OCTOBER 5, 1012. vTwt - bipb kivtb famti'.t.uiTO ' JlauMa in private families; we maintain ' -srwieseriptive list ivJni Wide, range 'T "choice; can place you In Just , what you want. Call today, no charge, y 5018 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4039 VoU won'tTlnd any better place; steam heat, modern f ood rooms and good hoard and the right kind of people', $5.60 mid up. 66 UJ.. Aiaoison. iiawi" -" ' to ltith at f-v' ,.. . -BEAUTW UL'iuinishd frout room first .i'loorrall-conveniencesj-board It w red; other . b(axder, wUh UBe oC Hiuno, slwo small room, i.50. , 47 Clay, K,HY nloo room, hot ami cold waUli .Sactrlo slights, steam heat batb. i.imna from uostof flee, $15 per niouth. r..rt Monday Marshal! 27. water, bath, phone furnace, $3.50 we6-' iron i rwin,v pjiwi .Vt'au: ... jy, . iatn -at.-- -, -- - NICELY furnished room for gentleman. Mod. convenience, 44 7 Columbia, near ' fal.lTJsi t beds, all Xonvemenoes. Ileal, ligit. walKing ttsunce.,-rt.ewl', able. 24t 13th at. " ' ' yuuST room, alcove, furnished, . for . housekeeping; sas range, turnacs beat. '6 c "y VJLL give furhislied bml i?, .' some one who win t Is winter; s TyKr t. ; - ' 'Ihi wk. sinnle room. $3 i heat,, light, bath and Thonf free.- 42l Market. CON NKCt I NO rooms for . ru nning water , and all other ,convenienoes.?34 lOili at MR RliNX 3 bed rooms pst modern, gultabl for 3 or genttsmsn. Phone "A-S367 SHNlSHED rooms In nyate,- mod- . -ei'li noiiie. v ivii .uuf 'bt fornon high school. . ' - - OKN'lUliMKN, btst ' room in city for money; walking - distance, '.modern. Wain ltiS. I fl VVKEH, large room; modern ; home oomioris. v i . iwwiihik . Marsh all 4116, ON13 nicely furnished rooin, suitable for i . wuiklnir liintunca. Price i per I V... MA.... i.n I'lCMM. ....... v..,".. NlfiVVfV furnUhed room, all opnvsni ences; Msrsnaii " $1.60 ; WEKK, front room, heat fres. Fhonoa. hath. cloBe In. 420'A Joffergon. .FUUXISHKD ROOMS i i SIDE ' 62 "7 , -l'Hia CLItKOKD HOTKI - ; E. 6th and MorrUon sts. American and European plan. New and modern. large lobby, special ratee by montn. U'Hisi LarraDfs. iV4, i-arraoeo. ltoocus IS wk, up. Brick bid., steam heat, hot and cold water, bath, phone, electricity. for one or two work' lng glils who appreciate a quiet, te- PPPftHhle place, unum ic f'urt RENT Room with sleeping porch. Wood lawn 109. " " EAST BID B FMYATB rAHTLT n 1' ltONT room In good location, 1 block from carline, suitable for young man. 1181 Halgnt ave. " ' liXCEPf lONAUT well furnished, well heated, home convenleneces. WaJklng dlntance. Rent lew. 690 Belmont E-36Qg. ONW large, light, well furnished room, icT v"ish Phnna Knat 6874.. v JilCU- room to . rent to a lady, school . )acher preferred. B-II74. - ' : VllKNltillED room suitable for lady. No othor. roomers. Phone Kast 203s. MCltU lumished. ' rooms, i prlvate flat; call senwooq ii nw. HICEUX furnished room, ligh,heaU , . bath, $8 month, 268 Fargo st. i " HUOM with or without board, ast side. B7& H. Balmon. East 16.- UNFlTIlMSirED TOOJI3 10 IHHBE sunny unfurnished rooms. Gas, bath. Raaj0uabl, .; ,CWS : Jn, 7 ' Hciiaday'sve. "''iV-:yt; :'"- ; :''-' iUUK uniurnisnea rooms ; ' light' 'vA .wtersv-yinwfeaipX'iT TH KKli room - flat. single rooms 18.60; two rooms 6. nH ront bfiVERAJ rooms in quiet home.. Fine view. PHone mornings, Marshall 961. BOOMS AND BOARD 15 IARGJ newly furnished rooms, with board, suitable for a or more, separate beds: also sleeping porch, piano, noma comforts. lt llth. Main 6881. MCELY furnished rooms, home cooking. . home privileges, walking distance. 465 th st. : - t ' NICELY furnished roohis, with; or with - out board, home cooking,, modern, ytesm heat. 435 Yamhill. "'"""' LARGP; room, also sleeping porch, home cooking, walking disUnce. .. 67 Trinity rince. ,- ' '"'"''"' " ROOM and board, 427 W. Main t.. Five minute walk te P. O. BOOKS AJ BOA&S ra ' f W lULi give room and board and' best of care to 1 or I chlMren, ace 1 to S ' j ears, good liome. .' J)"or particulars 4 ROOM f and board for' t menf private family; good borne cooking. 618 . 67th - st. ' N. H - block from, streetcar. I'honc C-8187. VELt. furnished and airy room f phone, ath, electric ilgbts, suitable for. two. wtn board, 45.oo aae yarK street. NEWLY furnished front room,-all mod j ern conveniences, 2.6i . per week. 401 Blxth. Phone Marshall 6148. WOMAN would like young lady to room and board. Every convenience. $10 month, woodiawn )H, VI iA, 1 room 1 ok 3 ladles, ' employed. 's. Iume privllegps, very Terences. . 209 E. 34th wt, reasonaDie; 'jb'URNIfaHED rooms, suitable for 2 Wili . board. Call- at 111 21st fct N. Phone Marshall 390. - ROOM and board for elderly lady anct ' child convenient , to. llolloday. school. Phone East 6321. ' JUOARU and room for two, gentlemen or .. ladlpK, in a private home. 603 Marlon sve. Pnone SeUwood 1941. ' " SKPARATK bed, room mate, young lady. v meais ananome.-jzss.ou. Main 63U. mUOOD room, and board for two people in n'luow a iiorae.- uaoor 29i. r NK furnished room with, board In . a quiet nome.- vu wuimoy, Mar. 69e. . JbOARD and room. 130c K 19th. Furnace f : heatii6 mo. WldoWg family. ' KWM and board. 40 Taylor. ROOMS and hoard. 256 11th st A-4493. UOUSKEIAO KOOMS V.-''' ' WEST SIDE.- 8 , $14 to 616 per month, cleanest best - housekeeping suites., completely fur- msneo. ot water oatns tree, an nours. i .Call, and see them; 7 blocks to P. O. Pave car fare; desirable people ""'T 4 S88V4 3d st, near Jefferson. "T ' 1. 2 AND 3 housepeeklng rooms In clean. brick building, electricity, gas ranges -i...not . wmer an ine umt iruiu up. " 6 4 i " Washing ton "str" - ' , IDAHO AtTS 889 6lh st.81ngle rooms ' I1.7&. 2. a ana 4 room housekeeping romplrtte $2.50 to SS; all conveniences; , school H block. ' i - . NICELY furnished 6 room cottage, also i,- jj ana-a -room nouseKeeptng suites. KC4 N.v tn. wark tom, ' TWO front housekeeping rooms. Free . . ngnt, pnone, nain,, a week, zii Monu HOTEL, 66H- 1st st, furnished ' rooms and housekeeping rooms, steam li es t Jn " every room, .$1.26 up.-y;.. ..i? I riiNT5iIE0 housekeeping rooms at the St nndish jlotel, 64 Washington st" )i:SOtALEJ room housekeeping suits. CJan,v well furnished, ' modern,, close ! , 8yllth;1;'.t' -Vy''-:-' ::; i ':t- .'t'.f i"?6 liTH ST. wi Yaiiihlll-Housckeep- irc rooms, all jconvenlencee. WEST BIDB FKIVATB FAMftT TS yroaswitEKPTW oom i MCtOLY-v furnished J housekeeping il iifaiJT"- " '''Zy'TijCj 623 Corbett biag. . ,l rooms, all conveniences.. ' Alain - 6il. twnrtnx'-rTf X'ritn worm 8 CLOSE in, 3 nice Hx.K. rooms, ground 1 floor, yard, poroh, i private en trance, sink, quiet, refined; .'hotm back from street zei i ui. near juipumi LARGE' furnished housekeeping . room $2.68 parweh, free bath and phone, large, pleasant yard., 1S c Clair. Main' 8816;-. - "., Milijiul t.'U ii:r, 1 a, iinf tirmftliMi. :.' CI ea A and light, hot and cold water, bath, telephone. . steam heat. Hi up. Mar. 4943. Nokomls apts... 17th and Marshall. 8 NICE housekeeping rooms lu private . family good heat bath, phoneH, walk ing distance, very reasonable, 069 KeM? nyy St. . : . v. LARGE front room furnished for house. keeping with kitchenette, close Jn, rea. sonable. For a .people. Call at $09 Srd at flat A.' - v. ' - ' TWO large front well furnished house- with-plana, reasonable. v , , , r . J - r housekeeping with inlng. water, reasonable, keeping rooms 294 Jefferson st LARflW suite for kitchenette, running. 4 8 uiaymt,; NEWLY furnished 4-room suite, $4 per week. Gas range, water . ; and . bal;h. Bide entrance. 350 1 4th st.' NICELY furnished single housekeeping room, suitable for Z, all colivsnlences. NICE clean furnished .1 and 2 room housekeeping suites. , close In. 43 Aiaer. NICELY furnished single housekeeping - room, home conveniences, ;.,cloe In. 340 4th st ' - NICELY furnished housekeeping room, family residence; private entrance. Sherman'st. "' '" " ' "' TWO nlue, clean, well furnished,, front housekeeping rooms, sll conveniences. $8.60 a week. 422 H First st NEWLY furnished -room suite, $14 per month. No small hoys over 1 year old. 85Q th st ' , 168 H 10th Large front room, ground floor, suitable for business, single ONE small suite, light and Phonelkia per mo. One - Single .jToom $8, 6H Housekeeping rooms. Gllnan st. TWO housekeeping rooms. Phone, bath, gas; $3 week up. 808 18th st NEATLY furnished H. K. rooms, siso . ,tm, 7i 'Pottvtrrove St. ' " ' NJCELY furnished housekeeping room, Tree' iignt -anq pnone.' yea ONE suite (2 rooms) clean. front house- keeping. 650 'layjor st, 361 TAYLOR, suites and single rooms, complete' for housekeeping. Furnished housekeeping rooms, 13 l,ownsasie. Mainvto TWO front rooms, housekeeping, bath; $J0 per month. 396 N. lth. - ; - ' . .1. m 7.1 mi n .In.. 4 1 Cor. 6th nan, over store, nm oin. CLC'tSE in," nice light furnished H. ., K. pssement room. ai -xavior mu IL K. ROOMS, sis furnished rooms; $1,75 up. 3D1 lamnni st. 471 MORRISON. Ught housekeeping one or two. Very reasonable. SUITE housekeeping rooms 22$ W, Park, Main 8846. LARGE well furnished H. K. rooms and kitchenette, close in. an west mm, "THREE strictly modern IL K. rooms. 1st Iioor. ddv za street. 1 JJOCSEKEEPINtf ROOMS v 48 FINE "large light housekeeping. rooms, well furnished, $10 nd $18 month, 87 Rusaell st THREE large . unfurnished rooms, $8 per f mOnthV including water. ; 48v Stephen st LaRGB 2 room raptw modern: private bath. 443 Massaio. cor. ju. iin. FOUR housekeeping '., room modern. 1415 B. Gllsan, Phone Tan, in roonuay '? ' BOVEOBXEEnarC) BOOMS ' EAST iDJB PMTAT8 . g AMIIiT V4 NICE large housekeeping suites, $11 and $16. ; iFtath, -eleotrlo lights, gas, large lawn.' Would rent g room house for tan TSimlshed for roomers or boarders. 254 Union ave.- N. -2 blocks from HoUaday; Woodiawn car. Walking distance. East 8388. -v.'....- 19. ar a "rnomt Dries' 86.60. 118.00 or $14.00, fully furnished; fine neighbor hood; , yard; -gasj wood stove; Ieotrio lights; ia Iioor; wsising aisiance, East th et Phone Bellwood 1109. TWO furnished , housekeeping rooms. iu per moniii.Tree iisu. auu yuvnB. 434 E. Morrison.' . . I TWO or 2, furnished or unfurnished. ; bath and pantry, ground floor, 8 or 4 furnished or unfurnished, 2d floor. 899 Russell st . $1.60 - $2.25 WEEKLY; furnished house .keeplng rooms; gas, steam heatbath, laundry. fi69 Commercial at TJ" car. Woodiawn 105.- -". THREE furnished rooms, ground floor, $17: 2 furnished rooms, up stairs, $12. Yaghts furnished. ' Tabor 4787, or call 410 E. Main. . - THREE furnished housekeeping ' rooms In private family, walking distance, good neighborhood. Bast 3332. 168 E. 12th st - - v - . . 2 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, walking distance. " 838 Sacramento, between Williams and Union. Phone E. 2488. FOUR nicely furnished H. K. rooms, 165 Monroe st. ' f none wom eaa eunaays, or after 6:30. " y- - TWO furnished H. K. rooms, bath, light ga and phxneTT 1070 E. Alder,, Tabor 1948. - - ' - THREE neatly furnished housekeeping rooms, lower itoor, ' private lamuy. li e. i4tn st. w. tx. zio. 11 WEEK ud. furnished and unfurnished k H. K. rooms: free light and bath. 604 . ciay st; o ti. tutn t THREE' or 4 ' cotnoletely furnished housekeeping rooms: reasonable; la walking distance. 676 Jffl, Main, cor. 19th FURNISHED ; housekeeping .rooms, moaern, near eroaaway onage. ' aa R. 1st -st.'.N.--' East 2495. .v- ; :'V' TWO housekeeping rooms, close . in, modern. 82 E. 10th. Phone East 168. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms 647 wieaier street, to sauna oniy. 1 J ROOMS, with bath, $10. 50. H Mof rlson. E. 168; would furnish. HOUSES FOR RENT 13 GOOD, 8 room house, good fixtures,, nice yam, suitanie xor a lamiues, inquire 799 k. 7tn st. im. woooiown -odu. B ROOM house in good condition. J 65 E. 17th st, near, Belmont $25. Thone Marsnau 4317. biX room cottage, bath, gas, 870 E. 18th at Hawthorne, 11s. Le, 16 N. 6th. Phones Main 6377. Bell wood 1842. a fi ROOM, bungalow. , fireplace. as. nice yard. , n AiDina ave. . fnone M-5009 $12. $18, I ROOMS, gas and bath. East 11th and Harrison, , Walking distance. East 2246. $15, MODERN 7 room house. Woodstock Lumber Exchange. tC.PM , ntm rmAnc. wmt M' MOEBN. L' iS!?-. .' " """" "' v r " "j- , FOR RENT 6 room house, good condT- 8 ROOM modern house,' coruer, . 742 Vaurhn st.. near Z3C ami reasonaDie. .tLBOQM house, l-2jfarnllles, near Broad way prioge; i. muwwu aa. y FIVE room cottage, $18, water included. 2B0 . K. tn 5 ROOM bungalow near Brooklyn school on canine, lie, juarsnait m, . MODERN new 7 room house with, sleep lng porch, $30. East 3162. FOR RENT i 1 room moderj) cottage! 209 Caruthers St. ::.-:"-' "7 FOUR room modern cottage, near Rose City ParK, fix. wenwooa jmt. 4 ROOM house, close to. school and cars, 10. 489 K Grant st 1 6 ROOM modern .house, nicely, fur wished. t$15 per month. ZBO 3d st. FOR RENTA 4 room cottage, 189 N. j-ROOM ' house Yard, flowers. Cheap. 388 Grand ave. N. ' Woodiawn 1098. ? ROOM house in good .condition.-" For particulars .call tip-Marshsll 4350. EIGHT 'room house 'suitable for (two families; 318. phone East 4287g f . FIVE room cottage for rent partly Jtur nlahed if - desired. 193 Morris st HOUSES for rent, west side, Very Ipw HOUSE8 FOR' RENT . 13 For Rent ' .T-room house, East Mprrlnon V end S2nd st .$80.00 7 room house. Mt Tabor DIb- ' trlct - ..M4....,...1 ...$26.00, . 9 room bouse, oompletely fur nlBheiiHawthoino ve..$50 00 T room. I?Jue, 1764 lwlght. $15,00 c B room lower flat, East Mor- - " rlson and l8th st...,. .$20.00 $. room cotiage,r261 Bancroft .$10.00 V rjhe Shaw-Fear Co.' Malri85 102 Fourth Bt A-8500 $20; 6 room bungalow, 460 E. $0th N, .V'rM ttygwt 1 Ticttr 27th 1 ' v '" ''. ! ;'i2u;. 4 room cottage at'-47 Market, j neur I3ttt. i, - ' ' v . . 830;. room moaern nouse 28th st, Willamette Hts. , . . - -r ,1. sq; modern v room iioubo. hwi w- at. 410 E 25th, north 1 block from heat UsAattVB 1 . H. P, PALMER-JONES' CO. Ma"ln 8699. ' ."' 1 A-265S.l' 11 3 room house. Main 4111. $ room modern .house, 68 E. Gllsan ? 8e?obm house; 1049 E. Orant'at, $18 54, : B room cottage. 1303 Corbett St., $16.00, 6 room nouse, : !s . W; 10 room house, 600 Front at. $36.00. ! 1 room house; gas, etc, 1166 Haw thorne eve., $25.00. - ' - - - -THE LAWRENCE CO., a 171 4tb. ... , 1 Bet. " Morrison an Yamhill streets. ; Main 6915. ' ' A-2818. S rnAm hAIIAAi K2n i-.-', ' - . 7 room house, corner, $38. 'f ' m7 room '- house, ' 2 sleeping porches, pavement $30. , . 8 room bungalow, on Belmont, large lot. $26. ' i , , COLUMBIA TRUST CO., , 1 E18-1S Hoard of Trade bids. ' Main '8368. ' Tabor 449. BTR1CTLY modern 7 room, prominent cor., witn too , it. nara suriuce, ment basement fireplace, den, built-in conveniences galore; pehellng, veneered dining 'room, beamed celling; oath 13x 14, . Kent izz.u per montn 10 steaay tenant. 95 E. jlst N, cor. Prescott 116.005 XtOOMS. gas. electricity, sleep- - lng porcft,f ine. view, rard,. trees, 646 Market st. , 'w-'V, - - , -v 830.00 6 -rpoms. . hardwood, sleeping porch, moderni completely refitted, city view. 604-. Market st v Very desirable. M. C George. ; 616 Market at Phone wain 4iap NO. 24. E. 53d st, about 600 feet north low, furnace, laundry tubs, oak floors, garage, fine lawn, large grounds. Will lease, $30 monthly. A. E. Poulsen, 719 Chamber of Commerce. ' Marshall $768, residence. Marshall 4658. $167 ROOM . HOUSE, 816 TILLA MOOTT 8T. - $146 ROOM 2IOUSB, $81 TILLA MOOK ST. ' ' EASY : WALKING DISTANCE : ' IN- QUIRH 192 H iTH 8T, FOR RENT Modern 4 room house, fur nished or unfurnished, including chickens. garden and some potatoes, 1 diock irom jeiierson Mign scnoot; ret erences required. ' Phone Marshall 3169. M-736, Journal.. ' , . $6512 FINE ROOMS.. -- Close in west side, ,all modern, fine for large rooming house. Rent formerly $100. Smith-Wagoner Stock Ex chanse, - ' - '' ' FOR RENT,, commencing November 1, modern dwelling, 9 room at N. W. corner E. 26th and Hawthorne ave., $60. Tennis court adjoining. Burrell Invest ment Co.. 350 8d st ; - HOUSE 6s rooms, 1 acre ground; 6 min utes' walk from station; gooa location. Call or write P. I King, Garden Heme. $10 3. room suite, also bath, hot and cold water, gas, E,, 29th and Haw thorne ave. . Burrell Investment' Co 26014 SO St. '" -i .'- FOR RENT Lovely modern home in Hossmere, ltt blocks from the car. Let us show you Monday. Jordan, $19 Ltimbermens bldg. FOUR room house. 3 lota, chicken house . and yard, all fenced, $8 per month. 8103 63d ft a E., Mount Soot t car to ciarxs. A HIGH class Nob Hill home ' to re . : sponsible, party who will lease for term. 9 rooms; walking distance. A- pn, journal. OR RENT A 6 room river front bun- . galow. Jennings iyxige. Furnished of unfurnished: $16 or $10. Phone Mar sliall 1652. Apt. ' CORNER house, 10 rooms, newly tinted, , papered; two baths; choice location, near business; very reasonable. - Main 1940, NEW modern,- $ room, house, rent $18. Owner would keep one room; 6 rooms $16; close to Mt Scott carline, 2D 4 2 B. 49th st south. ; ' 1 ROOM house, gas! electricity, furnace, '. 2 toilets, fine basement yard; .Knot near Union; and 6 room house, smalt fnmtly, $10.60. Inquire 660 Kerby. 7-ROOM house, furnace, 'fireplace, gas, ' electric, shades, stationary tuba. large lawn, roses, desirable neighborhood 718 East Burns jde St.. : TWO 4-roofn, 38: 1 6-room, $10; sll modern, ' 1 block from car and hard surface. - C H. Plggott owner, 148 2d St., room 24. . . ' $15; 6 ROOM cottage, modern; vary de- slrable. 773 Roosevelt i near , 23d. Marshall 4116. ' FIVE room cottage, near Broadway bridge, rent $164 "walking distance. Phone East 2017.- ' ' ; FOR bungalow (So to 635, -furnished 9 and unfurnlshe on paved street call Tabor 4469. 6? ROOM cottage, Just tinted, porce lain bath, electric 'lights. ' Key vat 828 Park st. !'!!"' ? ,fe; 821 Belmont' - 6 room bungalow, large lot, fruit trees, fine lawn! ' $25., For keys phone Main 8868 or . Tabor 6055. IN Rose City Park; new 6 room bunged ' low. with sleeping porch, close to car, rent $25. Phone Tabor 460.' - 6 4 ROOM furnished or- unfurnished house; nice lawn and flowers: . near Williams avenue.- Call 298 Graham ave. FOUR room cottage, $6.' i800 Foster st' PenlnsulaVadd.; see owner, '186 E. 27th st. Surfnyslds carV' ' FOB RENT 5 and 6 room houses from $18 to $22.60 month rent, 809 Ball- Way Exchange bldg. Ford & Co. . FOR RENT, fine modern 8 room houee, fireplace', furnace, - gas, - electricity, 3S0. 737 E.' 41st N. a Key next door, f; MODERN newly tinted 8 room housed sleeping . porch. Richmond oar. In quire 919 Ellsworth, nr. 80th. Bell. 1851. MODERN 6 room bungalow; lawn and rose bushes, 1 block from carline. 94 4 Cleveland ave. Take U.car. Main 7518, FOR RENT-Woodstock, 4 room house, 39.60; good place for good people. J 664, Journal. L T FOR RENT-Good 6 room house close to sohool and car. Phone East 2043. 8 ROOM bouse,, yard. 344 17U south) : 310. r -7r,;-ptJRNTSHCTTIOIJS A MODERN 6 room cottage, furnished complete in every way, at 941 li. Flan ders and 81st itr'':.''''':.,;'-'':';;':-;-!:'; LARGS modern l7 room bouse, nice lo. . cailty, fine streets. 335 m Including phone. 'Woodiawn 1892.'.. ONLY 16 Modern ,6 room house, fur nished, 4arge yard and stable, ! Apply J. m. ieeter, igaa rortsmoutn aye.- TWO, .room furnished .cottage; pantiV. piano, f per mo. .inquire u itn ave., X.ents. fOr. NICJi 6-toom f urnlehed house, fine yard, cheap rent, ei rowoti.; wrooKiyn car. 5-RO(5M furnished house--Modern. Very FOR RENT 7 room modern house, fur. . nlahed. in Woodstock. Phone Sell, 9. $ ROOM furnished house,' $18,; VW. W. rar Una. 616 M. 25th itw-ft'yW, Six room modern furnished house. Fur- . nsoe, fireplace. ; Adults. 8fl K. Tnylor. MODERN 6 room bungalow, furnished, 1117 E. Grant . Phone Main ,8346. $36,' furnished complete, new modern - 8oitt housv'urnac96 iuwthoras,T . FCRXISirED llOCSES so ssssssifjsj - ?r; Furnished - Houses $ room a, Vernan district; rent $18-00 rooms, near; ; Columbia Park, $18.00 : 'Chittenden' & Neill KIUHT room1 new.' tuoders, residence with1 nice new furniture,-on uinton near 36th; ,f unities, lauudry tubs, fire place, oak floors, garage, lease. $46 monthly- A. E."Poulsen, 719 Chamber, ox Commerce. Marshall 2753. Residence, Marshall 4&t, V6t(R Winter's t'OkiL - with a -' room completely furnisned house, ex cellent furniture, suitafile for high class rooming house, $40. month; also -8 room furnished flat 418. ; 860 Chapman, cor ner of Mill. Marahall 4174. . FURNISHED house 8. rooms, strloily modern, all' conveniences, Irvington, $50 per month, , Will rent it unfur tilnhed for $36. Phone Tabor 146. -FOR RENT Furnished, 7 room house wlth sleeping porch; lo 76x100, con crete garage, fine location) on Willam ette Heights. Whltmer Kelly Co.70 4th. MY home, rooms, well turnlshed, piano, furnace, i lot 60x100. I block from Highland scboot. Rent, $30. Main 6908. " . - v r - . 7 ROOM modern house, elegantly fur. ' tilshedV well located on Hawthorne. $85 per month. ' Neal Brown, 319 Swet- lano idiot. NEW aud completely furnished ? room house, choice location, , lease to re- nnnrihla l.artv. r..ll 4! to 4. 41 E 22nd St.. N. East 6111, FURNiSHED 6 room house, modern, 6i . Vancouver ave., cor. Fargo st; Just remodeled; $22.60 a month. A nice quiet home, I blk. from Williams ave. carline. 688 E. 43d N. On paved street 7 room bungalow, sleeping porch, new and modern; 436. . For ' (tya phone Tabor 5056 or Main 8368, FURNISHED 6 room cottaget Sunny side electric lights, gas, bath. Phone Msrsnaii lvva, NEATLY . furnished modem 7 room '- hlins-alnw 2 hlnlra fram llt. Scott car. xanor bzzo FURNISHED house for rent board of 1 person may apply on rent 619 E. 40th St.. N., corner tiraxem. as we I,,, i i sri -'t-- -i-- MODERN bungalow, cewly , furnished. ' Call today 11 to. 8, 169 B. 70th N. Block north Montavilla car. v FURNISHED house, 6 rooms, very mod . erate rent to man and wife or. to two ladlea. Tabor 9840 ;.;.::. 4 . S ROOM furnished bouse, $10 month. Mt Scot$ car. , Firland station. 4806 mint ,.'.!..;!,'.. -'"..f .... $16; MODERN furnished $ room house, vard. welkins distance: adults. - 297 ManoocK. $12.50. 4 room modern furnished bouse, 6t Johns. ? Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Exchange. NICELY furnished, modern. 4 room bun- falow, large lawn, good car service. E. 87th t-- '-' ' -. FU1UV1TURB FOR SALE 82 'wfe HOUSES FORRKNT " BEAUTIFUL home, richly furnished: really $650 for $325 (part cashh If tired looking . at "Impossible' places, see this and you'll buy sure. 7 rooms. 804 12th st ' . ; - FOR SALE cheap 18 room house, well furnished: account of sickness. Mar ahall 1605, 28 N. Third. - ' 8 ROOM house, 8 furnished apartments, cheap rent all modern, near jBroad- way. 882 B. 1st N. East 2496. y - ' , ,-. FURNITURE for sale and bouse, for rent 427 W. Main at Walking dis tance. 4)URNITURB of modern 4 room house, west side. 107 18th St. l ' ""FURNITURB FOR - BALK 68 LEAVLGTY-Cwnplete Rosa City Park bungalows Including piano. Singer machine, Wilton ruga, din ing room set library? table, sanitary couch, Kaltex rockers, brasa bed. dress er, gas range, Havlland china, bedding, curtains, pictures, cooking utensils, eta, all for 6876; cost of piano Alone. See theatrrefcV'Tabor int. GOOD, solid, handsome pieces of f urnl- ture, 1 sideboard, hall rack, bookcase and writing desk, small Ice chest and few other pieces. See owner at 488 Jef ferson at. Hundav. - . ' " FURNITURE-Before ' buying seoond . hand goods come' and aee what you can do here on ne goods for cash get postea. wunam oanspy. let ana wasn. ONE of the best paying. flats in the i. city; your own rooms; and 320.00 per mo. : to the good. Near. Broadway and! Qlsy. Marshall 2363. FURNITURE of 8 rooms for sale, very reasonable, few - blocks from new li brary. Main 6861. - 1 ' ' , OAK dining- room set .nd- bookcase or - exchange for heavy horss or cow. 6807 sag ave., end Woodstock car. FURNITURE of 6 room house, including - sewing machine and piano.' Good con dition. 1100 B.'Maln st ' FOR sals cheap, fine kitchen range with water coll; also 2 hole blue flame oil Stove. B3H7 Btitn Sti h. k. apor v 90 FOR SALE furniture-6 room flat A-l condition ;-mew fiat; reasonable. Cash or terms, oranq ave snq renin FOR SAIE Some furniture, cook ..stove end heater. Tabor 2874. ' FOR SALE New furniture of 6 room flat; cheap. 561 K, Ash st. flat B. OR SALE cheap, furniture of 8 rooms. iigm n.n ivwii, Q7i ii jvm -ii, FOR SALE Small heating stove, Al condition, cheap. Call 547 Petty grove. ' APARTMENTS 43 TUC.pfinV 4M B. Taylor,: Personal I flu WU I management v of Mrav Cody-Piper, and .8 rooms, modern. THE LETA. BeauUf ul furnished orHN- furnished, 6 large,-all outside rooms, , i . .... . i untvuu, aiaviitiK yuiwu, ; wtivixia; - uie tance, Marahali.8267. . 409 . 7th st BEAUTIFCIi furnished 4 ptoom apart ment, - wanting aietancs. LWtiL rent or sell furniture. Call Marshall f 70 g- MORTON APTS., cor. King and Wash - . rna-ton. S room . furnished - or . Unf ur- nlshed apt., cheap rent walking 4 dis tance." Main 10827 ' A.6749.- " v 51114 DA'VENWrT ,-- 505 JEFFERSON. Modern 3 too in furnished apartments.- They cannot be equaled lnytne city for tne price ftiso single ryome, :vy rarK Apartments and 4 rooms, furnished and. unfur nished. Park and Harrison, Mar. 8070. T """"the' DEZENDORF, . . T 808 16th. near Taylor, -'; One handsomely furnished 6 room ad one room unr,rnino partment. LINCOLN APTS., 4TH AND LINCOLN. All outside 2 room furn. apt,; low rates: Includes light heat private phone. Take S or 16th st car south. LUZERNE apt; best 2 room apt in the city; private bth and phone; brick bldg,, 8 min. from post off Ice; $20 to $30. Marahall 468T.s' ' '' 1 V ' THE ALBEMARLE APT.. .888 -.vWll- Hams ave., near Broadway; new, mod ern -2 ana a-room spts., snu-to fan mo. THE ELMS, 191 14th st-rModern 3 and 8 room furnished apts.; excellent locs. Hon, walking distance. Main 4175,- $vy room apt' oompletely furnished. - Thia. includes light, heat; ete. t $20. 863 B. Wash., cor. ZBtn. j;ast set. ONE. two and three room suites, nloely furnished for -housekeeping. ..Cheap rent.1 t may st. Located at 146"4 auiiingsworttt ave, Ownor, Blancliard , & : Clenison, 702 Bailing bldg.- v.v- THE WAYNWOOD, DI N, 18th at. 1, 2 J- and 8 room furnished and unfurnished 'spts., 312 to $25 per montM. Main 8198. ;"' J C, ''-:,: ' filE BASfANTA ,'i -i: .:. 189H N. 23rd st. turnished apta. Privatt haiybatly phone. THE HYLAND..490 Morrison One . 2 : room front apartment, also furnisned single rnunin, . i n 1 !' 1' ; Ntcelv furniahed ' 5 room ants., all modern conyenlances. 494 Market at ? . UNDER, NEW MANAGEMENT $ roons apts., walking distance,, bath, phones, Ruck, spartments. 107 BlatBt.N. - - ard!ly:. Terrace: " "' " J,slrg 3 room ants 896 12th. 1 iEFFERSONIAN 614 Jefferson at cor. 16th, furnlahedj wi S room apts. 43 VILLA ST. CLARA, ." ' . .-, 12th. and Taylor Most modorn ftpiirtments 'on the JPa clflo CoatiL Furn mhed complete. ." , - Roof garden in connection. Walklrur disUnce. , , References, . . THE ALTAMONT. . . , , . ' ' r, , Fifth. tnd College. . U Clean, cosy, three and four-room fur nished apartments, very cheap, - Also bachelor's apartments! - Heat, ' Water, phone and Janitor service included. LUCRETIA COURT, --Situated on Lucretia st. loo- feet north of Washington st, in an open court in the best residence district, within, walk ing distance;-finest unfurnished apart ments, 8 to 6 rooms. ; See .them before locating. Rates reasonable. References. Manager.. Mar. 1513. janitor Mar. 1500, ,', v THK ,- UKLiAjNUU, . i. COR.: J0TH AND WASH STS. ; if '-',. 3 ROOM APARTMENTS. ; . $40 Elegant furniture, all outside cor ner rooms,, outside bath, private phone, automatic elevator, first class in every partlcKr; references. Mar. 184. .lu GLEN COURT. - --- :. S v Formerly the Wheeldotv , 4 ; - ' V Corner Park and Taylor. Modern apartments. in 8. 3 and 4- room suites. - furnished j complete; . private baths, phones, eio.-;? :' in tne oowntown oistnct. out quiet. DESIRABLE "3 or 4 room apartment furnished or unfurnished; best in city for rent, location and arrangement; all outside rooms, private bath, direct Pa cltio phone; close in, low rent best serv ice. Sheffield Apartments. 272 Broad way corner Jefferson; ' ; ' - ' 1 THE UPSHUR., 1 6U aud Upshur sts. Furnished 2-room apartments, $16 up, including steam heat, hot and-, cold water-in every apartment: publlo bath, electric lights, gas range, laundry room, all free. Take T'B." 234 st, or "W" cara north. Phone Main 859, -"'.i .,i,...-,,1,...Jv -'CAMBRIA, ' .-,v; f.i-r . ' I2th and Columbia, ' - ' a" 'y,: Wa have the largest and most: up-to-date 2 and 3 room apartments In the city; price reasonable; close In. Pl)" COM PLlOTKl.V furnished 1 room apts.. with kitchenette, steam heat running hot and cold water, phone In every room; 7 blocks fro.-n 6th and Morrison sts., $16.60 and up. 291 . Columbia st THE 4WASH1NOTON,'. 68! Noi thrup, t room unfurnished - , apartment, with bath, and all- modern conveniences, tel ephone, steam heat gas, eleotrlo light, etc. Take W car to 81st and Northrup. corner otn. Phones Main 4376. A-11S3. n. . . n m.vv.. f. C.1,r . COR, 3RD AND HARBISON. I and. 8 room apts., steam heat,-bath, laundry, phone. $16 . Up; . also sleeping rooms. $2 up, ' - ; '' $1$ TO $23 for 8 room apartment - partly- mrmsnea inciuaing neat, not and cold waterr. bath, eras ranges, laun dry lockers. , For particulars call at apt. B. Phone C-2820 or Wdln. 2961. HARRIMAN APTS., 164 - N. ' 24th st ; Two large, most desirable 3 and 4 room partly furnished apts., all modern conveniences; references required. Phone Main 866. .you should see them. THE CHELTENHAM, 19th and North . rup, modern- furniture, private baths and phones, hardwood floors, new brlek bldg.,. refined neighborhood,' 3 blocks irom canine. -. - tmimu - AfAKiHatWlD, v,'--.-, 14th and' Columbia. A "'. Fnnfshed 2, 8. 4 room apartments, all conveniences; first class, homelike, rea sonable rates r ref; M. 7837. A-6615. - $22.60. - ' I rooms, completely furnished,' includ ing bed and table linen, all outside, large rooms, suitable .for ., . See this one. Tabor 2293. ! -"-. v ' ' 1 1 A RRISON -i APARTMENT8. ' Large two, three and four room apart ments, furnished and unfurnished, mod ern, rent reasonable. 6th and Harrison. Phone Main 6148. '-'.' . - v Burcfv Apartments ; x- New, 'modern ,fuNil8hed. 8 room apts bath, -phones, dressing roomi fine-loea-tlon? 110 N. 21st at- Mar. '4141. W car. JUST COMPLETED FURNISHED Outside ..8 and 8 . room - apts. includ ing heat end all modern -conveniences, 318 and up. Nice location. 146 N. Grand ave., near Irving; 5 . GRANDEST A APARTMENTS. - E. Stark and Grand'avev modern fur nished apt-, private bath, private phone. Excellent service. Always clean and warm Summer rates. Phone East' 208. for; RlSST -FLATS 13 MODERN 4 room unfurnished flat gas range, healer, furnace, concealed bed, linoleum in kitchen and bath, rent re duced 3 18.;: 1038 H , Albin ave. ; I. oar. East 635. " 5 -. ' - '-'.; ' '. FOUR rooms, bath, sleeping porch, hard wood - floor, : fireplace, furnace, lino leum, gas range and shades. Call at 168 E. .30th. near llaw thorn e. Ta bor 2286. :' - -f! .- " " NEW, modern, 4 room flat, walking distance, sleeping porch, gas, wood range, linoleum in kitchen, ' 669 Market st. orive, near istn st, SIX room modern ' flat close In. west side., 100- ft. to carline. -.All eon veniences in. $80 per month. . Western Oregon Trust Co., 272 Stark st FIVE . room flat at 4 3d . and Lincoln sts. to rent: Just new, only 318, It is worth $26. - See it today or call Bar- bolt ' Marshall esoo or a-tibh, FIVE room flat E. 15th st, close to ' Morrison car, thoroughly modern and up-to-date. Western Oregon Trust Co., 113 stark st. MODERN 6 room flat 294 Margin, i ' blocks south of Broadway bridge, frorttlng river; beautiful locations must K .nn,.Al.ta ' SIT KA n. IMA.tl 1 6 room flat modern, built in buffet, nicely grained floor; 'fireplace, fur nace,, large poroh and yard, $27.50, 744 uj. Anneny, near aan. FOR I RENT $26, new modern single ? lower flate largo rooms, cor, B. Burn- side ana iath-5 mast zaoi. ' THREE 'rimmed flat cheap, walking dis- 4-ROOM flat; -bath. gaei. 810. -JL64 18. toth, walking distance. Phone E. 1408. l"-FLAT3v 6 aixi 7 rooms. - 629, Columbia wt -r ut'iip "'v"t, - - ' ' WfclT pUda; 4. .,6 and 6 room modern . . jslAave! Ann rrS ao n 11 nil vUw flAlt 17ll --at "'Phf hone A-6071, BEAUTIFUL 8". and 4' room,flata, fine ' vlewsa'lowT'ent.-. 568 Market ' R room flat furnished, .water' and .rhone free.. Tabor 638. IIODERN 8 room flats, very cheap., 706 Vancouver uve. wooaiawn i63. $18.00 5 ROOM1 flat bath, electricity, - gas. Walking distance. 491 Market st. MODERN 1 6 room flat' Willamette Heights.' $86.- W. ear. '.' mitt avier st. NEW upper and lower 'flats, ,72$ and 808 Belmont; rent $18. FIVE room flat, ground ; floor, large yardr. at 868 16th et cor. Mill at." $16. jlSVEN1 room 'modern flat on 10th near BtarK. ' Hiquire z purnwine.iwain bzbs. MODERN 6 room flat newly -tinted and painted, : Bellwood 69. . ' ' $14. Four rooms overlooking Park. 164 Ainsworth, for. Borthwlck.- .-v- i TWO 6-1 oom modem lowr flats -near Williams av., $25. Ca?l 298 Grahnm av. i FURNISHED - FLATS 60 3f5 MILL,, near. West Park, furnished 6 room modern flat' easy walking' dis tance, lovely location,, reasonable rent Msln 4683. ' 'i :!, '';-: -' WEST SIDE, walking distance, modern r 6 room, hewly furnished flat sleeping porch; close to good aaliool, aa outside rooms. o wasn. near i jiii STOOM llowisr Hat ,' fully ) furnished, - modern, wou liiu atstrict) price fdu. can Main hi. BEAUTT1KULLV furnished t' rooms.' 435 U .'Graham ave. NEW modern 6'. room t urnlshod , flat, west side, 865 19th l, head of Milt Main 8311. :'"'tm - - NICELY f-irnlshed flat, sleeping porch, must no sren to n appreciates wooq lawn 164(1 0. 810 nortnwic 810 Borthwlck, cor, Failina:. NEWLY furnished 6 room flat rooms, furnace, gas, electricity. 8th at' . i. . .. 8 bed 645, 'APAirj MTXTS .60 large rooms nicely furnished, " phone, laundry traysj porches, basement, 3 blocks east Of Broadway bridge. Per-, manent tenants only. '$25 mo. Phono J'ast 4846. ' t none lis a aim v ; i.pu npn jjv STORES AND OFFICES 11 journal '"' ".Building " ' . KOOW8 blNQLia AND IN foUIlLH. REASONABLE RENTAI HIGH CLASS SERVICE. -Apply to Buslnesa Office . .- Of The Journal. ' ,,e PANAMA BUILDING, ri ft, tor. 9d anu, ;3 Alder. - Portland's ! newest mod ern office bldg. For 'res ervatlon Of Of floes & svwes apply at building. -Mar. 820. &B3,BBBBBBflBBBH"ffi tRICK warehouse in South Portland for rent trackage, light and airy. -On raved street reasonable. Journal Pub llshlng Co.. Broadway and Yamhill. ' V , OFFICE ROOMS. , . : 3 .rooms, - suitable for dentist or doe tor, cheap, rent, t6W Grand ave., 'cor, Hawthorne. Kant 66H2. B-2277.-: -' STORE for rent with or without rooms v above. Front and Arthur. Good neigh borhood for plumber, grocer, et. - -In quire room 1, 267 Oak, Ainsworth bldg. h'ORK bulldlni; with 5 modern livln : rooms, good location, rent only $aS per month : to - responsible , party, v, . al vnnmDer or commerce. STORE and bakery for rent fully equip - ped; good : location: reasonable rent Inquire at 87 Division at, OOOD store bldg., in fine location; coun ters and shelving, all ready for'buaL hess people wanting to buy. 260 8d St. DESK' room with phono, in nice light office. 406 Railway Exchange bldg. DESK SPACE to let. 80Fy. Ex.. Ford V & -Co.-,-. v-'--:--v.','----;:c'-y.Sf '-.:. $10 Modern .tore, : barber, grooer. shoes, candles: Wolf,. 6388 Foster road FOR RENTmSCELLANEOUS 33 A BARN for rent as garage for auto. 6 minutes', walk to pos toff Ice,- 427 Main et. ' WANTED JTO RENT 7 - ' WANTED TO LEASH. -Furnlahed modern bungalow or house, . well located Will "five : ' offices ln a new modern offloe building up to value of $75 per. , month fo right house. , P-J8J, 1 Journal. , COME in and list your houses for rent ' Have calls every day, rNeaI Brown, ai Bwetiaim Diog. 'HREfi unfurnished H. K. rooms or apart, private nam: west ciuo vrmr iprieq. - ptate price, a-ov. tfuurnwi. WANTED, 4 or 6 room bungalow, inod - erate terms. Give street number ana pnone. n-693, journal LADY wants nice furnished house auit- able for roomers and boRrders, in nice location; reasonabl. B-668,' jQurnal. HORSES, VEIUCLKS.1 ETC 18 SEVERAL good aheap V ranch or delivery horses, . express wag on and harness. IX , in need of a horse : corns and see me. We tell you lust what you are buying. , - 14 Union Ave, cor- AUCTION!' - AUGTION jaer or m. Asn. Mondav. Oct. IS at 18 a. m. we will sell for the J. C. Sweeney Construction Co. 20 head of horses and mules weighing from 1200 to 1400 .lbs., all ready for any kind of work. They , will be sold to the highest bidder for. cash, . . - The Murphy Horse & Mule Co. 840 E. 8th St. Phone E. 6318 NOTICE Just arrived, carload horses 'and mares weighing 1000 to 1600 lbs.: ail young, sound, well broken and first class; choice of ' matched teams, all guaranteed,-, Stable foot of Main, west siae. " as . . ... ... ' Takea 1100 .' horae, 01 narneaa and wagon. Good rig for travelingor farm work. Take St Johna car to Rutledge. street walk wes( to whits, house. John ypp, larmcr, The Murphy Horse & Mule o. Sella on commission,- horses, mules, ve hicles, harness,- Auction everyMonday sna rnnav.- iw a. m. a ej. Bin. iu. , HORSES, matched teams, dark - iron . -sTrays. browns and bays, city broke; weigh 1160 to 1650; also set of harness end farm, wagon: -420 Hawthorne ave,' Phil 8uetter. --" - -. FARM MARES We have six extra good mares from, 4- to : 8 years old, weighing from 1350 to 1600 lbs. each.' i THH MURPHY HORSE St MULE CO.. -240 E. 8th St Phone East 6815 A ntiniber. of -goocV, Jiorses left Jn the last lot; come today to .185 V Madison, on west approacn or nanT-ngrne oriage, FOB. SALE or trade. forAuto. or, lots, first class mare harness and dray or farm wagon, also- young stallion. A, L, Parmentlcr, 26th :aud, Railroad, Vancou- . -iarHdu . " ;.'', .......... .v.. ,f ,'. A -.,'. "... .. .- ... .v.;- tci, Tvanu, OWN 40 acres of land iiulmourl. un- incunibered; value $4001 wsuld trade for farm horses or anything I -cat use on the ranch. 819 Falling bldg.' l Vt TEAMS for hlrewiwe have . 20. . teams with harness .to hire -by -the month. The, Murphy Horse & Mule Co 240 12. 8th st, near Hawthorne. Phone E.6815; WANTED TJfie ue. of Iiorse'for the light work. D,tiL,. Letcher, 801 Foster Rnad," Lents. - -y:,'- t A FINE pair of Shetland ponies cheap . lor casn or-wm ttnu( lur. uiutt horses. 14 union ave. A FINE grocery delivery wagon, pov ered, almost new., Stephenson Co., 234 Krnni at. ..... -i"- ', . FINE, tall, . standard bred,; bay, good .-driver for lady: wofk anywhere; price right.' MUltnoman ptapiea, mam ono, FOR SALE Horse, saddle and bridle, $35. F Piper, '116 .Chhcago st Phone Col. 68$," 'si -' vj: CHEAP, 2400 lb. team, guaranteed to -work single or double. 4."Trlal allowed. 3029 Ei Yamhill. - ' J . '. - '' GOOD 7 year old horse, about 1100 Ibs have no use for Him: - will - ael) -r,f or I8B. Zlon naKery, H4 za i, A FINE dapple gray mare, new buggy '. and harness, must be sold at once, 14 Union ave. SADDLE, pony. 900 lbs., gentle, with onnaren, in line cumuuun,, , ur gain. 1028 E. 80th St N. Alberta car. MILK wagon for sale Cheap for cauh! Phone East 6461.-."'- ;?:;;.': ? WANT to buy team of horses about 1100 MFYTlO'Oa CT;.l'Mir. vjinin-u. Ul. 3W MITCHELL wagon, , one. 1360 j lb. worK norwe. . i-e i',. m st. 80x100 ' IN CITY, for . team or stock ' Call 311 AHsky btdg.?-.-t-;'-;V;-'.- TWO lots, Oreenoe Heights, to trade for driving horse.- Woodiawn 1 6 5 6 , j WANTED 2200 team "m payment, on havy team. Call Bii: woodiawn 108. FOR BALK Vhlte pony, weight .800 lbs. Well broke 1146 IS. lth N7C-1296. TEAM, harnesH aud wagon, $105.. Ouk Orovtf, Ore. City car, Mr. Bullurd WANT, good 2d hand surrey 62 N. Hroaaway. 'lE AM of ponies and harness, $60. Owner must sell.' 256 Arthur st. . LIVESTOCK 85 FH hJsit i e rsey -t r h ainuo w and? " Cu i . thoap. 95 JX 80th, 8. S. car., FURNISHED. 'FLATS ' 0 " A w . it! liv ; roc: t One very large Durlntiu-Jentjry cow, 6 I years old,. "fresh 10 days, rich, heavy milker. Take SeUwood car to Harold av., walk two p'O"1'8 ".. to 709. v -WE now have a complete list of s'l , breeds of dairy cows and heifers, Cal and see us. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co 6iI ... ..Ul hlf-lr 4L1nln 412A ',''. uitnigv'., inn -"., ; ' , 1 - - TWOTextra fumuy Jereey cowtf, 80 ' TvnVtnl, anuria aiVl llsliAraal M t IflO. ' Bruce' Cora. Co., ynlon Stockyards. Phone VVTV,I ,n T, " ii , ul' ' in I'OR .SALlti-Fine Jersey cowl 1st call'. ' 2711 - 7.h W S. E. i Firland. sta., Mt. wooa is wn-ji. Bcott car. FOR BALE f 5 brood sows and on Duroo registered boar, See owner. D- H.. box Zb, Jennings- Joage, Jr 1,'iir HALF 1 , Durhmn - cow giving about 8 gat . Call 4113 B, 23d.t Phoue t Bollrrtrt - 8B1- -- '' ,' " ! ' " ' i - FOR SALE fine Jersey heifer, fresh. ' 686 1eO AVe HPllwooo. , ONE good frrulvcow and 2 to freshen in' : few days. 794 Tacoma ave. ' POULTRY 37 THE MANOR FARM. Petalums, Cal., is an old established poultry plant, with the reputation of having the best Rhode 5 Island Reds out wests last year at CiU- ; ifornla's -leading- shows -we -won - 110 prizes, 43 specials and 11 cupe. Also we , . handle the best laying type Black Ml- norcaa,-. White Leghorns and .Barred Rocks. Only quality sent out ' square deal guaranteed. Eggs, chicks , and stock. . Bend for free lis, .Tha M. nor Farm, yetaiuma, t.ai. 1 WILL pay, hiither prices for your g' ood rite I . . . w - - ni'Jl s DmiAK '." v,u.. r ui tioi'M. v Tabor 2066. THOROUGHBRED ', ' White ' ''Wyandot te. and Plymouth rock nena, x caon. ov Denver ave., Kenton car. FOR. SAIE Portable hen house, 15 henS. '$12. 989 H, eth N. WHITE - Leghorn -cockerels: 'March hatched: $1.25 each, 435 E. 48th. , WANTED Two dosen Leghorn pullets. WLTr, pigeons, rabbits and birds. Paclflo Bird Co., 91 Union. Bast 2763, FOR SALE -Few choice White Pekin ducks lor breeuing. ' wooaiawn ".' ORPINCiTONS, Buffs, White and Blacks. ' fancy stock at scrub prices. Sell. 1280. , WHITE Orpingtons, 6 fine young hens, ... now $8. Phone. C-2816. - ;y s MANN'S green bone cutter. ' Also dry bona cuttpr Cheap. Woodiawn 2JI97. DOGS ANI HOPSEHOLD PETS 46 BOYD'8 bird store. 229 Alder at Dogs, birds,' rabbits, pigeons and pets. 8 Airedale Terrier pupa, $ Splta pupa, 1 - , French Bulldog, 8 Boaton Terrier pupa, i 1 Toy Black and Tan Terrier. 100 aong blrds' and parrots,-- At- atud, English- Bulldogs "Blackstone" 68pound. sound, massive, aure breeder. "FuJgal," 42 ItKw. brindle, a fine young. atud. Will guar-. , antes all service. -- Boyd. 2B Alder. - -IX)R SALE Pedigreed ; Bull Terrier . ' puppies, out of prise winners, - Also A Boston Terrier puppies. Dogs boarded. ( Flashlight Kennels, Sill 64th St. & KL , . , MALE fox terrier puppy for sale cheap. J 869 16th st, corner Mill at Call any i time Sunday. FOR SALE Pedigreed great Dane bar- vleauln. male, ten months old, 126 E. tn st. . ' - FULLBLOOD English Pointer "puna J v - mos. old, Dr. C.B., Brown, V, &, 91 B. . XilU S4, THOROUGHBRED Fox hound. Call "to day, 159 E. 7Qtn et. w. VOUNG St Andrewaburg Rollers, sonable. 878 Union ave.. N. WANTED Cooker Spaniel - pup, notj Mack. H. G." Makelim, 888 Taylc aylor at CANARIES, singers, : for sale. ;-; Phone x, ,d4, . ,',x. FOR SALE, English Setter hunting dog, . $15; 6080 54th st. B. E: WoddwtocK Car. FOR SALE Belmont fox terrier bitelw".! Apply 845 Vi 1st st, Room 88, - t.' AUTOMOBILES - ACCESSORIES 44 Bulclc Ughtdelivery wagon,.. ... .6108 .'.- .,.-..,:.-!. .-, 6-paaa. : ; Btevene-Dutrea, ' touring -car .... ..;.,..,..........,. ..850 6-paaa. Model O Cadlllaoltoarlnf - - -, .car ................... .......... $06' . 6- pass. E. M. F. 30 h.. p, toaring - car ...7..T.....v-...-..i........r 456,- 4-paaa. , Garf ord combination tottr lng oar and delivery wagon ... 719 : ' 7- pasS. Peerless toaring car.. 1000 : Im r mil I l 8 lbiIUllinILMLoii K 1 191S 6-paaS." touring oar... .....$1200 . -. ,-"-.'.'..',. i- .',. '.'.',-,"-.' -'" ,t ' ., 1 191! 4-pass. Phaeton.. .4. i.... 1300 . -. -' ..,;! , . '."-. -. v-.-;'" '"'- '.'''.-.. . These cara hava been thoroughly ; overhauled and repainted by us and are. In good mechanical condition. - Both are -fully equipped electrlo starting . and lighting system up-to-date la every re- f If jwb' ' are 'In the) market tot . s goo Used, car aeea. at oncei-j,;,-. , , " vhfivev Motor' fiar Co'. 21st and Washington sta. Mala 6244 . ...uinahla offer - refused ' for a passenger White Steamer. A-l ahapa. Main 6368, Tabor 2622. . Ask for Mr. Mensles, STRICTLY Al 18li Caalllao roadster, ielegant condition throughout Price $675, 4200 down, $40 , monthly. ' E. B. Hyatt. 800 Aioer at. written guar UkrltllafRmoco. antee with f,t ;' every spring. X9M. ibtn st. 30-60 H. P. STEARNS auto. 6 paaaengsr; eleotrlo. lights, self etarter. Owner, leaving town. Coat 88400; will take $850 casn.' .van .c-ia uw' p. iut AM unable to keep up ray late modol .' Studehaker ,"20.,r Will exchange for , suitable lot My machine la like a clock. - , Lot must have $7.60. value., Bellwood 76. -t', rooming house or vacant lot: will sell, ...... U TJT-RJ9 T....M..1 10 AdRES of raw land and some cash -i to trad' for good automobile .Ford v preferred.' owner, Taoor tn: TWO well located - lots Yakima valley ;s -county seat -for late model Ford. 1279, Corbett St., Sunday, or evenings. -, r ' ' DANDY 1918 Pope aingle, iina '" tires, ' lamp,' whistle. Prlce onlv $90. ' $25 , down, $15 monthly. 860 Aiaer et NEW FORD auto, for iilre, 1914 model. K .. id omv la nr hour. Call .Main 1094 or Marsnaii 1 bEVEN passefiger limousine body cheap at New : Market Gara ge, 2a '' ana An k any.. 22 HORSEPOWER runabout "In fins' condition; will sell cheap or. trade for t TnfliiH,w-4-Frtimont st.-'----a--,-.' t OC6 iMr2Ql"de and repaired, new onei -ki Of nlllUO guaranteed. Washington Car at Auto woras, asa ti, wasnington st. WCTSPRINGSBaIr1 Frank iAnge. Kg wnimon. Main 181 WANTED, a. 4 or 6pa;aenger automo bile; mast be cheap for cash. Fh C-2581 Sunday or E. 4432 TVionday. ions . WILL sell cheap a six-cylinder 8 J horse ; ; power or will- trade for 20 acres of " u in.' v ii ."'-v . - , I,,, " . ".. m null OR SALE Light 'auto delivery : snod - running order: Rood tires. $278 cash. 682 47th svn. soiithPBSt. - ' SNAP. P", Garage for sale, 11 if Hawthorns, Ta- bor4343J rJ f i LIGHT RoudMV'r for salo, chepp. lllf . Hawthorneror43.i . HAVE youVastoi repaired by eipertZ FUNK AUTO CO:.- 14th and Com h. BAItbAINS In slightly1, used tlresfvufc caninlng. 26o; rfpslrlng. .'. 207 M n d laon, . 1113 Ford auto for Kali-, reftfiuiRljlM. Vr 668, Journal,, or plions C-2339. , a .. , . . , "-.-.... -. r '