The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 05, 1913, Page 79, Image 79

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    Tl ' u- return from our raca
Li 1 tlona without bringing a coat of
JL tan, a Tad can of sunburn or
. akin marred with frsckles,
Thoas who ara not 'afflicted with any.
, of tha thraa have sklna which ara not,
susceptible-to, the sun, and wind or
alaa they took great praoaatlon' be-
jtora expoelng thir faces. -
Tha latter la a rood plan to follow U
fra will hut take tha time and tha proper
artlclea along, with, us on our trip. All
, that ooa needs la a jar or tuba of 'cold
cream and a rood brand of talcum pow-':
aer. una xormer should be rubbed into
tha akin, the surplus rubbed off with a
oft handkerchief and then a thin layer :
of talcum powder should b sprinkled
ever the-, face. Kemember iff do this ,
, the next time.
The face readily Inflames during; the
summer months, espaclallr If one has
a sensitive skin. It is. . therefore, to
every clrl's advantage if ana will try to,
keep In mind that she , should not wash
the face immediately upon entering; the
houee after playing tennis, rowing; or
; engaging in any other exercise. Rub
a little cream Into the skin, and aftea
tea" minutes wash tha face , In tepid
water. One should not shirk exercise
in hot weather. tQxerclae erets rid of the .
j-v BFZJES to letters to the writer ot
thla department will be printed
ln rerular order; but no replies
In print may be expected in less than,
thrse or four. we.eka, , ,'. ! ;
' Correspondents deslrins; Immediate '
replies to queries may get them by in-
closing; a stamped self -addressed en
velop. Personal inquiries will receive
prompt attention If accompanied by a -tamped
and self-addressed envelope
Reducing the Abdomen X
Dear lira.. Symee.
win you pieese teu me now to reauee tne
Folio wine; are directions for an exer
cise whlott iwtll reduce th abdomeni
la atandtng poeitSan, olasp th band eves' '
he. abdomen. Oontract the muaolee ot the
aMomea and bead at tne titn els time.
keeping the
wen oonwaoteej
th. beixlinr.
three deep breathe Mfst each ezeroie.
aa w avrsrvw x 'V eft et .
Dear lira. Byrnes. '' ''. s :,?; '
' Will you please- tall me what exerdsea
to praollc to reduoa the hlpa? JELLKN.
Following are the dlraotlong for blp
leducinc exercise:' ).v-..v--:.a-:3U , .
.First Raise - tha : eutstretched
above the head, the body retaining its
poiiuoni man di
position i then b-nd alawlv forward
xrom ti
the walat eo that the flnaera noma
as near touching the floor aa poealble.
without straining in any way. Thia ta
done without bending the knees. In re
covering poslUon. 1st the arrne relax and
sink 'down as the body etraarhtena up.
pecona witn nanaa placed lightly on the
pipe, tne nnyers pointing l
forward, let the,:
v. ao that it la
body drop
forward easily,
bent at the waist.
Thla mutt ha dona .
cently. aa trr ierklna- maw harm than
good la dona.' Trom . this bent position
roll tha tody round to the right, count :
Ing four lor It to reach tb position ot
, being bent over tha sldei then to the
eacK oeing. oarerui to ao it. vtrr easily
at flret.
till the muecles have gained
the muecles have
lor an exaxieratlon ot the .
' movement mar cauee real pain then on
iv me iei ana dbck to tne ironi. jrrao- .
tlo again, only atart toward the left.
The walat aots ae a pivot, on which tb
trunk swinge, and the head la easily re- ;
: taxed. Third In thie exerclae the hands
have tha same position, but row the body
Is beat forward from the walat;. then
back: then to the rlsht and left. Each
noverrtnt should occupy fottr eoucia
Take these exercises aently, but let tha
movements be firm and strong. Avoid
the sllshtest strain of the muaolea No
corsets should be wot a Willi practicing
; them. .. ,. ' . " .:.
Cleansing Cream
Dear Una Bimea,
Please tell me what ingredients are '
used la your cleansing cream. . D. F.
Following- la tha Hat of tngredlents '
ised in th cream to which you refer 1
i'.--;." .; jC3ej)jla' Qream ;:,;.''. I
White wax 1 ounce
Spermaceti I ouncew
Bweet almond oil... It ounces
Distilled WJter........... I ounces
Olycerlri ..., 9 ounces
lalloyllo add ............... , It grains .
' Sage and Sulphur
f.a r xfra. flvmeS.
1. I ahoiild Ilka to knew If
sulphur will make tha hair light or
I. wnat win iqcreaae tne at
a of my less
What causes th whites of the aye to
irfeTt InluHons to the skin to bathe the
faoe in water aa hot as one can bear? What
caueea the akin to appear rough T I have no
nlmplea or blackheads, but m pores are
Very large. LiEWUHOP,
' t, ag-e a4 sulphur darken tin hair.
1 !-: .-Ti lu-a , . Vr-y v- v.-.
poiaoni ' which causa
.. blotches On the skin.
ptmplas ' and
Cold drinks taken with the meal are
injurious, - But doa't forget that pure
wi water m w9 proper ume is a spwn-
U did cleanser of tha system. . Take a
tumblerful of waterbalf an hour before
cacn meai u you wun to enjoy your
food. . If you ara one who ariaes with
' a feellna of nausea, a little Vernon juice
added to the water taken before break
fast will cleanse the stomach and cre-
at an appetite, . "
' I have several remedies to preacribs
for my readers wtc are not cautious
. during their holiday. 11 "r
As a rule, the akin Is extremely tender
after exposure to the sua and air, .aad
for this reason It is often advisable to
refrain from ualnr soap for a ' while,
' Inatead of uatng the ordinary wash-
doth to cleanaa the akin, make a bag
ei dm muaiin ana tui it witn oauneai.
This will have a wonderfully softening
and healln effect on tha akin. -Or, If
you do not care to use the, bag,' you
can apply an oatmeal paste to the face.
SJake a thin pasta of oatmeal by stir
ring together the meal and cold water.
After attaining through a fine aleve, the
face and hands may be bathed with the-,
mixture, sometimes the paste is left to
dry on the skin. . ,- - - , .
- 1 JUnssagO witn eocoa butter will de
eaoptie legs and arm. Walking-wilt
lag tennl playing, . beanbag. baaebaa
id evil other game and soorta wbich
require (novementa of the arm will d ,
arelop these memlbera of ttte body.
S. Tou ahould consul a rUuU oou
Mat about thla troubl. - ,
4 vTher r sotna person who can
tie very toot, water on, their face with
gxxxi resulta, and tber are ottwa-s Who
oan us only tepid waiter tor bathing.
In your case, th enlarged pores and
the rough nee of tthw skin are probably
du to the use of hot water and to
failure to use cold waUer to contract th
pore and to mak the akin lesa sua-.,
eepttbl to eh wind. Never fail to fol
low th hot water with many dashes of
oo water.-... -Vv- N - - -
Blackheads and Oily Skin - '
Dear aim, Bjiiiss.
I should like to have recipes for re
' moving blackheads; ala for making th
skin leaa ally. . ' DOKOTHT.
; rollowing ara the recipes you desire:
, Obstinate Blackheads of tha Skin
Sthwl" a " -' 'eaea UlsC.
. , ,..4..... I ouncee
, . Rub into the spot affected, aad aa soon
as the mixture, bursa waab the. aurfae ,
iWith hot wjiter.
- Tot Oily SUa
' Banish all rich -and greasy foods, for
" diet baa a great Influence on tha con- '
dltion of the akin. Wiping oft the f ace -occasionally
with diluted alcohol (II per
cent strength) la beoenclal In the case
of ammonia, or a plnoh ot boraa in th
. water with which the face Is washed la
. s very helpful. , , ,
. Hair and Freckles
Dear Mrs. Byrnes. , - '
J Will -you please tell 'ma what to do t .
keep my hair In ita natural color T X bave
blonde hair, but It la beerlnnlng to turn dark.
Which la the better to take freckles away,
. buttermilk or lemon JuloeT I have tried the
. ' latter for some Ume, ant with no results.
Vl,'. .... - . . A RBADKB. .' '
. tiemoB ? jdce appiled ' to blonde hair ,
will keep It kgbt. . The Juice is put on
th hair after a shampoo and before tha.
Anal rinsing.-,v. -
Both the milk and the lemon Juice ere
good in particular caaea, If th latter
1 tailed to help you. you should try th t
.buCterrndlk. Should this prove tneffeot- ,
. Ive, try th remedy for Which , th f
; racip im bar given:- y t - - i
' : ;: Obstinate Preckles ,v ;
Oxide of sine. .,.....,.............. - t4 dram -
flublodida of bismuth......... M, dram
Dextrine IV drama
. ' Glycerin . i. ........ ........... IVfe i
lie drama -
Spread tha pasta upon the freckles at
Sight before going to bed. In the morning
' remove what remains with S little powdered
borax aad aweet oU,
" Rosemary Tea, ' t
: Dear lira. Byrne. "
I . have heard that Mevmarv tea la Terr
beneficial for the hair. Will you please tefl .
ma buw to use it? WIU It darken the halrf-
-K'.-Xt. .' .'if'-'.- UUlfll H.. V,
, Ttnsemary tea, Is a tonld for tiatr and :
will make It darker. (Hot water la pour- .
ed ove-r trie leave, atnd after tin full
strength Is "taken from them, strain off
th liquid and ithen rub it taXter it is
. cooled) on th haan'---- -
" Hair Is Turning Dark
Dear Mre. flymeS. . 1 .
1. I am blonde, tmt I notice ttiat sty
balr le turning browtt Whet should I do
to reiraln Ita former color t Ur heir ta i
falllnir cut st a great rata, Flaasa aulvls
.me about this. -
1 I em U years ef are and am Sve fet -
fv Indies tall and weigb 111 pousMle, Aoa '
beavjr aoouthl
The wearing of a maak will be val
uable to the girl who la at business all
day 4nd is, therefore, prevented from
treating: her face during those hours. -The
maak is made of line linen, from
which are cut out pieces for tha eyes,
nose and mouth. Spread on tha Inside
of the maak a 'paste made of olive oil
and almond meal. Allow thla to re
main on tha face for several hours or
keep it on all night When It la re
moved, bathe tha face with tepid water
and you will be surprised at the soft
ness of the skin. The ' mask'- applied
several nights In succession will soon
bleach the skin and leave no tract of
sunburn or tan. . . .
"A very simple procedure which has
helped many girls to bleach and soften
the alcin la to bathe the face on rising;
in warm milk and sulphur. Add a
r taUeapoonful of tha latter to a quart':
of the former. ''fsf'ifi.'.. -'"' -if'-
' 'When the arms are covered with a
.: coat of tan they can be bleached by ap- s
- plying to them peroxide and water, -i.
Another successful remedy for whiten-
s ng tha arms and tha face and neck. foj.
i . tbat matter. Is to hatha dally - wita
. .buttermilk.- dliis will alio make tha
; akla as smooth as walvet- t : ;
., If the neck Is suffering: from the sun'e
kisees, rub It with a. cucumber lotion, .
which can be made by the folio wfng dl-r
rectionat:, '. 1
Ftp 1 Jnlce o( eueumbera., H pint "
Deodorised aloohot ...... 1 oaneea
, Sweet almond oM "twounoea
. Shaving araua (or DMltad eaattla v . ,
' - eoep) 1 dram-
i Shuiobed almonds UK drama
: The same remedy . will not prove ef
fective In every case, but, as a rule, a
very emcacleua cure for ireoklea la
lemon juice uaed alone or In connection
with other ingredients. ' If, after you
have tried lemon Juice. yon And tha
freckles : are obstinate - and refuse to '
leave you, try either of the two recipes
printed below:
, Lemon andVoiycerla potion v
(For light freckle aad sunburn )
Cltrio acid (lemon) ................ I drams '
Hot water 11 ounces
Borax t drama
Bed rose petals . ..... . 1 ounce
Qlyoeria .............................. 1 ounoa 'v
Dtaaotva tha sold and borax la the water!
infuM tM -peUla (or an . hours strain ' ;
through a Jelly bag altar twenty-four
hours: decant the clear portloa and add '
the glycerin. t Apply aa eftsa as agreeable, .'
a Please mthlieh a harmleaa T(4na tnaa t
WW increase me aisa oi ine Bust.
4. What ahould
nail roller 7
a. wiil licorice
d, be used to
. remove, a
newder relieve aonatln, T.
at barn Wrlnklaa' which extend from .'
- the noatrlia to the earners, ot my mouth. :.
How can they be removed
. 7. What causes a 'coated" tonsn and ,
h. HITLna martil -,
l. In mur ctssi ttia htlr turns
- dark aa one-growa older. Lemon Juice -applied
to bionda aiair, however, will
do much to keep It llbt. The Juice,
after being strained, Is e-ppllett to th :
hair after It haa (been tfbjuirpooed and
. before th ftoal rmsing. To prevent ,
. the hair from falhnc out you ahould
masaag the scalp and brush th hair -.
(or a oetxain length of time every day. .,
2. Tou ahould -weigh from five to ev
en pounds more. This increase can be
' made) by eattnej aatry kgeatx and -'
nourishing food, by drinking tnlUc and
by aecuring plenty of sleep. .... .. ,
X. Deep breathing- euvl a tnassaga
r WttJt coco blatter , will . develop the
bUSt. "' ,M,,...s-',.-.vv.. ,
i. -Tou should consult a.rbyslolaa
abottt this trouble. ,
6. Tea. To cure the, trouble pay
strict . attention to tb diet, U fruit
and green vegetables; Urink water free
ly daring th day and; exercise. Do ,
not get into stv irahlt of taklns; drugs.
a. To remove the wrinkles apply a
- liberal quantity of coco butter o the
lines and than troke upward toward
the temples. ..'',,
7.. etoenaoh and ttrer dlsiurbanoeg ara
responsible for the coatett tongua, If
' you are troubled with oonettlpation, th :
coated tongue Ut a natuial result It
: you follow oloeely th advice given in
newer No. 6, .tne tongnas wiU b alee I
onoe agran..
For the Neck and Chest
Dear lira Byrnes. .
Please tell me bow t may make anr
Seek, Xaoe and arms soft. - , .:, , .s
Also let me know what to do. to filt Out
the obaat and make tb JgJRA. ' 5
Mxasaging th neck, fac and arms '
with cocoa butur or oUv oil 11 soft
an tb akin. v ' -.'' - ,..- - -,,
lather on ef these WW also All ouf
the hollow iplacea, and in oonnaotioa
wito tibia treatment you gbouhi prao
. Mce deep : brewtbdng. . v
' Following; are direction for an exer
cise which.. will tend, to develop the
chestl . - " j r
l:f Cbeat Expanwon ,'.(: . -
' Depress the chest, letting the shoulders h
' eome forward, with the head up aad back.
Ralae the chest by muscular effort, not by
breathing, to tha point of sreatesi expen-
slon. Kaise and lower the chest In thu
way alsht times. .
. - . For the Hair . -.
- Dear Vr. Symes. " .
My nejr IS very wiy ara t omrm m m'"
" deal of dandruff, wbiob cauaee the. balr to
fall out.
Pleaee tell me what to do lor H.
My akii
In la oily and I bave enlarged pore
on my nose and ctieeaa.
What cw 1 dew
" T' """liAIDto pf.TWDNTT. 1
, If you wiM try to get rid of th dan
' druff th iielr will iesa oily and will
not aJt out I advla you to "try ths
. nplhur cure,' for twMoh' here ar d 1
- notions for making and using It:
- A Bemedy for Dandruff
Ta an ouoos of sulphur add a quart of
sort waiter, and during Intervals of aaveraj 1
days xltate the mlxtiw repeexsdly. lAlter
the sinphur baa settled to the -bottom of
the reoeptacfle uae the clear liquid. Saturate
. the hea.1 wUh It every ewiraiiic, end In a
. few weVs every trace ef the (mndruff w1i
. hwv dlaairvpeaired. "JTie twir will bmexnw
amr aetd rinaay, and there will be a return '
eg ua aid trouble.
Mr arcfSuAfiur CArr
: Obstinate JVeckle
OiIdexef sine ................... ti dram
Buulodlde et bismuth il dram '
it,1n Hi drams
fMyccrla IVi drams
freed the past upon the fraoUei at
,. Bight before going to bed. In tha morning -.remove
.what remains with a ilttl sow
: dered borax aad aweat oU. . ';
y?n tnM raa-tions before yon you
wUl have no difficulty in raraovlng your
. This remedy, how err er, wtU darken, light ,
hair. ...' i ,:.-., . . ,' ;
. Should the hah eontinn to b oily,.'
you can use Ch lotion for which this
,. ig tii redepe:... ...... , .;;;.; i-i,
, 7ormoi ' for Oily ' Hsii. . --,?
. 'AVumol ......-.....-.......M...,... J eunoas :;
Wstch ha sal. ....,,..,w,.T. a ounce .
' XtMorrin 14 sraeus -
-, Use daily, rubbing wall ant toe soaap. , , .?
It W brrportac to pay trlot atten
tion to th diet when one ha a iky
akin. - iAJI rioh aad greasy food ahould.
be avoided. No food ahould b eaten '
between meal, Drink eienty of water. ,
and exercise r-efuSauray La h open air '
every day. - -
Wlptaw the fae ooaaatanaKy wrbh di
luted alcohol (25 per cent strength) is
beneflciat In the case of an oily akin.
A pinch of borax or a few. drop of ,
; ammonia, In h weUer with whtah the .
Caoe is washed is also bespfuL ' '
To vrvnt emlartred pores you. must -tines
th fac In xld wetter after th -(
uee of hot water. It Is advisable to
rnaemre Ahe rao with ios. FOUowanc
Is th rcp for a eottoo wbtoh nay b 1
used for niktkrred ajorea:-:.y.?..;i.-,.: y,,y-
i Ziotlon for Snlargwd Pore
Berle '-aold..i...........M...;...' 1 nm'
Distilled witch haxel..... 4 ounce K.
Apply with a pieo fit eld lines or a, bU
et absorbent cotton. 1
'. Lwer Sfofs
VWaw tunrm fTmnea
' I bav liver spots ea my faoa and write t
ask yea what I can do to remove them. ,
liver spots are axnnetlmes due to Ut.
sr dleturbanoes, and it la neceeaavry to
oanautt a phtyilciaa aVbout 'the troufcle.
It is Import ant, howwver, to pay strict
:nvj ..... ; . :jJk'
tK a personal reply Is desired, a eelf
addreeaed stamped . envelope . ahould be
t Inclosed. 1 ( ,k ;:; ,'.
ANT' brides-to-be ti feel . that
home and surroundings that
breathsfof the love and life of
happy days are the most fitting set
ting for a wedding. Ths horns wsd
dlng,. unless yoa live In a very large
house,, must necessarily have fewer
invited guests for the ceremony. A
church ought to be filled if the beat
effect is wished, but a home should
never be overtsxsd, th guesta crowd
ed and everything in an upset con
dition on acoount Of too great num
ber A few friends and near relatives of
both bride and bride room should de bs
mmMmem:mm x v w mm ,. .
iff Ipp3
" li. IIS
U ... ' v , hi
T III XL Cl M.rl A . HI
-Bsskw A , Isntsl t vy.a
attention ft th diet rood avbich ara'
easily dJgea-ted and are nourishing must
b eaten. Ceraalaa pies, oakea. fried
foods, . hot - breadaV rioh salada and
gravies, pork and veal cnuart be avoided. '
Drink a glass of hot water on hour
beore eacn tneaJ. ' This nviU put the
tocnacb in good oondltloft to digest tb
food. - ...: -.."- '-";-".---,
. Bxercla daily In the fraah air. Thrs
wUl giv you m clear and attractive
complexion. '
Wetting theHaW V . v
.' Dear lira, gymes. - ' r- . -i
Please tell me If the daily wetting ef the i
head la good lor the hair. X, x . Z. '
' Th daily use of water on the hasr
without carefully drying it la bad..,, .
OFreckiesand Stmburn'
finer Un flvmea
' Will you please give jae a remedy for
freckles and sunburn T 1 de not care for
. anything that will, causa hair to ajew
: Following; are two reclpee which ;
will help yoxi:.-.'';.5;-'.r-;-',,-v-,. V , ,
:S:-;':tObainate'. Preckle.'
Oxide ef Bine 1.... . H drsm '
.Bublodlda! bismuth.,, .i..,;- U dram
Dextrine ................4, 1 drams 4j
v Glycerin ............................ IVi drama '
,'' Spread the pacta upon the freckles at
night before going to bed. In tha morning
remove what remains with a little powdered
borax and aweet oil. (
BunJburn ' -
White petroleum...... r.wk,v'-gH eunoaat
ParaOVn wax..... 14 ounce
- IJinollo ............................ 1 ounce ,
: Water .........MM.... ....... . IVe ouncee 1
, Oil of reee.. ....... ...... ........... t dropa
Aloobol U dram ;
rlted. besides email bridal party. ;
This generally consists of a maid of
'. honor ' and sometimes a bridesmaid,
too.) The best man for th bridegroom
completea the bridal party of four,
- and you will And that this Is a con
venient number..-;':" V'-.v; ;,-v,r ' ': '
The bridal procession In the moder
ataly larg home ; should be of the
simplest, for it Is not assy to have
.a complicated entrance or any Intrl
V; cats approach to the. place at which
. the minister stands ready to receive'
: the pair. 't SA: .'..i - j
; ; Ths Inexpensive decorations are at-'
- ways very , good, ' and great masse
f( ot autumn foliage, with .. g oldenrod. '
. chrysanthemums and omos, mak as
' fins a background as any bride could
wiah for. The forming of a hug wed
'ding bell over a wire frame, which
you can have made. by a florist and
covered by leave,.., ta an appropriate
setting. -Th dotting of the form with
: white rosea or the edglner of the large
beH wltl whit rose makes a very ef
. feotlve flnlfth. - Tlits should be hung,
from the celling, and strsnds of green
radiating) from It to form a canopy are
saally aided. -
1 Th guests ahould arrive fifteen er
twenty minutes before the time men-;
Uoned la the Invitations, and the bride's,
mother and father, who are the hostess
and host, of the day, should 'receive
them. The clergyman should be ttraet-i
ed. and escorted by either, the father;
wi near reiauve or tne zamuy, ana.
. . .... - - is
given a room in wmcn ne can uresa, m..
v aeceaaary, ror in ceremony, mi aaoiuu
: also meet the bride and the bridegroom;
: . and f o over tJbe ceremony with . them.
. before the final one, so that ao Wunderg;
; win mar the beauty of the service. !, J
The bridegroom and the best man are
directed to a room set apart for them,'
where thbrideroom'a traveling clothes
are piaceo, ana wuer am ureww vi.
the ioumey after the wedding.
- k message should be sent to the best
man and bridegroom when the bride
':- is ready, and they should proceed to
the parlor to, wait for bar. If any music
' has been arranged for the occasion it
ahould be given the' signal to play, and
before the 'guests, who are assembled, -the
bride.' with her father and her at-
. tend ant, should enter, and walk to the
' .clersrman, . ' ' - -
Guests naturally allow th mother and
relatlvea to atand neareat the brld at
her lefU ' The maid of honor holds the,
bouquet of the bride during the cere
mony. , -7., 1 -
.After the ssrrice the minister offers
- congratulations, and leaves to remove
: bis robes. , If n has no special gar-
ments. be quickly gives place to th
married couple, who, with the attend
ants, face the, company and receive th
congratulations and best wishes of th
guests. ' ' :
" It a Wedding breakfast or dinner la
aerved, tb bride and bridegroom are
the guests of honor, naturally, and are
' the first to be served. It la customary
for tha bride to mak the first eut in
the wedding cake. J.
- .When; the reception Is over th bride
'. and her maid of honor leave the com-
nanv to don the travelinar suit. TJis
newly married coupla leav in a car-
4riag lor ins wedding trip.
Solutions to: Social $
Takina His Arm
BAR Mra'lAdan"--.;5fi'te4i"te
out walkingT'-',",. -A,ra 1Um
It la no longer ths custom for a man
and woman to walk along tha street
1 arm in arm. - However, it ia still per
v gnlsalbt for a man to offer hi arm to
a woman companion if ther lg any.
' crsat need of bis assistance,-.-.-
, x " The initial ti. U0$i
: Dear Una-Adama a..v'-;;,:i"i:.;
I'iesee tell me what Initiate are seed V
I en llnena, silverware, ate., before en ie
r married. I do not knew whether It ;r
ahould be these el one's future husband ,:
ar not. . WANT TO KNOW V,
. The Initials of to bride-to-b ar
" used on aU artlclea marked before the
- wedding day. ."v.k,',;.:cvv.. r.;--:
A Wedding Anniversary -K
. gear lira Adama -j. ...-'.
1 Pleaee KU ma some eleyer way to aend
' Mnvttatlone te my friends lor my first
weddl.jg anniversary. Mra J. K..- .
Write th InwiUtlona with lixlolibl
Ink on square of fin cotton. oioLh.
Givihg the Order ' :
-' Dear lira Adams. - ' .
When a man and a rlrl ar In aa le
Cream parloe, la it proper for the former ;
'. to give the order after be tax cormilted
, tb glrlt. . ,A CONSTANT KJSAUUt.
1 Tes. zjjrky4 y .;
V- A Man's Card ' -' .
Dear Wra Adama
fUieuld a gentleman's card be as lerge a
his awtsr'a vlalUrg cardf . A. U. C
A man's wtsiting ard ia thinner
smaller than a woman's, but H ahouul
be of very fine quality and neatly en
graved. . -
Calling "on a Friend's Guest
Dear Mra Adama -. .
. te It proper to call en frte"'a rnet
witihout an luvltatlun fivm ttaa li, , t uk
eo : -, .... ..... A.iuica.
If the gues lsva trims of youri you' ;
may call Without an invitation; othef
wlae yet! should wait - for on to be.
given. -
The Welding Kiss
Dear Mre. ' Adams. ""
. . I expect to b married next month, aafl
should like to have you, tell ma it It t
. cuetomary lor tha graom to kiss the bride,
before .ne- guaata, Y , x JOUN K,
This J no longer the custom-
CtYf Trom t Married Couple
Pear Mm. Adams. - '
When a Ht is eeoC to me by a tnarrle4
eotipie, should I write a note at thanks to
boihr , - w. T.
Toil ahoulft wrta a. niu tn ehei wi f&
and in it you ahould. ask that your ap-
V'cuniuo, do exienaea to Aer nuaoanat.
'' Addressing the Doctor's Wife
. Dear Mre. Adams, .-v '
Do yoo consider it proper to address aa
.. envelope- to a doctor a wife thue: "Mrs.
"Doour Whiu"t - MA1U1J.
No f aha sould be addraaaed '"Mrs.
Kobert WWte."- She tiaa no right to
. us bar busband's degree.
."i, At a Home Wedding
1 Dear Mra Adams. '
' At a home wedding should the mother and
slaters. of bride wear hate and slovea?
. , - yLeavina a Carriaae
Dear Mrs. Adams.
When leaving a carriage should the Biad
er woman precede? a
'The man should alight and asstst t&f
' Sear atra, Adaaaa.
j k.s k bad arm t addrem a person at
lar Bo and eW' ' wnea writlna ona poeui
. carat . ... VibL&TJLiX.
'No saiutatiton houtd b written on a
postal card. Neither should privets
natters be written about en eV card.
The Proper Form
. Dear Vre. Adama --
Will you pieaa tell m what to tha props
form to follow when Introducing my mottie
to atrangerty .-- , , JuTliiiU
-Tou should not introduna your mother
to any one. Others should oa Intro
duoad to her. The proper form H to
say, "Mother, gnay X present Afx. Jones
to youf -
What to Say
Dear lira. Adanua.
. W ill you plea tell ma what I ahould say
when asking t take a girl home frum a
partyt WiJUU
'' Tou may say. 'Viss White, may J
have the pleasure of warding you home?"
if A.Widovfs Signature v ;
Dear lira. Adams.
uy nueoand naa aied recently and I am
i earrylnc on bis busine
snouia 1 in hie
name witn uie prefix
to all bu.i-
aaaa letUra. , etT , : ,; ttt
' No;'; you should sign your maiden
' name with your - husband's aurnam
".added.. v-.1:; w.-s.a
'b A Financial Difference
Dsar Mrs. Adama
k nave recently oeoorae acquainted witn a
family wtw are better oft tlnancially than
husband and 1 are.
my DUfoana ana 1 are. uo yaa tnmi wa
should form any friendship because ot thtaT
If you and your acquaintances havs
' so far proved congenial ttier is no
J,; reason why you should let the financial
'I dltterence,t break-, up the friendship. ..v..
Replying to an Invitation
fi'-Dear Mi- Adamt W;;;
I'leeae tell me how to reply to a dtnnes
Jnvitauon written in J if
- tmr MrS..CTh:i-"It atves ins great Plea.
on Monday, the ninth, at eirht o'clock.
BjU W W aiawk fwu aasaaM saav itavtWM au uiesuww
- 1 -k. .4, v 1 ' ' S'noareiy your. ;
' Inclosed With the Candy ; s
Dear lb. Adam v - , .
' When sending a boa of tandy tlvmurH
the matt to a girl ahould one's card be
; tncloeedf ; .. si, -;. -i-'-s- ; iD.
V yea. with candy or any othr rift
the donetofe card should be Indole J.
i ' . A Surprise Party
;''Dear Kra. Adama. '
I am planning a surprise party for try
: daughters twefityfourth birthday. I In
tend to Inytm her mueie club. Kindly l.'t.
tne know bow to go ebwa it lot let n.
. know how to word th invitation to ti e
, ' eluo. . :, ,.,-- - ., &U13. O.
' Tou can address ths Invitation to O-e
secretary of th club and word It 11
- thla way: - - .:
' lliae May Smith, . '
" errerT of tb OWe Uualo Club, N'ew
Tork OltT. -Dear
Wes Brntrht-
WIU ou pieaae extend to the tnemK. e
. ef the cltsb an InviiKiKm to ... .
party whlcei I wv'sb to give fur my u
, ter Annaf . . .
Klmlly arrlre at eur houm et o'c i
Tueeday evening, Aha 30th ul Oiu,ur.
blncy. MTRA A. 1 .
II trprues street.'
Th date and - ifi h-.i,'i ?
' written on tb. lower lcU-heu.l t
of the note.
Addressing a Doct r
' r T're. Amm.
. It la r,r. ..-very 'it -
. ! ...v .,,,.! I r,
1 !. eliuut-i '
- i ..... I 3
, J-OU ,,-.'!. '-.;
ail s.i
t;.t you . 1 f
s.iry ta a J 1 1 .