The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 05, 1913, Page 78, Image 78

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    m ; l-r i ' ' ,"j: s ; THE ' OREGON 5UNUAY juuruw r wwruwt.v-. ,
'V In;Gree9 Uporil '
' Topped W
t Smart Cltt VtlJUf
, A H. DecdraUd .
, ' With Mercuir "
, Wingl ', , " '
4 f
(I 1
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-,. . .r,....,..A-.--rW-.-r.-r'-fv-- i ......
i I ( i, t
' i ' 'r V
, . V ' J .''', tv..
; ConaclcCoituim.ofy
tad Black Satin
Dedgned by I Ldc2o
- for a '
By" Lady'
t, ,
J 1 ' A
I '' , t r " ,
. v ' -
" " it' ' ' I
" . , I
Locflt Etov
Blue Duvtyn.
with tho
,'! - . - V - "
I , wU,vriletaAreek dWladhIon4rticIcfa
Bifc-iwwipaper.'preMnting all thal'kttinmt.and kwi'hl;
tfiyie ftf well-dressed , women., , r '. '
' t LadyiOuffrdoaaPaA.esUbllsVtienl bHngJb
Into dot, touch with thai centre of faahioa.
f-v, tjidDulKIordimencaac 1
NoeJ3rand 39.West Fifty-eventh treeCNew'Yoii, '
. righted
is . ' ( f v'
illta tor th wlda belt and die long, banded ileeres are new' toacbtf '
-V that appeal to tbe jrounf girl. The email hat framing tne face eo b -'
'comlngly it "blue alourt decorated at the' .black ft&ft.blaa ,
' r LncfleModel of 'Blue ' Charroew . ; j
MMtttL -fanrtaa'tbla' Winter for mention and Derm ooes
tnjnea. It Is so aupple, so tnzmiona, dengbtfuni''
rleldiht when draned even on nnfraceful flgturea. . But
wait rerr aoon ' I ; hope ,tv aend , rou ; photographs '
omeof.myUte8trde8lgnITWtedJnIthldeUfhiMA !
tuff.,'; ' Uf;&;M
ing wear. There ta, of courae, that Joyoua dortyn, which S 1 - f
in xta heavier moments maitea aucn aaoraDie apon coaw,; . s
" butin.iU 's
Parlareentembep 801 v J imiH'Avtli th fmnln aaul man rwlth anrnlah
T.T,Prl la An th start Mrki3 Mk. IaI. .a.Ia. , t v " 1 : ' - i'
and, aa nsnal, the eyes of all axpenalve, and if cheapened would lose the very naltty that makes tt '
: " """(" w uesiraoie. some tune i wui anow m wwums umowymi u . w ,
modes and modela. From all tokens witching fabrio that tW pleaae even the most captious critio l know.
1 4
J modes and modela. From all tokens witching fabrio that ili pleue even tbe most captious critio 1 know. , -'t
this will b reoord4)reaklng Winter.' Just at present I am deeply interestedtlaimornlngortrotrabout,' .
,We will, think, reach the height of the , clothes fot the debttlantoV the dear t ' VV f ;'t
ploturesaue in fashions during thu sea. ,rdaMatk.;jeaaVIai wW; to Pwtof 1' , ,v' V',' t "7
ive before ns glimpies bis .beat wears the simplest kind of, clothes? ' ' j".'" ' f f V
hon: We already ba
ad the daTB Of Wl Rmnlnk that.
' ' " 7TV.,rr un wumes are oeooming'morercostiy;an4 ,; more latitude, although I am glad to
' ' 5 "uch U po,,,b but beauty Hes' . My that even tho girls brought up la1
' ; C.r r .wxa . 4 umptuou8nessiiSiU Ja.thobrio the greatest luxury In New York are
but who In Amerioa.U Allowed tllttla " V EhcflflTangoWrap of I
pme vjutrmeuM worn:
' Over the I ango Vjowb; '
U i. . . , .. r- ui ui,aui7 tin . ( t&x inai even ine gins nrougnt up m vyver me
' ' r.r9 l04 flrn. nd the aumptuousnessiiSiaUJjLtho.labrlo the maUit tawirv to K York era ! ' Shawm
1 ' - 'f fTf Wla aMl,,l 'r'i;v-'.;"i : ''.sV "'dnismg now tnrtr'w n$tJ 4 r 1 -V ' '.Unlooped, 4
. f..h I.-. k! " . r" u!1 Du-rean7w aoeraewi But I have before me tho 'most' ,
. IMoogh never before bad I observed such glorious, glorified toateJ V blifheaome kind of a blue eoonzo trot-' "T"
C..T .Jl w'v!- 1 m " tow '00lIh, Hw 'Dout costume, just tutted to a pretty 1
7ht Wi .T. lt1 chlffons.andif.tha ia not painOnghe lOyaV;: blonde ior her older slater. -It W.V-V ;
i .i 4 , A you will sea irora avu uvbs p(Bwk;ow tj
t '-Iter, but not Inflniteaalmal. x .
.;,r. 1 am always happy, when my clients approve of cordnroy'fw'tteCl
troiabout costumes. It Is so workable and ao beooming'to ovarf ns '
but I aa see that duvtyn will give corduroy and even velvet a croaa t
: - run before the Winter closet that lv la. tha. world. which agec&of.
-V now much it spends." . ' . I.
This blue duvtyn costume ess the' newest Eton'laeketrwtQTB pom r
. ,K ttmoA back. ' The skirt Is decidedly. peg-top, and. baa. the. tMn4r
tk the trouserette skirt." ' . . , .
- The girdle is sumptuous. It came from,' an antique shop," and wei
, ktono time used at Versaillea Just between ouraelvea. it was at ens v
');: tima put of the splendid hangings of the palace;; la great contrast tc , .
' j , the gorgeousneu of tha girdle and the daring of tho skirt is tha prtmi
, Ahd now. tor my braya and bonny Cossack'Costume. a: perfect'daC' ;
U Might to me, for of course you remember my fonaness ror uua aergai
, v: And this serga Is ot a quality that Is sup"pto, but .sUkily traay-Mj '
kind' that will wear orever.".!f that be an advantag in mesa cayt.05-
' tha cutck change. ' " ' ' - 1"
There U very ntUe In 'fact,no drapery aw'tha sMrV'tor X'caaf ', .
not dignity tbe slight told at the left knee by caning it drapery t ; (
Tha cap of black satin, with, itt Impressively fierce Quflls,ttaeV'
nMaaV aa " nV mm ThM ta . AtirBl rlrdl tha.t rtvAAM '
v -t needed color, note. The sleeves in the severely! plala bodice are, at ',, 1
black satin.' , miyM m&i& I & : - J
Here is ' another'tango" costume 'that . hu'moatJexoenentointst
.Th nhe. with lta flah4all train lodned ud. is a dull blue charmensai . ; .
i lined with dull, green. ) An odd touch is tha fur boa slanted about tha 1
v tips. The lamp-abMe tunio of blue tune not wirao. as tne. iur gxvea
' It the neoesaary bouffant effect The bodteailticut frontiand v
''fllled In with tuUe, but tha back is high.) " . ,s . ' '. p '
Tho fetching tango cap, Is made of the'Wue tulle The glrdtettgU 'Kr
' 'affactlva tassels, and is 'the maklna of the otherwise staple bodice.! ) . ' p
- And last but not least is the tango wrap of the greea'Uned the '
Oharmeuse; The twln.talls are.the,fish-UJJj,trararttnlooLj- Thaituaf ' "
.boa is brown fox. , , " " ' ( .
; These costumes'thlsweeksjepractlcanyialTXorthayoiinagtft
l am Interested lust now in the black and white revlvaL for tha wheel
I nf fiihtAH ! urnna full rlrMa and hrmtarht th all-hlflnlr and th MiokJ
'and-whlte gown to the topmost point of popularity again, though Just -f
tha other day it was right at tha bottom crushed to tha vary aarta ,
by tha multi-colored, forces, which .flashed 4heir rainbow hues In; ous , ' ' 1 ' ,
' ayes with such, dstsllng effect .that reaDyiwe .wewllnledIlaurtUdraa) . . '
Nappentog. , , - V,, ;
And so the'facfthat the"aald anfamarlr-blacfc gown;3laaoomt ,
rat on top" again 'has provided quite a surprise, not to say a sensation! T
' ; But it Is wonderful bow quickly we can get used to changed condition. .
, ind costumes, and in no longer time than it takes to order and lequrej ,
: ' a new gown every smart .woman seems to have garbed herself la the (
; t blak aairewhlchcan.p.nlyxbeoneiofitwojthlnge
gerous- . ' J -
t - And M nofwomanMsdowaowadaystheJAeD ' . v ) J ;
' . lose thelr.bearts more.lrequenUy.thanwaver. v"; ' . , , '
A' ?! f
;''V:-.; troad belt Jus
: WNded tt knee, i, new, nd the Km