suiid'.v jdu-iial', to?tlaijd, cunday W. r. Brown, Mr. and Mra. X.' B. XOink, Mr. and Mrs. It Woodworth, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Young, Mra, William J. Mo. Ginnls. Mra.W. Churchill, Mlaa Clarice Churchill, Mra. D. Johnaon and Mr. and Mra, Harry Coleman. ' - i ''.W.v. i !. Tuesday avenlr.g of this week the LaHoa club opened their aeaaoa of 1918. 14 with a pretty danclngr party at Chris. wnaena. The following ladles acted aa patronesses for the evening; - Mr. JP, Ryan, Mra. W. A. Elvers, Mra. I. Done laa, Mra. W. P Graham, Mra J. J. Hoaan and Mra. J. CHare. Dainty eouvenlre were riven to their frienda during th grand march lead by Mra. W. A. Elvers assisted by the following- member of the clubt Mlsaee Marie Chambere. Kath erlne Oaffney, Anna Dunn, Mary Fran ces McCarthy, Deborah Griffin and Irene Fitzgerald, X WEDDINGS ?:k "' V."! Y A beautiful wedding waa solemnized Tuesday whan Mlaa Florence Kohn and George Nathan Black of Xoa Angelet were married by Kabbl Jonah B. Wlae at 1 o'clock at th born of the bride'a mother, Mra. Charlea Kohn. Thla wed - ding unite two' very prominent, and wealthy fwnlUea "of the coaat, - Both Mlaa Kohn and Mr. Black are popular In their aet and , their . wedding la of ... widespread interest. --::..' t Only about 10 gueSta were bidden to the wedding and breakfast which fol- , lowed the ceremony, aa the guests ln eluded nly the relaUvea and. the lm. - - mediate ' friends but all the appoint menta of the affair were beautiful and the wedding . will long be remembered by those present aa one of the moat elaborate and beautifully appointed ew v given here. - v . . , The only attendant to the bride waa ber mother, Mra. Charles Kohn, and an uncle of the bride, Isadora Jacobs, attended the groom. The bridal cortege i took, their places In the drawing room - beneath a fairyland C pf " flower) and greenery for the reading of the service. Columns were arranged, with stream ers of asparagus fern and white tulle with a connecting arm overhead of greens and the tulle ribbon. On all sldba . were masses of flowers In pink rosea T- .and the lavender orchids. ... .. The bride waa beautifully gowned la cream white oharmeuse draped . with white tulle, - which waa caught with orange bloaoms and trimmed with ex quislte old point de Teniae lace, ; an heirloom In the family. , Her veil waa a simple one of tulle and it fell to the hem of her Tong court train In lovely oft folds. It was fashioned In a, b coming cap and. held In place with coronet of pearls, , ropa of which she , wora around ner neck. These pearls are a rare possession of Miss Kohn, aa They are-a eoiiectlon of aome EO yeart I Mm. George W. Goethals, wih of the engineer In charge of the con- Thrbr.nDoar ' .ruction 0 the P.nama nV whoae cherished wish is to brth. terfly orchids and lilies of the valiei nt woman to past through the the trans-isthmian waterway. with . a ahower of the- latter flowers . . combined with the tulle ribbon. Plred t'a wedding march. Hev. B. B. afternoon ror the pleasure of her sister with an Orpheum party and luncheon at ino iioiei v ortiana. Her guests Included: misb Monks, ura John Jennings, Mra T. J. 6eufert, Mra. T, J. Beufert Jr, Miss Anne Healv. Mlaa Effla Johnston. Mtsa Viola Barenetecher, Miss Katherlne Kern, Mlas Josephine Healy, Miss Tesi jennings, mnn Helen Calbreath, Miss May Healy, Mlaa Evelene Calbreath and miss Agnes cororan. The XII tu He Hea. ' formerlv Wot verlnes, will discontinue their Friday evening walks on account of the coming inoiemem weainer ana enjoyable Bun- aay aiternoon walks will be substi tuted. The Initial Sunday walk to day will follow through the , pie- tureaque Maoleay park, meeting at Twenty-third and Washington streets at 1:80 p, m. ,They will follow-Cornell road to Maoleay park, terminating at me nisiono forestry Building, where many giants of Oregon's forests are snown. A cordial invitation la extend ed to all Ht Tu He Hea, easterners and meir rrienda. Telephone Mlas A. Ison. A-621B, or Mra. E. U QaJe, Main' t9U, ror iniormauon. r,'. 5,;'- o The Five Nights' club, a social or ganisation that last winter gave a series of five sudceseful danoea. held Its an nuai meeting Friday night and elected officers for the coming year. Q. M. Freed is president, H. P. Greene, treas urer and B. 8. west, secretary, . pat- ronesaea tor the season are Mrs. CL A ttooa, Mra, to, joeaaie ana aars. m. F. Hopkins. The first party of the" season will be given at the Women of woodcraft ball on October 17, and will be followed for the next four montna witn tha same hall. Lest year the elub was under the direction .of B. Frank Gll Strap and proved to be a popular event, .-,', ;, ,.'..; ;: "'.'--..;rl'l'--:' Cards are received for tha ' opsning party of the season to be given by the O. E. 8, club, at Masonlo Temple; Octo ber IS. v Tha patronesses will be: Mra. J. A. Haley, Mrs, . H. , Duthie, Mrs. Sarah Ouerin, Mrs. Pant Chamberlln, Mrs. M. Fiske and Mrs, " George Harvey,- Tha officers are: Miss Kleanor Menef ea. - president; ; Miss Mathilda Mathison,' vice-president; Thomas Coy ler, and the committee: Miss Delia Qlaon, Miss Margaret ' Howatson, Miss Monta ' - Maesly. ' Mlaa Alma Harvey, Mlas Purnell Flshburn, J. C. Wilson. J. F, Guerln, W, W. Work, 3. B. Hartman and Radford Shawcrosa. ; ' ' r-w-' ''"v'-v ': -r.f ,yi- "" Division No.' 1. ladies' auxiliary A. 0. tt, will entertain their frienda with cards and dancing next Monday evening October , In tba Woodmen of tha World hall, 128 Eleventh street. An enjoyable evening la assured alt. Tba member and friends of Centen ary Methodist church will give a re ception to the pastor Rev, Celmar ix Trimble, and Mra,- Trimble, on Monday evening In the church parlors. At the same time they will make , marry over the prospect of tha coming of tba next ::o.:iaNGt QCTqsi::: z, : anjiual conference, which Centenary is to entertain nxt fall. s Belnff the first eocial event Of the new conference year, there will be a large crowd present of friends of old centenary. A program will be rendered, refreshments served ana an ldf&sh. toned , social time enjoyed. , lavery body welcome. , .'!''"':" ''ft ,!vvVW?;V The students of tha local high schools and academies have plans under way td give their annual Inter-school bop among the first dances of tha season. Invitations will be ready to distribute within a few days. ., ' ' w St Annie charitable society will meet next Thursday afternoon at the resi dence of Mrs. John Manning, 683 Beat 14th st north, at 3:30 p. m. - - Division No. 1, Ladles Auxiliary A. O. H., will give a card party and dance tomorrow evening In W. O. W. ball, 128 11th street , The committee la working earnestly to make this a pleasant even ing for all. : . "' ''- ":. The Decern Girls aro preparing; a Hal loween surprise in connection with their dancing party te be held Monday even ing, uctooer it, at Muriarit naiu i. -FRATERNAL NOTES Gordon ; Granger Woman's Relief Corps No. 43 was entertained- last Fri day by Mrs, 6. Newell In ber new borne at 121 Hays street, Bt Johns. Her rooms were deoorated with feme and autumn leaves. Mrs. Newell - was as sisted by Mrs. G. L. Thornton, Mrs. Her. van Home. Mra Fred pal ton. Mrs. C. 8. Newman; Mra M. Culllns, Mrs. E. Clark Hall, Mra, John Murrell Mrs. Frasler and Mrs. Carson. The guests were entertained by the fol lowing program: ? Duet by Mrs, Thorn ton and Mrs., C. B. Newman; vocal duet by Mra 8. Newell and Mra. Glover; vocal solos by Mrs. Newell and Mrs. Glover, after' which a lunch was served. Those present were: Mra Gemmell, Mrs. Llllle pf UMU Cat, Mra L.rsen, Mrs. Blngls, Mr. Dooley. Mrs. B. R. Teet ers, Mrs. N. H. Bell. Mr, and Mrs. Emery, Mrs. W. E. Slater, Mrs. Herbert A. Van Home, Mrs. Fred Dal ton, Mrs. C 8. Newman, Mrs, Culllns, Mrs, Mur rell, Mrs. Thornton, Mrs. Carson, Mrs, J. A coneway, Mra. sany, Mrs. J. A Newell. Mrs. O. E. Leet Mra T. U Per rlne. Mrs. AC. Anderson, C. B. Hen- shaw. Mrs. J. E. Gell, Mrs. B. Z. Cul 11ns. Mrs. Mary Culllns, Judge T. B, McDevitt Mrs. C Nye, Mra Fred Kelly, Mrs. E. J. Mayer, Mra, J-i. 1. wers, Mrs. Anna Gould. Mrs. Mary Bryant, Mrs. M. Barber, Mrs. M, D. Green, Mrs. N. Bra- ley, Mra B. a. cocnrin, Mra a. j. Bel lamy, Mrs. W. C Hoar, Mra a A. Bales, Mrs. Mary E. ChamherllnMrs. .Helen Gano, Mrs. tnes BmlthrMraO. W. Sund berg, Mrs. ' Mt Brown, Mrs. A. N. Thrower, Mrs. O. L. Psrrine Hess, Mrs. O. O. Rodgers, Mra R. E. Blodgett Mr. - .. (Continued ooM'age Elgit.) ..DIAMONDS During all these years your assurance cf their purity and perfection rests on your ; jeweler's . inteity. ' Our reputation pro tects you. . v' WATCHES " " v CLOCIZS FRIEDLANDER 310 WASHINGTOH STREET Quality '-, , Export EsULIItheJ . Merchandiea , . Opticiana . Over 40 Years V.. it. Mra. Kohn wore an , omhM m,AA I Bollinger of the t Highland Conrrega- charmeuse sown., a handmm imvr.i I tlonai church pronounced the ceremony model. v She wore beautiful ornamanta I rttu,JU 'A. bounteous wedding dinner of diamonds. ' -.; A. :T- . I served.' Mr. Mollenhour la an am- Tha guests werS seated In' th Aiiin.lE1' tha Portland Railway, Light A in pink crusterTof S 22! iour " tTiel?Tarw clr "n? wun clusters of pink roses I ni. e . nt ai,.... ...... room set and fern InUrmlngled with fink Bnw nTWY w The hall waa decked with tha Dink I" uufwnuuuumi' ana - autumn leaves. Mi k . . 1 . - ' ... ' . On tha wide verandas, canvas Inclosed: xV7 "rno the wedding of .counUess Palms lent atn-nWfS M1,a Helea runbara and Dumont Potter lteortealSrdal?,' Lamb was solemnized at the Unitarian M.-R f befor. a gathering o relatives . bride, was rattled ; f a w,T.w -T na ,n" mmeaiata frienda Dr. Eliot whittl and wl?ir Ih.,? ,k T? J '. ta cerenftny :t o'clock and, Mr. Wi a . " Shmu "blned and Mrs. Lamb were unattended. Tha 7n,rr - !. .v" frii Witt onaa wore har traveling ault of blue ' ? a, ot to WM polnt bot tba with a ohlo blaOk toque and aha carried V "w lrv"" " ' i a lovely bouquet pf orchids and UUes of Miss Eda Jacobs wora a baeomlng tha valley. Swn Drowa -Ivst made on aimpls Mr. tod lira' Lamt left directly after ..T ' " 1 oeramony xor a trip on tna sound Miss Sarah Jacobs waa gowned la an nd they will be at home to their frienda -electrio blue crepe de chine gown with thelr new homo la Rosa -City Park Mrs. Joseph Greenberg of San Fran-1 MiM Zunbam Is the daughter of Mr. cIhm ' A. i-mi.ln m ,L. . . land Mrft. Qmnrar A' Tknnhm A .nr. somely gowned In black raolra oomblnes mb j;on Mr. and Mra, Joseph " TfoaiS Thur;ctober , John! Mel sonai friend orAlr! Tafl K'""1 Mlaa Edna Maud McGregor valued poaseaslons among tea maiJ S?r unIt. to" ""sxriaga at tha Third Cablegrams and m..Ci ot conaSS? Prbyterlaa. manse. Rev. A I Hutcht. lauona received by the bride and SSom on P"'. officiating. Both partlaa .U a letter received from Mr. Ta?t 2 r ',ld" Portland. L pressing his i good wishes. The ;-tr '--; i'it-ir received were countlesa and-beau -Wednesday afternoon In tha parl6r tiful beyond deacriptlon, of tba Union Avanua Methodist church, "r- f Blck left this after- Roy Clifford Gates and Miss Mary Ella- noon for t the east, where they ? will abeth Thompson were married by tha !?vel.vM:tdn.8,!v,r untl ' November 1. Rev. James Hardy Bennett , , when they wm sail on tba Imperator for ... an indefinite tour of tha continent Mra Wednesday evening in tha "parlor o Xohn will join her daughter and aonln- Xnion Avenue Methodist churchMay law about the first of the year and Cole and Mlaa Ida Tbrallklll war travel with them. Mr. and Mrs. Black united In marriage by the Rev. James expect, on fhelr return from abroad.4 to Hardy Bennett .. VHve for a whUe In Lbs Angeles,-but r''- - . '" ' they will eventually make their home the home of the bride's mother, ; In Portland. . Mra A, Z Lee, 60S Dekum avenue, the w w " I wedding of Mrs. Nanoe Black Kadderly Vj y Tenl,,8' t the home ojr tbeto ' Cheater a - Moors took place - James. 184 East Elhtuth ttmLhiPh a Settrb,a- and Miss Laverne 1 -' . wer marrisd. Rev. James r omiij oeuuet ociioiauns;,' ; Monday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laurens, '171 Union avenue north, the wedding - of Andrew Auer and Miss Clara Lau. rens was perrormed by the Rev. James . naruy ennett.. Wednesday evening, October 1, at the bride's home, 835 Shaver street Harry . B. Mollenhour and Madge Moran ware : united In marriage In the presence of - toe nearest reiauves and rrlends of both groom and bride. Miss Maude B. Moran .: of Glen Echo, cousin of the bride, Mondav. f)ntamba 19 Rev Hannr Mar ootte officiating. Only the immediate ! rrtenos and reiauves witnessed the ere mony. Dr. and Mrs, Moore left Imme diately for a month's trip east COMING EVENTS . The Harrlman club's opening dance for I the 1111-1914 season will be given at the Armory, October 17, and promises to eclipse any of their previous parties. The Harrlman club, which baa a mem I bership of 1500, is , composed of the office employes of the , O.-W. R, 4 N i 8. F. and -PM B. ft B., and during the coming winter will give a series of en-' tertainmenta The committee la charge of, tha ' opening danee la composed of . C. , G. Holland chairman: the ' Misses , uraoe B&ira. ranees rero, JNora xnom son, Helen Brown, Jerome BlaisdeU, A B. Van stroma A. B. Cain. JUL B, Lee and F.'B, Egan. i :-.,,': The patronesses, which ' will be an nounced later, are wives of the offi cials of the related linen comprising the Harrlman system, s. i - Invitations for tha weddins? of Mlaa Mary Monks and Frank B. Healy have been received. Miss Monka la the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mra James Monks. She Is a beautiful girt with a sweet person ality that haa won for her hosts of friends. Her popularity Is more than evinced in the countless prenuptial af faire that are filling tha few remaining days before the wedding, October 14. The ceremony will take place at St Patrick's church at . 11 o'clock. Rev. Father Murphy officiating, and will ba followed by a reception at the home of the bride'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Monks, from 13 until I o'clock.. Mrs. J. C. Coetello (Marsrarat Mankal will be her sister's matron of honor, and wise xneresa Jennings or Booicana and Miss Anne Healy will be the brides maids. Little Mildred Seufert Will be the flower girj. -- . . - : ht. costeuo entertained Thursday 'MIBsaBsajsaspiBasss 0 - O lMaBBaBjMBSjMsjessBBssssasssaBBnssssBBaBSBSB .,y,,.. : JEWEILRY'QF - rDEPENlDABiliTY. " -"That bstho KW.-WQ.Selll.' " (. -;-.. i mvI.'- j,.'-:. .- st .: -r, v.-. . 1 .' -..& r' ' - j ' ". t. ; '. 1 . . '- " 1 (t - --.y . T-t.-- ' i . . . . t ,, - - --: . , u " ; i -.. - J' No piece of Jewelry, diamond watch, clock or silverware haa ever ' gone out of our stores which in our judgment would not uphold -oar reputation for absolutely reliable and dependable goods. "a-' -I - ' " t , 1 . i - Twenty-five years of strict adherence to this policy of fairness; have placed u in the enviable position which we hold today, largest and most reliable diamond dealers. in Qxtgon, , . "t "t, - In this store the experience and knowledge of the purchaser are '. .not required. It is our pride that the inexperienced buyer receives ' from us the same value as the expdht. , : (, Call and examine our stock, compare onr prices. , . - ; : : ' ' , , OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT ' ' MARX & BLOCH Largest Diamond Dealers in Oregon. 283 Morrison, 74 Third. - ANN0UMCEI9EN . I have an exceedingly larre stock of imported. woolens main-j, ly consisting of individual patterns . This being a very retarded sea son ; I have decided : to . reduce my prices. and will make you a Suit 1 of, the highest grade. woolen and linings for Lens Coats $47.50 E.'';GUR'WEY THE LADIES' TAILOR, MOHAWIC BLDG. Omsiticleei Appeals to the most fastidious aj a place to entertain your guests. While enjoying dinner, -you have a panoramic view of the Colum-' bla River Gorge in all its glory. Next time you go for an out ing, motor out to CHANTICLEER over good roads. Cream Chicken Dinner, Country. Style, our specialty. f hone Long Distance, Corbett, Oregon . v Discriminating w, omen i No longer buy at. random, there may b'ej ' .,' a hundred beautiful garments all at the same price, but there is a particular gar ment which is best suited -to you ' -The value of our service in helping you' choose the garment most becoming to , you, cannot be measured in dollars and ' , cents. It insures your being a well dressed woman, yet this increased serv ice costs you nothing. , Individual garments--Exclusive Styles. 'Coats, Suits, Dressss end Waists of the better class, " ' ' ' . Moderately priced. ' - ' C. E. HolliJay Co. C:3 Ali:r Street, Corner cf Tark. , Steinway The Best Investment in PIANOS QT A Steinway will outlast: two ordinary, pianos, either of which may cost nearly as much. have ' . 9 Steinway Pianos, whether S or 25 years old, a cash value at any Sherman, Clay & Co. store. - Q An investment in a' Steinway the STANDARD) ' . - by which all other pianos are ' judged assures' com- - - plete satisfaction and tloses the avenue to further '... regret 1 . X '. r ' 1 ; ) . , t, " " J You will never be satisfied" until you" own V Stein-" ; way. We will sell you a less expensive Piano now , and agree to take the same in exchange for a Stein-' i way, any time within three years, allowing you the full purchase price paid. b '' " Moderate payment terms on any Piano, 'even a ' Steinway. , ; ' ' hennas. X VICTOR TAUKINO MACinXE3 PIANOLA FLAYER PIANOS STEINWAT, WEBER AND OTHER PIANOS Morrhoa at Sixth, Portland, Opp rostcrfice ; npfHE (dtorirG taste o Syrup imakesi yox want mom mighty fine these morn-' ingS TIth waffles ojt wheat r-rrvrl st plean,anc! healthful Sclicajy or ,thc ikblt. ; $38, arjwof Log; Cabin jSyrup horn your ipecrtodag . J the hasnltit, jcndj i his nameianclj25 'cents, . and"vyelll send you (a1 Jpintrcan ai u ' s s a M m r a a t. s .1 "-'- it :tclls Low to makevrood 'i en v m, . ., 'i ;.:. U c fc ., - ,J . ',. Jthings of Ix)2r Cabin Syrup. To.vIo Maple Prcatri 1 m i Dcr.t20 r Pri r i