.13. r SALES Or I ! OPS ARE REPORTED ON COAST AT. 23 CENTS POUND ;I!EATISJ0;hI;I'!(!LLO!i!,,: the onrcoij daily journal. Portland, Wednesday evening, :octo:::::. RilflCil EGGS ADVANCE TO 40 CENTS FROfiTST. Sales Are Made at Rise of 9 to 3 Cent Above Previous. High Mark Trad Begins to Quote ' Pullet Offerings at JJiffernitfal. Today's Tro&M Trtde. . Kgg market higher. , .4) ' . Cheee trade firm. ' ; .. .Butter is. weaker. - v- srs ) : Country meats slow.-.-: ) . w nop prices lifted.- . . " , i ..) 'Yakima sells potatoes. . 4 ' i Onion prices firmer. . r t Apple market soggy, , , The price of . freah ranch esss sd. ; vented Jo to 3a a dozen during the laat 24 hours along Front Street. Bales are now being made at 1.0 it aoen for f elected ranch offerings end the demand is even betterthsn'supplles at this record valu for the present period of the season. , ; One bf the very" Btenlf leant features , of the local eg trade today was the , 1 announcement by two of the leading handlers' that hereafter thoy intended ..to grade their eggs more carefully as to - sue as well ss regards quality. Many pullet egga are now cdming X forward and some of the dealers are , making a differential ef (0 a doseh be fc twea this prlco and -that for -the larger efferngs. This is the smallest differ . entlal existing onv the cuaat At ban . f Kranolaco. there Is a spread of sUO a doxeH butweea select pullet snd extras, while at (Seattle the difference 1 said ., This differential Is-natural in View v-of the fact that the pullet eggs are so much .smaller than the others. The - prica at tn present extreme - is so high that much complaint is heard from buyers when they ar given a large per ,-veni; oi.amau siaea . ...... : . e- Kor some time the trad here has been X figuring upon mak.ingtb.ls differential 1 neiween in two sues out not until today did any of the dealers formally announce .such a rrsovement. It is ex. . ptcted to become general within a short . time. f - . Receipts of ranch eggs ar very small i at thia Mm and the bulk of the trade ' continue In the eastern and local tor- xsge i at jio to 93o a dosen lor best . quanty. -'f-, ' y. -r .3 . t ml,. hi . . , , INDIAN IttTNNKll, DUCKS '.' Front street has run tip against the - whit Indian Runner duck and on big .nouse was v stung oy purcnssing tnem for eklns. The trade will not pay jmore for these than for the colored va riety and tb, market is weak. - " HEAV1' " PECEIPT9 OfMl5ATS, -t'-r - v'CA .',"' 'vJ Very heavy receipts of - meats ' are shown in the Front street trade and the market is generally weaken although ) Showing little chanae in prloes. In the veal trad arrivals hav been extra heavy -ecently. v Hog receipts ar now the greatest for the season to data , ON'IOX PRICES ARB FIRMER "Tfrmer prices' are showtn for onions . til tie Ideal' trade."? While the associa - ? ion Is not asklnr over Il.aS f. o. b. ,Quntry points for supplies, en carload J: f as purchased at an advance of 16c 'Shipments ar now being mad to Mon. '.tana as well as northern and southwest v ' ern points. ; 1 v.t-. -,.-. t ' GROUND CHERRIES FROZEN " . - - ' -, i h ' What Is hellevsd to he the last ship. N menta of ground cherries for -the sea eon have keen received in the looal mar. kt. It is stated that the lest heavy frost "caughf practically tha entire 4 FANCY SWEETS ARK STEADY ' While various prices are ruling for X sweet-potatnea In, the local markets th trade -for fancy ; of ferina- la holding i steady -with most, interests ssking and receiving Jc a pound for thle Quality, Some off-yradw down to 11.80 per cental YAKIMA POTATOES ARRITINO Several cafe of potatoes, from Taklma I hav been received In th Front-street trade durlnar the last few daya Grow.4 ' - lower prleea. than purehaaes esn be '. mas in tn noma section. . tjuaiity is good. . t . .' . .:.,.' ..:... S FORECAST FOR SHIPPERS. DOZEN TODAY i N lWesther bureau - send the following notice 'to shippers) Protect shipments as far north a Pfattle against minimum temperatures -. of about 0 degrees; northeast to Spo iane. 14 degrees; southeast to Boise, II ' degrees; south to Siskiyou, tl degrees, ''Minimum temperature at Portland to . night, about 44 degrees. '., u A , . PORTLAND JOBBINQ PRICES t i .Cv-; " 111 ; -. ThMS prfra re' tboee at wMrh wbAlMalne ' ' , Stl) n rataUera. exrept aa otharwlte atated: - BUTTER Afomlnal. Cream eulwa, ic atc "reamery, HiS'tct Mitch bnhn, S2e. f , KriGS-rNnminal, .Candled lArnl axtma, 40r ili-t pnlleta, S5i"t erdlnarr renrtlad. 3Mr eae niiini, o.iia iipi '"iTinf price, oac I. o. o, , Portland; n, safSllo, , 1,1 VK TPOl I.TIIY Hen.. UiaUrt aprlnrV 1 1; atatta, 1.1c; gee)', 12uj Pokln ducka. 14 Indian Runner. 10c) turkiT. Sir; 4reaae 1; ymm. Sl.M down. , CHtKSK Nominal. . rr rath Oravnn fnv tnn erram ta-lna and triplets, 17c; dalalaa, ITMe; : inline Amirla, I He, ;i"m, nnii-ii-., .... BUTTE It fAT Prodap' eric fa Pnrtl.nJ ; :4allvery-pr lb... JMe. Hops, Veel sod Bldsa. ' HOPS Biiylna price, cboIm, K3p: prime, 2Sci s niadlum to rlm. mc medium, SOn lb. , WOor Nominal, 1WIS clip. Wlllaoiattn ' Vy eoaraa Cotawald, ' lOe lb. madluia sTirop. ; ablre, 1TI choice fancy leta, Ue Ib.i saatars - 0reon, H(91c. . aeoordlns to ahrlnknco. , CUITT1M OK CA8CAHA BABK-1DU, eat ' Jiit. Be; leas than car lota. 4t4o, . . ' MOHAIU 101 Nomto-I Sne. , v , , HIDK8 Dry bldea, 31tJ22e Ib.i greaa, Ifel iaail8ci calms dry, 24(8251 calf salnaasl( .or green.1 lTttlRet.greau bldaa, le kna has ,anltrd;'abeep pelta, aalted, ahenrtiifi, KjS30ei drj, 10e,.'. - , ., . (t'. Kaata Tlib tad yravialana, ' . PBtSSKO Id BATH golllna Drln rv,.nti-. kllldl Hogs, fancy, 11V4: ordinary, Hci raiisk ...a and hear. 9c--, fnnry vesla, UdtHHt; ordlnarr . llcj nour, il(J12c; laaiba, looj ruuttea, lOui aonta, sta. ..J I ' JIAWM, BACON. ETC. U. Bams, m22V4 br.akfa.t b.oon, 17tt03OM!j bulled ban. i 1 alrnlcs, IS t4C cottage (). ' -r hAKO Tlercaa tSi eosapooad, tlereai, 10"4e. ; . ;. r- i , WBAT8 packing bouaa Bteare, Ms. afnek, 1 He. cowa. No. 1 atock, 12iiac; awaa, (4c: i weihara. BHe: lamba, tiyjoj perk Mua, Soo Srt.Krd boas, UV,e, , . . k . OVHTEH&bolwater bar. per sallob I ) ' r"l,0 ,b,.j;,T!' "i.s lmpis, per gallon, ' f ;B0; per, 100 lb. sack -,); canard, eastara, SPOT jCASH FOR VOUR - Ej"T3, Poultry, llot. Veal ' Net utkees f, h b. Portland: I rank ra)ly area Bile do"n; dnlry butter, iic; ereamerr, Wflfj brn.i. tHiaei aprine. UHTilSe; dueaa. 11 Hl-lf! fancy pork, Hxn41ci tomI, fanojr, 187J 14ej eaacara Imrkv Bo Ihv Mhlp aa fiira, o,, and bliiea. Write for any prleea wanted, Caah b7 reluru mall, rrleca In affect until furtliar ; nut Ice. ' ' " ; " nV7T Ik CO., " .XOT.Front St., Portland, Or. ' Assets S0,80.0a. r i APPLE- MARKET TRADE IfJ-A DIZZY POSITIOII; .OFFERINGS LIBERAL Too Much Stock Ilaa peen ArailuWo at Extreme Value Recently and Shipments to Open Markets of the East I4kcl to Cayse Fall. The apt)! market today. aenerallv epeaaing, is in a pomuon wnere it can be easily, ruined... The free of farina of supplies to the' open - markets ot the eaac wouia unaoubtedly cauae a sharu reaction In values, from which It would be almost Impoaelbla to recover for some time; u at ail. - j - Just at present the annla market la Iri strong, hands. Bom of the - biggest dealers of th Atlantic seaboard have ouugni nenvuy at very nign prices re oently. Naturally these, interests art not going to see the market get away from them and force a loes on thalr nur chaaea. Theae interests a re In a poal. tlon to withstand any attempt to force f rices lower, providing srrowers realis hat they, too, must help by not offering too freely Just now, - f . -....5v" -The 1litimn nnnltlnn f Ida marlrrl is very good. The extreme shortage in in crop a c noma as wen as a u road, an tends to faro Btill htahcr nrtnea. ! clally for th- better varieties or long keepers. This being the caae It would be financial suicide ' for growers to fores their' stock upon the trade Just now---a tim when it can leaat afford to tak cars of additional offerings.. ,. . Abroad'the inarkat la axtramnlv tmvnr. able. , While jione of the better class Fscirto northwest apples have yet ar rived In England. shitmenta will aOn be received. The trade therefor Is snx lously - swatting word of - the' Initial ncs on this fruit. Wrttlng from Lon. on. a connection ef the- Northwaatern rrult Exchange of thia eitv. ' aava oi the situation: . -. , ... . t The homo crop of apples Is not su navy as last yesr, and is being mar. keted much more quickly, owing to the very poor crop of plums snd other stone fruit. In fact home growers are send a m ut.n TiHiuw - niwiowni, Bramiey Seedlings and others which, they usually keep till Peeember or Jan uary. With a good many of them It is important that they should market their fruit as early as possible, and th fact of baying no early fruit, leads them to put all apple,' on th. market that they 1.11. - inn 01 cuuraa muai result r in very much better demand for .American apples.; Our msrkets will be practically clear of good dessert varieties sf ter this month except Cox Orange Pippins, whlcU 1 nut wry larga prop. ' . . FOREIGN FRUIT. ADVICES Oregon Fears Have-Arrived In an f. Overripe. CondlUonK First tMl . V: " . c fornlsv Aiwtowns Sold. " Ths )ndon branch of the Northwest, n Fruit Kxohanaa mnnrla inili mir: ket conditions under data of Beptember 80 as follows: - - French neara. are ow quits finlshel snd English are a shorter Supply out heavy arrival from Amarloa anil c.un. ada more than compensat this, ' Ths SMSlity is oaceptionally good and ths emand in London continues strong for food firm fruit, snd barrels of Nsw , ork stats JBartletts In hsrd condition hav touched , SU at auction this week, Neveriiieiesn as Indicated in our re Cenv, cabled adVicSs.- w feel 'confldent that theae extreme nriaaa will ahnrtiu be followed by a reaction. However, this may -not materialis mntil after no i wees, asoat oi.tii peaia on the market have been on the rips side and vnrjr - lenaer ana nave aoia aow. - Ta carstf Roaua Kivar BartlAtt w. nM here .this week, . On osr of whole boxes srrlved In very poor condition snd waa Immediately sold st auction. Th other car MvnmoiBU ,u nmu wr. Tnes WCt'S cent ripe etid tender. Where th fruit was in good firm condition It sold read 11 y at from I2.3S to per half -box, whereas sny fruit that waa soft and rip found a slow.sai at 10s to ll... Chester and Olaagow has been decidedly f Appies--nythln rthlnr showing color has: good demand and has af actory prices. , Ther met witn a ' broualrt satis: have been some fins samples of Warn ers King and Bramley's 8eedlinga in tha market. Moat of tha fruit. hwav has been hard, immature, and lacking coigr. imr every indication tna w shall be able to handle a larc ouun tlty of horthweat boxed apples at very satisfactory, prices , this . season. The first arrivals, of, California Newtown Pippins wer- sold " in- Liverpool tHs week, . English growers ar diaposed ti fore their fruit. on .tha markat Kfnrl it is fully matured, This may be ac counted for because they are short of munny or r arraia ox . American snj Colonial-competition' later, and at the present rat 01 marketing , tne crop , ' , , - " - - , Seattle Predoee Market.1 -Seattle. ; Oct. l.-Bggs;. -select ranch, 46cr April storsge, lo. . . ; , . Butter, . Washington oraamary - tubes, 14c: city creamery bricks, I5e;.' fresh eaatern, I8ifflc; Oregon, tOllo. Cheese, Tillamook. J7e. Tounr.Amer Onions f Caliornla yellewy 1 tie Ib.f Walla Walla 14; local. ll.taLoO per PotetofS, local, itiO Taklma ferns; (Be eaa; Id.M) doaeo: aaatars, In abtlL Sl.TEtt ,i riSIln-Nomlnsl. j Drauaif (Uiiiidura t.i. h.ll fcut, 7(lc; atrlpad bata, ITc; Chinook aalnna. Be; etealhaads. )f wilea Ts lb. sbrlinps, lJHoi perch, g lb. I lobsters, (Oo )b. black baaa, iot; aUvet ' smalt, cf shad, Scj black, cud, WV si.is iss aw, aeiasjatv in . .: ' CBAB-Urge, 41.T5! medlom, i doses. ' Orsosrlss. BlCsVJapan etyla, ho. :'l. eUQSUei Kaw Orleana, btd, ltto1i Creole, lite. . .. BUG AB Cub. 13.TS powdered, 15.86 1' fro It or berry, ! bnt. dry granulated fB,8A; D rallow, 14.05, (Above quotations are 4V ""J" IMC MWH I f t v noKRV New. 1TS par eaae. - ' DEAN'S Small arhlta. I-Be: Ura mMU Hai slog, 414i Umas, Slief ploka, e ert SALT Coarse, balf gronnda, 100a, 110 MS toe; 00a 10.T! table' dairy,, BOe, 118; loa! flT.BOi saltat S2.25 eitra fine barrala, 2s, Be bob avs, eu.oiwa.uu, lump met, sw.eu par loo, - aruis aaa Tagaiapisa, rRESH FBUIT8 Orausea, OOB00: be nanaa, 4He per ih.t imon, asj jimea, 11.60 per lot; , grapatrslt, California, SS.BOi plneapplea 6Q7c lb.: cantaloupes, t2.0Oig2.Toi paarbea, fancy, flOiftToV) ordinary, fiOftfSAc; wa' lb. baakat. other varletlee 16cuU-Hu; peara, Jl.BO-a.1.75. . . . VEGETABLES Tumi pa, 11.00: beats. II carrot a, 111 paranlpa, 11,60 saek: cabbage, II II a Wl.RO meal Tomatoaa, surninoo hoj airlne bunobae; pappera, ball, iOttoi lettoea, 0 (12 Ac doaaui eelerr, eou7Set egg plant. Tel eaullflnwoa $l.sa dowel rhubarb, local, ( )! artlebnkaa, Tbe deaan: aprouta, 10 b; antnacb. local. He ft).! peae, i$U; graaa cars, J0dl2)f per doaea. . BERKirS Slaekbarrlas, lJ3t bucklebar rlea. am lb. . ....... . k . AnpLKB-tlng apples, ll.O0C8.00j eeoklni PpOTA!oKa Sailing pries: Ertre ebetee, l.i5; choice, S1.15; ordinary, fl.jo aacki buy. iua prloa, aarloada, 76(aiaBe . couutry palatal awes 111, W ID. ' . . IXIONS Jobbing erlee, li.TBs carload buy. price, 11.83 f . o. Kabipplng atalloa; garlic, ' OX ln. r giufic lb UNXKRD OIL nw bbla. 60a par sal. t kat tie bollrd, bbla.. SIC cal.i raw eaaea, 64o; belled csaea, odd gal.t lota ef S00 gallona, la 1m: oil rake meal, lit par ton. -WIHTK LhAU Ton lota, 8e par Ib.i BOO lb, Iota 8a pur lb. 1 1 Iota, 8 Vie par lb. . Oil WKAl-rarioad lola, frsf. ' - : Ttni'tMINto In ca, 1m; wood barrel!, T'lej Iron barrels, Wo par gallon; 10 esse lota, 70, ",''.''. r . BETTER DEMAND NOV M FOR HOPS SALES AT 23 CENTS Market Shows Considerable Activity In Oregon, California and Wash ingtoni Foreign Interest Is Much Afore Keen Today, v ; : ' Conalderabla artivllv 1 miaihawii In th Iton trad durins the laat 21 hours ana several thouaana Dales wre re ported taken In 'Oregon, California and Washington..- For atrlctlv toD aualltv Oregon hops, 83s is today being quite freely offered and paid by local Inter ests snd ther wttts. Indications of la creasedk activity at this price unless trrowei'l become too bullish and hold for a runner advance, Orders now coming are both for do mesticand foreign aocount. Thar IS now conalderable interest in the Kngliah trade 'for hona and while sum dealers report their inability to interest roreian vrs as high as Sic a pound net to grow ers. (others say they wrsettlna bus! ness at thl price and are liling their Orders. 5 - sj,-.--, T. A. Llvealer A Co. of Balem. Harry A. Hart of this city and McNeff Bros, are reported as purchasers of large piocks or nops curing tne laet x noma, McNef f Bros, purchased 200 " bales ' at Yuba. CaLi- at ilOo for crime to choice. They also purchased the Hall lot of 113 bales at Sonoma and th Ross-lot of 7J bales at the ssme plaoa While the price for both of theae lota was not inaue vuoiie it la Known to be better than 20o. Th sam oeoDle also our. chased 26ft bales of primes in ths tk. ma se9iion at suo, , Stock Suffers Net Loss of 4 Points Owing to -the Disappointment -Over Meeting. - ' , Nsw Torlt, Oct . Union ' Pacific shares wer hammered today and the closing -was a net toss of 4 points from resterday. It is now generally believed hat tha rilan for tha diatrfbutlon of th Union Faeiflo surplus ha been In definitely postponed. , This caused ' in .eiiM selling praeaure A inai iio ang affected -tha reat of th market. Railroad earnings made public today were aomswhst improved- over former statemente. Northern. Pacific report for 'the -year ended Juno SO showed a sur 48,511. or 1,6 osr esnt on outstanding securities, ' LiSBl year in e snowing was 7.9H ner ceM-on ths same amount of Stock, i:-;;!-'?-.',, :-'t.,-.v.-:,1,;...wi:.i;i .Illinois Central gross earnings Tor September Increased 210,123, while the Northern Pacific for the same period incrwiea IS, BIB. - ':- -:- -Directors of the Westlnghouss Else trio company war reelected at ths annual meeting or tn stocanoiaers, " Ranee of Naw York nrlcaa furnished by Overbeck Cooke Ca, 214-J17 Board or -jraoe puiiatng: - lOpeoBlrS 1 Arnal. "Copper Co. Am. Oar roosdry, e.. AnaT ae, e.:k, ,.,,i, Ami . Car. Dfn 75 175 us am. Cotton Oil, ,... Bfl au.,. v., a' -..i Aaa. Smelt, mi 66 4a Am, ainalt, prfl. Am. Til. A Ttl..u.; 10 . hat Anacopsit Allulog Co... WV4 Aicoiao, i.c,,,,,,,. IH AlOuuHin, pr . a..,,,,,, b. o., .,.,..; j weei sugar ............ Bethlebam Steel, e..,.. Ilraoklya Rapid TrMlt. rt 'A uanaataa raeirie, c 23-, tuitra, ayvsinrr, ' Jii .,,,,, O. W pM c.. M. It tv Paul,-.,-., 10H ' 7V4 inaespeait uuo.,., Oolo. Fuel 4 troa. e... Consolidated Oaa...,,,, Krla, ; 2d pfd. , ,,,.t ,. Ueneral Eleotrle HI V1U ...a. u.. n.vre ano..,.. ire rwruritiev ., IlliDOls Central Int. Met,, pfd......... Lehlitb Valley ........ Kansas City Snntharn. UnUafllle i A Naabvllla 10s 00 13 34 134 Mo., Katwaa e Tesa.. Mlaaonri Pacific Nevada Oaoeplldated.,., SO 1B new navso .......... Naw Yark Ceatral Korthera Pacific,- f..i feno. Railway . . ... v. .JW. . , Ray Orma. Copper. Reading, " a. .. . , A . ;., Kepablle Iron A Steel,' e Hep. iron steal, era Rock Island. e.....T... Reek . lalead, pfd. ..... . Hoathera Paelfle, ,.,,, noutnera Keiiway, 4;., Southern Railway, pfd Tana, Oopnea ...... ai t nion rarine, ..,, 1'nloa Paeirte, pfd a e ' U. 8. Rubber. .. V.. a. Steel Co., D. g. Mteel Oe pfd... 1&8V 81 SOU 50 ioe 105 JJtab topper.,....,,.., Virginia Cbamlcal,,.,,, OK SI1 rteatern I aion lei...... Weatlngbouae Klaetrle,, Wliweniln Central, e.... lolal Sale a,Jl00i 8V4" 9 aha res. EASTERN FRUIT MARKET Oregon Cornice rears Sell at 92.60 1 for Full Boxes on the Hew ; ' i'ork Ancyon. ; Chicago.- Oct. -B.Thmuah ? ' anntlnn today car Oregon Howells for aooount siewan jtuh company, ti.ib to il.Ti, average 1.40; ff cars Colorado Jona thans, extras, 15.26; fancy, 11.00;, choice, 11.50; one car Waahlnglon Jonathans, , ea.vv, .,jijw uini aukiiu tfQiiuKnans extras. 12.26: fancy. I1.20i cholcn 11 ar cars California, one Colorado, one New ion rears 1 two ears ULsn iveiiia.. hka to II. 0: DleL ll.lfi! Kaw Ynrlc nura I blanket , New York Through auntlnn tnrlsv a car California fruits, two csrs Wsiii inaton pears-, six cars Waahinatnn peaohes, II ears Oregon peara. two cars uregon prunes, lour cars jaano prune, one car Idaho prunes and Jonathans: California Nells 11.25. halvaa 11 or Comic IS.10, halves t.0ii; Forolle li.su; waanington Anious .I3; Neils, 11.81; Bonn, I2.90; Qlelrgeau. 12.11: An. oub,. 2.7. halves. 11.86; Idaho Joita hans, 2,i0, - - - KOBTinVEST BANK STATEMENT " . ' "aeesssiejafaeese. . , i rertlaad Banks' riearlnaa : ; . Thia week, ' Tear aao. Wednesday ....... .ll.".5.eS.(U , tl RTrt SIMaa Tueaday ............ J.HU.RTS.dt - U B2A.nno.M ftumaay ,, .,'ateS.TaS.W . 3.2rl,00Jia Week to 4ata,.....7.B3S.TNft) ST,428.870.T1 Jloncy and Exchange. . London. Oct. 8. Consols, it ilK.liM. silver, JSVadi bsnk rate, t per cent ' New York. Oct. 8 Rterllna arnhm.. long. 14 81 H short. 4.8H, silver bul lion, toTac. flan Trsnclsco. Cat.. Oct. . Sterllne exchange, 80 dsys, It.SO'U: ala-ht. 14. Ho: doctinieiitary, I4.80W! - transfer, tele. graphic, 9 per cent premium; sight, tiar, SO HAMMER UNfON PACIFIC SV.1NE PRICES V.-EAK mm with LOSS OF A DIME HERE Tops Are Down, to $8.tjO Today and , - Greater Jxinsoa Are Shown At All points In the Iaat; Chicago Down 20 Cents'.CatUe Are Uetter. V VJ: f ; 's- .. , .1 yhi .i,-i fv'.;; : Today's- nog llartayta, "i ,'1''i'''f1-:'''V'',-'iVl''.-1'Tops. . -ChloaCO' i'l ,Tf. a"i ai a'.iM- ' North Portland i.0 ' Kansas City 1.(6 South Omaha ,.,.,,,...., 1,00 e e a PORTt-AKO UVG8T0CK RUN. ' Hota Cattla.tialaea.Sb.eei 'P. nroofiiiir ......... anu P.41 Tueaday 540 Monday , .. . ...... . 13t 8aruruy as i UN SMI7 0 id.1 a Friday ...---.- , 71 M j ouriaay - 57 - bS 17. v. , . . 18 ' 812 115a rvaes aai aao t:t t ISO Y ear aco w Bod ' - SIT : Two years : ago -. SS " US It was a very bad day for hog prices at all American stockyard centers today, and to war prices were forced at praott cany ail points, txvcally th trao be an to fast real weakness, although ths underton of tha market has not been vary good recently, notwithstanding ths fact that a few strictly tops have been purchased by killers at exrrems values In order to cover their purchases of low priced stuff. Bwlno market values her recently have been erratic-; Various prices hav ruled for similar quality. and the differential has at times been great. Tills is only shown wnen condi tions ar not stable.- Duriner periods of firmness ths built of the sales are, eith er mads at extreme values or within a mora fraction -of thm.-v':;''''ft v ,"' Thars was omy a smau run or nogs in tha North Portland vara a for the day, but the best of these went'eround I8,o0, or a dims peiow tn xorraer ax trtme point. w-v..:i- :-. At Chicago there was a snarp toss or 2 00 in the price of bogs during the day. Kansaa Clt cy nog maraet , ruiea weaa, with a loss nf 1 10 to lbtu. . South Omaha host prices were cut so to 2 60 for the-day.- .''''-j'''-;;--'i'--t'-r'--r Today general ho market rgr:, ? Too killers ................I S.IO Oood -and Jlght 4.r4-,v-t.(0 S.6t neayy , ... v ..... a , 1 " ! Mougn ana heavy ........ j. .aow7.7 " aea we7 i,.iw Soma allaht Imorovement Is shbwlna in ths market tor cattle at North Port land. There was only a small run for the day .and nonej yesterday. While there was a rather heavy run Monday, th week's totals to date wer under the average. .-: ,..', ..-,.-:.,, - .' There were no extreme quality oirer trigs In ths cattle market for the day, therefore top price) were not tested. On th other hand, tha cull stuff that cam forward sold about' dim above pre vious figures obtainable for th gam class 'of stuff. v-.-v --,'-.. -- v' North Portland was almost alone in its-strength of th cattle position today, aha. eanaral Ilvaatook markets of th eountry showing considerable weakness and -most of them lower prices. -. At Chics go tnera waa a weaagr tone in the cattle trad generally with a logs of a dime in the price. jtangaa tiximiirM;WM. wpa with a loss of 10c from yesterday. south Omaha eattl aales wars aner- aliy at a loss of a dime,y Ae . - Today's general cattle market range: Haat ataars ............... .J7.76t 7.15 Ordinary steers .,,-. .i v I s? Poor steers ..,,,....,. s.757.S5 Bast heirers .,.,,-,....,. sea Best cowa ,.o,..,.r..M.?,'l,,::;: f-itl Medium 1 cows . .: : 3, tin Poor- cowa .- n??: Fancy atsgs ..,..-,.......,.,.,.4..:. Fancy bulls ........ . , ,.,,-;. 6.60 Ordinary- bulls 4.59 Prims light calves 8.60 .0 Prime" heavy . . ... -. ; : . . v t4.0 7.60 1 SaV SHaasaaa u iaoy. , Whlla . aome reDort a .fractionally aiaaiaa ton in the mutton trade at North Portland, th general idea today is that th market I steady around previous average prices. iThr was quite a lib rl run ovaruiau 1, uuv am vi. yn' came -oiraot 10 kim lore. vieavv ahinaaent of eheeo sre reosrt ed from variobs Oregon points to other sections.' A special to The Journal from Terrebonne today reported . th ship ment of II cars Of sheep from there today. There -we' a. total of 1000 head At qbioaso tii'-yt' in the mutton irsuie genenuiy, .touay, -.1... k.U. dAtt Irnai uiiura vii mm".. . i Kansaa City sheep market was steady at former prloes. South-Omaha hep market showed weakness with a toss of 10 , to 16o In th price. .: '-'. . .. ; ; ' ' Today's general mutton market rhg Best Boring lambs -.j.-' ';j5 !i Ordinary ' lambs ; , . , . . 1.71 6.00 Tearllnga , Old wethers .... , . . . .,.. .lijt.t ITanar. aaoa ................ I.BUoTI.y Ordinary ewes v...,.....'.-. .7I.2 . Todav's Llvwstoek Shippers. " Hogs William Block, Dsy ton, 1 load Arlington juumper o., vqnjor, x iou. CattleC. B. Prlndle, Condon, I load; Laller , Broa' Oataway. t .load fJF. ft Blsok. I load;.. "'-i.''":'''' .": :-f i t?heep--K. B. 01111am,, 'routdals loads." ? ': - '- ---v Mixed atuff Frd B. Deolrer, Qervais. 1 load nogs ana sneep oiroct to union Meat uo. hogs and C. H, Farmer, McCoy, 1 load sheep; If. J. Harris, CulTsr. .1 load nogs, cattle ana carves. following were the - receipts date at ; North Portland thia of Hvaateek to year eosipared with tbe eeaaa period in leili 1U1S iil Jaa Oata B6, 708 , 70 104 Hoes ...'..lfll.TM I.liaa .rmm Cst tie ,.'. oa.axi m A .n a mtk AiiMt r . ..... Calrea bheep .... S.7S:.'f; X.W -,,..300, .187 ' 1SI.A60 ' - Tseeday Aftaraoaa Bales. SS.707 uoos. , See Hon. , No Ave. tbe. , SIS . , inn i Price. Areaon ,,..,.,..,.,. 00 ; Oreana 70 Oregon 31 S.70 e.ae 7.46 15.00 4US 4.t0 : 4 lo basins, i ,.S1 OresoB Ores oa ....... a.ia WXjTHKBaY ....... at Orefos -Oregon Ore job JOS 101 .J..170' IEWBH. sa . OS 3.b Wedsaaday MernUig . aalas, STEERS. 1 Heetlnn . . No. Ave. rba. Prloe. Orege Oreroo Oregon Oreoa Oreaoa Oreaoa Oregoa ................ lJ itao I , ., 1 1H0 . ...!..".......!' ''iota eo . S 60 0.00 ..........a,.... , ... . ......... . I SIO ' I 00 J Mw lu3 . ,.a.i 0M0 114. .1048 lfM B , lli.MI '000 ';S70 1230 '1 - i. -;rt") S7 a n 14 14 sod 23 , t es 7.0 ''""cows OrArfOll .ajr w-ev. .4 - OrWtt .a.Vksas.t a - IS 71- a ec SBO . OBO ' , S CO .. B.BO I O.Otj 5.S ' It $4 70 4.7Q fa.eo a 00 7.00 Oreaoa Oreaoa Oreana ........ w s e e . m,- W ."""I!"".. ' s ....... i CALVES. , BULLS. (IregoQ Oregoa Oregoa Oregoa ..... t LAMBS. Oregon ,..... r,:::t:Vt oregoa . BOOS, Oreson r 79 Oreaon Oregoa . . . 1 8 ' ' Many Sheep Shipped. Terrebone. Or.. Oct. 8. Thlrtv-one cars of sheep wer shipped from here Uiday, a total or sono hal. nr this number 0000 went to North Yakima, and tho remainder to Toppentah, ' GflAIM TRADE IS NOV MASS OF V.'EAKtiESS AS WELL AS DULLNESS Little , Duslneas ' Reported at' Any Point or in Any ' Linej Bayers Are Trying to. Protect the Trice . of Oats at Present Time. , . ' .v-, . ' AUSTKAXXA WBtCAT 0BOP.- ' Vydney, Australia. Oct. avTb whsat outturn of .th eomiaa' harvest f may roach 100,000,000 bushels, and as a eoa. ssonenos pf yoeat rain prospects. have) greatly 1 proved. - X.aat year tha arep was 8,ooa,ooQ bashsts. fORElGJJ-WHKAT MARKBT, r . Lirerneol Wbest elesed tettHd higher. !;, Antwerp Wheat rloaed. o blgber. i';tvJi-';. Berlin meat ckuwd o tnm,,---A.ffK Buuspeet-Whest ctoaad SAej-.kraerfft ' WHCAT CARGOES FIRMER, i " Leodoa. Oct. awWbaat . eeraoaa on -aaaaaaa giore firmly bald. , . t&gutu ana rreo.cn cnontry narteta eay. : -Cars- Wheat. Barley, i lour, ate. Jiff, Monday ..1 Tneartar .. 1'iH 124 Wedneaday 6 Year see .... Ill Heaaoa to date 0420 Year ago ....B17I Th entire grain trade is s mass ot; weakness and dullness. v Wttla trade is reported at any point ' in- tb; Pacifia northwest, . glf hough at som J places there ig more of lees Offering; by grow, ers who ar becoming frightened at the present inactivity of ths markets, - -, OLeadlng barley Interests are disgust ed with the almost laek of demand for supplies except at materially lower prices than have been In effect here, On the basis of what Ban JTranoleoq has been offering recently, the price of No., I feed should not be above 124. a ton tidewater track basis. There is nothing at all showing In the brewing barley trade. - -'.'. f. Unormous arrivals ot oats are coming forward to th looal market and further weakneaa la gathering In that .trade, al though prices in general . were- not changed for tha day. Most Of the deal era have liberal supplies on hand that wars purchased at better prloes. there, for are protecting th market all they can, although few ar Inclined to take On additional supplies at ths moment, Mlllstuf fs are almost a dead letter so far as outslda business is concerned. There is absolutely nothing doing in this brsnch of ths trad at th moment, Wheat prices ars steady to easier, . : 1era,1 .r,n Snr", Pst WHEAT NomlnaJ nroducera' nrlces. track; basis: Club, 78c; milling, blue urn, si waso; -ruraey rea, atcj lorty fold, 7oi red Russian and hybrids, f 77e: valley,-7o bushel. - v -BAHLKY- Nominal produeera' prices. track basisr Feed. i4O)4.0; brewing, izo.oo ronea, fie.eu per ton. T OAT'S New, feed, tl milling, $11.10 per Mn-'i';?''.-'';'.,''''''''.'''- -v. r iAurv-aiiing nricJ;i raient, st.ioj I8.8sa4.10; port IMS l.70; bakera', 4.SOw4.70. " -r . . ..' - , .- '. , HAY -Producers' prlcesi Willamette valley timothy, fancy, H4014.SO; east ern Oregon-Idaho fancy timothy, lilts l.v; locat airaignt, Je.su; auaua. . siztrisi vetcn ana oats, llatll: clovar. ilo ner ten. .. MtLLBTUPFS Belling price: Bran, 2it mtoqunae. aoi snorts, me psr ton. "GRAIN BAOsV-Nor X Csloutta, Hi CLiOVEH SHIOTV-Buylng priss: NO, red, eountry points, I ft C, Portland, voj Aisiaa, 1IW1I k . - ; ; OMAHA WVESTOCK LOWR Hogs Be, Ottle 10c.' and Sheep 10 , to lae Down in the Yards, . (Bneelel t XTae Jeeraal.) loolh Oai.lia, Nab,, Oet. I. Cattle, 4B0O; market , ataadr t 100 Wer: ateers. S8 7Ba 9.1 cowa anrj ha If era, T 8fi7.BO. , Sbeeo. 47.0001 market ataadr to lOelIRe leer. er jearllnge, (S.B04jS.4B; wetbere, 14.8904.00; lambs, f7.OO07.sut awea, I4.004J. ' nuga, DVWf waraei ec aiwer ai ei.sous.W, CHICAGO ,1100 PBICES OFF Market 18 to JEOo Lower for Day i r ' " Sheep Are Down Dime. ' rhlease, ;0ot; 0. Heea. 13,000; left erer, S.1S2; run rear ago, 10. 000 1 jnsrkat llfltoe lower! mined end eutchere', f7.aBttS.TO;- gornl and heavr, ff.OBtR.5; rough and keevy, 17. 48 ajftoo: lUrhf, I7.85ffl8.70, Cattle, la.OOO; market steady to I0e lower. Sheep, 00,000; aaarkat lee lower, i - KANSAS Cnr' HOGS DBOP ' ;. .-.'.. -J . 'i. . ''A;' ' . I ,f- ', . f .... - .'.' Sales Made ai Loss of 15 and SOc . Cattle Down ioc Again. . . Kenaas City Wo., Oct. , Bog. lt,0A9 SMT. at 1B120 leweri tow, f.B0. , . " flattie, 11,0001 market lie lewef, : Sheep, 18,000; market steady. , San Prsjielttco IedqMjifarketv f 8sn" Francisco, Oct. .-Whsat. club, fl-47VEU: northsrn bluestem. t.fO0 H) Turkey red, 11.00 1.01 f; red Buselan, fl.47H0l() fortyfoid. fl.llMk Barley, good to choice, feed, fl.lTUfa 1.40; lower grades, fl. 1091.26; shipping ana orswing, ti.ivvi.i9, Butter, extras. Stc; prims fi firsts, lOe; Bggs, extras, 47e; select pullets, II He; storage extras. 80o. Cheese; Oregon, 16e; Young America, 1 7c,-California, 1I11IV4o; Toung Amer ica. ISHOlOc; eastern.-lmOlOe. r'otatoas, per cental, delta whites, 7lq lj ianoy, Hftl.lOj -BaUnas. l.7l 1.80; . Or'on uurbanks, i ll.Zoi.JQ; sweets, fl 1.10, ' -"-t . .' -i Onions, per cental, silver skins, 11.15 O 1.40. y ,.s " '' '"'r m.' 1 "-''y .;"V:y f ; Potatoes to Texas. fffneefel t Tlie Innrnei.ft . ' 4 Cove, Oct. S.- Or, IJIlle today . shipped seven carloads of potatoes grown on his ranch near Imbler, to Texas. .Ther were 2200' sscks. mostlv of tha Onld Coin variety, for which he will receive li. as per nunarea pounas. New York Cotton Market. ' Open. High, low. Close. Januarv .1300 13ZI . 1803 isisiftZQ 1828 j 1310 1227 March! .....1117 May 1117 July jiioo October .-. ,1180 December , .1881 leO 1812 1821.28 mo ; i08 ' lsifcuil : bb 1S . 1381Wn3 1140 - 1811 1837039 J.C.VILS0N&C0. NEW T0RK8TOCK EXCHANGE NBW TORK COTTON EXCHANGE ' CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADE THE STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE ' rOKTLAND OFFICE i BSt Oak ., Oroand Ploor, X-ewis Bldg. aTaoaa-.imiarnaia amil, ja-atWT. toeks, TOends, Cotton, Grain, Eta, ' S1S-S17 Board of TraSe lw''"e. ! DIRECT PRIVATE Vi-i3 W-'VA;A.v 1 "of. 4 ';,;: H .. li , i t Ml'!-.'aim..'StS f; 07f "S4S ' - wo ?.'' 4. sw .', .v'.'.'.. , ;,t-'v w . r ,v TO;;ULL EJ:C!llf:G3;::r Members' Chlrapo rrd of Trna, Larreeponrlenta cf 1 ' n i..r,i, . ; Chtcaaio, Naw aork. Clilcago Options Lose 9c at Closing After loss of a Fraction at ' ," .'the Opening. ' ; Chicago; Oct. t. Closing prices for wheat options . today were H a bushel lower than 1 yesterday. Opening prices war off a, fraction.. Ther was general dullness , snd ' Weakness in th trade today . and ' while a fractional advance wa made after the opening,' th mar ket sagged heavily afterwards with De cember down to ths low mark at S6q and May-at ."' ? -t--y--' Broomhall cabled from Liverpool that the American - cablea yesterday and strength tn Winnipeg caused lighter of ferings at. the opening and Valuea were unchanged, notwithstanding large Rub. aian and .-Canadian offer and better re ports front Argentina, . Latter support developed on the firmer Canadian offers and continued dryness in India : snd heavy-buyinsr by France and Mediterra nean countries, cargoes ar more firm ly held end' the fact that continental countries are profiting largely by the liberal worlds' shipments is sauslnf sp prehension her. .y ' Rang of Chicago prices furplahed by Overbook: A Cook Co Sl5-817 Board ot Trad, building;.;., . r s? ; . : Month i.:r'S""Ones;V HIh,'''f,w,'l'Crnee. pee.- ',4. sak. .v'-M SS cfi" A May I.......,; li '' ifiv.viui V,;,W)J A ': V'CV' - COBJf. ,':'...'-:' ' '5 Pee. -,.;.,... 1 m ;",!' est u May Tij:; Tltt ;toA A July 70 70;-; 70ia'? 70ft v't'.;''i:r.f';i'' OATS. '-' - ;vi'v""' tee.!.i,:w.'41w ;s; 4tH'.404 sjaoU S star, 4 W - '44W;-. 44)4 laa.t ..:,V.iesf . 1WS i-J'lSflO' MW ! -a,...'.!'.!"? 1S ,'105 ' ' !' -i. I ;' 'I .- ' -': liARU. ' . Oe. . ,.r-e..,.1081l 10a .: 10.15 : 4 ' ' ' -' i i'-.lS70 : .-; IMS i ,! . ,'.-' ' 1MI K lotiT ' J May':,g..o.,10v5..'-' 107 .f- 10(15 -"e 'T H1HH. ! KJOSO y,. i; iwt ": 1W7 Oct. Jin.-; May .,.. ....107S 1WIS i. 1047 1075 ; JOWl luM.C'lW . low . JOS7 iAte Berries' Profltable. Cottage Grove, Or.,' Oct. a. Shipping eight or ten crates a week, for which he is now receiving crat. J. A. prophet Is having . another profitable sesson with his strawberry patch. About very other day he drives in with his shipment, and at the end of the week he gets his check for MO or $40. H twnsioer mis a pretty rair return rror.i one crop, and by irrigation he gets 1 revenue rrom nis patch snout seven months-of the year. J lis berries are large and Solid, and arA in arreal rlamanrl pa th Portland market. , J mwm , s , ,t ' San Francisoo Barley Calls, " Ban Tranclac. Oqtf I Barley calls: I. ' " ..-- Open iv Clog Bsr:::::::::::::l4f nl A SEVEN PRECINCTS WILL' -. VOTE ON LCCAIv OPTION O ' , ii,..i.iil.,ii.i',M..:it;,;'.;; Six ssat side ureclnots and the nra- clncfwhtch includes th town of Grea hsm will vote oa th question ef local option at tbg election caJled ior Novera, ber 4. Petitions asking- that tha, ques tion ba submitted to tbe voters' wer granted by. tits county commissioners this morning. Tb east side preclnots srs B7, fl. t and 0, with 111 names ; 1, with U namesi. 7, witb 4 namss, and Qresham wlth.6 namea The east side preelncts ar along th river front south of Hswthorne avenue. . ' Adnlts May Attend Schools. Should plans for giving tha uneia ploysd aaalatanee through th Portland schools as outlined by CKy gohool Su perintendent Alderman be approved by th school board,, tho eight of men and women poring over teat books beside grammar and high school student may become common. No separate school la planned, as it is 'proposed to aivs eseh man and woman th training needed by sending each : to ' th - department' of school which can give that training., In addition It Is ; planned : to provide a means for employers to com in touch with those taking advantage ; of : th sphools, - . . ' A; w THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, UNITCD STATES 1 . l. a Capital 1,000.006 Surplu and Profit- $1,000,000 S, OFFICERS . '(;-t. - r . 9. o. jomvowm, sstdti ' a. " IU BAJUTJIS, Tlcsayrsatdsat. ' .. , iv W. weKKTXmU Cashlsr. A, Is, vrjtiaKT, W. A. X0Z.T, Asst. Oashier. Establish , CAPITAL , $1,000,000.00 , ; i . . SURPLUS $1,000,000.00 , COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Letters of Credit. Drafts and Travelers' ChecLs . ; Inued, Available in All Parts of the World. , Cprnor Third and Washington Street FIRST IIATIOIIAL CAPITAL . surplus OLDEST fJATIOfJAL CAf.'.'C WEST C? JIZ s . .nocKY;.. t:ou:jTAi::3 ' co;hjer FiPiGT af:d 'vA::u::aTc:j' s r i. Following Instructions cf Pc lice Court Judge, Attorney ' ' . Reed Meets Death, .. (Special to The 'oarnal.) Bpokane, Wash., Oct. I. That , W--Clcllan O. Heed, pioneer attorney cf astern Washington, who Was instantly killed - late yesterday afternoon In an automobile accident. between here end Coeur d' A lone, Idaho, came to death dur ing speedometer test requested by Jus tice Blocker, police court, ! Information given out this morning. Tlrb accident v occurred In the tns-chlns-of W. - Av Oibhs, of the CMbba Lumber company, Coeur d'Alene. Three others were in tbe maohln with Reed and- Glbbs when it turned turtle Into a ditch near the - Idaho. Washington State ..lln,,;. '?-. v.v, ... ? -- - ' With Reed as . attorney,' Glbbs was arraigned ' In' ' police court ' Monday Charged with violating speed ' regula tions In the city. He declared Motor cycle Officer Hoffman arrested him out Of personal, enmity and with. ' witness disputed-the officer's testimony to speed. Judge 8tocker postponed the caae, dlreotlng Qibbs and th officer In th. meantim to test speedometers, ft U . claimed that the test was under way when ths machine plunged from tho em bankment. ' ' ..,. ! i ROSE FESTIVAL PLANS 4 '.TOPIC AT LUNCHEOiJ The plan of a somethlng-dolng-every minute,. fascinating, crowd drawing, 1014 Rose Festival was unfolded In sueees slve ene mtnut addresses by officers and directors of ths new Rose Festival association befor the Ad club this aft Ornoon. . ( ... . Bpakrs wsr prrsident C. C. Colt." Msnager Qeorg U Baker, Secretary i. A, Currey, Pirectoro . Wilbur E, Coman. C. V. iCooper, ; T, I ' Perkins. Guy W. Talbot. J B Aiderman, Franklin T. Griffith, A. H. Averlll." Fran C, Riggs, a director of the association and mem ber of the Ad club, presided, double taxation woes of; horsefly settlers ; (Waahtngtoa Barea ef Tta Jwjrnal.) Washington, Oct. , Settler on lands bordering the Horsefly district of the Klamath ... reclamation project, complain that they ar being assessed by both state and naUod, and ask release from the federal government a they will be in tb atate reclamation dlstriot. . JournalWant Ads bring results. ;Th3 Canadian Ban!:, of Commcrco HEAD OFFICE, ',''' Townto, Canada. jr " . , EubUib4 U7ti A' Ccnersl Bs0kjo9 Sustsda lotcrgit paid e Ume-epoiitav ' PORTLAND BRAIJCII, Corner Setood W& Stark Sts F. C MAI.PAS, Manayrr. OREGON - ar . DEPOSITORY f t ft T -- ' I ,J Asst. Oashier, P. p. PZttS, Asst. CsaX4r. . 1CS9 j n I! SI .5 CD, CCO si,c:o,cco r X - Vi i , SFEEO 0 Ml u