THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. ''''SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 4, 1913. TOWN TOPICS .; ; ' "C.',,V!.Ait7SK3iii:3ixs BKILIG Elorentbr and Horrleon, Kitty Gordon In the light opera "The Kucbntret." Curtain 8:30. .-.;,. ,, ... BAKKO Broadway and Morrlion. ( Haw thorne, U. 8. A." Curtate :20. - ' ' , - LYHJU Fourth and Btark. kivatiag A Flood Alu.leal Comedy Company..- Pearl , Langley company. T:0 and 9 p. m. v. i . ' , PA VJAUES Broadway and alder. VaBdevllle. Curtain 8:80, 7:16.-:J0.- , ; i 'i.'', COLUMBIA- Slith, between Waahlne-ton and hmrk ata. Motion picturoa, 11 a. m. t 11 ! Cl-oHig THKATUK Eleventh and WaahlDftoa. Motion pluturea, noon to 11 p. ra.,- I'l-ofLU'o THEATKK Vreat Park and Aide ata. Motion plcturea, noon to II .. ... BAHKBALb . Portland vs. Oakland, . raclflo Coaat league, 34th and Vaughn ate., a R. . , FAIRS AND FESTIVALS . .'..,.V(.;,,:-r , hi-, . OREGON BTATB FAIBSalem, Of.. September i to October 4. - Weattor Conditions.' .o Portland and vicinityFair tonight and Sun day; light froet tonight, winds uioatly north .. dVegon and Waahlngton Fair tonight and Sun day: llgbt front tonight; north to eaat wind. Idaho Fair tonight and Sunday; cooler tw .Sight eoutbeaat. portion; light froat tonight , V i .-. , , EDWARD A. BBALS. , t :, y . . Diitrit rorecaater. ': "Wlf ' Wins Divorce Suit. Mrs. Jo sephine B. Hoi ton wu granted a divorce i yesterday from Frank Holton by Circuit Judge Cleeton. The catse excited con siderable attention when tried because . aha charged that he securjyLja-dlvorc; lit 1110 by fraud which was later re versed by tha supreme court on her ap peal. She also charged that while llv . In g with her following that decree he : married Jean Clark, hla stenographer. and kept, that marriage aecret for sev ". oral month, tyvlngwlth her during the 1 time. Holton agreed to deed back to '" her - property valued at about 1 $16,00 which he waa. alleged to have secured by fraud. That no mistake may be ' made, In hla lntentlona. however, the property waa awarded to her la the de s cree. She was given custody of their 4-year-old son and 125 a month for his support In addition to ISO a month ali mony for herself., ' t 1 Chang ta, , F. TimearL By a ' change in the tlmeoard of the Southern , Paclflo railroad, off eotlva next Sunday, ' train No. 14 from Ban Franolsoo, here tofore arriving In Portland at 8:15 a. m., will arrive at 10:40 p. m.,4and what Is practically new train will be put on between Cottage Grove and Portland, arriving at 6:86 p. m. r - Trains Nos. 19 and SO are discontinued between . Glen ' dale and Ashland ami Noa. Wand II are discontinued between Cottage Grove and Roseburg. Minor changes on branch lines to correspond with the greater " changes are Included In the tentative new schedule Just made public by the ''general 'passenger department. r ICexloaa Floods Gulltyv--George Gal higher, a , Mexican - of . Klamath Falls, pleaded guilty to an Indictment charg 1 Ing him with introducing liquor on an : Indian reservation before District Judge Bean yesterday and, waa sentenced to (0 .days In jail and to' pay a fine of $ 100. Gallagher, who. is reputed to be well to do. says that 10 wiU pay hla 1100 fine instead of taking the pauper oath, ' If ha does this. It will come as a dls tlnct shock to government officials, for only about one oonvlcted bootlegger out of a hundred ever pays tha cash consid eration of hla punishment. Gallagher was arraigned by Assistant TJnlted States Attorney SumralL ,. v , VMrnl Docket 8taelL--The Medford ; term of the federal court will begin next . Tuesday morning. United States Judge , C. B. Wolverton will preside at this terra. - Only two cases are set for trial, both civil matters, and one defendant, ' Ernest Forman of Jacksonville; charged with failure to answer a aubpena sum y monlng him to a commissioner's hear ; ing, will enter a plea to an Indictment. JUdge Wolverton : will bo accompanied , by bis stenographer, Miss Margaret E. v Fleming. .- United States Attorney Clar ence Jm Ream as. whose former home was v. in Medford, will appear for the term in tha Interests of the government. wm Vsa Hlectrleity. To do away with the danger attending the vse of acetylene lights at the Kelly Butte rock pile, the county commissioners have an- , thorlsed Superintendent Of Quarries Eatchel to arrange for. the insuilatloa' of electricity as a lighting medium. This action follows the explosion at the rock pile on September. 22 which seriously : burned Charles Eatchel, engineer at the Quarry and son of the superintendent, and caused a fire which destroyed the engine house, part of tha stockade and damaged the machinery. The explosion was. the result of leakage of the acety lene fas., .,1. ; ( . . " BetaQ Herchanta' Blnner-The next ' Informal dinner of the Retail Merchants' ' assoclaUon will be held In the Fountain grtll of the Oregon hotel on the even J Ing ot October T at 6:15 o'clock. "A de bate -has been arranged between Father O'Hara, representing the Industrial Wel fare commission, and W. P. Olds, on the subject of o'clock closing. There is . also a scheduled talk .on the activities of the Portland Ad club .against fake ; advertising, resulting in six arrests and as . many . convictions. - v . .: v:., Out Full of "fcmiattcsv Eighteen alien lunatics, boused in a tourist Pullman s car with 'barred windows, will pass through Portland Monday on their way to New , york ; for deporutlon to 'their native lands. . The party will be . sent ' from the asylum at Salem by way of v the Southern Pacific, and .eastward over the 0.-W. R. A N. ! Tha car , will Ja : hauled at the end of the trains; so the other passengers will not have to pass through it, and the unfortunates will s- have their meals served to them In the Bankruptcy Petlfdoa FUed-A petition in bankruptcy , on, the part of the firm of Cleland & Kent, 'merchants of this city, has ; been - filed with the federal clerk. The individual members ef the firm are E. A. Cleland and A, I Kent, Oft, BENJAMIN YOUNG t ; ; at the" N 'J FIRST METHODIST EPIS COPAL CHURCH . Third and Ttylorti SUNDAY SEfevlCES - ' l ONE TEXT TWOJ5ERMONS . 0i30 a. m. 7;30 p, m'. 4 , JOHN 111:16 : Special Music-Chorus Choir 1 ' Eth Rosslyri Collaii ' H'rl Leader '.-i-.;";- WELCOME! j and many of the creditors of the eom- pony are In central Oregon in the Bend aectlon. CI eland's debts are- (1040.07, according to his petition, and his assets are $1782.13. Kent's liabilities total $1640.07 and his assets are. $2012,12. ' . ', . ; ;' f'.Vi' , " Few Complaints Is Juvenile Court. Though the opening of school occurred during the month and rather upset the ven tenor of the lives of the children, 'September proved a month of few com plaints and eases in the Juvenile court; During the month only 3$ children-were In court and of these 27 were boys. But 12 were delinquent and but two of these Vara girls,- the remainder being depend ent children.- The total number of com plaints for the month was. 107 and 71 of these Were handled without the for mality of bringing the- children Into court Not a child, was sent to tha re form school or the new -girls' homo at Salem,' ; : The monthly -report was pre pared by Mrs. Harriet E. Morton, clerk of the court, ., " !i' '. ' Examinations To Be SeloV The Unit ed States Civil Service Commission an nounces that on October 27th, ltlS, the following examinations will be held In this city; , Associate Physicist-In The oretical and Experimental Optics (male) for position in the Bureau of Standards,. Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C. at $2,500 a year.. On December 30-21, 1013. Assistant (men), Teacher (men and women) and Indus trial Teacher (men) for positions In the Philippine service from $1,000 .to 13,000 a, year. Persons -desiring to compete in these examinations, should apply to Z. A, Leigh, PostoffJce Dept. - 4 ri Conldnt Explain Xt to Oourt Strong and able to work, and a frequenter of the skating rinks, David Plnkua. ' 24 years, old. was unable to explain bis Idleness to Municipal Judge Stevenson this, morning. He , was given 00 days on the rockplle and a flnejpf $100. Plnk ua had been warned by the police to go to work.. Detectives Coleman and Snow arrested him yesterday morning in bed, They found evidence where he had at tempted to induce three young girls to leave their homes and join him In roving over, the country. Pinkus said ha bad been sick. . - , Husband Denied JMvorce A. A. Phil, lips failed to show that Laura Phillips, his wife, bad treated him with suffic ient oruelty .to warrant a divorce in the jAdfement of Circuit - Judge Davis and his suit was denied. Judge Davis ad vised him to await the statutory time for a charge of desertion to hold good and bring suit on that ground, , Divorce were granted to Gertrude M. Smith from Em 11 W. Smith and to Mabel from Clyde E. Dougan on grounds of deser tion. ' .Mrs. Dougan. was awarded the custody of their two children, . rJunk Dealer on Trial. The second trial of Joe Adler,. a Junk dealer, for receiving stolen property began yester day In Circuit Judge Kavanaugh's court and was . continued until Monday. Adler bought 12,000 . pounds of tinfoil from the American Chicle company and It Is alleged that through the assistance of JoeBlocn, a shipping- clerk for the com pany, be secured 14.414 pounds, paying Block $60 for the overweight. The extra tinfoil Is valued at till Tha first trial ended in a disagreement, y - ; Greek Importer BatertalaaVCountryl tnen of - John Pulos. ' the well known Greek importer, were guests at a . ban quet last night, the eve of his departure for Europe for a four months' -visit. Farewell speeches were made by P. D. Rogogos,. James KarabeUas, G. Kallas, G. - AboL Gus "Apospolopus, , Themis Cfarlstopolos and Apos Adreopulos and others. , Mr. Pulos left this 1 morning for Chicago and Now York for a brief visit, before embarking for Greece, Zstata A Talned at 911,0001 Three daughters and a son will divide ' the tale of Thomas Moran, who died Sep tember - 2. The estate Is valued) at 111,000. Mrs. Annie Payne, of Sauvlcs Island, was named, executrix of the win which was probated yesterday and waa left $2000. Mrs. Mary Lynof f, of Long Beach, Cel., and Mrs. Mary Ellen Smith, of Oakland, Cel., .were each left $2000 and $3600 waa left to 'John Moran ot San Francisco. . . Old Offender ' Boleased For .four years the police have been troubled with Earl Rockford,. 22 years old. -This morning be was before the municipal court again, being charged with abusive language. The mother of a young wo man complained that Rockford' contin. ually annoyed herself and daughter, the latter whom he induced to leave home recently. Rockford Is married his wife Uving in Portland. -.The Judge allowed him to return to her. V Olrl ' Xoboa Arrested-Twe lt-year-old Portland girls were arrested yester day at t Taooma, having , hoboed their way on a blind baggage end of a pas senger train. The .girls are Dolly Van Dora and Edith Vernaky. The latter is a ward of the Juvenllel court. The girls bad $5 cents when earohed by the ma tron at' the Tacoma jalL The local bureau for the Protection Of Women was noUfied this, morning; of tha ar rests. , v Sets $180 for Personal IJurles-As recompense for injuries received when his motorcycle was struck-by an auto mobile driven by Mrs. W. E. Grace June 14, Felix Doern, a youth., waa yesterday paid $150 by Mrs. Grace. Mrs. Cather ine SchWeltser, his mother, wag' ap pointed guardian by Circuit Judge Clee ton who s ratified th settlement. The boy's leg was fractured. The accident occurred on the east sida.;"'.---;,,,'.:. : ; The XrgesV Dahlia Gardens on "the Pacific 'coast are located at Montavllla. Take Mt Hood car on Montavllla line to Eighty-ninth street thence three blocks east and four north to farm. Au tomobiles take Base Line to f Russell- vlll antiAnl hnnaa! th.n nnti 1.2 . Mw. u vu, tun, to f aim. " Donl wait too long as - tbf xrost may come, uur nome grown bulbs will give Jhe best results. Gill Bros. Seei company, Portland, Or.l (Adv.) 1 SJtndanta Daaeratai anMaarii. - A MS , W 11 1 . Of City Superintendent of Schools Ald erman and of School Clerk Thomas are gaily decked with autumn flowers Sup plied by the pupils of Woodlawn school. Dahlias, t geraniums and cosmos are brouatht tn tha nffirn hir fh. The flowers are the products of the Harvest ' Festival. - Snenln,! "h,. f eatlvar' services will be , held at t Salvation , Armv : hall, fiannnrt , mnA - a keny streets, Sunday at 11 a. m., -and p. m. Staff Captain and Mrs. Andrews Will conduct the eveninv nrvl.a . ro.a halL.wlUJbAdecorated for-Ahe occasloa All are Invited. 1 - ...' r- , - 65 years old-artd a retired soldier, -waa ouir-Judge lCavanaugh -from t Addle umiin vki tu aiouinia vi ovaaruon. -Aira Banta is 61 years old. Burt E. Lewis waa also arivain a .Attnrm from Omrrt. i LewJs for desertion, ,. ; . -. First JPresbytarian Ohnroh, Corner 12th and Alder streets. Rev. John r Boyd, D. D., pastor, wilirpreach both morning and evening. ; His sermon at the 7:45 evening service will be based upon the drama "Damaged Good a" by Eugene Brleux. At tha morning service, 10:80, the. sacrament of the Lord's FAIR DAIRYING EXHIBITS ARE FiRST-CLASS " l-Al nt;r, ? " ! sJm "" p- ...... ; s I'M isnsaww. .-! ' I j " "i . ; : ' 11 i. , Above-Tillamook county cheese BelowHenry W. Domea' exhibit Supper will be. observed with reception of members. The Session of the Church will meet at 10:00 o'clock to receive members. . X (Adv.)" . , .r-:;'f! , , 1 . ,T . WalkUr Olub The Physical Culture Walking club will meet at Eighty-second and Bandy Road, on the Boss City Park carllne, at 1:30 tomorrow. The mem bers will either climb . Rocky . Butte, or go out Sandy Road and return by the Base Line Road. ;::: .. t, , ,-. t'x: : : The Oregon liaw oboolc-The Oregon Law School announces their- formal opening tomorrow evening, October. 4. We extend a cordial Invitation to all our graduates.-. New applicants should be presmt on this day. '811-31$ Com monwealth bldg. (Adv.) XonloipaUy Owned Oar Syeienu Dr. Trimble's current Interest theme at Cen. tenary, East Ninth and 'Pine, Sunday, 7:45 t. m. Sermon subject, "The Per fect Life," 11 a m, Rally day Sunday school program ', . (Adv.) . Drama Club to ISeefc The Modern Drama club iwill meet In lecture room "A at the new" library building this evening at S o'clock.. The subject will be "Bauptmah's Weavers." The publlo is invited. . v :.-;-'v '.';";'..''?' . - H . Heart Disease THls Lpuls Bans, an old 1 carpenter, died from heart, trouble test evening at -147 - First street - The coroner took charge of the body, as no relatives are known to live in the city. 'f,--if fv .'. -1 ii "ii ; , Speeders Are FineU Three speeders were : before the municipal court thU morning. R. 8, Noldeke was ined $22; Walter , Raines, $26, and 'A. S. Frohman, lio.'-'.-T-'V'dt.v. ' 't' ;' lV'--''v: .' ' ' ':-':i!:r,:A-'-':'-', Huin' tfca mtbla and Fnbile oaool W oident Bemaln Closed 7" will be Luther R. , Dyott's theme in the First Congrega tional, church tomorrow, 7:45. p. m. Adv. ' ; Steamer Jessie Harxias for : Casnas, Washougal and way lapdmgs, dally ex cept Sunday.'; Leaves. Washington street' dock.-. at ; -P..- m. fAdv ) Art atobooL Open for; registration of students. Museum : of " Art, Fifth and Taylor; rst - session Monday, Octo ber 6th.' : . .; - .(AdV.)r, :.-.-j:v.).-:.--- i Hot - Chicken 1 Dinner tomorrow, Sun day, at St . Patrick's , auditorium,' ISth and Savier stk, 12 a, m. to 7 p. m. (AdV.) , ; ... .V,-..'. Ohloago Dentists removed to their new officer Panama bldg. 3d and Alder sts. Messanlne floor. (Adv.) ., Dr. . tr. ICcOottem, af,' D, eye. ear, nose, throat, ' moved - - to ; 556 Morgan Bide :'.',: (Adv.) Dr Blof. T. Kedlwad, ' Dentist, moved to . - 465-450 Morgan ' bldg. ,-, Marshall '.vr.v,-. 'VVif " V, - Udv.), V". .'. sp," 1 '1-.. 1 ' V Four Boom - Of f loo Solta In Journal bldg. ' Outside rooms, best location.' Adv.- i- r-..--..-1'. " . .f. Dr. C. O. Tonng returned from Chi cago;'offlces 738 Morgan bldg, (AdV.) . Dr. H. kg. Fatton moved to 735 Morgan building. Phone, M, 3088, A-4148, (AdV.) Dr. B O. XoFarlaad moved to Suite 857 Morgan bulldigg. - , (Adv.)' Dr. W. A. Undsey, 501 Morgan build Ing. ' v , (Adv.) BIG BLAST TO BE SET : ' OFF THIS AFTERNOON. . : . , , . , ' If you feel the earth shiver and shake this afternoon, do not Imagine hat an earthquake has struck the country.' It will, only, be the explosion of a blast of seven and one half tons of dynamite atrKelly-Butter-TheT'txpioirioTf-is rx- pected to move about 40,ooo yards of earth and rock, and will take place be tween 3 and S o'clock. preparations have been in progress for some time. On December 31, 1011, a six ton blast was set off, and moved 87,000 yards of rock v which - has suf flood to keep- the prisoners , busy until the present; time. Superintendent Eatohel baa taken every, possible precaution to guard against ao. cldent and anticipates no. had results from the ' upheaval . which will follow tha firing of the blast. , exhibit, awarded a. firit prize. of Ayrshire cattle. TWO ARRESTS PER HOUB LAST MONTH'S AVERAGE During; September, tha police arrested an average of two periona each hour. 'Here man" waa the chief offender, as usual, for. the records show 12 men la custody to one. woman arrested. . : In his monthly statement for Sep tern br, Harry Circle, record clerk for the department, notes that .1530 persona were arrested by the department Of this number 1403 were men. , Tha hum ber of arrests and causes were: Liquor, 654; larceny, 66; vagranoy, 171j violat ing liquor ordinance, 41; violating, traf fic law, 63; fighting, $! burglary, 4; cruelty to animals, - 6; carrying- .con cealed weapons, 3; gambling, 0; de mented, 7; expectorating on sidewalk, 2; employing women unlawfully, 8; visit trig gambling- house, 23; Immoral act 27; interfering with an officer, 6; mo torcycle speeding,, 1; oostrvetta the street, 3; reckless, driving, 8; selling short, weight measure, 6; sick and des titute attended, 7; swearing, 6; keeping dog without a mussle, 36; violating city ordinances, 49; violating building oMl dance, 8. . . ..' i- ' : - ., - " ' Tha ambulance .made 25 calla ' There were 108 street lamps reported -out Of prdjrv' 20; fire alarms , given' and at tended. 69 Injured persons attended, 48 lost children taken home, 600 ntilsanca notices served, five suicides reported, and J87 patrol wagon runs. - - .;-.!-' ....... -..' . Judga Mnrance Removed. - Washington, Oot 4Attorney Gen eral ' McReynolds today removed ' Judge Cornelius D. Muranoe of., the dlstrlot court at jKomo from of floe.. Ha did so, he' said,' s'Tor the good of the service." Murance had refused to resign.. , Dis trict Attorney Bernard, S.vRodey'a res ignatlOrl has- been accepted. v--V.' ? ii -1 i ijf i iii . I. i - v ; f Use common sense buy Superior coal $6 torn Main 164: A-1641. , (Adv!P BOSTON We are now located between Fenrth and Fifth ; on Washington street nd are prepared to give you first class . - Work - at ' reasonable prtoea Rubber Plates ...... .fS.OO and as Gold Crowns ......,.3.60 and np Bridge Work ...mJ3, 6 and tp porcelain. Crowna....3.SO and up liver Fillings ........ Jji )V andus Oeld U-'"j3jObo and ui . . . .. SB. BV. glVtOaT, Mgr.. 1 f . 1 r . If you want Next Time! 4 t .- v If: your Hot ;noi iadsf actordoii at 'W. C: McPherson Twelfth kad Aider, and see a good Hot Water Heater one NOT ovciTated in capacity and so far ahead of some oftheVmuchvertised. overrated, inefHcient Jieaters that even you can see the difference, and even jee the way in which you were stuns. Drop in and talk it over f . ..- . ' m ..T ,1 . . aa a a .. as eraa-aiea-a. V. a. Maa. m aa a m west s) , iW.S.JvC.V.rf.j CP TRUST FORCED TO BOOST THE PRICE OF ' CRUSTACEAN SKYVARD Word deceived Here' of Plan .'Causes Hocal Dealer ,to or so "And now comes tha crab trust , 1 The lowly denlsen of tna sea has been corralled,' lassoed, thrown, bound and branded on Its right fore claw wh a big TV ' ' The "Interests", have oapturea , crustacean on its own billow domain, I.-.. . ril IrnlarhtAd. out In the same' category with Sir Beef, and armored to meet tna possidi "' the ' federal prosecutors,.! tha , crao has entered upon a new rsV.rV'J-?;1-' Like all good, devoted proteges of the trusts, the crab has allowed its new guardians to boost the prioo of him sky a . .ipm. m ha aralcomt news to tha housewife who, if tha. tentacles .t tk, HntwMti1 arot a. firm hold OA the consumer, will ava W deal sparingly With th delectable aea food, salad, , Word of the formation of the crab trust has oome to Portland from ship pers of Gray's Harbor and Wlliapa Har bor. A Portland dealer Louis Waoh smuth, baa received,, notification from the shippers that sv combination has been formed, and' if any dealer here wants to buy crabs In the future be will have to pay a considerable advance in the price quoted last year. In evl- u-. -v.. "tm.t" ta ral traat ursnvtj r.uf, w .- - ---- tha promotera hava ; prepared circulars containing ne us. - vrtwm wu. -. But Mr! Wachsrauth declares that be will not pay the prices asxea. runner more be announces that he will "bust k. v,,t . u la now nreoarlna to send bis power boat the Sea Dog, around from Newport to ,. wiupa , -."- - catch bis own supply of crabs. That the -m k- m.rpv m nA that there Will bo a battle royal In quest of the dainty morsel ; in its . native naunu mu. cated by the plans that are being made by the crab fishers. , ;-T I will not bow down to the crab trust' declared Mr. Wachmutn. . I Will fight them to a finish. It la my Inten tion to pay the same price that I paid 1. . ... mnt nnt na cent more. Crabs tttstlast year cost gne $U6 a dosen for tha extra largo are this year quoted by tna new- iruo at ex.iv. . Tbe largo variety are raised In prion m'' a 11 SK. ftmallar ones are quoted at 60 cents, an increase of about 20 cents on. the oosen. 1 win not pay these prices If I have to, close up shop, and have notified tha trust' that I wl have nothing to do with them at these figures. I have handled as high as 160 nha m thla cltv in sv slnxla da In tha past but Will never start another tiro in my Dotting room 11 a oawe to pay such outrageous prices for the goods." PAYMENTS OF TAXES ? COMING IN SLOWLY " Payments of the second half of 1912 taxes are coming In slowly and it- la expected that tha rush next Monday will about swamp the tax department of Sheriff Word's office. About $390, 000 of $630,000 remains unpaid of these half payment- Monday night at 9 o'clock tha office will close for tha payment of these taxes without penalty, During tha past few days tha payments have avaraaed about $20,000 a day. . 1 , .; j?. . . ..... : Chinese) SmacKler a Leper. San Francisco, Oct. 4. Chung Kow, a Chinese, was to have been arraigned today In tha feUeral court here, charged with complicity in an opium smuggling plot He was not in the courtroom, however, whan his case was called. Tha Judge asked for an explanation. -He is a leper," said the prosecutor, . land 'now ta the pest nousa" . . , . . " Pop Not ZIL Saya Doctor. 1 Rome. Oct. 4. In view of persistent reports that the pop Is seriously 111, Dr. Amlct bis physician. Issued a state ment today to thr effect that his holi ness' health - has not been so good - as at present since his Illness last spring. . Vu.h Imm w-ltuua. at a. Mliart-v a million dollars ware Imported by Great vntain in vum &ix-i mm oninuii tow year. ', : - i BITULITHIC .......... .. Mean service, appear anca and economy to the man who his 9 studied paving- mate rial. good bread Get Royal!! Water.yheatin Co.'s uptown office, J News of County Board The. question" of cancellation of taxes for 1913 on church property, requested by- three denominations, will' be sub mitted to District Atorney Kvans for an opinion as to the. legality of any action by: the". county commissioners. ' Sheriff Word reported .at be had referred tha eatlarlaisi etAai . 1 mii4 t at thai &" I matter The wiring for electricity at theFraser Detention Home, la unsafe; according to report made by the city electrical Inspector. An investigation will be made, by the county commissioners. . ' 4'- Bids ranging from $o to n. 9 zor pairs of rear wheels for steam and gaao- Une road . rollers .were opened. ;. Tna phoenix Iron works, Beall Company and the Buffalo 8team Roller company were the bidders. . . ' v Road Supervisor A. H. White reported that -be has repaired ona plank of the bridge on the road adjoining the Tay lor's Ferry road which was reported in bad condition, by Peter Streif f. Mr, White -said that this waa the only de fect in thet bridge, which Is. practically- new, ' "V'V-i"'. j'l ' :tt":,C :A!'S ; A bid of $910 by thai McCusker com pany for; laying plpew-wh'00 tvlr" nlah Bull Run water to ' the Llnnton quarry, waa laid on the table for further consideration;',.'1 . i A request of Thomas Boggess that road number - 669 be repaired was re ferred to County Surveyor Holbrook. The recommendation of the Insurance committee that the Broadway ; bridge be insured for $60,000 on account of the proximity of the Albera Brother Flour ing mill waa filed .without action. The committee suggested that . if , proper terms could be . arranged the bridge should' be insured for from - $0 to 00 perLeent of its value.i;-vf;rf -. v- Authorlty to Aire another man for the Burlington ferry was given Superintend ent of Ferries- Murnane should he deem it necessary.. He reported, that the proa, aat crew is on duty from- o'clock in tbs morning - to- 7:80 o'clock ati night which la in violation of the-eight hour law. He suggested that if an extra man could not be secured the master of the ferry might take two- four hour shifts, .'..i ' r .'''. -..-'.vv,.;.?vr .,'.''- ' Two extra deputies at 8100 a month were allowed Constable Weinberger for the month of October to assist In clear ing up work on hand. : Salaries of tw;o deputies for the first J4 days In Sop tember were also allowed. These depu ties were allowed from July 8 to Sep tember 1, but were needed for .the. ex tra time..;'; '-i-. .-.,': V-7'.-,';"; 'N. . Bids for a steam shovel for ' work on the Columbia River highway ware opened and turned over to Highway Expert Lancaster. ; , ;. v':;--''' . "In Every Toda? Walks a Tomorrow , ,vYour' famSjr ft'a s right, tir, to look to. you TODAY" for : their care "TO- ' A wise proviiioo for. their, 'TOMOR-' ROW" io protection ; in the ."company of satisfied policy- holderfc" John A. Melton Carpenter . end Builder Oflea and Store Fixtures built and remodeled. Altering- and '' re- ' repairing houses, Show . Cases and v, Counters .built OffIcev83 Second - Factory and street' near Main. Phones .- Mai In 17871. A-lTtf CfHOTE ft St. M S " f t ill SAN FRAUGISCO Geary Street above Union Sonar ,,. European Plan $10 day op M American Flan S3Q clay up V ItMitfadui briekatructara. Third aav ditteat at Inmdred rooms swW.beUdlas. raUs Caatar a( tluatra a4 ntaJldia. trier, Oa carDaMe trmaaf atrial as erar sity. BacMaeaasiasi saati we f.V.BALTES&nillY 1 INVITE TOUR INQUIRIES FOR 1 First and PRIiliGH Oalc."," StreeU : Xftoe SIO' Oaten Ave, Cos. Matkal arv . aoma Seat 1423, S-SAla, :;r Horse ambuUnoe for elen or dlsable4 animals at a moment'a ootloa . prieoe reasonable. Report all ease ef eraellF a una of flee. Ooa ear nnd alsba " . -W 1 , . t-ARiittR'i HAIR UALSAH J t A tnllat airaa of mwlt, . Plp.toardlfladaolni. 'v1 For Reatorias Color aad -BeautytoGrayorFadwiHaJr. wo. and tl.oo at nrncclm. 1 .u:jt..:g co U..U...UU. wm :ViLLSECUr;ECIL!:;iL president of Postmasters' As- nAMrltlAM UAArlillt I A W A wrpt t ;Pprts, Plana : ,-...1 M,,F, Davis, president of tha Prst dential Postmastern' association ct Or- ' egon, Indorsee the campaign to secur S ; 40 feet of water on the Columbia river 1.-- -..u.u.''.- tw. itr.,i Kinney, chairman of the Porta . of C i-'j lumbia committee. ,:'i'.;'',;v . ,ss : "It concerns every . cltisen and eyety Xu Industry and-will enhance the value of the natural resources of the great Co lumbia basin," he' says., rl?.;.;'iv;;;-;'xi ., "With the , present ' harmony of pur- . pun, .11 wen win put mm mient imv ; ' action and the combined .efforts of the , people of the north west 4 are organise! ; and centered upon a common plan, ther V seouring the needed dredges In Vadil tloh to the work on the north jetty. ' .."When the complete working plan la , arranged I would have let loose upon executive, departmental and legislative,; officers at Washington, such a volume ef. letters, forceful, insistent and con- '. vinolng that the government would be. . forced, to recognise the need of;,lmmo-' dlate action. - -.:, kvvv;--.,. -t---1 "But this will Uke work, hard work. -Intelligently, directed .by some one In 'r autnority, - assistea by . the great mass of willing cltlsens. ; Let us all direct oar energies to secure e. 40 foot channel at the mouth of the Columbia In 19U.V..: t. 'itmTKAD Or tEMOHAPB fr-'? . irai jioruora's acta nespaate It la better for you . and an effe.-tlT relief iV- keat. IntlforatlDg and rcfresblns.. . 'A'irt-.--"'-'.''., ..; (Ady ) -iVi:: Journal Want Ada bring results.': Journal Building BTXX in WATZS VBEO THX000H. , 4 , out this jnouaHo- ; - ; y-: Tw 8ltaa aad 81ale Keoma. ; Tenants' Directory BAAS, SB. eOBTAT, atoiB' aula, a-uuo. ...... $16 usual aaua., waupapar, v- . - . Orouod floor .......Broadway BROWNE, DB. AGUES HU, OataapAth. . Mala 80 ........... ..77. .Kit BKUXBE, OtTBTAVB X., MV D. - Maraaad A MS..... ....... 10th floor BVEJJL, W. B., Inauraaoa -. ..'.i, 1 Mala 1975,' A-8976 ...........)....... OHAMBEaLAIM, SB. CHA8. T., Eye, Xar. Koae ant Throat, at. 61M, A-l7l....91i 00NSC&VAT1VS UrViSTaLtNI CO. Mai 1007 .............W DALLAS DEVELOPMIHT CO .. - Maxaball 0O, A-1011.. ,...,.....$14 DAVIS, JAItAS V., Lawyer , ' . . Maia tTiS ................ ...........101 8AVI8 DAVIS, T lot bar Luis - Maia im ..........lltb floor DUOAJT, W. W., Att'y., Mala 174. ...ul SUXUli-OTBACKAM CO. . Maftin 6766. a - o a. . . aeTM ELLIOTT, J. V., Mala 4139 ..........116 EUBAKKB, CtABEalCS M., Attorney. ; . MarahaU 800, A-1011.,,., .....814 FEDERAL TKUBT CO. 1 , t :';.--ir ;:;, Marahail 100, A-101 1 814 I1SK TECHUIS , ASSOOUTIOV Maia 4S3& ................ ...........110 yox, IK VIS B., Optomatrlat Maim eSI, A-1471 .................... 114 OBIMM, I. 0., M. D., Mar. 944... ...604-1 HaLL, BOBtHT O., M. D., Mar. 18S4..907 HFALY, JOSEPH AC., Maia 18S. ...... I0l UOE'XICVLTUBAL IVUt BEUET, ... Main JOT, A-8878;,; ......60 IAxM 0'BBXOM, AttoraayaLaw. Maia Ubl 6014 XKLBJiY, rEANK 0,, OivU EnlBOor....03 KIBK, EOYDtM C... 70 JUBlilEB, I BANK M. , v ; - -. ' Mar. Ml. A-lHa .............,10th floor IY1LE CO., Mar. 4C49 ......... .407 CitE, X. Z., Mar. 494 ......... ElNUJBLL, .. OhiropodiaV , Maia 481L A-4aa3 ...,.....'.....,.'...818 MENKrUi. 680AB , WboloaaXa Lumber. Xar. 8188 t ,.,. .104 MEMEEEii, L. B. LBM. 0. . ' , . MarahaU 1111 ....... .............. ...114 aOMTQOKEBf, PBv 9. H., fhyaielaa and Suraooa, M. oS, A-1S71..... tl MYEoia MAKIIN, Oatoopotha.-, . , MarahaU ,...........,,..,901-7 BELalOM, AJBAKAM, Atfy. ,v ; , Main 1007 ...........901 BkiaOH, Da. SHU. 3n Soattat ,'.., (. Maia 9294 .....907 XOHTirWESTXBM XXZCTXIO 00. Mar. 8160, A-4401 .......4th flow XokthweiStexn XITMBXK 00. o MarahaU kill .j-.................. ..909 OCCIDENTAL UTX WS. 00, (J , MtajTs 4M a a a ol4 0EEGOW EMOBAVIHO CO. i ; . . Mar. 8033, A-MS4 .............. .9d floor okeoon rfgx BEUzy asboctation Maia 9978, A-J878 ....a...,..,,,, ...i.tOt tAOiflO LAND CO1 ;vvyV',' ... Mar. 489 .................... .........HI iirpe liAM5n w .i v 814 riNNJbMTON's'ltAT. PXTXOflVX AQXNOx Main 938 , .....Kit rLAYOSOUND AND SXCBXATIOM ASS N. . OF AME&ICA .,.U1 aVlOX 8W IsssraaeOf ' v;i;i.-" '.'. 1 9, A78 ...... . .....401 BEX MOLDS, MISS MAMOT HIIX, O. $. Main 1438 ..Ill BEY MOLDS, JOS. W., 0. . !,,.,, ... .,, , Main M39 .Ill lOBK Cm tUMBXS BHINOLX CO. Mar. 8118 ........................ ...lit IEUFERT, T..J., Xao4 Xaute. ,,- y , Mailt l I5 BMITU. BlCHAftB O M. P. Mar. 151, AH 10th flot iTEBNBESe, . DR. V ., fayaiclaa a.4 Buraooa, Main 419, A-1371. ...m STILES, F. L., Builder , t 1 TROMMALD, DR. e. 1., Mata 874., l WARfcfcN-XONSTRUCTlON CO., Oontraotnr, M. 87. A l.?M. , . ,7tT I , WEbXBROOK WESTiaOOJt, Atlorn- , Mam loot .... WhblPOHT tUMBE 00., THE Hir. 118 ! WHIXEbii'E, DR. "HO. S., rh.. .nti, Vftla l1' ,.i ( Wl'l'lE! "EKi. "ijON, t. 1 lil. ytr. K, A-1' U - ' W0O0, M, ., I "- ! WOKRkrit, Jtiit. i, t, f ,n t, A-1 t WKT-l,.OHi- TT ( " . 1 . ... Timbor Eanu, -.a 1 r r i-i-x 3 -."' -t- 4;...t. - . j mjf, ... ::;..'"', "" "' I III I 1