THE Oi:i:CON, SUNDAY JOURNAL, TORTLAND, LUNDAY -MORNI. , ..JTODER !' ' J I mt ' . H "J v,C ' " Hy Nona Lawler. NOCnURT has little to do With . wealth or assured position.- In the many different walks of Ufa rang- lr$ from a bkre escape from want to a plenty in worldly poaaesslona you will meat Insufferable snobs. Just as "pigs la plgB." snobs 1 anoba. A breed of objectionable brutes not crea tures or any particular exalted station tn life- .... - . Little old America breeds some won derfully rood sped 3 for a thoroughly democratic country. This land of the! fr whera a brassy front and sharp I ' wits make up a generous bait of the) successes in . life has been , since iia discovery, the haven for tn resuesa members of old world society. Maybe we need them, probably th s unrest peus our troresa Snobbery' has never cloaked a smack and self-satisfied mind, ive spirit Their very effrontery seems to teem of a dispute tn their right of tliolr position. ' i Friends of mutual Interests and means naturally band together. The first on the ground always have ft prior claim to attention whloh gives them Import ance. How can they be blamed If they simply do not want tba intimate com- - pantonshlp of a newcomer no matter , . how fit that one may hat Now if these . newcomers have sens and sou respect they will sea this state of things and Datiently endure their loneaomeness tin til by reason of their personality and qualifications they have drawn around them their own friends. There are no . snobs discovered under that system but , watt until the climbers arrive. Then real snobs ars Introduced and all the mem' bers of a Justly indignant set of happy and self-sufficient friend who barred the door are dubbed snobs, by these . leadin llehts in the art of snobbery. ' How many of us ars anobs Inasmuch sa we simply do not care to follow up . many chance acquaintances. That is after all a rnlssuse of the word ws have a right to choose our friends If we will Just have the brains ' to permit others of maybe a little mors worldly possessions than us to do ths same. One of ths best Instances of snobbery X have ever known was told me by a business woman. She is a self-supporting girl absolutely dependent for her livelihood on her salary as a stenog rapher. Sh brought a waist to a wash srwoman to be hand laundered. The good woman was clever at her work and proud . of her success so shir took the small order with soma disdain. . "Will you deliver this to my hotel 7" ' asked the girl. "No indeed'" answered the washerwoman, rising to her full height, "you see my customers all drive up here In their automobiles and bring their work to me and coma and get it : the same way." ' "We ars not all so fortunate," ana- wered the' girl, exasperated at the other's Important manner. .: , A' sympathetic smile greeted this rw ' mark as sne answered iter1 customer. "Indeed I know how it Is, but. you just stop by. on your way home and ' I will have it ready for you. ' X would not wish to consign that good woman to a Ufa Urns of washing, but J would not care to meet Iter if she were left a fortune. She Would wither the unfortunates -on the. rung o the social ladder beneath her with her grandeur. m , - ,-; it if v 4 ' t ' 'Wives, mothers, ' sisters and " daugh ters of ths members of the' University club are enjoying the privileges of a ladles' annex to the fullest extent Aft ernoon teas and luncheons In ths hand some new edifice ars quits., ths thing in the smart set One of the first host esses who entertained at the club was MIs Marjorls Hoffman, who gave a luncheon Friday for ths enarming bride . ' to-be, Miss Cully Coolr. . Those who cir cled ths board were Miss Cook, Miss Cornelia Cook, Miss Barbara MaeKenale, . Miss Mildred Honeyman, Miss Orace Honeyman, . Miss Katharine Hart and Isabella Qauld, , , ,,,-,,,. , . ... ;; '(; . Miss Mildred lloneymaa whose por trait IS reproduced on the society page. K. Buryriasa a nevy oi Kins oi ins younger set who gathered Saturday at ths horns of Miss Barbara MacKensl for tea, with the announcement of her engagement to . -Charles JS. Hlndman, a prominent young attorney -of the firm of Piatt Piatt. Mr. Hlndman is ths son of Mrs. C. C. Hlndman, of Dubois, Pa. He is a grad. , uats of ths University of Pennsylvania and since his restdencs in Portland has mads hosts of friends in ths younger set - . . - Mies lloneymaa la ths daughter of Thomas Honeyman. a granddaughter of Mrs. Thomas Honeyman and a nleoe Of Mrs. David C Lewis, David X. Honey- man and James Honeyman. She an 1 her sister. Miss Grace Honeyman, at - tended school in New York at Miss Ben . net's and Miss -Flnck'a finishing schools , and later traveled abroad before their , debut hers last October, at a large bail at the Multnomah hotel. As yet the plans for the wedding are Indefinite, but It will probably tak place in ths spring. Miss Honeyman is a most popular and attractive girl and ths coming months 1 will lftuhtlaa t fill.! with rt i-- "-., w . ..- " .-. .11 aer nonor, , , . i - a - Jsja s r ' t , Complimenting Mra James Canby. t wlfs of Major Canby of Vancouver Bar raeke, who laft Wednesday for their . future horns to Washington t. C Mrs. . J. Wesley Ladd entertained with charmingly appointed luncheon Monday afternoon at her horns on West Park ', street, Ths afternoon was passed a C , bridgj, at which card honors fell to - Mrs. Solomon Hirsch, Mrs, JS. C. Bhe ' lln and .Miss Ella Hirsch. ' Those wno ' enjoyed Mrs. Ladd's hospitality watv mrm. nnevun. Mrs. , MOrWHt !. " IOSle7, Mrs. Solomon Hirsch, Miss Hirsch, Mrs. , Robert Howard, Mrs. Adrian F Fleming. Mrs Franlt JS. Hart. Mra William a Al vord, Mrs.., J, O. Young of Vancouver , barracks and Mrs. Walter F. Burrell. 1 ; w t, i , , , r t ( 4 Judge and Mrs. Charles B. Wolvcrtoa wers dinner hosts Friday evening, when " they erlebraUd the thirty-fifth, annlver , sary of their wedding at their beauUfut home on Portland Heights- Pink carna tions and fern made an attractive centrr , for the tabls. Dainty hand painted TheBfjsi , Card Enjaving Office : - n the U.S. Will Be Opened: About October Fifteenth Third Floor Morgan Bdg. '' by -'..iVV'u ? -J.O.Cm'itliCo (Blat)lishsJ1889)-. ' i .r i i i i a i CS I l. ' ESI hi I I O I i ?w. I O'v I w w i i : I Li $' r A- 'Sc. LA s M I 7. I 1 - ,V - rV 'M 34L: I I - . I rf i VJ- s i ll" l I . . .Ill X- .rlV J: 1 K I i ' ' r i i i x t rvr m . I rill.W..:W. I cards marked ths places of ths follow ing guests: . Mr. and Mrs, Frederick Kg gert, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Wakefield. Dr. and Mrs. C. B- Templeton, Mr. and Mrs, F. N. Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. John Archer BsU. . , ' . - . An event of much Interest last even ing was ths stag dinner given at the University club by IS men of ths young er set for ths pleasurs of Maurice Crumpaeher ' and Henry .. Wessengsr, whose weddings will be events of the near future. - Mr. Crumpaeher will be married on Wednesday- and . Mr. Wes enger will be married some time In No vember. ' .r y j w . T- ' Mr. and Mrs. William MaeMaster were dinner - hosts Tuesday - night . at their charming home near the Waverly golt links celebrating the annlvsrsary. .of their and Mr. and. Mrs, .'Walter F. Burrell's wedding. The ' additional ,- wers Mr. and ' Mrs. J. C Alns 'fetih. Mr. and Mrs. C, E, S. Woaid. At, and Mr a. Landon ' Mason, Miss .vuiaie MaeMaster and 3. Q. Edwarda For the pleasure of Miss Genevieve Thompson, .who has left for her trip around The world snd the Misses Helen and Addle Murphy of Helena, Mont, who are distinguished guests In the city, staying at the Portland, Mrs. Joseph JC - Clarke entertained with a luncheon Tuesday at the Alexandra Court. - The table was artistically ar ranged with a center p pink roses and Maiden hair ferns. - Ths guests included, Misss Thompson, the Misses Murphy, Mrs. Charles T. Whitney ' Mrs. Totu. Mrs. Walter F. Burrell Mrs. A. EL Rockey, Miss Isabella Gould, and Mrs. Harold sawyer. - , " ' t kt ' Mrs. Clarence Nlchels and Tier nlese Miss Helen Bates, left Tuesday night for ths east, from where they will sail for an extended trip abroad. They ex pect to be gone about six months, v I A delightful affair ef Wednesday was the informal luncheon at the Wav erly Country club given by Miss cully Cook - for ths four bridesmaids who wers to have attended at her wedding when shs planned a large church wed ding. Owing to the Illness of her father Miss Cook changed her plans and will have a small wedding at ths home, her sister, ' Miss Cornelia Cook, being her only attendant - The guests at luncheon were ' Mies Mildred ' Honeyman, Miss Barbara MacKenxie, Miss Marjorls Hoff man, Miss Katharine ' Hart and Miss Cornelia Cook, i' ' . 1 An interesting visitor to the younger Set will be Miss Katharine Eeob, who is expected to arrive early next week to be the guest of her sinter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sawyer! Mr. (Sawyer's parents, Mr, and Mra Walter Sawyer,' will arrive hers about October 1 from New York, where they passed the summer la ths oauntry out el New York city, and will be domiciled at the Alexandra Court ' until after Christina ' , ; 7trr - 'i' , , 'Mr. and Mrs, William P. Blnnott re turned home the latter part Of last week from Seattle, where they have been the guest for tbs last three weeks of Mr. and Mrs. Orion O. Denny. They en Joyed a It days' cruise aboard the Den ny s yacht Helora, taking a delightful trip around ths sound, waters and up Hood's canal, . An Interesting event of next week will be the tea Thursday afternoon given by Miss Frances Kvelyn Fuller and Miss Margaret Klnscherf Webber from $ to t, at the home of Miss Webber, 174 East Twenty-first street north. Miss Webber and. Miss Fuller will also be Joint. hostesses on the evening of October (. when they will entertain with an informal dancing party at the home of Miss Webber, Another drllghttul dancing party to be given for the young people will take place October 10, when Miss - Catherine cards marked ths places of ths follow ' JsCO TCa - tUWUJULWUMWMX, ,; ;. , , . S ' ' , I lag guests: , Mr. and Mrs, Fredarick Eg. ,7 :-7kanv f 1 WVu. ' 1 -T. . - I gert Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Wakefield. Dr. V rtJLUMJ Top- Mis Cully Cook, fiancee of Maurice Crumpacker, , whose ' wedding . 'will take place -Wednesday. . . . . . ': , - . Bottom Mijs Mildred Honeyman, whose engagement 'wag announced ' last' week. , '' t'lfi ''jjf,-. , Therkelsen - and . her ' . brother, i Cachet Therkeiaen will entertain at the Nor tonla hotel. ;. " . - 'J 1 "1 . m' ',v''', iP'-.v" Thursday evening Mr. anS Mrs. Wal ter F, Burrell entertained at their hand gains home on Hawthorne avenue with as informal dinner. '' . , ,',-,' , m . ,ii):i ' '" 0' v " 'i f - The Misses Dorothy and Mildred Moulton entertained with a delightful dancing " party Monday night at their hpme on Johnson street for the pleas ure of , their cousin, ' Miss Elizabeth Moulton, of Washington, D. C. who with her mother, Mrs: W. L, Moulton, is visit ing here en route to their future home In Sacramento, Cal. There were about ?5 guests who enjoyed the hospitality of the Misses Moulton, Mrs. C. 1. Moul ton and Mrs. W.'I. Moulton received with the young hostesses and guest of honor. - . M , The rooms were beautifully decked with autumn leaves and clusters of red JL 21 CiaOQ Fink FOR YOUR NEXT 1 YOUtt NEXT - TAILOR MAI e. fen: TAILOR MADE SUIT tadJe.' TaUor. 407 rixr3 ia)Q. dahlias and scarlet sags. Those, present were as follows:. , .,t... w. Miss Elisabeth Moulton, Miss Claries Biles, Miss Oretchen B3ostennan, Miss Kathleen Furnish, 'Mies Frances Fuller, Miss Ruth Marvin, Miss Frances Brady, Miss Edna Mlnsinger, Miss Catherine 'Style and Service lland in Hand' The Lennon name in a Glove or on a clasp means -SATISFACTION rthat we guarantee 1 Bigger Glove ' assortments, smarter styles, better, values , "Crest' Gloves f or. Women $1.50 r Pique KicivMocnas and Capes . . .The better Glove it thla popular pricel Made especially" O"! fff for us, according to our specifications. Newest Fall shades, vXetiU TO ','' y. 9r Movxlsoa St. Opp. V. o. Therkelsen. I '.., cieo Nlokereon. Mis junnsexiuemur, Miss May Huesner, Miss - Katherini Grahajn, Miss -Kate Brasel, Miss Murifarat Webber, Mrs. ioven, enn rranclsco. Miss Dorothy Biiarp, airs. vva,iter a earl n, Ml Jean Martin, Miss Irene Daly, Miss Dorothy Worcester. Mra Olaf Anderson, Miss V'Ona uutnrie. Miss . Iiasol Ralston, miss Mum xtaision, miss Charlotte Pat ten of Chattanooga, Tenn., Mrs Earl Latourette, Miss Hardy, Indiana, Mis Marr Bteiwer. Mlaa T.tla Snthnrin.i Miss : Maude Bateham, MIhs Susanna Johnston.. Dr. J W. MoCollom," Wynn. nionoiaa . uuy amun, otto Mattern. George Stanley, Brooks Haworth, Arthur Mears, ' William - Kavanaugh, Lovelle Win tars. Cachot' Therkelsen, William Edrhv Ralph ICnight Alexander Morri son, Walter Daly, Mr. McLeod, Jack Price, Ray. Frobman. Walter ' Gearln, Harry.' Stevenson, Herbert Brasel, Jack Worcester, , Warren Noble, Howard Charlton, Mr. Brewster,; Merrltt Moores, John Scott Earl Latourette, Jack La tourette, Dean Fallard. Latimer Whit ney, Mr; Xang, Alfred Clark. Oscar Closset, Fred Rodgers. ." ', Dr. and Mrs. jTaKlilot King have received a cablegram announcing the wedding. Thursday October 1, at Issley, nsar Oxford, Kngland, of Mra King's brother, Dr. Fred A, Klehle, to Miss Clars Crosa ' Dr. and Mra Klehle are both formerly of Mlnneapolla where they met a number of years ago. 'For the past five years - Miss Cross has been teachtug in Japan. Dr. Klehle is the son of Dr. David I Klehle of this city. They will tour the continent for a few months before their return home about Christmas time. j j .. , it ' : The Portland art Class resumes Its work for ths season Wednesday morn ing, October a at 10 o'clock, . at the museum. Venetian art, Corregglo and the school of Leonardo will be the sub ject for study,,: Six lectures, one Illus trated by lantern slides, and the others by pictures on, exhibition will be given. The lecturers will be Mrs. R, W. Wilbur, Miss Webster, Miss Crocker, Mr. Torrey sod Miss Rowland. Ths October, pro gram will bs as follows: October 8 Lecture, Venice, Mrs. R. VT. Wilbur. October 15 - Lecture, composition, Miss Webster. ' October 22 Paduan Bchoot Andrea Mantegna- (1431-150O; 1. EremiUnl Fresooes,' Mra ,F. R. Behrends; I, As sumption, Crucifixion,, the Dead Christ, Mra H. P. Henry; S. Triumph of Cae sar, Mra R- C French; tf. Madonnas, Mrs, John Coleman; S. St George, Par nassus, Triumph of Wisdom, Mra Don ald Spencer. ' - - , , October J The Vivarlnl (1440 through 150S), Mrs. R. M. Cross, tbe School of ths Bellini at.Venlce; 1. Ja copo Bellini (1890-1470), Miss Elisabeth Creadickj S- GentUe BelUnt, Mra DeU Stuart The Art Class will receive a limited number of lecture members for ths year 1113-14, through Mra R, J. Marsh, sec retary. , " " . n e ,tt.,- , Miss Gertrude. Talbot will be the motif for an elaborate affair . of Oc tober 10 when her sister-in-law, Mr Guy Webster- Talbot will preside "at a large tea at her King street home,, - Mr. and Mrs. "Wtnthrop Hammond en tertained Saturday evening with six tables of auotlon brldfre. Card honors fell to Mra Joseph Webber and Mra B. D. Whitney. William Cobb and War ren- TCeeler. ' The guests Included Mr. and Mra William B, Mersereau, Mr. and Mra J. C. Morrison, Mr. and Mra M. A. NewelL Mr.' and Mrs,' G Lewis Head, Mr, and Mra Roy Yates. "Mr. and Mra Walter Warren, Mr. and Mra, w. C. Fox, Mra Julia Marquam, Mr. and Mra E. D. Whitney, Mr. and Mrs, Warren Keeler, Mr. and Mra William Cobb, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Webber. After the card games Mr, Cobb played several delightful piano selections. The house was prettily decorated with au tumn leaves . and dahlias In the same buea, . ,.' , The first annual ball will bs given Wednesday evening, October at Hotel Multnomah by thaPortland Assembly, Fourth Degres Knights of Columbua Ths patrons and patronesses will be: Mr, and Mra Frank A. Heltkempert Dr. and Mra Andrew C Smiths- Judge and Mra 3i P. Kavanaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Carroll, Mr. and Mra A. D. McDougall, Mr., and Mra M. 1L Kern, Mr. and Mra Roger B. Slnnott and Mr, and Mrs, M. F. Brady, i Ths committee in charge of arrangements have spared no effort to make this the most en Joyable affair that has ever been pro vided for by the assembly.) The com mittee consists of, Frederick P. Ron deau, chairman; Joseph T Phelan, H. Paul Duebar, Henry F. Kalvelage, P, J. Hne' v, fM" m,'i',- v , , . , ' r i .',. - Mrs. J. P. Ford and bar daughtsr, Miss Gensvlevs Matteson, . entertained Wednesday afternoon for the pleasurs of Miss Louise Gleason, brlde-eleot Th hostesses were assisted in receiving by Mra .Ernest Meyers. The afternoon was enjoyably passed : at sewing and guessing games, at which latter Miss Gladys Howard won the prise. A hand some guest prise was given Miss Gleason, as well as a bandkerohlef shower, -. The showsr came as a great Surprise and was novelly presented. Miss Oleason's . summer psrasol was brought to bar and she wss asked to raise It to show to the guests. The dainty gifts were tied 'to the parasol with little yellow ribbons, and literally showered the honor guest The decora tions were of autumn , leaves . and white and yellow dahlias. The guests lnoluded: - Mrs. James Gleason, Ml Wllla Fields, Miss Sallle Sterrett Miss Helen Hall,". Miss Edna Mlnsinger, Mra William Patterson, Miss Laura Korelt, Miss ' Madeline Btona, Mrs. Bruce Stewart, Miss Edna BSnswanger, Mlse Harriet Kern, -Miss Mary Kern, Miss Edna Patterson, Miss Glayds How ard, Mrs. J. Btanley Clemenoe,. Miss Marjorls Read. Miss Leonids Henry, the Mlssss Arvlila and Naomi Beckwlth, mm "We serve yon : hand and foot." C. F, Ecr- n-r. . A ' I i M f . ! I'M m m w I I 7 fI V I TAV Mrs. Robert Mcintosh' Townsend, a charming hostess of last week. Miss Maris Haller. Mrs.. Ernest Meyers and llttls Evelyne Meyera , "A Quiet home wedding took place Men. day evening when Miss Margaret Cat lln was married to William Morton at the home of her sister and brotheMn- law, Mr. and Mrs. W. w. Elmer. Dr. J. R. Wilson of the Portland academy per formed the , ceremony, and the bridal couple were unattended. Miss Catlln la the daughter of Mra John Catlln and the late Judge Catlln, one of the pioneer first families of the city.. She M a sis ter of Mra Walter A. Ooaa Mra W. W. Elmer, Miss Blanche Catlln and Sets Catlln, Mr, Morton is ths son ef Mr. and Mrs. O. Albert Morton. Only the immediate relatives , were present at tbs services. ,,. - . - J Many charming affairs are being ten dered for the pleasure ef Miss Louise Gleason, brlde-eleot. Friday afternoon Mrs. William H. Patterson (Louise Wil. Hams) gavs an Informal . sewing bea asking in about . iO girls to pass ths afternoon Informally with her.. Next week the Misses Harriet and Mary Kern will entertain Informally. Monday, Mrs. Walter Tsrian (Blanch Bchott) will give an Informal afternoon party Tuesday, and in the evening Walter Oleason will give a dinner at the Waverly club for his sister snd her fiance, Walter A. What We Moyiag: Day;: . : you save now. , v - i The! s a v i n g you , 5 " v .make is even ' . greater than-our I ,r saving on carting. -1: ; ; and handling I ; I I I , ? : E:ena6yat... Sale SS R21 ' " - interest is intense -, ' . . ' ' 'A the shopping brisk-- ' Savings phenomenar ' , rffi ." See Window Display ;and supply your .r Holiday needs- V :; Cut glass Rock Crystal, Sterling Silver Novelties, ( Leather Goods and Allied Lines at v enormous re ductions. ' - . .....:,,n.'."".. Established 1S6S U.v 283-285 Washington St., Between Fourth and fifth Streets. St! .. "k. ( rrir --- Grnetter, and the wedding party; a weanesoay Miss Madeline stone wi preside at a bridge party In her bono Mr. and Mra. Harry O'Reilly rave bridge party of seven tables Frli evening In celebration of their fifteen wedding anniversary.. There were sev tables at cards arranged -and hlghe honors went to Mra Adolph Dekuns, Mr Allan Ellsworth, C. P. Bruno and R woioptt; . . Mra O'Reilly has planned a series afternoon parties which she will ft at intervals throughout the year. ' The Knights Templar- club Will gi IU first "at home" at the Mason Temple early this month, to bs follows by two In November and ' one each f December, January, February and Apr i ue season to Close witn a granel pa and banquet in April or ths early pa of May. The Knights Templar club baa give! a eerles of dancing and- card partli each winter for the past two years of very delightful character. It has cr ated a reputation for good f ellswshl most unusual to organisations Of I eharacter. The patron earn s of tho fin party are all prominent socially. Th Include Mra " Charles EJ, Runyon, Mr (Continued on Following Page). Save On : i