an established trada in the bust state in the Union, wnero concu tiona are excellent and everybody, mak lng money. - Oo to prosperous Montana, tha Treasure State, and you ars bound to maks money. Former owner made lots of monev In thle market. Has now purchased a large tract of land and go ing into farming and nvestocg raising. , , , . i J. W. IIKI BViLUjin, I' 80T Railway Exchanged bldg. Will Trade Laurelhurst Lot All paid, for well located room , ,1 welling. bungalow- . preferred, .' a,bout $3600; will pay soma cash; , .real value of lot $120Q; no in . f lated pries considered. , ;v ;. . c'j. '' W. A.'Barnes i 404-5 Lewis Bldg., Cor, 4th-Oax. ''I WANT GOOD IMPROVED FARM.. $20,00011 room, elegant modern tiotne ana e Jine jots, fkisia and CLEAR OF INCUMBRANCE Want to exchange for a well Improved . Willamette valley farm and will assume up to '' 135,000. ... HARPOLT REALTT Cd, tip xjswis piqg. WANTED to trade six lots in Klamath ' Falls, Oregon, valued at $300, for good 1318 or '13 model five passenger tour ing car, guaranteea in ai conaiuon. Must be fully equipped and .ready for road. Give make and description when writing. Address Harry L. Bly. Le.plne, uregon. Fertile Vancouver Dairy; Farm Fertile, Improved, $3 acres, near city limits, to sxchanxe for $1000 cash. $7000 Portland property and $8000 mortgage. Call Tabor 8571. " 160 ACRES alfalfa land. Lake Co.. splen . did level rich soil. I miles of town. good bldgs., $o sores fenced: part nnder plow, price iszoo. - want city property. liauoe uoie, ii poaro pr -j raoe. WANT an acre or two on Orearon Elec. trie una mis siae oi oarasn uam ror my city nome. Taoor si 200 acres Bentcn county for small im- provea piece ai sn per acre, box i4.- nainier, ur. ROonNo ' houses ' 83 Steam heat, cheap rent, lease, Brussels carpets, iron oeas, clearing tuav monin- ly, in nsan- oi cuy worxn f tuvu. I'noe today for all, $200, half cash. . Peters, of cimrag, la ii. am. pi. WANTED Rooming and apartment houses, that csn be bought or traded for. . Have clients - waltinx., 'Coma In and list your piece lor quicx action. 606 Panama oiag., coa. sq ana Aiaer sts, only; this is a good one.-. 605 Panama FURNITURE for seven room rooming ' nouB xor sais. ciobb in. rent reason able, inquire at 407 4th : str or phone Mam Ttiot. FURNITURE of $ housekeeping rooms. cneap ir taiten soon. 144 4tn St. WANTED REAL ESTATE f 81 GOOD building lot north of Burnslds, south of Sullivan's gulch, bet. 18th and 26th sts.; will pay cash; aln good lot -in - Rossmere, Rose City i Park of usuecrest. u. ue x oung A uo si unam- oer or commerce. - ; BUSINESS CHAXCES 20 WOULD like to meet any man who will take an Interest and help to handle a firopoaltlon that will stand any kind of nveatlgstion. . Call Room 601 Journal bldg. Can show you sbsolutely. - f6r Sale. Grocery. ' Invoice. 34000. - Bales $2603 per , montn. uia estaoiisnea. tiet'- lng rrom Business, o agents., u-oiB, IF you have a good business proposition details of same. have a cash customer for it, A. m. Poulsen, 719 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 275$. SALOON One-half interest' , in one of the best paying places In this city; low rent, long lease;,, una, location. M-789, Journal. " For Sale or Rent New-'2Bx60 fireproof store building, in Dseeoent. tail iaDor soil TAILOR shop, wants partner in press- lng aept. w in isacn ouyer: pay gooq wages and half of all profits,' $300. $03 umper j.xcnange. WH have clients looking for business chances. If you have something good Come in and let us know about it 606 Panama bldg., cor, ad and Alder sts. WANT partner In good paying office business, . wiMi 3400 casn. Laay or gentleman. 'Security given , for ... your money. ox bub, yortianq, WANTED Stock groceries. Have city " property, . sale contracts and cas.'i. TSDOr 7, HALF' interest in Blnckamlth shop' for . saie. siusi oe gooa live, sooer map, t-648. Journal. ' " WEDDING . lnvitatlons-annoiinoements. Rvder Print. Co. 867 BurnBlde. M.5686. USE BaBsett's Native Herbs for rheu- matism; so tablets 25a All druggists. a Thing Is Very, , ( PRFTTY, AMP 4 " 1 !: SHAN'T MUT T A BIT. AND NOBOPV J lAllL lwfRr" 20 . Restaurant Man Here 'you are. a restaurant in heart of city, doing $160 daily, cost $9000 to fix up; on -account of nettling ecrate will give it awassfor $1600.. CM Petors, 1 n. am st. RESTAURANT FOR SALE. ' Bids will bo received bv the under. signed for the furniture Snd fixtures of uiirrora gnu on is. Morrison near sto st. : kooui lor rent at a low rental, v- STRONG (k CO.. ,. 605 Concord bldg. WANT to buy a good business of some kind. Will pay for It In good city real estate, perhaps some cash. Give some details. Haven't time to hunt up blind answers, , S. Johnson, F, 0.,Box ri. Wir.LL aatahliHhed nalntina and decoral lng business, full equipment; also some stock on hand. First class loca tion, ft. years" lease, rent very low. Big chance for 1 or 2 practical men to make a gooa living. ir-ZHO, journal. WANTED Partner with about $500 . U . H . Int.MKtAll In BL V elu 1 1 u rr v. . ...v. - - gold mining proposition. Address wm. iiampFon, ios'j so at, room ia, wm jiiain boo. toU'STAlTTi AvT' -tln dandy location sruaranteed to be doing $26 daUy, worth $600. Firstone comes gets tnis ror iuu. caou. x-uic,. is n. etn st. REST AUKANT Rent $15, busy street. W r wi, nmq, syjo, quo uuiuun MONE Tb XOAN REAL ESTATE WAMF-y TO JXiAVt. ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATB OR n ...... T . t Y TITinU L1 J. VffPT run i3jiMjuxr jruinugwM, FLKXIBLB CONTRACTS; NO COM MISSION. - ' ' . "... COLUMBIA LIFE ft TRUST WU4 , via Bf AiiUiwi nuwjt WE loan money in amounts of $260 and .. ttnnA am ... 1 . . in I. In nn nuf H..1I..A ! nr. A l,n.4n.u. mii.lrlv. at tha right rstee and st moderate expsnse 10 i ne Burroinr. A TUB WKSTKRN 'SEUU WTllia W, $13 Piatt bldg., cor. Park and "Wash. ' MORTGAGES LOANS. 'For approved real estate. ILiRTMANs-'a0MP8ON BANS. LOANS made on Improved city property or for building purposes; advances made as building progressss; , liberal repayment privileges. No commission or brokerage, - J. P. Lipscomb. 343 Btark. sage Loans L L. WHITE. 701 Belling Bldg., WE have money to loan on your real eat ate: first mortxsxes only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANT, 442 rltarinKAt. fit fnmmarna $100,000 on mortgages, city and farm property, fire insurance. McKentie as CO., tierunger ptog., a ana Aiuer. HAVE! sny amount to loan on good Portland real estate. Call 221 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. No brokers. - - MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty, . .i.i , . , . . ... . i i . Suranoe. W. O. Beck. 816-316; Falling. CASH paid for mortgages,; notes, cony tracts; mortgage loans: reasonable rates. F. H. Lewis at Co.. a iewis Bldg- MORTGAGE' loans at current rates. Real estate security. Apply room 202 8 took Excnangespiag., q ana xamni.i sts. $1600, $600, Interest 8 per cent, on 1st """a-B-l r..,HV, . -mm X HAVE for immediate loans, $800. axuvw, fvvvv, vu,cu ,.a ' Ben, zoi usrunger mag. $1000 to $8000 for immediate loan on real estate, xaoor i u. WILL loan $20 000 or less, real esUto. rarnnxton. sis commercial uiupoidg. MONEY to lovrt to 8 per eent. W, HJ MONEY to losn on real estats. A. H. HARDIWQ, 818 Cn. Of Com. $1260 to $1600 to loan on good improved residence property, A-B299, Main 7230. I.piuiu.g yiiy.i A-u. j,t iiibiii MORTGAGE loans, 8 and 7 per Louis Salomon ft Co.. 229 Btark ilia.. i ,,,. , cent. st. HAVE $1000 for immediate loan on flrat mortgage. Yj-h, journal 250. $360, $600, $860. 11200, $ ioO. red W. German Co., Chamber of Commerce. ilONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. GEO. P. DEKUM, 2Z8 HENRY BLDQ. MONTEY TO LOAN - 7 CHATTELS, SALARIES NEW COMPANY NEW- METHOD . ' We are now ready to Money at rate honest people caa afford to pay . , .'.-.,:vfcA. J- CUR'-HEW KATES. I .35 weekly pays a $ 10 loan. $ .66 weekly pays a $ 25 losn. 8L10 weekly pays a $ 60 loan.. $1.90 weekly pays a $100 loan. CAN. YOU BEAT THEM? ' , YOU CAN GET IT TODAT. - BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. ' Rebates Given If Paid Before Do a . 41$ MACLEA X BLDG. BOTH PHONES Bstwsen 4th and 6th sts. on Wash. st. Opsn 9 a. m. to 6 p. m., Bat, till 8 p. m. PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Pianos, eto. AT LUWKS'l' fWB01tll-.lD KATB.M. SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOR "; v UtDIES. - - ,-. mil t.tmnitR txf HtNnm m.rifi Id and Stark sts. Open 8 a. m. to, 8 n. m. 8 AURDA Y E VBNI NG 8 UNTII f f, M. CHATTEL loans Money for salaried people and r others ; upon their own names, cheap rates, easy paymanfs, See me before dealing elsewhere: confident . .... , A desirable place for ladles and gentle- men to borrow monty on diamonds and Jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond tiat D..U. Drane. azs Henry Dldg. MONEY loaned on aiamonds. Jewelry and warshouss receipts. Room 16. wanninnon Dinar. IMMEDIATE and confidential loans on an t os, pianos,- furnitursi mortgages poii K" i, nauer. zun aioer bi. MONEY sold on Installmsnt: confldan . tial to salaried people. F. A. New? ion, oi wenry oiag. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewel ry, strictly confidential. I4i) 3d. . Very Wrong .RUSiNKSS CIIANCKS1 V- w L'ww' J2 Otit'l - -JO' "TV.iV " : : ' . UTMOST TO r.o:rr to loan CHATTELS. SAIaKIES SALAitY LOANS ON PLAIN NOiiiJ 10 TO ' $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACB TO HORROW MONEY. ArOLUTKLY NO SECURITY. " BUSi Nf- S STRICTLY CONFULNTIAL llOUH1-- A. M, TO P. M. . , 6A1URDAY8 TO P. M. - BT ATE SECURITY CO, 809 FAILING BLDG. SALARIED PEOPLE " AND OTHERS WANTING MONEY "APPLY ROOM 817 ,' LUMBER EX. BLDG. ' 2ND AND STARK ST. LOAMS WANTED SO TO PLACE your idle funds satisfac torily see Henry C. Prudhomme, fi nancial agent First 'morage seour- Hies exclusively. Wilcox huilding. IF you have Idle money, sea me. No charge to . you for loaning on real estate and nothing: better. Lawyer, 401 btooK exchange Ding. 3600 ON hbuae and W acre. . $1300 on 160 improved land, value $6voO. Claude Cole. 317 Board of Trade. WANTED $3000, 7 pes cent on $10,000 dwelling with 6 lots. No commission. tf-800. Journal. FINANCIAL 51 FIRST mortgage securities - for ssls; amounts $20, $600 and $1000; Interest 8. Theas are the direct obligation of one of . Portland's responsible business men; security is gilt edged snd appraised at more than three times the amount of loan; an absolutely high grade mortgage investment Call for particulars, . Con necticut Mortgage Com pa n y, Wilcox bid. Or seller's equity in contract of sale on real estate in Washington or Orsgoo. H. E. Noble. Lumbermans bldg. Loane. $360 note. 4 months, 8. Discount $60. ' No brokers. Phone Marshall 89. HELP WANTED MALE ' 1 Situation Wanted Ads. Inserted free for those in need of work and who are unable to pay for an advertisement Advertisements must be bought to ths office personally by the parties qewinng worn. "y!"M.' ti. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or re fund of membership fee; , gives two months full membership privileges, 10 months social privileges. '. Record for $ months Sndlng Aug. 31: Calls for men ,,.,.,.,...,,....,..169$ Positions filled - . .106 All young men seeking employment, especially strangers, are cordially in vited to consult with the secretary of the Employment Department. - EXPERIENCED BILK AND DRESS . , goods salesmen wanted. Apply at onoe to Bupt Meier & Frank Co. WANTED For U. 6. army, able bodied, unmarried men between axes of 18 and 36; eltisens of ths United States, of good character and temperate habits, who . can speak, read and write the English language. For Information ap ply to recruiuns; oiiioer, Worcester bldg., 8d snd Oak sts., Portland, Or. WANTED Experienced clockmaker. Ap- . ply superintendent's oitice . oetween 8:30 and 10 a. m.. sixth floor. Meier & Frank Company. ;,..-.:v;, u.'.'nt; vf:$.. . WANTED A Christian , physician to take good town and country prac tice and drug store. On Oregon Elec tric. 16 miles from Portland... Address urenco urug v;o., urenoo, ur. WANTCD Party to manage ' branch of flee for an old established Boston house. Must be a good salesman and capable of handling other salesmen, Ap- piy p. v. box is, Boston, A FAST sailing article, can be carried In pocket, everybody - a prospective buyer. Call between 9 a. m. and 11 a, m. oniy sue i.ewia mag. CHEF Headquarters and Helpers. , . CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT, Za xamniu st. WANTED At once. 1 msn to learn auto repairing ana arivmg; call at naw tnorne uarage, 4a wawtnorne ave. ovxo nauwu. v w 1 'i wi,. w unci a. Steady work. Apply Mr. Melons, 78 ao st.-,; rear aiwr, MAN to do light janitor work. Room ana some wages. , cau oerore p. m, .a, , , . . . VIOLINIST, nonunion, good reader, to rehearse for cafeteria. : , Phone . East 1101. WANTED Partner , for cleaning :, and preaaius: pauriur. , f w rauii eu. ; m Bdo, journal. GOOD man for milking and , chorea. sman oairy. pub n. caa si. xn. FURNITURE finishers wanted.- Free- land Furniture Co., 410 Goldsmith st. WANTED GenersI farm hand. 68$ "Co lumbia blvd. - Woodlawn 1762. X; , . 7 1 , 1 ',' 1 1 1 r HELP WAXTKI -MISC. 40 OREGON LAW SCHOOL. . . ....A1..1 . ....... I . t.w. no tlms lost from regular occupation: recitations evenings. Samuel T. Rlch- arason, oean. to., aioreneao, oec., sis-si.? Commonwealth bldg., Portland, Oregon. WANTED Portland mail carriers, dos uu .cierxs;, 6 tossiuo montn; vaca tions; many November examinations; common education sufficient; - sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept ati'tj, nocneerer, in. jr. UBEVyour spare time to build up a mail order business or . your own.' ws help you start for a share in profits. 27 op portunities. Particulars free. Mutual opportunities Kxcnange, Burraio, w. Y $100 TO $160 monthly, railroad biaks men; an experienced railroad man In. structs and secures you a position. 130 1 ill. A. .- , . ivin si. HAILWXV maIL cLerks WANtEh.' commence no montn. write xorpar tlculars. Franklin Instituta Dept. -i-vr, nuirnnier, M..x. WOMEN Get government Jobs; big pay Writ for free list of domI tiona avail. able; , Franklin Ins UtUte.; Dept. 6990. jvwiicBiTrt',n, x. INTRRf ATI(Sna t. " " ' CORRESPONDENCE RCHOOT.H 1 (08 McKay bldg. Tel. Mnln 1026: -A-414S WANTED Names of men' 18 to 25. wishing to lie railway man clerks. $76 month. KX-610, Journal. 7. ,1 e ORKGON XUTOMOILWCiioTiLTi- 268 l)th st Latent un-tolate meth ods of-practical Instruction In driving and repairing automobiles by expert in structors ana mechanics. Tuition,' part cash on enrollment balance at tuns of graduation. Cii NTRAL" COMMERCIAL COLLI;., a Bookkeeping, r shorthand, typewriting courses - under specialists; i tuition $10 per mo.; text books free. Have you nenn our naw booklet? C. E. Carlton, Principal, Central bldg,, 10th and Alder, UNCALLED for tailor made a una. 4 it Vp. Taylor, the tailor.. 2 M44 Homald HELP WANTED FEMALE 3 Situation : Wanted . Ada. inserted free tot" those In ned of work and who are unable to pay for an advertisement Advertlsmnts must be brought lo the office i.-rot.ally by the parti dewlrlng wora ' WANTED TOUNO JC A LIES FOR TEL EPHONE OPERATING, . WITH OR WITHOUT EXPEKIENCB. PAID WHILE LEARNING, APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELE GRAPH COMPANT (EAST OFFICE). COR, $TH AND EAST ANKENT STS., OR (MAIN OFFICE), WEST' 1 PARK1 AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 10. EXPERIENCED' salespeople wantsd for giove, nuiiinery, jewelry ana laaies cloak and suit departments. Apply be tween 8:30 and 10 am. at superintend ent's office, sixth floor, Meier st Frank store, i ....- .' : .' HOUSEHOLD Workara' ' tiiatltute ' now , open for pupils, train inexperienced girls in every line or nousenoid work. or in- iormation apply Miss M. A. Qulnn, 33s uin. marBnau ivoo WANTED Experienced lady canvasser, ; rerinea work, good salary and com mission. Call between 8 snd 8 p. m. -00 Tpwmnyiqn pt. ST. LOUIS LAblES' AGaNCV-ldooks; . waltrssses, chambermaids, housekeep ers, general housework, 181 Main st Mam xoa. WANTED Unincumbered woman to care for invalid lady, and assist with light housework, $40 per month. - lit rvriinnir joouievarq west WANTED Young girl, about 1$, to take care 01 naoy ana assist witn nouse. Small family. House all on one floor. .111 i-ii ''1' a . aul . llffi ' WANTED Young girl to assist . with itererences requireq. Tanor 47g, iieiit, auuacit.wii)iia xix muy,i ft wvu livill., , llVll. AOWI W v 9 NEAT school girl or woman; light Work, uoq nome. rnom xaoor ias. NEAT, clean girl , wanted in rooming nouse as nsiper. w-gzo, journal. UNTLiEAlAN will correspond witn lady wanting nice homs. L-357, Journal. WANTED Elderly lady to do llgtit notiseworK. wages, s c&g can st. HKLi WANTED IALK AMU female: ' .."', 20 THE MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will - teach you the trade ia $ weeks. Send for free catalogue: expert Instructors! 10 years in the business; a lifetime scnoiarsnip given 10 eacn stuaent; spe cial inauoemenis to laaies. ts n. xa sc. OREGON Barber College teaches yo"u . me oaroer iraae in s weens, pays you while learning, tools free, tuition re duced this term, expert Instruction, po sition guaranteed, spsclal , inducements to laoiea. xai Maqison St., na, ina. A COMPLIMENTARY class course in aotlnr. etc.. - will be orsanlsed Friday evening, Oct 10. You are Invited to ioln if you . are . interested In learning iow to act .No fee.-- At Oregon Con servatory of Alusio, 846H Wash, st. WANTED Petrlofio cltlsans 4o halo put a stop te robbery by Telephone Trust A few can do it Address with stamp A. D, Crldgs, Secretary State Tel. League, 964 M.. zznq St., rrortn. GENTLEMAN 1 or lady, . introduce new line: $i&o, so days' work. can Hotel Renwlck, 204 Broadway, room 202, morn- ings, MEN AND WOMEN wantsd tor' govera ment Jobs; $90 month; writ for list 01 positions opsn. rranxun institute. F1SK Teachers' Agency secures posi--tlons for teschers,-3l8 journal bldg. PRIVATE shorthand school, experienced tencher, $6 per month. ' 393 11 tH st RAGTIME ptano playing guaranteed be glnners In 10 lessons. 801 Ellers bid g. SITUATIONS MALA XanbtabIng1: " I clear land at reasonable prices. Large or small tracts. Address $24 1st st. uoinns. PERMANENT position wanted, mlddl- aged, respsctaDis man. Keaaonabls wsges. Country prefsrred. W-819, Jour nal. RESPONSIBLE, middle aged German . speaking man, - well acquainted with city, for collector.? Will furnish casn pong, wo-n, jwurriBi, WANTED Position as chauffeur in nrlvate family, by collexe student. after school hours. Saturdays and Sun- qsys. K-H37, journal. EXPERIENCED Udlss' and gents' tailor, unmarried, wlshss position in ity or country; sober and reliable. 0-635, ournsl. EXPERIENCED fireman will take sU- tionary or marine Job, in or out of city. Phone Marshall 8729, or address ii-Kii.. journal MAN wants to work on dairy or take charge of dairy. Good milker,. 229 Vs 1st et - ' ;"" : BC5olCKEEPER now ' employed would like set of books to keep evenings - K M. j-iayies, top Montgomery, SITUATION wanted of anv kind bv young man, strong, and is not afraid of work. Main 6108. ' . , FIRST CLASS meat cutter with best or references, wants position. B-307H. THE man Uiat called at 22H lt call at bill. a 110N by first class barn man; rirst class reference. 887 weidier st. CARPENTER, first class, wants work at once. ; rnone uennett, wain. ti9. 0 v 111 iv. V H 111. , I Y li. li .i . in;m; nun,!, ol' a 1 j t bnoxxr, fitiiior or I, , 1 1. worker; wants wmic i-i fit v ; i, 1 , of work; of neat i",i. ai 1 : 1 worked as aMiit lor luigs in t .. pwny and liHmly mint, A -7 -it, .' YOUNU iiihii WHiiis got,) i inn' k 1 1 j blng or steady; has a few to.,;; good at 0ld Jobs of any kind, nut.i dm lng and painting Included. , i 'Imuo ii.i.u BH60. F. Cowhy,- ga jar rer-aon ft. WAN T ED A poi tlo it as a 7m .7, t , bookkeeper bUaug rlerk or any kind Of general orn work. Boat of rei'-r-to ability and character. II 639, Journal STENOGRAPHER wants poHliiun. luiu- ber, railroad and machinery ence... Not afraid of work. UnderMtiimt bookkeeping, t Moderate salary. . Wood lawn 1429. WANTED Position by young man Imv - lng served two years as machlniMt. Desires to finish trade. Kxperlcm-ed with i gag engines. E. V. Parker, 27i Hooker. ' . CHAUi-l'LUR, sxperienced on all earn, wants position ' with private famib ; single; good jfeferences. D-710,' Journal. A.Tifr, r-r, 7 " 1 1,1 . "-' ' 1 . " ! cruiBer wants work, A-l city ; references. E-8Q6, journal, I SITUATIONS FEM A LE 1 WANTED By middle aged lady wiU .daughter, position as housekeeper for adults Or apprentice barber. Llgii; housework by the hour. 387 Third St.. MWin- 4 Ilk... n n . . ".... f niiiia main yir.j. WILL exchange my services as houae . Keeper, for living rooms in apart-' Jisn or rooming bouse. , V-697, Jour- EXPERIENCED young woman warns to take charge and will do work in rooming house: good city referencea. Phone Main 3397, room 49. YOUNG lady attending business college desires place to work for board and room, , after school . hours, c-1391 or Woodlawn 1162. ' , T YOUNG woman, with boy of two, whose.' - husband works out of city, would Ilka to work in private family for board and '"in. .PIl A'DOVD, MIDDLE aged lady would like childrpn to csre for; good home, nice yard; best of references. Call 1532 Oatman at., ENGLISH girl wants scrubbing "ami cjeaning in apartments or hotel. Phone main aafv. YOUNG widow with child Wishes house work OT care for Invalid; can speak WANTED Situation as cook or general housework: flrat nlaaa raf.-.n.. ,m STENOGRAPHER desires position; con sclentious worker; references. 8-674. Journal. - ' ... EXPERIENCED laundress wants day work. Call East 8388 after 7 even- inga oniy. REFINED woman desires position as , nousexeeper, city or country. , Winl- irra iavia, itaaion, ur. CLARA COOK. 8624 4tli st. 8. E. will reaeat jour cane seated ctialra wo.-k aranieen, pnees rignt. iXPERIENCED housekeeper, elderly a:giininan prererreu. call laoor 4420. SITUATIONS WANTED -MALE - . AND FEMALE 7 23 MAN and wife. Janitors, want a Job In apartment h6use, city references; do all T.IC7 T ....... 1 ..a . . . tf-wo.. .uiiintti. MAN and wife wish work on farm or , farm to care for. F. Grimmer. ; 43a Alder st Portland. Phone A-2637. DRESSSrARTNG 40 DRESSES, suits and alterations msde; . good work at prices , to suit custom- ere. Mrs, k. D. Black, 461 Jefferson.- ACADEMY Of Psrisiao Scientific Dress makins. Tailored Suits. Coraeta. Teachers wanted. 304 Goodnoush bid. LADIES' tailored suits, $25 and $30; f ood materials and - workmanship. ta, 814 Mohawk bldg. DRESSMAKING by day. Tabor 2351. VAA BTlimilB,, f ....... DRESSMAKER wishes engagements hy the day or at home, $2.60. Mar. 8 689.'' uan evenings. MATERNITY nurse wants case im mediately; do light housework; Main 147. MATERNITY home, the best of car and your choice of doctors. Jennie Wsjt. 149 E. 76th i N. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE TUB ANGELA HOTEL. 7 625 WsshJngton st Newly f urnlshsd rooms, steam heat electric lights, slsvator, privets phone, large lobby. Suites or. single rooms, with or without bath; reasonable rates. Mrs. Kmma Porter, prop. Marshall lSfii FOR Y. M. C. A. members. Furnlahed .. rooms, reasonable in price,- fireproof building, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, club facilities, special rates at cafeteria. Full psrttculars at business erriee. cor. sin and uayior sts. YOUNG man, rooming at Y. M. C A., wants roommste to reduoe rooming expenses. Inquire ,Y. M. C. A, cor. 8th snej t'syior. TOURIST HOTEL. 130 1st St. cor, Morrison, modern, fur nished, cool rooms. $3 week up; tran sient 50o day. S car from depot NICELY furnished rooms, modern con veniences, near Multnomah club. 167 ZOtn. near Morrison. FURNISHED rooms;' free bath, phone, neai: fi.av up. iva, i tin, near uay Main 1m. . rlor. KENILWORTH HOTEL 238 2d st. steam heat, hot cold watpr. rates) $2 per week up; tranwlent solicited. OATri MAC-AM 248 Salmon street. i IV I Lt. IVinOUli Rooms $2.00 up. per wk. Fi flora: er wx. Free pnone and bath, ainin 7754. cAwnM 1,1 llth Pr Oniull manent and trans't. ROOMS and apartments in modern ho tel. 87.60 weeK sna up. 465 Alder. WB8T 8IBB PBUATH FAr-TtT 70 NEWLY furnished room reasonable, U minutes' walk from city ha 11, 601 Bth. NEWLY furnished rooms, all conveni ences; Marshall 4407; 414 Colum M.i. ,76 MORRISON Desirable suite, 3 or more: 1 room. $12.- All conventenf es. COMFORTABLE attic room In good nome, per montn. - 265 13th st. By Follett irp1