THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, EUIIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 5. 1813. mm mi is I SUPERINTENDS CONSTRUCTION OF MORGAN ; BUILDING NDTABLV roTniinn i Bulk of v Big r Bujlo'lng In Pprt- i,jn recent tyearsys 1 During the last four jrears, 2 of the t largest business struotura r Fort jland have been built west of the oen 'tralllne qf PjrtH street Prior to 1909 . Jwhea tha westward march f bulldlna; activities began the principal business Mocks for the mott part lay east of the ,: vFJfth treet'. line.' ;?,';. w- i; -,':ts ( WtSshlnrton itmt ei.ik ' tnp was given - over almost wholly to msJl structures, about one-half of .r""l" were pi ancient frame vlntase. J . ' ?' M,orr'8e. Aider and the ores . etreeta. V Sixth and Broadway, con" luiiuii even lesa oeautirul existed, i 5 ui Marvelous chang-ee have been """juv uice , men. unven to aeek newer locations on account - of hla-h .;renta and folding to the rapid epan- th cltyj business men have ;UuR..v uvjjer tmnington street The ;L'0" Morjraa building. -..-..,....,, numivnin irom Broad : -way to Park, has 4efiniti .,.. ... tide and UUs splendid new structures vw up in tne iami . vicinity. , 'jaed to the biff blocks on Morrison? Alder and the west side of Fifth street .jean flo no more than pull the center , ua cur up irora cixtn to waahina 'ton and Broadway. ' . , t ;.T In thi? connection the' new Broadway JrWge is pronn potent factor Since Its completion, thousands of people who . " street cars at See--ond. Third and Fifth, streets, now find themselves two blocks further weat - because the routln of the car has been . -cnanred. Broadway, recently' a side thoroughfare, has come to bs one of J" Jtl1 r8rte ' the eitr. whne , jVVashinKton from Fifth to Tenth, in all probability counts more "people each ;Jar than any other, two thoroughfares .... combined. , . ' . i That this general westward move jroent has a definite Effect on rentals cannot be gainsaid. ; A glance back ward a few years, shows how the old center, down on First street ;lost caste as the city progressed and jgrew westward., Buildings which ware jonce looked' upon as the most desirable .... ;ln the eity for. offices are now given jover to a cheaper class of tenants. , -j Naturally the construction of s new jofflce: building, for instance, tends to jlower the rental rate of other older jstructures, and the-; building of ; four ; large structures-on upper Washington jetreet the Morgan building, the Piatt jbullding. the " SteVens . building, and the Plttock block, will, In the opinion of realty experts, tend' to bring down rentals on the lower part of the thor- oughfare. 1 " ; , The retail center of a city is depend j srt-. upon the streets which women j travel, coupled with the routing of ; street ears and lnterurban trains. The . : locations of ths big stores' dealing In jgoods for women usually determine the general direction of feminine footsteps, jla the case of Portland, the location of jtne majority- of department stores on Fifth, assures the continued popular ity of the thoroughfare, for some years to come at least It will not hamper the general trend toward. theTilU, how ever, as smaller retailers, and the of floe center. Is determined by two things lo cation, and the" beat rental returns. JWhen a man" seeking an office can se cure a 'modern,' well-appointed office - for the' ame money or eveii-a kittle '.more than ha la navlnr tnr nM hih. jloned quarteral he chaoses the former six times out ' of eight provided, - of course, all things ar eauaL , That is ;the ; reason why - new business blocks . -have no trouble In finding tenants. .. ; To Olds, -Wortman and King belongs the 'dlstlctlon at being; the real -plo-(neers of the westward expansion. More jjthan four years ago they began.; the construction of their big department store . building , which oovers an entire - .block bound by Morrison, Alder, West Park and Tenth streets. Ths building jcot half a minion dollars, and for a .time, people, were wont to wonder why ' -such a Urge concern had chosen suoh an j"out of the way site." ;,v-t. J But their Judgment was not wrong, Quickly there followed other big butld- ; jers, and many smaller Ones. ' With the -power of the big store, pulling people, , jMorrisdn street from Fifth to- TentA. showed signs, of mors activity; Alder . jbepan to grow, and upper Washington : fltself felt the tnfluenoe of ths store on the people. Since then, the Woodlark ; building, eight stories, has gone up on ; i-Mder and West Park the Electrlo buUd Jlng, a nine story structure, was raised at tAlder between Sixth and Broadway, and ;the $400,000 Selling building on Sixth .street are numbered . among ; Its new . Iblocks. On Broadway The Journal bulld . Jug, a, $360,000 structure, the Fantages ' - '''' '''' ' ""'" - r j I rs' " ' y , ' 1 I - - I 1 ; ,' 1 s st 1 1 s 1 ; 1 ' 1 1 11 1 s . W. F, Flicdner, vice president, of M organ, Fliedner & Boyce, and Mor- . ' gan-cushong investment Company. (- " v . theatre,; costing 1100.600: the Maegley. Tichenor building, a $260,000 block, the $260,000 Helllg theatre building, th Broadway building, the Empress theatre building Vhich cost IJB0.O00, the new Oregon hotel, a $760,000 atruoture and the Imperial hotel annex, erected at a cost of $260,000. . The new Paclflo Tele phone and Telegraph building and the IS story , North-western bank building are under construction. .N LIGHT FROM NORTH IS EVEN THROUGHOUT DAY l.t This Fact Makes New Morgan Building Excel for Physl- - cians'andr-Dentlsts, Ths popularity of the Morgan build ing as an of floe- structure, for physi cian and dentists is due principally to the fact that Ml the of floes art equipped according to th Ideas of the occupants themselves. Every possible convenience has been. Installed by the builders. Moc especially uwa true of the plumbing. The numerous drains, basin and. bowls needed,' by doctors and v dentists have been Installed at an additional expense to the builders of nearly. $$8,000. . That mors dentists have their offices located in this building than In any oth er one structure tn Portland Is due prin cipally to the fact that the greater por tion of the offices face on Washington street - The Washington street side Is the north side, and the north light is in variably preferred by dentists. By a phenomenon of the physics of light, a north light la reflected light and steady from morning to evening. U Is without the glare of the eastern or western ex posure. ' . ". 'The . plumbing facilities for physi cians and dentists tn ur new building," said W. F. Fliedner, "are unexcelled We have brought water, gas and elec tricity to th offices so that the ocou pabta -can have everv convenianoj. tnr .their work; c Special .plumbing- brings the water and, takes, sway ths waste for dentists." . . r . Prudential Hospital ; Association juiounca tbeir ramaval to ; 380 MORGAN BLD& Phonett Main 888, A-3048 i i'' . .... :V'-;': i-':y.f 'vv:i'''-v ;.-'-, ,:-.'v-r,-. ' -ri-.:-. . - : - . ' 1 loliydi Dental Dwiot j 'HI f0: $?ki.:- Morgan Building C .,; r: The Lumber Exchange Building .: .11 . Publisher. '- -:'.. . : ... ' ' ' 1 ' ' AS-.. Ill -lift xi I,'.' i : v' . j mm?: r . . t III! I I J lilMM MM DR. C. L. HAYNES I Have Moved I am 'permanently lo cated in t the Morgan ; building, Washington st. at, Broadway, (old 7th street) . The , Morgan .building, runs clear, through ? on ; Washington from Broad way to Park; there is only one entrance and' that in the middle of the block, so you . can't make . a mistake. You; will re member I had to leave the Marquam building on . account of its rebuilding and have been only tern- porarily located, waiting for my new home to bt 1 finished I have a ; long , lease and do not intend (o move; soon again. I shalf be glad to see you. : ' ''i ' : Phonos, . ' Main 8338 ' X-3338 Df. C. L nave les Exclasive -; .r0pliaaa k; '.Suite; 405-;Fourthf: Floor, , Morgan " Building " ' Washington and ' ; Broadway ' 'V:' 10 YEARS AGO HUB 0 Insurance Service Co ' ftmvl : B. W. Rubin, Pres. . t "GENERAL INSURANCE'' Afents Law Union and Rock Intur- :.V-r toe wo., Assets Orsr- ' , lBlOMoeri Jldg.. ' Main 89. B. W. Rubin Public Firs Insurancs CITY "OUT IN WOODS Merchant r Was Jold 'His Store Neap Brpacf way on Wash- ' Ingtbn -Was in Coimtry,"' ."When t Started in the haberdashery business 10 years ago in the old Feck heime . building, t. which stood on the site of the alw; Morgan building, peo ple said I might as wen go out Into the country,"-, that was too far uptown. Nevertheless. I stayed here and I believe i nave gooq reason to De satisfied with niy juagmeni. oroaaway and washing ton Is the present hub of Portland, and aa a location' for a high class haber. aasnery ii weai. x nus c C, Braa- fey or tne iirm or - v: U Bradley and company, .epitomises his business ex perience. , - " f , , Mr. Bradley will open his new st-" 1 the - Morgan - building Monday, haviu'g been temporarily located on the north side of Washington street inn Jan. uary l, during th construction of ths buildlng. Ths opening will see an en wrely new stook of men's high class haberdashery, which was esneRiaiiv mir. Chased for the opening by Mr. Bradley on a reoent trip east - ' , Mr. Kradley is one of - the pioneer men's furnishing dealers of Portland. During his rssidenes of SO vura in tkia city he has always been in this busi ness. .He started his , career .with th men's furnishing department of ' Lip man Wolfe & Company, leaving their employ to form . the firm of Hewett, Bradley & Company, with Its shop in i v n li"-:-;.Vv:-'',:-;':-;-T';- ' '1 I 1 v I v I L ' C. C Bradley. tbe-old Feckhelmer building, Mr. Hew ett retired Xrota. the company In Novem ber, 1911, Mr. Bradley neoomlng asso ciated .with V.. Itlesch in the firm of C C, Bradley A Company. Mf. Rlesch U. tbe present Junior member of, tD firm. " r . p.;:;'.:: v.iii..-z3.rzr';v. -- aside from his business connections Mr. Bradley : is prominsnt In fr,tsrnal snd club circles.: H is a former grand exalted ruler of ths national organisa tion of Elks, aorving at ths time of the Elks' convention In Portland. Ha also was a delegate to ths recent convention in Rochester, N. Y, . k t , BUILDING MANAGER 1 WELL; KNOWN IN POLITICS ; , r- r-v.' m 1 1 .... "W. -C. North, manager of the' Morgan building,' Is one of the best known men In Portland. He has been active in lo cal politics, for many years, and lust prior to accepting his present position, he was "chief field deputy In , the office of the county assessor. He is a native of Tennessee, but has lived in Portland for more than 10 years, . As manager bf the building, he will look after the rentals and the general ears of ths big structure. , . . ' ' - Construction , of , Big ' Building i Expedited Through ;CbnrJ llJ-l'tinuatwigilanc FIRM . OF DECORATORS . PIONEER. IN PORTLAND ... i " .a ''" - sspseaBjSBess . . Berger , Brothers, decorators a In Ths Journal building, finished the interior of the United Cigar store in the new Morgan buUding and are also decorat ing the Rosarian Cafeteria In the base ment there. . They are exclusive dec orators, and are the successors to ths business of the Henry Berger oompany, which was established by their father in 1871 in a woodshed st the oorner of First and Ash streeta They were es tablished on First near Washington for IS years prior to moving to their pres ent location about six months ago.. . -W.. V., Fliedner, Vice president of the Morgan, Fliedner & Boyoe company, and also of the Morgan-Bushong Investment company, Is a native Oregonlan, having been born in- Portland 8S years ago. " Mr, Fliedner lrst became associated with Y. U Morgan in the real estate and ' building, business 10 - years ago. After two years In that business he withdrew to accept the presidency of the . ' Blumauer-Frank Drug .company. Threo years ago ha resigned from that position to accept ths vice presidency ' and managership of the building depart ment of Morgan, Fliedner & Boyce. He "i superintended the construction of thi ' last naif a dostn or more of the1 fine . apartment houses built by his firm, but has spent ths past eight months in looking after - every detail of, the con- . struotion of t the magnificent '"Morgan building" at Broadway and Washing-'v. ' ton street Muoh of the credit for the record breaking time in whloh the Mor- ' tan building was constructed is due to the faot that Mr, Fliedner was on ths lob all of ths tlm from the moment the wreckers went to work in January until ths stately now structure was' ready -for the ocoupanoy of its army, of teu j ants.: - - j ' . - ' .... ? - . . , - . ' - . II IDORTLAND to Have the 'M Finest Barber Shop in the World! ' ; r On. Tuesday, Oct. 14, we will throw, our doors open for business witti a full . ' Jirie up of the very best barbers and manicurists in the city. At 6 Pi M.: all business' will be suspended and the big formal opening will take place. For ladies arid"'1 . gents, everybody is invited to come and make a thorough inspection. Good music and a pleasant surprise awaits everybody.; ; ; : rTheM6fgitn Buildins: BarberShon is 'to be furnished and rim bv.the Milrnhv . . Bros.i tw$'Oatfie most popular young business men, and mot successful barbers in :'l PortlajldS. Murphy being with the well known Jmperial Barber Shop .for eight. ; . auu -w iHuipujr wua uic suuu uiu railing uuiiamg Darner vonop" Tor ,tne past six years.- '; r . - , u,,. V'" A.: -..- All barber furniture installed by tlie Portland Cutlery & Barber Supply Go..;: "v wMoioko wi u vyuucjciiiuiicicu iiuiiiunt. uitiidr wiin auiomaxic neau rest cushions. The upholstery is in green Turkish leather and snecial designs made niir- posely for Murphy Bros, by Eugene Bermirigham of Cincinnati, Ohio This was the largest, individual sale of barber furniture ever made on the Coast, the' transaction ' being successfluly'made by Mr. Paursteirimetz. ; v rr : TWa 'x tote fi"e appointed shop in the United" Sutes absolutely antiseptic in 'every respect Evenrchair is a fully equipped Barber Shop in itself, and has many advantages aver others to make It easy and ' handy to work in an antiseptic manner. Each chair has a sterilizer with three compartments one for ' wet ; towels'one for dry .towels, and one for tools. t The steam compartment carries 850 degrees heat, and is for 'wet . , towels and general sterilizing.: the other two-generate their own gas to sterilize dry towels and tools. After the - towels come fronv the laundry they are thoroughly sterilized before using, and after each tool and brush is used, it top ls.thoroughfy sterilized before using again The shop also has its own vacuum cleaning plant, beingome of the largest m Portland. Every chair has its vacumm cleaner; the lobby of the shop has four Outlets for the use of cleaning your clothes, instead of the old fashioned broom, Uy this process your clothes are cleaned as ., good as when they come from the tailor; also does away with' the dust and any infection in the air caused by , sweeping floors and brushing clothes. In addition to the above, ach chair has the following handy accommoda-' . turn: Telephone, hot and cold water, electric viator, compressed air. :The' lighting of this shop isiven un ' Py he. mo .expcrt .cle,?tnciaos t0 ht the f!nest and be?t suited for the purpose of any they have come in con tact with, being an indirect style. , . " - y .:nv5;; :. i . v?-:--: 'V'.' -'f" Thmahlcure tables are, big vitriolite tables, with hot : --JP" ;h9-8ninwg department will also receive special ittention that its' patrc-Tmay get. first class aerv-v ice. Then, to make this shop more complete, we have installed two high frequency macWnesW the purpose of ' . , removing funcTis prowtha nf th lri chK i .T.. t.f -a .v.-T. i uiii .i l i r 1 1 r1.1-0' ouu nair, eic, ana aiso treat tne lace and, moreaequal an other , shop in to , sider that the very best is none too. good for the people of Portlandndvicmityhe ;8eS, ' ? "t VSJS!1 WSaV Portland. .At the same time.- it has-been my futur l&Ao hav? St it H be fhPS in the United States.'. Meanwhile,-1 have; talked with my friends arid customers to ascer-. - ; ' tain if;they would like to have a place of this kind, with the result that every single -one wouldi wy? would ' like to see some one ve enouch to nut WV !, u... t. JiA IT: ..r B..x irri? with some of. the best business men m the ,hnU at nA-km-tii,JL;- .Jl r.I ' j ? " v I u I S' m 'l.'V iW'.i an ..J ;i....v,.i : yt Sal AfsnU fof THE EUGENE EERN1NGHAUS CO; Bast Chair la U World Jiul&ein ers and Manufacturers of High Grade Cutlery and Barber Supplies ".I,.'' ' '