THE OHECON DAILY JOU: :nal, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY i:vi:iinia, OCTOBER 4 57 Beautiful Suburban Acreage 1 ' ; on the West Side . . . Small tracts, rlub soli, on grad- roads 15 minutes' walk to , station, $250 per acrs. Tracts fronting on graded street with rood sidewalk, close to station,' too per ore; tine tenth of tho . , purchase cash and the balance monthly In smali payment The i new Fourth street eleetrlo Una ; run through this net ease and the : new-cars will make tlie distance .. , 30 to 35 nilnutea out. , - The Shaw-Fear Co, " r wain sv-, 102 4th st. riVB ACRK3 250. - -. lift nniliM x nm ILmMTTJ'. Buys 6 acres of' looped off land. Three quarter or a mils Iron) center of town i iuuu population, also cannery ana troaiaery. Tnree quarters of a mile Jrona railroad station on main lln be tween Portland and Astoria. This land IrMl .'mm roeka and gravel lies level and will not overflow,- Ideal for chick- V,r.,rals,n "trying, ana amali fruit Will arrow anvthlnir that nan ha in western Oregon. From aoine of these "-is .you nave a oeauurut view or the Columbia river. 400 acres from which to c noose, reriect title and warranty deed, 213 Ttallway Exchange B!daV2dT floor, nrietn go ana m on meric. ' : 'Acreage V"V; fix miles from court bouse, on ; southwest aide; good, rich soil; some tracts all cleared and under cultivation and noma stump land. Prlce$m-t$460 per stae. Utr V show vou tlua property. Phone v Wain 1S00 or A-2tfl. . PROVIDENT TRUST. COMPANY, OWNERS. Cnd Floor Selling bldg., Corner Sixth and Alder. ' ' yUAKTHH ACRE, only ' 20 r- minutes - from- the heart of Portland, on double track and 6 cent carfare, on the) bee', suburban electric trains running out of the city, 'with Bull- Run water, side walks, improved boulevard and all city conveniences, for 1450. This Is an extraordinary opportunity. Terms are $45 down and $10 per month. Take Or- wum iiu ho t juuitnomtui station, Our offset 1 at tho - station, rcZ1 l1,1 ?Jtt bldff , cor, Park 5 and 10 Acres Cheap '$20 up to $45 per acre, on terms Tracts ot 6 'acres or more; deep, red ' fi101. !?" wel1 watered: easily cleared; ucai m.vt sonurmi iarming, .iruic, vf' . lauiea, dairying ana cnicKen raisins; lo- evieu on county roao, cioae to live town on H, R. and river, near Portland. Own- "Main 8078. Evenings East 884. Ljst your chickena pay for-thls ,6.lf acrca, $325 131.60 down and S per month; on good gravel road, mile trom R. R. station; work olese at hand If you want It; land easily cleared and first-claas soil, no rocka; the Income from at few. chickens will make - your payments. ; ' - LUEDDKMANN, RULKY i CO., . - 91V Chamber ef Oonimerce. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land; Creaham district, Estacada. Una, electrio station J4 mile. JJtw subdi vision. Sunshine valley orchard "iractaj best soil, free wood; elegant location, Prices only 7S to 8160 per acre in small tracts; easy terms: quick train service. Frank McFarland Realty Co., 808 Yeon A Big Snap 1 acres, all cleared, rood house and barn: a very desirable place, right at station, 11 cent fare; terms $660 cash, balance to be arranged. . - The Atchison-Allen Co. : 810 Oerllnger bldgr., 2d and Alder ats. YOUR OPPORTUNITY, r - . 10 acres for 2800. llona, to rlnr ml R. R, transportation, good neighborhood, school, macadam road close to land. This. tract fronting; on a road. Your own terms. 214 Lumber Exchange bldgr oor. ;na ana ptarK ecs ;20Acres $600 11.00 fare from Portland: close to town, splendid farming land; 600 acres on tne marset; fiue easn: or win accept $20 cash.- 810 month. . Claude Cols, 817 Board of Trade bldy. , - ., . ;. ;. ' Good soil, city water, doss to ear line, easy teims; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1686, or Bellwood, 416 Jno. H. Gibson, owner. EVERYBODY Is talking about tho fact that we are the only ones doing a big business In Farm Lande. it is because we have the goods. I c would pay you to crop in ana see us. Willamette valley Irrigated Land Co., 26$ Stark stl. also :; North 6th street. 6 ACRES of" cleared land' on good sub- urban . carllnn. cloaa ta tha praataul nursery on the coast, "Orenco"; only i6 per sere. - lerms to suit, ma rin est of fertile' garden land. Call 812 Piatt bldg., s. w. , cor. Park and Wash ington sis. FOR 8ALB FAIIMS IT - FOR SALE An estate of 2600 acrear 600 acres rich black prairie land, together with stock, fools snd all equipment; can he Irrigated; private water right and riume balance pasture ana -timoer land; an ideal location for a fine stock farm ' $25,000 will handle it- KX-516. Journal FOR SALE $86 per acre, 160 sores, in eluding mlirelte;-60 acres under plow, balance pasture and heavy timber. Ideal , , dairy and hog farm, phone and milk route; 4 H miles east of Sublimity, John v y 'ng. Btayton. flr. Route 1. " IMPROVED 80 ACRE FARM. ' " , For sale or exchange, modern house and good buildings, fenced, high state of cultivation, orchard. Terms to suit BX-724, Journal. ...... . ...T WILL sell cheap my beautiful home farm on Tualatin river, IS miles west of Portland. Will raise 1 tons hops per acre, x. wunycompe, m JMCKay. piag. 46 acres near carline, near Portland, plat ime. joo acres, urns county,- gooa farm or stock ranch, with equipments. Box 84. Tlgard, Or. " LOGGED off land on water, railroad and county road: good soil; near Port land. Phone Main 873. 620 Medical bldg. Private Conscience-He Is Told fPRrvXT.? CON&CIBNCB. ftir . OIH- ' M"T rfOTBT3y A4VS.IHOT tooR BBriMO SO BRUTAL TO TMear J , y0m POOR TeAMSTgHo VQO COULD ,r 1 f "SSN. V e'...i.. : ... "i,i." "V ' ' 1 '" ''' -" '.'v-i-.i.'-""". j-. 'V -. ";;"i -''yf'-'y f''-t' '' 'v.'.V''! '.i"1' v vv ".; :' ' '''.'''";; ','';':''T'':!''';'''1 t;'j:' :'';! ''"'' "'''''"'' H;:',',';v.!ii-'!.sjv.v,-N-.'t';; w ytt0rttmtt,iik ' i!xy' r '"'-' 'V..'.;1 '" " ' "7j!'f': XI : 17 b' ,.ie Good Farms Cheao ' 2m) acres, 'st inlry ranch in Oregon. i Ri acres. : highly Improved and equipped, lo mllus from Portland post- 'ISO acres,' 66 miles ffom Portland, t miiei iromi reijon uiecirio; a-x soli all Improved, - new buildings, wel fenced. $100 per acre. IX acres of fine soil, 1 miles from Portland, on cornea roafl. u cultivated. young orchard and small fruits, small house, good new barn, 2 cows, 60 hens, grain ' and hay to winter slock, price sao acres in juaxe county, gooa sou 100 cultivated, bal. bunc i erune. all fenced, small house and barn, well and wina mm; a. snap at iiuv. , , 50 ' acres close to ' Forest Orove. 20 sores slashed and seeded, small amount cultivated; 4 room house, good barn and outbuildings; reel gooa timber price $2&00; have many others, large aoc small. See my list and get prices. NKAIi BROWN, 81t Swetland Bid.. HERB ARE TWO FINS SNAPS, --. DAIRY RANCH. . For sale, tills fins 200 , acre dairy ranch, "ib miles from Corvallls. half mils from railway station, high school, stores and church; house, .barn and out buildings in : stood condition; stock" In rluripa mod team .of - horses, mares. cows, yearlings, 12 good brood sows and number of young hogs. . All kinds of firm machinery, 60 acres in cultivation, baianoe pasture end timber land; will consider Portland property as part trade up to $ooo or $7000, Daianoe on terms at f per cent. Bee us today. - BPLf.NDID 16 ACHhi UOMiSL Good "house and barn. 31 acres in gur- dtjn and orchard, balance good pasture land, not hard to clear: on good country rnail H V r rniita. 1 IX milaa from city. Aimut zt nines iron c-oruaaa, : riue ietU. siuov casn. oaianos 0 icrmn. on ' BlktiTHiNVESTMENT 4:CO.ft 80 6th et. ' . Phone Main .8770. 6lET YOUR CANADIAN HOME FROM . .... XMjjJ ,CAMA1MM rtU 1U J -X- RJeh. fertile land for every kind of rmini. frnm til to'tSA ear acre. To approved farmers w lend $2000 to make Improvements such as house, barn, sink ing well and fencing;. v - - Terms, $0 years to pay for Jand and repay loan. One-twentieth down, bal ance II yearly installments, 8 per cent Interest. "-- '''n'- '',:."-- Bee the CANADIAN PACIFIC EX HIBIT of prise winning products of xertiie canacuan Plains, sua personal information. Free maps and literature. Personally conducted excursions to Canada. ..--' ' U P. THORNTON LAND AGENT, ' 271 PINE ST.. (MULTNOMAH HQTKU WHILK other real estate companies are giving up their offices, and cutting down expenses, we are opening branch offices to take care of the demands. The dry summer has, demonstrated the need of irrigation In thia vallev. Come and see us at 268 JStark si., near 3rd., or o. , Kaiiway jutccnange oiag., or 6$ , North 6th st. Willamette .VaUoy irrigated una uo, YOUR living reduced to a minimum on this fine 1 mere farm. -. xou can live for a fraction of -what it costs to live In the city. Only 400 feet from sta tion on elaotrto ry., 88 miles Portland. All in cultivation, 4 room house, fine well on porch, deep rich soil. . Price fl360r$i80 cashr blnceeasyr- Wll- lamette Investment Co., o uesum piag. FRTlQ) farms Ail ' sixes . it" fair . prices, some stocked, good terms, only 26. miles from Portland. Before buying elsewhere write your wants. 1 1. B. AD- person. Rldgefleld. Wash, J ? ARE you looking for a place on Wtllam- eite nven - x navs some very cnoice tlaCes, grand for country homes. M. B. ,ee, 622 Corbett bldg. , FOR IlEXT VARUS 14 FOR RENT 160 acre ranch. Free rent! to Jan. 1. For quick sale, stock, crop, I nrQS&EtfSi colnmce. TWENTY acres near city. Water and ' rm wings. Fhowe MB. Mr--mm. HOMESTEADS 47 ii ij.MaM-i . . . .. . HOMESTEAD . ,, Relinquishment 16 miles from railroad, 40 miles from Portland. . 8 acres In fruit nd soma cultivated for garden. etc. House and barn, For sale cheap. N-74, Journal."-- '-: rv'' :- GET 820 or 480 acres, best in Oregon, new survey just opened, no-rpek. level, umoer, -waier; rauroaa now , auiising; some good relinquishments, fees reason able. Call 161 4th sV Main 8774. qfijMts.aitiA.ii& uesiraoie, now open lor ' entry, near rvruua; nun, level nu, timber, water, station. Covey, 14T Oak., EXCHANGE: REAIi ESTATE 24 200 ACRES of finest land to exchange - for Income Portland property'.-' Will consider class In acreage $13,500. T-647, JournaL ' ' ' HAVE lot close in, clear' of incum , braces, value . 81000. to trade on new modern 5 room bungalow, with garage If possible. B-729, Journal. CLIENT has soma clean lots In best harbor city In Ore son. and soma cash to exchange for small store or rooming nouse. tun uoucn Diag. $3600 STOCK .'of household furniture and rurnishing in good factory town, to exchange for clear real estate. A-763, journal X HAVE a lady who hasome acreage or city lots and soma cash to trade for a small rooming house or some kind or business, call Main 6877. WlLL trade equity in 3 lots. room house, full basement,' chicken house and yard for horse and buggy or team. Address Wllllsm C. Hansen, Lents, Or. STY 81800 equity In 40 acre ranch; Whits Salmon, Wash. - Want toousi ana lot. w-8 31, journal. WE exchange what 'you have for what vu nui, vymr as ?ar, iff ' eon jock bldg,, 8d snd Oak. Msrahall 8664. 0 sores Bentcn county for small lm nroved nlscs at 818 er aero. Hox in, waimer, jr. WORTH of Portland 'property! exchanse all or Part for land nur electric carline. Q. L. Webb, 414 E. Stark. NINE ROOM bouse on car line to trade ror acreage. J, J Flaner, Mam 4841. BEACH lot to trade for low express or rurniture wagon, or cow. WdL 1383. OH 1 C PUTY. I I 1 I Al -0 RnBRnW A U4TCM1 1 ; I I w J ! " , ,'..'... . , -. , I - ' ' I ' ' " I ' I ' ' ' ' . ' . ' I "- ' I . i aJi-t - , . , v v ' I . t , t I i n 1 1 'i i r. , m- ; 'WILL you trade your house tor. . 10 acos of land u0 feet from i the Kalem Klectrlo car-, line, ,28 miles from Portland and about r. an hour's ride on the cart ' - -The soli Is rlcli, black, and - loamy, has a small a. -room.' house, is fenced with woven - wire, , has a young orchard 1 years old and is all under cul tivation. , This is the vvery best , soil for loganberrlesr a traot right near this place cleared Hie f rower $316 an acr this year. ' lie soil is also adapted to rur- - sery and hop raising. Price ; - $3000; will trade even for a, house and lot in Portland. ; 7 RalphAckleytand Co. . i Third and. Washington 8ta. ' FOR ROOMING HOUSES, 1 10 acres in Washington county! fine, 2 lots in MaruhflelU. Edmonton, Alta, 1 lot, with well and barn, country. '-Always someone waiting to trade for your place. See us. -' ( ,-, .- " KWKN REALTY CO.t 811 Allsky bldg. 320 ACRES In Lake county, all good tlll - able land when cleared, all fenced, Dlenty water. 100 acres cleared. 80 acres cultivated, balance bunch grass; house Z4xas, gooa barn ana - wmamtii: price $4600; trade fpr small farm or city prop erty. rveiti fcirpwn. n gwetianq oiag. TO the builder or speculator I want to ' exchange nice, clear, sitely lots, price 8800 each, close to car and close to Haw thorne reservoir, for e a modern- home, must be located nice end price right. Phone evenings Bellwooa 1767. - " WANT a good farm close In for goo i house: no mortgage on house; price 84000. Might trace for acrear a. E-804, journal. - , CANBY 23 cres, half cultivated, lies level, good house, barn, -family or chard, all . fnnrnd. on . main road. H4 miles from Canbv. fine' soil: nrice 83500: X.CIlHlKtl - lUr '. WUf WJI 4-W V"V place. Jacob , Haas. 'Qerlinger frMff. C A r i V", L-, I I." A rA I IT- Near Portland.' stood"-land. -tlenty of living water) -some choice timber; take 810,000 or less in other property. U. Ij. webD, 4i -is. istarK et. MUST sell at your own price or trade 14050 Mttltv In 119 acres. 4H ' miles from Hood.- River, ' good house and springs, splendid, view. , Owner, , Paul Lathmilllere. Dee, Or. . -if. - ;: . i'-ACTORY SITE, $660. . Small factory site, rlsht on R. R in side city Umits; take other property worth $500 to-$700. a , Webb, 414 Hi. tlTK it. .. ' - ' ' 160 ACRES alfajfa land. Lake Co!, splen : did level , rich soil, 3 miles of town, rood bid its.. 80 acres fenced: part under plow. Prlco $$200. Want city property, Claude Cole. 817 Board of Trade. 1 WA3JTKI) REAL -ESXATB . 81 WANTEX) Irving ton home.- Must be modern in every respect. one mat owner ' Will j accept as part payment smaller gut euge property ciear or in cumbrance. My client will assume and pay difference in cash. ..Jordan, (II ACREAGE WANTED. From 7 to 10 acres with house and barn and some fruit, within 20 miles of Portland. I have m modern bungalow In the Mount Tabor district and corner lot, olear of debt and some 'cash to pay ror small rancn. ai ADington niog. WANT "SMALL FARM.- - -1 want 20 to 40 acres with fair im provements, reasonably close to trans portatjjjn and not too far from Portland, will pay cash-but must be ji bargain. : R. F. FBEMSTEB-SV - sns Aoingron piag. ' HAVE $4000 cash want a house; must be a snap.. Give full particulars. Am stranger, and don't want to waste my time shopping. F-289. Journal. - ROOMING? HOUSES 63 ss..s ..--- wmw ,MoneyMakiyirSnap 42 rooms, rent 8176:' T rick bulldlne. long lease, best location, .well furnished, legitimate Income over $600. 'month, strictly respectable, clean, new; $2250 is price; nave 'tnai, ii u tsnt as repre sented, don't buy: terms Can't bo beat in Portland. Make moneyrin any -kind or times, eoz coucn piag. - WANTED ROOMING HOUSE. ' Strictly cash proposition. $1000 to $1600; if you have something worth all you auk. see us today; must bs a good proposition and starnd Investigation. r SMITH INVESTMENT CO.. .80 Ttfth st Phone Main 8780. 87 ROOMS. 87 Steam heat, cheap rent, lease. Brus sels carpets, ' Iron beds, clearing 8269 t . n .It. , AAA Price todav for all. 8900. cash. Peters ox course, jo w. Bin St. WANTED Rooming house or restau- rant - Have 10 acres clear of Incum brance snd automobile to exchange for same, jorqan. sis Lumoermena biag. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 RESTAURANT. mii3iij i i.".i3 In dandy location guaranteed to be doing 1.5 daily, worth $600. First one oomes sets thi is tor 2uv, ym casn. f et- erw. 15 N. 6th et LSALOON One-half interest In one of V ilka Kaa na vlna . Tkla oa In , K 1 a I , v . low rent, long Tease; . fine ' location. M-739. JournaL WANT partner In good! paying office business, - with $400 cash. Lady or gentleman. 1 Security given for , your money. Box 686, Portland. . .' HAVE you 8360 to Invest and willing to work $ hours dayfor $160 month! Then can so Lumper Kxcnange bldg. FINE cafeteria, centrally located living rooms. Cheap rent Cheep for casn. aiain i6z. " : ' -OLD established transfer business for sale; 2 rigs; clears $5 a day: $260 office 193 4th st - FOR SALffi Pool roomgood location , . for a barber shop in connection, $360. A, bargain. 746 Union ave. N. ' $400 puts you Into grocery where all ftx turee go with the rent Only the stock to buy, 808 Lumber Exchange. ' FOR SALES or exchange, country stdre, best of location, rent cheap;' price a, AAA . . , S-l . . 1 v. I 5. a i uw. doiin uoennnifr, nuninffiun, ir. WANTED Restaurant In exchange for real estate. M. E. Lee. 623 Corbett bid. WEDDING invitations-announcements. Ryder Print, cq. 867 Burnslde. M.658S. His Tail Light Js Qut MM H Toil UAHT A 5JJP ' I ' '')' , , ' ' ' V ' ' , , - ' ' , b - (.:,. : . - : - : - Pll IPs X?. -BUKIXKSS- CM AXCI 20 Alt Kinds of "Business - One Of ' the finest meat mHrknta In Or gon outside of Portland, thoroughly equipped ' in every particular; amli amount or cann win nniie, as ail fix tur belong with building -and are In eluded in rent , Confectionery, ice cream and cigars, transfer corner, good fixtures, clean stock, good trade; investigate It; $1200 win TTave a nn In a boaMfna house for $860, close to factories; 14 steady board ers and roomers. , - Pool hall with 3 tables, good stock of confectionery and cigars; can show a -good paying business, good location on snst side; pries $1200, Have many oir.ers. NKAL BROWN, 819 Swetland Bldg. WILLOW RIVER INTERIOR KHIT lail COLUMBIA'S future MANUFAC TURING and COMMERCIAL capital, or fers unrivaled opportunities for money making INVESTMENTS, ' uwtisn. and HOMES. Located on FRASER and WIL7XTW RIVERS, - GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC PACIFIC and HUDSON BAY, and other railroads, in the center of a LARGE RICH FARMING and TIMBER DISTRICT, tha natural supply point for tne- woiNUJrt ui fKAUJs mmtt COUNTRY, and the RICH CARIBOO MINING DISTRICT, insures the future of, WILLOW RIVER. .Writs now, today, for free maps, plats, etc, PACIFIC LAND & TOWNSITE9 CO., LTD.. 416 RICHARDS ST..' VANCOUVER. B. C. -rj vv 1 - - . '., . :. . KTORE WANTED. . IIa.v- rmrtv wantlna' elor. - sennral mo se. pre r erred ; nas gooa st-acrs vauey farm, $70 per acre, .and 480 acre wheat farm. GUI lam county. 114 miles from town, $20 per acre, both dear: will trade eitner Tor store witn or witnout Duua inns, subuibmi or country-, B.. 81 Cook eV, Co.. 605 Corhett bldg. . IF there is a man In Portland under 60 ' .who has business ability and $6000 In cash, there is open for him an oppor tunity for money-making-that does not exist elsewhere; competition is eliminat ed; I mean pure business, and am ready for the searchlight. Address, with ref erences. A-748, journal. . RKSTAURANT FOR BALE, -. iv Bids will be received by the under signed for the furniture and fixtures of Clifford grill on E, Morrison near 6th L Room for rent at a low rental, . , v;; STRONG 4 CO.. v; rl ' ' ' 606 Concord bldg. - ' WANTED A man capable of closing deals on a proposition that holds the whip hand (exclusive); one who can stand real money making and who Is not broke , and not adverse to travel. Address with reference F-281. Journal. WELL established painting and decorat lng business, full, equipment; . also some stock on hand. First class loca tion, 3 years' lease, rent very low. Bfg chance for 1 or 8 practical men to make a good living. F-290, Journal. HAVE client looking lor some good business proposition either all or working Interest, give particular of what you have. A. E, Pouleen, 718 Chamber oruommerce. Mar. jw&s, A Saloon Snao ' Independent, on Washington at, do ing good business. $4260 takes alL 603 Couch bldg. . . - '- . GROCERY, with usual side lines, $ 11 v - tog rooms; rent' 620; no competition. and never will be; new. Pries $475 for quick sale. 603 Couch bldg. MOXinfiTO-LOAIl- -2T " IUSAL ESTATE CAjLL MAIN 208, A-1060 , for loans ' , on Improved .- - . - real estate. HARTMAN-THOMP80N BANK.' Mortgage Loan Dept - MONEY TO' LOAN. , ON IMPROVED REAL EST ATS. OR BOB BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEXIBLE CONTRACTS; NO COM MISSION. " v 4SOLUM3IALIFB t TRUST CO, i erAUiifm piitiu. 4 -- 6 AND 1 PER CENT. . .. , MORTGAGE LOANS' " - On hand for immediate loan, $2600,' $3000, $4000. Also larger and smaller amounta Fair treatment to all. See US first and save money, A. K. HILL, 419 HENRY DLDQ. LOANS made on improved city property or for building purposes; advanoes made as ' building progresses; liberal repayment privileges. No eomntission or brokerage. -J. P. Lipscomb, 842. Stark.. Mortgage Loans- L L.' WHITE, 701 Selllns Bldg. WE have money to loan on your real state; rirat mortgages oniy. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423 Chamber of Commerce. . MORTGAGE loans on real estate secur ity in any amounts; mortgages, and Hers' equities in contracts ,: bought A. Beard Co., ja oeriinger biag, $100,000 on mortgages, city and farni property, . lire Insurance.' McKenale 4s Co., Gerlinger bldg., so and Awer, HAVE' any amount to loan on good rortiana real estate, cau zzs cnam ber of Commerce bldg. No broker. -MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty, W..I1JIm In.... I . ,u VUHUUll va,i, l - ... i.w., . v - surance. W. G. Beck. 816-816 Falling. Z . HAVE for immediate loans, $uo sieuv, ssuvv, at current rates. A, u. Bell, 201 Qerllnger Bldg. MONEY to loan, and 7 per cent Port land Realty 4k Trust Co $14 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 2129. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, cou- traots; -mortgage loans; reasonaole ratos. F. H. Lewis A Co., 3 Lewis bldg. MORTGAGE' loans at current ratea, Rea; estate security. Apply room 208 Stock Exchange mag., a ana xamnizi sts. MONEY to loan, real estate. R. E. lllna- 408 Yeon bldg. $1000 to $6000 for immediate loan on real estate, 'isoor t i. WILL loan $20,000 or less, real estate, jf arnnmon, i commercial uiuDDidH. MONEY to Iqtuj, to 8 per cent W, M pens K o., m ppaiumg oiog. MONEY to loan on real estate. . ' ' w iA. H HARDING. 813 Ch. of Com. ' $1260 to $1600 to loan on good Improved residence property. A-6299, Main 7120. MORTGAGED loans, 6. and 7 per cent J-ouls Salomon 4k Co, 329 Stark st 27 WW can make Immediate loans of the following amounts on, Portland real eaiave nooo 2000 8600 4000 6000 $1500 " Jiseos'fV t09 ; $2&eo 10000 i If you wish to borrow, consult with us, Low rates snd prompt service. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. tz v;namDer or t;oremerct'. tfftR loan money In amounts of I2S0 an. up to $6000 on real estate la or near Portland. We do business quickly, at the right rates and at moderate expense to tne Dorrowtr, , - THE WESTERN SECURITIES CO., 612 Piatt bldg., cor. Park and Wash. MONET' TO LO AX CI SALARY OR CHATTEL LOANS MAJDtt QUICKLYANY AMOUNT. Establish your tsreuit with a Loan Co. and get turned down, -when In urgent need of a second accommodation , be cause - they, were JUST OUT .OF FUNDS! - .-' '. ' - ' -:" OUR CAPITAL IS UNLIMITED, If you deal with us, you may rest assured that we will be willing and able to accommodate you any tlmav , ; tDUtft HEW.11ATJES- - 8 .36 weekly pays a $ lv loan, . : $ .66, weekly pays a 6 26 loan, , $1.10 weekly pays a 60 loan. $1.90 weekly pays a 8106 loan. CAN YOU BEAT THEM? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. r . 'j BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. - -; Rebates Given If Paid, Before Dua 413 MACLEAY BLDG. BOTH ir'L.ONES Between 4ih and 6th ats, on Wash, at. Open 9 a. m. to p. m., Sat, till 8 p. m. SALAUx" LOANS ON PAilN MOXlu' $10 . TO - - $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO , BORROW MONEf. ABSOLUTELY NO SKCURlTY.. BUS1NKSS STKlCTLf CONFIDENTIAL "llOUltB a A. M. 1U I r, M, . SATURDAYS TO 9 P. M. , b'i'ATE BECUR1TY CO, '-. " epD FAILING BLDG. " ' " ', ... A PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN N, . MONET ON Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Pianos, etc, btiPAHAXE DEPARTMENT OJ ' Ladies. .. ' 120 lumber kxchandb bldg. ' 3d and Stark ats. Open 8 a, m, to 6 p. m. BAURDAY EVENINGS UNTIXii S P. M, CilATTEL loans Money for saiaiied? - people and others upon their - - own names, cheap rates, easy payments. See me before dealing elsewhere: confides tiaL i, u. urase. sz tienry oiog. - 'AND OTHERS WANTING MONBYV ' - APPLY ROOM 817 .... , ' " 'LUMBER EX. BLDG, '. ' 2ND AND STARK ST. A desirable place for ladies and gentle men to borrow monay on diamonds and jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond palace. 84 Wash- orp. Owl drug store. MONEY loaned on oiamonds. Jewelry and warehouse . receipts. Room . 10, Washington bldg. IMMEDIATE and confidential loans on autoa. Planoa. furniture: mortsacea bouirht Bauer. 206 Alder et MONEY sold on lnstallmsnt; conf idea- tial to aalarled neoole. A, New ten. 814 Henry bldg. r-' MONEY loaned en diamonds and Jewel ry, strictly eonriqentiai. 14H a LOANS WANTED SO TO PLACE your Idle funds satisfac torily see Henry u. Prudhomme. ri nanciai agent First mortgage seour ltles exclusively. Wilcox building. IF you have idle money, ees me. No cnargs - to you xor loaning' on real estate and nothing better. , Lawyer, .401 atocK mxenange Diog. ' FINANCIAL) SI FIRST mortgage securities for - sale; amounts $269, $600 and $1000; Interest 8. These are tne direct obligation of one of Portland's responsible business men; security is gilt edged and appraised at more than three times the amount of loan; an absolutely high grade mortgage investment Call for particulars. Con neotlout Mortgage Company, Wilcox bid. CASH PAID VuH UORTOAOE8. Or seller's equity In contract! of sals en real estate In Waahlngten or Oregon, H. E. Noble. Lumbermans bldg. Loans, WANT loan of $260 on my diamonds for so days;, wil pay $50 for loan to good private Darty only. K-878I Journal. WANT loan of $260 on my diamonds for 30 days; will pay $60 for loan, to good private party only. K-I7$f Journal. $860 not. 4 months, t. Discount $U. wo oroKers. :none Mnrsnaii 99. HELP WANTED MALI- WANTED boy 16 to 18 years of age to -learn the hardware business: ' excel lent opportunity for advancement' Ask ror wr, Ernst, yac. Mara wars a Bteei CQ. A FAST selling article, can be carried .'mi pocket everybody ; a prospective Duyer. coil between a, m. ana it a. m. only 80S Lewis bids. J1O0 TO $160 monthly, railroad brake- men; an sxpenenoea raiiroaa man in. struots and secures you a position. 120 letn st. WANTED Tmed 1 a t e 1 y . I good adver- tlsln solicitors, special (edition work: cash paid dally. For interview address f, yj. tox luott. tortiana. EXPEUIKNCED bookkeeper on mer cantlle, books, salary 360. The work is light; must have thoroughly experienced person. journal. , . , WANTED A young man to deliver and clerk in store. Concannon Grocery, 21st and Johnson. . CHEF Headquarters snd Helpers. - -CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT. ' 188 Yamhill st BOYS wan ted. 16 and over, with wheels Steady work. Apply Mr. Malone, 74 8d st., resr door. WANTED Partner for cleaning and pressing tjarlors. $30. required. H 660, Journal.-' ' ' .-v.-f .c::v 'WANTED Man"1" to -'4o ' Janitor Hwbrk momina-s for t-oom. ma sd st. WANTED Boys, 1 or over, with .blcyi cies. ipstai Teiegrapn co.t lis Thira. RELIABLE boy to run errands.. ,-Apply 316 Snaldlns ftldr. BOY wanted age 16. apply H. , Llebes St Co., 288 Morrison st ..','',;-, t f V 4, . llOXEXrXO. ZOAX KKAIj ESTATE -HELP WANTED MAM3 Situation-Wanted Ads, Inserted free for those in nd of work and who are unable to pay for an advertisement Advertisements must be bought to the office personally by the pari low dewlring work. : Y, M. C. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or re fund of membership fee; gives two monihs full membership privileges, 19 months social privileges. ' Record for 8 months ending Aug. 81: Calls for men '.,,.. I. ......... ...1893 Positions filled ................. .109$ All young men seeking employment, especially strangers, ' are cordially In vited to consult with the secretary of the Employment Department. WANTED For U. B. army, able bodied, '. unmarried men between ages of 18 and 86; cltlsens of the United States, of good character and temperate .habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information ; ap ply to recruiting ffioer. Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak sts., Portland, Or, , v-V. '. WANTED. " ' --..' LABORING MEN tf' A good investment snd a steady Job, only a lew dollars needed.' ,. u ; . -Apply, at Hotel Esmond, Front and Morrison at.' Ask for V, M. Rose, hours 7 to 11 this evening, room e&. snq nojr, WANTED A man capable of closing deals on a proposition that holds tha whip' hand (exclusive); one who can stand real money making and. who is not broke and not adverse to travrf. Address with references F-291, journal. SALESMAN wanted; a business worth while and an onDorlumtv to build a business of your own. Cash weekly. Ad dress Capital City Nursery Co- Salem, Or, GOOD man for milking and chores. smsll dairy. 603 E. 38d St. W. . HELP WATD--MialC. 49 OREGON AUTOMOtolLB SCHOOL, iW 268 11th St. Latest up-to-date meth ods of. practical instruction in driving and repairing automobiles by expert in structors -and mechanics. Tuition, part cash on enrollment, balance at time of graduation. .; . . -. . CENTRAL COMMERCIAL - COLLEGE. Bookkeeping,,, shorthand, typewrltin courses ; under speciausis: tuition 810 per mo.: text books free.. Have you seen, our new booklet! C 2 Carltonjr, T.v.v.rrrirr T'r"-r,fL r. " w UKEUOH 1AW BTUHOOJU A thorough practical course la law; no time lost from regular occupation; recitations evenings. Samitel T. Rich. ardSon, dean. M. Morehead, Sec, $14-817 Commonwealth bldg., Portland, Oregon. WAN TED Por tland mail carriers, pos tal clerks; $e 5 to $109 month;, vaca tions; many November examinations; common education sufficient sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept S27-G, Rochester, N. Y. . USE your spare time to build up a mall i order business of your own. We help you start for a share In profits, 37 op portunities. Particulars free. - Mutual Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. LOCAL representative wanted. No can ' vasslng or - soliciting required.. Good income assured, ? Address National Co Operative Realty Co. V-809. Marden biag wasnington, v. u. 3s,. RAIlW AY MAIL CLERKS WANTklK Commence 876 month. Writs for par ticulars. Franklin lDstltuta Dept 824-G. Rochester, N. t. GOVERNMENT positions are easy' to 1 set- My free booklet Y-368. telle how. Write ' today NOW. Earl , , Hopkins, SALESMAN to call on physicians. Ka tabUahed trade. ..Expenses -and oom. mission. , Also one for o antral Oregon. P. O, Bos 121,- Philadelphia. ; " WOMEN Get government Jobs; big psy. Write for free list of positions avail able. Franklin Institute. Dent 6Si Rochester, N. Y. INTERNATIONAX, ' CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS ' 60$ McKay bldg. Tel. Main 1036; A-4143 WANTED Names of men, IB to 86. - wishing to be railway mail clerks. 175 month. -KX-610, Journal. LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen. -wages iuu. eena age, stamp... tut. 786, Journal, .v-- -'i ..---".'.'-''-UNCALLED for tailor made suits. $6.69 np. Tayior. tne tailor. hh bo rnsiaa UEI WANTTJ FEMALE ; 8 WANTED TOUNO LADIES FOR TEL EPHONE OPERATING. WITH OR WITHOUT BXPERIJENC , FAH WHILE LEARNINO, APPLY AT THE PACIFIC ; TELEPHONB AND TELE GRAPH , COMPANY (BAST OFFICE), COR. 6TH AND BAST ANKENY BTa, OR (MAIN OmCS), WEST PARS AND ALDER. TELKPHONfit EAST 869. EXPERIENCED salespeaplo wanted for Kiuve, nuuinery, jewetry . ana laaies cloak and suit departments. Apply be iween s:iv ana iu a. m,. at superintend ent's office, suth, floor, Meier St Frank store. ,- . ,.,.: S WANTED Immediately; I rood adver Using solicitors, special edition work; cash paid dally. For interview address P. O. Box 1086 Portland. WANTED Cook for Institutional worlt 860 mo. Apply at onoa Open Air San atorium, Island Station, on Oregon City carline. Phone Mllwaukle Red 80. ST. LOUIS LADIES' AGENCY Cooks. " Waitresses, chambermaids, housekeep era general housework, 288 Main st Main 2039. , YOUNG lady with attraoUvo hair to aot as aubiect'. for demonstration: arlva full deecrlptlon and phona U-797, Jour naL- ' GIRL wanted to wait on table and do chamber work In small boarding house. 1298 Macadam at Phone Marshall 4696. WANTED A practical nurse, . about Oct. 18. Call at once at 41$ North west bldg. ,......,',.':.'.";,;. Wanted Young gin to assist with ugnt- nouseKeepinjr in lamuy i , a; good home. Phone Tabor 4408. NEAT school girl or-woman; light work, good home. Phone Tabor 3333.- ''-r GIRLS wanted. Oregon taper Box, 245 Vi Mtarx. "--h DIP MV UTMC5T ITO AVFPTT IT. JlrTI ROW BORROW A MATCH . h::j.i x - OUuuuvJti V4i.ii.. Ada inserted free 'or tbu-a M r work and who are unable to ? v i advertisement. Advrt!siiH -in -. brouRht to the oilii i.'-i oi... y iy t partite daslrlng wm .HOUSKiioLly Workers' liiHi'iiTit. i open for pupils, train lnexpertoiic'il i . In every line of hmianhohl work. Yvt m formation apply-Mls M. A, tjultm. Sua 11th. Marshall C031S. ; GENTLEMAN Will coirenjMJnd witU l.niv wanting, nine home, i-aft, Jmirmi i. WANTED Elderly lady to do Ljm nousftworK, wnitfs, o i nri sc. IIELP WANTED 5IALU FEMALE AND OREGON Barber College teaches yon the barber trade In 8 weeks, pays you while learning, tools free, tuition re duced this term, expert instruction, po sition guaranteed, special inducements to ladles. 233 Madlaon et, 252. 2nd. , THE MOLER BARBER COLLEGE TT teach you the trade in 8 weeks. Semi for free catalogue; expert Instructors; ' 10 years In the business; a lifetime scholarship given to each student; epe-. clal Inducements to ladles. 48 N. 2d et. ' A COMPLIMENTARY class course i'l acting, eta, will be organised Friday evening, Oct 10. You are Invited to' loin if you are Interested In learning" how to sot 1 No' fee. At Oregon Con- f serratory of Music. 845H Wash. St. WANTED Patriotic citizens o hlp. put s stop to robbery, by Telephone Trust A few can do it Address with, stamp A. I. Crldge, Secretary Stats Tel, MEN AND WOMEN wanted tor gover.i- ment Jobs;. t!0 month; write for llst of positions Open. Franklin Institute, ' Dept. 828-G, Rochester. N. Y. ', FTskT Teachers' Asency secures POBi- tlons for teachers. - 816 Journal bldg. PRIVATE Shorthand school, experienced t : tencner. ii per month. 833 nth st..- 4 RAGTIME Dlano Dlavlnc suaranteed be ginners in 10 lessons. 601 Ellers bldg. , SITUATIONS MALE 3, MIDDLE aged man Would like a posi tion, as handy man to work around a1 tore. Handy with tools, . T-812, Jour' nai. . Y 1 um,n truck driver-: wlshss steady .'position, Have had 6 years- experience, wiia ciiy reierencea , y-36. Journal. " " WANTED by young man 30 years old., I Experienced In many lines. Any kind of work inside. Prefer work la elec-. trlcal Una P-468. Journal. ' RESPONSIBLE, middle aged German' speaking man, well acquainted witn city, for collector. Will furniah casn bond. W-663, Journal. S. do land clearing In a few days. will have two mors, outfits for use. . Get your name in early. (17 Lumbermens bldg. i WANTED Position as chauffeur In' private family, by college student, after school hours, Saturdays and Sun days. K-837, Journal, ' -PRACTICAL painter and paper . hangvr wants work by, day or contract; call ' MIDDLE-AGED, sober man wants light' employment short hours. Max Zan-' der. e N. 1st st - MATTRESSES If sacked in middle sndv uncomfortable, i can. remake them for you; $1 ani up. Main 81. 6624 Waeh.v MAN wants to work on dairy or take- charge or dairy, uooa milker. 2 , ':.'..-,,.:' 'Hi, :-..':. BOOKKEEPER now- employed would like set of books to keep evenings 1L M. Hay lea, 606 Montgomery. ; I'IRST class painter and paperhanger ' - would like to do work for furnished , rooms or- apartments. K-878, Journal. A GOOD man wants a Job of Janitor ' work. Phone Tabor 8768. T1MT3ER cruiser wants work, A-l city referencea B-805. Journal. FIRST CLASS meat cutter with bc-,t . ' of references, wants position. B-307H. , PAPERING and tinting. $3.60 up; paint- lng reasonable. Joe Marshall. East 2101 &OOD fireman , wants position, station ary or marine. Q-621, Journal. . WANTED Sign painter, union man, , wants work. Phone East 136$. SlTUATTOTfS FEMALE 4v WANTED By middle aged lady wlthi daughter, position as housekeeper for 1 adults or apprentice ' barber. Light housework by the hour. 857 Third st,Y room 3. Phone Main 9021. PRACTICAL German woman nurse , ; wants position In eltv or countrv: will do light housework, M. F. Crawford, too eta et.. cny. WILL exchange my services as house-; keeper, for living rooms in apart-V ment or rooming house... V-697, Jour-" naL . . . , . EXPERIENCED young woman wants to take charge and will do work in ' rooming houne; good city references. Phone Main 2897, room 49. WANTED In physician's or dental of flea, as nurse or demonstrator. Tabor. eri v. ELDERLY lady, alone, wants steady placs to assist ; in housework or as helper In Small family.- F-292. Journal. MIDDLE aged lady, good suburban - home; would give mother's care to I or 3 children. 683 Bldwell ave. Bellwood J REFINED woman desires position as housekeeper, city or country. - Wlnl- fred Davis. Gaston, Or. 7 CLARA COOK, 3524 64th st. S. E. reseat your cane seated chairs. Wo.-H r guaranteed, prices right WANTED- by a vounir lad v. work or car for children. M-737, Jour'. nal.-'i '...,),!...,..-.,. ,,-. i ... .. .. . EXPERIENCED " Kousekeeper. elderly 4 gentleman preferred. Call Tabor 4420. SITUATIONS WANTED IAL , AND FEMALE "'. 2.1 MAN and wife, Janitors, want a Job la apartment house, city references; do all repairs. J-687. Journal. . DRESSMAKING 4(1 DRESSMAKING wanted at borne by an , expenencea aressmaKer;1, reasonable prices. 1123 E. 3d st N. ' ''' '''' t : i : DUESSES, suits and alterations mad good work at prices to suit custom ers. Mrs. R. D. Black, 451 Jefferson. ' ACADEMY Of Parisian Suientifio Dress- , maklnsr. Tailored Hulta. Cora fa. ' Teachers wanted.- 204 Qoodnoush Mdsr. DRESSMAKINGby day. Tabor 8351. 1 , van. evenings, By FolleW A MATCH V