The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 05, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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'H' :
extravagant government would undoubt
edly be the worst. This year, however,
the people have much of the responsi
bility for spending- their tax money. It
is a pig opportunity, , s . , '
W"-'' i:';. nyn iinif"!"' '"' ajs) i iaji,i'i ; ,' , , ,m';ji: ' 'J--,f
' in i , v.. ......
" Shanghai-Kwan, China," 0ct4.AfUr
sufficient to loosen an arch of the Old
wall, which here runs a long dlstanoe
into the water, going down rather grad
ually from the shore. Then it dips into
what years ago must bave been a deep
dry valley, but which, po far' as present
day people are aware, has always been
washed over by the waters of the Quit
of Pe-chl-li. It was that portion of the
wall ' forming the sharply declining
stretch, that gave way and burled Itself
with terrific force and roaring in the
water ralley below. ., ,t,m l:
' '-. Hangs Ulmselj; in , Hldalrlt
New Torkv Oct; 4. Some persons do
not seem, to have the least considera
tion for. the feelings of their fellow
men, even when, their fallow men oo-
cupy ; a ;tlat in the same epartrs - t
house.; When Mr. Clements, who liv.-s
In an apartment house on One iinnAr.ii
and Eighteenth street, raised the shade1
Of bis kitchen? window tba other morn
ing he was greatly shocked by the elght:
which presented itself to hi astonished1
eye. Bight in front of his kitchen'
window' was . the dead body of an old
man who had been the tenant of trie
flat above, dangling from a rope with
which he had banged himself. It was
found that tbe old men for some rea-'
eon had tied one end of a rope around
the leg of a heavy kitchen range, the
other end around his neck and bad then
let himself fall from, the window,
strangling to death in midair.
Bmiumu iiii'!iijmLiuuai!L!jjj ;
N Tl
a shock or earcnquake, which seemed
very slight on shore, but , which made
great commotion along the waterfront
. State Federation to Hold -Meet-
Public Discussions Planned on
and far out. many .rods of the Great
Wall, estimated at between to and to.
ing'at Hood River; Big At4
Questions of City Expenses;
dropped from sight .into the waters of
: tendance. " , '
; Procedure in Detail, :
It 1 presumed that ' the quake was
V The Federation of Wonwa'i Club of
r Oregon, which dmu tomorrow in annu
f ai MMtoa In Hood River, will bring te-
I gather officer, delegates and otner MP
: resentatlves of hundreds of clubwomen
I throughout tbs state.'. They are meet-
. J Ins- to consider some of tb vital jueat.
, v ii'hann lrinaa. bueoma batter acquaint-
' t ed with the big topics of the day on!
thui bo homo inspired tor a oroaaer
Lwork for their own particular ctuba.
The federation !wlH open Monday
evenin. the president. "Mrs. Sarah A.
J Evans, preaiJlns-. Addresses of welcome
wm be given ; oy uie mayor wt jtiuua
River. EL O. Elanchard: Mrs. Charles H.
Castner, president of the Hood River
; Women dub; Mra. ADig-an booh iwiy.
' way. tho suffrage champion. Miss VIoia
r Hit 1 1 ManAHll 0-1,4 that1 Wttl hft
. " rousia. Tuesday morning" will bedevot-
t, ed to ba.siaaaa.4" : ?,! ,'
'"' J r.'.-;'"':: ' Oregon tniuiheoB.''
. - At' noon "Made la Oregon" lunch
1 eon will be Kl von. Mra. Edyth Tosler
" Weathered actios as toaatmlstresa. The
I afternoon session will Include address,
Professor W, F.' Ogburn, of Read Col
& less, a Desk! nit on "City Planning,- Hon.
r Milton Miller will epealc on -Oregon's
" Tho feature of Tuesday evening will
J be tho president's address. Wednesday
mornin J. D- MlckJa state dairy and
? food, commissioner, wlU deliver an ad-
dress, as will also Mia. X Bobbins, as-
etstant professor of domestic Science at
"O. A. G Ja tho afternoon ."Prevention
; of Disease" f will bo discussed by Dr,
. Mary MacLacblan, of rortland. "What
r I Women Can Do for Their Country will
be tho topic of aa address by Dr. E. P.
' ? Geary, ' Miss Gertrude Talbot will speak
en the "MontesBorl. Method." Dr. Mary
. 1 1 Evans will speak oa "Tno Normal and
t Subnormal Child." 'ti'i,ys'A''-P
" Wednesday evening; is anniunced as
- an "Evening- with Tennyson." and ww
r consist of music and dramatlo readings.
J Thuraday morning WlU toe evot4 to
-.unfinished business, the election or 01
J fleers, election of delegate to llt bl
ennial convention, Chicago.
, rortland Woman aramsd. ;
j Among Portland women who will at
t tend the convention arof VFrom-. th
,T PorUand Woman's elub, Mrs. J. a Hart,
'Mra Btaiger, Mrs. J. w. spencer, jrs.
t K. K. Bondurant, Mrs Jofcn Van Zante,
Mra Martha Zellar. Mrs. Charls Weav-
J er; Mrs. 3. Pettlt; from the Counoil of
t jewisn women. Bars, itoss eeniug, Mrs.
fM. Barnh, Mrs. Lo Selling, Mrs. Looser
I. Cohen, Mis CeUa rriendly, ausa Sv
d'e Friendly, Miss Fanchon Kline; from
' 'the Portland Shakespeare Club, Mrs.' Al
' len Todd. Mrs, W. W. Dowanard; from
tho Tuesday Afternoon club, Mrs. Os
. ; born and Mra Harry Vorse; fromht
. , Brooklyn Mothers', and - Teachers' club,
Mra. Nathrop; from the Forestry assc-J
, ciauon, jars. to. a. jiawrs, jun, unesiw
" Doty; from the Auxiliary Mail Clerks'
'association. Mrs; H. A.- Hay garth and
"Mrs. A, 3, Stlmpspn; from tba Portland
Psychological elub. Mrs. Charles Steal,
Mra Foster, Mrs. Kyis and Mrs. Klein;
from the Mualo Students club, Mrs (k
J. Fra&kel and Mra..C..T. Joslyn; from
tHe, Grade Teachers'.; association,. Mips
Grace PeOraff; from" the Mount Soo'.t
t Mental Culture club. Mrs. Ball, Urt
Hugglns; from tho Coterlo. Mra. J. H.
Brlstow and Mrs. E. B. Coovert; from
the Woman's Press club, Mra M. JU T.
Hidden -. and .Mrs. - Elisabeth Goddlne
; JM-ia. jf reuBntK. ser9Bsarnian TOT Ul
' board of trustees of tho Scholarship
. ,'Loaa Fund; Mrs. Sarah A. Evans, pre.
' Ident.of the State Federation; Mrs. Sa
- dl Orf-Dunbar, oorrospopfllng ascrstary
vor the xeaeratton; Mru O. 'N. 'Ranktn,
treasurer of the federation; Mrs. .Allot
iWelster,' ohalrmaniof -the art depart
, Jmentri JMr S. Elisabeth . E. PetUnger,
. chairman pf tht edbcatlonal 'committee
; MrsJ. W Tiff t, chairman of the Xeder-
,auon extension; - Mrs.. A XL Breymaa,
chairman of tbe forestry department;
, Mrs. W, H. Fear, chairman f the House
hold Economics; Mrs. ,A, JClng Wilson;
,Di.Birmao ox. irngatioa and water ways;
Mrs. H." A. Heppner, .chairman of music;
iv Mrs. Robert French, press committee;
rs.-jauJie t. TiuniDuil, chairman leg
v f ' '
! - f- - y r" ) j I
lalatton-committee t
iWai Make ' Good ' Brick.
, Marshfield, On, Oct 4-iBuUdliiga for
,'the new, brick making plant, which Is
t us operatea oy j, JC , walling, who
came here from' Portland, are Completed
and tho .owners-are. ,nowawaitina; the
arrival f machinery,' Mr. Walling sent
'samples, of day to. Butte. Mont., for
. manufacture. , Tho sample, brick have
neon ; recei vea ana ' inaioates mat, with
.the clay at band, alt the new plant, four
' varieties of good brick can ba tnanu
faetured. 4 . WJ. V! ?' '' -.''
A New.Tork electrioian has invented
electrical apparatus for drying printed
sheets as they com from; photogravure
presses., permitting high , grade work to
be done at greater speed than formerly.
A hard stubborn Cold that
s "u hangs on, is broken up by
jHumphiry' "Sevanty-sevan"
John McNulty.
By John McNulty, Nuticsl Expert
ana instructor of School of Navi
eation. . n "
? The establishment of a school In navl
gauon and its allied . subjects by the
city board -of education has a signifi
cance which should not escape the clt-
Aavigaiion is s.orapcn or engi
noering. a ancient as civil engineering,
which is called tha, father of engineer
Ing, and yet has never reached tbat
standing in educational and public cir
cles which Its Importance in ' the work
aday world of civilization should give
It - - .
. A. reference to the code of HammurablJ
ainv ot jbutoyion in nso u. c. reveals
us .. earnest admiralty and maritime
laws so far discovered and from this
misty period In the world's history navi
gation has been practiced and has evo.
luted until ' today It Is as broad and
Intricate In its nature as any of its
fellow sciences or professions. t ,
. Despite this existence over the lenrth
and breadth of ancient and modern life,'
It has not been given a place in ( the
constellation of universities, not a chair
of navigation exists, not a degree is
given for its study, outside of the naval
academy of the United States. lam not
referring to its standing la ' European
countries, where the science Is taught
very thoroughly, and yet, -I know of no
university there which supports a chair
of navigation and confers degrees for
such, study.
V:-r;t Tims Hot Than Bips. : '
The only Instance of such a chair of
navigation being established that I know
of was la the University, sf California
ana tnis establishment, was due. to .the
efforts of one of our fellow cltlsens.
uapuin Ames, assistant Inspector of
steamboats .lor : the United states, la.
catod la fhe custom house of this city.
The Innovation tailed from causes which
I understand were dus to the fact that
conditions had ; not progressed as rap-
iuiy as xne promoter naa. v4 t ' . -:
Superintendent Alderman and ; the
present board of education avowedly
stand for tho most, enlightened, publlo
scoooi laeais in tne country, ur. Alder
man's f doetrlnoa, recanUjf . reoeivod in
the so-called axis of learning-, Boston,
wfth great acclaim, is the cause for
uus adoption of a course which will
Immediately bring ths student into oon-tact-with
his bread, butter,', luxuries
and 'high . ideals. -i . , ' . - -. (
For. wrapped up, In the Subject of
navigation are the greatest principles
ot existence, to be learned, wondered at
and used. The belestlal sphere and Its
routing planets, ; singing liks birds
about immeasurable space, its the poets
give us to understand, become objects
Of deep consideration and eventually, if
tho science Is practiced, become the im-
mwuais means or a livelihood. At this
place It may be well to remember that
as way mow mm by his works,"
. vwitfui jui unu nutnAiLv
a a a. a A a
w ; . ' snagi srrooeaars, ;'
Vv October. 6. EstlmaU of de-r
w- panments suomittea to budget a
committee. ' . , ' ' j,' , r 1 )
October 30. Publlo hearing on ,4
department estimates. V ,
i - November t. Dudcet eomtnit a
w s nirns ou lenianve ouagst 1 a
. and publishes it. : ,'a
w . ivovemoer is. rublie nearlng a
A on tentative budget. "
A ? 1 JUoveraber 17. Budget .t' be -a
a . formally adopted and. published ; a
in city, official newspaper. a
Now the , budget. Turning ' to the dlei
tionary we find the word define as
an exAlamation enjoining secrecy. Br
membering those industrious critics who
seek to verify definitions by turning lo
ine aicuonary themselves let ;t T bast
ily added that nine other meanings are
given in the unabridged copies of tbat
important publication.
; But this particular definition proceeds
to, suggest that budget is always used
wun fnurn, ouotlng from Shakespeare ts
that effect, at the same time confessing
mat no reputaDi arcnaeoiogist naa 'as
yet discovered the origin of the defln-
mon, iet that be as It may the defln
Ition admirably fits the policy of the
communities and commonwealths that
hlV. h. tt,.l.l. , U . . .... . i t.
men wno are t handle the big ships ' " " -
must also b developed; for It takes The, average taxpayer has paid his
much time and study to do this. To taxes because Impressive officialdom re
meet this need, the school of naviga- Quired It and bl awe has not permitted
tion was established by the board of nim lo quesuon tne amount or tne res-
education. 1 ' sons for demanding It,
-. Vted of Work Oreat. , That la, until recently, end In Port.
In addition ' to this need, there are land. Webster must be reincarnated to
otbers which such a course-will supply. da an eleventh meaning budget: an In.
Those that engage In the great, work vMatlou enjoining knowledge of the
of the coast and geodetic survey, tho city's expense account, suggesting a
United State geological and goograpb- popular question as to why money . is
leal surveys, who are to enter the light- asked and whether It should be appro
house service and the naval and revenu priated. : v , '4 i
services, they alt will needx this work, Anyone who recalls the narrow mar
Tbose who stake out the corners of gin by which the commission plan was
eur states and divide nation from na- adopted as Portland's form of aTOvern
tion by artificial boundtrr lines, must muni rintin't nHvl ba tnlA that th atie-
needs be what may be called, navigators cess of commission government, now
o im nu, or ineir caicujauons are all three months old. will be measured by
based on observations of -the heavenly Uh. -,. , .ik r,r,l
k .-J w v " 7T' we pruted and the economy with ..which
beat pay. Our harbors must ba known I . . ,.. .J. i..i'
erSuWl. adapte io th, t : J S S
...aMi r ,hii.. -,ri, - rriT. more; easily In the terms of cash,
VF&1SX the' sPnag. a:.'TZ8&2
of the subjects and has undertaken to tna ' t objection to be Wteto,
remove them from th.. r.1. oommlsslon government may . either..
derstaadlng, However, in spite of thlsttnat H "p,na t0 B",oh KeU to T'
tuMI n.thnj , .v.. , v I tie fOP the money SPSnt... w. , i
representatives of -several of the other 8ucb a disposition was anticipated
professions. The medical, mechanical, by the framera, of the charter and an
olvll and architectural engineering; administrative code of the admlnlstra
pedagogy, the merchant marine, th na. tion provides for it To be slangy, the
vy and the. law are all represented in buck is passed to the people. They are
tne ciass.. - , -s- .. . invited to participate in pi.ans ror h
The - lawyers ' are- Interested because spending of next year's money. They aro
they , hope to become proctors , In ad- asked both to object and suggest, to
.uimiu, ua ut nicir pamcuiar neeas I inm or xo ii;ini . w -
the instructor Is well equipped as he is I defined. rt
a proctor In admiralty himself. There I Mnst Take sTotise.
is a jeweler, a rireman, several stu-l i,et the one who plots harm to eora-
7Z. !maJfeT fna ''herman.ia mission government take nptice. If he
the class, machinists, ehan ffoiir.. ....Ir1" vw .A . '...v.. n
. , . i una no van vr vuiw , - .vi uiwuu
office clerks.
traction of t this - ancient and , humble
science g-atners inquirers from all walks
critic . . ' .
,.A centrallxed purchaslns; orfranlsatlon,
a uniform "plan of estimates two
. p Af v lute on mYj vagauon on a
larm 1 smterea from an old fash-
ioned Cold f, Everyone; had a di
; ferenf sueirestion : finallv thr
greed on Seventy-even, and it
neiped rner, a"-girl .writes. yj:
. f ;Mention any ailment -t from
Sprue to Gout, and everyone has
; ' Pt remedy .to' suggest
Mention a Cold " and nearly
everyone t ecommends 'Seventy
eeven" as their own particnlar
SeventV-seven'' ii' 'a 'amsii
cf. pleasant jaeUcts. fitsVihV'veitll!Kh'Bti,ad th08
. , . fii uiq -veer our shlpj harbor and ooean rni.
JJOCKet. AH Drug ,r Stores, '25c will have peese4 away, : and Portland
and $1.00, orrnaUed.bnecri4Ji?.!?por! who.1?? reputation wni
. The economic function of this little
school of InstrucUon and 0 scholars
is out or proportion to its birth. His
tory teachee us that the rise and fall
ot municipalities has paralleled th rise
ana aeoay or inose cities' maritime com
merce,. Columbus' aelf-appolnted task
was to recover for Genoa the supremacy
lnth east, by finding a sea path not
used by the commercial rivals of the
Mediterranean and inetead he opened up
a ' world by wWob Spain rose until her
splendor dassied the eyes of nations,
and her wealth glided her palaces unui
the very expression, "castles -
eome down to us with mellow glamor.
Inge of romance.
'Tbe oldlaws of commerolal evolutloa
ever change, and today, in this land, It
will be necessary for each cltv tA in.
sutste lUelf its own ursa for it own
transoceanlo commerce, ,
Portland must havelU Invisible ten
tacles reaching out to the land, nt a.i.
and Australasia. The land behind un t
the east speaks to us as to its front
door guardian, and wi mu.t r..iin
The capital Is here, th
mw muiym rfl canny made,
end the home men muat be enthused and
given the wonderful oDDortunin rn.
exercising tbeir native genius by cap-
Dpremacr. er tne Pacific for
i.jicir nauve or aaoptea home; Portland
Municipal rivalry exists in the Gulf
oi wexico between Peniacola, Mobile,
New, Orleans, and Galveston,, and pro
digious works have been accomplished
mm wis eyes oi me. writer "have- person
ally observed. , A municipal rivalry ex
5?'l b,tweea the Bound. Portland,
San Francisco and JLos Angeles. This
Is well, bub dot enough. . .-,
V W? nitMt ibuiM up Mt men whose
hearts beat for home, whose , mind
i mi w romana tne rich cargoes, and
whose interests am Portinmr. : Tk,
when the great 'problems of removing
-. ueepvuins; cnanneis, Duuaing docks,
wi niung sicainsnip ' lines,- navlgatlni
shlpsand all, that appertains to marl"
time commerce adses. w. win h.v. .
thuslastio, trained nien for the work, and
whose professional honor win , ...
them to build for the benefit of all and
iinanciai seinsnness Which now and
old -nlan' was to' guess at the amounts
reauired. .and clerks and stenographers
I prompted most oi tne actual imyi.
For several weeks each of the five de
partments at the city an nave oaon
busy as making estimates of I
xpense. 1 '
Thea. estimates are to be submitted i
tomorrow, to - tre . commissioner of fl- i
nanoe who, in his turn, must formulate
the etims,te ot ' his' aeparimeni, . to
th nth un Mtlmnte of interest to
HfiM MrirHor 5irenost To - a paid and. so'fortb. copies or tnese
. . v, .inm mvi uuopvii i a- I departmental estimates are to be avail.
coma Youth Shows Con-
, ylllUHlg Alluli
San Francisco. Oct 4. Fred Rrnir.'
the young man arrested here 18 day
able for eubUo Inspection.
On the third Monday, of October
there Is to be a publlo hearing on the
department estimates, In the meantime
these will have been under consldera-1
tion by the eommtssioners of .finanoe, i
nubile affairs ana city, auditor. , ," -i
-: , , Ts - Agree oa Budget,' .
Oa the first Monday In November the
iJ - " WM lmP budget committee must agree on a ten-
! murderous attacks j tntlve ' budget and within four days
u .routes in various : eastern cltlee, I thereafter publish It in pamphlet form
was reieasea loaay on his Own recognU- tnr, dlatributlnn amons clvln nrisanlia-
anee. ',..-:....': . ., I.. r. ... 7- , .
' ' - isone ana oiner. aeBirius; to na iu-
His appearance tallied with ,the' le- . On. the Saturday before the . third
scrlptlons scattered broadcast,, by the Monday of November there will be a
police In; the east, but til each case he publlo hearing on the tentative' budget,
was able to produce a convincing alibi, and on f the tWrd Monday It . will - be
One of tbe clearest of them was the adopted and published in the city offl-
discover of hi. 'nictnr. ,nn . "nvi" I clal newsDaDer. , '
ZlTieWdeyB, Allen Co;
.r' --;c... Ut,A " -r-
Hie Wiley B. Allen Co.
One of the, greatest musicians the world has known,' and
accounted; the most intellectual pianist of his time, Is ;
now -making his seventh American tour. He win he"
s heard in . Portland at thc Multnomah , Hotel Concert
1 Music Room on Sunday afternoon, November 23, As
. in the past, Mr. Bauer will use the . ,
ri Mr, ' Bauer's-preference for, this superb instrument
;is indicative of the esteem in which it is held by the m
f jority of the-greatest living musicians, ."such as , Rach-.
mainnoff: Gabrilowitsch. Emil Paur. Karl Muck. Felix
-: .VVeinartner, Victor Herbert,' Max Zach, Emil Oberhoffer, Tina Lerner, Slsmund :
; Stojowski George Chad wicli Willy , Hess, Julia CulpClara Butt, Edmond Qement, !
!;Campartini, Kreisler:and others. 1 vi 1 ' . ' , i '
K ' I, , v. ' ' f..iu r 4
' - The remarkable Jension Resonator, used exclusively in Mason & Hamlin Pianos,
: not only provides a richer, purer tone quality than is found in other; instruments, but
it prevents the flattening and splitting ofthe sound .board, assuring greater durabil-
ity than is found' in any other piano. , " - , ( -
Uprights, $575 to $775 ; Grands, $900 to $1800
. Other. Pianos Taken in Exchange'and Monthly or. Quarterly Payments Arranged.
, " with a timely RANGE SALE. Hereafter wo will handle exduiively
- the Peninsular Range, the greatest Range on earth, so we will close
out all other makes at REAL SALE PRICES.' See them listed belo
film taken, here the day of a Pittsburg
assault and, robbery, which was the spe
cific crime charged a gain at him when
arrested. .y ':- " ;;jV: .?':
Brokaw left prison declaring he was
going to sue bis accusers for.false im-
prlsonment ;. ' ; ' i - . , ,,,
. c f price.
Hnmphr.71' Jtomri.
w li k,
Mdiclu, Co., wu.
i V,',"
shine in the future like thet of M.r.
scllles, Ocnoa. in the past; and Hamburg
ano 1 Liverpool - todsjr.-t.-.'"
v Congress has taken up ", ttaio work of
The "people get two chances 'to make
themselves heard as to their wilt in I
the jnatter of taxation. Every amount
aaked.: every object -or expense, every i
reason r for estimate' will be set before 1
tbem. . The city necessarily, spends Si
large amount of x money, every - year
handllngit affairs. The best govern-,
ment Is not the cheapest but the most
Closing Out
The Fpllowjiigf
.3 Famefeel.Rarigesi 14-in."
oven, regu-1 A A;
lar $35,for5iyyu
- . .
3 Fame Steel Ranges, l6-in.
oven,,rej:u- OC
lar $38forMi)Ai4sO0
,1 Baxter Steel. Ranker 1 8
1 FranciSWashington Range,
18-in. oven, Cfl Z(
reg. $45rfor;$i5y.OV
November 4 Date of Election
to Pass: on; $400,000:'
Results; Not Influenced by Age or
Time Standing, Says Expert,
f EstateBanner Steel Range;
Rupture is not a tear pr"Jreak Inl
the abdominal wall, as commonly sup
posed, but is the stretching- or dilating'
Lit - -......'1
.-.-'V;! a' t--i lUi am tiiwi vwHisf -. v'e . sr uuiuvi
Astoria, Dr., Oct 4.4ranflnir' thri F. II.' Seelew -on a
-"x"t.';jBK'"w.a ciat- i8te visit to Portland.' ' '
order yesterday, for a special election) The Spermatic blweld Truss Closet
SurSLT? ' 1,",::if tbepening; !a 10 day. on the aver-
era of th'l county the (juestlon of Js.u- ! ; SC producing .result? without'
lnrnoo,ooo in io- .year si Der cent surgery' or; harmful injections. . Mr,
as the state referendum election, ernnjent, Washington, JJ. . C.,"for mi
' In case the bonds should be voted I cpection. -'Anyone interested will be
f l , 1 . . I amaa .a. A .. . ...... I ........ T
funnt"fc: - -uw9t.iM shown tne truss or nttea u desifed,
nSSn hwaywnor fotej only by L.uevf,
Westport; jtin Improving lw Drug ;Qfold and exclusive agent
ra peiwoen Astoria and Vesper via I lor .uregon,. inira no . lainnui eii.
rtenaiem valley and 1100,000 for the pro
poned coast highway from Astoria o
t!ieTi,llamoolt line via Warrenfon, Baa
wiyp ana .;annon jJeaeiv ":',;'. v, '; ;..".
v;.n ,:;: : '. 1 ' 1 ", "' ' -itj''
J. 1555, 'for, $36.50
io .... : .. .v )'.' . .'-. , "
i QuiCkSerVice Steel Range,
i 8-inch oven, polished 1op,
' II Kill I II ! . ,
VtL-,:k .I,'....,, 4 k ' j (
I i - -H" 1 " -fssesespasBssesesse J
.... t. "
; ri" . ; :';
mil K j ir-'-v ' A '
,'"! " : UrW "I' M .....
Other, tirms advertising" end aclinic
imitation , &eeiey spermatic Shield
Trusses are impostors. Look i$t the
word "patented" on each Spermatic
corrugated shield. Laue;Davis Drug
,(Adv.) 'CQu Third and Yamhill streets.
FuiPeditiuir e Co
A Reasonable Furniture
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