The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 05, 1913, Page 21, Image 21

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    c; sui.
:.a, ccTorr.
.,.! are iirffj to be present
bi.. their frlemla.. No admtswioa Is
charged. , ( J. - ;;,
facond Trial Begins. Tomorrow
morning the second, trlul of Joe Adler,
accuse, of receiving stolen property.
win again do tawn p in Circuit Juda
Kavanaugri'a court. The first trial re
sulted in a disagreement The second
trial' commenced yesterday. Adler Is
By Dr. Frank Crarte.
0EILIO Eleventh ar.4 M.wr'soa, Qm VaJLs mo
tion pictures, uiialn :.iu.
BAhltu iro(lujr Hurt Uurrlsoa, "Naboara
LYitiFo,,'.:!, Ke-tlns Flooa f1"1 receiving tinfoil valued at
Musical t-cmetiy company, rearl Mngte? 1 f ju uciwbiSiii arura me American
-("",nPT.. J., . and I Chicle company through th aaalatanca
PANiAot-i,rodwy n4 Alder. Vaudeville. 1 , Joa Bloch. a shlDClns- cleric fop the
tJurtiiln 7:13. t:10. - 1 .,.. - L- . -.."J .
COI.UmuIA BUtu b-iween. WaaMng-ioB end , m wi.iwn i.o paia rsioca uu I
fct.r ttH. Motion plrttirM U s. ni. to ji p. m. out paia am company noming,
GUiiiS 3HKA,Ui-rl-.lviiUi io4 WHWUJi.
Motion iiU tttrca. rnon to 11 D. iu. I -a at,. nnt1.. it. J...
Ffcol'LK'8 TUnilltU-We.t Pult and Alder. - r """"T' r. oK i. , '
mh.., r. nw... .. ii o. m. I October 6th, at 8:30. at Sheriff's sale.
BA.M01U1.L, j'onlu.irt . Oakland, Pacific 1 there will be sold to the nighest bidder
Coaat league, 4th end Vaughn ta., g:8Q p. m. I the property Of the estate Of P. M. Fra-
Sure. -which has aachAAtad in ha atofa
.:..-- ' . ' - -
Wlia. rnrtlMniis ' lor Oregon. The property Is lots in Wll
Portland and -lrinltr! Sunday, fair! Berth- I " ' res ana m r ormne
eiiy wliuli; Oregon ana wi ihlu-toni Bunaar, i m m" uu ia ucaimuis, ii
(air, iiortbari winds, idahoi ttandar, .prub-1 will probably bring lee than lta market
aui lair, : , iuyiu bmwi lvalue, as Sheriffs
lttatrlct lorcaater.
I do.
s ales ; generally
k'i.. -
XLLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN, secretary 'of .state for the United
States of America, hat seen fit to devote tome of his leisure time
to lectunne at Chautauauas
It was natural to expect that Mr. Bryan's political opponents
Itust Besar Costs. Hen and women I The Whit Cross Treatment For 11-
anted paroles in uirouu uuage avib iiur uruj suaiction gives sure re-l.t,.j .uj. r,. j. jf 4;-
court in the future must repay the No pain or suffering or bad h?.uld eijt.Pon this fact, should denounce it as a neglect of his public
state for all moneys expended In pros- ttet effects. Absolute privacy and duties, and should ridicule him by all the arts of comi-valentine caricature
anutinn tha, ehartM aa-ainat them, homo comforts. Investigation and eor I eotnm'on to the American orei'.-'.'--. f':.:".V-;,'.TVl ,s. t.:-:--YvA
according to Judge Davis. - This system rpnaenoo eoucitea. sanitarium, at i ; George W, Perkins, banker, recently arrived from Europe and in an in-
was tnea a lew aay ago in ins case iJI-rVTiT; ""V?, r V aMmmZ1Z7fttrvitw-tx9rtBK& the opinion that the secretary had made himself "the
vi ueura . Munvuu, - ; ,-.-'A-" - ri-T ". !t I laUKbintf stock of Europe."
Aivinff as stAn raifnav Ar rniaav rn viva vpsri a wa vvvwsmm. aamu . t- .r v ... . -,- . a. '
in thi ponrtenuary on "in piek.of ' ; - ; f Certain ftewspapets "play up stron.tfte situation of Mr. Bryan as an
guilty to a charge of passing a bad I save an exceedingly large stoclt or I cnicrtamcr sanuwienca in ociwcen owiss youcicrs ana a magician on ine
check. Baumann has a position and imported woolens, oonsisUng mainly of I program; the intent being to discredit him and render him an absurd figure
..... . . . - . , . I Initlnlilii.l v. - tr.l. t. -1 I I ' M' . . , ..." . . . .
wm repay me cosis, iuag uavis via i i.ui. v-jr im ine puDUC eye,
no felt tnat wnen a man is given a i w.aun, x ot aociaea to re
chance the man should at least reoom-1 due my prices, and will male your suit
pense the state for expenditures caused! or the highest grade roolens and lin
by bis delinquencies. , . j. , ; ln wr 7.oo. js. ourney, The LAaiea'
j.uiior, jupnawK juiag. : , - , (Aav.7
And now fomej also an editorial in the Paris Times, supposedly written
by Andre Tardieu, one of the tinder secretaries of the department of public
affairs. The editorials of the Times are generally accepted by the European
press as being directly. inspired by the French administration. ;
v ine, article goes on. to say that Mr. Bryan's, "antics " tend to bring the
Xnta Sjtnd ClrolSj-Tha Inter Study
Circle of the Ad club will hold Its first I . Stephens School XXeetlnsv All rar-l business of diolomacv into disrenute. call for an essay On American bad
tnaattnir nt tha autumn saaaon tomorrow I entS Who have children rnlnar to tha I nannva 1ltara tU .tU.ii n(' lmriiaa nntiiio mi ait an r ;
- m ' . I , w v . iJiainiVI 0. IHUJ 11 nil; i lev iiwuivv. 1 . t v fcU.V. wu t fc wiuv ... MM OV V...
We can stand the coarse ridicule of our own press, and the private opin
ions of the Perkins kind of pe'ople, but the insolent snobbery of the French
man calls tor a tew plain remarks. -. -..,:
; I hold no brief for Mr. Bryan, do not belong-to his party, and hare no
call to rush to his defense other than that of the ordinary indiamation of a
s4 .jak. mi n Am A aefvi a-vm askSki V a MK1j m n 11 lomnAAtl $t Aftt9 ttfrlAlf
f? ru. m.t. i.-t M....UVV. a.v...s . fUw..v a -
roaTwTv inmiruMJ the decentest thing he ceuld devv;-.!:
And note first, the Chautauqua system is not a vaudeville affair, but is an
evening at o'clock dinner In the Hotel Stephens school are requested to come
Oregon. Former United States Senator to the school building Monday evening,
Jonathan Bourne will discuss the Octobers. A program will be given, by
"Government's method of advertising the children and Superintendent Alder-
and the way Uncle Bam does otner wi uuureas me parents . ana
things as well." - Another feature will betwacnar
Illustrated advertising lecture, xne
nmaHKir aa inmniu. morning, ills f M Mnaaaaanhn. 11
........... . . . , ,1 I Wan A n lha Plnv" ' Unnlna "Tjin.t
i,:.'?!n::i.nti,J?.,.. "r' - "' community iTobiema.-; ioiiowed k b institution peculiarly democratic end American.. designed not only to amuse
u " ' ' - discussion led by professor w. T. Ok- I but to educate the common people of the rural communities. It is a better
Hectares Oa : White Slavery. Our JiFa. ' Communion servioe at 13. institution than anything that exists in the large cities. It is patronized
Fitch Pheipa, lecturer and author, will rJlca ,- F; at by the highest quality of folks extant in these United States the serious,
talk tp Central Ohrisuan. church. P. m-dr,,r' w- Q- m,ot ,r- mln- thinking, hard working common people. , It U an ideal place for a. pubUc
iT ZrZw 3XYZXt mTHA. I " ' " ' 1 ; ,''"' ; I servant to -speak to the public K : : a .."'v :-:ci-
fiiMl;!! 0-fi?!k tKnlf.htn-: m- an h rabrio. ar. . hain. - To comment on the oav Mr. Bryan gets for Mi' services is mean, low and
Mr. Phelps lecture will bo a" complete I worn in social circles. Tho Unique I unworthy of discussion. Every fair-minded man wishes him to get all he
expose of tho trtcks, traps and secrets lauoring company nas a complete lino (can earn.
of white slavery. It Is said Mr. Fhelpsua makes mens ana ladles' suits to
has given hla lecture with great auo- order at popular prices. Calf In to
cess In many churches of - tha west morrow, IQ Stark street, , between 6th
Jack London, nho author, and Bishop I ana sin. (Aav.;
Hartzler have praised it highly, xne
lecture will bo for a mixed audience.
The real reason whv such snobs as the Frenchman above mentioned are
shocked is because Mr. Brvan's form of relaxation is democratic and sensi
ble. If the secretary had devoted his spare time to knocking a little ball
around an KU-acre nasture ana countinir now manv stroxes it too to trei ii
Tha Amotion Sale of oriental Run at into nine holes, afterwards retiring to the clubhouse and imbibing highballs,
Atiyeh Bros' Alder and 10th 6U ts I nothintr would have been said. '-.' i
brlnsrlng hundreds of buyers from many W shot 2200 brace of arouse." said George Gould recently, recounting
and, with five guns, which must be reckoned tirst rate.
ZSlaols Soeiety To KetU-Tht nil
sols society will meet In tho auditorium parts of th northwest. This Is the I h:. ,nort in Scotland
in.. Tnnm.l hniMtna RruI and I flra a-raai a..,, In. -.1. . T l. ... ? 1 "Por In. t"-OllttnU
or ThO Journu omwing. wrosxiway ana tirst greax auction aalo of Persian and Tr , u.a .... l,iBai7 nith -alano-hfar thus aft-r the annrov-d
weanesaay evening, Turkish Ruga held In this nart of th I ii .. V . - . ."".. 7.1 7 rL'TI. T
.innir .tk. .n.r.n. I r - . : . - ' z . v i Kruriisri atvie. no would nave Deen imuea upon dv au ine nouy-iou
mJT " . . . . . -r. . . '
TamhlU stretts.
nAAkaa IK' ,S aa1oLr .: . Tha Vn tWT TV1 I AV-vaaKaBaa.
VvWkfOS W tt. m w viwvat an m v ay vat a uvuuil Ja . ..;.,.-. . 1 I AQT.I 1 . S - -r . " - ' . - . a. X at a
.WW. insist -of inusle. wadlngs "hnd -. , ', i To go upon indescribable adventures in fans alter the manner ot leopoid
early reminiscent experiences in, mi-1 A, JV, laeonarm, with Columbia Trust I of Belgium, to bet upon horse races like Edward of England, to shoot tame
noia ;Amariy wwwm. wa i mpnjr, in tna Boara or Trade build-1 deer driven toward him like , wmiam ot uermany, to gamoie at oaccarat,
former , nilnolsana at t e"-0 lng. Is not related to and has no oon- to dallv with chorus eirls. to trlay at precedence at some summer resort, to
.ffianMa idle vicious class of Europe, would have given Mr. Brvan high
to tho Auditorium in Tha Journal bldg. ,,tata deal .AdvT ' I place among the egotistic and supercilious set wno are seit-eiectea aroiters
Tho society meets tho third Wodneadayl - , ' ' " of fashion. . , - 1
of each month. , I n. wtji awwaM la ouotina-a arva. I But Bill Btan. whatever may be said atntinst hin knowt w
- --laaj-L mrrmm I01 noniy rata on a umitod nam-1 this people. And so long asne preiers to put in nis vacation at tauung to
Shoulder lamb, 11
chops, lie; lamb
adrlnln ataak. 20a; arara. ISa: laa lamb. I r.-a. ... n,.w.a ..i-l I inir Hon-huntinff reeeotions. scraping courtesies with, Lord Howlonsr and
, iSo: pot. roasts, 13 Mo, 16c; prime rib I Bunaraiow or house wall loeateA. win I Baron Fietree. or attending house partiesat the summer home oft billion-
roast oeez, i.q, lac; saimon, so; ooumg givo offices In a now modern, office aire hog-packer. '
beef.10c. lle;.haHbut, to; lard in 'a,j building up to valuo of 7S per month! .
003 in e a, coo; m aw a, itio; roan pora, iror right nouse. AOdress p-ses Jour-
iiHOf iio; sausage ivo to ioa ineseinai. (Adv.)
prloes prevail at Smith's main market, I
338 Alder street, between First and Seo J - Howard 3KS41 has . recently boon ap-
ono atreeta. . . . .v (aov. , i pointed agent for tha Cltisona Firs In-
, . :v , .f . ' suracce Co, of BaJtimore, with offices
Automobile Stole--Leaving hla auto. I at HI Hanrv Bulldlnar. A ahai-A vaii
nioouo si wraw "uin ana inn. i Dullness will be appreciated. Telephone
nut atresia wnue mnncuni some ousoiUaln SfIS, v-' :'V (Adv.) v
nesa in the Portland hotel. thia morning. I -- " ,
.John p. nmt of tha advertising depart-1 a ox ta Our BCedora Tanlta la an ab.
ioo Mve? iotSrt b6P-ot "IfJaw10 ult(8 ! lni the great commons through its most popular organwation, thsj Chautauqua,
l"ch"tlUrJ KB'7AJr-cr--v,0,,,1,V-prt?t' he need have no worry. -
toe Mk 35oV ehoioe A.dT. - f He'd a deal better be doing that than simpering at afternoon teas, attend-
. m aSSMSai a a . t - - - - . at a. a a aa A ak aaa aa au.iC T a aaatl Tj ana a, J
ment of Aha Oroaonlan. returned to find . ,. ..lOnnml DWAAAnn-Ar Arrant VrtH
It had df.appeared. Search thus fa has 1 a-.---V':a,- '""a! I UCIICI ai raosoii 0561.1 vvu
a 1S13 model five passenger
taken some time between
noon, it bora an Oregon license, num.
bar ll,Sli. Mr. Fink's address Is 111
East Fiftieth atroot i::s.--:
' a T I mlsplaoment. Inspection invited. Union
igorFord, was 8af rposlt Co-, 214 Oak Bt. . (Adv.) ,,
s:so a. m. and . . . , ' ,
Don Walt TJTnta XI Ssljis. Get vour
raincoat from Jimmy Dunn. AU the
latest ana nest just amvea. See his
$10.00 special. - Oregonlan bldg-' 3rd
Vostera Sfiavaxa mat Oa-, formrty
of Southern Pacific to Visit;
Bef eadanta Bsjt Testsrday was da
fendanta day In District Judge - Day.
ton's court. Fifty of them were al
lowed loosta atalnst tha plain itlff In one ganborn, Vail A.Co, 170 First Street I Agent John M. Scott of tha Southern
Preparatory to lining up tha tourist
buslnssa from tho chill regions of Sas
katchewan, Alberta and British Colum
bia ' this winter. . General Passenger
Real Scrapple : Will Be Served
to Members of fhe Club, .
October 29,'
Fittingly to honor tho memory of
th first Pennsylvanlan,' former resi
dents of tho commonwealth of Pennsyl.
vania will, October 29, eat of tho home
ly and appetizing dishes peculiar to
that state. The occasion will be that
of the two hundred and thirty-first an
niversary of the landing of. William
Penn, and the form that of a dinner
ac the University club under tho aus
pices of the Pennsylvania club of Port
land. Only the typical diBhes of. the
state of Pennsylvania will graoo the
festive board, .but there wtll be plenty
of them, and William Penn will be
"eaten" too, as, ho never was before.
Tho chefs' of Portland cannot prepare
soma of these dishes and arrangements
are now being made to have them sent
from the . farmhouses of the esstera
state, prepared In the old Pennsylvania
way by Pennsylvania housewives, .
V To Save Isoal Sorapple.
' The piece do resistance of tho meal
WiU be- scrapple, a savory dish indig
enous to Pennsylvania, Cut In thin
slices and fried a crispy brown-It Is
tho delight of tha gourmet and tha joy
of the epicurean. History does not say
whether William Penn invented scrap
ple, or whether he learned the reolpe
from the Indiana. Nevertheless, it Is
as much a part of the old state of
Pennsylvania - as tho Alleghenles. . For
tho benefit of those unfamiliar with
scrapple, be it said, It Is a sort of
sausage cake composed of bits of ground
meat (principally pork), herbs and
spices and, Indian meal The. whole
mixed forms a'f irm cake which Is allced
and then fried. , r . .
Other dishes served will be pepper
pot, an old-fashioned soup, : Reading
----- " . " I w- . vv4 aiv sl.rffrvb I JkSJfjnT. aJOOIl M DUVVV VA - allCJ bvuluuiu
toroseoutA hi milt. Tha defandant-i I Hmh a aa.ialMa. 1 ' ' ' aVaT a aa. Sa Affk J A al!fc I PH5tt . Watll fll-V tf 01 VV! V P '
" ' . " 1 I IUrV-VBjM AAtakaUAUaTaa
, ) Main 0,
ItH-n asslo SCarklns ' for Camaa,
row for conferences with officials of
tho Canadian railroads. W. H. Skey of
the O.-W. B, ft N, passenger depart
were Property owners In Kastmoreland
who had been sued by Attorney George
N.;" Farrln: for fees as attornev In tro-1 inr . . 1 . . a 7,
coedlngs In- remonstrance - against tho eepf Sunday. ' Leav a a Washington mt WIU Join him at Vancouver. B. C.
He sued for 1163.':,.: . a.a-m . ...
- '. ' -.,T7Tt' 1 J' ' 5 i the sjToateat
Bosinesa Girls' - Olnb. The' Busineaa I tmA.raai nietnra -rMnaaii-aiii...
v Girls' club wlU moot Monday evening, great f lima at tha Globe- Theatre, 11th
viror wa wiii . um sa wasniactoa BtS. ', .(AdV.)
given by. Father. MoKameo on lUly. I - '
'ine taiKs ana views on airreront ooun-l a- stiaaWh-a a -...a-.i..
in'n0 "hV IFS??? - Museum of Art." Fifth ana carry tho people t ra Alberta and
and are enjoyed by all who attend. All Taylors first .session Monday, Octo I Saskatchewan and ona from British
bar stn. CAdv.) I Columbia. Major John J. vium is now
I lecturing throughout that territory,
Save flS on Tony Fan Mt-M Han. I with "Kit" Carson, veteran traveling
rls, tha Tailor, for man and women. ISS I passenger agent, as hi" advance man.
ltth. near Washington. Phono Main I Bis leotures are illustrated with
0163. . (Adv.) I stereopUcan views of Oregon and Call
and both off lolala will map out jointly
the plans for handling the increased
business expected.'...; :.-;'".-
It ia -probable that three speoiai
trains will bo run from the provinces
southward to San Francisco by way of
the Canadian lines, tha O.-W. K. N.
and j tho Southern : Paotf la Two will
Vhcn Rcady
for.. That Tv,
' 4 Don't forget .that our
, large, fine stock, coupled
with our good sound ad
vice, is always ready - to
help yon get just exactly
what yon expect ' T
'".rvvt '' "C'i
- Our assertions ' are
backed up by long years
of successful dealing with
our legions of satisfied
customers. . - ' '
" Also, our reputation for
absolute reliability . has ;
has been earned.
Try us for satisfaction.
f "
Gs Co.
Diamond Dealers and Jewelers.
130 5th St. Yeon EW'.
Salding, Jswolar Watch reoalrln a
specialty. Agate cutting and mount
ing., 14114 Third, oorxXamhlU. (Adv.)
atoft Chldton Sinus . Today. Sun.
day, at St ' Patrick's auditorium, ltth I lats, because so many of them are well-
"We look for a big movement ot the
farmers of tho Canadian provinces this
winter." said Mr Bcott yesterday. ."Us
ually these excursions have had lasting
effect on the cities visited by the tour-1
and Savler sta,, 13 a, pa, ta 7 p, m. (Adv.)
crMoago Dentists removed to their new
oiiioey ranauna Diag a : ana - Alder
sts. ' uessanino floor. , r ; (Adv.)
Tha SOnso of a Tnousaaa Gifts I
Mrs. Lincoln's Art Dan.. 406 U Morri-
son street (Adv.) ., ;v !.;,
Ona Suit snraesea Bach WeeX a
month. Unique Tailoring Co, lot BUrk.
Main sn, a,-si., . ; . f Adv.)
Br. 3, 4. aHtteagotv Dentist returned.
zv jaeronanis i Trust : aiiag stn and
Washington Btsw;v5 :;s;i,s., (Adv.) s;
Br. 7. W. JtfoOoUam, 11. n yeT ear.
nose, throat, moved to ; S6S Morgan
Bldg. ..."i , , . (AdV.)
' Br.' Xlof. T. JUdluad, Statist. 'moved
mh Aiorgan niag, Marshall
. ' , . (Adv.)
Four Boom Offlee Suite in Journal
bldg. Outside rooms, best location. Adv.
XTome for Aged People, invalids, fine lo
cation. Mount tadov, Tabor 4161. (Adv.)
Br. C. O. Toung returned from Chi
cago; offices 783 Morgan bldg. (Adv.)
'r . . i
Or. TT. It Pattoa moved to 7SB Morgan
Duuaing. pnone, m. sobs. A-tis. (Adv.)
Br. B. C. XSoFariand moved to Suite
167 Morgan Duiiaigg. (Adv.)'
4 t
Swiss Watch Repairing. I n. Miller.
tus (selling oiaff. , tAav.)
V r. W. A. Blndsey, B01 Morran bulld-
ln. - (Adv.)
Wooster C:s Sverytlilsj 4SS Wash.
to-do and are on the point of retiring
to some- pleasant homey city. 'Wo ex
pect to see a number . of people of
means settle in Portland, because all
tho tourists will come thtought hare
and .will be entertained en route.'
Mr.' Scott and Mr.. Skey will be ab
sent three or four weeks. 5 , ,
Drivers pay no attention to the
slgne that Oregon Humane Society is
posting about tha city on steep grades,
directing tnemw to cotter ' graaos,- ae
clared J. B. Rudersdorf, manager of the
society in Portland. "In many cases,
one block drive out of the Way would
save thorn time and much suffering for
their teams." r - These ' comments are
found in the monthly report just made
by the society. . ; ' '
During the month or September 369
animals were examined by the society.
Two old crippled horses, so; poor and
weak that they could not rise to th
feet after having been turned oat to die,
were ..found ,-and' destroyed, i?'' A.
,' The ' number of , dogs and eata that
were found injured and crippled, and
done away with by tha society, was
commented upon. Cats destroyed num
bered 71, while only eight dogs, were
put out of misery. . .- c - - ? ..
: The discovery of a cow that had been
run into by a United Kail ways train
near the Iiinnton road and left thera to
die. waa reported. . Thia animal was
killed by the society.
Fnplls Present FlowaraJJahllaa.
geraniums and cosmos deoorata tha
rooms of City Superintendent of Schools
Alderman and Sohool Clerk Thomas, tha
gift of tha pupils - of - the Woodlawn
school. , Tho flowers were grown in the
school gardens ' by tha pupils of the
school, o - , . ' ,
' " Trsda Martrar '
Indeed." it has Aftan Kaan . aati4 that
"Trnth needs no ornament, and "that
what she borrows from tha pencil is
deformity." The plain, un wrinkled tale
of Alveolar BeaUstry needs no adorn
ment A simple statement of what it
ia should Suffice, r .
.Briefly, the Alveolar method is thia:
If VOU have two or mora iaath lft In
either Jaw, we can supply all that you
have .lost with teeth as good, solid and
sound as the best set of natural teeth
evor grown in any human beins's mouth.
and a whole lot more beautiful than
nature's best product, without resorting
io auon maneaniiis as pamai piates and
the unsanitary brldgework.. Alveolar
Teeth are not only beautiful, but the v
are comfortable and durable. We a-uar-ante
them to last a lifetime, where the
longevity of brldgework is seldom Ver
longer tnan rive or aix years and gener
ally a good deal las, .ft is never guar
anteed to last by any first class dentist,
who is responsible - and reliable.
because all first class dentists will tell
f eu that brldgework at beat Is doubtful,
t la painful , operation and gives
trouble from the time it la put In the
moum una) lt-nas to oe taxeu out. in
many caseswhere brldgework ia Impos
sible, and all oasea where it la possible,
wo can repiaqe your missing teem with
perrect-Aiveoiar xoetn. .xne pain xnci- a tha - a. Aria 4m aMalliMllw viina'
the expense IS the same aa the best
onagewora out in satisfaction there Is
bo comparison Detween me two.
Wo : have samnlea in our office ta
show at all times -hundreds of patients
hero in our homo city to refer to. Ex
smlnatlons and booklets on . Alveolar
aentistry are aDsoiuteiy free.
Hememoer. tnat in addiuon to our
specialty, Alveolar Dentistry and eur
in ir nrorrnea (loose tsetni. we ara ex
perts In every branch of dentistry from
the simple filling up.
Portland AWmrton Bldg. loeU Third.
woavciv .aaagaf anar una anna,
Terms to Bell able People.
4 -
This beautiful modem 8 room house furniahafi .m 1a innii
: with large garage, fruit trees and berries, fine view, situated In most select
district on the east side, worth 310,000, for sale at your own terms. Make
.an offer, or for rent to responsible parties, adults only, at 360 per month, or
further Information call and see it at 841 EJ. 67th, between Hawthorne and'
Lincoln, or phone the owner. Tabor. 1940. .. . , , . ,
Trinity f plsccpal Church '
Blneteenth and Bverett Eta.
Programme ot Muslo by German
laden B, Booker,
.. Orsranist. .
Teeth Without Plateb
As solid and firm as your own teeth. ', Eat anything. ' All you need ii
. two or more roots or teeth in cither Jaw. Fully guaranteed.
bb. w. a. wrra
President and Manager
. 80 Years In Portland
Plates, With Flexible Rnetloa ' i
The very best and ltct in modern
dentistry. No mors falling plates.
- - " Thnnaa
Enti-jioe ea V -ul t.rt
Main 809, A-W".
:a Ajb wixau-ur03r. a, . cc-n.-" !
. . Portlaati. bragoa
pretzels with their origin lr the town
of Heading, and apple butter. Tha real
genuine aPPle butter originated In Penn
sylvanla and some big wooden firkins
of It will be shipped by express in
time for the feast. At tho time of the
Bpanish-Amerlcan war the hospitable
people of Pennsylvania enriched the
diet of many a soldier at the Harris
burg, Ps, concentration camp with ap
ple butter. Made in the neighboring
farm houses and sent In by the ton it
received the familiar and endearing
term of "axis grtmnt- but withal made
a slice of bread palatable.
-.:'--v ' " Women te Assist.". 'V ivj
The University club chef not being
S Pennsylvanlan several of the lady
members of the Pennsylvania club will
show him how to 000k scrapple' in the
original Chester county style. Another
has promised to demonstrate the real
Philadelphia way -of frying tomatoes.
Homage will be paid to William Penn
In terms of , the very viands he ate
himself. 1 , v. s " '.
Over 100 kre expected to be proaent
at the dinner. .' Wallace McCamant Is
In charge of the program for the even
In Mai,' ' '
V ;, ft ;
t. 1 nui x t i, I
menu lor tl".o ii.un.-r
Centralla, Wash., Oct. 4.
Commissioners B. II Tc '
Tom long went ta Clr:' j
to confer with the stato 1.' ' f I
relative to the 13.000 al.uwti I.
county for .the lmprovemitt.t of t' X
tional Park : highway from C I t
Mesklll. Tho highway board 1 .
ulated that a IS foot surface shoui .1 t
laid on the roedway, but becaum t t
stretch front Mesklll to Walvllie is l i
a miserable condition the mmlia;.,;i
era will endeavor to oecure tho eonno:..
of the an eight foot r oal Any
so. that tho balance ot the money cei
be apent elsewhere on the road.
Use common sense bny Superior eai(
II ton. Main 164; A-1541. , (Adv.)
'. ,.',5S!srr-r:-..3,
Where Quality fm. Higher Than the Fries U
Specials Fcr ; :
7cddinrr Presents
And Silver Anmversa
Ws are offering In STERLING SILVER the following
, SNAPS- in order to call attention to this popular . depirt-
ment of our itorei y -r-- ,-;-"-'
Tea Balls with chain: . ........... . . . .S1JS
iCheete Knives. . ... . . , v . . a . . ; . . , .$1S5
Small Salts and Peppers (pair), . . . . . .$123
, Sueef Corn Holders ( pabrj . ....,.. . ". ,7&e
Napkin Markers. , . ..;.... . ... . V.COa
Dottle Openers fl.CO
3-Piece individual Casters Jf3.C0
Sagar Dominoes (pierced) $3X0
Pierced.Lemon Bowl (glass dish) ... . . .13X0
Six-Pieced Almond Dishes ........... .7X0
v Odd pieces In Spoons. Fork, Kntvet, ete at one third
refular prices. , Sheffield trays all reduced in price.
' Jaefier Broj
:' ; tfhose .whodeslre to take advantage of the re- -r-
do so without delay. .f
Office Furniture in All GraHd
, Ctmmcitdal Stationery
Leather Gootis m3 G&ma Sets !
Typewrittr anci Carbon Pepers
Aixhitects' an3 Elnpnfra' IriAtnihleriU anH SurpUrs
; ; '. : Etc.. Etc., Etc. - ;
'-aSssW.'V I i JsAa,. e-" TL . . . " 3Baa.rSi
:. . Chstalis, Ce:tndia zd All Pch!3 1!:rfi
Three Day Trams f , Ona Iu-!.t Tni.1
Parlor, Cars Smoking Cars ' Standard and Tourist C!ee; las-
Cars, Coaches.
. Diners Coaches.
i' K
4 Aberdeen
. '- AND " :
Choice of three
fine trains each ;
prD "pi
n-.1 ...
r?V ' '
, Coulli r-r.-l
, Tvo trair.5 dz2y
morr.!n tr.l
',".-. . ' ; To txd Frcm
'Worth" Qat Limited" and "Atlantic Exprc:'
" the -Fast Time to Chicago Just TfcreyDry:.
WESTBOUIJD On sale dilly, . 25 i ; :
ONE-WAY -,"10. Ycu vill flr.J it c .
COLONIST FASES - . icnt to hivz U3 d.'.Iv:: V
,'TniCle ,i2-f4l t4t TXiwCaS ew t . ' X - -,-3 -
A. D. Cl.nrlton, A. G. P. A., 1
rionTiinnn ?Acir:r