The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 05, 1913, Page 72, Image 72

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MMM iyWneriMJC: Mass
By Sax Rohmsr
r 7 f The First of the Great Struggles Between Nayland Smith aad the Sinister Fu-Manchu .
r- 7 - JL
GENTLEMAN '( ef t" Aoetor.
: 1 tb tuU arm. it na anaaarrta. but a tha back e( v touna urr. ivc la a amajL pare courtyard.
fc From aorcwa tbt compwa dock feftaada4' 4uitid iraa fa n4 BwurU, not uUk tb Imprint ot vPrfct njimw'i algbt. n4 tha deep Wua ault utior
l0h hour. r, r. .'J;'v' Mr''-VC:iTttt4 IIP.''. Jt wnJi4 ft.doaeif.aod fven Mad to t ?u fwald jmrrUda -of tatTf yrtatu ,
- Ten-thlJtyr J aaii (WA M4 TUUor. phojr.v tt bat It avtilantly waa eattaad tr morW4 i" :Vp. yonder ra th atufly wiBiowa, air. Ovr tbt
I pushed my writing MI aM tUted tM IMi
M footstep ounded on tha laadli TM
TMaaa at local icflKntnatloa it it vara not a birthmark.
1 ; burning to a pala jrouas man whom X ba4i uadaiwUiod
W Blc Crlcfhtoa'i prtrata cretary. I drew hla atten
I bad JwnpM to my fact, tor a taU. laaa man. : to this nark and laoulrad If It wera constitutional.
" - a. fcaa hi f Ifj wtrtt a1 at 1 1 ai ii ii a i 1 nanfAN laatta Atra"haarHn
aquara-cut. , claa-ahar Daca un bakad ta tb
coffca. entarad and axteadad tMtb ttanda wWB rr:;;;
; "Good aid Petrlal i Didn't expect me. rawaarW
It waa N&yl&od Smith, whom I (bad thought to V
'It u not. ftlr," anawarad JJootor Cleeve, overhearing
tny question. "I aava already made that inquiry. Does
It auggaat anything to yeur atfndT . Z miut 9Utmi that
.JTorded bm a artltana. 4 to f 4. u; .,,, , ,
'Wothlng,' 1 repUed. "It fa moat eurloua.".
' "Smith . t aid. and gripped hit l-and hard, "taw If f . maun jam, pr. purDoyaa.T aaia Bmitn. , now turning ( uk ur
ft allchtiaiirDrlaat WliaaW-wirwatWV 5Vii':5-i'' oretarr, bvt lnteta Weymouth wiU teU yol "Tha man,
f Ercuaa ma ' Petriei" ha . broke In.' "Don't put tt V " th anthortty. underaUnd that Bir Crichton MghUned.'
t th. .unf Aa ha out out'the iiftn. plunging vwaa-ae2d H lilnea. in ttia atadyT" ' J , "Tern, elr.
, , , - - -i :; v a v. rt .. m - .f.j . . v-. .-
the room into darknet.:,;s:Vii;;,;-,i:.; .-yv; i"-i.A.;-;,::'
wait mi vmir !ft la tha hack lane from whirl. Hi nr
eame. and Veyond ta Kaganf Park." - w !
"Are the study wlndowa visible from therar
"Oh, yea, air." , ' ' '
: v' "Wlho occupies tha adjoining house ! r -,.'t
"Major Oanera) Phvtt-Uouston, sir, but the family , la
ant af tawp." .-, ' '
"Those' iron stairs art neans of communication be
tween the domestlo offices servants' quarters, I
wfljom tha vneatutr happening clearly had
seemed puarled for a suitable description, . '
X waa 'too surprised to. apaaX'i'W'ft
"No doubt jrou will think us mad.
and dimly J could aee him at tha. window, peering ant
Into tha road,: "but
rou will know that
SAh. nothing susptelousl '
i ft :,;. aawwaj as wn our BUf.swfc.7 . 1 ,
see. ajwaya. .11 -as) open for a minute or less about
ten-twantynve. -whei tnassagd came, for Sir; CricbtOn."
before you ara many bours oldar 5 ""IV1 Trf rT"f f
X bava goad reason to ba oaWaoa..: Jl
Ml rhaps I am first this liJ ii'i5
,. . , v. ... .kt. w hhii tkA 1 -. ) : was) ua wssssctTT
, f .' " umiim or i iunnci mea . imn on our u-nriu. at am nouae 01 air unuiiaa uttui
send aoms one to make my business known
to tba major gensral'g bouselceeper; I want to examine
thoae stairs." . , ,
' Singular though my friend's proceedings appeared to
ana. I had ceased to wonder at anvthlna.. Rinr K'uvtana
seemed in 'his tAnaJ Smith's arrival; at tny rooms I seemed to have been mor.
T .1 -'t 'j.. 7'v . ;v. fnsr fhNlllflh thai flrflll TtKttaAM A. 1 ntlrhfm.v. . irH
account of how lis came by tha wound in hla arm; CJS '
Mysterious enough for your 4 laughed, and guncsi ;
at m v unfinished MR ' "A tor, aftt Vraca whisk X i TT'T. TT' ""T r. V
" .. . ... . ... . ... . . - . i ' 1 . asm at Aaix-oast ior
trainer mk ut (usinc. is omw bwubi bum. nroi f ;: ,iifl.nV '
(Wall, I caa put soma material In your way that, tt abae jf TZA
(uncanny mystery:!, a markatabls oasmodltr, ought Saw 'llne!S wUi f
sua you independent 01 innuenaa aa K.fa p wa ataaajn s jjataj taa library.
ahatured nerve, and U ttna rant i t V : W ? - ;1 V 1STZ
V And ft 9lssd :it bealda him on tha table.'
the eecretarjr8 story of the dying man's cry, "The red
ra to bha," bat he. waved - v
in ' toack. - Hla ; eyes were r ,
gisrtnw borrtWy. I had just
reacftad bis aids when he
ffll. writhing;, pon the -y
: poor. .. ... Ha aeaood . . past :
, speach, but as X raised bim
and laid ; hint CtM tba
'..,.',.--:-. .!- 'V ' 1. y ammo. J 4.
X)n dutyl" I axclaimed.' "What, are : you moved Ta .r'Jr" ,
SVondon. or miHWJ:i
have got a rovtng commission. Patr1a. and K doesn't W ciuieEaLhl
rast with ma where I ana today. BPr where I shaU b to- wJt.dl f! " TV??:
I surveyed him, doubUuIly, but tbar waa ftattlag
fcla appearance to Justify ma tn suppostajt aim is uftss
grata dalUBlona vIIla war too brtahi. aartalnly. aa4 '
hardness now baud crept over his 'too.- I sjat sat tha?
whisky and alption. saying: 'r:-pp:fi : v.r
. "Ton have taken your leava earlyr I
"Z am not on leave,", ha replied, and slowly fllisd his
Bina, I am on duty."
ting down my glass. I faced round and looked (Una
aquirely in the eyas. y;v.Wvvv'';.:,::J-:v f
nut with ur i aaid.',nnriM(t is it an aboutrv
v Smltlb auddenly stood op and stripped Off his coat..
Roiling back his left shirt sleeve he revealed a wicked- v
looking wound In tha fleshy part of tha forearm, it waa
quits healed, but curiously striated for an lack . or se
around. y,-:;''M'-Hy,;,'
"Ever aeen ona like ttr ha asked..
"Not axaotiy,". I confessed, "ft appears to have been
Beeply cauterlaed. - - ''
, "Kightl Very deeplyl A. barb ateapsd la tbs Venom ',
t a hamadryad want la there." ; . '
A shudder I could not repress ran through ma at men
tion of that moat deadly of all tha reptiles ot tha east.
"Thars's only ona treatment." he continued, rolling .:
Ua. aleeve down again; "and that's with 4 sharp knife,
' a, match and a broken cartridge. I lay on my back raving "'
Cor three days arterward la a forest that stank with 1 -tnalarla.
but I should bars baas lying there now If X bad '
imitated.' Here'a tha point .J was not an actndsntr
"What do you meaor' f ' , -a 1'
"i mean that It was s asllbarafs aflempf on my Iir4"T
and J am hard upon tha tracks of tha man who extracted
that venom patiently, drop by dropfrom th poison r ;
Elands of the snake, who prepared, the arrow, and who .
caused.' It to be shot at ma."- - '. , .
TS'hat fiend Is thlsr t ( . f ; - ; ,
"A fiend who, unlaaa my caJotdatlona are at Kaalt, Is '
now In Xjondon, and who regularly wars wltas plsaaaat
(waapona . of that kind. . Petrle, I bawa traveled frssa
Burma not in tha uUrssta of the British governtaeat f
snorely, but In tha Interests of tha satire While rent, and
feurfecnirs r volca
asoiia fct spokatha
wora k,nd nth, seamed to
find this evidence ootttasfng.
"Tou do ai think ha ra.
' ferred to the mark on bis
handr , i ,j.
1 think not. Prom the
direction of Jala last glaaos
X feel sum bs referred to'
something la tbs study."
' "Wfcat aid ou dor
. "Having enmamoaed the
servants, x ran tato ths
study. But there was noth
ing unusual to bo seen. Ths
Windows wars closed sad
fastened. He worked with
clased windows la the hot-"
test waatbsr. There is no
otaar door, for ths study
occupies the asm of a nar
row wing, a that no ona
mm peasfbir have gainad
ooaas to tt while I was In
the library unseen b' ma
Had. : aoma aoa aoncealod
himself In the trtndy earner
In the evenlng-and I' am
convinced that It offers a
hUlna; ploeha cautf anly
bava ! oomt oak t again ty
psdng throuark bars.' ,.
Kaylaad ctmltn tugjgad
; lowing tztraordlnary request! ' :'iM.- . '
Tt you would do ma ft vary great servles. for wV".
I atwaya would bs grateful'V-sha glanced at tne wi
passionate Intentncss "when you have given my mes
sage to tbs popper peraon, leave kirn and da not gs ne
bim any mora tonlghtP ,
v Before I could And' words to reply aha fathered up
her cloak and ran.. Before X could determine whether or
not to follow her Of or her words tied aroused anew- all
my worst suspicions) sho had disappeared! . X beard tha
whir of s restarted motor at no great distance. And In
the Instant that N&Vland Smith came running down tha
. steps X knew that I had uBdded at my post. " Vi '
- "Smlthl" I cried as hs joined me, ."tell me what wt
must do!" - " , ;
And rapidly X acquainted him with the Incident -'
My friend looked very grave; then a grim smile crest
round his lips.' , - . , -
"She was a big card to play," bs said: but bs did
not know that X held ona to beat ltM
"What! Tou know this glrlT Who is abeT" '.' v' - '
; "She is one of the Aneet weapons 1n the enemy'a
armory, Petria But a woman Is a 4wo-edT4 sword, and
treacherous. To our great good fortune, alia las formed
a; sudden predilection, characteristically oriental, for
yourself." Oh, you may smile, but It la evident Lite was
employed to got (his letter placed In my bands. Give tt
. to me."
'The baa - succeeded.
lis bell 11 f nvelopa
under try sore. and. with ft
sudden ni. cf nausea. X
recognir 1 lt.;fsr;f f ;r
fume. "..
"TOU t MTW Tl "t flS
presaged ix t r I". ' ' lx'
cassT Cs 1 i f i t any ,
JotMRerf.i' 1 1 : j'nant
, you- to a ts'f : fsto. ..
; Petria". i'V-'.,-
mith,-t I ri nnst'js""
fiy, "I barf tu :owei your
lead blindly H t'uif borriUa
tsainam and t v; not prees- '
y ad" for .an azlanaUon,
1 1 must malat . ftfrf 'X f i i
a step farther tipon fcnof-
: ', ing what it all nicani! ,;.v.
"Just a' taw stpps tit?
ther," bs rejoined. rJk$ fay
as a cab. wa art aar.i
Manohu is r
the Zayat 1 ..a i t
; "But h acenl 1
a '."fa the wmjy
to rare specjrs t
peculiar scent. Is e'
heavy perfume at 4
kills ths travelers U
Z honestly bellevethoura I pray . I may ba was . , St tha lobs es? hla left
that lu survival depends largely upon tha guocs If my as was bis . nabtt wbsa
tnissloa." ; -v:,y't- j'..w ' V'"'." ' wifltalng, '.-:
To say that X. was perplexed conveys na Idea oft too 3Tou had' been at work
mental chaos crsatod by theso axtraordlnary atatetnento, f bora in this gamy for soma
(or into my humdrum suburbaa life Imyiand Smith had--tuneT."' y--" -r-
Drougbt nntaay of the wildest X did not know what ;vTPtft Sly .Crlpbtooiwaa
f tbina. wftat to.lmuava.' V ', 1 -t fpnpwan 7tapMtkat J
"I am wasting precious time!" bt rapped 4m4ftii?i -ttJ:J,yXt
ana, uraimng nts glass, hs atoog no, "lcama gtraigbl v ' 7Xs4 anythrog uaoaual
to you becauss you art tha only man iMu. . tn..i
2izcept tha big chief at headquarters, you ara the only
person In, England. I hspa, who known that Msyland
Cmlth baa quitted Burma, X must &ave soma ons with
tns, Petrle, all tha Ume-lt'a Imperattval Can you .put
tna up bars, and apart a few days to tha stranaiest bust
naas, I promise you, that aver was recorded la fact or
Cctlont" ; - , ,i . ;
oeurred prior to this evea-
boyna wit -armant per
,p!exlty. fftt
.taohed tft' Importancb io It
at ths time. Three night
. ago TTf vnooam cama wist 1
X agreed rsadily enough, for, unfortunately, my pro.! :!' toy cm and s)piasM vety nervous) iTut
Xamlonal duties wara sot onaroua. , , ' aervaa-yen knowTj Wall, an this coeaskm
uocq manr- na cnea, wringing my band in hla lm-'- t aearc tha study; u bad an Idea that somathlng
latttousway. "Wa start now." rv-ww'cctai thsra,"''' , .
m WmV 1 IWte
' , bass
f :,-,' -ffi .vV
fc ft ST . - - ? (
' - . J I .V'..': jj... t ,. a ubh uuuu
v ' : , c J ' c 1 the
" v 1 i i I " . . . ,wm vna
"J.CwiVt' ! 1e Ki4i'U Amort. 1 a CuJJrany.)
meaning of tbsss pcrfumsd nvelorsT l'ow did: Bli
Crlchtoodlsr .
"Ua died of tht Zayat Mt me what that V
and X reply, 1 do not know. Ths raya's are trie Burmess
caravansaries, or rest hoaoea. A' z a t m route
apon which X set syes for the first t 1 c ' time upos
Doctor Fu-ttanohutraveiers who uue them aomfitlmei
die as Bir crichton died, wiyj tiou.ins to show tne ( ust
of death but a little mark uvea the neck, face or Unb,
which' has earned in those parts tha title of ths 'Zayat
Kiss.' 'Tbs rest houses along that route are shunned
now. I havd my theory. nd X hops to breve tt tonljht
If I Jive. ,Th' was my principal reason for pot anllght.
enlng pbctor c - "Even 'walls have ears where Fu-
I wanted so opportunity te study
"on, and X shaii bava ona."
pes?" . -v ,:--v-
i of ths district X bavt referred
1, almost green and , with a
a met with. I recognised the
. 1 take it that the thing which
acted ty tula urohld. Tou Willi
notice fiat be perfume clings to whatever it touches.. X
uoubt If It can bs waahed off la tha ordinary, way. ; After -
at least ens unsuccessful attempt to kill Sir Crichton
you recall that hs thoufht there waa something concealed .
,. In hla stufly on a prevloua occasion? Fu-Manchu hit upoa
tVin nr,ftimAjl tTa v-niv aVakVA a w -v1 Aet d-W&asft
v.w r wHiwvr-wa, a.av nmww m uJkVsT Vk tuvww ;
gren cr !.lils in 14s weeesi ion possibly to feed ths
vreature." . . '
. "What creaturtt JIow could ny creature '.. bava got '
Into Sir Crichton' s room tohlght?" v , ' .-'- ,
"Tou no doubt observed that I examined tht grate e .
' ths study. I found a fair quantity of fallen soot I at
. ence assumed, sinca it appeared to be the only means of
entrance, that something had been dropped downj and I
'took It for granted that the thing, whatever tt was, muat '
still be concealed either la tht study or In" tht library. .
But when X bad obtained tha evidence of tht groom,
. .wuis. a perceiTou mat vne cry irons me jane or irvm
,hs park waa a signal. 'I noted 'that tha movements tl
any ona seated at tna study table were visible, in shadow.
oa tna bUnd, and that tbs study occupied tbs corner of .:
tF-storled wing and, therefore, bad a short cbimnsy,
.)vhnt did tbs signal sneaaT That Sir Crlohton bad leaped .
as from bis chair and either had received ths Zayat Kiss
o er had eeea tht thing whioti soma out on the roof bad
owrcd swn tha atralgbi chimney. Xt wss tht signal tf '
withdraw mat aeaaiy tning. By means of us iron stain
way a urt rear, ox Major uenerai a-ui'iousno a 4 ;
aultt f4ly sjad access -to tht roof abovt Sir Oriolwr
a's f 'Jijy-and I found tola" ,i i.n, - t 1
Out Irom bis packet Kayiaod Bmlt3i drew ft tangled
The man whoat frvanta
art watohlng tts saw scorr
to ampler tmea ejumsxj
ttntsit samnftM .:.;. jf; !:
41 f;
safe btrt. t, f OB S'" iiaee'o aUlt mixed im artth whldh a hraaa rin, ani-
iiAt iMr 1. inst mr aniva. - . .. . . . , .
in ns) manner usual on a Sshlng line." . . . . , , : " ,
."iff jtheory provan.'wha wsumeVf. "Not antldpstlBl
' ft ftarch on the roof, they bad been careless; - This wad ,
.to f tight tha Una and to prevent tht creature's clinging f
ip pit warns w vim ouunoey. ; aarecity n naa aroppen in
t&d'grata, bowsvtr,; by means af this ring X assume thai
,fhf weighted lino -waa withdrawn, and tht thing was only ,;
f field by k slander tbread, which ufljcod, though, to draw .
back ataln when It bad dona tt work. It might bava
of tangled, of courts, but they reckoned on It making
tralg-ht up the carved leg of tna writing tabic for the
P spared envelope, from there to tht band of Sir Ctloa "
a whloh, from having touched tht envelope, would alas
U kconted with tht penfume waa a certain move." ,
I'Mjt.aodtUJow.bowrlbJtrLI txclalmtd. and glaaoed
. r,tohenalveIy Into .tht dusky shadows of tha room, .
rtyeft is your tneory respecung uu creMura-rhai -J
JjUjrtf "what colort" - f , '
'; ""fit is something that moras rapidly and silently' J
r btv "observed that tha rear tf tbia bouse is Ivy covered :
tibuk vjf 0 u svDvra fvur weuivuub ati us maaa 01 ea
"Pull w tht Wlth!
ta pour Side, .JPstrla. gnd
latk t btnlnd. . Dod
- Tk cab movs4 off wltk,
ft metallle jerk, and turn
ad and looked back throuri,
tht lltUs window ta th its a
. 'Vomt ona ba tot Into
anotner cab. It la U$wT
Ipf uri, I thlaaVr'-
Mayland fimltk my bsc
and Inughtd ajBmlrtbfutly. .
Fttrle- ka said., "ii
asoapa aUv from this kusl-
X shall knew wat, t
bear a ctrmta iiit.
v ZjUmTL .. h. 'UUvumraMoan'to retire, and I think, we may nuy
z mag ft repay as is : . j,..i'y.u..rf,. A n. ...... ...
pniied -&:ww$nrtztt ot" - ?, h
f rfcut my dear faltow, It U climb af thirty-five feel
yjlhitsry-leastr . 4 , - , v 4
v rVo rnittbqr tba erw In tha back wntt Xt sag.
f'ftted 'sonjcthlng to mo. and X tasted my idea sucosas
dUyit pes tha cry of a daoolt Oh. daooltr. though ;
' ltrBt H II fto noans extinct IM-Manohu baa daoalts
ii bif trai, na pr&HMr "it I ana who operatos th
pouch and filled nts ytpft
"T4 tava ftskad m tf
explain biattor," bs cop;
tiautd. fand X Wd e M f f
the best pi my ability. ,Ts
no jlouU wandsr why s,;
aerrant of th British gov-
ih, anc u was k faaott who watched th win
w sT A 1 r '.' ' " -1,. 1 . ! '. '.. v
"What, tonight V
. "Tonight! 1 had thought of turning 1st X must admit, t
X bavs not dared to sleep tor forty-tight hours, except la
fifteen-minute stretches. But there la out move that
"Sir Crichton Davtyrof tha India ":
Petrit. he Is a doomed maal Unlass bs follows my
trulUessly, sad bt seemed quits satisfied and "returned . .
to bl work." . y J.?!; 1. r t 1
'.Thank ytit Mr. Burboyna. -My friend and X would
llks a few minutes, private Investigation in the study." c
,n Sir Crichton paveyn study .was a. small one, and a ji
glanc sufficed' to shw that, as ths secretary had. said, -
It offered no hiding placaw Xt wa heavily earpeted, .and, ,
nstrucuon without question, without. kaaUstlon-befora ororfuU f, Burmess and Chinese ornament a -and curios.
Z. M v o" o not kaow wbea th 5
and mon tha mantalaiaea stood aeveral framed nhoto-
Wow will fell, how It will faU, nor from whence, but X whte showed this to be the sanotum of a wealthy
know that my first duty is to want bin. It us walk mvonalor.wb was n mhKMuat A msp of ths Indian
flown to th corner of th common and set a taxi." , - ; smpir aocupiad- tha larger part of one wait Tht grato
waa btnpty, far ths weather was axtmnely warm, and a
gTaan-ahaded lamp on the Uttered writing table afforded
" ny uinu j. urn air waa luinh wui wiuuuni wwv
vnai'a thlar muttered my xriend hoarssly. '
Constables were morlnr m a nti. .....
Idlers who preased about tot steps of Bir Crichtoa Davty
fcous and naughf to peer 1a at th open dotr. Without
waiting for th cab te draw up to tha curb. Kavland-
to reckleaaly leaped out and I fowsd5tW
xae latter glanced at him sVmbttallr. but sWiethins
In Ms voice ana bearing commaaded raneet V. , ?
. , v. "fllr Crichton Iavey'hasleiaTu1a?aa
icBmu1l,bf0Kk P bo aThadtlcalved i a phys
leal blow, and clutched my tneulder coovulaavei? tZ
naath too heavy tan hla face kad bheTaaA hie .?
wj;e eet in star of IkwrasT. W .?
... "My 3odl" bs whispered, e Jmt taa latort -IMf
With clenched flsu hs turaenim7lwsstas througn ""
JiL-.ii "V.?. "wnr about mora r leaV alm-
aloaed and fastened.
Boiltb tmmedUataly pounced upon a largo, square an-
vetopa that lay beside to klottlnc pad. Sir Crichton bad
not even tr on bled to open it, but my friend did so. It
contained a blank sheet of paper! . 1 .
. "SmeUI' ha directed, banding tha letter to to.
I raised it to my nostrils, it was scented with aoxn
pungent psrfuma. .s ,-. ' i-si ' i V ''"-,"
"What U it?" X asktd. ' ". t
"It is a rather rare ossential ,xH,". was tha rsply,
"which I bar met with before, though never in Europe. -X
begin to understand, Fetrle." n 1 ' , 1 .
ua cnea l lamp anaaa ana maue a ciom umuw
' ,) f band!?; th hidden part! of ma atudy: tn wan la th
at times his .lane-nil were 1 fitter Inddcnto of dsUrium than'ot n
ha-asked m . reaUty. Sb. when'a wnlts-faead buUer mads us known
to 4 fiervtus bid woman Who proved to be the house
keeper of to next-door residence, 3 waa , not. surprised
' kt Smith's saying: -.'vV n :.:-:r'-'l.y!r.4 4
' "lounge up' bad down outside, Petri. Every an has
" cicarscT off now. It Is sotting lata. : Keep your ye open
and ba bn your guard. 4 X thought I bad tba start but h
is here befor me, and. what is worse, b probably knows
by now tbat I am hera, too." 'y.'-rr
:, wun wnicn no entered tne nous ana ten ma out m
th square; with leisure to think, to try to understand.
- The crowd which usually baunU tha scene of a sen
. , satlonai crime had been clvarod away-and It bad been
rlroulated that Sir Crichton bad died from natural causes.
Vht intense heat having driven moat of ah resident tut
irf town, practically 1 aad tha square to myself, and i
- gave mysttlf up to. a brief onaWeration ot to mystery
- la which 1 so suddenly bad found myself involved. ,
i ' By what aocy bad Sir Crichton met hi death? !Wd
Meviaiul MmUH knnw? I rather susoected that h did.
" "What was tha hidden slgnltlcancs of the perfumed en-
Smitb so evidently dreaded, who bad attempted his life.
whd presumably had murdered sir cncawai nir vro
erumtnt lately staxwaea in . 2ayt f
Jtlirwa, wianu7 awrw " , . aow Of
London In th character of covrd
a ueiecuve. 1 an onm,--, , fa cluck ci. a t e
Petrle-and X bear rdea ; , Having rt-noved f 4 r- a cf th scant af ta orchid
tills frnm h van htlfiast , ... I... i 'i .1 ! li 1 ... .
1 realized Int breathlcst ingtant: In ouos-bcaus. quit by bad followed th pro;;-n' Ud iown.-' It ; waa an easy
next Smith , brought down thS golf . dub ! cc,-aew " matter to reach M raat l ih boas by simply climbing
trs'Sux. out ntow . .. v ; - - - wv, aw , ms ugnt ga
: . . - - vl uj wu, u umw aBK-iii srvuua proceoa m m
to aaistenc and mtUgnant activity of a, ;n-mn;i: raom" wi larg aa. and wa bad mad up ay
ELSl'S t.'h 1 b0n!d n JU'r ' W on facV wtufflng adJ-i and ads unds? to
!LWJ? mUTy f nvMter"i 1 clothes to lend thippsarane of Jiieper, which dtvle
tSiSSf had adoptod in to case c tn largr bod; Tht
that Power's ambassador la london.":'.' ri'i;-vurtam9A ,nvtlopa lay upon a IltUt offe table to ths
-Sh ff t0W tht PUr"v! : v ctsr. Of th. fTr. and "tmi wli if miSS
"..1 aiK!2l2f !T "f" h'' '. Itt-nP. 'ovolver, and a bramylsld. bim, iaTon sushaa
salmly. "Aftorward tbr to much. To oontlno: This , in tn ehadow of tho wardroba . I occudau a uolTl
man, whstaar a fanatic or ft dfiy appolntod agent Is. un-V ij;!twaa, th wtodwft.i..;;A;V'-'-v:' . . - . - ,
qneatlonably. too moot malign and formidable personality
existing ia th known world today. He is a Ungutot who
speaks with almost squat facility to any of tha civilised
languages and to meet of the barbaric H ta an adept
In all the arts and cienoes which a great university could
teach bun. lie also Is .an adept In certain obscure art
and acteacos which no ainlverslty of today can teach. H
nas ui Drains or any tnree men ox geaiua-n retna, no
The distant dock struck a quarter-past 1 - A allrhl
breese stirred the Wrt4.iiny-.rXy jSl tl.. y,hiy:
:&i Something rose, lnk by laob. .abova tba sill of th
wsttorly window. X could a only, Its shadow,' but ft'
sharp, slbDant breath from Smith told ma that natron
, bis post, could sea .tna cause of ths shadow. , . -,
V.; T aanr la my body ead to b trung tonmly.
'Aa'to hta aniar n. ,. ", bv sM MT-'3ulaa;' ' rT.W' " WW Wf WbtVM
Is mental slant.'
'Tea amaaa met" I said
rumeaux fall dead in a Paris opera houssf . Because of
hear failure? Nol .Because hla laat sDeech had shown
that he held the key to tho secret of, Tonsklng.' What
Decams or cna urana juuk Stanislaus? Eiopetnant? nut-
. norror was uvea ua. . ..
: . Tbs shadow becama tUUoaary. Tba dacolt was study .
ing tna Interior cf toe room.-
xnen it swuieniy tongtneaed, and. craning my nook tt V
ton tavey, during the time that be had held offl
, India and, during bis . ton term of service at home,
i earnedMtie good wlU ofaiX British and native alike.
wasfti secret enemy 7 v.
Something touched m lightly on th
' 1. tunud. with mv heart fluttortna Hki
. nlght'a work .had Ua posed ft severe strain
calMus nerves..' y 1 ,,-..'
,j ariri wraoned in ft beaded opera
tlDow, ana, as ems giancea up t ma,
Russia's growing- peril. He alone knew tho truth about
Monaoila. Why was Sir Crichton Davev murdered t . Ke.'
; calls had the work ho was engaged upon -ever aeen too
Mongolia. Why waa.Slr Crichton Davey murdered t x BV . Tone thin brown hand aonearMl over th. ad f .- .,
ftk. m, M. Af Mana tnaAnkfti nr1 nthas slmtftplsl J hawMh ' laji al anskskHa. fikldk. mA mdnUVsmy
that lay in ths grate and on too health. ,1 took up a , unusual a tynev With tta of iff
S 'IMHrSJ BMP .ftaajavwftsu s 'tn vww. .
rawvwsvu s mesas, wtiivu a, ainnufiu.' bjui insn . inm nmy. . -inan v
w1 8nv;Lti wouia nav nnown h m to be tut only nv os ; ? made absolutely no sound whaiiJw. 7 'mZZ '
?. ', H f niniamaa' wno . unaeratooa uior. importance - 01 tn band dUappewed and raiDDtarad. 'it held a imiil
rshoulder. - 4nbetan fronUsra, !s thera a man who would arouse too SsTra boxT rpp, , ' 11 M1 Bm1 .
I I Child's. 'This s. weet to a sense af aha amnakenlnr of the oaat. -that tha :"i . . . '. ' ,
veni,lM imillons only await their loader? ,Hs WUI dl. And thistTh daeolt swun himself bTo- tha wtodow tra Vi..
cloak stood at my rsrSS
X thought that A "But Smith, this is almost Incredlhlat ? Whit ".TX" J-it' J
lovely nor of SO , Varied atmlna eantrni. Thl- ..f..t nntVr . .. : : " "" ouum s voics, nigu
Mtokad .i
av , .7 T ' . . SHV'MVWS .
xoutgins person, tail. lean, and feline, nich ahank, a r.f wki. i-.t. .. :
bad eras and lashes aa black aa a Creois's,- whiofti .to. . gered. with ft brow like Bhakesoeare and' aTrara ilk. S.lIT n. .T o.-rr."'." Y "",on n
gethar with her luU red lips, told me that this beaaurui b,, a cloaehaven akull,. and long. magneUo ey.i Tot A !:rSpara ail was Tf or somrth n. hcTrtbTI 1 kn. th.
stranarsr. wbose'touch -bad an startled me, ,was not ; the true cat arreen,' Invest aim with ail th eruot minnlnn "V'T nalat as salah ai ka"tl.lH. U.a , . . ...
? child of 'our northsm ahomft'T-- .II1-:.: i f aaUr eastern Trac. accumulated in ons Taiaai "C it&ZTi TkaZnv.' IUUU1 "un
she said, speaaung wim wo, prvvr teuect, with ail tht reaourees Ot science past and ores-
oa- ' enc . imagine tnt awful belhg and you have a mental (
mfmwmn Itmiaa TJbatrJa m? and o5a
-i . . i . . ' " w as an saw avwsjsaaift auiuu 4, ' amnv . aarai rr ninw niiri Bflnrcn umi uiruiuaui r saw mi w iuvd vs. . itf nn in nnrmtr in an w hihiii. uul wuiu s ovu uvunua uawii an. anr-nnmr nmar saw nsmnnw ...... . w . . . . i . . t . w
copper vaas from ths mantelpiece, and waa examining It
curiously vbta fte turned, a atrangt axpreaaion pa iw
f -Put that back, old man," be said quietly.
Muon suspneea, 4 aia mm ni uirwwu. v - ; waie u .11.? . . m JTZ
laaaly. and the chlli hand MKin. SL. i i'u: ' "twn't touch anytnmg IB to room, it may do aengwv r aecenv ana isymg a aiun .aanw wtvn jpwp. . ...-.n-
.n .ii U.riL ox jung Fear had touched , . ; ; .".. . v . , rutins )y upon my arm, If I startled you. But is it
ons and ail, for, aa mey aame and mnt wu"i. . a. - -i.m.i ..1 h !."Af,X-l7.v- .2-.T.r.wJir iaMf,.i.j
a it was an Insect, full tlx Inches long, and of ft vivid,
venomous red color f jv had something of the appearance
ot a nreat ant with Its Wag, qulvorlug antennae and its
Smith strode ua to tha dt.h,. .k - - V room-oenina w.'''J
Cd, upon glanclnn at Which the" SooUandVVaVlUS. r; .,HS1STS M .riTU "rnW." I. nattifne
study, watching him search methodically every Inch of pcion laboring la my mind, but could read nothing lir down a strong peg of brandy.
th room behind th books, in all ths ornaments, in table
their mysterious deptba only X .wondered anew , at my
jiUMtionar'a beauty. . i The grotesque . Idea momentarily
We have been tallowed here." I aald.
make no attempt to throw the
rv,r.wtnr larav M aaKwar i - Is . 7. .
." I SaId.Wlhy did you .ntiof toe" ScTlondra group. mTim: a VoVnT q'uitVn.w
i -Pursuers off ths track, t i , t me. These things I realised in one breathless InJtsSti
A tow brief Questions aad answan. at.rf v . JT,..i m..j .
f ,..!?A0.7i tectivr.-tb; hmllype arti Crichton-; bod7
f. . "li" .TLT wita ptotures and busts, and ,ft,ovd from this room at once and the library lock
posseased ml that were the bloom bt tier red Upe due to . have them Intercepted?"
n 10 a lara library. A group of people were in this room.
nd one. in whom X reoue-nlaed Chafm. -i I . w.
y t was bending over ft motionless form stretched
in a couch. Another door eommunlcatod with a imaU !
tudy, and througn th feiUng I eouid ae?a man snail f
.ours sxemlnlng lb oarpetTTbt uncomfortajble sense
f bush, ths group about toTpbyak-an, the bliarre jSa-ure
.e-wling; beeUeUva wres. thsfiuaercem! indthogrjnt j
ua, around which all this ommous activity turned, aeada
:-. s a ecena that tolb4 Itself ladeublv nw .r. " "
" rankjy, I do net care to Ventura any pplnlos -at.
'PtjruAlnK the Immediate cause of death. he said.
r Crichton was addicted to cocaine, but there are fndU
which are not ta accordance with cocaine polaon.
-. I fear tliat only a post-mortem can establish the
-if." t added, Ha over arrive atthsml A most
rioua easel".-.. TTi-.T..- , . , ;"
nith stepping forward and ngaglnr th farnou
-Hl-t In oonvoreation. X seised the opnertunltr ta
me fclr Crlchton's body. '
e dead man was to ovaeilng dress. ba wore as old y
,,rt Jacket lieijtad been of spar bat berdy bulldi
-i t in, aquiline features, which now were eddly
v. wr Ma clenched bands.,; I pnehed back hi -'
and saw the marks of the hypoflertnlo i syringe upon
i .t arm. guita mechanically I turned my attention
1 have a
Let no one bo admitted on any-pretense whatever until
you dear from ma" . -:...-,..-- .. . . -.. , .,,
It spoks volumes for the mysterious credentials corns,
by my friend that the man from Scotland Yard accepted
his orders without demur, and, sifter a brief chat with
Mr. -Burboyna, Smith passed briskly downstairs. In tho
hall a man who looked like a groom out of 11 vary was
""'p.: -r,.w'.j-.:; o.-'r:vv.'v: j.;:.;;.;.. l:n:
. rVI 9 fVU V AM a I , ftgam iMiNUkt ;. " -, . ir .
j "It wsa: you who baard -ft-ory of som kind at th :' "i .in ouite well, thank vou." sho said.
sir crichton s death?" "you axe certain? Let ma wslk with rot
art and not to. nature, their kiss would leave-though not
i MldeUbiy just SUcn a mers aa n wn ux w (
. man's band. But I dlemlssed the tntaUo notion as i bred ,
: of the niibt's terrors,. And worthy only of a medieval
legend. No doubt she was some friend or ftoquaintanca
;-o! Sir Criohton'a who lived dost by. ; ' y- M
. '.'I cannot say that he hae been murdered," I replied, ,
acting upon the latter supposition snd seeking to toll her
; what she asked aa gently aa possible. ;But hs. Is" -
'Deadr' ' ! i . ' , , ' . t k
-.V'-T nodded.' . ' " ' - ' r ' -.:
' She closed her ves and uttered a low, moaning sound,
swaying dlsally. Tblnklng she was about to swoon, I
tbrew my arm around ner anouiaers 10 uppor ner, sue
-1 VT51J"' m ?h5 "tPice.' Wherever 'w went b
would find ua. And of what aee to arrest his cwaturts?
Wa could prove nothing a sains t them. Further, it u aVl-
dent that an attempt Is to b mads upon my Ufa tonight '
-and by th asm mesne that proved so successful in
tba raaa OS noor lr frifrhtnn ... " ID
poisonous UfS'
rear of the house about the time ofSlr
?iM,?0,r!l'' kap"1 . T feel quits sire of yourself."
fWBAUKjf IV anyVSk -VXyT n,s ftASV W'jiuvw V spir V aWILVae a alKUUjrr
w .M , a , mm aiti tilai ar4a sa 1 s llflu . ... a
Where he used to'
writings sir. you could aee his shadow on tbs . fUi w,
:t minute I neard a caO tutln' tos lsns." ' - ' ta ac
kind of, call?", - r ,- .Vr--;t,;!;r-$
of walL sir," he said at last "I neve- beard V matte
ks it before and don't want to aaein." i
I saw bim luns out or hla cuair.
sit At nie writings
blind. Next nr
,t "Wbat kin
J "A eort Of
aarthinr ilka It before and don't want to as-ain.'
"Uks thisr Inqulrad Smltland , a uttered k low,
walUng cry, impossible to descrfhe. '
, "The sams. air, J think." Will -gAJd, ' "but i much
louder.",-.-. ; -'. '
:- , "Tbat will 4" said Smith, and I thought X dstected
a note ol triumph In hie voioa. "But stay I Take us 1
throdgh to th back of the house." -,. '- . .-.TT.i--.. -
,. Tba man bowed and tod the way. SO tbat abortly wa.-
Let m walk with you until you
elf." -, . .
She shook her head, flashed ft rapid glancs ax me with
her beautiful eyes, and looked away in a sort ef sorrow-.
wmbarrasanient for wtileit ' I was a loss
account. Suddenly she resumed: ..
, "I cannot let my aame be mentioned in this dreadful
matter, but I think I have some Information for the'
pqlioe. Will you give this to whomever you think proper?"
;V eh banned tne. a sealed envelope, again met my eyes
with ons of her daszltng glances, and hurried away, Bhe
: had gone no more than tan. or twelve yard, and I still:,
was standing bewildered, wstchlnar her graceful, retreat-.
. Ins figure, when' She turned abruptly and came back..
, Without looking directly at me, but alternately glancing
toward s distant corner of the square and toward tht
. house oft Major General PlauUdtoustoa, she madt tht fol
His sauare law traw 4mculenflv' mir,t ' -
"The villain I" hs cried.!' emit fl.nfll.w '-li.'.i
I suspected thatCir Crichtoa was next and I was r Sit s U1 know where to And
S.L.V.l to, Pt5rL' Thf wu. m hrd. old man the mark ot the Jiayat
, To think'that X knew and yet failed to save him!" . for ourlflrst brush wltl
; He resumed bis. seat, smoking bard.., j:-.---:.., .,.,-'..;,?.'..?
"Fu-Maaohu baa made tlie blunder common to ail
man of unusual Stilus." bt said. "Hs has underrated
his advsrsary. He has not given me credit-for perceiving
the meaning Of the scented messages. He has thrown
eway one powerful weaen-to get such a message into
my hands-end hs liilnm that, once safe within doors.
I shall -Bleeps end die as Sir Crlohton died!
But without the luaiar-reuon of your charming friend i
should havs known what to expect when I received her
'information. whloh, by tht way. consists of a blank
sheet of paper." - , , ,
In the next Smllh. had dashed tha talnaa
. out with' one straight, trua blow e th. ,ii,,i.t
X leaped to the window snd threw it widely open, feel
; hg a. silk thread brush my hand as I did soPA black
hP wss dropping with Incredible agility from, branch to
' branch of toe Ivy. and without ones offering a mark, for
a revolver shot, it merged Into tot Shadows beneath tht
erMa nt tna nrdaa. .. ,
' dropped Jlmpiy into a chair, leaning his hJi upon idj'
hands. Even that grim courage had been tried sorely.
i....r rain. , i. m nwnii mi.i. " . . . i , . . . .
nun. we know now what causes
KISS. Tlutrofnra. .I.n ,.. ,U."T
a,,u n. . J .
nnnra. nl... hum mnv nwiA , .. 1 ...... , .1 . . . ' "
, understand now something; that has been puizllna mi
1 .l.n. 1 kMl nt 1 1 I m I ',4r.V, ....... ..,fl.j . . .
remember toat he waa almost past spoech. It ia reason
able to suTH"e that hla cry waa not, 'The red handr but
f 'lbs red autl' Petrle. to think that f failed by less than !
.'an hour to say tolra from such an enur
V.:'' ": S lidresed In ths manner usual' "
bn the P. as O. boats, was recovered from the Thames !
'; off Tilbury by the river police at t o'clock this mornlns . ' -'
, H is supposed that toe man met with an accidoiit In
I., leaving bis ship.' , ,
Nayland Smith passed ms ths 'evening paper 'and
pointed to the above paragraph. . 7 ; y r
"Kor 'lascar' read 'daoolt,' he aald. "Our last nlrhfs
Visitor, fortunately for us. failed o follow his Instructions.
Also, he lo-t the centttteile and left a elue behind hlm -ivectof
JTu-Uanuhu uoss act overlook such lapses."
"mith.'V I brcSr tn. fohd la alia?"
"She is ltbar u-lrfanchi'i daubter, bis wife, or his
alave, I am Inclined to bJeve the latter, for she has,
no wia but his will. txcept'V.wlth a quizzical glance-"la
a certain laetanca - - , .. , , -.
"Itow can you Jest with some a-sfnl tHtnaN-JTaaven
know what banflpg over your besdl What Is to